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Mantid::DataHandling Namespace Reference


namespace  ANSTO
namespace  AxisHelper
namespace  EMU
namespace  GeometryArgs
 Provate namespace storing geometry args.
namespace  H5Util
namespace  LoadGeometry
 Common methods for LoadInstrument.cpp and LoadEmptyInstrument.cpp.
namespace  LoadHelper
 LoadHelper : Auxiliary functions for Loading Files.
namespace  LoadISISNexusHelper
namespace  LoadNexusMonitorsAlg
 Load Monitors from NeXus files.
namespace  MuonNexus
namespace  NeXusEntry
namespace  NXcanSAS
namespace  PLN
namespace  PropertyNames
 Private namespace storing property name strings.
namespace  SEArgs
 Private namespace storing sample environment args.
namespace  ShapeArgs
 Private namespace storing sample environment args.


class  ApplyDiffCal
 ApplyDiffCal : More...
class  AvrgDetector
 helper class-collection to keep together the parameters, which characterize average composite detector and help to calculate these parameters More...
class  CheckMantidVersion
 CheckMantidVersion : Checks if the current version of Mantid is the most recent. More...
class  ChopperConfiguration
struct  CoincidenceEvent
 A detected neutron. More...
class  CompressEvents
 Compress an EventWorkspace by lumping together events with very close TOF value, while ignoring the event's pulse time. More...
class  CreateChunkingFromInstrument
 CreateChunkingFromInstrument : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  CreatePolarizationEfficiencies
 CreatePolarizationEfficiencies. More...
class  CreatePolarizationEfficienciesBase
 CreatePolarizationEfficienciesBase - the base class for algorithms that create polarization efficiency workspaces: More...
class  CreateSampleShape
 This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions. More...
class  CreateSimulationWorkspace
struct  DasEvent
 Structure that matches the form in the binary event list. More...
class  DataBlock
 DataBlock: The DataBlock class holds information about a contiguous block of spectrum numbers. More...
class  DataBlockComposite
 DataBlockComposite: The DataBlockComposite handles a collection of DataBlocks. More...
class  DataBlockGenerator
 DataBlockGenerator: The DataBlockGenerator class provides increasing int64_t numbers from a collection of intervals which are being input into the generator at construction. More...
class  DefaultEventLoader
 Helper class for LoadEventNexus that is specific to the current default loading code for NXevent_data entries in Nexus files, in particular LoadBankFromDiskTask and ProcessBankData. More...
class  DefineGaugeVolume
 This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions. More...
class  DeleteTableRows
 Deletes a row from a TableWorkspace. More...
struct  DetectorWord
 Holds the 128 bit words from the detector. More...
class  DetermineChunking
class  DetParameters
 Small helper class-holder used to precalculate the detectors parameters in spherical coordinate system. More...
class  DownloadFile
 DownloadFile : Downloads a file from a url to the file system. More...
class  DownloadInstrument
 DownloadInstrument : Downloads one or more instrument files to the local instrument cache from the instrument repository. More...
union  EventUnion
 Is able to hold all versions of the data words in the same memory location. More...
class  EventWorkspaceCollection
 EventWorkspaceCollection : Collection of EventWorspaces to give backward-forward compatibility around performing operations on groups. More...
class  ExtractMonitorWorkspace
 Looks for an internally-stored monitor workspace on the input workspace and sets it as the output workspace if found. More...
class  ExtractPolarizationEfficiencies
 Looks for a parameter in the parameter file that stores polarization efficiencies to be used with the polarization correction algorithm (PolarizationEfficienciesCor). More...
struct  FileTypeDescriptor
 Description of the ASCII data header, common for all ASCII PAR and PHX files. More...
class  FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus
 A data loading and splitting routine for SNS pre-nexus event files. More...
class  FindDetectorsInShape
 An algorithm for finding which detectors are contained within a user defined shape within the instrument. More...
class  FindDetectorsPar
struct  FITSInfo
class  GenerateGroupingPowder
 GenerateGroupingPowder : Generate grouping file and par file, for powder scattering. More...
struct  GenericEvent
 Generic event to separate bits. More...
class  getWithoutMonitors
 To be used with std::generate to copy only those values from a dataset that don't relate to monitors. More...
class  GroupDetectors
 An algorithm for grouping detectors and the spectra associated with them into a single DetectorGroup and spectrum. More...
class  GroupDetectors2
 An algorithm for grouping detectors and their associated spectra into single spectra and DetectorGroups. More...
struct  HashV3DPair
struct  headerData
struct  IntermediateEvent
 Structure used as an intermediate for parallel processing of events. More...
class  InvalidLogPeriods
 Custom exception extending std::invalid_argument Thrown when nperiods does not match period_log Custom exception so we can re-propagate this error and handle all other errors. More...
class  ISampleEnvironmentSpecFinder
 Interface for a class responsible for finding a specification based on a name. More...
class  ISISDataArchive
 This class is for searching the ISIS data archive. More...
class  ISISJournal
 ISISJournal: Helper class to aid in fetching ISIS specific run information from journal files. More...
class  ISISJournalGetExperimentRuns
 ISISJournalGetExperimentRuns obtains a list of runs and related information for an investigation and cycle. More...
class  ISISRunLogs
 Defines a class to aid in creating ISIS specific run logs for periods, status etc. More...
class  JoinISISPolarizationEfficiencies
 JoinISISPolarizationEfficiencies : Joins reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors to form a single matrix workspace. More...
class  Load
 Loads a workspace from a data file. More...
class  LoadAscii
 Loads a workspace from an ascii file. More...
class  LoadAscii2
 Loads a workspace from an ascii file. More...
class  LoadAsciiStl
class  LoadBankFromDiskTask
 This task does the disk IO from loading the NXS file, and so will be on a disk IO mutex. More...
class  LoadBBY
class  LoadBinaryStl
class  LoadCalFile
 Algorithm to load a 5-column ascii .cal file into up to 3 workspaces: a GroupingWorkspace, OffsetsWorkspace and/or MaskWorkspace. More...
class  LoadCanSAS1D
 This algorithm loads 1 CanSAS1d xml file into a workspace. More...
class  LoadCanSAS1D2
 This algorithm loads 1 CanSAS1d xml file into a workspace. More...
class  LoadCSNSNexus
class  LoadDaveGrp
 Reads the DAVE grouped ASCII format into a workspace. More...
class  LoadDetectorInfo
class  LoadDetectorsGroupingFile
 LoadDetectorsGroupingFile. More...
class  LoadDiffCal
 LoadDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  LoadDNSEvent
 LoadDNSEvent. More...
class  LoadDspacemap
 Loads a Dspacemap file (POWGEN binary, VULCAN binary or ascii format) into an OffsetsWorkspace. More...
class  LoadEmptyInstrument
 Loads an instrument definition file into a workspace, with the purpose of being able to visualise an instrument without requiring to read in a ISIS raw datafile first. More...
class  LoadEMU
class  LoadEMUHdf
 LoadEMUHdf : Loads an ANSTO EMU Hdf and linked event file into a workspace. More...
class  LoadEMUTar
 LoadEMUTar : Loads a merged ANSTO EMU Hdf and event file into a workspace. More...
class  LoadEventNexus
 Load Event Nexus files. More...
class  LoadEventNexusIndexSetup
 Helper for LoadEventNexus dealing with setting up indices (spectrum numbers an detector ID mapping) for workspaces. More...
class  LoadEventPreNexus2
 A data loading routine for SNS pre-nexus event files. More...
class  LoadFITS
 LoadFITS: Load one or more of FITS files into a Workspace2D. More...
class  LoadFullprofResolution
 LoadFullprofResolution : Load Fullprof resolution (.irf) file to TableWorkspace(s) More...
class  LoadGroupMapFile
 Class used to load a grouping information from .map file. More...
class  LoadGroupXMLFile
class  LoadGSASInstrumentFile
 LoadGSASInstrumentFile : Load GSAS instrument file to TableWorkspace(s) More...
class  LoadGSS
 Loads a file as saved by SaveGSS. More...
class  LoadHFIRSANS
 This algorithm loads a SPICE2D file for HFIR SANS into a workspace. More...
class  LoadIDFFromNexus
 DataHandling/LoadIDFFromNexus.h. More...
class  LoadILLDiffraction
 LoadILLDiffraction : Loads ILL diffraction nexus files. More...
class  LoadILLIndirect2
 Loads an ILL IN16B nexus file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadILLPolarizationFactors
 LoadILLPolarizationFactors : Load reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors from disk. More...
class  LoadILLPolarizedDiffraction
 LoadILLPolarizedDiffraction : Loads ILL polarized diffraction nexus files from instrument D7. More...
class  LoadILLReflectometry
 LoadILLReflectometry : Loads an ILL reflectometry Nexus data file. More...
class  LoadILLSALSA
 Loads an ILL SALSA NeXus file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadILLSANS
 LoadILLSANS; supports D11, D22 and D33 (TOF/monochromatic) More...
class  LoadILLTOF2
 Loads an ILL IN4/5/6/Panther NeXus file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadInstrument
 Loads instrument data from an XML or Nexus instrument description file and adds it to a workspace. More...
class  LoadInstrumentFromNexus
 DataHandling/LoadInstrumentFromNexus.h. More...
class  LoadInstrumentFromRaw
 DataHandling/LoadInstrumentFromRaw.h. More...
class  LoadIsawDetCal
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
class  LoadISISNexus2
 Loads a file in a NeXus format and stores it in a 2D workspace. More...
class  LoadISISPolarizationEfficiencies
 LoadISISPolarizationEfficiencies : Load reflectometry polarization efficiency correction factors from disk. More...
class  LoadLLB
 LoadLLB : Loads an LLB MIBEMOL TOF NeXus file into a Workspace2D with the given name. More...
class  LoadLog
 Load ISIS log file(s). More...
class  LoadMappingTable
 Loads the mapping table between spectra and IDetector from a raw file. More...
class  LoadMask
 LoadMask : Load masking file to generate a SpecialWorkspace2D object (masking workspace). More...
class  LoadMcStas
 LoadMcStas : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  LoadMcStasNexus
 LoadMcStasNexus : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  LoadMLZ
 LoadMLZ : Loads MLZ nexus or hdf file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadMuonLog
 Load ISIS Muon log data from a NeXus file. More...
class  LoadMuonNexus
 It is a base class for loaders for versions 1 and 2 of the muon nexus file format. More...
class  LoadMuonNexus1
class  LoadMuonNexus2
 Loads an file in NeXus Muon format version 1 and 2 and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadMuonNexusV2
