This class is intended to fulfill the design specified in < WorkspaceDetailed Design Document.doc> More...
#include <EventWorkspace.h>
Public Member Functions | |
std::size_t | blocksize () const override |
Get the blocksize, aka the number of bins in the histogram. More... | |
void | clearMRU () const override |
Clears the MRU lists. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< EventWorkspace > | clone () const |
Returns a clone of the workspace. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< EventWorkspace > | cloneEmpty () const |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace. More... | |
const MantidVec & | dataDx (const std::size_t) const override |
Deprecated, use dx() instead. More... | |
MantidVec & | dataDx (const std::size_t) override |
Deprecated, use mutableDx() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | dataE (const std::size_t) const override |
Deprecated, use e() instead. More... | |
MantidVec & | dataE (const std::size_t) override |
Deprecated, use mutableE() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | dataX (const std::size_t) const override |
Deprecated, use x() instead. More... | |
MantidVec & | dataX (const std::size_t) override |
Deprecated, use mutableX() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | dataY (const std::size_t) const override |
Deprecated, use y() instead. More... | |
MantidVec & | dataY (const std::size_t) override |
Deprecated, use mutableY() instead. More... | |
EventWorkspace (const Parallel::StorageMode storageMode=Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned) | |
void | generateHistogram (const std::size_t index, const MantidVec &X, MantidVec &Y, MantidVec &E, bool skipError=false) const override |
Generate a new histogram from specified event list at the given index. More... | |
void | generateHistogramPulseTime (const std::size_t index, const MantidVec &X, MantidVec &Y, MantidVec &E, bool skipError=false) const |
Generate a new histogram from specified event list at the given index. More... | |
Mantid::API::EventType | getEventType () const override |
Get the EventType of the most-specialized EventList in the workspace. More... | |
double | getEventXMax () const |
Get them maximum x-value for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation. More... | |
double | getEventXMin () const |
Get them minimum x-value for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation. More... | |
void | getEventXMinMax (double &xmin, double &xmax) const |
Get them minimum and maximum x-values for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation. More... | |
void | getIntegratedSpectra (std::vector< double > &out, const double minX, const double maxX, const bool entireRange) const override |
Integrate all the spectra in the matrix workspace within the range given. More... | |
std::size_t | getMaxNumberBins () const override |
Returns the maximum number of bins in a workspace (works on ragged data). More... | |
size_t | getMemorySize () const override |
Returns the amount of memory used in bytes. More... | |
std::size_t | getNumberBins (const std::size_t &index) const override |
Returns the number of bins for a given histogram index. More... | |
std::size_t | getNumberEvents () const override |
The total number of events across all of the spectra. More... | |
std::size_t | getNumberHistograms () const override |
Get the number of histograms, usually the same as the number of pixels or detectors. More... | |
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getPulseTimeMax () const override |
Get the maximum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace. More... | |
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getPulseTimeMin () const override |
Get the minimum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace. More... | |
void | getPulseTimeMinMax (Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime &xmin, Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime &xmax) const |
Get the maximum and mimumum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace. More... | |
EventSortType | getSortType () const |
const EventList & | getSpectrum (const size_t index) const override |
Return const reference to EventList at the given workspace index. More... | |
EventList & | getSpectrum (const size_t index) override |
Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index. More... | |
EventList * | getSpectrumUnsafe (const size_t index) |
Returns a pointer to the EventList for a given spectrum in a timely manner. More... | |
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getTimeAtSampleMax (double tofOffset=0) const override |
Get the maximum time at sample for events across the entire workspace. More... | |
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getTimeAtSampleMin (double tofOffset=0) const override |
Get the minimum time at sample for events across the entire workspace. More... | |
double | getTofMax () const override |
double | getTofMin () const override |
const std::string | id () const override |
Return the workspace typeID. More... | |
void | init (const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram) override |
void | init (const std::size_t &, const std::size_t &, const std::size_t &) override |
Initialize the pixels. More... | |
bool | isHistogramData () const override |
Returns true always - an EventWorkspace always represents histogramm-able data. More... | |
bool | isRaggedWorkspace () const override |
Returns true if the workspace is ragged (has differently sized spectra). More... | |
std::size_t | MRUSize () const |
Return how many entries in the Y MRU list are used. More... | |
EventWorkspace & | operator= (const EventWorkspace &other)=delete |
Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX > | refX (const std::size_t) const override |
Deprecated, use sharedX() instead. More... | |
void | resetAllXToSingleBin () override |
Set all Histogram X vectors to a single bin with boundaries that fit the TOF of all events across all spectra. More... | |
void | setAllX (const HistogramData::BinEdges &x) override |
Set all histogram X vectors. More... | |
std::size_t | size () const override |
The total size of the workspace. More... | |
void | sortAll (EventSortType sortType, Mantid::API::Progress *prog) const |
void | sortAllOld (EventSortType sortType, Mantid::API::Progress *prog) const |
void | switchEventType (const Mantid::API::EventType type) |
Switch all event lists to the given event type. More... | |
bool | threadSafe () const override |
Returns true if the EventWorkspace is safe for multithreaded operations. More... | |
~EventWorkspace () override | |
![]() | |
virtual void | clearMRU () const =0 |
IEventWorkspace_uptr | clone () const |
Returns a clone of the workspace. More... | |
IEventWorkspace_uptr | cloneEmpty () const |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace. More... | |
void | generateHistogram (const std::size_t index, const MantidVec &X, MantidVec &Y, MantidVec &E, bool skipError=false) const override=0 |
Generate the histogram or rebin the existing histogram. More... | |
virtual EventType | getEventType () const =0 |
virtual std::size_t | getNumberEvents () const =0 |
virtual Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getPulseTimeMax () const =0 |
virtual Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getPulseTimeMin () const =0 |
const IEventList & | getSpectrum (const size_t index) const override=0 |
Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr (const version) at the given workspace index. More... | |
IEventList & | getSpectrum (const size_t index) override=0 |
Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index. More... | |
