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MantidQt::MantidWidgets Namespace Reference


namespace  Batch
namespace  DropEventHelper
namespace  QSettingsHelper


class  AddWorkspaceDialog
 A dialog for selecting a workspace from the ADS. More...
class  ADSAdapter
class  AlgorithmHintStrategy
 AlgorithmHintStrategy : Produces hints using a given algorithm's properties. More...
class  AlgorithmProgressDialogPresenter
class  AlgorithmProgressDialogWidget
class  AlgorithmProgressDialogWidgetCancelButton
class  AlgorithmProgressModel
class  AlgorithmProgressPresenter
class  AlgorithmProgressPresenterBase
class  AlgorithmProgressWidget
class  AlgorithmSelectorWidget
 A widget consisting of a ComboBox and a TreeWidget to allow a user to select an algorithm either by category or by typing. More...
class  AlgorithmTreeWidget
 Tree widget with the categories and algorithms listed. More...
struct  ApplyEnumeratedSpectra
struct  ApplySpectra
class  BinMDDialog
class  CatalogHelper
class  CatalogSearch
 This class defines the interface and functionality for the cataloging system within Mantid. More...
class  CatalogSelector
class  CheckboxHeader
 This class subclasses and overwrites QHeaderView methods to enable checkboxes to exist in the table header. More...
class  Configurable
 Defines an interface for an object to load and store any configuration settings that should persist between objects. More...
class  ConvolutionFunctionModel
class  CreateAttributeProperty
 Attribute visitor to create a QtProperty. More...
class  CreateAttributePropertyForFunctionTreeView
 Attribute visitor to create a QtProperty. More...
class  CustomItemDelegate
 This class is used for formating the type of data allowed in each of the tables columns. More...
class  DataSelector
 This class defines a widget for selecting a workspace of file path by using a combination of two child MantidWidgets: FileFinderWidget and WorkspaceSelector. More...
class  DiagResults
class  EditLocalParameterDialog
 A dialog for displaying and editing values of local parameters. More...
class  FilenameDialogEditor
 A stringDialogEditor for editing file names. More...
class  FilenameDialogEditorFactory
 The factory for the FilenameDialogEditor. More...
class  FindAlgComboBox
 ComboBox for finding algorithms. More...
class  FitDomain
 This class is used to store all data relating to a single domain to be fitted. More...
class  FitOptionsBrowser
 Class FitOptionsBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and set properties of Fit algorithm (excluding Function and Workspace) More...
class  FitPropertyBrowser
 Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings. More...
class  FitScriptGeneratorDataTable
 This class represents the table widget which holds domain data for the FitScriptGenerator interface. More...
class  FitScriptGeneratorModel
 This class stores the domain and fit data to be fitted to. More...
class  FitScriptGeneratorPresenter
class  FitScriptGeneratorView
class  FitScriptOptionsBrowser
 The BasicFitOptionsBrowser class implements a QtPropertyBrowser to display fitting properties found in the Fit algorithm. More...
class  FunctionBrowser
 Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings. More...
class  FunctionModel
struct  FunctionModelDataset
class  FunctionModelSpectra
class  FunctionMultiDomainPresenter
class  FunctionTreeView
 Class FitPropertyBrowser implements QtPropertyBrowser to display and control fitting function parameters and settings. More...
struct  GlobalParameter
 This struct stores the name of a global parameter which is shared across ALL domains in a multi dataset fit. More...
struct  GlobalTie
 This struct stores the data associated with a global tie. More...
class  Hint
class  HintingLineEdit
 HintingLineEdit : A QLineEdit widget providing autocompletion. More...
class  HintingLineEditFactory
 HintingLineEditFactory : A QStyledItemDelegate that produces HintingLineEdits using the given hint strategy. More...
class  HintStrategy
 HintStrategy : Provides an interface for generating hints to be used by a HintingLineEdit. More...
class  IAlgorithmProgressDialogWidget
class  IAlgorithmProgressWidget
class  IFitScriptGeneratorModel
class  IFitScriptGeneratorPresenter
class  IFitScriptGeneratorView
class  IFunctionBrowser
 IFunctionBrowser: interface for FunctionBrowser. More...
class  IFunctionModel
class  IFunctionView
 The interface to a function view. More...
class  IImageInfoWidget
class  ImageInfoModel
class  ImageInfoModelMatrixWS
 Model to support looking up information about a given point with a MatrixWorkspace. More...
class  ImageInfoModelMD
class  ImageInfoPresenter
 A table widget containing information about the pixel the mouse is over in an image. More...
class  ImageInfoWidget
 A table widget containing information about the pixel the mouse is over in an image. More...
class  IMessageHandler
class  IMuonFitDataModel
 IMuonFitDataModel: set data to fit for a muon fit property browser. More...
class  IMuonFitDataSelector
 Interface for MuonFitDataSelector. More...
class  IMuonFitFunctionModel
 IMuonFitFunctionModel: set function to fit for a muon fit property browser. More...
class  IndexCollectionType
 A class which wraps a vector so that you supply not only the value type but also the expected index type. More...
struct  IndexType
 A struct to impliment strongly typed integers, without implicit conversion. More...