 Loads a file in the Nexus Muon format V2 and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadMuonNexusV2NexusHelper
class  LoadMuonStrategy
class  LoadNexus
 Loads a file in NeXus format and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadNexusLogs
 Loads the run logs from a NeXus file. More...
class  LoadNexusMonitors
 DataHandling/LoadNexusMonitors.h. More...
class  LoadNexusMonitors2
class  LoadNexusProcessed
 Loads a workspace from a NeXus Processed entry in a NeXus file. More...
class  LoadNexusProcessed2
 LoadNexusProcessed2 : Second variation of LoadNexusProcess, built to handle ESS file specifics in addition to existing behaviour for standard Mantid Processed files. More...
class  LoadNGEM
class  LoadNXcanSAS
 LoadNXcanSAS : Tries to load an NXcanSAS file type into a Workspace2D. More...
class  LoadNXSPE
 LoadNXSPE : Algorithm to load an NXSPE file into a workspace2D. More...
class  LoadOff
class  LoadParameterFile
 DataHandling/LoadParameterFile.h. More...
class  LoadPDFgetNFile
 LoadPDFgetNFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  LoadPLN
 LoadPLN : Loads an ANSTO PLN Hdf and linked event file into a workspace. More...
class  LoadPreNexus
 LoadPreNexus : Workflow algorithm to load a collection of preNeXus files. More...
class  LoadPreNexusMonitors
class  LoadPSIMuonBin
class  LoadQKK
 Loads a Quokka data file. More...
class  LoadRaw3
 Loads an file in ISIS RAW format and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadRawBin0
 Loads bin zero for all spectra from ISIS RAW file and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadRawHelper
 Helper class for LoadRaw algorithms. More...
class  LoadRawSpectrum0
 Loads zeroth spectrum from ISIS RAW format file and stores it in a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  LoadRKH
 Loads an RKH file into a Mantid 1D workspace. More...
class  LoadSampleDetailsFromRaw
 An algorithm to extract the sample details from the SPB structure within a RAW file. More...
class  LoadSampleEnvironment
 Load Environment into the sample of a workspace, either replacing the current environment, or replacing it, you may also set the material. More...
class  LoadSampleShape
 Load Shape into an instrument of a workspace. More...
class  LoadSassena
 Load Sassena Output files. More...
class  LoadSESANS
 LoadSESANS : Load a workspace in the SESANS file format. More...
class  LoadSingleMesh
class  LoadSINQFocus
 Loads an PSI nexus file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadSNSspec
 Loads a workspace from an SNS spec file. More...
class  LoadSPE
 Loads an SPE format file into a Mantid workspace. More...
class  LoadSpec
 Loads a workspace from an ascii file. More...
class  LoadSpice2D
 This algorithm loads a SPICE2D file for HFIR SANS into a workspace. More...
class  LoadSpiceAscii
 LoadSpiceAscii : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  LoadSpiceXML2DDet
 LoadSpiceXML2DDet : Load 2D detector data in XML format form SPICE. More...
class  LoadStl
class  LoadStlFactory
class  LoadSwans
 LoadSwans : Test Loader to read data from the LDRD new SWANS detector. More...
class  LoadTBL
 Loads a table workspace from an ascii file in reflectometry tbl format. More...
class  LoadTOFRawNexus
 Loads a NeXus file that conforms to the TOFRaw instrument definition format and stores it in a 2D workspace. More...
class  Mantid3MFFileIO
 Class to load and save .3mf files .3mf format is a 3D manufacturing format for storing mesh descriptions of multi-component objects + metadata about the overall model (eg scale) and the individual components. More...
class  MaskDetectors
 An algorithm to mask a detector, or set of detectors. More...
class  MaskDetectorsInShape
 An algorithm for finding masking detectors that are contained within a user defined shape within the instrument. More...
class  MaskSpectra
 Mask specified spectra and the underlying detectors in a workspace. More...
class  MeshFileIO
class  ModifyDetectorDotDatFile
 Modifies an ISIS detector dot data file, so that the detector positions are as in the given workspace. More...
class  MoveInstrumentComponent
 DataHandling/MoveInstrumentComponent.h. More...
class  MultiPeriodLoadMuonStrategy
class  NexusTester
 NexusTester : debugging/performance testing algorithm for nexus file loading and saving. More...
class  ORNLDataArchive
 Please see the .cpp file for more information. More...
class  ParallelEventLoader
 Loader for event data from Nexus files with parallelism based on multiple processes (MPI or MultiProcessing) for performance. More...
class  PatchBBY
class  PDLoadCharacterizations
 LoadPDCharacterizations : Load a characterization file used in Powder Diffraction Reduction. More...
class  ProcessBankData
 This task does the disk IO from loading the NXS file, and so will be on a disk IO mutex. More...
struct  PropertyInfo
struct  Pulse
 Structure that matches the form in the new pulseid files. More...
class  RawFileInfo
 An algorithm to extract pertinent information about a RAW file without loading the data. More...
class  ReadMaterial
 This class contains code for interpreting a material input for SetSampleMaterial, validating the parameters before sending them on to MaterialBuilder. More...
class  RemoveLogs
 Load ISIS log file(s). More...
class  RenameLog
 RenameLog : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  RotateInstrumentComponent
 DataHandling/RotateInstrumentComponent.h. More...
class  RotateSource
 RotateSource : Moves the source by a given angle taking into account the handedness. More...
class  SampleEnvironmentFactory
 Create a single instance of a SampleEnvironment. More...
class  SampleEnvironmentSpec
 Defines the properties of a named SampleEnvironment setup. More...
class  SampleEnvironmentSpecFileFinder
 Class responsible for finding a specifications on disk. More...
class  SampleEnvironmentSpecParser
 Read an XML definition of a SampleEnvironmentSpec and produce a new SampleEnvironmentSpec object. More...
class  SaveAscii
 Saves a workspace or selected spectra in a coma-separated ascii file. More...
class  SaveAscii2
 Saves a workspace or selected spectra in a coma-separated ascii file. More...
class  SaveBankScatteringAngles
class  SaveCalFile
 Algorithm to save a 5-column ascii .cal file from to 3 workspaces: a GroupingWorkspace, OffsetsWorkspace and/or MaskWorkspace. More...
class  SaveCanSAS1D
class  SaveCanSAS1D2
 This algorithm saves workspace into CanSAS1d format. More...
class  SaveCSV
 Saves a 1D or 2D workspace to a CSV file. More...
class  SaveDaveGrp
class  SaveDetectorsGrouping
 SaveDetectorsGrouping : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SaveDiffCal
 SaveDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SaveDiffFittingAscii
class  SaveDspacemap
 Saves an OffsetsWorkspace into a POWGEN-format binary dspace map file. More...
class  SaveFITS
 SaveFITS : Save images in FITS formats. More...
class  SaveFocusedXYE
 Saves a focused data set (usually output of a diffraction focusing routine but not exclusively) into a three column format containing X_i, Y_i, and E_i. More...
class  SaveFullprofResolution
 SaveFullprofResolution : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SaveGDA
class  SaveGSASInstrumentFile
 SaveGSASInstrumentFile : Convert Fullprof"s instrument resolution file (.irf) to GSAS"s instrument file (.iparm/.prm). More...
class  SaveGSS
 Saves a focused data set into a three column GSAS format containing X_i, Y_i*step, and E_i*step. More...
class  SaveIsawDetCal
 Saves an instrument with RectangularDetectors to an ISAW .DetCal file. More...
class  SaveISISNexus
 The SaveISISNexus algorithm will convert a RAW file to a NeXus file. More...
class  SaveMask
 SaveMaskingToFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SaveNexus
 Saves a file in NeXus format and from a 2D workspace (Workspace2D class). More...
class  SaveNexusESS
 SaveNexusESS : Save algorithm to save a NeXus organised hdf5 file containing data and geometry from reduced experiment for use at European Spallation Source. More...
class  SaveNexusGeometry
class  SaveNexusProcessed
 DataHandling/SaveNexusProcessed.h. More...
class  SaveNISTDAT
 Writer for compatibility with SansView and NIST reduced data file format. More...
class  SaveNXcanSAS
 SaveNXcanSAS : Saves a reduced workspace in the NXcanSAS format. More...
class  SaveNXSPE
 Saves a workspace into a NeXus/HDF5 NXSPE file. More...
class  SaveNXTomo
 Saves a workspace into a NeXus/HDF5 NXTomo file. More...
class  SaveOpenGenieAscii
class  SavePAR
 Saves a workspace into an ASCII PAR file. More...
class  SaveParameterFile
 SaveParameterFile : Save a workspace's parameters to an instrument parameter file. More...
class  SavePDFGui
 SavePDFGui : Saves a workspace containing a pair distrebution function in a format readable by the PDFgui package. More...
class  SavePHX
 Saves a workspace into an ASCII PHX file. More...
class  SaveReflectometryAscii
 Saves a file of desired (mft, txt, dat or custom) Ascii format from a 2D workspace. More...
class  SaveRKH
 Saves a workspace in the RKH file format. More...
class  SaveRMCProfile
 SaveRMCProfile : Saves a workspace containing a spectral density in a format readable by the RMCProfile package. More...
class  SaveSampleEnvironmentAndShape
 Save the Shape of the sample and environment into a single binary .stl file. More...
class  SaveSESANS
 SaveSESANS : Save a workspace in the SESANS file format. More...
class  SaveSPE
 Saves a workspace into an ASCII SPE file. More...
class  SaveStl
 Class to contain functionality for writing out STL files for SaveShapeAndEnvironment. More...
class  SaveTBL
 Saves a table workspace to a reflectometry tbl format ascii file. More...
class  SaveToSNSHistogramNexus
 Save a Workspace2D or an EventWorkspace into a NeXus file whose format corresponds to that expected at the SNS. More...
class  SaveVTK
 Saves a 1D or 2D workspace using the vtk file format described in the "file formats" document at http://www.vtk.org/documents.php . More...
class  SetBeam
 Set properties of the beam. More...
class  SetSample
 High-level interface for setting sample metadata on a workspace. More...
class  SetSampleMaterial
 This class allows the shape of the sample to be defined by using the allowed XML expressions. More...
class  SetScalingPSD
 Read the scaling information from a file (e.g. More...
class  SinglePeriodLoadMuonStrategy
class  SNSAppendGeometryToNexus
 SNSAppendGeometryToNexus : Appends geometry information to a NeXus file. More...
class  SortTableWorkspace
 SortTableWorkspace : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SpiceXMLNode
struct  T0FrameEvent
 Indicate time 0, the start of a new frame. More...
struct  temperatureHeaderData
class  UpdateInstrumentFromFile
 Update detector positions initially loaded in from Instrument Defintion File (IDF) from information in the provided files. More...
struct  V3DTrueComparator
struct  VulcanCorrectionFactor
 Structure of the vulcan binary file. More...
class  XmlHandler