virtual Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getTimeAtSampleMax (double tofOffset=0) const =0 |
virtual Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime | getTimeAtSampleMin (double tofOffset=0) const =0 |
virtual double | getTofMax () const =0 |
virtual double | getTofMin () const =0 |
const std::string | id () const override |
Return the workspace typeID. More... | |
IEventWorkspace (const Parallel::StorageMode storageMode=Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned) | |
IEventWorkspace & | operator= (const IEventWorkspace &)=delete |
virtual void | resetAllXToSingleBin ()=0 |
virtual void | setAllX (const HistogramData::BinEdges &x)=0 |
![]() | |
MatrixWorkspace_uptr | clone () const |
Returns a clone of the workspace. More... | |
MatrixWorkspace_uptr | cloneEmpty () const |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace. More... | |
const Indexing::IndexInfo & | indexInfo () const |
Returns a const reference to the IndexInfo object of the workspace. More... | |
void | initialize (const Indexing::IndexInfo &indexInfo, const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram) |
void | initialize (const std::size_t &NVectors, const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram) |
void | initialize (const std::size_t &NVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength) |
Initialize the workspace. More... | |
MatrixWorkspace & | operator= (const MatrixWorkspace &other)=delete |
void | setIndexInfo (const Indexing::IndexInfo &indexInfo) |
Sets the IndexInfo object of the workspace. More... | |
const std::string | toString () const override |
Serializes the object to a string. More... | |
const std::string | toString () const override |
String description of state. More... | |
~MatrixWorkspace () override | |
Delete. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IDetector > | getDetector (const size_t workspaceIndex) const |
Get the effective detector for the given spectrum. More... | |
double | detectorTwoTheta (const Geometry::IDetector &det) const |
Returns the 2Theta scattering angle for a detector. More... | |
double | detectorSignedTwoTheta (const Geometry::IDetector &det) const |
Returns the signed 2Theta scattering angle for a detector. More... | |
virtual void | updateSpectraUsing (const SpectrumDetectorMapping &map) |
void | rebuildSpectraMapping (const bool includeMonitors=true, const specnum_t specNumOffset=1) |
Build the default spectra mapping, most likely wanted after an instrument update. More... | |
spec2index_map | getSpectrumToWorkspaceIndexMap () const |
Return a map where: KEY is the Spectrum # VALUE is the Workspace Index. More... | |
detid2index_map | getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap (bool throwIfMultipleDets=false, bool ignoreIfNoValidDets=false) const |
Return a map where: KEY is the DetectorID (pixel ID) VALUE is the Workspace Index. More... | |
virtual std::vector< size_t > | getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexVector (detid_t &offset, bool throwIfMultipleDets=false) const |
Return a vector where: The index into the vector = DetectorID (pixel ID) + offset The value at that index = the corresponding Workspace Index. More... | |
virtual std::vector< size_t > | getSpectrumToWorkspaceIndexVector (specnum_t &offset) const |
Return a vector where: The index into the vector = spectrum number + offset The value at that index = the corresponding Workspace Index. More... | |
std::vector< size_t > | getIndicesFromSpectra (const std::vector< specnum_t > &spectraList) const |
Converts a list of spectrum numbers to the corresponding workspace indices. More... | |
size_t | getIndexFromSpectrumNumber (const specnum_t specNo) const |
Given a spectrum number, find the corresponding workspace index. More... | |
std::vector< size_t > | getIndicesFromDetectorIDs (const std::vector< detid_t > &detIdList) const |
Converts a list of detector IDs to the corresponding workspace indices. More... | |
std::vector< specnum_t > | getSpectraFromDetectorIDs (const std::vector< detid_t > &detIdList) const |
Converts a list of detector IDs to the corresponding spectrum numbers. More... | |
bool | hasGroupedDetectors () const |
Does the workspace has any grouped detectors? More... | |
virtual size_t | getMemorySizeForXAxes () const |
Returns the memory used (in bytes) by the X axes, handling ragged bins. More... | |
void | setTitle (const std::string &) override |
Sets MatrixWorkspace title. More... | |
const std::string | getTitle () const override |
Gets MatrixWorkspace title (same as Run object run_title property) More... | |
virtual Types::Core::DateAndTime | getFirstPulseTime () const |
Return the time of the first pulse received, by accessing the run's sample logs to find the proton_charge. More... | |
Types::Core::DateAndTime | getLastPulseTime () const |
Return the time of the last pulse received, by accessing the run's sample logs to find the proton_charge. More... | |
std::size_t | yIndexOfX (const double xValue, const std::size_t &index=0, const double tolerance=0.0) const |
Returns the y index which corresponds to the X Value provided. More... | |
HistogramData::Histogram | histogram (const size_t index) const |
Returns the Histogram at the given workspace index. More... | |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setHistogram (const size_t index, T && & |
void | convertToCounts (const size_t index) |
void | convertToFrequencies (const size_t index) |
HistogramData::BinEdges | binEdges (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::Points | points (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::PointStandardDeviations | pointStandardDeviations (const size_t index) const |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setBinEdges (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setPoints (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setPointVariances (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setPointStandardDeviations (const size_t index, T && & |
HistogramData::Counts | counts (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::CountVariances | countVariances (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::CountStandardDeviations | countStandardDeviations (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::Frequencies | frequencies (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::FrequencyVariances | frequencyVariances (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::FrequencyStandardDeviations | frequencyStandardDeviations (const size_t index) const |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setCounts (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setCountVariances (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setCountStandardDeviations (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setFrequencies (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setFrequencyVariances (const size_t index, T && & |
template<typename... T> | |
void | setFrequencyStandardDeviations (const size_t index, T && & |
const HistogramData::HistogramX & | x (const size_t index) const |
const HistogramData::HistogramY & | y (const size_t index) const |
const HistogramData::HistogramE & | e (const size_t index) const |
const HistogramData::HistogramDx & | dx (const size_t index) const |
HistogramData::HistogramX & | mutableX (const size_t index) & |
HistogramData::HistogramDx & | mutableDx (const size_t index) & |
HistogramData::HistogramY & | mutableY (const size_t index) & |
HistogramData::HistogramE & | mutableE (const size_t index) & |
Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX > | sharedX (const size_t index) const |
Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramY > | sharedY (const size_t index) const |
Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramE > | sharedE (const size_t index) const |
Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramDx > | sharedDx (const size_t index) const |
void | setSharedX (const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX > &x) & |
void | setSharedDx (const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramDx > &dx) & |
void | setSharedY (const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramY > &y) & |
void | setSharedE (const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramE > &e) & |
const MantidVec & | readX (std::size_t const index) const |
Deprecated, use x() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | readY (std::size_t const index) const |
Deprecated, use y() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | readE (std::size_t const index) const |
Deprecated, use e() instead. More... | |
const MantidVec & | readDx (size_t const index) const |
Deprecated, use dx() instead. More... | |
virtual double | getXMin () const |
virtual double | getXMax () const |
virtual void | getXMinMax (double &xmin, double &xmax) const |
virtual void | setX (const std::size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX > &X) |
Deprecated, use setSharedX() instead. More... | |
virtual void | setX (const std::size_t index, const std::shared_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX > &X) |
Deprecated, use setSharedX() instead. More... | |
virtual bool | hasDx (const std::size_t index) const |
Probes if DX (X Error) values were set on a particular spectrum. More... | |
std::pair< size_t, double > | getXIndex (size_t i, double x, bool isLeft=true, size_t start=0) const |
Return an index in the X vector for an x-value close to a given value. More... | |
int | axes () const |
virtual Axis * | getAxis (const std::size_t &axisIndex) const |
Get a non owning pointer to a workspace axis. More... | |
void | replaceAxis (const std::size_t &axisIndex, std::unique_ptr< Axis > newAxis) |
Replaces one of the workspace's axes with the new one provided. More... | |
size_t | numberOfAxis () const |
Will return the number of Axis currently stored in the workspace it is not always safe to assume it is just 2. More... | |
virtual bool | isCommonLogBins () const |
Returns true if the workspace contains common X bins with log spacing. More... | |
virtual bool | isCommonBins () const |
Returns true if the workspace contains common X bins. More... | |
virtual bool | isIntegerBins () const |
Returns true if the workspace has common, integer X bins. More... | |
std::string | YUnit () const |
Returns the units of the data in the workspace. More... | |
void | setYUnit (const std::string &newUnit) |
Sets a new unit for the data (Y axis) in the workspace. More... | |
std::string | YUnitLabel (bool useLatex=false, bool plotAsDistribution=false) const |
Returns a caption for the units of the data in the workspace. More... | |
void | setYUnitLabel (const std::string &newLabel) |
Sets a new caption for the data (Y axis) in the workspace. More... | |
bool | isDistribution () const |
Are the Y-values dimensioned? More... | |
void | setDistribution (bool newValue) |
Set the flag for whether the Y-values are dimensioned. More... | |
void | maskBin (const size_t &workspaceIndex, const size_t &binIndex, const double &weight=1.0) |
Called by the algorithm MaskBins to mask a single bin for the first time, algorithms that later propagate the the mask from an input to the output should call flagMasked() instead. More... | |
void | flagMasked (const size_t &index, const size_t &binIndex, const double &weight=1.0) |
Writes the masking weight to m_masks (doesn't alter y-values). More... | |
bool | hasMaskedBins (const size_t &workspaceIndex) const |
Does this spectrum contain any masked bins. More... | |
bool | hasAnyMaskedBins () const |
Does this workspace contain any masked bins. More... | |
const MaskList & | maskedBins (const size_t &workspaceIndex) const |
Returns the list of masked bins for a spectrum. More... | |
std::vector< size_t > | maskedBinsIndices (const size_t &workspaceIndex) const |
void | setMaskedBins (const size_t workspaceIndex, const MaskList &maskedBins) |
Set the list of masked bins for given workspaceIndex. More... | |
void | setUnmaskedBins (const size_t workspaceIndex) |
Removes the mask from an index. More... | |
virtual void | setMonitorWorkspace (const std::shared_ptr< MatrixWorkspace > &monitorWS) |
Sets the internal monitor workspace to the provided workspace. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< MatrixWorkspace > | monitorWorkspace () const |
Returns a pointer to the internal monitor workspace. More... | |
void | loadInstrumentNexus (::NeXus::File *file) |
size_t | getNumDims () const override |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getDimension (size_t index) const override |
Get a dimension. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getDimensionWithId (std::string id) const override |
Get a dimension. More... | |
uint64_t | getNPoints () const override |
Gets the number of points available on the workspace. More... | |
uint64_t | getNEvents () const override |
Get the number of points available on the workspace. More... | |
LinePlot | getLinePlot (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &start, const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &end, Mantid::API::MDNormalization normalize) const override |
Generate a line plot through the matrix workspace. More... | |
signal_t | getSignalAtCoord (const coord_t *coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization) const override |
Get the signal at a coordinate in the workspace. More... | |
signal_t | getSignalWithMaskAtCoord (const coord_t *coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization) const override |
Get the signal at a coordinate in the workspace. More... | |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IMDIterator > > | createIterators (size_t suggestedNumCores=1, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function=nullptr) const override |
Create iterators. More... | |
void | setMDMasking (std::unique_ptr< Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction > maskingRegion) override |
Apply masking. More... | |
void | clearMDMasking () override |
Clear exsting masking. More... | |
Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem | getSpecialCoordinateSystem () const override |
virtual bool | hasOrientedLattice () const override |
virtual std::pair< int64_t, int64_t > | findY (double value, const std::pair< int64_t, int64_t > &idx={0, 0}) const |
Find first index in Y equal to value. More... | |
std::pair< size_t, size_t > | getImageStartEndXIndices (size_t i, double startX, double endX) const |
Get start and end x indices for images. More... | |
MantidImage_sptr | getImageY (size_t start=0, size_t stop=0, size_t width=0, double startX=EMPTY_DBL(), double endX=EMPTY_DBL()) const |
Create an image of Ys. More... | |
MantidImage_sptr | getImageE (size_t start=0, size_t stop=0, size_t width=0, double startX=EMPTY_DBL(), double endX=EMPTY_DBL()) const |
Create an image of Es. More... | |
virtual void | setImageY (const MantidImage &image, size_t start=0, bool parallelExecution=true) |
Copy the data (Y's) from an image to this workspace. More... | |
virtual void | setImageE (const MantidImage &image, size_t start=0, bool parallelExecution=true) |
Copy the data from an image to this workspace's errors. More... | |
void | invalidateCachedSpectrumNumbers () |
void | invalidateCommonBinsFlag () |
