NAPI | |
NBinaryOperationMDTestHelper | |
►Nboost | |
►Nalgorithm | |
►Ndetail | |
Ceq | |
►Npython | |
►Nconverter | |
Cobject_manager_traits< Mantid::PythonInterface::NDArray > | Register ndarray as a type that manages a PyObject* internally |
Chas_back_reference< ConfigObserverWrapper > | |
Chas_back_reference< ConfigPropertyObserverWrapper > | |
NButtonPrefix | |
NComponentCreationHelper | |
NConfigKeys | |
NCorrectionMethod | |
NCostFunc | String constants for cost function options |
►NFacilityHelper | |
CScopedFacilities | Simple RAII struct to switch the facilities files to the when constructed and switch back to the previous settings on destruction |
NFileComparisonHelper | |
NFlippers | Flipper configurations |
Ngenerate_mdevent_declarations | |
NGraphOptions | This file contains declarations of options such as scale types that are shared between the colormaps and instrument window |
NH5 | |
►NICat4 | |
C__ns1__create | |
C__ns1__createMany | |
C__ns1__delete | |
C__ns1__deleteMany | |
C__ns1__deleteManyResponse | |
C__ns1__deleteResponse | |
C__ns1__dummy | |
C__ns1__dummyResponse | |
C__ns1__get | |
C__ns1__getApiVersion | |
C__ns1__getEntityInfo | |
C__ns1__getEntityNames | |
C__ns1__getProperties | |
C__ns1__getRemainingMinutes | |
C__ns1__getUserName | |
C__ns1__isAccessAllowed | |
C__ns1__login | |
C__ns1__logout | |
C__ns1__logoutResponse | |
C__ns1__luceneClear | |
C__ns1__luceneClearResponse | |
C__ns1__luceneCommit | |
C__ns1__luceneCommitResponse | |
C__ns1__luceneGetPopulating | |
C__ns1__lucenePopulate | |
C__ns1__lucenePopulateResponse | |
C__ns1__luceneSearch | |
C__ns1__refresh | |
C__ns1__refreshResponse | |
C__ns1__search | |
C__ns1__searchText | |
C__ns1__update | |
C__ns1__updateResponse | |
C_ns1__login_credentials | |
C_ns1__login_credentials_entry | |
CICATPortBindingProxy | |
Cns1__accessType_ | |
Cns1__application | |
Cns1__constraint | |
Cns1__create | |
Cns1__createMany | |
Cns1__createManyResponse | |
Cns1__createResponse | |
Cns1__dataCollection | |
Cns1__dataCollectionDatafile | |
Cns1__dataCollectionDataset | |
Cns1__dataCollectionParameter | |
Cns1__datafile | |
Cns1__datafileFormat | |
Cns1__datafileParameter | |
Cns1__dataset | |
Cns1__datasetParameter | |
Cns1__datasetType | |
Cns1__delete | |
Cns1__deleteMany | |
Cns1__deleteManyResponse | |
Cns1__deleteResponse | |
Cns1__dummy | |
Cns1__dummyResponse | |
Cns1__entityBaseBean | |
Cns1__entityField | |
Cns1__entityInfo | |
Cns1__facility | |
Cns1__facilityCycle | |
Cns1__get | |
Cns1__getApiVersion | |
Cns1__getApiVersionResponse | |
Cns1__getEntityInfo | |
Cns1__getEntityInfoResponse | |
Cns1__getEntityNames | |
Cns1__getEntityNamesResponse | |
Cns1__getProperties | |
Cns1__getPropertiesResponse | |
Cns1__getRemainingMinutes | |
Cns1__getRemainingMinutesResponse | |
Cns1__getResponse | |
Cns1__getUserName | |
Cns1__getUserNameResponse | |
Cns1__grouping | |
Cns1__IcatException | |
Cns1__icatExceptionType_ | |
Cns1__instrument | |
Cns1__instrumentScientist | |
Cns1__investigation | |
Cns1__investigationInstrument | |
Cns1__investigationParameter | |
Cns1__investigationType | |
Cns1__investigationUser | |
Cns1__isAccessAllowed | |
Cns1__isAccessAllowedResponse | |
Cns1__job | |
Cns1__keyword | |
Cns1__log | |
Cns1__login | |
Cns1__loginResponse | |
Cns1__logout | |
Cns1__logoutResponse | |
Cns1__luceneClear | |
Cns1__luceneClearResponse | |
Cns1__luceneCommit | |
Cns1__luceneCommitResponse | |
Cns1__luceneGetPopulating | |
Cns1__luceneGetPopulatingResponse | |
Cns1__lucenePopulate | |
Cns1__lucenePopulateResponse | |
Cns1__luceneSearch | |
Cns1__luceneSearchResponse | |
Cns1__parameter | |
Cns1__parameterType | |
Cns1__parameterValueType_ | |
Cns1__permissibleStringValue | |
Cns1__publication | |
Cns1__publicStep | |
Cns1__refresh | |
Cns1__refreshResponse | |
Cns1__relatedDatafile | |
Cns1__relType_ | |
Cns1__rule | |
Cns1__sample | |
Cns1__sampleParameter | |
Cns1__sampleType | |
Cns1__search | |
Cns1__searchResponse | |
Cns1__searchText | |
Cns1__searchTextResponse | |
Cns1__shift | |
Cns1__study | |
Cns1__studyInvestigation | |
Cns1__studyStatus_ | |
Cns1__update | |
Cns1__updateResponse | |
Cns1__user | |
Cns1__userGroup | |
Cxsd__anyType | |
Cxsd__boolean | |
Cxsd__dateTime | |
Cxsd__double | |
Cxsd__int | |
Cxsd__long | |
Cxsd__string | |
NInstrumentCreationHelper | |
NJson | |
►NMantid | Helper class which provides the Collimation Length for SANS instruments |
►NAlgorithms | |
NApodizationFunctions | |
NColumnNames | A private namespace holding the column names of the EPP table |
►NCorelliCalibration | |
CCalibrationTableHandler | Class containing static and member methods to work with calibration table workspaces |
CComponentPosition | Structure to handle all the calibration component positions |
NDirectionChoices | A private namespace for the options for the Direction property |
NEPPTableLiterals | A private namespace holding some column names for FindEPP algorithm's output table |
►NFitPeaksAlgorithm | |
CFitFunction | |
CPeakFitResult | |
NIndexTypes | A private namespace listing the different ways to index spectra in Mantid |
NMergeRunsParameter | Combines the data contained in an arbitrary number of input workspaces |
NModeChoices | A private namespace for the mode options |
NOperation | |
NPeakParameterHelper | |
NPropertyNames | A private namespace for property names |
NRunCombinationOptions | RunCombinationHelper : This holds some useful utilities for operations involving transformations of lists of workspaces into single one |
NSampleLog | A private namespace listing some sample log entries |
NSampleLogs | A private namespace holding names for sample log entries |
►NSolidAngleHelpers | |
CAlphaAngleCalculator | Returns the angle between the sample-to-pixel vector and its projection on the X-Z (vertical tube) or Y-Z (horizontal tube) plane |
CAlphaAngleHorizontal | |
CAlphaAngleVertical | |
CGenericShape | |
CRectangle | |
CSolidAngleCalculator | Creates the solid angle calculator based on the selected method |
CTube | |
CWing | |
NSolidAngleMethods | |
NSparseInstrument | |
CAbsorptionCorrection | A base class for absorption correction algorithms |
CAddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths | Calculates the absorption weighted path length for each peak in a peaks workspace and saves it to the tbar column in the workspace |
CAddLogDerivative | Takes an existing sample log, and calculates its first or second derivative, and adds it as a new log |
CAddNote | An Algorithm that adds a timestamped note to a workspace |
CAddPeak | Add a peak to a PeaksWorkspace |
CAddSampleLog | Used to insert a single string into the sample in a workspace |
CAddTimeSeriesLog | |
CAlignDetectors | Performs a unit change from TOF to dSpacing, correcting the X values to account for small errors in the detector positions |
CAnnularRingAbsorption | Constructs a hollow sample shape, defines material for the sample and runs the MonteCarloAbsorption algorithm |
CAnyShapeAbsorption | Calculates an approximation of the attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a generic sample shape |
CAppendSpectra | Joins two partial, non-overlapping workspaces into one |
CApplyCalibration | Update detector positions from input table workspace |
CApplyDetailedBalance | ApplyDetailedBalance : The algorithm calculates the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility chi''=Pi*(1-exp(-E/T))*S |
CApplyFloodWorkspace | Algorithm to apply a flood correction workspace to a reflectometry data workspace |
CApplyInstrumentToPeaks | ApplyInstrumentToPeaks : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CApplyTransmissionCorrection | Apply angle-dependent transmission correction from zero-angle transmission measurement |
CAverageLogData | AverageLogData : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CBackgroundHelper | Performs removal of constant (and possibly non-constant after simple modification) background calculated in TOF units from a matrix workspace, expressed in units, different from TOF |
CBeamProfileFactory | |
CBin2DPowderDiffraction | Bin2DPowderDiffraction : |
CBinaryOperateMasks | BinaryOperateMasks : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CBinaryOperation | BinaryOperation supports the implementation of a binary operation on two input workspaces |
CCalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection | Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS |
CCalculateCountRate | In normal circumstances an instrument in event mode counts neutrons with constant steady rate which depends on beam intensity, instrument settings and sample |
CCalculateDIFC | CalculateDIFC : Calculate the DIFC for every pixel |
CCalculateDynamicRange | CalculateDynamicRange Calculates the Qmin and Qmax of SANS workspace, sets to sample logs |
CCalculateEfficiency | Compute relative detector pixel efficiency from flood data as part of SANS reduction |
CCalculateEfficiency2 | Compute relative detector pixel efficiency from flood data as part of SANS reduction |
CCalculateFlatBackground | Finds a constant background value of each desired spectrum and optionally subtracts that value from the entire spectrum |
CCalculateIqt | |
CCalculatePlaczek | CalculatePlaczek : Placzek 1st&2nd order correction for inelastic scattering |
CCalculatePlaczekSelfScattering | CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering : This algorithm calculates a correction for an incident spectrum defracted by a sample |
CCalculatePlaczekSelfScattering2 | CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering2 : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CCalculatePolynomialBackground | CalculatePolynomialBackground : This algorithm fits a polynomial background to an input workspace and returns the evaluated background as the output workspace |
CCalculateTransmission | Calculates the transmission correction, as a function of wavelength, for a SANS instrument |
CCalculateTransmissionBeamSpreader | Calculates the transmission correction, as a function of wavelength, for a SANS instrument |
CCalculateZscore | CalculateZscore : Calculate Zscore for a Matrix Workspace |
CCarpenterSampleCorrection | Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS |
CChangeBinOffset | Takes a workspace and adjusts all the time bin values by the same amount |
CChangeLogTime | |
CChangePulsetime | ChangePulsetime : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CChangePulsetime2 | ChangePulsetime : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CChangeTimeZero | |
CCheckWorkspacesMatch | Compares two workspaces for equality |
CChopData | For use in TOSCA reduction |
CCircularBeamProfile | Defines a flat, circular beam profile that has a radius and center point |
CClearCache | ClearCache : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CClearInstrumentParameters | ClearInstrumentParameters : Clear out an instrument's parameters |
CClearMaskFlag | ClearMaskFlag : Delete the mask flag/bit on all spectra in a workspace |
CCloneWorkspace | Creates a copy of the input workspace |
CCombineDiffCal | CombineDiffCal : Calibrate groups of pixels after cross correlation so that diffraction peaks can be adjusted to the correct positions |
CComment | Comment : Adds a note into the history record of a workspace |
CCommutativeBinaryOperation | CommutativeBinaryOperation supports commutative binary operations on two input workspaces |
CCompareWorkspaces | Compares two workspaces for equality |
CComponentScatterPoint | |
CComponentWorkspaceMapping | |
CConjoinWorkspaces | Joins two partial, non-overlapping workspaces into one |
CConjoinXRuns | ConjoinXRuns : This algorithms joins the input workspaces horizontally, i.e |
►CConvertAxesToRealSpace | ConvertAxesToRealSpace : Converts the spectrum and TOF axes to real space values, integrating the data in the process |
CAxisData | Summary data about an Axis |
CSpectraData | Local cache data about a spectra |
►CConvertAxisByFormula | ConvertAxisByFormula : Performs a unit conversion based on a supplied formula |
CVariable | A simple internal structure to hold information on variables |
CConvertDiffCal | ConvertDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CConvertEmptyToTof | ConvertEmptyToTof : |
CConvertFromDistribution | Converts a histogram workspace from a distribution |
CConvertSpectrumAxis | Converts the representation of the vertical axis (the one up the side of a matrix in MantidPlot) of a Workspace2D from its default of holding the spectrum number to the target unit given |
CConvertSpectrumAxis2 | Converts the representation of the vertical axis (the one up the side of a matrix in MantidPlot) of a Workspace2D from its default of holding the spectrum number to the target unit given - theta, elastic Q and elastic Q^2 |
CConvertTableToMatrixWorkspace | Creates a single spectrum matrix workspace from some columns of a table workspace |
CConvertToConstantL2 | Convert workspace to have a constant L2 |
CConvertToDistribution | Makes a histogram workspace a distribution |
CConvertToEventWorkspace | Perform a conversion for a Workspace2D to an equivalent EventWorkspace |
CConvertToHistogram | Converts a histogram workspace to point data by simply taking the centre point of the bin as the new point on the X axis |
CConvertToMatrixWorkspace | Creates a copy of the matrix workspace representation of the input workspace |
CConvertToPointData | Converts a histogram workspace to point data by simply taking the centre point of the bin as the new point on the X axis |
CConvertToRelativeTime | Helper method to transform a MantidVector containing absolute times in nanoseconds to relative times in seconds given an offset |
CConvertUnits | Converts the units in which a workspace is represented |
CConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable | ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable : Converts the units in which a workspace is represented, this variant of ConvertUnits uses a supplied table of geometry values rather than those given by the instrument geometry |
CCopyDataRange | CopyDataRange : This algorithm takes a continuous block of data from an input workspace specified by spectra indices and x indices and replaces a block of data within a destination workspace |
CCopyDetectorMapping | Algorithm to copy spectra-detector mapping from one matrix workspace to another |
CCopyInstrumentParameters | Transfers an instrument from one workspace to another workspace with the same base instrument |
CCopyLogs | CopyLogs |
CCopySample | CopySample : The algorithm copies some/all the sample information from one workspace to another |
CCorelliCalibrationApply | Apply calibration table for Corelli Powder Diffraction |
CCorelliCalibrationDatabase | CorelliCalibrationDatabase: blablabla TODO |
CCorelliCrossCorrelate | CorelliCrossCorrelate : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CCorrection | The Correction struct to be applied as factor * TOF + offset offset:: TOF offset in unit of TOF factor: TOF correction factor to multiply with |
CCorrectKiKf | Multiplies the workspace with k_i/k_f The initial workspace must have energy transfer units |
CCorrectTOFAxis | CorrectTOFAxis : Corrects the time-of-flight axis with regards to the incident energy and the L1+L2 distance or a reference workspace |
CCorrectToFile | Required properties: |
CCreateCalFileByNames | Create a calibration file for diffraction focussing (*.cal old Ariel format) based on list of names of the instrument tree |
CCreateDetectorTable | |
CCreateDummyCalFile | Create a calibration file for diffraction focussing (*.cal old Ariel format) based on list of names of the instrument tree |
CCreateEPP | CreateEPP : Calculates the nominal elastic time-of flights for each spectrum and creates an elastic peak position table (EPP) like the one returned by the FindEPP algorithm |
CCreateFlatEventWorkspace | CreateFlatEventWorkspace : Creates a flat event workspace that can be used for background removal |
CCreateFloodWorkspace | Algorithm to create a flood correction workspace for reflectometry data reduction |
CCreateGroupingWorkspace | Creates a new GroupingWorkspace using an instrument from one of: an input workspace, an instrument name, or an instrument IDF file |
CCreateLogPropertyTable | |
CCreateLogTimeCorrection | CreateLogTimeCorrection : Create correction file and workspace to correct event time against recorded log time for each pixel |
CCreatePeaksWorkspace | Create an empty PeaksWorkspace |
CCreatePSDBleedMask | This algorithm implements a "bleed" diagnostic for PSD detectors (i.e |
CCreateSampleWorkspace | CreateSampleWorkspace : This algorithm is intended for the creation of sample workspaces for usage examples and other situations |
CCreateSingleValuedWorkspace | Required properties: |
CCreateUserDefinedBackground | CreateUserDefinedBackground : Given an input workspace containing data with a background and a table of user-selected points defining the background, creates a new workspace containing background data that can be subtracted from the original data |
CCreateWorkspace | CreateWorkspace Algorithm |
CCropToComponent | CropToComponent : Crops a workspace to a set of components |
CCropWorkspace | Extracts a 'block' from a workspace and places it in a new workspace |
CCropWorkspaceRagged | Extracts a 'block' from a workspace and places it in a new workspace |
CCrossCorrelate | Compute the cross correlation function for a range of spectra with respect to a reference spectrum |
CCuboidGaugeVolumeAbsorption | Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a generic sample, considering only the scattering within a cuboid shaped 'gauge volume' |
CCylinderAbsorption | Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a cylindrical sample |
CDeadTimeCorrection | DeadTimeCorrection : Performs dead time correction |
CDeleteLog | |
CDeleteWorkspace | A simple algorithm to remove a workspace from the ADS |
CDeleteWorkspaces | A simple algorithm to remove multiple workspaces from the ADS |
CDetectorDiagnostic | A base class for a detector diagnostic algorithm |
CDetectorEfficiencyCor | Returns efficiency of cylindrical helium gas tube |
CDetectorEfficiencyCorUser | DetectorEfficiencyCorUser : |
CDetectorEfficiencyVariation | Required Properties: |
CDetectorGridDefinition | DetectorGridDefinition is a helper class for building the sparse instrument in MonteCarloAbsorption |
CDiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors | Find the offsets for each detector |
CDiffractionFocussing | This is a parent algorithm that uses several different child algorithms to perform it's task |
CDiffractionFocussing2 | Algorithm to focus powder diffraction data into a number of histograms according to a grouping scheme defined in a file |
CDirectILLTubeBackground | DirectILLTubeBackground : Fits polynomial backgrounds over the pixels of position sensitive tubes |
CDiscusData1D | |
CDiscusData2D | |
CDiscusMultipleScatteringCorrection | Calculates a multiple scattering correction Based on Muscat Fortran code provided by Spencer Howells |
CDivide | Divide performs the division of two input workspaces |
CEditInstrumentGeometry | EditInstrumentGeometry : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CElasticWindow | |
CEQSANSCorrectFrame | Apply correction to EQSANS data to account for its TOF structure |
CEQSANSResolution | Computes the resolution on EQSANS data Required Properties: |
CEQSANSTofStructure | |
CEstimateDivergence | EstimateDivergence : Calculate the instrument divergence according to Windsor |
CEstimateResolutionDiffraction | EstimateResolutionDiffraction : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CEventWorkspaceAccess | |
CExponential | Exponential performs the exponential function on an input workspace |
CExponentialCorrection | Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c0*exp(-c1*x) |
CExportTimeSeriesLog | ExportTimeSeriesLog : Read a TimeSeries log and return some information required by users |
CExtractFFTSpectrum | This algorithm performs a Fast Fourier Transform on each spectra of the input workspace |
CExtractMask | Extract the masking from a given workspace |
CExtractMaskToTable | ExtractMaskToTable : Extract the mask in a workspace to a table workspace |
CExtractQENSMembers | ExtractQENSMembers : Extracts the fit members from a QENS fit |
CExtractSingleSpectrum | Copies a single spectrum from a 2D Workspace into a new workspace |
CExtractSpectra | Extracts specified spectra from a workspace and places them in a new workspace |
CExtractSpectra2 | Extracts specified spectra from a workspace and places them in a new workspace |
CExtractUnmaskedSpectra | ExtractUnmaskedSpectra : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFFT | Performs a Fast Fourier Transform of data |
CFFTDerivative | Calculates derivatives of the spectra in a MatrixWorkspace using a Fast Fourier Transform |
CFFTSmooth | Data smoothing using the FFT algorithm and various filters |
CFFTSmooth2 | Data smoothing using the FFT algorithm and various filters |
CFilterBadPulses | Filters out events associated with pulses that happen when proton charge is lower than a given percentage of the average |
CFilterByLogValue | Filters events in an EventWorkspace using values in a SampleLog |
CFilterByTime | Filters an EventWorkspace by wall-clock time, and outputs to a new event workspace or replaces the existing one |
CFilterByTime2 | FilterByTime2 : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFilterByXValue | Filters the events in an event workspace according to a minimum and/or maximum value of X |
CFilterEvents | FilterEvents : Filter Events in EventWorkspace to multiple EventsWorkspace by Splitters |
CFindCenterOfMassPosition | Part of data reduction for SANS |
CFindCenterOfMassPosition2 | Part of data reduction for SANS |
CFindDeadDetectors | Takes a workspace as input and identifies all of the spectra that have a value across all time bins less or equal to than the threshold 'dead' value |
CFindDetectorsOutsideLimits | Takes a workspace as input and identifies all spectra where the sum of the counts in all bins is outside a range |
CFindEPP | Performs Gaussian fits over each spectrum to find the Elastic Peak Position (EPP) |
►CFindPeakBackground | FindPeakBackground : Calculate Zscore for a Matrix Workspace |
Cby_len | |
Ccont_peak | |
CFindPeaks | This algorithm searches for peaks in a dataset |
CFitOneSinglePeak | FitOneSinglePeak: a class to perform peak fitting on a single peak |
CFitPeak | FitPeak : Fit a single peak |
CFitPeaks | |
CFixGSASInstrumentFile | FixGSASInstrumentFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFlatPlateAbsorption | Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a flat plate/slab sample |
CFlatWeighting | |
CGaussianWeightingnD | |
CGeneralisedSecondDifference | Compute the generalised second difference of a spectrum or several spectra based on the method described by M.A |
CGenerateEventsFilter | GenerateEventsFilter : Generate an events-filter, i.e., a SplittersWorkspace according to user's request |
CGenerateIPythonNotebook | GenerateIPythonNotebook |
CGeneratePeaks | GeneratePeaks : Generate peaks from a table workspace containing peak parameters |
CGeneratePythonFitScript | |
CGeneratePythonScript | GeneratePythonScript : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CGetAllEi | Estimate all incident energies, used by chopper instrument |
CGetDetectorOffsets | Find the offsets for each detector |
CGetEi | Requires an estimate for the initial neutron energy which it uses to search for monitor peaks and from these calculate an accurate energy |
CGetEi2 | Requires an estimate for the initial neutron energy which it uses to search for monitor peaks and from these calculate an accurate energy |
CGetEiMonDet3 | Estimates the incident neutron energy from the time of flight between a monitor and a set of detectors |
CGetQsInQENSData | Extracts Q-values from a workspace containing QENS data |
CGetTimeSeriesLogInformation | GetTimeSeriesLogInformation : Read a TimeSeries log and return some information required by users |
CGravitySANSHelper | A helper class for calculating neutron's gravitional drop |
CGroupToXResolution | GroupToXResolution : Groups points within intervals defined by Dx into a single point |
CGroupWorkspaces | Takes workspaces as input and groups the workspaces |
CHe3TubeEfficiency | Corrects the input workspace for helium3 tube efficiency based on an exponential parameterization |
CHRPDSlabCanAbsorption | Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in an HRPD 'slab' can |
CHyspecScharpfCorrection | HyspecScharpfCorrection : Divide by cos(2alpha) where alpha is the angle between incident beam and the polarization direction |
►CIBeamProfile | Base class for all classes defining a beam profile |
CRay | |
CIdentifyNoisyDetectors | Identifies "bad" detectors based on their standard deviation, and how this differs from the standard deviation of other detectors |
CIMCAbsorptionStrategy | Defines a base class for objects that calculate correction factors for self-attenuation |
CIMCInteractionVolume | Defines a base class for objects describing a volume where interactions of Tracks and Objects can take place |
CIntegrateByComponent | IntegrateByComponent : The algorithm integrates up the instrument hierarchy, and each pixel will contain the average value for the component |
CIntegrateEPP | IntegrateEPP : Integrate a workspace around the elastic peak positions given by a EPP table |
CIntegration | Takes a workspace as input and sums each spectrum contained within it, storing the result as a workspace of spectra with one Y & E value and two X values indicating the range which the integration covers |