using ChopperConfiguration_sptr = std::shared_ptr< ChopperConfiguration >
using DasTofType = int
 Type for the DAS time of flight (data file) More...
using EventWorkspaceCollection_sptr = std::shared_ptr< EventWorkspaceCollection >
using EventWorkspaceCollection_uptr = std::unique_ptr< EventWorkspaceCollection >
using ISampleEnvironmentSpecFinder_uptr = std::unique_ptr< ISampleEnvironmentSpecFinder >
using MeshObject_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::MeshObject >
 Typdef for a shared pointer to a const object. More...
using MeshObject_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Geometry::MeshObject >
 Typdef for a shared pointer. More...
using mypair = std::pair< double, int >
using optional_size_t = NeXus::NexusFileIO::optional_size_t
using PixelType = int
 DetermineChunking : Workflow algorithm to determine chunking. More...
using SampleEnvironmentSpec_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const SampleEnvironmentSpec >
 unique_ptr to a const SampleEnvironmentSpec More...
using SampleEnvironmentSpec_uptr = std::unique_ptr< SampleEnvironmentSpec >
 unique_ptr to a SampleEnvironmentSpec More...
using SpectrumPair = std::pair< specnum_t, specnum_t >
using tokenizer = Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer
using ValidationErrors = std::map< std::string, std::string >


 Allowed file types. More...
enum  fileTypes {
  PAR_type , PHX_type , SPE_type , BIN_file ,
 file types currently supported by ASCII loader are: 1) an ASCII Tobyfit par file Syntax: >> par = get_ascii_file(filename,['par']) More...
enum class  InstrumentLayout { Mantid , NexusFormat , NotRecognised }
 Layout information relating to detector-spectra mappings. More...
enum class  LoaderType { Xml = 1 , Idf = 2 , Nxs = 3 }
enum class  NexusType { Muon , Processed , ISIS , TofRaw }
enum class  ScaleUnits { undefined , metres , centimetres , millimetres }
enum class  TimeType : unsigned char { StartTime , EndTime }