Invalidates the commons bins flag. More... | |
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std::string | changeQConvention () |
virtual void | clearFileBacked (bool) |
if a workspace was filebacked, this should clear file-based status, delete file-based information and close related files. More... | |
virtual void | clearMDMasking ()=0 |
Clear existing masks. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< IMDWorkspace > | clone () const |
Returns a clone of the workspace. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< IMDWorkspace > | cloneEmpty () const |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< IMDIterator > | createIterator (Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function=nullptr) const |
Creates a single iterator and returns it. More... | |
virtual std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IMDIterator > > | createIterators (size_t suggestedNumCores=1, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function=nullptr) const =0 |
Creates a new iterator pointing to the first cell in the workspace. More... | |
virtual MDNormalization | displayNormalization () const |
virtual MDNormalization | displayNormalizationHisto () const |
std::string | getConvention () const |
virtual LinePlot | getLinePlot (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &start, const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &end, Mantid::API::MDNormalization normalize) const |
Method to generate a line plot through a MD-workspace. More... | |
virtual uint64_t | getNEvents () const =0 |
virtual uint64_t | getNPoints () const =0 |
Get the number of points associated with the workspace. More... | |
virtual signal_t | getSignalAtCoord (const coord_t *coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization) const =0 |
Returns the (normalized) signal at a given coordinates. More... | |
signal_t | getSignalAtVMD (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization=Mantid::API::VolumeNormalization) const |
Returns the signal (normalized by volume) at a given coordinates. More... | |
virtual signal_t | getSignalWithMaskAtCoord (const coord_t *coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization) const =0 |
Returns the (normalized) signal at a given coordinates or 0 if the value. More... | |
signal_t | getSignalWithMaskAtVMD (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &coords, const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization=Mantid::API::VolumeNormalization) const |
Returns the signal (normalized by volume) at a given coordinates or 0 if masked. More... | |
virtual Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem | getSpecialCoordinateSystem () const =0 |
virtual bool | hasOrientedLattice () const =0 |
IMDWorkspace (const Parallel::StorageMode storageMode=Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual bool | isMDHistoWorkspace () const |
virtual ITableWorkspace_sptr | makeBoxTable (size_t, size_t) |
this is the method to build table workspace from any workspace. More... | |
IMDWorkspace & | operator= (const IMDWorkspace &other)=delete |
void | setConvention (std::string convention) |
virtual void | setMDMasking (std::unique_ptr< Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction > maskingRegion)=0 |
Setter for the masking region. More... | |
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Workspace_uptr | clone () const |
Returns a clone (copy) of the workspace with covariant return type in all derived classes. More... | |
Workspace_uptr | cloneEmpty () const |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace. More... | |
const std::string & | getComment () const |
Get the workspace comment. More... | |
const WorkspaceHistory & | getHistory () const |
Returns a reference to the WorkspaceHistory const. More... | |
virtual size_t | getMemorySize () const =0 |
Get the footprint in memory in bytes. More... | |
std::string | getMemorySizeAsStr () const |
Returns the memory footprint in sensible units. More... | |
const std::string & | getName () const override |
Get the workspace name. More... | |
virtual const std::string | getTitle () const |
Get the workspace title. More... | |
WorkspaceHistory & | history () |
Returns a reference to the WorkspaceHistory. More... | |
bool | isDirty (const int n=1) const |
Check whether other algorithms have been applied to the workspace by checking the history length. More... | |
virtual bool | isGroup () const |
Workspace & | operator= (const Workspace &other)=delete |
void | setComment (const std::string &) |
Set the comment field of the workspace. More... | |
virtual void | setTitle (const std::string &) |
Set the title of the workspace. More... | |
Parallel::StorageMode | storageMode () const |
Returns the storage mode (used for MPI runs) More... | |
bool | threadSafe () const override |
Marks the workspace as safe for multiple threads to edit data simutaneously. More... | |
Workspace (const Parallel::StorageMode storageMode=Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned) | |
~Workspace () | |
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DataItem () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
DataItem (const DataItem &other) | |
Copy constructor Always makes a unique lock. More... | |
virtual | ~DataItem () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | readLock () |
Acquires a read lock. More... | |
void | unlock () |
![]() | |
void | addDimension (const std::shared_ptr< Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > &dim) |
Add a dimension. More... | |
void | addDimension (Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension *dim) |
Add a dimension. More... | |
bool | allBasisNormalized () const |
void | clearOriginalWorkspaces () |
Clear original workspaces. More... | |
void | clearTransforms () |
Clear transforms. More... | |
virtual std::vector< coord_t > | estimateResolution () const |
Mantid::Kernel::VMD & | getBasisVector (size_t index) |
Get the basis vector (in the original workspace) for a dimension of this workspace. More... | |
const Mantid::Kernel::VMD & | getBasisVector (size_t index) const |
Get the basis vector (in the original workspace) for a dimension of this workspace. More... | |
virtual std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getDimension (size_t index) const |
Get a dimension. More... | |
size_t | getDimensionIndexById (const std::string &id) const |
Get the index of the dimension that matches the ID given. More... | |
size_t | getDimensionIndexByName (const std::string &name) const |
Get the index of the dimension that matches the name given. More... | |
virtual std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getDimensionWithId (std::string id) const |
Get a dimension. More... | |
std::string | getGeometryXML () const |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IMDDimension > > | getNonIntegratedDimensions () const |
Get non-collapsed dimensions. More... | |
size_t | getNumberTransformsFromOriginal () const |
Get the number of transforms defined from the original coordinate system. More... | |
size_t | getNumberTransformsToOriginal () const |
Get the number of transforms defined to the original coordinate system. More... | |
virtual size_t | getNumDims () const |
virtual size_t | getNumNonIntegratedDims () const |
Mantid::Kernel::VMD & | getOrigin () |
const Mantid::Kernel::VMD & | getOrigin () const |
std::shared_ptr< Workspace > | getOriginalWorkspace (size_t index=0) const |
Get the "original" workspace (the workspace that was the source for a binned MDWorkspace). More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getTDimension () const |
Get the t-dimension mapping. More... | |