CInterpolatingRebin | Uses cubic splines to interpolate the mean rate of change of the integral over the inputed data bins to that for the user supplied bins |
CInterpolationOption | Class to provide a consistent interface to an interpolation option on algorithms |
CInvertMask | InvertMask : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CIQTransform | This algorithm permits the linearisation of reduced SANS data by applying a chosen transformation to the input data |
CLinearWeighting | |
CLineProfile | LineProfile : Calculates a horizontal or vertical line profile over a MatrixWorkspace |
CLogarithm | Takes a workspace as input and calculates the natural logarithm of number of counts for each 1D spectrum |
CLorentzCorrection | LorentzCorrection : Algorithm Performs a lorentz correction (sin(theta)^2)/(wavelength^4) on a MatrixWorkspace in units of wavelength |
CMagFormFactorCorrection | MagneticFormFactors scales the input workspace by the 1/F(Q) where F(Q) is the magnetic form factor for the given magnetic ion |
CMaskBins | Masks bins in a workspace |
CMaskBinsFromTable | MaskBinsFromTable : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CMaskBinsFromWorkspace | |
CMaskBinsIf | MaskBinsIf : Masks bins based on muparser expression |
CMaskDetectorsIf | This algorithm is used to select/deselect detectors in a *.cal file |
CMaskInstrument | Mask specified detectors in an instrument |
CMaskNonOverlappingBins | MaskNonOverlappingBins : Compares the X ranges of two workspace and masks the non-overlapping bins in the first workspace |
CMatrixWorkspaceAccess | |
CMax | Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the maximum in each 1D spectrum |
CMaxEnt | MaxEnt : Entropy maximization algorithm following the approach described in the article by J |
CMaxentCalculator | MaxentCalculator : This class performs one maxent iteration and calculates chi-sq, angle between gradient of S and gradient of chi-sq, search directions and quadratic coefficients |
CMaxentEntropy | MaxentEntropy : Abstract base class defining the necessary methods to calculate any type of entropy to be used by MaxEnt |
CMaxentEntropyNegativeValues | MaxentEntropyNegativeValues : Class defining the entropy of a 'PosNeg' image (i.e |
CMaxentEntropyPositiveValues | MaxentEntropyPositiveValues : Class defining the entropy of a positive image (i.e |
CMaxentSpace | MaxentSpace : Abstract base class defining a MaxentSpace |
CMaxentSpaceComplex | MaxentSpaceComplex : Defines a space of complex numbers |
CMaxentSpaceReal | MaxentSpaceReal : Defines the space of real numbers |
CMaxentTransform | MaxentTransform : Abstract base class defining MaxEnt transformations from image space to data space and vice-versa |
CMaxentTransformFourier | MaxentTransformFourier : Defines a transformation from data space to image space (and vice-versa) where spaces are related by a 1D Fourier Transform |
CMaxentTransformMultiFourier | MaxentTransformMultiFourier : Defines a transformation from data space to image space (and vice-versa) where spaces are related by a 1D Fourier Transform, in which which the data has multiple spectra concatenatenated |
CMaxMin | Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the maximum(minimum) in each 1D spectrum |
CMayersSampleCorrection | Corrects for the effects of absorption and multiple scattering using the algorithm of Jerry Mayers |
►CMayersSampleCorrectionStrategy | Applies the procedure found in section 4 of for an array of tof, signal & error values |
CParameters | Stores parameters for a single calculation for a given angle and sample details |
CMCAbsorptionStrategy | Implements the algorithm for calculating the correction factor for self-attenuation and single wavelength using a Monte Carlo |
CMCInteractionStatistics | Stores statistics relating to the tracks generated in MCInteractionVolume for a specific detector |
CMCInteractionVolume | Defines a volume where interactions of Tracks and Objects can take place |
CMedianDetectorTest | Takes a workspace as input and finds all the detectors with solid angle corrected signals that deviate far enough from median value of all detectors to be suspious |
CMergeLogs | |
CMergeRuns | |
CMin | Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the minimum in each 1D spectrum |
CMinus | Minus performs the difference of two input workspaces |
CModeratorTzero | |
CModeratorTzeroLinear | |
CMonIDPropChanger | |
CMonitorEfficiencyCorUser | |
CMonteCarloAbsorption | Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a sample + its environment using a Monte Carlo algorithm |
CMostLikelyMean | MostLikelyMean : Computes the most likely mean of the array by minimizing the taxicab distance of the elements from the rest |
CMultipleScatteringCorrection | MultipleScatteringCorrection : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CMultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraber | MultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraber : This is a helper class to calculate the distance from source to sample voxel |
CMultipleScatteringCylinderAbsorption | Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS |
CMultiply | Multiply performs the product of two input workspaces |
CMultiplyRange | An algorithm to multiply a range of bins in a workspace by the factor given |
CNormaliseByCurrent | Normalises a workspace according to the good proton charge figure taken from the raw file (and stored in the Sample object) |
CNormaliseByDetector | NormaliseByDetector : Normalises a workspace with respect to the detector efficiency function stored against components in the instrument parameters |
CNormaliseToMonitor | Normalizes a 2D workspace by a specified monitor spectrum |
CNormaliseToUnity | Takes a workspace as input and normalises it to 1 |
CNullWeighting | |
COneMinusExponentialCor | Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by one minus the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c1(1-exp(-c*x)) |
CPaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection | PaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection : calculate paalman-pings absorption terms |
CPaddingAndApodization | Takes a workspace as input and applies a apodization function and/or padding |
CParabolicWeighting | |
CParallaxCorrection | ParallaxCorrection : Performs geometrical correction for parallax effect in tube based SANS instruments |
CPause | Pause a script for a given duration |
►CPDCalibration | PDCalibration : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFittedPeaks | Private inner class |
CPDDetermineCharacterizations | PDDetermineCharacterizations |
CPDFFourierTransform | PDFFourierTransform : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CPDFFourierTransform2 | PDFFourierTransform : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CPerformIndexOperations | PerformIndexOperations : Crop and sum a workspace according to the parsed workspace index operations provided |
CPlus | Plus performs the addition of two input workspaces |
CPointByPointVCorrection | First attempt at spectrum by spectrum division for vanadium normalisation correction |
CPoissonErrors | Takes a Data workspace and an original counts workspace input and updates the error values in the data workspace to be the same fractionally as the counts workspace |
CPolarizationCorrectionFredrikze | PolarizationCorrectionFredrikze : Algorithm to perform polarisation corrections on multi-period group workspaces that implements the Fredrikze (Dutch) method |
►CPolarizationCorrectionWildes | PolarizationCorrectionWildes : This algorithm corrects for non-ideal component efficiencies in polarized neutron analysis |
CEfficiencyMap | A convenience set of efficiency factors |
CWorkspaceMap | A convenience set of workspaces corresponding flipper configurations |
CPolarizationEfficiencyCor | PolarizationEfficiencyCor: a generalised polarization correction algorithm |
CPolynomialCorrection | Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of a polynomial function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point |
CPower | Provides the ability to raise the values in the workspace to a specified power |
CPowerLawCorrection | Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c0*x^C1 |
CProcessIndirectFitParameters | ProcessIndirectFitParameters : Convert a parameter table output by PlotPeakByLogValue to a MatrixWorkspace |
CQ1D2 | Takes account of the effects of gravity for instruments where the y-axis points upwards, for example SANS instruments |
►CQ1DWeighted | Part of data reduction for SANS |
CWedge | |
CQhelper | Helper class for the Q1D and Qxy algorithms |
CQxy | This algorithm rebins a 2D workspace in units of wavelength into 2D Q |
CRadiusFilter | |
CRadiusSum | RadiusSum : |
CRayTracerTester | Algorithm to test ray tracer by spraying evenly spaced rays around |
CReadGroupsFromFile | Read a diffraction calibration file (*.cal) and an instrument name, and output a 2D workspace containing on the Y-axis the values of the Group each detector belongs to |
CRealFFT | Performs a Fast Fourier Transform of real data |
CRebin | Takes a workspace as input and rebins the data according to the input rebin parameters |
CRebin2D | Rebins both axes of a two-dimensional workspace to the given parameters |
CRebinByPulseTimes | RebinByPulseTimes : Rebin an input EventWorkspace according to the pulse times of the events |
CRebinByTimeAtSample | RebinByTimeAtSample : Rebins an event workspace to a histogram workspace with time at sample along the x-axis |
CRebinByTimeBase | RebinByTimeBase : Algorithm base class for algorithms performing rebinning by an absolute time axis |
CRebinToWorkspace | Rebins a workspace so that the binning, for all its spectra, match that of the first spectrum of a second workspace |
CRebunch | Takes a workspace as input and rebunches the data according to the input rebunch parameters |
CRecordPythonScript | RecordPythonScript : |
CRectangularBeamProfile | Defines a flat, rectangular beam profile that has a width, height and center point |
CRegroup | Takes a 2D workspace as input and regroups the data according to the input regroup parameters |
CRemoveBackground | |
CRemoveBins | Removes bins from a workspace |
CRemoveInstrumentGeometry | RemoveInstrumentGeometry : |
CRemoveLowResTOF | |
CRemoveMaskedSpectra | RemoveMaskedSpectra removes all masked spectra |
CRemovePromptPulse | RemovePromptPulse : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CRemoveSpectra | |
CRemoveWorkspaceHistory | RemoveWorkspaceHistory |
CRenameWorkspace | Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service |
CRenameWorkspaces | Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service |
CReplaceSpecialValues | Replaces instances of NaN and infinity in the workspace with user defined numbers |
CResampleX | ResampleX : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CResetNegatives | ResetNegatives : Reset negative values to something else |
CResizeRectangularDetector | ResizeRectangularDetector : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CRingProfile | Calculates the sum of the counts against a circular ring |
CRunCombinationHelper | |
►CSampleLogsBehaviour | SampleLogsBehaviour : This class holds information relating to the behaviour of the sample log merging |
CParameterName | |
CSampleLogBehaviour | |
CSampleLogNames | |
CSANSCollimationLengthEstimator | |
CSassenaFFT | Perform Fourier Transform of the Sassena Intermediate Scattering Function |
CScale | Scales an input workspace by the given factor, which can be either multiplicative or additive |
CScaleX | Takes a workspace and adjusts all the time bin values by the same multiplicative factor |
CScatterPointStat | |
CSegfault | Segfault : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSetInstrumentParameter | SetInstrumentParameter : A simple algorithm to add or set the value of an instrument parameter |
CSetUncertainties | Set the uncertainties of the data to zero |
CShiftLogTime | ShiftLogTime : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSignalOverError | Calculate Y/E for a Workspace2D |
CSmoothData | Smooths the data of the input workspace by making each point the mean average of itself and one or more points lying symmetrically either side of it |
CSmoothNeighbours | Smooth neighboring pixels |
CSofQCommon | |
CSofQW | |
CSofQWCentre | Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy |
CSofQWNormalisedPolygon | Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy |
CSofQWPolygon | Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy |
CSolidAngle | Calculates and outputs the solid angles for each detector in the instrument |
CSortEvents | Takes an EventWorkspace and sorts by TOF or frame_index |
CSortXAxis | SortXAxis will take Histogram or Point data and reorder it based on the X Axis' values, whilst maintaining it's Dx, Y and E axis relative values |
CSparseWorkspace | Defines functions and utilities to create and deal with sparse instruments |
CSpatialGrouping | This algorithm creates an XML Grouping File for use in the GroupDetectors (v2) or ReadGroupsFromFile algorithms |
►CSpectrumAlgorithm | SpectrumAlgorithm is a base class for algorithms that work with MatrixWorkspace |
Ccontains | Helpers for for_each(), struct contains and 2 specializations |
Ccontains< Tp > | |
Ccontains< Tp, Head, Rest... > | |
Cgens | |
►CIndices | Dummy struct holding compile-time flags to for_each() |
CFromProperty | Flag: Include only indices specified via properties in for_each |
Cseq | Helpers for for_each(), struct seq and gens with a specialization |
CSphericalAbsorption | A spherical absorption correction algorithm |
CStitch | Stitches overlapping spectra from multiple 2D workspaces |
CStitch1D | Stitch1D : Stitches two Matrix Workspaces together into a single output |
CStitch1DMany | Stitch1DMany : Stitches multiple Matrix Workspaces together into a single output |
CStripPeaks | This algorithm calls FindPeaks as a ChildAlgorithm and then subtracts all the peaks found from the data, leaving just the 'background' |
CStripVanadiumPeaks | StripVanadiumPeaks algorithm |
CStripVanadiumPeaks2 | StripVanadiumPeaks2 |
CSumEventsByLogValue | Produces a table or single spectrum workspace containing the total summed events in the workspace as a function of a specified log |
CSumNeighbours | Sums neighboring pixels on rectangular detectors |
CSumOverlappingTubes | SumOverlappingTubes : Converts workspaces containing an instrument with PSD tubes into a workspace with counts as a function of height and scattering angle |
CSumRowColumn | This algorithm is the equivalent of the COLETTE "DISPLAY H/V" command |
CSumSpectra | Takes a workspace as input and sums all of the spectra within it maintaining the existing bin structure and units |
CTimeAtSampleStrategy | TimeAtSampleStrategy : Strategy (technique dependent) for determining Time At Sample |
CTimeAtSampleStrategyDirect | TimeAtSampleStrategyDirect : Determine the Time at Sample corrections for a Direct Geometry instrument |
CTimeAtSampleStrategyElastic | TimeAtSampleStrategyElastic : Time at sample stragegy for elastic scattering |
CTimeAtSampleStrategyIndirect | TimeAtSampleStrategyIndirect : Determine Time At Sample for an indirect instrument setup |
CTOFSANSResolution | Computes the resolution on TOF SANS data Required Properties: |
CTOFSANSResolutionByPixel | Calculates the TOF-SANS Q-resolution for each wavelenght and pixel using formula by Mildner and Carpenter |
CTOFSANSResolutionByPixelCalculator | Helper class which provides the uncertainty calculations for the TOFSANSResolutionByPixel class |
Ctolerant_less | Std-style comparision function object (satisfies the requirements of Compare) |
CTranspose | This algorithm "transposes" the bins of the input workspace into a single spectra |
CUnaryOperation | UnaryOperation supports the implementation of a Unary operation on an input workspace |
CUnGroupWorkspace | Takes the name of a group workspace as input and ungroups the workspaces |
CUnwrapMonitor | Takes an input Workspace2D that contains 'raw' data, unwraps the data according to the reference flightpath provided and converts the units to wavelength |
CUnwrapMonitorsInTOF | UnwrapMonitorsInTOF : Handles workspaces which contain monitors that recorded data which spills over from the previous frame |
CUnwrapSNS | Takes an input Workspace2D that contains 'raw' data, unwraps the data according to the reference flightpath provided and converts the units to wavelength |
CUpdateScriptRepository | UpdateScriptRepository : Check the MantidWeb, for updates of the ScriptRepository |
CVesuvioL1ThetaResolution | VesuvioL1ThetaResolution |
CWeightedMean | An algorithm to calculate the weighted mean of two workspaces |
CWeightedMeanOfWorkspace | WeightedMeanOfWorkspace This algorithm calculates the weighted mean for a single workspace from all the detector (non-monitor, not masked) spectra in that workspace |
CWeightingStrategy | WeightingStrategy : |
CWienerSmooth | WienerSmooth algorithm performes smoothing data in a spectrum of a matrix workspace using the Wiener filter smoothing |
CWorkflowAlgorithmRunner | Controls the data flow and the order of algorithm execution |
CWorkspaceBoundingBox | |
CWorkspaceJoiners | A base class to hold code common to two algorithms that bolt two workspaces together spectra-wise - ConjoinWorkspaces & AppendSpectra |
CXDataConverter | This is an abstract base class for sharing methods between algorithms that operate only on X data |
CXrayAbsorptionCorrection | Calculates attenuation of xrays due to absorption in a sample |
►NAPI | |
NMuParserUtils | |
NOperatorOverloads | |
CADSValidator | ADSValidator : a validator that requires the value of a property to be present in the ADS |
►CAlgorithm | Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived |
CAlgorithmNotification | Base class for algorithm notifications |
CCancelException | CancelException is thrown to cancel execution of the algorithm |
CErrorNotification | ErrorNotification is sent when an exception is caught during execution of the algorithm |
CFinishedNotification | FinishedNotification is sent after the algorithm finishes its execution |
CProgressNotification | An algorithm can report its progress by sending ProgressNotification |
CStartedNotification | StartedNotification is sent when the algorithm begins execution |
CAlgorithmDescriptor | Structure uniquely describing an algorithm with its name, category and version |
CAlgorithmFactoryImpl | The AlgorithmFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of Algorithms |
CAlgorithmFactoryObserver | |
CAlgorithmHasProperty | A validator to check whether a given algorithm has a named property |
CAlgorithmHistory | This class stores information about the Command History used by algorithms on a workspace |
CAlgorithmManagerImpl | Responsible for controlling algorithm instances |
CAlgorithmObserver | Observes Algorithm notifications: start,progress,finish,error |
CAlgorithmProperty | Define an algorithm property that can be used to supply an algorithm object to a subsequent algorithm |
CAlgorithmStartingNotification | Class for when an algorithm is starting asynchronously |
►CAnalysisDataServiceImpl | The Analysis data service stores instances of the Workspace objects and anything that derives from template class DynamicFactory<Mantid::Kernel::IAlgorithm> |
CGroupUpdatedNotification | GroupWorkspaces notification is send when a group is updated by adding or removing members |
CGroupWorkspacesNotification | GroupWorkspaces notification is send from GroupWorkspaces algorithm |
CUnGroupingWorkspaceNotification | UnGroupingWorkspace notification is sent from UnGroupWorkspace algorithm before the WorkspaceGroup is removed from the DataService |
CAnalysisDataServiceObserver | |
CArchiveSearchFactoryImpl | Creates instances of IArchiveSearch |
CAttributeLambdaVisitor | Attribute visitor structure supporting lambda expressions Example usage: AttributeLambdaVisitor{[](const int val) {...}, [] (const double val) {}} would create a visitor capable of "visiting" an integer and double attribute* It functions by inheriting the () operator defined in each lambda |
CAxis | Class to represent the axis of a workspace |
CBinEdgeAxis | Stores numeric values that are assumed to be bin edge values |
CBoolean | As TableColumn stores its data in a std::vector bool type cannot be used in the same way as the other types |
CBoxController | This class is used by MDBox and MDGridBox in order to intelligently determine optimal behavior |
CBoxControllerSettingsAlgorithm | An abstract algorithm sub-class for algorithms that define properties for BoxController settings |
CCatalogFactoryImpl | The factory is a singleton that hands out shared pointers to the base Catalog class |
CCatalogManagerImpl | This class is a singleton and is responsible for creating, destroying, and managing catalogs |
CCatalogSession | This class is a responsible for storing session information for a specific catalog |
CCitation | |
CColumn | Column is the base class for columns of TableWorkspace |
CColumnFactoryImpl | The ColumnFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of columns |
CColumnVector | ColumnVector gives access to the column elements without alowing its resizing |
CCommonBinsValidator | A validator which provides a TENTATIVE check that a workspace contains common bins in each spectrum |
CCompositeCatalog | CompositeCatalog is responsible for storing and performing options on multiple catalogues |
CCompositeDomain | Base class for a composite domain |
CCompositeDomainMD | A composite domain for MD functions |
CCompositeFunction | A composite function is a function containing other functions |
CConstColumnVector | ConstColumnVector gives const access to the column elements without alowing its resizing |
CConstraintFactoryImpl | The ConstraintFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of Constraints |
CCoordTransform | Unique SingleValueParameter Declaration for InputNDimensions |
CCostFunctionFactoryImpl | The CostFunctionFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of minimizers |
CDeleterPolicy | |
CDeprecatedAlgorithm | Class for marking algorithms as deprecated |
CDeprecatedAlias | DeprecatedAlias : Class for making algorithm with deprecated names (aliases) |
CDetectorSearcher | |
CDistributedAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that treat all spectra independently, i.e., we can trivially parallelize over the spectra without changes |
CDomainCreatorFactoryImpl | Constructs a DomainCreator object from a string |
CElementTraits | Default ElementTraits SFINAE Typetraits are used to provide the correct formatting based on the element type chosen |
CElementTraits< bool > | ElementTraits for boolean element types |
CElementTraits< double > | ElementTraits for double element types |
CElementTraits< float > | ElementTraits for float element types |
CElementTraits< size_t > | ElementTraits for boolean element types |
CEnabledWhenWorkspaceIsType | Show a property as enabled when the workspace pointed to by another is of a given type |
CEqualBinSizesValidator | EqualBinSizesValidator : Checks that all bins in a workspace are equally sized to within a given tolerance |
CExperimentInfo | This class is shared by a few Workspace types and holds information related to a particular experiment/run: |
►CExpression | This class represents an expression made up of names, binary operators and brackets |
COperators | Keeps operator that can be used in an expression |
CParsingError | Specialised exception for parsing errors |
CToken | This is a struct to mark a token in a string expression |
CFileBackedExperimentInfo | Implements a lazy-loading mechanism for the experimental information stored in a NeXus file |
CFileFinderImpl | This class finds data files given an instrument name (optionally) and a run number |
►CFileLoaderRegistryImpl | Keeps a registry of algorithm's that are file loading algorithms to allow them to be searched to find the correct one to load a particular file |
CSubscriptionValidator | Helper for subscribe to check base class |
CFileProperty | A specialized class for dealing with file properties |
CFrameworkManagerImpl | The main public API via which users interact with the Mantid framework |
CFuncMinimizerFactoryImpl | The FuncMinimizerFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of minimizers |
CFunctionDomain | Base class that represents the domain of a function |
CFunctionDomain1D | Represent a domain for functions of one real argument |
CFunctionDomain1DHistogram | Implements FunctionDomain1D as a set of bins for a histogram |
CFunctionDomain1DSpectrum | Specialization of FunctionDomain1DVector for spectra of MatrixWorkspaces |
CFunctionDomain1DVector | Implements FunctionDomain1D with its own storage in form of a std::vector |
CFunctionDomain1DView | 1D domain - a wrapper around an array of doubles |
CFunctionDomainGeneral | Represent a domain of a very general type |
CFunctionDomainMD | Implements a domain for MD functions (IFunctionMD) |
CFunctionFactoryImpl | The FunctionFactory class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of fitting functions |
CFunctionGenerator | FunctionGenerator is a partial implementation of IFunction that defines a function consisting of two parts: the source and the target |
CFunctionHandler | Classes inherited from FunctionHandler will handle the function |
CFunctionParameterDecorator | FunctionParameterDecorator |
CFunctionProperty | A property class for functions |
CFunctionValues | A class to store values calculated by a function |
CGenericDataProcessorAlgorithm | Data processor algorithm to be used as a parent to workflow algorithms |
CGridDomain | |
CGridDomain1D | |
CGrouping | Structure to represent grouping information |