template<typename TYPE >
void AddSinglePointTimeSeriesProperty (API::LogManager &logManager, const std::string &time, const std::string &name, const TYPE value)
template<typename T >
void adjustTimeOfFlightISISLegacy (::NeXus::File &file, T localWorkspace, const std::string &entry_name, const std::string &classType, const Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor *descriptor=nullptr)
 ISIS specific method for dealing with wide events. More...
std::vector< int32_t > bankOffsets (const API::ExperimentInfo &ws, const std::string &filename, const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &bankNames)
 Return offset between global spectrum index and detector ID for given banks. More...
std::vector< int32_t > bankOffsetsSpectrumNumbers (const API::MatrixWorkspace &ws, const std::string &filename, const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &bankNames)
 Return offset between global spectrum index and spectrum number for given banks. More...
static const string BLOCK_SIZE_PARAM ("LoadingBlockSize")
static const string BLOCK_SIZE_PARAM ("LoadingBlockSize")
size_t calcVecSize (const std::vector< double > &data0, std::vector< size_t > &numptsvec, size_t &numsets, bool xascend)
static bool checkIntersection (std::vector< std::string > v1, std::vector< std::string > v2)
bool compare (const mypair &left, const mypair &right)
DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr createTimeZeroTable (const size_t numSpec, const std::vector< double > &timeZeros)
 Creates a timezero table for the loaded detectors. More...
static bool endswith (const std::string &s, const std::string &subs)
static const string EVENT_PARAM ("EventFilename")
static const string EVENT_PARAM ("EventFilename")
bool exists (::NeXus::File &file, const std::string &name)
 Based on the current group in the file, does the named sub-entry exist? More...
bool exists (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &entries, const std::string &name)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime extractDateAndTime (TimeType type, const std::string &filename)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime DLLExport extractEndTime (const std::string &filename)
 Gets the start time from the nexus file. More...
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime DLLExport extractStartTime (const std::string &filename)
 Extracts the start and the end time from a Nexus file. More...
std::pair< DateAndTime, DateAndTime > firstLastPulseTimes (::NeXus::File &file, Kernel::Logger &logger)
template<class T >
bool from_string (T &t, const std::string &s, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
static string generateMappingfileName (EventWorkspace_sptr &wksp)
 Generate mapping file name. More...
static string generateMappingfileName (EventWorkspace_sptr &wksp)
 Generate mapping file name from Event workspace's instrument. More...
static string generatePulseidName (string eventfile)
 Generate pulse ID. More...
static string generatePulseidName (string eventfile)
 Generate Pulse ID file name from preNexus event file's name. More...
vector< string > getGroupNames (const string &names)
 Split a list of instrument components into a vector of strings. More...
std::vector< int32_t > getOffsets (const DataObjects::EventWorkspace &ws, const std::string &filename, const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &bankNames, const bool eventIDIsSpectrumNumber)
std::vector< std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > * > getResultVector (DataObjects::EventWorkspace &ws)
static string getRunnumber (const string &filename)
 Get run number. More...
static string getRunnumber (const string &filename)
 Parse preNexus file name to get run number. More...
ScaleUnits getScaleTypeFromStr (const std::string &scaleProperty)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime handleISISNexusFile (TimeType type, const std::string &filename)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime handleMuonNexusFile (TimeType type, const std::string &filename)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime handleProcessedNexusFile (TimeType type, const std::string &filename)
Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime handleTofRawNexusFile (TimeType type, const std::string &filename)
template<class T >
bool loadNXDataSet (NeXus::NXEntry &entry, const std::string &path, T &value)
bool loadNXString (const NeXus::NXEntry &entry, const std::string &path, std::string &value)
std::string MANTID_DATAHANDLING_DLL makeCanSASRelaxedName (const std::string &input)
 This makes out of an input a relaxed name, something conforming to "[A-Za-z_][\w_]*" For now "-" is converted to "_", "." is converted to "_", else we throw. More...
template<typename T >
void makeTimeOfFlightDataFuzzy (::NeXus::File &file, T localWorkspace, const std::string &binsName, size_t start_wi=0, size_t end_wi=0)
 Load the time of flight data. More...
static const string MAP_PARAM ("MappingFilename")
static const string MAP_PARAM ("MappingFilename")
static const string MAP_PARAM ("MappingFilename")
void nexus_print_error (void *pD, char *text)
const int NUM_EXT_EVENT_NEXUS (3)
 Number of event nexus extensions. More...
const int NUM_EXT_HISTO_NEXUS (1)
 Number of histogram nexus extensions. More...
const int NUM_EXT_PRENEXUS (1)
 Number of prenexus extensions. More...
const int NUM_EXT_RAW (1)
 Number of raw file extensions. More...
std::size_t numEvents (::NeXus::File &file, bool &hasTotalCounts, bool &oldNeXusFileNames, const std::string &prefix, const NexusHDF5Descriptor &descriptor)
 Get the number of events in the currently opened group. More...
static const string OUT_PARAM ("OutputWorkspace")
static const string OUT_PARAM ("OutputWorkspace")
static const string PARALLEL_PARAM ("UseParallelProcessing")
static const string PARALLEL_PARAM ("UseParallelProcessing")
string parentName (const IComponent_const_sptr &comp, const string &prefix)
 Find the name of the parent of the component that starts with the supplied prefix. More...
string parentName (const IComponent_const_sptr &comp, const vector< string > &names)
 Find the name of the parent of the component that is in the list of parents that are being searched for. More...
static const string PID_PARAM ("SpectrumList")
static const string PID_PARAM ("SpectrumList")
template<typename T >
void DLLExport populateDataBlockCompositeWithContainer (DataBlockComposite &dataBlockComposite, T &indexContainer, int64_t nArray, int numberOfPeriods, size_t numberOfChannels, std::vector< specnum_t > monitorSpectra)
 Populates a DataBlockComposite with DataBlocks which are extracted from a indexable collection (array-type). More...
static const string PULSEID_PARAM ("PulseidFilename")
static const string PULSEID_PARAM ("PulseidFilename")
static const std::string RUNINFO_FILENAME ("RunInfoFilename")
static const string RUNINFO_PARAM ("Filename")
bool startsWith (const string &str, const string &prefix)
 Returns true if str starts with prefix. More...
void store_value (const DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr &ws, int specID, double value, double error, double wavelength, double dwavelength)
 Convenience function to store a detector value into a given spectrum. More...
const Mantid::Geometry::MeshObjecttoMeshObject (const Geometry::IObject &object)
 Function to convert an IObject to a mesh, and throw if this can't be done. More...
bool UDlesserExecCount (const Mantid::NeXus::NXClassInfo &elem1, const Mantid::NeXus::NXClassInfo &elem2)
 to sort the algorithmhistory vector More...
static const uint64_t VETOFLAG (72057594037927935)
 Veto mask as 0xFF000000000. More...
static const uint64_t VETOFLAG (72057594037927935)
 Veto flag: 0xFF00000000000. More...
bool vzintermediatePixelIDComp (IntermediateEvent x, IntermediateEvent y)
 Comparator for sorting dasevent lists. More...
NexusType whichNexusType (const std::string &filename)
static const std::string WORKSPACE_OUT ("OutputWorkspace")


const double CONSTANT = (PhysicalConstants::h * 1e10) / (2.0 * PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * 1e6)
static constexpr uint64_t CONTIN_ID_VALUE = 0x4F
static const double CURRENT_CONVERSION = 1.e-6 / 3600.
 Conversion factor between picoColumbs and microAmp*hours. More...
static const double CURRENT_CONVERSION = 1.e-6 / 3600.
 Conversion factor between picoColumbs and microAmp*hours. More...
static const PixelType ERROR_PID = 0x80000000
 All pixel ids with matching this mask are errors. More...
static const PixelType ERROR_PID = 0x80000000
 All pixel ids with matching this mask are errors. More...
static const string EVENT_EXTS []
static const string EVENT_EXTS []
static constexpr uint64_t EVENT_ID_MASK = 0x40
const std::string EVENT_NEXUS_EXT [NUM_EXT_EVENT_NEXUS] = {"_event.nxs", ".nxs", ".nxs.h5"}
 Valid extensions for event nexus files. More...
static char const *const EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL"
static char const *const FilenameStr = "Filename"
static char const *const FilenameStr = "Filename"
static char const *const FilterByTimeStartStr = "FilterByTimeStart"
static char const *const FilterByTimeStopStr = "FilterByTimeStop"
static char const *const FilterByTofMaxStr = "FilterByTofMax"
static char const *const FilterByTofMinStr = "FilterByTofMin"
const char FLOAT32 = 'f'
Kernel::Logger g_log ("LoadCSNSNexus")
static const size_t HISTO_BINS_X = 240
static const size_t HISTO_BINS_Y = 256
const std::string HISTO_NEXUS_EXT [NUM_EXT_HISTO_NEXUS] = {"_histo.nxs"}
 Valid extensions for histogram nexus files. More...
static char const *const HistoryStr = "History.log"
const char INT32 = 'i'
static char const *const INTERNAL = "INTERNAL"
static char const *const MaskStr = "Mask"
const unsigned int MAX_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE = 1500
static const uint32_t MAX_TOF_UINT32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()
 The maximum possible tof as native type. More...
static const uint32_t MAX_TOF_UINT32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()
 The maximum possible tof as native type. More...
static const int NUM_EXT = 6
static const int NUM_EXT = 7
static const unsigned int NUM_PER_LINE = 8
 set to the number of numbers on each line (the length of lines is hard-coded in other parts of the code too) More...
static PropertyInfo PatchableProperties []
const unsigned int PIXEL_PER_TUBE = 1024
const std::string PRENEXUS_EXT [NUM_EXT_PRENEXUS] = {"_runinfo.xml"}
 Valid extensions for prenexus files. More...
static const size_t Progress_LoadBinFile = 48
static const size_t Progress_ReserveMemory = 4
static const size_t Progress_Total = 2 * Progress_LoadBinFile + Progress_ReserveMemory
static const string PULSE_EXTS []
static const string PULSE_EXTS []
constexpr double rad2deg = 180.0 / M_PI
const std::string RAW_EXT [NUM_EXT_RAW] = {".raw"}
 Valid extensions for ISIS raw files. More...
const char STRING = 's'
static const double TOF_CONVERSION = .1
 Conversion factor between 100 nanoseconds and 1 microsecond. More...
static const double TOF_CONVERSION = .1
 Conversion factor between 100 nanoseconds and 1 microsecond. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ ChopperConfiguration_sptr