Mantid::API::CoordTransform const * | getTransformFromOriginal (size_t index=0) const |
Get the Coordinate Transformation that goes from the original workspace to this workspace's coordinates. More... | |
Mantid::API::CoordTransform const * | getTransformToOriginal (size_t index=0) const |
Get the Coordinate Transformation that goes from THIS workspace's coordinates to the ORIGINAL workspace's coordinates. More... | |
const Kernel::DblMatrix & | getWTransf () const |
get the transformation from Qin crystal cartezian coordinate system to Q in orthogonal or real HKL coordiate system alined with arbitrary slicing plane More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getXDimension () const |
Get the x-dimension mapping. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getYDimension () const |
Get the y-dimension mapping. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension > | getZDimension () const |
Get the z-dimension mapping. More... | |
bool | hasOriginalWorkspace (size_t index=0) const |
void | initGeometry (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Geometry::IMDDimension > > &dimensions) |
Initialize the geometry. More... | |
MDGeometry () | |
Constructor. More... | |
MDGeometry (const MDGeometry &other) | |
Copy Constructor. More... | |
size_t | numOriginalWorkspaces () const |
MDGeometry & | operator= (const MDGeometry &other) |
void | setBasisVector (size_t index, const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &vec) |
Set the basis vector (in the original workspace) for a dimension of this workspace. More... | |
void | setOrigin (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &orig) |
Sets the origin of this geometry. More... | |
void | setOriginalWorkspace (std::shared_ptr< Workspace > ws, size_t index=0) |
Set the "original" workspace (the workspace that was the source for a binned MDWorkspace). More... | |
void | setTransformFromOriginal (Mantid::API::CoordTransform *transform, size_t index=0) |
Sets the Coordinate Transformation that goes from the original workspace to this workspace's coordinates. More... | |
void | setTransformToOriginal (Mantid::API::CoordTransform *transform, size_t index=0) |
Sets the Coordinate Transformation that goes from THIS workspace's coordinates to the ORIGINAL workspace's coordinates. More... | |
void | setWTransf (const Kernel::DblMatrix &WTransf) |
set the transformation from Q in crystal cartezian coordinate system to Q in orthogonal or real HKL coordiate system alined with arbitrary slicing plane More... | |
void | transformDimensions (std::vector< double > &scaling, std::vector< double > &offset) |
Transform the dimensions contained in this geometry x' = x*scaling + offset. More... | |
virtual | ~MDGeometry () |
Destructor. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual ExperimentInfo * | cloneExperimentInfo () const |
Clone us. More... | |
const Geometry::ComponentInfo & | componentInfo () const |
const Geometry::ParameterMap & | constInstrumentParameters () const |
Const version. More... | |
void | copyExperimentInfoFrom (const ExperimentInfo *other) |
Copy everything from the given experiment object. More... | |
const Geometry::DetectorInfo & | detectorInfo () const |
Return a const reference to the DetectorInfo object. More... | |
ExperimentInfo () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
ExperimentInfo (const ExperimentInfo &) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
std::string | getAvailableWorkspaceEndDate () const |
Return workspace end date as a formatted string (strftime style, as returned by Kernel::DateAdnTime) string, if available. More... | |
std::string | getAvailableWorkspaceStartDate () const |
Return workspace start date as a formatted string (strftime, as returned by Types::Core::DateAndTime) string, if available. More... | |
double | getEFixed (const detid_t detID) const |
Easy access to the efixed value for this run & detector ID. More... | |
double | getEFixed (const std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IDetector > &detector=std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IDetector >{nullptr}) const |
Easy access to the efixed value for this run & optional detector. More... | |
double | getEFixedForIndirect (const std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IDetector > &detector, const std::vector< std::string > ¶meterNames) const |
double | getEFixedGivenEMode (const std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::IDetector > &detector, const Kernel::DeltaEMode::Type emode) const |
Easy access to the efixed value for this run & detector. More... | |
Kernel::DeltaEMode::Type | getEMode () const |
Returns the emode for this run. More... | |
Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr | getInstrument () const |
Returns the parameterized instrument. More... | |
Kernel::Property * | getLog (const std::string &log) const |
Access a log for this experiment. More... | |
double | getLogAsSingleValue (const std::string &log) const |
Access a single value from a log for this experiment. More... | |
int | getRunNumber () const |
Utility method to get the run number. More... | |
std::string | getWorkspaceStartDate () const |
Returns the start date for this experiment (or current time if no info available) More... | |
Geometry::ParameterMap & | instrumentParameters () |
Returns a modifiable set of instrument parameters. More... | |
const Geometry::ParameterMap & | instrumentParameters () const |
Returns the set of parameters modifying the base instrument (const-version) More... | |
void | invalidateSpectrumDefinition (const size_t index) |
Notifies the ExperimentInfo that a spectrum definition has changed. More... | |
void | loadExperimentInfoNexus (const std::string &nxFilename, ::NeXus::File *file, std::string ¶meterStr) |
Loads an experiment description from the open NeXus file. More... | |
void | loadExperimentInfoNexus (const std::string &nxFilename, ::NeXus::File *file, std::string ¶meterStr, const Mantid::Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor &fileInfo, const std::string &prefix) |
void | loadInstrumentInfoNexus (const std::string &nxFilename, ::NeXus::File *file) |
Load the instrument from an open NeXus file without reading any parameters. More... | |
void | loadInstrumentInfoNexus (const std::string &nxFilename, ::NeXus::File *file, std::string ¶meterStr) |
Load the instrument from an open NeXus file. More... | |
void | loadInstrumentParametersNexus (::NeXus::File *file, std::string ¶meterStr) |
Load instrument parameters from an open Nexus file in Instument group if found there. More... | |
void | loadSampleAndLogInfoNexus (::NeXus::File *file) |
Load the sample and log info from an open NeXus file. More... | |
void | loadSampleAndLogInfoNexus (::NeXus::File *file, const Mantid::Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor &fileInfo, const std::string &prefix) |
Load the sample and log info from an open NeXus file. More... | |
Geometry::ComponentInfo & | mutableComponentInfo () |
Geometry::DetectorInfo & | mutableDetectorInfo () |
Return a non-const reference to the DetectorInfo object. More... | |
Run & | mutableRun () |
Writable version of the run object. More... | |
Sample & | mutableSample () |
Writable version of the sample object. More... | |
SpectrumInfo & | mutableSpectrumInfo () |
Return a non-const reference to the SpectrumInfo object. More... | |
ExperimentInfo & | operator= (const ExperimentInfo &) |
Implements the copy assignment operator. More... | |
void | populateInstrumentParameters () |
Add parameters to the instrument parameter map that are defined in instrument definition file or parameter file, which may contain parameters that require logfile data to be available. More... | |