CGroupingLoader | GroupingLoader : Loads instrument grouping from IDF file |
CHistogramValidator | A validator which checks that a workspace contains histogram data (the default) or point data as required |
CHistoryItem | |
CHistoryView | This class wraps an algorithm history pointer to add additional functionality when creating a HistoryView |
CHistoWorkspace | HistoWorkspace is an abstract base class for MatrixWorkspace types that are NOT event workspaces |
CIAlgorithm | IAlgorithm is the interface implemented by the Algorithm base class |
CIArchiveSearch | This class is an archive searching interface |
CIBackgroundFunction | An interface to a background function |
CIBoxControllerIO | The header describes interface to IO Operations perfomed by the box controller May be replaced by a boost filestream in a future |
CICatalog | This class creates an interface for information catalogs to support multiple facilities |
CICatalogInfoService | This class is responsible for interfacing with the Information Data Service (IDS) to upload and download files to and from the archives |
CIConstraint | An interface to a constraint |
CICostFunction | An interface for specifying the cost function to be used with Fit algorithm or minimizers, for example, the default being least squares fitting |
CIDomainCreator | An base class for domain creators for use in Fit |
CIEventList | IEventList : Interface to Mantid::DataObjects::EventList class, used to expose to PythonAPI |
CIEventWorkspace | This class provides an interface to an EventWorkspace |
CIFileLoader | Defines an interface to an algorithm that loads a file so that it can take part in the automatic selection procedure provided by the FileLoaderRegistry |
CIFuncMinimizer | An interface for function minimizers |
►CIFunction | This is an interface to a fitting function - a semi-abstarct class |
CAttribute | Attribute is a non-fitting parameter |
CAttributeValidatorVisitor | Atribute validator visitor class |
CAttributeVisitor | Atribute visitor class |
CConstAttributeVisitor | Const version of AttributeVisitor |
CValidationException | Simple Exception Struct to differentiate validation error from other exceptions |
CValidatorEvaluator | Simple struct to constain function to evaluate attribute validators that is required in both attributes and visitors |
CIFunction1D | This is a specialization of IFunction for functions of one real argument |
CIFunction1DSpectrum | IFunction1DSpectrum : |
CIFunctionGeneral | IFunctionGeneral: a very general function definition |
CIFunctionMD | This is a specialization of IFunction for functions defined on an IMDWorkspace |
CIFunctionMW | This is a specialization of IFunction for functions defined on a MatrixWorkspace |
CIFunctionWithLocation | An interface to a function with location, which here means a function for which the user may ask what is its centre and height |
CIJournal | IJournal: Interface for classes that fetch information from journal files |
CILatticeFunction | ILatticeFunction |
CILiveListener | ILiveListener is the interface implemented by classes which connect directly to instrument data acquisition systems (DAS) for retrieval of 'live' data into Mantid |
CIMaskWorkspace | This class provides an interface to a MaskWorkspace |
CIMDEventWorkspace | Abstract base class for multi-dimension event workspaces (MDEventWorkspace) |
CIMDHistoWorkspace | Abstract interface to MDHistoWorkspace, for use in exposing to Python |
CIMDIterator | This is an interface to an iterator of an IMDWorkspace |
CIMDNode | |
►CIMDWorkspace | Basic MD Workspace Abstract Class |
CLinePlot | Holds X, Y, E for a line plot |
CImmutableCompositeFunction | Immutable composite function is a composite function which members cannot be added or removed after creation |
CImplicitFunctionBuilder | This class is the abstract type for building IImplicitFunctions |
CImplicitFunctionFactoryImpl | |
CImplicitFunctionParameter | Abstract parameter type for use with IImplicitFunctions |
CImplicitFunctionParameterParser | |
CImplicitFunctionParameterParserFactoryImpl | |
CImplicitFunctionParser | XML Parser for function types |
CImplicitFunctionParserFactoryImpl | |
CIncreasingAxisValidator | A validator which checks that the X axis of a workspace is increasing from left to right |
CIndexProperty | IndexProperty : Implementation of a property type which returns a SpectrumIndexSet provided an input vector of integers or a string |
CIndexTypeProperty | IndexTypeProperty : Implementation of a property which stores the type of input indices users require for accessing workspace data |
CInstrumentDataServiceImpl | InstrumentDataService Class |
CInstrumentFileFinder | |
CInstrumentValidator | A validator which checks that a workspace has a valid instrument |
CIntegrationResult | PeakFunctionIntegrator : |
CIPawleyFunction | IPawleyFunction |
CIPeakFunction | An interface to a peak function, which extend the interface of IFunctionWithLocation by adding methods to set and get peak width |
CIPeaksWorkspace | Interface to the class Mantid::DataObjects::PeaksWorkspace |
CIPowderDiffPeakFunction | An interface to a peak function, which extend the interface of IFunctionWithLocation by adding methods to set and get peak width |
CIPreview | IPreview : This is the abstract base class of the raw data previews |
CISpectrum | A "spectrum" is an object that holds the data for a particular spectrum, in particular: |
CISplittersWorkspace | ISplittersWorkspace : Workspace to contain splitters for event filtering |
CITableWorkspace | ITableWorkspace is an implementation of Workspace in which the data are organised in columns of same size |
CITransformScale | |
CIWorkspaceProperty | An interface that is implemented by WorkspaceProperty |
CJacobian | Represents the Jacobian in IFitFunction::functionDeriv |
CJointDomain | An implementation of CompositeDomain |
CLatticeDomain | LatticeDomain |
CLinearScale | |
CLiveListener | Base implementation for common behaviour of all live listener classes |
CLiveListenerFactoryImpl | The factory for creating instances of ILiveListener implementations |
CLockMode | Enumeration for locking behaviour |
CLogarithmScale | |
CLogFilterGenerator | LogFilterGenerator : utility to generate a LogFilter, to filter by running status or period |
CLogManager | This class contains the information about the log entries |
CMatrixWorkspace | Base MatrixWorkspace Abstract Class |
CMatrixWorkspaceMDIterator | IMDIterator-compatible implementation of an iterator through a MatrixWorkspace |
CMatrixWorkspaceValidator | An interface for those validators that require the MatrixWorkspace interface |
CMDFrameValidator | |
CMDGeometry | Describes the geometry (i.e |
CMDGeometryNotificationHelper | |
CMultiDomainFunction | A composite function defined on a CompositeDomain |
CMultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm | MutliPeriodGroupAlgorithm : Abstract algorithm |
CMultiPeriodGroupWorker | MultiPeriodGroupWorker : Multiperiod group logic relating to determining a valid multiperiod group, and processing a multiperiod group, as well as combining and returning the output |
CMultipleExperimentInfos | Small class that allows a MDEventWorkspace or a MDHistoWorkspace to hold several ExperimentInfo classes |
CMultipleFileProperty | A property to allow a user to specify multiple files to load |
CMWDimension | |
CMWXDimension | An implementation of IMDDimension for MatrixWorkspace that points to the X vector of the first spectrum |
CNexusFileLoader | |
CNotebookBuilder | |
CNotebookWriter | |
CNullCoordTransform | NullCoordTransform : A transform that sets the outVector to have the same values as the inputVector |
CNumericAxis | Class to represent a numeric axis of a workspace |
CNumericAxisValidator | A validator which checks whether the input workspace has the Numeric data in the axis |
COrientedLatticeValidator | |
CParallelAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that can run in parallel on all MPI ranks but not in a distributed fashion |
CParameterReference | A reference to a parameter in a function |
CParameterTie | Ties fitting parameters |
CParamFunction | Implements the part of IFunction interface dealing with parameters |
CPartialJacobian | A Jacobian for individual functions |
CPeakFunctionIntegrator | |
CPreviewManagerImpl | PreviewManager : Manages the raw data previews |
CProgress | Helper class for reporting progress from algorithms |
CProjection | |
CPropertyMode | Enumeration for a mandatory/optional property |
CRawCountValidator | A validator which checks that a workspace contains raw counts in its bins |
CRefAxis | A class to represent the axis of a 2D (or more) workspace where the value at a given point on the axis varies along the other dimension |
CReferenceEqual | Used to find ParameterTie for a parameter i |
CRegionSelectorObserver | |
CRun | This class stores information regarding an experimental run as a series of log entries |
CSample | This class stores information about the sample used in particular run |
CSampleShapeValidator | Verify that a workspace has valid sample shape |
CSampleValidator | A validator which checks that sample has the required properties |
CScopedWorkspace | ScopedWorkspace : scoped workspace ADS entry |
CScriptBuilder | This class build a sttring which cana be executed as a python script |
CScriptInfo | Information about the files inside the repository |
CScriptRepoException | The ScriptRepository class is intended to be used mainly by the users, who will be willing to share and download scripts for their analysis |
CScriptRepository | |
CScriptRepositoryFactoryImpl | In charge of the creation of concrete instance of ScriptRepository interface |
CSerialAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that can only run serially (Parallel::ExecutionMode::MasterOnly) in an MPI run |
CSingleCountValidator | SingleCountValidator : This validator checks that there is only a single entry per spectrum, the counts, so no Time-of-Flight data |
CSingleValueParameter | SingleValueParameter is a templated base class implementing CRTP |
CSingleValueParameterParser | XML Parser for single value parameter types |
CSpectraAxis | Class to represent the spectra axis of a workspace |
CSpectraAxisValidator | A validator which checks whether the input workspace has the Spectra number in the axis |
CSpectrumDetectorMapping | A minimal class to hold the mapping between the spectrum number and its related detector ID numbers for a dataset |
CSpectrumInfo | API::SpectrumInfo is an intermediate step towards a SpectrumInfo that is part of Instrument-2.0 |
CSpectrumInfoItem | SpectrumInfoItem |
CSpectrumInfoIterator | SpectrumInfoIterator |
CTableColumnHelper | Helper class used to create ColumnVector |
CTableConstColumnHelper | Helper class used to create ConstColumnVector |
CTableRow | TableRow represents a row in a TableWorkspace |
CTableRowHelper | Helper class used to create TableRow |
CTempJacobian | |
CTextAxis | Class to represent a text axis of a workspace |
CTopology | Abstract type represents topology for visualisation |
CTransformScaleFactoryImpl | Constructs a scaling transform object from a string |
CVectorParameter | VectorParameter is abstract type implementing curiously recurring template pattern to implement common code associated with vector storage |
CVectorParameterParser | XML parser for vector value (n elements) parameter types |
CWorkspace | Base Workspace Abstract Class |
CWorkspaceFactoryImpl | The WorkspaceFactory class is in charge of the creation of all types of workspaces |
CWorkspaceGroup | Class to hold a set of workspaces |
CWorkspaceHasDxValidator | WorkspaceHasDxValidator : A validator which checks that all histograms in a workspace have Dx values |
CWorkspaceHelpers | A collection of static functions for use with workspaces |
CWorkspaceHistory | This class stores information about the Workspace History used by algorithms on a workspace and the environment history |
CWorkspaceNearestNeighbourInfo | WorkspaceNearestNeighbourInfo provides easy access to nearest-neighbour information for a workspace |
CWorkspaceNearestNeighbours | This class is not intended for direct use |
CWorkspaceProperty | A property class for workspaces |
CWorkspaceUnitValidator | A validator which checks that the unit of the workspace referred to by a WorkspaceProperty is the expected one |
NBeamline | |
►NCrystal | |
NCalibrationHelpers | CalibrationHelpers : This contains helper methods to move source, sample and detector positions/rotations for an instrument according to some calibration information |
NConnectedComponentMappingTypes | Namespace containing useful typedefs |
►NFindSXPeaksHelper | |
CAbsoluteBackgroundStrategy | |
CAbsoluteCompareStrategy | |
CAllPeaksStrategy | |
CBackgroundStrategy | |
CCompareStrategy | |
CFindMaxReduceStrategy | |
CPeakContainer | |
CPeakFindingStrategy | |
CPerSpectrumBackgroundStrategy | |
CReducePeakListStrategy | |
CRelativeCompareStrategy | |
CSimpleReduceStrategy | |
CStrongestPeaksStrategy | |
CSXPeak | |
►NPeakStatisticsTools | |
CPeaksStatistics | Small helper class that is used in SortHKL |
CUniqueReflection | This class is a small helper for SortHKL to hold Peak-objects that belong to the same family of reflections |
CUniqueReflectionCollection | This class computes all possible unique reflections within the specified d-limits, given a certain unit cell, lattice centering and point group |
NProp | |
CAddPeakHKL | AddPeakHKL : Algorithm to add a peaks to a PeaksWorkspace in the HKL frame |
CAnvredCorrection | Calculates anvred correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a spherical sample |
CBackgroundStrategy | BackgroundStrategy : Abstract class used for identifying elements of a IMDWorkspace that are not considered background |
CCalculatePeaksHKL | CalculatePeaksHKL : Calculate the HKL value for each peak without any rounding or optimization of the UB Matrix |
CCalculateUMatrix | CalculateUMatrix : Algorithm to calculate the U matrix, given lattice parameters and a list of peaks |
CCentroidPeaks | Find the centroid of single-crystal peaks in a 2D Workspace, in order to refine their positions |
CClearUB | ClearUB : Clear the UB matrix from a workspace by removing the oriented lattice |
CCluster | Cluster : Image cluster used by connected component labeling |
CClusterRegister | ClusterRegister : A fly-weight ICluster regeister |
CCombinePeaksWorkspaces | An algorithm that combines the sets of peaks in two peaks workspaces |
CCompositeCluster | CompositeCluster : Cluster made by by merging other IClusters |
CConnectedComponentLabeling | ConnectedComponentLabelling : Implements connected component labeling on MDHistoWorkspaces |
CConvertPeaksWorkspace | ConvertPeaksWorkspace : Bi-directional conversion between a regular PeaksWorkspace (with instrument) and a LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace (no instrument) |
CCountReflections | CountReflections |
CDataModeHandler | Integrates each time slice using the BivariateNormal formula, adding the results to the peak object |
CDiffPeaksWorkspaces | An algorithm that subtracts from a workspace (the LHSWorkspace) any peaks that match entries in a second workspace (the RHSWorkspace) |
CDisjointElement | DisjointElement : Cluster item used in a disjoint-set data structure |
CFilterPeaks | FilterPeaks : Filter a peaks workspace based on a set number of queries to provide a new, filtered peaks workspace |
CFindClusterFaces | FindClusterFaces : Algorithm to find faces of clusters in an MDHistoWorkspace (image) |
CFindSXPeaks | Search detector space for single crystal peaks |
CFindUBUsingFFT | FindUBUsingFFT : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix using fast Fourier transforms given a list of peaks and bounds on the lattice parameters |
CFindUBUsingIndexedPeaks | FindUBUsingIndexedPeaks : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given a list of peaks that have already been indexed by some means |
CFindUBUsingLatticeParameters | FindUBUsingLatticeParameters : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given lattice parameters and a list of peaks |
CFindUBUsingMinMaxD | FindUBUsingMinMaxD : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given bounds on the lattice parameters and a list of peaks |
CGoniometerAnglesFromPhiRotation | |
CHardThresholdBackground | HardThresholdBackground : Implementation of BackgroundStrategy using a fixed background signal value as the threshold |
CHasUB | HasUB : Determine if a workspace has a UB matrix on any of it's samples |
CICluster | ICluster : Abstract cluster |
CImplClusterRegister | |
Cindex | Peak indexing algorithm, which works by assigning multiple possible HKL values to each peak and then culling these options by comparison with neighbouring peaks |
CIndexPeaks | Implements an algorithm for indexing main and satellites peaks in single crystal peaks |
CIndexSXPeaks | |
CIntegratePeaksHybrid | IntegratePeaksHybrid : Integrate single crystal peaks algorithm |
CIntegratePeaksUsingClusters | IntegratePeaksUsingClusters : Uses clustering to integrate peaks |
CIntegratePeakTimeSlices | |
CLoadHKL | LoadHKL : Load an ISAW-style .hkl file into a PeaksWorkspace |
CLoadIsawPeaks | Load an ISAW-style .peaks or .integrate file into a PeaksWorkspace |
CLoadIsawSpectrum | Load incident spectrum and detector efficiency correction file |
CLoadIsawUB | Algorithm to load an ISAW-style ASCII UB matrix and lattice parameters file, and place its information into a workspace |
CMaskPeaksWorkspace | Find the offsets for each detector |
CModulationProperties | Tie together the names of the properties for the modulation vectors |
CNormaliseVanadium | Calculates anvred correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a spherical sample |
COptimizeCrystalPlacement | OptimizeCrystalPlacement |
COptimizeLatticeForCellType | Find the offsets for each detector |
COrEnabledWhenProperties | |
CPeakBackground | PeakBackground : Extension of HardThresholdBackground to consider regions of the image as background if they are outside the peaks radius limits (no mater what their theshold is) |
CPeakCandidate | |
CPeakClusterProjection | PeakClusterProjection : Maps peaks onto IMDHistoWorkspaces and returns the signal value at the peak center |
CPeakHKLErrors | |
CPeakIntegration | Find the offsets for each detector |
CPeakIntensityVsRadius | Calculate the integrated intensity of peaks vs integration radius |
CPeaksInRegion | PeaksInRegion : Find peaks that are either inside a box region, or that have a radius of sufficent size, that they intersect the box |
CPeaksIntersection | PeaksIntersection : Abstract base algorithm class for algorithms that identify peaks interacting with one or more surfaces i.e |
CPeaksOnSurface | PeaksOnSurface : Check peak workspace interaction with a single surface |
CPredictFractionalPeaks | Using a set of offset vectors, either provided as separate lists or as a set of vectors, predict whether |
CPredictPeaks | Using a known crystal lattice and UB matrix, predict where single crystal peaks should be found in detector/TOF space |
CPredictSatellitePeaks | PredictSatellitePeaks : Algorithm to create a PeaksWorkspace with peaks corresponding to fractional h,k,and l values |
CSaveHKL | Save a PeaksWorkspace to a Gsas-style ASCII .hkl file |
CSaveIsawPeaks | Save a PeaksWorkspace to a ISAW-style ASCII .peaks file |
CSaveIsawUB | Algorithm to save a UB matrix and lattice parameters to an ISAW-style ASCII file |
CSaveLauenorm | Save a PeaksWorkspace to a lauenorm format |
CSCDCalibratePanels | SCDCalibratePanels calibrates instrument parameters for Rectangular Detectors |
CSCDCalibratePanels2 | SCDCalibratePanels2 : Using input peakworkspace with indexation results to calibrate each individual panels |
CSCDCalibratePanels2ObjFunc | SCDCalibratePanels2ObjFunc : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSCDPanelErrors | |
CSelectCellOfType | ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell |
CSelectCellWithForm | ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell |
CSetCrystalLocation | SetCrystalLocation |
CSetGoniometer | Define the goniometer used in an experiment by giving the axes and directions of rotations |
CSetSpecialCoordinates | SetSpecialCoordinates : |
CSetUB | SetUB : Algorithm to set the UB matrix, given lattice parameters and u and v vectors as defined in: |
CShowPeakHKLOffsets | |
CShowPossibleCells | ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell |
CSortHKL | Save a PeaksWorkspace to a Gsas-style ASCII .hkl file |
CSortPeaksWorkspace | SortPeaksWorkspace : Sort a PeaksWorkspace by a range of properties |
CStatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace | Statistics of a PeaksWorkspace |
CTransformHKL | TransformHKL : Algorithm to adjust the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, so the HKL values are reordered or otherwise transformed |
►NCurveFitting | |
►NAlgorithms | |
CCalculateChiSquared | Calculate chi squared for a function and a data set in a workspace |
CCalculateCostFunction | Calculate cost function for a function and a data set in a workspace |
CChiSlice | Helper class to calculate the chi squared along a direction in the parameter space |
CConvertToYSpace | Takes a workspace with X axis in TOF and converts it to Y-space where the transformation is defined by equation (7) in |
CConvolutionFit | ConvolutionFit : Performs a QENS convolution fit |
CConvolveWorkspaces | Convolution of two workspaces |
CDetectorParams | Simple data structure to store nominal detector values It avoids some functions taking a huge number of arguments |
CDoublePulseFit | A function to fit muon data from a double pulse source |
CEstimateFitParameters | Estimate parameters of a fitting function using a Monte Carlo algorithm |
CEstimatePeakErrors | |
CEvaluateFunction | Evaluate a function (1D or MD) on a domain of an input workspace and save the result in the output workspace |
CFit | A generic fitting algorithm |
CFit1D | Deprecation notice: instead of using this algorithm please use the Fit algorithm instead |
CFitData | Structure to contain least squares data and used by GSL |
CFitPowderDiffPeaks | FitPowderDiffPeaks : Fit peaks in powder diffraction pattern |
CInputSpectraToFit | |
CIqtFit | |
CJacobianImpl | The implementation of Jacobian |
CLeBailFit | |
CLeBailFunction | LeBailFunction : LeBailFunction is to calculate peak intensities in a composite function including neutron peak and background functions |
CNormaliseByPeakArea | |
CParameter | LeBailFit : Algorithm to do Le Bail Fit |
CPawleyFit | This algorithm uses the Pawley-method to refine lattice parameters using a powder diffractogram and a list of unique Miller indices |
CPlotPeakByLogValue | Takes a workspace group and fits the same spectrum in all workspaces with the same function |
CProfileChiSquared1D | Profiles chi2 about its minimum to find parameter errors |
CQENSFitSequential | QENSFitSequential - Performs a sequential QENS fit |
CQENSFitSimultaneous | QENSFitSimultaneous - Algorithm for performing a simultaneous QENS fit |
CRefinePowderInstrumentParameters | RefinePowderInstrumentParameters : Algorithm to refine instrument geometry parameters only |
CRefinePowderInstrumentParameters3 | RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3 : |
►CSplineBackground | SplineBackground |
CbSplinePointers | Struct holding various pointers required by GSL |
CSplineInterpolation | Takes two workspaces as input |
CSplineSmoothing | Takes a 2D workspace and produces an output workspace containing a smoothed version of the data by selecting a number of points to define a spline for each histogram in the workspace |
CV3DFromHKLColumnExtractor | Small helper class to extract HKLs as V3D from table columns |
►CVesuvioCalculateGammaBackground | |
CFoilInfo | Hold information about a single foil |
►CVesuvioCalculateMS | Calculates the multiple scattering & total scattering contributions for a flat-plate or cylindrical sample |
CComptonNeutronAtom | |
CSampleComptonProperties | |
►NConstraints | |
CBoundaryConstraint | A boundary constraint is designed to be used to set either upper or lower (or both) boundaries on a single parameter |
►NCostFunctions | |
CCostFuncFitting | A semi-abstract class for a cost function for fitting functions |
CCostFuncLeastSquares | Cost function for least squares |
CCostFuncPoisson | CostFuncPoisson : Implements a cost function for fitting applications using a Poisson measure |
CCostFuncRwp | Cost function for Rwp = (sum_i (( obs_i - cal_i )/sigma_i)**2 ) / (sum_i (obs_i/sigma_i)**2) |
CCostFuncUnweightedLeastSquares | In contrast to CostFuncLeastSquares, this variant of the cost function assumes that there are no weights attached to the values, so all observations will have unit weights |
►NFuncMinimisers | |
CBFGS_Minimizer | Implementing Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CDampedGaussNewtonMinimizer | Implements a Gauss-Newton minimization algorithm with damping for use with least squares cost function |
CDerivMinimizer | A wrapper around the GSL functions implementing a minimizer using derivatives |
CFABADAMinimizer | FABADA : Implements the FABADA Algorithm, based on a Adaptive Metropolis Algorithm extended with Gibbs Sampling |
CFRConjugateGradientMinimizer | Implementing Fletcher-Reeves flavour of the conjugate gradient algorithm by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CLevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer | Implementing Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm |
CLevenbergMarquardtMinimizer | Implementing Levenberg-Marquardt by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CMaleableCostFunction | Used to access the setDirty() protected member |