Definition at line 71 of file SaveGSASInstrumentFile.cpp.

◆ DasTofType

Type for the DAS time of flight (data file)

Definition at line 25 of file DetermineChunking.h.

◆ EventWorkspaceCollection_sptr

Definition at line 84 of file EventWorkspaceCollection.h.

◆ EventWorkspaceCollection_uptr

Definition at line 85 of file EventWorkspaceCollection.h.

◆ ISampleEnvironmentSpecFinder_uptr

Definition at line 27 of file SampleEnvironmentFactory.h.

◆ MeshObject_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataHandling::MeshObject_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const Geometry::MeshObject>

Typdef for a shared pointer to a const object.

Definition at line 23 of file Mantid3MFFileIO.h.

◆ MeshObject_sptr

Typdef for a shared pointer.

Definition at line 21 of file Mantid3MFFileIO.h.

◆ mypair

using Mantid::DataHandling::mypair = typedef std::pair<double, int>

Definition at line 90 of file LoadSassena.cpp.

◆ optional_size_t

Definition at line 35 of file SaveNexusProcessed.cpp.

◆ PixelType

DetermineChunking : Workflow algorithm to determine chunking.

This define is used to quickly turn parallel code on or off.

2012-01-30 Make the code clearer by having this an explicit type

Make the code clearer by having this an explicit type

Definition at line 23 of file DetermineChunking.h.

◆ SampleEnvironmentSpec_const_uptr

unique_ptr to a const SampleEnvironmentSpec

Definition at line 56 of file SampleEnvironmentSpec.h.

◆ SampleEnvironmentSpec_uptr

unique_ptr to a SampleEnvironmentSpec

Definition at line 54 of file SampleEnvironmentSpec.h.

◆ SpectrumPair

Definition at line 16 of file DataBlock.h.

◆ tokenizer

Definition at line 34 of file CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp.

◆ ValidationErrors

using Mantid::DataHandling::ValidationErrors = typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 18 of file ReadMaterial.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FileType

Allowed file types.


PreNeXus files.


Event NeXus files.


Histogram NeXus files.


ISIS raw files.

Definition at line 38 of file DetermineChunking.h.

◆ fileTypes

file types currently supported by ASCII loader are: 1) an ASCII Tobyfit par file Syntax: >> par = get_ascii_file(filename,['par'])

filename name of par file

par(5,ndet) contents of array

1st column      sample-detector distance
2nd  &quot;          scattering angle (deg)
3rd  &quot;          azimuthal angle (deg)
            (west bank = 0 deg, north bank = -90 deg etc.)
            (Note the reversed sign convention cf .phx files)
4th  &quot;          width (m)
5th  &quot;          height (m)

2) load an ASCII phx file

 phx(7,ndet)         contents of array

 Recall that only the 3,4,5,6 columns in the file (rows in the
 output of this routine) contain useful information
     3rd column      scattering angle (deg)
     4th  &quot;          azimuthal angle (deg)
                 (west bank = 0 deg, north bank = 90 deg etc.)
     5th  &quot;          angular width (deg)
     6th  &quot;          angular height (deg)


Definition at line 49 of file FindDetectorsPar.h.

◆ InstrumentLayout

Layout information relating to detector-spectra mappings.


Definition at line 27 of file LoadNexusProcessed2.h.

◆ LoaderType


Definition at line 41 of file LoadInstrument.cpp.

◆ NexusType


Definition at line 23 of file StartAndEndTimeFromNexusFileExtractor.cpp.

◆ ScaleUnits


Definition at line 21 of file MeshFileIO.h.

◆ TimeType

enum class Mantid::DataHandling::TimeType : unsigned char

Definition at line 24 of file StartAndEndTimeFromNexusFileExtractor.cpp.



Definition at line 20 of file PatchBBY.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AddSinglePointTimeSeriesProperty()

template<typename TYPE >
void Mantid::DataHandling::AddSinglePointTimeSeriesProperty ( API::LogManager logManager,
const std::string &  time,
const std::string &  name,
const TYPE  value 

Definition at line 66 of file LoadBBY.cpp.

References value.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadBBY::exec().

◆ adjustTimeOfFlightISISLegacy()

template<typename T >
void Mantid::DataHandling::adjustTimeOfFlightISISLegacy ( ::NeXus::File &  file,
const std::string &  entry_name,
const std::string &  classType,
const Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor descriptor = nullptr 

ISIS specific method for dealing with wide events.

Check if time_of_flight can be found in the file and load it.

THIS ONLY APPLIES TO ISIS FILES WITH "detector_1_events" IN THE "NXentry."

file:: The nexus file to read from.
localWorkspace:: The event workspace collection which events will be modified.
entry_name:: An NXentry tag in the file
classType:: The type of the events: either detector or monitor
descriptor:: input descriptor carrying metadata information

Definition at line 376 of file LoadEventNexus.h.

References makeTimeOfFlightDataFuzzy(), n, and std::to_string().

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNexusMonitors2::exec().

◆ bankOffsets()

std::vector< int32_t > Mantid::DataHandling::bankOffsets ( const API::ExperimentInfo ws,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  bankNames 

Return offset between global spectrum index and detector ID for given banks.

Definition at line 18 of file ParallelEventLoader.cpp.

References bankOffsets(), Mantid::Geometry::DetectorInfo::detectorIDs(), and Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo::detectorInfo().

Referenced by bankOffsets(), and getOffsets().

◆ bankOffsetsSpectrumNumbers()

std::vector< int32_t > Mantid::DataHandling::bankOffsetsSpectrumNumbers ( const API::MatrixWorkspace ws,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  bankNames 

Return offset between global spectrum index and spectrum number for given banks.

Definition at line 51 of file ParallelEventLoader.cpp.

References Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::indexInfo().

Referenced by getOffsets().


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::BLOCK_SIZE_PARAM ( "LoadingBlockSize"  )


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::BLOCK_SIZE_PARAM ( "LoadingBlockSize"  )

◆ calcVecSize()

size_t Mantid::DataHandling::calcVecSize ( const std::vector< double > &  data0,
std::vector< size_t > &  numptsvec,
size_t &  numsets,
bool  xascend 

◆ checkIntersection()

static bool Mantid::DataHandling::checkIntersection ( std::vector< std::string >  v1,
std::vector< std::string >  v2 

◆ compare()

bool Mantid::DataHandling::compare ( const mypair left,
const mypair right 

◆ createTimeZeroTable()

DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr Mantid::DataHandling::createTimeZeroTable ( const size_t  numSpec,
const std::vector< double > &  timeZeros 

Creates a timezero table for the loaded detectors.

numSpec:: Number of spectra (number of rows in table)
timeZeros:: Vector containing time zero values for each spectra
TableWorkspace of time zeros

Definition at line 26 of file LoadMuonStrategy.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance().