void | readParameterMap (const std::string ¶meterStr) |
Populate the parameter map given a string. More... | |
const Run & | run () const |
Run details object access. More... | |
const Sample & | sample () const |
Sample accessors. More... | |
void | saveExperimentInfoNexus (::NeXus::File *file, bool saveInstrument, bool saveSample, bool saveLogs) const |
Saves this experiment description to the open NeXus file. More... | |
void | saveExperimentInfoNexus (::NeXus::File *file, bool saveLegacyInstrument=true) const |
Saves this experiment description to the open NeXus file. More... | |
void | setDetectorGrouping (const size_t index, const std::set< detid_t > &detIDs) const |
Sets the detector grouping for the spectrum with the given index . More... | |
void | setEFixed (const detid_t detID, const double value) |
Set the efixed value for a given detector ID. More... | |
void | setInstrument (const Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr &instr) |
Instrument accessors. More... | |
void | setNumberOfDetectorGroups (const size_t count) const |
Sets the number of detector groups. More... | |
void | setSharedRun (Kernel::cow_ptr< Run > run) |
Set the run object. Use in particular to clear run without copying old run. More... | |
Kernel::cow_ptr< Run > | sharedRun () |
Return the cow ptr of the run. More... | |
const SpectrumInfo & | spectrumInfo () const |
Return a reference to the SpectrumInfo object. More... | |
const std::string | toString () const |
Returns a string description of the object. More... | |
void | updateSpectrumDefinitionIfNecessary (const size_t index) const |
virtual | ~ExperimentInfo () |
Virtual destructor. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
EventWorkspace (const EventWorkspace &other) | |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning. More... | |
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IEventList & | getSpectrumWithoutInvalidation (const size_t index) override=0 |
IEventWorkspace (const IEventWorkspace &)=default | |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning. More... | |
const std::string | toString () const override |
Serializes the object to a string. More... | |
![]() | |
MatrixWorkspace (const MatrixWorkspace &other) | |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning. More... | |
MatrixWorkspace (const Parallel::StorageMode storageMode=Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
void | updateCachedDetectorGrouping (const size_t index) const override |
Update detector grouping for spectrum with given index. More... | |
std::string | getDimensionIdFromAxis (const int &axisIndex) const |
Getter for the dimension id based on the axis. More... | |
![]() | |
IMDWorkspace (const IMDWorkspace &)=default | |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning. More... | |
void | makeSinglePointWithNaN (std::vector< coord_t > &x, std::vector< signal_t > &y, std::vector< signal_t > &e) const |
Make a single point with NaN as the signal and error This can be returned when there would otherwise be nothing to plot. More... | |
const std::string | toString () const override |
Serializes the object to a string. More... | |
![]() | |
void | setStorageMode (Parallel::StorageMode mode) |
Sets the storage mode (used for MPI runs) More... | |
Workspace (const Workspace &) | |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning. More... | |
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Poco::RWLock * | getLock () const |
Private method to access the RWLock object. More... | |
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void | deleteNotificationReceived (const std::shared_ptr< const Workspace > &deleted) |
Function called when observer objects recieves a notification. More... | |
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size_t | numberOfDetectorGroups () const |
Returns the number of detector groups. More... | |
virtual void | populateIfNotLoaded () const |
Called as the first operation of most public methods. More... | |
void | setSpectrumDefinitions (Kernel::cow_ptr< std::vector< SpectrumDefinition > > spectrumDefinitions) |
Sets the SpectrumDefinition for all spectra. More... | |
virtual void | updateCachedDetectorGrouping (const size_t index) const |
Update detector grouping for spectrum with given index. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
EventWorkspace * | doClone () const override |
Virtual clone method. Not implemented to force implementation in children. More... | |
EventWorkspace * | doCloneEmpty () const override |
Virtual cloneEmpty method. More... | |
EventList & | getSpectrumWithoutInvalidation (const size_t index) override |
Return const reference to EventList at the given workspace index. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< EventList > > | data |
A vector that holds the event list for each spectrum; the key is the workspace index, which is not necessarily the pixelid. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< EventWorkspaceMRU > | mru |
Container for the MRU lists of the event lists contained. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
using | MaskList = std::map< size_t, double > |
Masked bins for each spectrum are stored as a set of pairs containing <bin index, weight> More... | |
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static const std::string | xDimensionId = "xDimension" |
Dimension id for x-dimension. More... | |
static const std::string | yDimensionId = "yDimension" |
Dimensin id for y-dimension. More... | |
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std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Axis > > | m_axes |
A vector of pointers to the axes for this workspace. More... | |
![]() | |
std::vector< Mantid::Kernel::VMD > | m_basisVectors |
Vector of the basis vector (in the original workspace) for each dimension of this workspace. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Geometry::IMDDimension > > | m_dimensions |
Vector of the dimensions used, in the order X Y Z t, etc. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< MDGeometryNotificationHelper > | m_notificationHelper |
Helper that deals with notifications and observing the ADS. More... | |
Mantid::Kernel::VMD | m_origin |
Vector of the origin (in the original workspace) that corresponds to 0,0,0... in this workspace. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Workspace > > | m_originalWorkspaces |
Pointer to the original workspace(s), if this workspace is a coordinate transformation from an original workspace. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::API::CoordTransform > > | m_transforms_FromOriginal |
Coordinate Transformation that goes from the original workspace to this workspace's coordinates. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Mantid::API::CoordTransform > > | m_transforms_ToOriginal |
Coordinate Transformation that goes from this workspace's coordinates to the original workspace coordinates. More... | |
Kernel::DblMatrix | m_Wtransf |
the matrix which transforms momentums from orthogonal Q-system to Orthogonal HKL or non-orthogonal HKL system alighned WRT to arbitrary coordinate system requested See the UB matrix formalizm, pg 7 for further details on implementation. More... | |
![]() | |
std::shared_ptr< Geometry::ParameterMap > | m_parmap |
Parameters modifying the base instrument. More... | |
Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr | sptr_instrument |
The base (unparametrized) instrument. More... | |
This class is intended to fulfill the design specified in < WorkspaceDetailed Design Document.doc>
Definition at line 31 of file EventWorkspace.h.
Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::EventWorkspace | ( | const Parallel::StorageMode | storageMode = Parallel::StorageMode::Cloned | ) |
Definition at line 47 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 61 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
protected |
Protected copy constructor. May be used by childs for cloning.
Definition at line 50 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Get the blocksize, aka the number of bins in the histogram.
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 156 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
overridevirtual |
Clears the MRU lists.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 484 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References mru.
Referenced by setAllX().
inline |
Returns a clone of the workspace.
Definition at line 44 of file EventWorkspace.h.
inline |
Returns a default-initialized clone of the workspace.
Definition at line 47 of file EventWorkspace.h.
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use dx() instead.
index | :: workspace index |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 540 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::readDx().
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use mutableDx() instead.
Return the data X error vector at a given workspace index
index | :: the workspace index to return |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 512 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::dataDx(), getSpectrum(), and index.
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use e() instead.
index | :: workspace index |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 550 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::API::ISpectrum::readE().
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use mutableE() instead.
Return the data E vector at a given workspace index Note: these non-const access methods will throw NotImplementedError
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 526 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use x() instead.
index | :: workspace index |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 535 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::readX().
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use mutableX() instead.
Return the data X vector at a given workspace index
index | :: the workspace index to return |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 506 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::dataX(), getSpectrum(), and index.
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use y() instead.
index | :: workspace index |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 545 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::API::ISpectrum::readY().
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use mutableY() instead.
Return the data Y vector at a given workspace index Note: these non-const access methods will throw NotImplementedError
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 517 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
inlineoverrideprivatevirtual |
Virtual clone method. Not implemented to force implementation in children.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 156 of file EventWorkspace.h.
inlineoverrideprivatevirtual |
Virtual cloneEmpty method.
Not implemented to force implementation in children.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 157 of file EventWorkspace.h.
overridevirtual |
Generate a new histogram from specified event list at the given index.
Using the event data in the event list, generate a histogram of it w.r.t TOF.
index | :: workspace index to generate |
X | :: input X vector of the bin boundaries. |
Y | :: output vector to be filled with the Y data. |
E | :: output vector to be filled with the Error data (optionally) |
skipError | :: if true, the error vector is NOT calculated. This may save some processing time. |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 569 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, index, and Mantid::Geometry::Y.
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::generateHistogramPulseTime | ( | const std::size_t | index, |
const MantidVec & | X, | ||
MantidVec & | Y, | ||
MantidVec & | E, | ||
bool | skipError = false |
) | const |
Generate a new histogram from specified event list at the given index.
Using the event data in the event list, generate a histogram of it w.r.t PULSE TIME.
index | :: workspace index to generate |
X | :: input X vector of the bin boundaries. |
Y | :: output vector to be filled with the Y data. |
E | :: output vector to be filled with the Error data (optionally) |
skipError | :: if true, the error vector is NOT calculated. This may save some processing time. |
Definition at line 586 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, index, and Mantid::Geometry::Y.
overridevirtual |
Get the EventType of the most-specialized EventList in the workspace.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 449 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::API::TOF, and Mantid::API::WEIGHTED_NOTIME.
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), and Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateFlux::integrateSpectra().
double Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getEventXMax | ( | ) | const |
Get them maximum x-value for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation.
This does copy some of the code from getEventXMinXMax, but that is because getting both min and max then throwing away the min is significantly slower on an unsorted event list.
Definition at line 389 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getNumberEvents(), getSpectrum(), and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMax().
Referenced by getTofMax().
double Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getEventXMin | ( | ) | const |
Get them minimum x-value for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation.
This does copy some of the code from getEventXMinXMax, but that is because getting both min and max then throwing away the max is significantly slower on an unsorted event list.
Definition at line 364 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getNumberEvents(), getSpectrum(), and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMin().
Referenced by getTofMin().
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getEventXMinMax | ( | double & | xmin, |
double & | xmax | ||
) | const |
Get them minimum and maximum x-values for the events themselves, ignoring the histogram representation.
Since this does not modify the sort order, the method will run significantly faster on a TOF_SORT event list.
Definition at line 410 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getNumberEvents(), getSpectrum(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMax(), and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMin().
Referenced by resetAllXToSingleBin().
overridevirtual |
Integrate all the spectra in the matrix workspace within the range given.
Default implementation, can be overridden by base classes if they know something smarter!
out | :: returns the vector where there is one entry per spectrum in the workspace. Same order as the workspace indices. |
minX | :: minimum X bin to use in integrating. |
maxX | :: maximum X bin to use in integrating. |
entireRange | :: set to true to use the entire range. minX and maxX are then ignored! |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 698 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getNumberHistograms(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::integrate(), and PARALLEL_FOR_NO_WSP_CHECK.
overridevirtual |
Returns the maximum number of bins in a workspace (works on ragged data).
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 185 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
overridevirtual |
Returns the amount of memory used in bytes.
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 487 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::API::Run::getMemorySize(), Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::getMemorySizeForXAxes(), and Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo::run().
overridevirtual |
Returns the number of bins for a given histogram index.
index | :: The histogram index to check for the number of bins. |
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 174 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, index, and std::to_string().
overridevirtual |
The total number of events across all of the spectra.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 440 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), getEventXMax(), getEventXMin(), and getEventXMinMax().
overridevirtual |
Get the number of histograms, usually the same as the number of pixels or detectors.