class  InputController
 The base class for the mouse and keyboard controllers to work with ProjectionSurfaces. More...
class  InputController3DMove
 Controller for moving the instrument on Projection3D surface: translation, rotation and zooming. More...
class  InputControllerDraw
 Controller for free drawing on an unwrapped surface. More...
class  InputControllerDrawAndErase
 Controller for drawing and erasing arbitrary shapes on an unwrapped surface. More...
class  InputControllerDrawShape
 Controller for drawing mask shapes. More...
class  InputControllerMoveUnwrapped
 Controller for moving the instrument on an unwrapped surface. More...
class  InputControllerPick
 Controller for picking detectors. More...
class  InputControllerSelection
 Controller for erasing peaks on an unwrapped surface. More...
class  InputFunctionNameDialog
 A dialog to enter a category and function name for a new function for saving. More...
class  InstrumentSelector
 This class defines a widget for selecting an instrument known to Mantid. More...
class  Interval
class  IntervalList
class  IntervalListValidator
class  IProjectSaveView
 IProjectSaveView is the interface for defining the functions that the project save view needs to implement. More...
class  ISlitCalculator
class  IWorkspaceDockView
class  IWorkspaceFitControl
 IWorkspaceFitControl: set data to fit for a fit property browser. More...
class  LineEditWithClear
class  LocalParameterEditor
 An editor widget for editing a local parameter value. More...
class  LocalParameterItemDelegate
 A custom item delegate - an object controlling display and editing of a cell in a table widget. More...
class  LogValueFinder
 MDFLogValueFinder : Holds a collection of workspace names, and finds log values from them. More...
class  LogValueSelector
 LogValueSelector : Select a log name and mean/min/max/first/last. More...
class  MantidDisplayBase
class  MantidHelpWindow
class  MantidTreeModel
class  MantidTreeWidget
class  MantidTreeWidgetItem
 A class derived from QTreeWidgetItem, to accomodate sorting on the items in a MantidTreeWidget. More...
class  MantidWSIndexDialog
class  MantidWSIndexWidget
class  Message
 Provides a simple binding of a text message with a priority. More...
class  MessageDisplay
 Provides a widget for display messages in a text box It deals with Message objects which in turn hide whether a message is a framework Poco message or a simple string. More...
class  MessageHandler
class  MultifitSetupDialog
 This is a dialog for doing setting up the MultiBG function. More...
class  MuonFitDataSelector
 MuonFitDataSelector : Selects runs, groups, periods for fit. More...
class  MuonFitPropertyBrowser
class  MuonFunctionBrowser
 MuonFunctionBrowser : Subclasses FunctionBrowser for muon-specific use. More...
class  MuonPeriodInfo
 A widget used in the Muon GUI's to display period information in a readable format. More...
class  NotificationService
 This is a singleton providing a notification service for the Mantid Qt based applications. More...
class  ProcessingAlgoWidget
 A widget containing an algorithm selector and algorithm properties list, or a script editor window. More...
class  ProgressableView
 ProgressableView : Abstract view useful for indicating progress. More...
class  ProjectSaveModel
class  ProjectSavePresenter
 Implements a presenter for the project saving dialog. More...
class  PropertyHandler
 Helps display and edit functions in FitPropertyBrowser. More...
class  QtSignalChannel
 Provides a translation layer that takes a Poco::Message and converts it to a Qt signal. More...
class  RenameParDialog
 A dialog for renaming parameters for a user function. More...
class  SaveWorkspaces
 Implements a dialog box that allows users to save multiple Mantid workspaces. More...
class  ScopedFalse
struct  SelectedAlgorithm
 Represents the algorithm selected by the user Contains name and version. More...
class  SelectFunctionDialog
 Select a function type out of a list of available ones. More...
class  SelectWorkspacesDialog
 This is a dialog for selecting workspaces. More...
class  SequentialFitDialog
 This is a dialog for doing sequential fit. More...
class  SetAttribute
 Visitor setting new attribute value. More...
class  SetAttributeFromProperty
 Attribute visitor to set an attribute from a QtProperty. More...
class  SetAttributeProperty
 Visitor setting new attribute value. More...
class  SliceMDDialog
class  SlicingAlgorithmDialog
class  SlitCalculator
 SlitCalculator : A calculator for Reflectometry instrument slits. More...
class  TrackedAction
 TrackedAction : This is a version of QAction that tracks usage through the Mantid usage service. More...
class  UserFunctionDialog
 A dialog for construction a user fitting function from existing components. More...
class  ViewNotifiable
struct  WindowInfo
struct  WorkspaceInfo
class  WorkspaceIsNotOfType
 Helper comparitor class used to determine if a workspace is not of a given type. More...
class  WorkspacePresenter
 Presenter class for Workspace dock in MantidPlot UI. More...
class  WorkspaceProvider
class  WorkspaceProviderNotifiable
class  WorkspaceSelector
 This class defines a widget for selecting a workspace present in the AnalysisDataService. More...
class  WorkspaceTreeWidget
class  WorkspaceTreeWidgetSimple
 WorkspaceTreeWidget implementation for the Workbench - required for some function overides. More...