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadMuonNexus1::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadPSIMuonBin::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::MultiPeriodLoadMuonStrategy::getTimeZeroTable(), and Mantid::DataHandling::SinglePeriodLoadMuonStrategy::getTimeZeroTable().

◆ endswith()

static bool Mantid::DataHandling::endswith ( const std::string &  s,
const std::string &  subs 

◆ EVENT_PARAM() [1/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_PARAM ( "EventFilename"  )

◆ EVENT_PARAM() [2/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_PARAM ( "EventFilename"  )

◆ exists() [1/2]

bool Mantid::DataHandling::exists ( ::NeXus::File &  file,
const std::string &  name 

Based on the current group in the file, does the named sub-entry exist?

file: File handle. This is not modified, but cannot be const
name: sub entry name to look for
true only if it exists

Definition at line 69 of file LoadEventNexus.cpp.

References exists().

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::AttenuationProfile::AttenuationProfile(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventsTestHelper::checkAndDeleteFile(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveReflectometryAscii::checkFile(), Mantid::Kernel::FileValidator::checkValidity(), Mantid::API::DeprecatedAlgorithm::deprecationMsg(), Mantid::DataHandling::FindDetectorsPar::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNXSPE::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveDiffCal::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveFocusedXYE::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveNXcanSAS::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MergeMDFiles::exec(), exists(), Mantid::Kernel::FileDescriptor::FileDescriptor(), Mantid::DataHandling::ISISDataArchive::fileExists(), Mantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::EQSANSLoad::findConfigFile(), Mantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentSpecParser::findFile(), Mantid::API::FileFinderImpl::findRun(), generateMappingfileName(), Mantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentSpecParser::loadMeshFromSTL(), Mantid::API::InstrumentFileFinder::lookupIPF(), Mantid::Kernel::NexusDescriptor::NexusDescriptor(), Mantid::Kernel::BinaryFile< T >::open(), Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO::openNexusWrite(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::processProperties(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadPreNexus::runLoadNexusLogs().

◆ exists() [2/2]

bool Mantid::DataHandling::exists ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  entries,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 74 of file LoadEventNexus.cpp.

◆ extractDateAndTime()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::extractDateAndTime ( TimeType  type,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ extractEndTime()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::extractEndTime ( const std::string &  filename)

Gets the start time from the nexus file.

filenamethe file name
the start time
ifthe the start time cannot be extracted

Definition at line 142 of file StartAndEndTimeFromNexusFileExtractor.cpp.

References EndTime, and extractDateAndTime().

◆ extractStartTime()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::extractStartTime ( const std::string &  filename)

Extracts the start and the end time from a Nexus file.

Gets the start time from the nexus file.

filenamethe file name
the start time
ifthe the start time cannot be extracted

Definition at line 132 of file StartAndEndTimeFromNexusFileExtractor.cpp.

References extractDateAndTime(), and StartTime.

◆ firstLastPulseTimes()

std::pair< DateAndTime, DateAndTime > Mantid::DataHandling::firstLastPulseTimes ( ::NeXus::File &  file,
Kernel::Logger logger 

◆ from_string()

template<class T >
bool Mantid::DataHandling::from_string ( T &  t,
const std::string &  s,
std::ios_base &(*)(std::ios_base &)  f 

Definition at line 62 of file LoadSpice2D.cpp.

◆ generateMappingfileName() [1/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::generateMappingfileName ( EventWorkspace_sptr wksp)

◆ generateMappingfileName() [2/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::generateMappingfileName ( EventWorkspace_sptr wksp)

Generate mapping file name from Event workspace's instrument.

Definition at line 145 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

References exists(), and Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance().

◆ generatePulseidName() [1/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::generatePulseidName ( string  eventfile)

◆ generatePulseidName() [2/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::generatePulseidName ( string  eventfile)

Generate Pulse ID file name from preNexus event file's name.

Definition at line 124 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.


◆ getGroupNames()

vector< string > Mantid::DataHandling::getGroupNames ( const string &  names)

Split a list of instrument components into a vector of strings.

namesComma separated list of instrument components
The vector of instrument component names.

Definition at line 257 of file CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer::asVector(), and Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::CreateChunkingFromInstrument::exec().

◆ getOffsets()

std::vector< int32_t > Mantid::DataHandling::getOffsets ( const DataObjects::EventWorkspace ws,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  bankNames,
const bool  eventIDIsSpectrumNumber 

◆ getResultVector()

std::vector< std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > * > Mantid::DataHandling::getResultVector ( DataObjects::EventWorkspace ws)

◆ getRunnumber() [1/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::getRunnumber ( const string &  filename)

◆ getRunnumber() [2/2]

static string Mantid::DataHandling::getRunnumber ( const string &  filename)

Parse preNexus file name to get run number.

Definition at line 108 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

References left, and right.

◆ getScaleTypeFromStr()

ScaleUnits Mantid::DataHandling::getScaleTypeFromStr ( const std::string &  scaleProperty)

◆ handleISISNexusFile()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::handleISISNexusFile ( TimeType  type,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ handleMuonNexusFile()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::handleMuonNexusFile ( TimeType  type,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ handleProcessedNexusFile()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::handleProcessedNexusFile ( TimeType  type,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ handleTofRawNexusFile()

Mantid::Types::Core::DateAndTime Mantid::DataHandling::handleTofRawNexusFile ( TimeType  type,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ loadNXDataSet()

template<class T >
bool Mantid::DataHandling::loadNXDataSet ( NeXus::NXEntry entry,
const std::string &  path,
T &  value 

◆ loadNXString()

bool Mantid::DataHandling::loadNXString ( const NeXus::NXEntry entry,
const std::string &  path,
std::string &  value 

◆ makeCanSASRelaxedName()

std::string Mantid::DataHandling::makeCanSASRelaxedName ( const std::string &  input)

This makes out of an input a relaxed name, something conforming to "[A-Za-z_][\w_]*" For now "-" is converted to "_", "." is converted to "_", else we throw.

Definition at line 879 of file SaveNXcanSAS.cpp.

◆ makeTimeOfFlightDataFuzzy()

template<typename T >
void Mantid::DataHandling::makeTimeOfFlightDataFuzzy ( ::NeXus::File &  file,
const std::string &  binsName,
size_t  start_wi = 0,
size_t  end_wi = 0 

Load the time of flight data.

file must have open the group containing "time_of_flight" data set. This will add a offset to all of the time-of-flight values or a random number to each time-of-flight. It should only ever be called on event files that have a "detector_1_events" group inside the "NXentry". It is an old ISIS requirement that is rarely used now.

Due to hardware issues with retro-fitting event mode to old electronics, ISIS event mode is really a very fine histogram with between 1 and 2 microseconds bins.

If we just took "middle of bin" as the true event time here then WISH observed strange ripples when they added spectra. The solution was to randomise the probability of an event within the bin.

This randomisation is now performed in the control program which also writes the "event_time_offset_shift" dataset (with a single value of "random") when it has been performed. If this dataset is present in an event file then no randomisation is performed in LoadEventNexus.

This code should remain for loading older ISIS event datasets.

file:: The nexus file to read from.
localWorkspace:: The event workspace collection to write to.
binsName:: bins name
start_wi:: First workspace index to process
end_wi:: Last workspace index to process

Definition at line 287 of file LoadEventNexus.h.

References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::empty(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofs(), left, Mantid::Geometry::m, n, right, Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::setTofs(), and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::sortTof().

Referenced by adjustTimeOfFlightISISLegacy().