CPRConjugateGradientMinimizer | Implementing Polak-Ribiere flavour of the conjugate gradient algorithm by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CSimplexMinimizer | Implementing Simplex by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CSteepestDescentMinimizer | Implementing the steepest descent algorithm by wrapping the IFuncMinimizer interface around the GSL implementation of this algorithm |
CTrustRegionMinimizer | Trust Region minimizer class using the DTRS method of GALAHAD |
►NFunctions | |
NCrystalFieldUtils | |
CAbragam | Provide Abragam fitting function for muon scientists |
CActivationK | Provide Activation fit function for data in Kelvin interface to IFunction |
CActivationmeV | Provide Activation fit function for data in meV interface to IFunction |
CAsymmetricPearsonVII | Provides an implementation of the asymmetric PearsonVII function (sometimes it is also referred to as the split-PearsonVII function) |
CBackgroundFunction | A background function |
CBackToBackExponential | Provide BackToBackExponential peak shape function interface to IPeakFunction |
CBivariateNormal | Provide peak shape function interface a Peak shape on one time slice of a RectangularDetector |
CBk2BkExpConvPV | Bk2BkExpConvPV : Peak profile as tback-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-Voigt |
CBSpline | A wrapper around Eigen functions implementing a B-spline |
CChebfunBase | Base for function approximation with Chebyshev polynomials |
CChebyshev | Implements Chebyshev polynomial expansion |
CChudleyElliotSQE | Chudley-Elliots jump diffusion model |
CComptonPeakProfile | This implements a resolution function for fitting a single mass in a compton scattering spectrum |
CComptonProfile | This class serves as a base-class for ComptonProfile type functions |
CComptonScatteringCountRate | Implements a specialized function that encapsulates the combination of ComptonProfile functions that give the Neutron count rate |
►CConvolution | Performes convolution of two functions |
CHalfComplex | Class for helping to read the transformed data |
CConvTempCorrection | Temperature correction used in the convolution fitting tab within the IDA GUI |
CCriticalPeakRelaxationRate | Provide Critical peak of relaxation rate for fitting interface to IFunction |
CCrystalFieldControl | A function that controls creation of the source of CrystalFieldFunction |
CCrystalFieldFunction | Calculates crystal field spectra |
CCrystalFieldHeatCapacity | |
CCrystalFieldHeatCapacityBase | CrystalFieldHeatCapacity is a function that calculates the molar magnetic heat capacity (in J/K/mol) due to the splitting of electronic energy levels due to the crystal field |
CCrystalFieldHeatCapacityCalculation | |
CCrystalFieldMagnetisation | |
CCrystalFieldMagnetisationBase | CrystalFieldMagnetisation is a function that calculates the induced magnetic moment (in bohr magnetons per ion, Am^2 or erg/Gauss) as a function of applied external magnetic field (in Tesla or Gauss), for a particular crystal field splitting |
CCrystalFieldMagnetisationCalculation | |
CCrystalFieldMoment | |
CCrystalFieldMomentBase | CrystalFieldMoment is a function that calculates the induced magnetic moment (in bohr magnetons per ion, Am^2 or erg/Gauss) at some applied external magnetic field (in Tesla or Gauss) as a function of temperature (in Kelvin) for a particular crystal field splitting |
CCrystalFieldMomentCalculation | |
CCrystalFieldMultiSpectrum | Calculates crystal field spectra |
CCrystalFieldPeaks | CrystalFieldPeaks is a function that calculates crystal field peak positions and intensities |
CCrystalFieldPeaksBase | CrystalFieldPeaks is a function that calculates crystal field peak positions and intensities |
CCrystalFieldPeaksBaseImpl | |
CCrystalFieldPhysPropControl | |
CCrystalFieldSpectrum | Calculates crystal field spectrum |
CCrystalFieldSpectrumControl | |
CCrystalFieldSusceptibility | |
CCrystalFieldSusceptibilityBase | CrystalFieldSusceptibility is a function that calculates the molar magnetic susceptibility (in cm^3/mol or m^3/mol) due to the crystalline electric field |
CCrystalFieldSusceptibilityCalculation | |
►CCubicSpline | A wrapper around GSL functions implementing cubic spline interpolation |
CGSLFree | Functor to free a GSL objects in a shared pointer |
CDecoupAsymPowderMagLong | Provide Decoupling of asymmetry in the ordered state of a powdered magnet for fitting function interface to IFunction |
CDecoupAsymPowderMagRot | Provide Decoupling of asymmetry in the ordered state of a powdered magnet for fitting function interface to IFunction |
CDeltaFunction | Delta function |
CDiffRotDiscreteCircle | |
CDiffSphere | |
CDynamicKuboToyabe | Provide Dynamic Kubo Toyabe function interface to IFunction1D for muon scientists |
CElasticDiffRotDiscreteCircle | |
CElasticDiffSphere | Elastic part of the DiffSphere function |
CElasticIsoRotDiff | Elastic part of the DiffSphere function |
CEndErfc | Provide Errore function erfc()for calibrating the end of a tube |
CExpDecay | Provide exponential decay function: h*exp(-(x-c)/t) |
CExpDecayMuon | Provide exponential decay function: h*exp(-lambda.x) |
CExpDecayOsc | Provide oscillating exponential decay function: h*exp(-lambda.x)*(cos(2pi*f*x+phi)) |
CFickDiffusionSQE | Fick's law for diffusion |
CFlatBackground | FlatBackground : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFullprofPolynomial | FullprofPolynomial : Polynomial background defined in Fullprof |
CFunctionQDepends | This is a specialization of IFunction1D for functions having the magnitude of the momentum transfer (Q) as attribute |
CGausDecay | Provide gaussian decay function: A*exp(-(sigma.x)^2)) |
CGausOsc | Provide gaussian decay function: A*exp(-(sigma.x)^2)) |
CGaussian | Provide gaussian peak shape function interface to IPeakFunction |
CGaussianComptonProfile | Implements a function to calculate the Compton profile of a nucleus using a Gaussian approximation convoluted with an instrument resolution function that is approximated by a Voigt function |
CGramCharlier | Implements a Gram-Charlier A series expansion |
CGramCharlierComptonProfile | Implements a function to calculate the Compton profile of a nucleus using a Gram-Charlier approximation convoluted with an instrument resolution function that is approximated by a Voigt function |
CHallRossSQE | Hall-Ross jump diffusion model |
CIkedaCarpenterPV | Provide Ikeda-Carpenter-pseudo-Voigt peak shape function interface to IPeakFunction |
CInelasticDiffRotDiscreteCircle | |
CInelasticDiffSphere | Inelastic part of the DiffSphere function |
CInelasticIsoRotDiff | Inelastic part of the IsoRotDiff function |
CIsoRotDiff | |
CKeren | Keren : Keren fitting function for muon scientists |
CLinearBackground | Provide linear function interface to IFunction |
ClinearJ | Simple structure to hold a linear interpolation of factor J around its numerical divergence point |
CLogNormal | Provide Log Normal function: h*exp(-(log(x)-t)^2 / (2*b^2) )/x |
CLorentzian | Provide lorentzian peak shape function interface to IPeakFunction |
CMagneticOrderParameter | Provide Magnetic Order Paramtere fit function interface to IFunction |
CMultivariateGaussianComptonProfile | |
CMuonFInteraction | Provide Muon F Interaction fitting function |
CMuoniumDecouplingCurve | Provide Muonium-style decoupling curve function interface to IFunction |
CNeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt | NeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt : Back-to-back exponential function convoluted with pseudo-voigt for epithermal neutron TOF |
CPawleyFunction | The Pawley approach to obtain lattice parameters from a powder diffractogram works by placing peak profiles at d-values (which result from the lattice parameters and the Miller indices of each peak) and fitting the total profile to the recorded diffractogram |
CPawleyParameterFunction | This function is used internally by PawleyFunction to hold the unit cell parameters as well as the ZeroShift parameter |
CPeakParameterFunction | PeakParameterFunction : |
CPolynomial | Polynomial : N-th polynomial background function |
CPowerLaw | Provide Power Law function interface to IFunction |
CProcessBackground | ProcessBackground : Process background obtained from LeBailFit |
CProductFunction | Allow user to create a fit function which is the product of two or more other fit functions |
CProductLinearExp | ProductLinearExp : Function that evauates the product of an exponential and linear function |
CProductQuadraticExp | ProductQuadraticExp : Function that evauates the product of an exponential and quadratic function |
CPseudoVoigt | PseudoVoigt |
CQuadratic | Provide quadratic function interface to IFunction |
CReflectivityMulf | ReflectivityMulf : Calculate the ReflectivityMulf from a simple layer model |
CRemovePeaks | |
CResolution | Resolution function |
CResolutionParams | Simple data structure to store resolution parameter values It avoids some functions taking a huge number of arguments |
CSimpleChebfun | SimpleChebfun : approximates smooth 1d functions and provides methods to manipulate them |
CSmoothTransition | Provide Smooth Transition function interface to IFunction |
CStaticKuboToyabe | Provide static Kubo Toyabe fitting function |
CStaticKuboToyabeTimesExpDecay | StaticKuboToyabeTimesExpDecay fitting function |
CStaticKuboToyabeTimesGausDecay | StaticKuboToyabeTimesGausDecay fitting function |
CStaticKuboToyabeTimesStretchExp | StaticKuboToyabeTimesStretchExp fitting function |
CStretchExp | Provide Streteched Exponential fitting function: h*exp(-(x/t)^b ) |
CStretchExpMuon | Provide stetch exponential function for Muon scientists |
CTabulatedFunction | A function which takes its values from a file or a workspace |
CTeixeiraWaterSQE | Teixeira's model to describe the translational diffusion of water |
CThermalNeutronBk2BkExpAlpha | ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpAlpha : Function to calculate Alpha of Bk2Bk Exponential function from Thermal Neutron Function's Alph0, Alph1, Alph0t, Alph1t, Dtt1, and etc |
CThermalNeutronBk2BkExpBeta | ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpBETA : Function to calculate Beta of Bk2Bk Exponential function from Thermal Neutron Function's beta0, Alph1, Alph0t, Alph1t, Dtt1, and etc |
CThermalNeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt | ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt : Back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo Voigt for thermal neutron and epithermal neutron TOF |
CThermalNeutronBk2BkExpSigma | ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpSIGMA : Function to calculate Sigma of Bk2Bk Exponential function from Thermal Neutron Function's Sig0, Sig1, Sig2, Width and etc |
CThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction | ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CUserFunction | A user defined function |
CUserFunction1D | Deprecation notice: instead of using this algorithm please use the Fit algorithm where the Function parameter of this algorithm is used to specified the fitting function |
CVesuvioResolution | Calculate the resolution from a workspace of Vesuvio data using the mass & instrument definition |
CVoigt | Implements an analytical approximation to the Voigt function |
Cxnlc | Structure to hold info on Volino's coefficients |
►NMSVesuvioHelper | |
CRandomVariateGenerator | |
CSimulation | |
CSimulationAggregator | |
CSimulationWithErrors | |
NMuonHelper | |
►NNLLS | |
Call_eig_symm_work | Workspace for subroutine allEigSymm |
Cevaluate_model_work | Workspace for subroutine evaluateModel |
Cget_svd_J_work | Workspace for subroutine getSvdJ |
Cmax_eig_work | Workspace for subroutine max_eig |
Cmin_eig_symm_work | Workspace for subroutine min_eig_work |
Cnlls_inform | Inform derived type with component defaults |
Cnlls_options | |
CNLLS_workspace | All workspaces called from the top level |
Csolve_general_work | Workspace for subroutine solve_general |
Csolve_LLS_work | Workspace for subroutine solve_LLS |
►NParameterEstimator | |
CLinearFunction | A linear function |
NSpecialFunctionSupport | |
CAugmentedLagrangianOptimizer | Implements the Augmented Lagrangian optimization method of Birgin & Martinez |
CComplexMatrix | A complex-valued matrix for linear algebra computations |
CComplexVector | A complex-valued vector for linear algebra computations |
CCrystalFieldEnergies | CrystalFieldEnergies : Calculates crystal field energies and wave functions for rare earth ions given the field parameters |
CEigenJacobian | Two implementations of Jacobian |
CEigenMatrix | A wrapper around Eigen::Matrix |
CEigenMatrix_View | |
CEigenVector | A wrapper around Eigen::Vector |
CEigenVector_View | |
CExcludeRangeFinder | ExcludeRangeFinder : Helper clss that finds if a point should be excluded from fit |
CFitMW | Creates FunctionDomain1D form a spectrum in a MatrixWorkspace |
CFortranMatrix | FortranMatrix is a wrapper template for EigenMatrix and EigenComplexMatrix to simplify porting fortran programs to C++ |
CFortranVector | FortranVector is a wrapper template for EigenVactor and EigenComplexVector to simplify porting fortran programs to C++ |
CFunctionDomain1DSpectrumCreator | FunctionDomain1DSpectrumCreator : |
CGeneralDomainCreator | GeneralDomainCreator: |
CGSL_FitData | Various GSL specific functions used GSL specific minimizers |
CHalfComplex | Class for helping to read the transformed data |
CHistogramDomainCreator | HistogramDomainCreator: |
CIFittingAlgorithm | A base class for fitting algorithms |
CIMWDomainCreator | A base class for domain creators taking 1D data from a spectrum of a matrix workspace |
CJacobian | An implementation of Jacobian using std::vector |
CJacobianImpl1 | The implementation of Jacobian |
CLatticeDomainCreator | LatticeDomainCreator |
CLatticeFunction | LatticeFunction |
CMultiDomainCreator | Creates a composite domain |
CParDomain | An implementation of SeqDomain for parallel cost function and derivatives computation |
CSeqDomain | An implementation of CompositeDomain |
CSeqDomainSpectrumCreator | SeqDomainSpectrumCreator : |
CTableWorkspaceDomainCreator | |
►NDataHandling | |
►NTar | |
CEntryHeader | |
►CFile | |
CFileInfo | |
CEventAssigner | |
CEventAssignerFixedWavelength | |
CEventCounter | |
CEventFileHeader_Base | |
CEventFileHeader_Packed | |
CEventProcessor | |
CFastReadOnlyFile | |
CProgressTracker | Helper class to keep track of progress |
►NAxisHelper | |
CAxisProxy | |
CBinEdgeAxisProxy | |
►NEMU | |
CEventAssigner | |
CEventCounter | |
CEventProcessor | |
NGeometryArgs | Provate namespace storing geometry args |
NH5Util | |
NLoadGeometry | Common methods for LoadInstrument.cpp and LoadEmptyInstrument.cpp |
NLoadHelper | LoadHelper : Auxiliary functions for Loading Files |
NLoadISISNexusHelper | |
►NLoadNexusMonitorsAlg | Load Monitors from NeXus files |
CMonitorInfo | |
►NMuonNexus | |
CSampleInformation | |
NNeXusEntry | |
NNXcanSAS | |
►NPLN | |
CEventAssigner | |
CEventCounter | |
CEventProcessor | |
CSimpleHist | |
NPropertyNames | Private namespace storing property name strings |
NSEArgs | Private namespace storing sample environment args |
NShapeArgs | Private namespace storing sample environment args |
CApplyDiffCal | ApplyDiffCal : |
CAvrgDetector | Helper class-collection to keep together the parameters, which characterize average composite detector and help to calculate these parameters |
CCheckMantidVersion | CheckMantidVersion : Checks if the current version of Mantid is the most recent |
CChopperConfiguration | |
CCoincidenceEvent | A detected neutron |
CCompressEvents | Compress an EventWorkspace by lumping together events with very close TOF value, while ignoring the event's pulse time |
CCreateChunkingFromInstrument | CreateChunkingFromInstrument : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CCreatePolarizationEfficiencies | CreatePolarizationEfficiencies |
CCreatePolarizationEfficienciesBase | CreatePolarizationEfficienciesBase - the base class for algorithms that create polarization efficiency workspaces: |
CCreateSampleShape | This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions |
CCreateSimulationWorkspace | |
CDasEvent | Structure that matches the form in the binary event list |
CDataBlock | DataBlock: The DataBlock class holds information about a contiguous block of spectrum numbers |
CDataBlockComposite | DataBlockComposite: The DataBlockComposite handles a collection of DataBlocks |
CDataBlockGenerator | DataBlockGenerator: The DataBlockGenerator class provides increasing int64_t numbers from a collection of intervals which are being input into the generator at construction |
CDefaultEventLoader | Helper class for LoadEventNexus that is specific to the current default loading code for NXevent_data entries in Nexus files, in particular LoadBankFromDiskTask and ProcessBankData |
CDefineGaugeVolume | This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions |
CDeleteTableRows | Deletes a row from a TableWorkspace |
CDetectorWord | Holds the 128 bit words from the detector |
CDetermineChunking | |
CDetParameters | Small helper class-holder used to precalculate the detectors parameters in spherical coordinate system |
CDownloadFile | DownloadFile : Downloads a file from a url to the file system |
CDownloadInstrument | DownloadInstrument : Downloads one or more instrument files to the local instrument cache from the instrument repository |
CEventUnion | Is able to hold all versions of the data words in the same memory location |
CEventWorkspaceCollection | EventWorkspaceCollection : Collection of EventWorspaces to give backward-forward compatibility around performing operations on groups |
CExtractMonitorWorkspace | Looks for an internally-stored monitor workspace on the input workspace and sets it as the output workspace if found |
CExtractPolarizationEfficiencies | Looks for a parameter in the parameter file that stores polarization efficiencies to be used with the polarization correction algorithm (PolarizationEfficienciesCor) |
CFileTypeDescriptor | Description of the ASCII data header, common for all ASCII PAR and PHX files |
CFilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus | A data loading and splitting routine for SNS pre-nexus event files |
CFindDetectorsInShape | An algorithm for finding which detectors are contained within a user defined shape within the instrument |
CFindDetectorsPar | |
CFITSInfo | |
CGenerateGroupingPowder | GenerateGroupingPowder : Generate grouping file and par file, for powder scattering |
CGenericEvent | Generic event to separate bits |
CgetWithoutMonitors | To be used with std::generate to copy only those values from a dataset that don't relate to monitors |
CGroupDetectors | An algorithm for grouping detectors and the spectra associated with them into a single DetectorGroup and spectrum |
►CGroupDetectors2 | An algorithm for grouping detectors and their associated spectra into single spectra and DetectorGroups |
CRangeHelper | Function that expands pairs of integers separated with a hyphen into a list of all the integers between those values |
CHashV3DPair | |
CheaderData | |
CIntermediateEvent | Structure used as an intermediate for parallel processing of events |
CInvalidLogPeriods | Custom exception extending std::invalid_argument Thrown when nperiods does not match period_log Custom exception so we can re-propagate this error and handle all other errors |
CISampleEnvironmentSpecFinder | Interface for a class responsible for finding a specification based on a name |
CISISDataArchive | This class is for searching the ISIS data archive |
CISISJournal | ISISJournal: Helper class to aid in fetching ISIS specific run information from journal files |
CISISJournalGetExperimentRuns | ISISJournalGetExperimentRuns obtains a list of runs and related information for an investigation and cycle |
CISISRunLogs | Defines a class to aid in creating ISIS specific run logs for periods, status etc |
CJoinISISPolarizationEfficiencies | JoinISISPolarizationEfficiencies : Joins reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors to form a single matrix workspace |
CLoad | Loads a workspace from a data file |
CLoadAscii | Loads a workspace from an ascii file |
CLoadAscii2 | Loads a workspace from an ascii file |
CLoadAsciiStl | |
CLoadBankFromDiskTask | This task does the disk IO from loading the NXS file, and so will be on a disk IO mutex |
►CLoadBBY | |
CInstrumentInfo | |
CLoadBinaryStl | |
CLoadCalFile | Algorithm to load a 5-column ascii .cal file into up to 3 workspaces: a GroupingWorkspace, OffsetsWorkspace and/or MaskWorkspace |
CLoadCanSAS1D | This algorithm loads 1 CanSAS1d xml file into a workspace |
CLoadCanSAS1D2 | This algorithm loads 1 CanSAS1d xml file into a workspace |
CLoadDaveGrp | Reads the DAVE grouped ASCII format into a workspace |
►CLoadDetectorInfo | |
CDetectorInfo | Simple data holder for passing the detector info around when dealing with the NeXus data |
CLoadDetectorsGroupingFile | LoadDetectorsGroupingFile |
CLoadDiffCal | LoadDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
►CLoadDNSEvent | LoadDNSEvent |
CBufferHeader | |
CCompactEvent | |
CEventAccumulator | |
CNeutronEvent | |
CTriggerEvent | |
CLoadDspacemap | Loads a Dspacemap file (POWGEN binary, VULCAN binary or ascii format) into an OffsetsWorkspace |
CLoadEmptyInstrument | Loads an instrument definition file into a workspace, with the purpose of being able to visualise an instrument without requiring to read in a ISIS raw datafile first |
CLoadEMU | |
CLoadEMUHdf | LoadEMUHdf : Loads an ANSTO EMU Hdf and linked event file into a workspace |
CLoadEMUTar | LoadEMUTar : Loads a merged ANSTO EMU Hdf and event file into a workspace |
CLoadEventNexus | Load Event Nexus files |
CLoadEventNexusIndexSetup | Helper for LoadEventNexus dealing with setting up indices (spectrum numbers an detector ID mapping) for workspaces |
CLoadEventPreNexus2 | A data loading routine for SNS pre-nexus event files |
CLoadFITS | LoadFITS: Load one or more of FITS files into a Workspace2D |
CLoadFullprofResolution | LoadFullprofResolution : Load Fullprof resolution (.irf) file to TableWorkspace(s) |
CLoadGroupMapFile | Class used to load a grouping information from .map file |
CLoadGroupXMLFile | |
CLoadGSASInstrumentFile | LoadGSASInstrumentFile : Load GSAS instrument file to TableWorkspace(s) |
CLoadGSS | Loads a file as saved by SaveGSS |
CLoadHFIRSANS | This algorithm loads a SPICE2D file for HFIR SANS into a workspace |
CLoadIDFFromNexus | DataHandling/LoadIDFFromNexus.h |
►CLoadILLDiffraction | LoadILLDiffraction : Loads ILL diffraction nexus files |
CScannedVariables | |
CLoadILLIndirect2 | Loads an ILL IN16B nexus file into a Mantid workspace |
CLoadILLPolarizationFactors | LoadILLPolarizationFactors : Load reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors from disk |
CLoadILLPolarizedDiffraction | LoadILLPolarizedDiffraction : Loads ILL polarized diffraction nexus files from instrument D7 |
CLoadILLReflectometry | LoadILLReflectometry : Loads an ILL reflectometry Nexus data file |
CLoadILLSALSA | Loads an ILL SALSA NeXus file into a Mantid workspace |
►CLoadILLSANS | LoadILLSANS; supports D11, D22 and D33 (TOF/monochromatic) |
CDetectorPosition | |
CLoadILLTOF2 | Loads an ILL IN4/5/6/Panther NeXus file into a Mantid workspace |
CLoadInstrument | Loads instrument data from an XML or Nexus instrument description file and adds it to a workspace |
CLoadInstrumentFromNexus | DataHandling/LoadInstrumentFromNexus.h |
CLoadInstrumentFromRaw | DataHandling/LoadInstrumentFromRaw.h |
►CLoadIsawDetCal | Find the offsets for each detector |
CComponentScaling | |
►CLoadISISNexus2 | Loads a file in a NeXus format and stores it in a 2D workspace |
CSpectraBlock | Spectra block descriptor |
CLoadISISPolarizationEfficiencies | LoadISISPolarizationEfficiencies : Load reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors from disk |
CLoadLLB | LoadLLB : Loads an LLB MIBEMOL TOF NeXus file into a Workspace2D with the given name |
CLoadLog | Load ISIS log file(s) |
CLoadMappingTable | Loads the mapping table between spectra and IDetector from a raw file |
CLoadMask | LoadMask : Load masking file to generate a SpecialWorkspace2D object (masking workspace) |
CLoadMcStas | LoadMcStas : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CLoadMcStasNexus | LoadMcStasNexus : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CLoadMLZ | LoadMLZ : Loads MLZ nexus or hdf file into a Mantid workspace |
CLoadMuonLog | Load ISIS Muon log data from a NeXus file |
CLoadMuonNexus | It is a base class for loaders for versions 1 and 2 of the muon nexus file format |
CLoadMuonNexus1 | |
CLoadMuonNexus2 | Loads an file in NeXus Muon format version 1 and 2 and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadMuonNexusV2 | Loads a file in the Nexus Muon format V2 and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadMuonNexusV2NexusHelper | |
CLoadMuonStrategy | |
CLoadNexus | Loads a file in NeXus format and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadNexusLogs | Loads the run logs from a NeXus file |
CLoadNexusMonitors | DataHandling/LoadNexusMonitors.h |
CLoadNexusMonitors2 | |
CLoadNexusProcessed | Loads a workspace from a NeXus Processed entry in a NeXus file |
CLoadNexusProcessed2 | LoadNexusProcessed2 : Second variation of LoadNexusProcess, built to handle ESS file specifics in addition to existing behaviour for standard Mantid Processed files |
CLoadNGEM | |
CLoadNXcanSAS | LoadNXcanSAS : Tries to load an NXcanSAS file type into a Workspace2D |
CLoadNXSPE | LoadNXSPE : Algorithm to load an NXSPE file into a workspace2D |
CLoadOff | |
CLoadParameterFile | DataHandling/LoadParameterFile.h |