using ADSAdapter_uptr = std::unique_ptr< WorkspaceProvider >
using ButtonOpts = API::FileFinderWidget::ButtonOpts
using ColumnIndex = FitScriptGeneratorDataTable::ColumnIndex
using FitDomainIndex = IndexType< 0 >
using LiveButtonOpts = API::FileFinderWidget::LiveButtonOpts
using Presenter_sptr = std::shared_ptr< WorkspaceProviderNotifiable >
using Presenter_wptr = std::weak_ptr< WorkspaceProviderNotifiable >
using PropertyDimensionMap = QMap< QString, QString >
using StringList = std::vector< std::string >
using ViewEvent = IFitScriptGeneratorView::Event
using WorkspaceID = IndexType< 2 >
using WorkspaceIndex = IndexType< 1 >
using WorkspacePresenterVN_sptr = std::shared_ptr< ViewNotifiable >
using WorkspacePresenterWN_wptr = std::weak_ptr< WorkspaceProviderNotifiable >


enum class  MantidItemSortScheme { ByName , ByLastModified , ByMemorySize }


const QString BASE_URL ("qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/")
 Base url for all of the files in the project. More...
const QString COLLECTION_FILE ("MantidProject.qhc")
 name of the collection file itself More...
std::string EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON convertAlgPropsToString (MantidQt::API::IAlgorithmRuntimeProps const &options)
QString EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON convertMapToString (const std::map< QString, QString > &optionsMap, const char separator=',', const bool quoteValues=true)
 Convert an options map to a string. More...
std::string EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON convertMapToString (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &optionsMap, const char separator, const bool quoteValues)
 Convert an options map to a comma-separated list of key=value pairs. More...
const QString DEFAULT_URL (BASE_URL+"index.html")
 Url to display if nothing else is suggested. More...
QString formatNonAlignedDimensionInput (const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr &)
 Create a formatted string for the dimension input based on an existing dimension. More...
QString formattedAlignedDimensionInput (const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr &dim)
 Create a formatted string for the dimension input based on an existing dimension. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::size_t getFunctionIndexAt (std::string const &parameter, std::size_t const &index)
 Returns the function index found at index of a parameter. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON IFunction_sptr getFunctionWithPrefix (const QString &prefix, const IFunction_sptr &fun)
 Get a child function of a parent function whose parameters start with a given prefix. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON bool isNumber (std::string const &str)
 Checks if a string contains a number, or whether it contains characters. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON bool operator!= (Hint const &lhs, Hint const &rhs)
template<int Class>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IndexType< Class > &value)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON bool operator== (Hint const &lhs, Hint const &rhs)
std::string EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON optionsToString (std::map< std::string, std::string > const &options, const bool quoteValues=true, const std::string &separator=", ")
int EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON parseDenaryInteger (QString const &in)
 Converts a string denoting a denary integer to it. More...
double EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON parseDouble (QString const &in)