◆ MAP_PARAM() [1/3]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::MAP_PARAM ( "MappingFilename"  )

◆ MAP_PARAM() [2/3]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::MAP_PARAM ( "MappingFilename"  )

◆ MAP_PARAM() [3/3]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::MAP_PARAM ( "MappingFilename"  )

◆ nexus_print_error()

void Mantid::DataHandling::nexus_print_error ( void *  pD,
char *  text 

Definition at line 661 of file SaveToSNSHistogramNexus.cpp.


const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT_EVENT_NEXUS ( )

Number of event nexus extensions.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().


const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT_HISTO_NEXUS ( )

Number of histogram nexus extensions.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().


const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT_PRENEXUS ( )

Number of prenexus extensions.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().


const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT_RAW ( )

Number of raw file extensions.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().

◆ numEvents()

std::size_t Mantid::DataHandling::numEvents ( ::NeXus::File &  file,
bool &  hasTotalCounts,
bool &  oldNeXusFileNames,
const std::string &  prefix,
const NexusHDF5Descriptor descriptor 

Get the number of events in the currently opened group.

fileThe handle to the nexus file opened to the group to look at.
hasTotalCountsWhether to try looking at the total_counts field. This variable will be changed if the field is not there.
oldNeXusFileNamesWhether to try using old names. This variable will be changed if it is determined that old names are being used.
prefixcurrent entry name prefix (e.g. /entry)
descriptorinput containing metadata information
The number of events.

Definition at line 491 of file LoadEventNexus.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor::isEntry(), and numEvents().

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::FakeMD::addFakeEllipsoid(), Mantid::SingleCrystalDiffractionTestHelper::WorkspaceBuilder::addPeakByHKL(), Mantid::Algorithms::VesuvioL1ThetaResolution::calculateDetector(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEMU< FD >::calibrateDopplerPhase(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::compressEventsParallelHelper(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::convertEventList(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDEventsWS::convertEventList(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDEventsWSIndexing::convertEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventsTestHelper::createDiffractionEventWorkspace(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::FitMD::createEventOutputWorkspace(), WorkspaceCreationHelper::createEventWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreateSampleWorkspace::createEventWorkspace(), WorkspaceCreationHelper::createEventWorkspaceWithStartTime(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::createFromHistogram(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEvent< nd >::dataToEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEvent< nd >::dataToEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::equals(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreateSampleWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::VesuvioL1ThetaResolution::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::TransformMD::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::UnwrapSNS::execEvent(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::filterEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMax(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMin(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getPulseTimeMinMax(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTimeAtSampleMax(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTimeAtSampleMin(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMax(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getTofMin(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadBankFromDiskTask::LoadBankFromDiskTask(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventNexus::loadEvents(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventsTestHelper::makeFakeMDEventWorkspace(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventsTestHelper::makeFakeMDHistoWorkspace(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventsTestHelper::makeFakeMDHistoWorkspaceWithMDFrame(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDAlgorithmsTestHelper::makeFileBackedMDEW(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDAlgorithmsTestHelper::makeFileBackedMDEWwithMDFrame(), numEvents(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::procEvents(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::procEvents(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNexusMonitors2::readEventMonitorEntry(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDBoxFlatTree::restoreBoxTree(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadBankFromDiskTask::run(), and Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::setTo().

◆ OUT_PARAM() [1/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::OUT_PARAM ( "OutputWorkspace"  )

◆ OUT_PARAM() [2/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::OUT_PARAM ( "OutputWorkspace"  )


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PARALLEL_PARAM ( "UseParallelProcessing"  )


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PARALLEL_PARAM ( "UseParallelProcessing"  )

◆ parentName() [1/2]

string Mantid::DataHandling::parentName ( const IComponent_const_sptr comp,
const string &  prefix 

Find the name of the parent of the component that starts with the supplied prefix.

compThe component to find the parent of.
prefixPrefix of parent names to look for.
The correct parent name. This is an empty string if the name isn't found.

Definition at line 203 of file CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp.

References parentName(), and startsWith().

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::CreateChunkingFromInstrument::exec(), and parentName().

◆ parentName() [2/2]

string Mantid::DataHandling::parentName ( const IComponent_const_sptr comp,
const vector< string > &  names 

Find the name of the parent of the component that is in the list of parents that are being searched for.

compThe component to find the parent of.
namesList of parent names to look for.
The correct parent name. This is an empty string if the name isn't found.

Definition at line 229 of file CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp.

References parentName().

◆ PID_PARAM() [1/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PID_PARAM ( "SpectrumList"  )

◆ PID_PARAM() [2/2]

static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PID_PARAM ( "SpectrumList"  )

◆ populateDataBlockCompositeWithContainer()

template<typename T >
void DLLExport Mantid::DataHandling::populateDataBlockCompositeWithContainer ( DataBlockComposite dataBlockComposite,
T &  indexContainer,
int64_t  nArray,
int  numberOfPeriods,
size_t  numberOfChannels,
std::vector< specnum_t monitorSpectra 

Populates a DataBlockComposite with DataBlocks which are extracted from a indexable collection (array-type).

Note that std::is_array does not work on std::shared_array which is one of the use cases. Hence this function could get abused. Monitor spectra get their own data block

dataBlockCompositethe detector block composite which will get populated
indexContainerthe container of indices
nArraythe number of array elements
numberOfPeriodsthe number of periods
numberOfChannelsthe number of channels
monitorSpectraa collection of monitor spectrum numbers

Definition at line 62 of file DataBlockComposite.h.

References Mantid::DataHandling::DataBlockComposite::addDataBlock(), index, Mantid::DataHandling::DataBlock::setMaxSpectrumID(), and Mantid::DataHandling::DataBlock::setMinSpectrumID().

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadISISNexus2::checkOptionalProperties(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadISISNexus2::findSpectraDetRangeInFile().


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PULSEID_PARAM ( "PulseidFilename"  )


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::PULSEID_PARAM ( "PulseidFilename"  )


static const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::RUNINFO_FILENAME ( "RunInfoFilename"  )


static const string Mantid::DataHandling::RUNINFO_PARAM ( "Filename"  )

◆ startsWith()

bool Mantid::DataHandling::startsWith ( const string &  str,
const string &  prefix 

Returns true if str starts with prefix.

strThe string to check.
prefixThe prefix to look for.
true if str starts with prefix.

Definition at line 186 of file CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadPDFgetNFile::confidence(), parentName(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDNSEvent::parse_File().

◆ store_value()

void Mantid::DataHandling::store_value ( const DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws,
int  specID,
double  value,
double  error,
double  wavelength,
double  dwavelength 

Convenience function to store a detector value into a given spectrum.

Note that this type of data doesn't use TOD, so that we use a single dummy bin in X. Each detector is defined as a spectrum of length 1.

specIDID of the spectrum to store the value in
valuevalue to store [count]
errorerror on the value [count]
wavelengthwavelength value [Angstrom]
dwavelengtherror on the wavelength [Angstrom]

Definition at line 78 of file LoadSpice2D.cpp.

References error, value, Mantid::Geometry::X, and Mantid::Geometry::Y.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpice2D::createWorkspace().

◆ toMeshObject()

const Geometry::MeshObject & Mantid::DataHandling::toMeshObject ( const Geometry::IObject object)

Function to convert an IObject to a mesh, and throw if this can't be done.

objectThe IObject to convert.
const Geometry::MeshObject& The converted MeshObject.

Definition at line 184 of file SaveSampleEnvironmentAndShape.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::SaveSampleEnvironmentAndShape::exec().

◆ UDlesserExecCount()

bool Mantid::DataHandling::UDlesserExecCount ( const NXClassInfo elem1,
const NXClassInfo elem2 

to sort the algorithmhistory vector

Binary predicate function object to sort the AlgorithmHistory vector by execution order.

elem1:: first element in the vector
elem2:: second element in the vecor

Definition at line 1960 of file LoadNexusProcessed.cpp.

References Mantid::NeXus::NXClassInfo::nxname.

◆ VETOFLAG() [1/2]

static const uint64_t Mantid::DataHandling::VETOFLAG ( 72057594037927935  )

◆ VETOFLAG() [2/2]

static const uint64_t Mantid::DataHandling::VETOFLAG ( 72057594037927935  )

Veto flag: 0xFF00000000000.

◆ vzintermediatePixelIDComp()

bool Mantid::DataHandling::vzintermediatePixelIDComp ( IntermediateEvent  x,
IntermediateEvent  y 

Comparator for sorting dasevent lists.