CLoadPDFgetNFile | LoadPDFgetNFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CLoadPLN | LoadPLN : Loads an ANSTO PLN Hdf and linked event file into a workspace |
CLoadPreNexus | LoadPreNexus : Workflow algorithm to load a collection of preNeXus files |
CLoadPreNexusMonitors | |
CLoadPSIMuonBin | |
CLoadQKK | Loads a Quokka data file |
CLoadRaw3 | Loads an file in ISIS RAW format and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadRawBin0 | Loads bin zero for all spectra from ISIS RAW file and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadRawHelper | Helper class for LoadRaw algorithms |
CLoadRawSpectrum0 | Loads zeroth spectrum from ISIS RAW format file and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CLoadRKH | Loads an RKH file into a Mantid 1D workspace |
CLoadSampleDetailsFromRaw | An algorithm to extract the sample details from the SPB structure within a RAW file |
CLoadSampleEnvironment | Load Environment into the sample of a workspace, either replacing the current environment, or replacing it, you may also set the material |
CLoadSampleShape | Load Shape into an instrument of a workspace |
CLoadSassena | Load Sassena Output files |
CLoadSESANS | LoadSESANS : Load a workspace in the SESANS file format |
CLoadSingleMesh | |
CLoadSINQFocus | Loads an PSI nexus file into a Mantid workspace |
CLoadSNSspec | Loads a workspace from an SNS spec file |
CLoadSPE | Loads an SPE format file into a Mantid workspace |
CLoadSpec | Loads a workspace from an ascii file |
CLoadSpice2D | This algorithm loads a SPICE2D file for HFIR SANS into a workspace |
CLoadSpiceAscii | LoadSpiceAscii : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CLoadSpiceXML2DDet | LoadSpiceXML2DDet : Load 2D detector data in XML format form SPICE |
CLoadStl | |
CLoadStlFactory | |
CLoadSwans | LoadSwans : Test Loader to read data from the LDRD new SWANS detector |
CLoadTBL | Loads a table workspace from an ascii file in reflectometry tbl format |
CLoadTOFRawNexus | Loads a NeXus file that conforms to the TOFRaw instrument definition format and stores it in a 2D workspace |
CMantid3MFFileIO | Class to load and save .3mf files .3mf format is a 3D manufacturing format for storing mesh descriptions of multi-component objects + metadata about the overall model (eg scale) and the individual components |
CMaskDetectors | An algorithm to mask a detector, or set of detectors |
CMaskDetectorsInShape | An algorithm for finding masking detectors that are contained within a user defined shape within the instrument |
CMaskSpectra | Mask specified spectra and the underlying detectors in a workspace |
CMeshFileIO | |
CModifyDetectorDotDatFile | Modifies an ISIS detector dot data file, so that the detector positions are as in the given workspace |
CMoveInstrumentComponent | DataHandling/MoveInstrumentComponent.h |
CMultiPeriodLoadMuonStrategy | |
CNexusTester | NexusTester : debugging/performance testing algorithm for nexus file loading and saving |
CORNLDataArchive | Please see the .cpp file for more information |
CParallelEventLoader | Loader for event data from Nexus files with parallelism based on multiple processes (MPI or MultiProcessing) for performance |
CPatchBBY | |
CPDLoadCharacterizations | LoadPDCharacterizations : Load a characterization file used in Powder Diffraction Reduction |
CProcessBankData | This task does the disk IO from loading the NXS file, and so will be on a disk IO mutex |
CPropertyInfo | |
CPulse | Structure that matches the form in the new pulseid files |
CRawFileInfo | An algorithm to extract pertinent information about a RAW file without loading the data |
►CReadMaterial | This class contains code for interpreting a material input for SetSampleMaterial, validating the parameters before sending them on to MaterialBuilder |
CMaterialParameters | This struct contains the parameters for constructing a material, and gives them a default value for ease of testing |
CRemoveLogs | Load ISIS log file(s) |
CRenameLog | RenameLog : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CRotateInstrumentComponent | DataHandling/RotateInstrumentComponent.h |
CRotateSource | RotateSource : Moves the source by a given angle taking into account the handedness |
CSampleEnvironmentFactory | Create a single instance of a SampleEnvironment |
CSampleEnvironmentSpec | Defines the properties of a named SampleEnvironment setup |
CSampleEnvironmentSpecFileFinder | Class responsible for finding a specifications on disk |
CSampleEnvironmentSpecParser | Read an XML definition of a SampleEnvironmentSpec and produce a new SampleEnvironmentSpec object |
CSaveAscii | Saves a workspace or selected spectra in a coma-separated ascii file |
CSaveAscii2 | Saves a workspace or selected spectra in a coma-separated ascii file |
CSaveBankScatteringAngles | |
CSaveCalFile | Algorithm to save a 5-column ascii .cal file from to 3 workspaces: a GroupingWorkspace, OffsetsWorkspace and/or MaskWorkspace |
CSaveCanSAS1D | |
CSaveCanSAS1D2 | This algorithm saves workspace into CanSAS1d format |
CSaveCSV | Saves a 1D or 2D workspace to a CSV file |
CSaveDaveGrp | |
CSaveDetectorsGrouping | SaveDetectorsGrouping : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSaveDiffCal | SaveDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSaveDiffFittingAscii | |
CSaveDspacemap | Saves an OffsetsWorkspace into a POWGEN-format binary dspace map file |
CSaveFITS | SaveFITS : Save images in FITS formats |
CSaveFocusedXYE | Saves a focused data set (usually output of a diffraction focusing routine but not exclusively) into a three column format containing X_i, Y_i, and E_i |
CSaveFullprofResolution | SaveFullprofResolution : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
►CSaveGDA | |
CCalibrationParams | |
CSaveGSASInstrumentFile | SaveGSASInstrumentFile : Convert Fullprof"s instrument resolution file
(.irf) to GSAS"s instrument file (.iparm/.prm) |
CSaveGSS | Saves a focused data set into a three column GSAS format containing X_i, Y_i*step, and E_i*step |
CSaveIsawDetCal | Saves an instrument with RectangularDetectors to an ISAW .DetCal file |
CSaveISISNexus | The SaveISISNexus algorithm will convert a RAW file to a NeXus file |
CSaveMask | SaveMaskingToFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSaveNexus | Saves a file in NeXus format and from a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class) |
CSaveNexusESS | SaveNexusESS : Save algorithm to save a NeXus organised hdf5 file containing data and geometry from reduced experiment for use at European Spallation Source |
CSaveNexusGeometry | |
CSaveNexusProcessed | DataHandling/SaveNexusProcessed.h |
CSaveNISTDAT | Writer for compatibility with SansView and NIST reduced data file format |
CSaveNXcanSAS | SaveNXcanSAS : Saves a reduced workspace in the NXcanSAS format |
CSaveNXSPE | Saves a workspace into a NeXus/HDF5 NXSPE file |
CSaveNXTomo | Saves a workspace into a NeXus/HDF5 NXTomo file |
CSaveOpenGenieAscii | |
CSavePAR | Saves a workspace into an ASCII PAR file |
CSaveParameterFile | SaveParameterFile : Save a workspace's parameters to an instrument parameter file |
CSavePDFGui | SavePDFGui : Saves a workspace containing a pair distrebution function in a format readable by the PDFgui package |
CSavePHX | Saves a workspace into an ASCII PHX file |
CSaveReflectometryAscii | Saves a file of desired (mft, txt, dat or custom) Ascii format from a 2D workspace |
CSaveRKH | Saves a workspace in the RKH file format |
CSaveRMCProfile | SaveRMCProfile : Saves a workspace containing a spectral density in a format readable by the RMCProfile package |
CSaveSampleEnvironmentAndShape | Save the Shape of the sample and environment into a single binary .stl file |
CSaveSESANS | SaveSESANS : Save a workspace in the SESANS file format |
CSaveSPE | Saves a workspace into an ASCII SPE file |
CSaveStl | Class to contain functionality for writing out STL files for SaveShapeAndEnvironment |
CSaveTBL | Saves a table workspace to a reflectometry tbl format ascii file |
►CSaveToSNSHistogramNexus | Save a Workspace2D or an EventWorkspace into a NeXus file whose format corresponds to that expected at the SNS |
Clink_to_make | |
CSaveVTK | Saves a 1D or 2D workspace using the vtk file format described in the "file
formats" document at |
CSetBeam | Set properties of the beam |
CSetSample | High-level interface for setting sample metadata on a workspace |
CSetSampleMaterial | This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions |
CSetScalingPSD | Read the scaling information from a file (e.g |
CSinglePeriodLoadMuonStrategy | |
CSNSAppendGeometryToNexus | SNSAppendGeometryToNexus : Appends geometry information to a NeXus file |
CSortTableWorkspace | SortTableWorkspace : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CSpiceXMLNode | |
CT0FrameEvent | Indicate time 0, the start of a new frame |
CtemperatureHeaderData | |
►CUpdateInstrumentFromFile | Update detector positions initially loaded in from Instrument Defintion File (IDF) from information in the provided files |
CAsciiFileHeader | Simple structure to store information about the ASCII file header |
CV3DTrueComparator | |
CVulcanCorrectionFactor | Structure of the vulcan binary file |
CXmlHandler | |
►NDataObjects | |
►Ndetail | Factory methods for creating MatrixWorkspaces |
CIsIndexInfo | |
CIsIndexInfo< Indexing::IndexInfo > | |
NFractionalRebinning | FractionalRebinning helper functionality, used by the Rebin2D algorithm |
NMDEventsTestHelper | Set of helper methods for testing MDEventWorkspace things |
CAffineMatrixParameter | Type to wrap an affine matrix and allow serialization via xml |
CAffineMatrixParameterParser | Parser for a parameter of type affinematrixparameter |
CBasePeak | Structure describing a single-crystal peak |
CBinaryOperator | An SpecialWorkspace2D is a specialized Workspace2D where the Y value at each pixel will be used for a special meaning |
CBoxControllerNeXusIO | The class responsible for saving events into nexus file using generic box controller interface Expected to provide thread-safe file access |
CCalculateReflectometry | Provides a common interface to Reflectometry Transform calculators |
CCalculateReflectometryKiKf | Class CalculateReflectometryKiKf: Calculation type for converting to ki or kf given a theta value (in degrees) and a wavelength |
CCalculateReflectometryP | Class CalculateReflectometryP: p-type transformation calculator |
CCalculateReflectometryQxQz | Converts from inputs of wavelength, incident theta and final theta to Qx and Qz for reflectometry experiments |
CcomparePulseTimeTOFDelta | |
CCoordTransformAffine | Generic class to transform from M input dimensions to N output dimensions |
CCoordTransformAffineParser | A parser for processing coordinate transform xml |
CCoordTransformAligned | Unique type declaration for which dimensions are used in the input workspace |
CCoordTransformDistance | Unique CoordCenterVectorParam type declaration for ndimensional coordinate centers |
CCoordTransformDistanceParser | A parser for processing coordinate transform xml |
CDetectorAngularCache | Simple container for porting detector angular information |
CEventAccessor | Structure to mark the classes, which can switch the "physical" meaning of the union used in MDLeanEvent to store coordinates or index |
CEventList | A class for holding : |
CEventSortingTask | Task for sorting an event list |
CEventWorkspace | This class is intended to fulfill the design specified in < WorkspaceDetailed Design Document.doc> |
CEventWorkspaceHelpers | A collection of functions that help for EventWorkspaces |
CEventWorkspaceMRU | This is a container for the MRU (most-recently-used) list of generated histograms |
CFakeMD | Provides a helper class to add fake data to an MD workspace |
CGroupingWorkspace | A GroupingWorkspace is a subclass of Workspace2D where each spectrum has a single number entry, the value of which signifies to which group that workspace index belongs |
CHistogram1D | 1D histogram implementation |
CIF | |
CIF< MDLeanEvent< nd >, nd > | |
CLeanElasticPeak | Structure describing a single-crystal peak |
CLeanElasticPeaksWorkspace | The class LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace stores information about a set of SCD lean peaks |
CLOOP | MDEventFactory : collection of methods to create MDLeanEvent* instances, by specifying the number of dimensions as a parameter |
CLOOP< 0 > | |
CMaskWorkspace | |
CMDBin | MDBin : Class describing a single bin in a dense, Multidimensional histogram |
CMDBox | Templated class for a multi-dimensional event "box" |
CMDBoxBase | Templated super-class of a multi-dimensional event "box" |
CMDBoxFlatTree | The class responsible for saving/loading MD boxes structure to/from HDD and for flattening/restoring the interconnected box structure (customized linked list) of MD workspace |
CMDBoxIterator | MDBoxIterator: iterate through MDBoxBase hierarchy down to a given maximum depth |
CMDBoxSaveable | Two classes responsible for implementing methods which automatically save/load MDBox in conjuction with DiskBuffer One class responsible for saving events into nexus and another one – for identifying the data positions in a file in conjuction with DB |
CMDDimensionStats | A simple class holding some statistics on the distribution of events in a particular dimension |
CMDEvent | Templated class holding data about a neutron detection event in N-dimensions (for example, Qx, Qy, Qz, E) |
CMDEventFactory | |
►CMDEventInserter | MDEventInserter : Helper class that provides a generic interface for adding events to an MDWorkspace without knowing whether the workspace is storing MDLeanEvents or full MDEvents |
CIntToType | Loki IntToType, used for template overload deduction |
CMDEventWorkspace | Templated class for the multi-dimensional event workspace |
CMDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem | MDFrameFromMDWorkspace: Each dimension of the MDWorkspace contains an MDFrame |
CMDGridBox | Templated class for a GRIDDED multi-dimensional event "box" |
CMDHistoWorkspace | MDHistoWorkspace: |
CMDHistoWorkspaceIterator | An implementation of IMDIterator that iterates through a MDHistoWorkspace |
►CMDLeanEvent | Templated class holding data about a neutron detection event in N-dimensions (for example, Qx, Qy, Qz, E) |
CAccessFor | Internal structure to avoid the direct exposing of API functions, which change the state of event (switch between union fields) |
CMementoTableWorkspace | Variation on the TableWorkspace with a set of pre-defined columns used to store diffs on Workspaces |
CNoShape | PeakShapeNone : No peak shape |
CNullDeleter | |
COffsetsWorkspace | An OffsetsWorkspace is a specialized Workspace2D where the Y value at each pixel is the offset to be used for correcting calculations (specifically AlignDetectors) |
CPeak | Structure describing a single-crystal peak |
CPeakColumn | PeakColumn : a Column sub-class used to display peak information as a TableWorkspace |
CPeakComparator | Comparator class for sorting peaks by one or more criteria |
CPeakNoShapeFactory | PeakNoShapeFactory : Factory method for types of NoShape |
CPeakShapeBase | PeakShapeBase : Base class for concrete PeakShapes containing common code |
CPeakShapeEllipsoid | PeakShapeEllipsoid : PeakShape representing a 3D ellipsoid |
CPeakShapeEllipsoidFactory | PeakShapeEllipsoidFactory : Create ellipsoid peak shapes |
CPeakShapeFactory | PeakShapeFactory : Factory for creating peak shapes |
CPeakShapeSpherical | PeakShapeSpherical : PeakShape for a spherical peak |
CPeakShapeSphericalFactory | PeakShapeSphericalFactory : Factory for spherical peak shapes for de-serializing from JSON |
CPeaksWorkspace | The class PeaksWorkspace stores information about a set of SCD peaks |
CRebinnedOutput | RebinnedOutput |
CReflectometryTransform | ReflectometryMDTransform : Base type for reflectometry transforms to MDWorkspaces |
CScanningWorkspaceBuilder | ScanningWorkspaceBuilder : This is a helper class to make it easy to build a scanning workspace (a workspace with moving detectors), where all the information about the scan is known in advance |
CSkipMaskedBins | Policy that indicates skipping of masked bins |
CSkipNothing | Policy that indicates no skipping should be applied |
CSkippingPolicy | SkippingPolicy : Policy types for skipping in MDiterators |
CSpecialWorkspace2D | |
CSplittersWorkspace | SplittersWorkspace : A TableWorkspace to contain TimeSplitters |
►CTableColumn | Class TableColumn implements abstract class Column for any copyable data type |
CInconvertibleToDoubleType | Helper struct helping to write a generic casting to double |
CTableColumn_ptr | Shared pointer to a column with automatic type cast and data type check |
CTableColumn_ptr< bool > | Special case of bool |
►CTableWorkspace | TableWorkspace is an implementation of Workspace in which the data are organised in columns of same size |
CFindName | Used in std::find_if algorithm to find a Column with name name |
CTypeWithMarker | This little class holds data and an index marker that is used for uniqueness |
CVectorColumn | VectorColumn : table column type capable of storing vectors of primitive types |
CWeightedEvent | Info about a single neutron detection event, including a weight and error value: |
CWeightedEventNoTime | Info about a single neutron detection event, including a weight and error value, but excluding the pulsetime to save memory: |
CWorkspace2D | Concrete workspace implementation |
CWorkspaceSingleValue | Concrete workspace implementation |
►NFrameworkTestHelpers | |
NJSONTestInstrumentBuilder | |
CFunctionChangesNParams | |
CMockONCatAPI | |
CMockTokenStore | |
CMultiDomainFunctionTest_Function | |
►NGeometry | |
NComponentHelper | A set of helper functions for dealing with components, i.e |
NComponentInfoBankHelpers | |
NConversion | |
NCoplanarChecks | |
►Ndetail | ShapeInfo : Stores shape types and information relevant to drawing the shape |
CGeometryTriangulator | GeometryTriangulator : Triangulates object surfaces |
►CShapeInfo | |
CConeGeometry | |
CCuboidGeometry | |
CCylinderGeometry | |
CHexahedronGeometry | |
CHollowCylinderGeometry | |
CSphereGeometry | |
NGroupFactory | |
►NMDAlgorithms | |
CMDBoxMaskFunction | |
NMeshObjectCommon | MeshObjectCommon : Performs functions common to 3D and 2D closed meshes |
NRandomPoint | |
NRasterize | |
NRenderingHelpers | |
NStructureFactorCalculatorFactory | |
CAbstractIDFObject | IDFObject : File object wrapper over an IDF file |
CAbstractSpaceGroupGenerator | AbstractSpaceGroupGenerator is used by SpaceGroupFactory to delay (possibly costly) construction of space group prototype objects until they are actually requested |
CAbstractSymmetryElementGenerator | SymmetryElementFactoryImpl does not generate SymmetryElement objects directly |
CAcomp | Holds a state point in the decision tree |
CAlgebra | Computes Boolean algebra for simplification |
CAlgorithmicSpaceGroupGenerator | Concrete space group generator that uses space group generators as given in ITA |
CAtomPositionsEqual | Equality-functor for comparison of atom positions with specifiable precision |
CAtomPositionsLessThan | Less-than-functor for comparison of atom positions with specifiable precision |
CBaseVisit | Adds the main |
CBnId | Tri-state variable |
CBoolValue | Rule Status class |
CBoundingBox | A simple structure that defines an axis-aligned cuboid shaped bounding box for a geometrical object |
CBraggScatterer | BraggScatterer is a general interface for representing scatterers in the unit cell of a periodic structure |
CBraggScattererFactoryImpl | |
CBraggScattererInCrystalStructure | This class provides an extension of BraggScatterer, suitable for scatterers that are part of a crystal structure |
CCenteringGroup | This class is mostly a convenience class |
CCenteringGroupCreatorImpl | Helper class to keep this out of the interface of CenteringGroup |
CCompAssembly | Class for Assembly of geometric components |
CCompGrp | Compemented Grup |
CCompObj | Compemented Object |
CComponent | Component is a wrapper for a Component which can modify some of its parameters, e.g |
►CComponentInfo | ComponentInfo : Provides a component centric view on to the instrument |
CQuadrilateralComponent | |
CComponentInfoItem | ComponentInfoItem Return type for ComponentInfoIterators |
CComponentInfoIterator | ComponentInfoIterator for random access iteration over ComponentInfo |
CComponentParser | This class implements the Poco SAX ContentHandler class for reading component XML |
CComponentPool | |
CComponentVisitor | ComponentVisitor : Visitor for IComponents |
CCompositeBraggScatterer | CompositeBraggScatterer accumulates scatterers, for easier calculation of structure factors |
CCompositeImplicitFunction | This class represents a composite implicit function used for communicating and implementing an operation against an MDWorkspace |
CConcretePeakTransformFactory | Concrete PeakTransformFactory producing PeakTransforms of type provided by type argument |
CCone | Holds a cone in vector form |
CContainer | Models a Container is used to hold a sample in the beam |
CConventionalCell | Instances of this class represent information about a selected conventional cell based on a specified UB for a Niggli reduced cell |
►CConvexPolygon | An implementation of a convex polygon |
CIterator | |
CCrystalStructure | Three components are required to describe a crystal structure: |
CCrystalSystemComparator | This is necessary to make the map work with older compilers |
CCSGObject | Constructive Solid Geometry object |
CCuboidCorners | |
CCyclicGroup | A cyclic group G has the property that it can be represented by powers of one symmetry operation S of order n: |
CCylinder | Holds a cylinder as a vector form |
CDetector | This class represents a detector - i.e |
CDetectorGroup | Holds a collection of detectors |
CDetectorInfo | Geometry::DetectorInfo is an intermediate step towards a DetectorInfo that is part of Instrument-2.0 |
CDetectorInfoItem | DetectorInfoItem |
CDetectorInfoIterator | DetectorInfoIterator for random access iteration over DetectorInfo |
CfindID | Helper unary comparison type for finding IMDDimensions by a specified id |
CfindIntegrated | Helper unary comparison type for finding non-integrated dimensions |
CFitParameter | Store information about a fitting parameter such as its value if it is constrained or tied |
CGeneral | Holds a general quadratic surface |
CGeneralFrame | GeneralFrame : Any MDFrame that isn't related to momemtum transfer |
CGeneralFrameFactory | GeneralFrameFactory derived MDFrameFactory type |
CGeometryHandler | Handles rendering of all object Geometry |
CGoniometer | Class to represent a particular goniometer setting, which is described by the rotation matrix |
CGoniometerAxis | Counter clockwise rotation |
CGridDetector | GridDetector is a type of CompAssembly, an assembly of components |
CGridDetectorPixel | GridrDetectorPixel: a sub-class of Detector that is one pixel inside a GridDetector |
CGroup | The class Group represents a set of symmetry operations (or symmetry group) |
CGroupTransformation | GroupTransformation |
CHexahedron | |
CHKL | HKL : HKL MDFrame |
CHKLFilter | HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterAnd | Logical "And"-operation for HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterBinaryLogicOperation | Base class for binary logic operations for HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterCentering | A class to filter HKLs according to a lattice centering |
CHKLFilterDRange | A class to filter HKLs by their d-values |
CHKLFilterNone | BasicHKLFilters |
CHKLFilterNot | Logical "Not"-operation for HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterOr | Logical "Or"-operation for HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterSpaceGroup | A class to filter HKLs according to a space group |
CHKLFilterStructureFactor | A class to filter HKLs according to structure factor magnitudes |
CHKLFilterUnaryLogicOperation | Base class for unary logic operations for HKLFilter |
CHKLFilterWavelength | HKLFilterWavelength |
CHKLFrameFactory | HKLFrame derived MDFrameFactory type |
►CHKLGenerator | HKLGenerator |
Cconst_iterator | The const_iterator class |
CICompAssembly | Class for Assembly of geometric components |
CIComponent | Base class for Geometric IComponent |
CIDetector | Interface class for detector objects |
CIDFObject | Concrete IDF Object |
CIMDDimension | The class describes one dimension of multidimensional dataset representing an orthogonal dimension and linear axis |
CIndexingUtils | This class contains static utility methods for indexing peaks and finding the UB matrix |
CInfoIteratorBase | InfoIterator |
CInstrument | Base Instrument Class |
►CInstrumentDefinitionParser | Creates an instrument data from a XML instrument description file |
CIdList | Structure for holding detector IDs |
CSphVec | Stripped down vector that holds position in terms of spherical coordinates, Needed when processing instrument definition files that use the 'Ariel format' |
CInstrumentRayTracer | This class is responsible for tracking rays and accumulating a list of objects that are intersected along the way |
CInstrumentVisitor | InstrumentVisitor : Visitor for components with access to Info wrapping features |
CIntersection | Combines two Rule objects in an intersection |
CIntersectionPoint | Stores a point of intersection along a track |
CIObjComponent | Object Component class, this class brings together the physical attributes of the component to the positioning and geometry tree |
CIObject | IObject : Interface for geometry objects |
CIPeak | Structure describing a single-crystal peak |