std::map< QString, QString > DLLExport parseKeyValueQString (const QString &qstr, const std::string &separator)
 Parses a string in the format ‘a = 1,b=2, c = "1,2,3,4", d = 5.0, e='a,b,c’` into a map of key/value pairs. More...
std::map< std::string, std::string > DLLExport parseKeyValueString (const std::string &str, const std::string &separator)
 Parses a string in the format ‘a = 1,b=2, c = "1,2,3,4", d = 5.0, e='a,b,c’` into a map of key/value pairs. More...
std::map< std::string, double > readMultipleNormalization ()
 Reads the normalization constants and which WS they belong to. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::pair< QString, std::pair< QString, QString > > splitConstraintString (const QString &constraint)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::pair< QString, std::pair< QString, QString > > splitConstraintString (const std::string &constraint)
 Split a constraint definition into a parameter name and a pair of bounds, for example -1 < f0.A1 < 2 ==> (f0.A1, (-1, 2)) More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::pair< QString, int > splitFunctionPrefix (const QString &prefix)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::pair< QString, int > splitFunctionPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
 Split a function (eg f0.f3.f1.) into the parent prefix (f0.f3.) and the index of the child function (1). More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::pair< QString, QString > splitParameterName (const QString &paramName)
 Split a qualified parameter name into function index and local parameter name. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::vector< std::string > splitStringBy (std::string const &str, std::string const &delimiter)
 Splits the string by the given delimiters. More...
void trimWhitespaceAndQuotes (const QString &valueIn)
void trimWhitespaceAndQuotes (QString &value)
 Trim whitespace and quotes from the start/end of a string. More...
void trimWhitespaceQuotesAndEmptyValues (QStringList &values)
 Trim whitespace and quotes from the start/end for all strings in the given list, and subsequently remove any empty strings from the list. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< T > vectorFromString (const std::string &listString)
const QString WIKI_BASE_URL ("https://www.mantidproject.org/")
 Base url for all of the wiki links. More...
const QString WIKI_DEFAULT_URL (WIKI_BASE_URL+"MantidPlot")
 Url to display if nothing else is suggested. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ ADSAdapter_uptr

Definition at line 21 of file WorkspacePresenter.h.

◆ ButtonOpts

Definition at line 20 of file DataSelector.h.

◆ ColumnIndex

Definition at line 93 of file FitScriptGeneratorDataTable.h.

◆ FitDomainIndex

Definition at line 59 of file IndexTypes.h.

◆ LiveButtonOpts

Definition at line 21 of file DataSelector.h.

◆ Presenter_sptr

Definition at line 19 of file WorkspaceProvider.h.

◆ Presenter_wptr

Definition at line 20 of file WorkspaceProvider.h.

◆ PropertyDimensionMap

using MantidQt::MantidWidgets::PropertyDimensionMap = typedef QMap<QString, QString>

Definition at line 22 of file SlicingAlgorithmDialog.h.

◆ StringList

using MantidQt::MantidWidgets::StringList = typedef std::vector<std::string>

Definition at line 21 of file IWorkspaceDockView.h.

◆ ViewEvent

Definition at line 20 of file IFitScriptGeneratorPresenter.h.

◆ WorkspaceID

Definition at line 63 of file IndexTypes.h.

◆ WorkspaceIndex

Definition at line 61 of file IndexTypes.h.