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 203 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), Mantid::Algorithms::WorkspaceJoiners::execEvent(), getIntegratedSpectra(), Mantid::DataHandling::getResultVector(), and Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateFlux::integrateSpectraEvents().
overridevirtual |
Get the maximum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 258 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMax(), and getSpectrum().
overridevirtual |
Get the minimum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 240 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMin(), and getSpectrum().
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getPulseTimeMinMax | ( | Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime & | Tmin, |
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime & | Tmax | ||
) | const |
Get the maximum and mimumum pulse time for events accross the entire workspace.
Tmin | minimal pulse time as a DateAndTime. |
Tmax | maximal pulse time as a DateAndTime. |
Definition at line 276 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMinMax(), and getSpectrum().
EventSortType Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getSortType | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 658 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getSortType(), size(), and Mantid::DataObjects::UNSORTED.
Referenced by getSortType(), and sortAll().
overridevirtual |
Return const reference to EventList at the given workspace index.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 213 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 75 of file EventWorkspace.h.
References index.
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), dataDx(), dataE(), dataX(), dataY(), Mantid::Algorithms::WorkspaceJoiners::execEvent(), getEventXMax(), getEventXMin(), getEventXMinMax(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateFlux::getMaxNumberOfPoints(), getPulseTimeMax(), getPulseTimeMin(), getPulseTimeMinMax(), Mantid::DataHandling::getResultVector(), getSpectrumWithoutInvalidation(), getTimeAtSampleMax(), getTimeAtSampleMin(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateFlux::integrateSpectraEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventSortingTask::operator()(), and refX().
EventList * Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::getSpectrumUnsafe | ( | const size_t | index | ) |
Returns a pointer to the EventList for a given spectrum in a timely manner.
Very minimal checking and preprocessing is performed by this function and it should only be used in tight loops where getSpectrum is too costly.
See the implementation of the non-const getSpectrum to see what is missing.
index | Workspace index |
Definition at line 230 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
overrideprivatevirtual |
Return const reference to EventList at the given workspace index.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 206 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::API::ISpectrum::setMatrixWorkspace().
overridevirtual |
Get the maximum time at sample for events across the entire workspace.
tofOffset | :: Time of flight offset. defaults to zero. |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 334 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getSpectrum(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTimeAtSampleMax(), and Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo::spectrumInfo().
overridevirtual |
Get the minimum time at sample for events across the entire workspace.
tofOffset | :: Time of flight offset. defaults to zero. |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 308 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getSpectrum(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTimeAtSampleMin(), and Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo::spectrumInfo().
overridevirtual |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 234 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getEventXMax().
overridevirtual |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 232 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getEventXMin().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return the workspace typeID.
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 35 of file EventWorkspace.h.
overridevirtual |
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 112 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::histogram(), Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::m_axes, mru, Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo::numberOfDetectorGroups(), and Mantid::API::ISpectrum::setHistogram().
overridevirtual |
Initialize the pixels.
NVectors | :: The number of vectors/histograms/detectors in the workspace. Does not need to be set, but needs to be > 0 |
XLength | :: The number of X data points/bin boundaries in each vector (ignored) |
YLength | :: The number of data/error points in each vector (ignored) |
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 81 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::m_axes, mru, and Mantid::API::ISpectrum::setHistogram().
overridevirtual |
Returns true always - an EventWorkspace always represents histogramm-able data.
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 475 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns true if the workspace is ragged (has differently sized spectra).
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 135 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
size_t Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::MRUSize | ( | ) | const |
Return how many entries in the Y MRU list are used.
Only used in tests. It only returns the 0-th MRU list size.
Definition at line 481 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References mru.
delete |
overridevirtual |
Deprecated, use sharedX() instead.
index | :: workspace index |
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 555 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getSpectrum(), index, and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::ptrX().
overridevirtual |
Set all Histogram X vectors to a single bin with boundaries that fit the TOF of all events across all spectra.
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 613 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References getEventXMinMax(), and setAllX().
overridevirtual |
Set all histogram X vectors.
x | :: The X vector of histogram bins to use. |
Implements Mantid::API::IEventWorkspace.
Definition at line 597 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References clearMRU(), data, Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::invalidateCommonBinsFlag(), and Mantid::Geometry::x.
Referenced by resetAllXToSingleBin().
overridevirtual |
The total size of the workspace.
Implements Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace.
Definition at line 148 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
Referenced by getSortType().
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::sortAll | ( | EventSortType | sortType, |
Mantid::API::Progress * | prog | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 673 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data, getSortType(), and Mantid::Kernel::ProgressBase::reportIncrement().
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), and Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateFlux::integrateSpectraEvents().
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::sortAllOld | ( | EventSortType | sortType, |
Mantid::API::Progress * | prog | ||
) | const |
void Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace::switchEventType | ( | const Mantid::API::EventType | type | ) |
Switch all event lists to the given event type.
type | :: EventType to switch to |
Definition at line 467 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
References data.
overridevirtual |
Returns true if the EventWorkspace is safe for multithreaded operations.
WARNING: This is only true for OpenMP threading. EventWorkspace is NOT thread safe with Poco threads or other threading mechanisms.
Reimplemented from Mantid::API::Workspace.
Definition at line 67 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.
Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces().
private |
A vector that holds the event list for each spectrum; the key is the workspace index, which is not necessarily the pixelid.
Definition at line 164 of file EventWorkspace.h.
Referenced by blocksize(), EventWorkspace(), generateHistogram(), generateHistogramPulseTime(), getEventType(), getEventXMax(), getEventXMin(), getEventXMinMax(), getIntegratedSpectra(), getMaxNumberBins(), getMemorySize(), getNumberBins(), getNumberEvents(), getNumberHistograms(), getPulseTimeMax(), getPulseTimeMin(), getPulseTimeMinMax(), getSortType(), getSpectrum(), getSpectrumUnsafe(), getTimeAtSampleMax(), getTimeAtSampleMin(), init(), isRaggedWorkspace(), setAllX(), size(), sortAll(), switchEventType(), and ~EventWorkspace().
mutableprivate |
Container for the MRU lists of the event lists contained.
Definition at line 167 of file EventWorkspace.h.
Referenced by clearMRU(), EventWorkspace(), init(), and MRUSize().