CIsotropicAtomBraggScatterer | IsotropicAtomBraggScatterer calculates the structure factor for a given HKL using the following equation, which gives the structure factor for the j-th atom in the unit cell: |
CIsotropicAtomBraggScattererParser | |
CLatticeSpacingCalculator | Small helper functor to calculate d-Values from a unit cell |
CLine | Impliments a line |
CLineIntersectVisit | Interset of Line with a surface |
CLink | For a leg of a track |
CMatrixVectorPair | MatrixVectorPair |
CMatrixVectorPairBuilder | |
CMatrixVectorPairParser | MatrixVectorPairParser |
CMDBoxImplicitFunction | General N-dimensional box implicit function: Defines a cuboid in N dimensions that is aligned with the axes of a MDEventWorkspace |
CMDDimensionExtents | Simple class that holds the extents (min/max) of a given dimension in a MD workspace or MDBox |
CMDFrame | MDFrame : The coordinate frame for a dimension, or set of dimensions in a multidimensional workspace |
CMDFrameArgument | Input argument type for MDFrameFactory chainable factory |
CMDFrameFactory | MDFrameFactory.h : Chain of repsonsibility factory for the MDFrameFactory |
CMDGeometryBuilderXML | |
CMDGeometryXMLDefinitions | This type contains definitions that will be found in the xml schema for the rebinning instructions, but must be used in code as part of the peristance/fetching routines |
CMDGeometryXMLParser | Handles the extraction of dimensions from a xml xml string to determine how mappings have been formed |
CMDHistoDimension | MDHistoDimension : |
CMDHistoDimensionBuilder | MDHistoDimensionBuilder : |
CMDImplicitFunction | An "ImplicitFunction" defining a hyper-cuboid-shaped region in N dimensions |
CMDPlane | A generalized description of a N-dimensional hyperplane |
CMDPlaneImplicitFunction | A general N-dimensional plane implicit function |
CMeshObject | Triangular Mesh Object |
►CMeshObject2D | MeshObject2D : |
CPlaneParameters | |
CNiggliCell | Class to implement UB matrix |
CNoDeleting | Void deleter for shared pointers |
CNoDimensionPolicy | |
CNullIDFObject | |
CNullImplicitFunction | This class represents a Null Implicit function |
CObjCompAssembly | Class for Assembly of geometric components |
CObjComponent | Object Component class, this class brings together the physical attributes of the component to the positioning and geometry tree |
COrientedLattice | Class to implement UB matrix |
CParameter | Base class for parameters of an instrument |
CParameterFactory | Creates parameters for the instrument ParameterMap |
CParameterMap | ParameterMap class |
CParameterType | Templated class for parameters of type Type |
CParComponentFactory | A Factory for creating Parameterized component from their respective non-parameterized objects |
CPeakShape | PeakShape : Abstract type to describes the shape of a peak |
CPeakTransform | Used to remap coordinates into a form consistent with an axis reordering |
CPeakTransformException | Exceptions occuring when PeakTransformations cannot be formed |
CPeakTransformFactory | Abstract type defining Factory Method interface for generating PeakTransforms |
CPeakTransformHKL | Used to remap coordinates into a form consistent with an axis reordering |
CPeakTransformQLab | Used to remap coordinates into a form consistent with an axis reordering |
CPeakTransformQSample | Used to remap coordinates into a form consistent with an axis reordering |
CPeakTransformSelector | Used to choose an appropriate PeakTransformFactory |
CPlane | Holds a simple Plane |
CPointGroup | A class containing the Point Groups for a crystal |
CPointGroupFactoryImpl | |
CPointGroupGenerator | |
CPolygonEdge | PolygonEdge Defines a directed edge between two points on a polygon |
CProductOfCyclicGroups | ProductOfCyclicGroups expands a bit on the explanations given in CyclicGroup |
CQLab | QLab : Q in the lab frame MDFrame |
CQLabFrameFactory | QLabFrameFactory derived MDFrameFactory type |
CQSample | QSample : Q in the sample frame |
CQSampleFrameFactory | QSampleFrameFactory derived MDFrameFactory type |
CQuadratic | Holds a basic quadratic surface |
CQuadrilateral | A ConvexPolygon with only 4 vertices |
CRaster | Holds the information used for doing numerical integrations of object in the beam |
CRectangularDetector | RectangularDetector is a type of CompAssembly, an assembly of components |
CReducedCell | Instances of this class represent information about reduced cell types including the transformation required to transform the reduced cell to a conventional cell |
CReferenceFrame | ReferenceFrame : Holds reference frame information from the geometry description file |
CReflectionCondition | A class containing the Reflection Condition for a crystal |
CReflectionConditionAFaceCentred | A-face centred ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionAllFaceCentred | All-face centred ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionBFaceCentred | B-face centred ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionBodyCentred | Body centred ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionCFaceCentred | C-face centred ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionHexagonallyReverse | Hexagonally centred, reverse ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionPrimitive | Primitive ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionRhombohedrallyObverse | Rhombohedrally centred, obverse ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionConditionRhombohedrallyReverse | Rhombohedrally centred, reverse ReflectionCondition |
CReflectionGenerator | ReflectionGenerator |
CRegisterConditions | |
CRegisterConditions< R, Args... > | |
CRegisterConditions<> | |
CRenderingMesh | RenderingMesh : Mesh abstraction required for rendering |
CRotaryCounter | Simple multilevel-cyclic counter |
CRule | Object generation rule tree |
CSampleEnvironment | Defines a single instance of a SampleEnvironment |
CScalarUtils | This class contains static utility methods for determining an orientation matrix corresponding to a conventional, given the orientation matrix corresponding to the Niggli reduced cell |
CShapeFactory | Class originally intended to be used with the DataHandling 'LoadInstrument' algorithm |
CSpaceGroup | A class for representing space groups, inheriting from Group |
CSpaceGroupFactoryImpl | |
CSphere | Holds a Sphere as vector form |
CStrictDimensionPolicy | |
CStructuredDetector | StructuredDetector is a type of CompAssembly, an assembly of components |
CStructureFactorCalculator | StructureFactorCalculator |
CStructureFactorCalculatorSummation | StructureFactorCalculatorSummation |
CSurface | Holds a basic quadratic surface |
CSurfaceFactory | Creates instances of Surfaces |
CSurfPoint | Surface leaf node |
CSymmetryElement | SymmetryElement is an interface for representing symmetry elements that occur for example in space and point groups |
CSymmetryElementFactoryImpl | This factory takes a SymmetryOperation and generates the corresponding SymmetryElement |
CSymmetryElementIdentity | SymmetryElementIdentity represents the identity |
CSymmetryElementIdentityGenerator | This implementation of AbstractSymmetryElementGenerator produces only identity elements |
CSymmetryElementInversion | SymmetryElementInversion represents the inversion |
CSymmetryElementInversionGenerator | This implementation of AbstractSymmetryElementGenerator produces only inversion elements |
CSymmetryElementMirror | SymmetryElementMirror represents mirror and glide-planes |
CSymmetryElementMirrorGenerator | SymmetryElementMirrorGenerator also inherits from SymmetryElementWithAxisGenerator |
CSymmetryElementRotation | SymmetryElementRotation represents rotation-, rotoinversion- and screw-axes |
CSymmetryElementRotationGenerator | SymmetryElementRotationGenerator inherits from SymmetryElementWithAxisGenerator, using its methods for determination of rotation axis and translations in case of screw axes |
CSymmetryElementTranslation | SymmetryElementTranslation represents translations |
CSymmetryElementTranslationGenerator | This implementation of AbstractSymmetryElementGenerator produces only translation elements |
CSymmetryElementWithAxis | SymmetryElementWithAxis does not represent any symmetry element directly |
CSymmetryElementWithAxisGenerator | SymmetryElementWithAxisGenerator does not create any elements directly, it serves as a base for SymmetryElementRotationGenerator and SymmetryAxisMirrorGenerator, which have in common that the axis of the symmetry element as well as any potential translations must be determined |
CSymmetryOperation | Crystallographic symmetry operations are composed of a rotational component, which is represented by a matrix and a translational part, which is described by a vector |
CSymmetryOperationFactoryImpl | A factory for symmetry operations |
CSymmetryOperationSymbolParser | This is a parser for symmetry operation symbols in the Jones faithful representation |
CTabulatedSpaceGroupGenerator | Concrete space group generator that constructs space groups from a list of symmetry operations with no further computations |
CTorus | Holds a torus in vector form |
CTrack | Defines a track as a start point and a direction |
CTransformationSpaceGroupGenerator | Concrete generator that generates a space group from another space group using a transformation |
CUnion | Combines two Rule objects in an union |
CUnitCell | Class to implement unit cell of crystals |
CUnitCellStringValidator | Helper class for validating unit cell strings |
CUnknownFrame | UnknownFrame : Unknown MDFrame |
CUnknownFrameFactory | Unknown Frame derived MDFrameFactory type |
CV3R | |
CvtkGeometryCacheReader | Reads the Geometry Cache from the file to the Object |
CvtkGeometryCacheWriter | Writes the Geometry from Object to Cache |
CXMLInstrumentParameter | This class is used to store information about parameters in XML instrument definition files and instrument parameter files, so that such parameters can be added to a workspace when appropriate |
NHistogram | |
NHistogramData | |
►NICat | |
CCatalogAlgorithmHelper | |
CCatalogDownloadDataFiles | CatalogDownloadDataFiles is responsible for downloading datafiles from a catalog |
CCatalogGetDataFiles | CatalogGetDataFiles obtains a list of datafiles and related information for an investigation |
CCatalogGetDataSets | This algorithm obtains the datasets for a given investigation record using the related ID |
CCatalogKeepAlive | CatalogKeepAlive is responsible for keeping a catalog alive based on the session information |
CCatalogListInstruments | This algorithm obtains a list of instruments types from the catalog |
CCatalogListInvestigationTypes | This algorithm obtains a list of investigation types from the catalog |
CCatalogLogin | This class is responsible for authentication of credentials against the catalog |
CCatalogLogout | CatalogLogout is responsible for logging out of a catalog based on session information provided by the user |
CCatalogMyDataSearch | This algorithm obtains all of the information for the investigations the logged in user is an investigator of |
CCatalogPublish | CatalogPublish is responsible for publishing user data to the data archive |
CCatalogSearch | This class is responsible for searching the catalog using the properties specified |
CCatalogSearchParam | This class is used in Catalog Search service to set/get all the inputs to search for |
CICat4Catalog | This class is responsible for the implementation of ICat4 version based information catalogs |
NIndexing | |
►NIndirectFitDataCreationHelper | |
CAreSpectraEqual | This is used to compare Spectra which is implemented as a boost::variant |
CSetUpADSWithWorkspace | Simple struct used to access features of the ADS No destructor so ensure you tearDown the ADS |
►NInstrumentation | |
►CAlgoTimeRegister | AlgoTimeRegister : simple class to dump information about executed algorithms |
CDump | |
CInfo | |
►NKernel | |
NChecksumHelper | ChecksumHelper : A selection of helper methods for calculating checksums |
NDateAndTimeHelpers | |
►NDetail | |
CIsEmpty | Defines the concept of emptiness |
Ndetail | |
►NException | The exception classes used by Mantid |
CAbsObjMethod | Exception for a call to an abstract class function |
CExistsError | Exception for when an item is already in a collection |
CFileError | Records the filename and the description of failure |
CFitSizeWarning | Exception thrown when a fitting function changes number of parameters during fit |
CIndexError | Exception for index errors |
CInstrumentDefinitionError | Exception for errors associated with the instrument definition |
CInternetError | Exception thrown when error occurs accessing an internet resource |
CMisMatch | Error when two numbers should be identical (or close) |
CNotFoundError | Exception for when an item is not found in a collection |
CNotImplementedError | Marks code as not implemented yet |
CNullPointerException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to dereference a null pointer |
COpenGLError | OpenGL Exception |
CParseError | Records the filename, the description of failure and the line on which it happened |
►NMath | |
►CSLSQPMinimizer | Minimize an objective function using the SLSQP optimization subroutine originally implemented by Dieter Kraft and ported to Python by scipy |
►CFunctionWrapper | Non-templated wrapper for objective function object to allow it to be stored without templating the class |
CBaseHolder | |
CTypeHolder | |
NMemoryOptions | |
►NMultiFileNameParsing | |
NRegexs | Regexs used to match / parse various strings |
CGenerateFileName | A functor that generates a vector of file names from the given vector of runs, and other state passed to it when constructed |
CParser | This class takes a string representing multiple files and parses it into a vector of vectors of file names |
CReverseCaselessCompare | Comparator for set that holds instrument names in Parser |
CRunRangeList | A class that holds a list of ranges of runs |
NPropertyNexus | Namespace with helper methods for loading and saving Property's (logs) to NXS files |
►Npwvjdetail | |
CJsonType | |
CJsonType< int > | |
CJsonType< long > | |
CJsonType< long long > | |
CJsonType< unsigned int > | |
CJsonType< unsigned long > | |
CJsonType< unsigned long long > | |
CToCpp | General type to convert a Json::Value to a set C++ type |
CToCpp< bool > | Specialization of ToCpp for bool |
CToCpp< double > | Specialization of ToCpp for double |
CToCpp< float > | Specialization of ToCpp for float |
CToCpp< int > | Specialization of ToCpp for int |
CToCpp< long > | Specialization of ToCpp for long |
CToCpp< long long > | Specialization of ToCpp for long long |
CToCpp< OptionalBool > | |
CToCpp< std::string > | Specialization of ToCpp for std::string |
CToCpp< std::vector< T > > | Specialization of ToCpp for std::vector |
CToCpp< unsigned int > | Specialization of ToCpp for unsigned int |
CToCpp< unsigned long long int > | Specialization of ToCpp for unsigned long long int |
NStrings | Holds support functions for strings |
►NUnits | The namespace for concrete units classes |
CAtomicDistance | Atomic Distance in Angstroms |
CDegrees | Degrees that has degrees as unit and "Scattering angle" as title |
CDeltaE | Energy transfer in milli-electronvolts |
CDeltaE_inFrequency | Energy transfer in units of frequency (MHz) |
CDeltaE_inWavenumber | Energy transfer in units of wavenumber (cm^-1) |
CdSpacing | D-Spacing in Angstrom |
CdSpacingPerpendicular | D-SpacingPerpendicular in Angstrom |
CEmpty | Empty unit |
CEnergy | Energy in milli-electronvolts |
CEnergy_inWavenumber | Absolute energy in units of wavenumber (cm^-1) |
CLabel | Label unit |
CMomentum | Momentum in Angstrom^-1 |
CMomentumTransfer | Momentum Transfer in Angstrom^-1 |
CPhi | Phi that has degrees as unit and "Phi" as title |
CQSquared | Momentum transfer squared in Angstrom^-2 |
CSpinEchoLength | SpinEchoLength in nm |
CSpinEchoTime | SpinEchoTime in ns |
CSymbol | A simple class containing common symbol types |
CTemperature | Temperature in kelvin |
CTime | Time In Second |
CTOF | Time of flight in microseconds |
CWavelength | Wavelength in Angstrom |
►NUtils | Utils: General-purpose utility functions that do not belong anywhere else |
NNestedForLoop | |
►NVectorHelper | |
CAddVariance | Functor to deal with the increase in the error when adding (or subtracting) a number of counts |
CDividesNonNull | Divide functor with result reset to 0 if the denominator is null |
CLog | Log functor |
CLogNoThrow | |
CSimpleAverage | A binary functor to compute the simple average of 2 numbers |
CSquares | Square functor |
CSumGaussError | Functor used for computing the sum of the square values of a vector, using the accumulate algorithm |
CSumSquares | Functor to accumulate a sum of squares |
CTimesSquares | Functor giving the product of the squares of the arguments |
C__save_flags | |
CAbstractInstantiator | The base class for instantiators |
CArrayBoundedValidator | Kernel/ArrayBoundedValidator.h |
CArrayLengthValidator | ArrayLenghtValidator : Validate length of an array property |
CArrayOrderedPairsValidator | Kernel/ArrayOrderedPairsValidator.h |
CArrayProperty | Support for a property that holds an array of values |
CAttenuationProfile | |
CBinaryFile | The BinaryFile template is a helper function for loading simple binary files |
CBinaryStreamReader | Assists with reading a binary file by providing standard overloads for the istream operators (>>) to given types (and vectors of those types) |
CBinaryStreamWriter | Assists with writing a binary file by providing standard overloads for the ostream operators (<<) to given types (and vectors of those types) |
CBinFinder | Helper class that allows one to quickly find a bin index for many events |
CBoundedValidator | BoundedValidator is a validator that requires the values to be between upper or lower bounds, or both |
CCache | Cache is a generic caching storage class |
CCaseInsensitiveCmp | |
CCaseInsensitiveStringComparator | Functor to provide a case insensitive string comparator |
CCatalogConfigService | |
CCatalogInfo | A class that holds information about catalogs |
CChainable | Chainable |
CChainableFactory | ChainableFactory : Chain of Responsiblity generic factory |
CChebyshevPolyFit | Compute a weighted least-squares polynomial approximations to an arbitrary set of data points |
CChebyshevPolynomial | Evaluates a single Chebyshev polynomial (first kind) for x in range [-1,1] |
CChebyshevSeries | Evaluate an approximation to a nth order polynomial using a Chebyshev series through Crenshaw's algorithm to evaluate p_n(x) = \Sigma_{i=1}^{n}c_iT_i The evaluation is implemented using the reccurrence relations |
CCompositeValidator | |
CConfigObserver | The ConfigObserver is used to observe changes in the configuration based on notifications sent from the ConfigService |
CConfigPropertyObserver | The ConfigObserver is used to observe changes to the value of a single configuration property based on notifications sent from the ConfigService |
►CConfigServiceImpl | The ConfigService class provides a simple facade to access the Configuration functionality of the Mantid Framework |
CConfigServiceNotification | This is the base class for POCO Notifications sent out from the Config Service |
CValueChanged | This is the class for the notification that is to be sent when a value has been changed in config service |
Ccow_ptr | Implements a copy on write data template |
CCPUTimer | CPUTimer : Timer that uses the CPU time, rather than wall-clock time to measure execution time |
CCreateUsingNew | Policy class controlling creation of the singleton Implementation classes should mark their default constructors private and insert a friend declaration for this class, e.g.: |
CDataItem | This class forms the base class of any item that wishes to be stored in the analysis data service |
►CDataService | DataService stores instances of a given type |
CAddNotification | AddNotification is sent after an new object is added to the data service |
CAfterReplaceNotification | AfterReplaceNotification is sent after an object is replaced in the addOrReplace() function |
CBeforeReplaceNotification | BeforeReplaceNotification is sent before an object is replaced in the addOrReplace() function |
CClearNotification | Clear notification is sent when the service is cleared |
CDataServiceNotification | Base class for DataService notifications that also stores a pointer to the object |
CNamedObjectNotification | Class for named object notifications |
CPostDeleteNotification | PostDeleteNotification is sent after an object is deleted from the data service |
CPreDeleteNotification | PreDeleteNotification is sent before an object is deleted from the data service |
CRenameNotification | Rename notification is sent when the rename method is called |
CDateTimeValidator | Checks that a string contains a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm) |
CDateValidator | DateValidator is a validator that validates date, format of valid date is "DD/MM/YYYY" At present, this validator is only available for properties of type std::string This class has written for validating start and end dates of ICat interface |
CDeltaEMode | Defines the possible energy transfer modes: |
CDirection | Describes the direction (within an algorithm) of a Property |
CDirectoryValidator | DirectoryValidator is a validator that checks that a directory path is valid |
CDiskBuffer | Buffer objects that need to be written out to disk so as to optimize writing operations |
CDllOpen | Simple class for opening shared libraries at run-time |
►CDynamicFactory | The dynamic factory is a base dynamic factory for serving up objects in response to requests from other classes |
CDynamicFactoryNotification | Base class for dynamic factory notifications |
CUpdateNotification | A notification that the factory has been updated |
►CEnabledWhenProperty | |
CComparisonDetails | Struct which holds details for comparison between two EnabledWhenPropertyObjects |
CPropertyDetails | Struct which holds associated property details for comparison |
CEnvironmentHistory | This class stores information about the Environment of the computer used by the framework |
CEqualBinsChecker | EqualBinsChecker : Checks for evenly spaced bins |
CErrorReporter | ErrorReporter : The error reporter is responsible for sending error reports |
CFacilityInfo | A class that holds information about a facility |
CFeatureUsage | UsageReporter : The Usage reporter is responsible for collating, and sending all usage data |
CFileDescriptor | Defines a wrapper around an open file |
CFileValidator | FileValidator is a validator that checks that a filepath is valid |
CFilteredTimeSeriesProperty | Templated class that defines a filtered time series but still gives access to the original data |
CFreeBlock | FreeBlock: a simple class that holds the position and size of block of free space in a file |
CFunctionTask | A FunctionTask can easily create a Task from a method pointer |
CGitHubApiHelper | GitHubApiHelper : A helper class for supporting access to the github api through HTTP and HTTPS, inherits from the InternetHelper |
CGlob | This Glob class overrides the glob() method of Poco::Glob class to make it more reliable |
CICatalogInfo | ICatalogInfo : An abstract class that holds information about catalogs |
CIndexSet | IndexSet is a container that can be used to define and access a subset of elements in a larger container such as std::vector |
CINode | Helper class providing interface to ISAveable |
CInstantiator | The instantiator is a generic class for creating objects of the template type |
CInstrumentInfo | A class that holds information about an instrument |
CInternetHelper | InternetHelper : A helper class for supporting access to resources through HTTP and HTTPS |
CInterpolation | Provide interpolation over a series of points |
CInverseAngstromsUnit | Inverse Angstroms unit |
CInverseAngstromsUnitFactory | |
CInvisibleProperty | This property setting object makes a property invisible in the GUI |
►CIPropertyManager | Interface to PropertyManager |
CTypedValue | Utility class that enables the getProperty() method to effectively be templated on the return type |
CIPropertySettings | Interface for modifiers to Property's that specify if they should be enabled or visible in a GUI |
CISaveable | An interface for objects that can be cached or saved to disk |
CITimeSeriesProperty | A non-templated interface to a TimeSeriesProperty |
CIValidator | IValidator is the basic interface for all validators for properties |
CLabelUnit | |
CLabelUnitFactory | |
CLessOrEqualFunctor | |
CLibraryManagerImpl | Class for opening shared libraries |
CLibraryWrapper | Class for wrapping a shared library |
CListValidator | ListValidator is a validator that requires the value of a property to be one of a defined list of possibilities |
CLiveListenerInfo | A class that holds information about a LiveListener connection |
CLogFilter | This class is for filtering TimeSeriesProperty data |
CLogger | In charge of the publishing messages from the framework through various channels |
CLogParser | LogParser parses the instrument log files to select records corresponding to 'RUNNING' instrument status |
CMandatoryValidator | Validator to check that a property is not left empty |
►CMantidVersion | Class containing static methods to return the Mantid version number and date |
CVersionInfo | |
CMaskedProperty | A property class for masking the properties |
►CMaterial | A material is defined as being composed of a given element, defined as a PhysicalConstants::NeutronAtom, with the following properties: |
CFormulaUnit | Structure to hold the information for a parsed chemical formula |
►CMaterialBuilder | Create a material from a set of user defined options |
Cdensity_packing | |
CMaterialXMLParser | Read an XML definition of a Material and produce a new Material object |