◆ WorkspacePresenterVN_sptr

Definition at line 20 of file IWorkspaceDockView.h.

◆ WorkspacePresenterWN_wptr

Definition at line 19 of file IWorkspaceDockView.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FittingMode


Definition at line 12 of file FittingMode.h.

◆ MantidItemSortScheme


Definition at line 22 of file MantidTreeWidget.h.

Function Documentation


const QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::BASE_URL ( "qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/"  )


const QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::COLLECTION_FILE ( "MantidProject.qhc"  )

◆ convertAlgPropsToString()

std::string MantidQt::MantidWidgets::convertAlgPropsToString ( MantidQt::API::IAlgorithmRuntimeProps const &  options)

◆ convertMapToString() [1/2]

QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::convertMapToString ( const std::map< QString, QString > &  optionsMap,
const char  separator = ',',
const bool  quoteValues = true 

Convert an options map to a string.

Convert an options map to a comma-separated list of key=value pairs.

Definition at line 189 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References value.

◆ convertMapToString() [2/2]

std::string MantidQt::MantidWidgets::convertMapToString ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  optionsMap,
const char  separator,
const bool  quoteValues 

Convert an options map to a comma-separated list of key=value pairs.

Definition at line 216 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References value.


const QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::DEFAULT_URL ( BASE_URL+"index.html"  )

Url to display if nothing else is suggested.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::MantidHelpWindow::showPage().

◆ formatNonAlignedDimensionInput()

QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::formatNonAlignedDimensionInput ( const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr )

Create a formatted string for the dimension input based on an existing dimension.

As the input it is expected the dimension to format the string.

It is expected that inherited classes will be able to implement this method, but this class can not obviously define how the basis vectors could be automatically formed, so, it retuns always an empty string.

: empty string.

Definition at line 122 of file SlicingAlgorithmDialog.cpp.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::SlicingAlgorithmDialog::buildDimensionInputs().

◆ formattedAlignedDimensionInput()

QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::formattedAlignedDimensionInput ( const Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr dim)

Create a formatted string for the dimension input based on an existing dimension.

dim: dimension to format to string.

Definition at line 99 of file SlicingAlgorithmDialog.cpp.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::SlicingAlgorithmDialog::buildDimensionInputs().

◆ getFunctionIndexAt()

std::size_t MantidQt::MantidWidgets::getFunctionIndexAt ( std::string const &  parameter,
std::size_t const &  index 

◆ getFunctionWithPrefix()

IFunction_sptr MantidQt::MantidWidgets::getFunctionWithPrefix ( const QString &  prefix,
const IFunction_sptr fun 

Get a child function of a parent function whose parameters start with a given prefix.

prefix:: A prefix of the form f0.f1. If en empty string is given then the parent function is returned.
fun:: The parent function.

Definition at line 30 of file FunctionBrowserUtils.cpp.

References getFunctionWithPrefix().

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::addConstraint(), MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::addFunction(), MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionMultiDomainPresenter::getFunctionByIndex(), getFunctionWithPrefix(), MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::removeFunction(), and MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::setLocalParameterConstraint().

◆ isNumber()

bool MantidQt::MantidWidgets::isNumber ( std::string const &  str)

◆ operator!=()

bool MantidQt::MantidWidgets::operator!= ( Hint const &  lhs,
Hint const &  rhs 

Definition at line 21 of file Hint.cpp.

References rhs.

◆ operator<<()

template<int Class>
std::ostream & MantidQt::MantidWidgets::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const IndexType< Class > &  value 

Definition at line 54 of file IndexTypes.h.

References value.

◆ operator==()

bool MantidQt::MantidWidgets::operator== ( Hint const &  lhs,
Hint const &  rhs 

◆ optionsToString()

std::string MantidQt::MantidWidgets::optionsToString ( std::map< std::string, std::string > const &  options,
const bool  quoteValues = true,
const std::string &  separator = ", " 

Definition at line 242 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

◆ parseDenaryInteger()

int MantidQt::MantidWidgets::parseDenaryInteger ( QString const &  in)

Converts a string denoting a denary integer to it.