Definition at line 1112 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

◆ whichNexusType()

NexusType Mantid::DataHandling::whichNexusType ( const std::string &  filename)


static const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::WORKSPACE_OUT ( "OutputWorkspace"  )

Variable Documentation


const double Mantid::DataHandling::CONSTANT = (PhysicalConstants::h * 1e10) / (2.0 * PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * 1e6)


constexpr uint64_t Mantid::DataHandling::CONTIN_ID_VALUE = 0x4F


const double Mantid::DataHandling::CURRENT_CONVERSION = 1.e-6 / 3600.

Conversion factor between picoColumbs and microAmp*hours.

Definition at line 91 of file FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::readPulseidFile(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::readPulseidFile().


const double Mantid::DataHandling::CURRENT_CONVERSION = 1.e-6 / 3600.

Conversion factor between picoColumbs and microAmp*hours.

Definition at line 90 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

◆ ERROR_PID [1/2]

const PixelType Mantid::DataHandling::ERROR_PID = 0x80000000

◆ ERROR_PID [2/2]

const PixelType Mantid::DataHandling::ERROR_PID = 0x80000000

All pixel ids with matching this mask are errors.

Definition at line 84 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

◆ EVENT_EXTS [1/2]

const string Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_EXTS[]
Initial value:
= {"_neutron_event.dat", "_neutron0_event.dat", "_neutron1_event.dat",
"_neutron2_event.dat", "_neutron3_event.dat", "_live_neutron_event.dat"}

Definition at line 95 of file FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus.cpp.

Referenced by generatePulseidName(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::init(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::init(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::runLoadInstrument(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::runLoadInstrument().

◆ EVENT_EXTS [2/2]

const string Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_EXTS[]
Initial value:
= {"_neutron_event.dat", "_neutron0_event.dat", "_neutron1_event.dat",
"_neutron2_event.dat", "_neutron3_event.dat", "_neutron4_event.dat",

Definition at line 94 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.


constexpr uint64_t Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_ID_MASK = 0x40

Definition at line 18 of file LoadNGEM.h.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::GenericEvent::check().


const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::EVENT_NEXUS_EXT[NUM_EXT_EVENT_NEXUS] = {"_event.nxs", ".nxs", ".nxs.h5"}

Valid extensions for event nexus files.

Definition at line 51 of file DetermineChunking.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::getFileType(), and Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().


char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL"

◆ FilenameStr [1/2]

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilenameStr = "Filename"

◆ FilenameStr [2/2]

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilenameStr = "Filename"

Definition at line 34 of file PatchBBY.cpp.

◆ FilterByTimeStartStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilterByTimeStartStr = "FilterByTimeStart"

◆ FilterByTimeStopStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilterByTimeStopStr = "FilterByTimeStop"

◆ FilterByTofMaxStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilterByTofMaxStr = "FilterByTofMax"

◆ FilterByTofMinStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::FilterByTofMinStr = "FilterByTofMin"


const char Mantid::DataHandling::FLOAT32 = 'f'

◆ g_log

Kernel::Logger Mantid::DataHandling::g_log("LoadCSNSNexus") ( "LoadCSNSNexus"  )


const size_t Mantid::DataHandling::HISTO_BINS_X = 240


const size_t Mantid::DataHandling::HISTO_BINS_Y = 256


const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::HISTO_NEXUS_EXT[NUM_EXT_HISTO_NEXUS] = {"_histo.nxs"}

Valid extensions for histogram nexus files.

Definition at line 54 of file DetermineChunking.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::getFileType(), and Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().

◆ HistoryStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::HistoryStr = "History.log"

Definition at line 33 of file PatchBBY.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::PatchBBY::exec().

◆ INT32

const char Mantid::DataHandling::INT32 = 'i'


char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::INTERNAL = "INTERNAL"

◆ MaskStr

char const* const Mantid::DataHandling::MaskStr = "Mask"


const unsigned int Mantid::DataHandling::MAX_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE = 1500

Definition at line 71 of file LoadDNSEvent.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDNSEvent::split_File().

◆ MAX_TOF_UINT32 [1/2]

const uint32_t Mantid::DataHandling::MAX_TOF_UINT32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()

◆ MAX_TOF_UINT32 [2/2]

const uint32_t Mantid::DataHandling::MAX_TOF_UINT32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()

The maximum possible tof as native type.

Definition at line 86 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

◆ NUM_EXT [1/2]

const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT = 6

◆ NUM_EXT [2/2]

const int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_EXT = 7

Definition at line 99 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.


const unsigned int Mantid::DataHandling::NUM_PER_LINE = 8

set to the number of numbers on each line (the length of lines is hard-coded in other parts of the code too)

Definition at line 76 of file SaveSPE.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::SaveSPE::writeBins(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveSPE::writeHists(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveSPE::writeSPEFile(), and Mantid::DataHandling::SaveSPE::writeValue().

◆ PatchableProperties

PropertyInfo Mantid::DataHandling::PatchableProperties[]
Initial value:
= {
{"Calibration", "Bm1Counts", TYPE_INT},
{"Calibration", "AttPos", TYPE_DBL},
{"Velocity Selector and Choppers", "MasterChopperFreq", TYPE_DBL},
{"Velocity Selector and Choppers", "T0ChopperFreq", TYPE_DBL},
{"Velocity Selector and Choppers", "T0ChopperPhase", TYPE_DBL},
{"Velocity Selector and Choppers", "FrameSource", TYPE_STR},
{"Velocity Selector and Choppers", "Wavelength", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L1", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "LTofDet", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L2Det", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L2CurtainL", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L2CurtainR", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L2CurtainU", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "L2CurtainD", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "CurtainL", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "CurtainR", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "CurtainU", TYPE_DBL},
{"Geometry Setup", "CurtainD", TYPE_DBL},

Definition at line 37 of file PatchBBY.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::PatchBBY::exec(), and Mantid::DataHandling::PatchBBY::init().


const unsigned int Mantid::DataHandling::PIXEL_PER_TUBE = 1024

Definition at line 72 of file LoadDNSEvent.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDNSEvent::exec().


const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::PRENEXUS_EXT[NUM_EXT_PRENEXUS] = {"_runinfo.xml"}

Valid extensions for prenexus files.

Definition at line 48 of file DetermineChunking.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::getFileType(), and Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().

◆ Progress_LoadBinFile

const size_t Mantid::DataHandling::Progress_LoadBinFile = 48

◆ Progress_ReserveMemory

const size_t Mantid::DataHandling::Progress_ReserveMemory = 4

◆ Progress_Total

const size_t Mantid::DataHandling::Progress_Total = 2 * Progress_LoadBinFile + Progress_ReserveMemory

◆ PULSE_EXTS [1/2]

const string Mantid::DataHandling::PULSE_EXTS[]
Initial value:
= {"_pulseid.dat", "_pulseid0.dat", "_pulseid1.dat",
"_pulseid2.dat", "_pulseid3.dat", "_live_pulseid.dat"}

Definition at line 97 of file FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus.cpp.

Referenced by generatePulseidName(), Mantid::DataHandling::FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus::init(), and Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::init().

◆ PULSE_EXTS [2/2]

const string Mantid::DataHandling::PULSE_EXTS[]
Initial value:
= {"_pulseid.dat", "_pulseid0.dat", "_pulseid1.dat", "_pulseid2.dat",
"_pulseid3.dat", "_pulseid4.dat", "_live_pulseid.dat"}

Definition at line 97 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.

◆ rad2deg

constexpr double Mantid::DataHandling::rad2deg = 180.0 / M_PI


const std::string Mantid::DataHandling::RAW_EXT[NUM_EXT_RAW] = {".raw"}

Valid extensions for ISIS raw files.

Definition at line 57 of file DetermineChunking.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::getFileType(), and Mantid::DataHandling::DetermineChunking::init().


const char Mantid::DataHandling::STRING = 's'


const double Mantid::DataHandling::TOF_CONVERSION = .1


const double Mantid::DataHandling::TOF_CONVERSION = .1

Conversion factor between 100 nanoseconds and 1 microsecond.

Definition at line 88 of file LoadEventPreNexus2.cpp.