CMatrix | Numerical Matrix class |
CMatrixProperty | |
CMDAxisValidator | MDAxisValidator is a class that checks the number of MD axes match the number of workspace dimensions, refactoring out the common validation code from several MD algorithms into a common class |
CMDUnit | MDUnit : Unit type for multidimensional data types |
CMDUnitFactory | MDUnitFactory : Abstract type |
CMemoryStats | This class is responsible for memory statistics |
CMersenneTwister | This implements the the Mersenne Twister 19937 pseudo-random number generator algorithm as a specialzation of the PseudoRandomNumberGenerator interface |
CMRUList | An MRU (most recently used) list keeps record of the last n inserted items, listing first the newer ones |
CMultiFileValidator | The MultiFileValidator validates a MultiFileProperty, which contains a vector of vectors* of filenames - the meaning of which is discussed in MultiFileProperty.h |
CNDPseudoRandomNumberGenerator | Defines an ND pseudo-random number generator |
CNDRandomNumberGenerator | This class defines an interface for N dimensional random number generators |
CNearestNeighbours | |
CNetworkProxy | NetworkProxy : Network proxy utility for getting network proxy information |
CNexusDescriptor | Defines a wrapper around a file whose internal structure can be accessed using the NeXus API |
CNexusHDF5Descriptor | |
CNNDataPoints | NNDataPoints is a thin RAII wrapper class around the ANNpointArray type |
►Cnormal_distribution | |
Cparam_type | |
CNullValidator | NullValidator is a validator that doesn't |
COptionalBool | OptionalBool : Tri-state bool |
CProgressBase | ProgressBase |
CProperty | Base class for properties |
CPropertyHistory | This class stores information about the parameters used by an algorithm |
CPropertyManager | Property manager helper class |
CPropertyManagerDataServiceImpl | PropertyManagerDataService Class |
CPropertyManagerOwner | Kernel/PropertyManagerOwner.h |
CPropertyManagerProperty | |
CPropertyWithValue | The concrete, templated class for properties |
CProxyInfo | ProxyInfo : Container for carrying around network proxy information |
CPseudoRandomNumberGenerator | Defines a 1D pseudo-random number generator, i.e |
CQuasiRandomNumberSequence | Defines an interface to a quasi-random number sequence |
CQuat | Class for quaternions |
CQUnit | QUnit base |
CReadLock | Scoped, read-only lock for thread-safe access to DataItems |
CRebinParamsValidator | Validator to check the format of a vector providing the rebin parameters to an algorithm |
CReciprocalLatticeUnit | Dimensionless RLU |
CReciprocalLatticeUnitFactory | |
CRegistrationHelper | This class is simply used in the subscription of classes into the various factories in Mantid |
CRfactor | R factor for powder data analysis |
CSetValueWhenProperty | |
CSingletonHolder | Manage the lifetime of a class intended to be a singleton |
CSobolSequence | Defines a generator that produces quasi-random numbers according to a Sobol sequence |
CSplittingInterval | Class holding a start/end time and a destination for splitting event lists and logs |
CStartsWithValidator | StartsWithValidator is a validator that requires the value of a property to start with one of the strings in a defined list of possibilities |
CStatistics | Simple struct to store statistics |
CStatOptions | Controls the computation of statisical data |
CStringContainsValidator | StringContainsValidator : A validator designed to ensure that a string input contain a given sub string or a set of sub strings |
CStringTokenizer | |
CTask | A Task is a unit of work to be scheduled and run by a ThreadPool |
CThreadPool | A Thread Pool implementation that keeps a certain number of threads running (normally, equal to the number of hardware cores available) and schedules tasks to them in the most efficient way possible |
CThreadPoolRunnable | ThreadPoolRunnable : Class used by thread pool (and POCO) to run inside a thread |
CThreadSafeLogIOS | The base class for ThreadSafeLogStream |
CThreadSafeLogStream | The main log stream class implementing an ostream interface to a Logger |
CThreadSafeLogStreamBuf | This class implements a threadsafe version of the POCO buffer interface to a Logger's stream object |
CThreadScheduler | The ThreadScheduler object defines how tasks are allocated to threads and in what order |
CThreadSchedulerFIFO | A First-In-First-Out Thread Scheduler |
CThreadSchedulerLargestCost | A Largest Cost Thread Scheduler |
CThreadSchedulerLIFO | A Last-In-First-Out Thread Scheduler |
CThreadSchedulerMutexes | ThreadSchedulerMutexes : Version of a ThreadSchedulerLargestCost that also makes sure to not try to schedule two tasks with the same mutex at the same time |
CTimeInterval | Represents a time interval |
CTimer | A simple class that provides a wall-clock (not processor time) timer |
CTimeSeriesProperty | A specialised Property class for holding a series of time-value pairs |
CTimeSeriesPropertyStatistics | Struct holding some useful statistics for a TimeSeriesProperty |
CTimeValueUnit | Class to hold unit value (DateAndTime, T) |
CTopicInfo | TopicInfo : Class that holds information on a kafka topic |
►Cuniform_int_distribution | |
Cparam_type | |
CUnit | The base units (abstract) class |
CUnitConversion | A set of static helper methods to perform conversions between units |
CUnitFactoryImpl | Creates instances of concrete units |
CUnitLabel | A base-class for the a class that is able to return unit labels in different representations |
CUsageServiceImpl | |
CUserCatalogInfo | UserCatalogInfo : Takes catalog info from the facility (via CatalogInfo), but provides the ability to override the facility defaults based on user preferences |
CUserStringParser | This class parses a given string into vector of vectors of numbers |
CV2D | Implements a 2-dimensional vector embedded in a 3D space, i.e |
CV3D | Class for 3D vectors |
CVisibleWhenProperty | Same as EnabledWhenProperty, but returns the value for the isVisible() property instead of the isEnabled() property |
CVMDBase | Simple vector class for multiple dimensions (i.e |
CWriteLock | Scoped write-lock for thread-safe access to DataItems |
►NmathLevel | |
CPolyBase | Holds a polynominal as a primary type |
NmathSupport | |
►NMDAlgorithms | |
NCnvrtToMD | The class defines default axis names/dimension ID-s for MD workspace which can be obtained/used in the MD transformations converting matrix workspace to Q or Q-dE space |
►NLoadSQWHelper | LoadSQW : Load an SQW file and read observations in as events to generate a IMDEventWorkspace, with events in reciprocal space (Qx, Qy, Qz) |
CdataPositions | |
NMDAlgorithmsTestHelper | |
CAccumulateMD | AccumulateMD : Algorithm for appending new data to a MDHistoWorkspace |
CAndMD | AndMD : Perform the And boolean operation on two MDHistoWorkspaces |
CApplyDetailedBalanceMD | ApplyDetailedBalance : Perform the And boolean operation on two MDHistoWorkspaces |
CBaseConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace | BaseConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace |
CBinaryOperationMD | Abstract base class for binary operations on IMDWorkspaces, e.g |
CBinMD | Take a MDEventWorkspace and bin it to a dense histogram in a MDHistoWorkspace |
CBooleanBinaryOperationMD | BooleanBinaryOperationMD : base class for boolean-type operations on MDHistoWorkspaces |
CCalculateCoverageDGS | CalculateCoverageDGS : Calculate coverage for single crystal direct geometry scattering |
CCellCoords | Partition QLab space into a cubic lattice |
CCentroidPeaksMD | Find the centroid of single-crystal peaks in a MDEventWorkspace, in order to refine their positions |
CCentroidPeaksMD2 | Find the centroid of single-crystal peaks in a MDEventWorkspace, in order to refine their positions |
CChangeQConvention | Save a MDEventWorkspace to a .nxs file |
CCloneMDWorkspace | Algorithm to clone a MDEventWorkspace to a new one |
CCompactMD | |
CCompareMDWorkspaces | Compare two MDWorkspaces for equality |
CConvertCWPDMDToSpectra | ConvertCWPDMDToSpectra : Convert one MDWorkspaces containing reactor-source powder diffractometer's data to single spectrum matrix workspace by merging and binning the detectors' counts by their 2theta value |
CConvertCWSDExpToMomentum | ConvertCWSDExpToMomentum : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace | Creates a single spectrum Workspace2D with X,Y, and E copied from an first non-integrated dimension of a IMDHistoWorkspace |
CConvertSpiceDataToRealSpace | ConvertSpiceDataToRealSpace : Convert data from SPICE file to singals in real space contained in MDEventWrokspaces |
CConvertToDetectorFaceMD | Convert a MatrixWorkspace containing to a MD workspace for viewing the detector face |
CConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace | ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace : Create a MDEventWorkspace with events in reciprocal space (Qx, Qy, Qz) from an input EventWorkspace |
CConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace2 | ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace2 : Create a MDEventWorkspace with events in reciprocal space (Qx, Qy, Qz) from an input EventWorkspace |
CConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace3 | ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace3 : Create a MDEventWorkspace with events in reciprocal space (Qx, Qy, Qz) from an input EventWorkspace |
CConvertToMD | ConvertToMD : Transform a workspace into MD workspace with components defined by user |
CConvertToMDMinMaxGlobal | ConvertToMDMinMaxGlobal : Algorithm to calculate limits for ConvertToMD transformation which can be observed using an instrument which covers whole MD-space The current version knows |
CConvertToMDMinMaxLocal | ConvertToMDMinMaxLocal : Algorithm to calculate limits for ConvertToMD |
CConvertToMDParent | ConvertToMDParent : Main part of two algorithms which use ConvertToMD factory to transform points from instrument space to physical MD space |
CConvToMDBase | Class describes the interface to the methods, which perform conversion from usual workspaces to MDEventWorkspace |
CConvToMDEventsWS | The class specializes ConvToDataObjectsBase for the case when the conversion occurs from Events WS to the MD events WS |
►CConvToMDEventsWSIndexing | This class creates the MDWorkspace from the collection of ToF events: converts to the MD events with proper Nd coordinate and than assigns the groups of them to the spatial tree-like box structure |
CMDEventMaker | |
CMDEventMaker< ND, Mantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEvent > | |
CConvToMDHistoWS | The class to transform matrix workspace into MDEvent workspace when matrix workspace is ragged 2D workspace |
CConvToMDSelector | Small class to select proper solver as function of the workspace kind and (possibly, in a future) other workspace parameters |
CCreateMD | CreateMD : This workflow algorithm creates MDWorkspaces in the Q3D, HKL frame using ConvertToMD |
CCreateMDHistoWorkspace | CreateMDHistoWorkspace |
CCreateMDWorkspace | CreateMDWorkspace : |
CCutMD | CutMD : Slices multidimensional workspaces |
CDgsScatteredTransmissionCorrectionMD | |
CDisabledProperty | Small class to diable propery on interface |
CDisplayNormalizationSetter | DisplayNormalizationSetter: Sets the displaynormalization on a workspace based on several parameters such as workspace-type, energy-transfer-mode and if we are dealing with Q3D |
CDivideMD | DivideMD : divide operation for MDWorkspaces |
CEqualToMD | EqualToMD : boolean operation on MDHistoWorkspaces |
CEvaluateMDFunction | EvaluateMDFunction : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CExponentialMD | ExponentialMD : exponential function on MDHistoWorkspace |
CFakeMDEventData | FakeMDEventData : Algorithm to create fake multi-dimensional event data that gets added to MDEventWorkspace, for use in testing |
CFindPeaksMD | FindPeaksMD : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CFitMD | Creates FunctionDomainMD from an IMDWorkspace |
CFlippingRatioCorrectionMD | FlippingRatioCorrectionMD : Algorithm to correct MDEvents for flipping ratio |
CGetSpiceDataRawCountsFromMD | GetSpiceDataRawCountsFromMD : Export raw detectors' counts or sample log values from IMDEventWorkspaces from the output of algorithm ConvertSpiceDataToRealSpace |
CGreaterThanMD | GreaterThanMD : boolean operation on MDHistoWorkspaces |
CIDynamicRebinning | Class provides commont interface for various classes performing rebinning operations; |
CImportMDEventWorkspace | ImportMDEventWorkspace : Loads a file containing dimensionality and data for an MDEventWorkspace |
CImportMDHistoWorkspace | ImportMDHistoWorkspace : Takes a text file containing structured signal and error information and imports it as a new MDHistoWorkspace |
CImportMDHistoWorkspaceBase | ImportMDHistoWorkspaceBase : Base class for algorithms Importing data as MDHistoWorkspaces |
CInputArgument | Local type to group min, max extents with a dimension index |
CIntegrate3DEvents | This is a low-level class to construct a map with lists of events near each peak Q-vector, shifted to be centered at (0,0,0) |
CIntegrateEllipsoids | |
CIntegrateEllipsoidsTwoStep | IntegrateEllipsoidsTwoStep provides a two pass peak integration algorithm |
CIntegrateEllipsoidsV1 | |
CIntegrateEllipsoidsV2 | |
CIntegrateFlux | Algorithm IntegrateFlux |
CIntegrateMDHistoWorkspace | IntegrateMDHistoWorkspace : Algorithm to perform axis aligned integration of an MDHistoWorkspace |
CIntegratePeaksCWSD | Integrate single-crystal peaks in reciprocal-space |
CIntegratePeaksMD | Integrate single-crystal peaks in reciprocal-space |
CIntegratePeaksMD2 | Integrate single-crystal peaks in reciprocal-space |
CIntegratePeaksMDHKL | Integrate single-crystal peaks in reciprocal-space |
CIntegrateQLabEvents | This is a low-level class to construct a map with lists of events near each peak Q-vector in the lab frame |
CIntegrationParameters | |
CInvalidParameter | Invalid parameter type |
CInvalidParameterParser | XML Parser for invalid parameter types |
CLessThanIndex | Comparator to allow sorting by dimension index |
CLessThanMD | LessThanMD : boolean operation on MDHistoWorkspaces |
►CLoadDNSSCD | LoadDNSSCD : Load a list of DNS .d_dat files into a MDEventWorkspace |
CExpData | Structure for experimental data |
CLoadMD | Load a .nxs file into a MDEventWorkspace |
CLoadSQW | |
CLoadSQW2 | |
CLogarithmMD | LogarithmMD : natural logarithm of a MDHistoWorkspace |
CLOOP< 0 > | |
CMaskMD | MaskMD : Mask an MDWorkspace |
►CMDEventTreeBuilder | Class to create the box structure of MDWorkspace |
CTask | Structure to store the subtask of creating subtree from the range of events |
CTreeWithIndexError | |
CMDEventWSWrapper | |
CMDNorm | MDNormalization : Bin single crystal diffraction or direct geometry inelastic data and calculate the corresponding statistical weight |
CMDNormDirectSC | MDNormSCD : Generate MD normalization for single crystal diffraction |
CMDNormSCD | MDNormSCD : Generate MD normalization for single crystal diffraction |
CMDTransfAxisNames | |
CMDTransfFactoryImpl | Creates instances of concrete transformations into multidimensional (MD) coordinates |
CMDTransfInterface | Interface to set of sub-classes used by ConvertToMD algorithm and responsible for conversion of input workspace data into MD events |
CMDTransfModQ | Class responsible for conversion of input workspace data into proper number of output dimensions for ModQ case |
CMDTransfNoQ | Class responsible for conversion of input workspace data into proper number of output dimensions in NoQ case, when the data from a ws are just copied to MD WS |
CMDTransfQ3D | Class responsible for conversion of input workspace data into proper number of output dimensions for Q3D case |
CMDWSDescription | Helper class describes the properties of target MD workspace, which should be obtained as the result of conversion algorithm |
CMDWSTransform | |
CMergeMD | Merge several MDWorkspaces into one |
CMergeMDFiles | Algorithm to merge multiple MDEventWorkspaces from files that obey a common box format |
CMinusMD | MinusMD : minus operation for MDWorkspaces |
CMultiplyMD | MultiplyMD : multiplication operation for MDWorkspaces |
CNotMD | NotMD : boolean negation of a MDHistoWorkspace |
COccupiedCell | |
COrMD | OrMD : boolean operation on MDHistoWorkspaces |
CPlusMD | Sum two MDWorkspaces together |
CPolarizationAngleCorrectionMD | PolarizationAngleCorrection : Perform polarization angle correction to an MDEventWorkspace |
CPowerMD | PowerMD : raise a MDHistoWorkspace to a power |
CPreprocessDetectorsToMD | This is helper algorithm used to preprocess detector's positions namely to perform generic part of the transformation from a matrix workspace of a real instrument to physical MD workspace of an experimental results (e.g Q-space) |
CProduct | Functor to compute the product of the set |
CQueryMDWorkspace | QueryMDWorkspace : Query an MDWorkspace in order to extract overview information as a table workspace |
CRecalculateTrajectoriesExtents | RecalculateTrajectoriesExtents : |
CReplicateMD | ReplicateMD : Algorithm header for ReplicateMD |
CSaveIsawQvector | SaveIsawQvector |
CSaveMD | Save a MDEventWorkspace to a .nxs file |
CSaveMD2 | Save a MDEventWorkspace to a .nxs file |
CSaveZODS | Save a MDHistoWorkspace to a HDF5 format for use with the ZODS analysis software |
CSetMDFrame | SetMDFrame : This algorithm changes the MDFrame stored alongside the dimension of MDWorkspaes.The algorithm should primarily be used to introduce the correct MDFrame type to workspaces based on legacy files |
CSetMDUsingMask | Algorithm to set a MDHistoWorkspace in points determined by a mask boolean MDHistoWorkspace |
CSimpleMDEvent | |
CSliceMD | Algorithm that can take a slice out of an original MDEventWorkspace while preserving all the events contained wherein |
CSlicingAlgorithm | Abstract Algorithm class that will be used by: BinMD and SliceMD and shares code for getting a slice from one workspace to another |
CSmoothMD | SmoothMD : Algorithm for smoothing MDHistoWorkspaces |
CSquare | Helper type to compute the square in-place |
CThresholdMD | ThresholdMD : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CTransformMD | Scale and/or offset the coordinates of a MDWorkspace |
CTransposeMD | TransposeMD : Transpose an MDWorkspace |
CUnaryOperationMD | Abstract base class for unary operations (e.g |
CUnitsConversionHelper | |
CUserFunctionMD | A user defined function |
CVector3DParameter | Vector3DParameter is abstract type implementing curiously recurring template pattern to implement common code associated with vector storage |
CVector3DParameterParser | XML parser for vector value (3 elements) parameter types |
CWeightedMeanMD | WeightedMeanMD : Find the weighted mean of two MDWorkspaces |
CXorMD | XorMD : boolean operation on MDHistoWorkspaces |
►NNeXus | |
►NNeXusIOHelper | |
CAllowNarrowing | |
CPreventNarrowing | |
CNexusFileIO | Utility method for saving NeXus format of Mantid Workspace This class interfaces to the C Nexus API |
CNXAttributes | Nexus attributes |
CNXBinary | Implements NXnote Nexus class with binary data |
CNXClass | The base class for a Nexus class (group) |
CNXClassInfo | Information about a Nexus class |
CNXData | Implements NXdata Nexus class |
CNXDataSet | Abstract base class for a Nexus data set |
CNXDataSetTyped | Templated class implementation of NXDataSet |
CNXDetector | Implements NXdetector Nexus class |
CNXDiskChopper | Implements NXdisk_chopper Nexus class |
CNXEntry | Implements NXentry Nexus class |
CNXInfo | C++ implementation of NeXus classes |
CNXInstrument | Implements NXinstrument Nexus class |
CNXLog | Implements NXlog Nexus class |
CNXMainClass | Main class is the one that can contain auxiliary classes |
CNXNote | Implements NXnote Nexus class |
CNXObject | The base abstract class for NeXus classes and data sets |
CNXRoot | Implements NXroot Nexus class |
►NNexusGeometry | |
CNexusFileReader | |
NParallel | |
►NPhysicalConstants | A namespace containing physical constants that are required by algorithms and unit routines |
CAtom | Struture to hold the common information for an atom |
CMagneticIon | Struture to hold information about magnetic form factor for 3d, 4d, rare earth, and actinide atoms and ions |
CNeutronAtom | Structure to store neutronic scattering information for the various elements |
►NPythonInterface | |
►NConverters | |
NImpl | |
CCArrayToNDArray | Converter that takes a c array and its size then converts/wraps it into a numpy array |
►CClone | Clone is a policy (in the C++ sense)for converting to an ND Array |
Capply | |
CMapToPyDictionary | |
CMatrixToNDArray | Converter that takes a Mantid Matrix and converts it into a numpy array |
CNDArrayToVector | Converter taking an input numpy array and converting it to a std::vector |
CNDArrayTypeIndex | Defines a mapping between C++ type given by the template parameter and numpy type enum NPY_TYPES |
CPyObjectToMatrix | Takes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is two dimensional it attempts to convert it to a Kernel::Matrix object |
CPyObjectToV3D | Takes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is of length 3 then it will attempt to convert a Kernel::V3D object from it |
CPyObjectToVMD | Takes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is of length 3 then it will attempt to convert a Kernel::VMD object from it |
CPySequenceToVector | Converts a Python sequence type to a C++ std::vector, where the element type is defined by the template type |
CToPyList | Converter that takes a std::vector and converts it into a python list |
CVectorToNDArray | Converter that takes a std::vector and converts it into a flat numpy array |
►CWrapReadOnly | WrapReadOnly is a policy for VectorToNDArray to wrap the vector in a read-only numpy array that looks at the original data |
Capply | |
►CWrapReadWrite | WrapReadWrite is a policy for VectorToNDArray to wrap the vector in a read-write numpy array that looks at the original data |
Capply | |
Ndetail | |
►NPolicies | |
►CAsType | Implements the AsType policy |
Capply | |
►CMatrixRefToNumpy | Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a Matrix |
Capply | |
►CMatrixToNumpy | Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a function returning a std::vector by value |
Capply | |
►CRemoveConst | Implements the RemoveConst policy |
Capply | |
►CRemoveConstSharedPtr | Implements the RemoveConstSharedPtr policy |
Capply | |
►CVectorRefToNumpy | Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a rerence to a std::vector |
Capply | |
►CVectorToNumpy | Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a function returning a std::vector by ref or value |
Capply | |
►NRegistry | |
CMappingTypeHandler | Defines a handler class for converting a Python mapping type object to a C++ PropertyManager type |
CPropertyValueHandler | This class provides a base-class objects that are able to take a python object and set it on an algorithm property |
CPropertyWithValueFactory | Defines a static factory class that creates PropertyWithValue instances from python objects |
CRegisterWorkspacePtrToPython | Encapsulates the registration required for an interface type T that sits on top of a Kernel::DataItem object |
CSequenceTypeHandler | A specialisation of PropertyValueHander to handle coercing a Python value into a C++ sequence/array property |
CTypedPropertyValueHandler | This class provides a templated class object that is able to take a python object and perform operations with a given C type |
CTypedPropertyValueHandler< std::shared_ptr< T >, std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::Workspace, T >::value >::type > | |
CTypeRegistry | The values that are held within a given C++ property type all have a fixed type, required by static typing |
CAlgorithmAdapter | Provides a layer class for boost::python to allow C++ virtual functions to be overridden in a Python object that is derived an Algorithm |
CAlgorithmFactoryObserverAdapter | A wrapper class helping to export AnalysisDataServiceObserver to python |
CAlgorithmIDProxy | Provides a concrete type to wrap & return AlgorithmIDs that are actually just typedefs for void* |
CAlgorithmObserverAdapter | A wrapper class helping to export AlgorithmObserver to python |
CAnalysisDataServiceObserverAdapter | A wrapper class helping to export AnalysisDataServiceObserver to python |
CDataProcessorAdapter | Provides a layer class for boost::python to allow C++ virtual functions to be overridden in a Python object that is derived an DataProcessorAlgorithm |
CDataServiceExporter | A helper struct to export templated DataService<> types to Python |
CExtractSharedPtr | |
CGILSharedPtrDeleter | Special shared_ptr::deleter object that locks the GIL while deleting the underlying Python object |
CGILState | |
CGlobalInterpreterLock | Defines a structure for acquiring/releasing the Python GIL using the RAII pattern |
CIFunction1DAdapter | Provides a layer class for boost::python to allow C++ virtual functions to be overridden in a Python object that is derived from IFunction1D |
CIFunctionAdapter | Provides a layer to hook into the protected functions of IFunction |
CIPeakFunctionAdapter | Provides a layer class for boost::python to allow C++ virtual functions to be overridden in a Python object that is derived from IPeakFunction |
CIPyTypeVisitor | |
CNDArray | Thin object wrapper around a numpy array |
CPropertyWithValueExporter | A helper struct to export PropertyWithValue<> types to Python |
CPyNativeTypeExtractor | |
CPythonException | Exception type that captures the current Python error state as a generic C++ exception for any general Python exception |
CPythonObjectInstantiator | |
CReleaseGlobalInterpreterLock | Defines a structure for releasing the Python GIL using the RAII pattern |
CRunPythonScript | |
CSpectrumInfoPythonIterator | SpectrumInfoPythonIterator |
Cstd_set_exporter | Std::set wrapper |
Cstd_vector_exporter | A struct to help export std::vector types |
CTypedValidatorExporter | Declares a simple static struct to export a TypedValidator to Python |
CUndefinedAttributeError | Defines an exception for an undefined attribute |
CUninstallTrace | RAII handler to temporarily remove and reinstall a Python trace function |
CWorkspacePropertyExporter | A helper struct to export WorkspaceProperty<> types to Python |
►NSingleCrystalDiffractionTestHelper | |
CWorkspaceBuilder | |
►NTypes | |
NCore | |
►NWorkflowAlgorithms | |
NEQSANSInstrument | |
NHFIRInstrument | |
NPropertyNames | |
CAlignAndFocusPowder | This is a parent algorithm that uses several different child algorithms to perform it's task |
CComputeSensitivity | Workflow algorithm to compute a patched sensitivity correction for EQSANS |
CDgsAbsoluteUnitsReduction | DgsAbsoluteUnitsReduction : This is the algorithm responsible for processing and creating the absolute units normalisation data |
CDgsConvertToEnergyTransfer | DgsConvertToEnergyTransfer : This is the algorithm responsible for the conversion from TOF to energy transfer |
CDgsDiagnose | DgsDiagnose : This algorithm constructs all of the necessary workspaces for performing detector diagnostics and then runs the diagnostic algorithm |
CDgsPreprocessData | DgsPreprocessData : This algorithm is responsible for normalising the data to current (proton charge) or monitor |
CDgsProcessDetectorVanadium | DgsProcessDetectorVanadium : This is the algorithm responsible for processing the detector vanadium into the form needed for the normalisation of sample data in the convert to energy transfer process |
CDgsReduction | DgsReduction : This is the top-level workflow algorithm for controlling direct geometry spectrometer reduction |
CDgsRemap | DgsRemap : This algorithm takes a workspace and masks and groups that workspace if appropriate information is passed |
CEQSANSDarkCurrentSubtraction | Subtract dark current for EQSANS |
CEQSANSDarkCurrentSubtraction2 | Subtract dark current for EQSANS |
CEQSANSLoad | Subtract dark current for EQSANS |
CEQSANSPatchSensitivity | Calculate the detector sensitivity and patch the pixels that are masked in a second workspace |
CEQSANSQ2D | Workflow algorithm to process a reduced EQSANS workspace and produce I(Qx,Qy) |
CHFIRDarkCurrentSubtraction | Subtract dark current for HFIR SANS |
CHFIRLoad | Subtract dark current for HFIR SANS |
CHFIRSANSNormalise | |
CIMuonAsymmetryCalculator | IMuonAsymmetryCalculator : Abstract base class for muon asymmetry calculations |
CLoadEventAndCompress | LoadEventAndCompress : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CMuonGroupAsymmetryCalculator | MuonGroupAsymmetryCalculator : Calculates asymmetry between given group (specified via GroupIndex) and Muon exponential decay |
CMuonGroupCalculator | MuonGroupCalculator : Base class for Muon group counts/asymmetry calculators |
CMuonGroupCountsCalculator | MuonGroupCountsCalculator : Calculates pure counts of the group specified via group index |
CMuonPairAsymmetryCalculator | MuonPairAsymmetryCalculator : Calculates asymmetry for a given pair of groups, given the alpha value |
CMuonProcess | MuonProcess : Processes and analyses Muon workspace |
CRegLowVectorPair | |
CSANSBeamFinder | Beam Finder for SANS instruments |
CSANSBeamFluxCorrection | Performs beam flux correction on TOF SANS data |
CSANSSensitivityCorrection | Sensitivity correction for SANS |
CSANSSolidAngleCorrection | Performs a solid angle correction on a 2D SANS data set to correct for the absence of curvature of the detector |
CSetupEQSANSReduction | Set up the reduction options for EQSANS reduction |
CSetupHFIRReduction | Set up the reduction options for HFIR reduction |
CSofTwoThetaTOF | SofTwoThetaTOF : Convert a S(spectrum number, TOF) workspace to S(twoTheta, TOF) workspace |
CStepScan | This workflow algorithm is for generation of a rocking curve from an alignment scan performed on an ADARA-enabled instrument at the SNS |
CDTriple | Triple of three different things |
CNoDeleting | An object for constructing a shared_ptr that won't ever delete its pointee |
CTestChannel | |
CTriple | Triple of three identical types |
►NMantidQt | The AlgorithmProgressDialogPresenter keeps track of the running algorithms and displays a progress bar for them, and a property list |
►NAPI | |
NFileDialogHandler | Contains modifications to Qt functions where problems have been found on certain operating systems |
CAbstractAlgorithmInputHistory | This abstract class deals with the loading and saving of previous algorithm property values to/from MantidPlot's QSettings |
CAlgorithmCompleteNotification | |
CAlgorithmDialog | This class should be the basis for all customised algorithm dialogs |
CAlgorithmDialogFactoryImpl | The AlgorithmDialogFactory is responsible for creating concrete instances of AlgorithmDialog classes |
CAlgorithmErrorNotification | |
CAlgorithmInputHistoryImpl | |
CAlgorithmPropertiesWidget | Widget that contains dynamically generated PropertyWidget's for each property of an algorithm, contained in a scroll area |
CAlgorithmRunner | The AlgorithmRunner is a QObject that encapsulates methods for running an algorithm asynchronously (in the background) and feeds-back to a GUI widget |
CAlgorithmRuntimeProps | |
CAlgorithmStartedNotification | |
CBaseDecoder | |
CBaseEncoder | |
CBatchAlgorithmRunner | Algorithm runner for execution of a queue of algorithms |
CBatchCancelledNotification | |
CBatchCompleteNotification | |
CBoolPropertyWidget | Set of widgets representing a PropertyWithValue<bool> |
CClickableLabel | A small extension to QLabel, so that it emits a signal when clicked |
CConfiguredAlgorithm | |
CFakeFileFinderWidget | FakeFileFinderWidget |
CFakeFindFilesThread | FakeFindFilesThread |
CFileFinderWidget | This class defines a widget for file searching |
CFilePropertyWidget | Widget for FileProperty, which has a "Browse" button |
CFindFilesSearchParameters | POD struct to hold details about the parameters of a file search |
CFindFilesSearchResults | POD struct to hold details about the results of a file search |
CFindFilesThreadPoolManager | A small helper class to hold a handle to a static thread pool |
CFindFilesWorker | A class to allow the asynchronous finding of files |
CFlowLayout | |
CGenericDialog | This class gives a basic dialog that is not tailored to a particular algorithm |
CHelpWindow | |
CIAlgorithmRuntimeProps | |
CIConfiguredAlgorithm | |
CInterfaceManager | This class is responsible for creating the correct dialog for an algorithm |
CIProjectSerialisable | Defines an interface to a MantidPlot class that can be saved into or loaded from a project |
CListPropertyWidget | Widget for displaying a Property that has a set of allowed values |
CManageUserDirectories | Access and update the user directory settings within the Mantid config service |
CMantidDesktopServices | This class provides a wrapper around QDesktopServices to fix a bug in opening URLs in firefox when tcmalloc is in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable on Linux |
CMantidDialog | |
CMantidHelpInterface | |
CMantidWidget | This is the base class all customised widgets that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements |
CObserverCallback | A simple callback class so that we avoid multiple inheritance issues with QObject |
COptionsPropertyWidget | Widget for displaying a Property that has a set of allowed values |
CPlotAxis | Deals with formatting a label for a plot axis for a given type of workspace |
CPropertyWidget | Base class for widgets that will set Mantid::Kernel::Property* types |
CPropertyWidgetFactory | PropertyWidgetFactory : TODO: DESCRIPTION |
CPythonRunner | This is the base class all customised user interfaces that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements |
CQScienceSpinBox | |
►CRepoModel | RepoModel : Wrapper for ScriptRepository to fit the Model View Qt Framework |
CDeleteQueryBox | Auxiliary Dialog to get the option from the user about removing the entries from the local folder or the central repository |
CRepoItem | A nested class to help RepoModel to implement the QAbstractItemModel |
CUploadForm | |
CRepoTreeView | RepoTreeView : A specialization of QTreeView class that emits signal every time the selection change |
►CScriptRepositoryView | ScriptRepositoryView : Provide the User Interface to the ScriptRepository |
CCheckBoxDelegate | Delegate to show the checkbox for configuring the auto update |
CRemoveEntryDelegate | Delegate to show the icon to remove the entry from the local and central repository |
CRepoDelegate | Delegate to show the icons Download and Upload |
CSelectionNotificationServiceImpl | Provides a simple loosely coupled mechanism for passing information about a selected point from several possible sources to several possible destinations |
CSyncedCheckboxes | QObject that links: |
CTextPropertyWidget | The most generic widgets for Property's that are only a simple string |
CTSVSerialiser | |
CUserSubWindow | This is the base class all customised user interfaces that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements |
CUserSubWindowFactoryImpl | The UserSubWindowFactory is responsible for creating concrete instances of user interface classes |
CWidgetScrollbarDecorator | WidgetScrollbarDecorator : Adds scrollbar functionality to a QWidget |
CWindowIcons | Defines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon |
CWorkspaceIcons | Defines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon |
CWorkspaceObserver | Observes AnalysisDataService notifications: add,replace,delete |
►NCustomDialogs | |
CBaseInstantiator | Base instantiator to store in a map |
CCatalogPublishDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the CatalogPublish algorithm |
CConeDetails | A widget to define a cone |
CConvertTableToMatrixWorkspaceDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the ConvertTableToMatrixWorkspace algorithm |
CCuboidDetails | A widget to define an infinite plane |
CCylinderDetails | A widget to define a cylinder |
CDynamicPropertiesWidget | Base class for input workspace's dynamic properties widget |
CFitDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the Load algorithm |
CHexahedronDetails | A widget to define a hexahedron |
CInfiniteConeDetails | A widget to define an infinite cone |
CInfiniteCylinderDetails | A widget to define an infinite cylinder |
CInfinitePlaneDetails | A widget to define an infinite plane |
CInputWorkspaceWidget | Widget for inputting workspace information |
CLoadDAEDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadDAE algorithm |
CLoadDialog | |
CLoadRawDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadRaw algorithm |
CLOQScriptInputDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the LOQ input algorithm |
CMantidGLWidget | This class provides a widget to display a Mantid Geometry object using OpenGL |
CMDPropertiesWidget | Widgets to set properties for a IMDWorkspace: MaxSize |
CMWPropertiesWidget | Widgets to set properties for a MatrixWorkspace: WorkspaceIndex, StartX, EndX |
CNoDeleting | An object for constructing a shared_ptr that won't ever delete its pointee |
COperation | A struct describing a binary operation Note: The constructor takes an integer where 0 = intersection, 1 = union and 2 = difference |
CPlotAsymmetryByLogValueDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadRaw algorithm |
CPointGroupBox | A custom group box for a 3D point |
CPreventLoadRequests | |
CShapeDetails | The base class for the details widgets |
CShapeDetailsInstantiator | A structure used for holding the type of a details widget |
CSliceOfCylinderRingDetails | A widget to define an infinite cylinder |
CSortTableWorkspaceDialog | This class gives specialised dialog for the SortTableWorkspace algorithm |
CSphereDetails | A widget to define a sphere |
CStartLiveDataDialog | |
►NCustomInterfaces | |
CUserInputValidator | A class to try and get rid of some of the boiler-plate code surrounding input validation, and hopefully as a result make it more readable |
►NMantidWidgets | |
►NBatch | |
CBuildSubtreeItems | |
CCell | |
CCellDelegate | |
CExtractSubtrees | |
CFilteredTreeModel | |
CFindSubtreeRoots | |
CIJobTreeView | |
CJobTreeView | |
CJobTreeViewSignalAdapter | |
CJobTreeViewSubscriber | |
CLambdaRowPredicate | |
CMockJobTreeView | |
CQModelIndexForFilteredModel | |
CQModelIndexForMainModel | |
CQtStandardItemTreeModelAdapter | |
CQtTreeCursorNavigation | |
CRow | |
CRowLocation | |
CRowLocationAdapter | |
CRowPredicate | |
CStrictQModelIndex | |
NDropEventHelper | |
NQSettingsHelper | |
CAddWorkspaceDialog | A dialog for selecting a workspace from the ADS |
CADSAdapter | |
CAlgorithmHintStrategy | AlgorithmHintStrategy : Produces hints using a given algorithm's properties |
CAlgorithmProgressDialogPresenter | |
CAlgorithmProgressDialogWidget | |
CAlgorithmProgressDialogWidgetCancelButton | |
CAlgorithmProgressModel | |
CAlgorithmProgressPresenter | |
CAlgorithmProgressPresenterBase | |
CAlgorithmProgressWidget | |
CAlgorithmSelectorWidget | A widget consisting of a ComboBox and a TreeWidget to allow a user to select an algorithm either by category or by typing |
CAlgorithmTreeWidget | Tree widget with the categories and algorithms listed |
CApplyEnumeratedSpectra | |
CApplySpectra | |
CBinMDDialog | |
CCatalogHelper | |
CCatalogSearch | This class defines the interface and functionality for the cataloging system within Mantid |
CCatalogSelector | |
CCheckboxHeader | This class subclasses and overwrites QHeaderView methods to enable checkboxes to exist in the table header |
CConfigurable | Defines an interface for an object to load and store any configuration settings that should persist between objects |
CConvolutionFunctionModel | |
CCreateAttributeProperty | Attribute visitor to create a QtProperty |
CCreateAttributePropertyForFunctionTreeView | Attribute visitor to create a QtProperty |
CCustomItemDelegate | This class is used for formating the type of data allowed in each of the tables columns |
CDataSelector | This class defines a widget for selecting a workspace of file path by using a combination of two child MantidWidgets: FileFinderWidget and WorkspaceSelector |
CDiagResults | |
CEditLocalParameterDialog | A dialog for displaying and editing values of local parameters |
CFilenameDialogEditor | A stringDialogEditor for editing file names |
CFilenameDialogEditorFactory | The factory for the FilenameDialogEditor |
CFindAlgComboBox | ComboBox for finding algorithms |
CFitDomain | This class is used to store all data relating to a single domain to be fitted |
CFitOptionsBrowser | Class FitOptionsBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and set properties of Fit algorithm (excluding Function and Workspace) |
CFitPropertyBrowser | Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings |
CFitScriptGeneratorDataTable | This class represents the table widget which holds domain data for the FitScriptGenerator interface |
CFitScriptGeneratorModel | This class stores the domain and fit data to be fitted to |
CFitScriptGeneratorPresenter | |
CFitScriptGeneratorView | |
CFitScriptOptionsBrowser | The BasicFitOptionsBrowser class implements a QtPropertyBrowser to display fitting properties found in the Fit algorithm |
CFunctionBrowser | Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings |
CFunctionModel | |
CFunctionModelDataset | |
CFunctionModelSpectra | |
CFunctionMultiDomainPresenter | |
►CFunctionTreeView | Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings |
CAConstraint | Constraint structure |
CAProperty | To keep QtProperty and its QtBrowserItem in one place |
CATie | Tie structure |
CGlobalParameter | This struct stores the name of a global parameter which is shared across ALL domains in a multi dataset fit |
CGlobalTie | This struct stores the data associated with a global tie |
CHint | |
CHintingLineEdit | HintingLineEdit : A QLineEdit widget providing autocompletion |
CHintingLineEditFactory | HintingLineEditFactory : A QStyledItemDelegate that produces HintingLineEdits using the given hint strategy |
CHintStrategy | HintStrategy : Provides an interface for generating hints to be used by a HintingLineEdit |
CIAlgorithmProgressDialogWidget | |
CIAlgorithmProgressWidget | |
CIFitScriptGeneratorModel | |
CIFitScriptGeneratorPresenter | |
CIFitScriptGeneratorView | |
CIFunctionBrowser | IFunctionBrowser: interface for FunctionBrowser |
CIFunctionModel | |
CIFunctionView | The interface to a function view |
CIImageInfoWidget | |
►CImageInfoModel | |
CImageInfo | |
CImageInfoModelMatrixWS | Model to support looking up information about a given point with a MatrixWorkspace |
CImageInfoModelMD | |
CImageInfoPresenter | A table widget containing information about the pixel the mouse is over in an image |
CImageInfoWidget | A table widget containing information about the pixel the mouse is over in an image |
CIMessageHandler | |
CIMuonFitDataModel | IMuonFitDataModel: set data to fit for a muon fit property browser |
CIMuonFitDataSelector | Interface for MuonFitDataSelector |
CIMuonFitFunctionModel | IMuonFitFunctionModel: set function to fit for a muon fit property browser |
CIndexCollectionType | A class which wraps a vector so that you supply not only the value type but also the expected index type |
CIndexType | A struct to impliment strongly typed integers, without implicit conversion |
CInputController | The base class for the mouse and keyboard controllers to work with ProjectionSurfaces |
CInputController3DMove | Controller for moving the instrument on Projection3D surface: translation, rotation and zooming |
CInputControllerDraw | Controller for free drawing on an unwrapped surface |
CInputControllerDrawAndErase | Controller for drawing and erasing arbitrary shapes on an unwrapped surface |
CInputControllerDrawShape | Controller for drawing mask shapes |
CInputControllerMoveUnwrapped | Controller for moving the instrument on an unwrapped surface |
CInputControllerPick | Controller for picking detectors |
CInputControllerSelection | Controller for erasing peaks on an unwrapped surface |
CInputFunctionNameDialog | A dialog to enter a category and function name for a new function for saving |
CInstrumentSelector | This class defines a widget for selecting an instrument known to Mantid |
CInterval | |
CIntervalList | |
CIntervalListValidator | |
CIProjectSaveView | IProjectSaveView is the interface for defining the functions that the project save view needs to implement |
CISlitCalculator | |
CIWorkspaceDockView | |
CIWorkspaceFitControl | IWorkspaceFitControl: set data to fit for a fit property browser |
CLineEditWithClear | |
CLocalParameterEditor | An editor widget for editing a local parameter value |
CLocalParameterItemDelegate | A custom item delegate - an object controlling display and editing of a cell in a table widget |
CLogValueFinder | MDFLogValueFinder : Holds a collection of workspace names, and finds log values from them |
CLogValueSelector | LogValueSelector : Select a log name and mean/min/max/first/last |
CMantidDisplayBase | |
CMantidHelpWindow | |
CMantidTreeModel | |
CMantidTreeWidget | |
CMantidTreeWidgetItem | A class derived from QTreeWidgetItem, to accomodate sorting on the items in a MantidTreeWidget |
CMantidWSIndexDialog | |
►CMantidWSIndexWidget | |
CQLineEditWithErrorMark | Auxiliary class to wrap the QLineEdit allowing warning to the user for invalid inputs |
CUserInput | |
CUserInputAdvanced | Plain old data structures to hold all user-selected input |
CMessage | Provides a simple binding of a text message with a priority |
CMessageDisplay | Provides a widget for display messages in a text box It deals with Message objects which in turn hide whether a message is a framework Poco message or a simple string |
CMessageHandler | |
CMultifitSetupDialog | This is a dialog for doing setting up the MultiBG function |
CMuonFitDataSelector | MuonFitDataSelector : Selects runs, groups, periods for fit |
CMuonFitPropertyBrowser | |
CMuonFunctionBrowser | MuonFunctionBrowser : Subclasses FunctionBrowser for muon-specific use |
CMuonPeriodInfo | A widget used in the Muon GUI's to display period information in a readable format |
CNotificationService | This is a singleton providing a notification service for the Mantid Qt based applications |
CProcessingAlgoWidget | A widget containing an algorithm selector and algorithm properties list, or a script editor window |
CProgressableView | ProgressableView : Abstract view useful for indicating progress |
CProjectSaveModel | |
CProjectSavePresenter | Implements a presenter for the project saving dialog |
CPropertyHandler | Helps display and edit functions in FitPropertyBrowser |
CQtSignalChannel | Provides a translation layer that takes a Poco::Message and converts it to a Qt signal |
CRenameParDialog | A dialog for renaming parameters for a user function |
CSaveWorkspaces | Implements a dialog box that allows users to save multiple Mantid workspaces |
CScopedFalse | |
CSelectedAlgorithm | Represents the algorithm selected by the user Contains name and version |
CSelectFunctionDialog | Select a function type out of a list of available ones |
CSelectWorkspacesDialog | This is a dialog for selecting workspaces |
CSequentialFitDialog | This is a dialog for doing sequential fit |
CSetAttribute | Visitor setting new attribute value |
CSetAttributeFromProperty | Attribute visitor to set an attribute from a QtProperty |
CSetAttributeProperty | Visitor setting new attribute value |
CSliceMDDialog | |
CSlicingAlgorithmDialog | |
CSlitCalculator | SlitCalculator : A calculator for Reflectometry instrument slits |
CTrackedAction | TrackedAction : This is a version of QAction that tracks usage through the Mantid usage service |
CUserFunctionDialog | A dialog for construction a user fitting function from existing components |
CViewNotifiable | |
CWindowInfo | |
CWorkspaceInfo | |
CWorkspaceIsNotOfType | Helper comparitor class used to determine if a workspace is not of a given type |
CWorkspacePresenter | Presenter class for Workspace dock in MantidPlot UI |
CWorkspaceProvider | |
CWorkspaceProviderNotifiable | |
CWorkspaceSelector | This class defines a widget for selecting a workspace present in the AnalysisDataService |
CWorkspaceTreeWidget | |
CWorkspaceTreeWidgetSimple | WorkspaceTreeWidget implementation for the Workbench - required for some function overides |
►NWidgets | |
►NCommon | |
►NPython | |
NDetail | |
CCodeExecution | Support execution of arbitrary Python code with the option to install a trace handler to track lines executed and tell an editor to mark them appropriately |
CInstanceHolder | Holds a Python instance of an object with a method to access it |
►NMantidTestHelpers | |
CBoxControllerDummyIO | The class responsible for dummy IO operations, which mimic saving events into a direct access file using generic box controller interface |
►NMapSupport | Holds stuff for manipulating maps |
CmapClone | Functor for coping map elements with clone functions |
CmapDelete | Functor for deleting the second component of a map |
CmapSwap | Functor for reversing a map |
CmapWrite | Functor quick write out of a map |
CPFirst | Class to access the first object in index pair |
CPSecond | Class to access the second object in index pair |
CsndValue | Functor to get second point in a map |
CvalEqual | Functor using second value as equal |
NMinimizer | String constants for minimizer options |
►Nmorton_index | |
CIndexTypes | This structure determines Morton index type and underlying unsigned integer type for the floating point coordinate type and number of dimensions |
CInterleaver | |
CInterleaver< ND, IntT, Morton96 > | |
CMortonIndex | This structure binds the size of accesible memory to store the Morton index to the Morton index type |
CMortonIndex< 1 > | |
CMortonIndex< 12 > | |
CMortonIndex< 16 > | |
CMortonIndex< 2 > | |
CMortonIndex< 4 > | |
CMortonIndex< 8 > | |
CUnderlyingInt | This structure binds floating point types to the unsigned integer types of the same width |
CUnderlyingInt< double > | |
CUnderlyingInt< float > | |
Nmu | |
NMuonGroupingXMLHelper | |
►NMuonWorkspaceCreationHelper | |
CeData | |
CyDataAsymmetry | |
CyDataCounts | |
NNeXus | |
NNexusGeometryTestHelpers | |
►NParallelTestHelpers | |
CParallelRunner | Runs a callable in parallel |
Npmap | Generate a tableworkspace to store the calibration results |
►NPoco | |
NDOM | |
NNet | |
NXML | |
CActiveMethod | |
CActiveResult | |
CActiveStarter | |
CNObserver | |
CPythonLoggingChannel | |
CPythonStdoutChannel | |
CStdoutChannel | |
NProp | String constants for algorithm's properties |
NpropertyFactoryHelper | |
NPropertyNames | |
NQSettingsKeys | |
NRaggedness | Constants for the RaggedInputs property |
Nscalex | Adjust instrument component position and orientation |
Nscaley | : detector size scale at y-direction |
►NScopedFileHelper | |
CScopedFile | File object type |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
►Nliterals | |
Nwide_integer_literals | |
Nwide_integer_literals | |
Cfrom_chars_result | |
Cto_chars_result | |
Cwide_integer | |
Ntablewsname | Load a single-component database file to a table workspace of history of positions for the component |
NUi | |
NUnaryOperationMDTestHelper | |
NWorkflowAlgorithmHelpers | |
►NWorkspaceCreationHelper | |
CEPPTableRow | A struct containing the cells of an EPP table row |
CFibSeries | Create a Fibonacci series |
CReturnOne | |
CStubAlgorithm | Stub algorithm for doing logging/progress reporting |