Definition at line 20 of file ParseNumerics.cpp.

◆ parseDouble()

double MantidQt::MantidWidgets::parseDouble ( QString const &  in)

Definition at line 11 of file ParseNumerics.cpp.

◆ parseKeyValueQString()

std::map< QString, QString > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::parseKeyValueQString ( const QString &  qstr,
const std::string &  separator 

Parses a string in the format ‘a = 1,b=2, c = "1,2,3,4", d = 5.0, e='a,b,c’` into a map of key/value pairs.

qstrThe input string
separatorThe character between each key=value pair
std::runtime_erroron an invalid input string
: a map of key/value pairs as QStrings

Definition at line 147 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References value.

◆ parseKeyValueString()

std::map< std::string, std::string > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::parseKeyValueString ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  separator 

Parses a string in the format ‘a = 1,b=2, c = "1,2,3,4", d = 5.0, e='a,b,c’` into a map of key/value pairs.

strThe input string
separatorThe character between each key=value pair
std::runtime_erroron an invalid input string
: a map of key/value pairs as strings

Definition at line 96 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References value.

◆ readMultipleNormalization()

std::map< std::string, double > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::readMultipleNormalization ( )

Reads the normalization constants and which WS they belong to.

:: A map of normalization constants and WS names

Definition at line 726 of file MuonFitPropertyBrowser.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), and readMultipleNormalization().

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::MuonFitPropertyBrowser::boolChanged(), readMultipleNormalization(), and MantidQt::MantidWidgets::MuonFitPropertyBrowser::setNormalization().

◆ splitConstraintString() [1/2]

std::pair< QString, std::pair< QString, QString > > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitConstraintString ( const QString &  constraint)

◆ splitConstraintString() [2/2]

std::pair< QString, std::pair< QString, QString > > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitConstraintString ( const std::string &  constraint)

Split a constraint definition into a parameter name and a pair of bounds, for example -1 < f0.A1 < 2 ==> (f0.A1, (-1, 2))

Definition at line 63 of file FunctionBrowserUtils.cpp.

References splitConstraintString().

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::addConstraintProperties(), MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::setLocalParameterConstraint(), and splitConstraintString().

◆ splitFunctionPrefix() [1/2]

std::pair< QString, int > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitFunctionPrefix ( const QString &  prefix)

Definition at line 54 of file FunctionBrowserUtils.cpp.

◆ splitFunctionPrefix() [2/2]

std::pair< QString, int > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitFunctionPrefix ( const std::string &  prefix)

Split a function (eg f0.f3.f1.) into the parent prefix (f0.f3.) and the index of the child function (1).

Definition at line 50 of file FunctionBrowserUtils.cpp.

References splitFunctionPrefix().

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModel::removeFunction(), and splitFunctionPrefix().

◆ splitParameterName()

std::pair< QString, QString > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitParameterName ( const QString &  paramName)

◆ splitStringBy()

std::vector< std::string > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::splitStringBy ( std::string const &  str,
std::string const &  delimiter 

Splits the string by the given delimiters.

Definition at line 133 of file FunctionBrowserUtils.cpp.

Referenced by getFunctionIndexAt(), and MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FitScriptGeneratorModel::validTie().

◆ trimWhitespaceAndQuotes() [1/2]

void MantidQt::MantidWidgets::trimWhitespaceAndQuotes ( const QString &  valueIn)

◆ trimWhitespaceAndQuotes() [2/2]

void MantidQt::MantidWidgets::trimWhitespaceAndQuotes ( QString &  value)

Trim whitespace and quotes from the start/end of a string.

Edits the value in-place.

value[inout]: the value to trim

Definition at line 60 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References trimWhitespaceAndQuotes(), and value.

◆ trimWhitespaceQuotesAndEmptyValues()

void MantidQt::MantidWidgets::trimWhitespaceQuotesAndEmptyValues ( QStringList &  values)

Trim whitespace and quotes from the start/end for all strings in the given list, and subsequently remove any empty strings from the list.

Edits the list in-place.

values: the list of values to trim

Definition at line 81 of file ParseKeyValueString.cpp.

References trimWhitespaceAndQuotes(), and value.

◆ vectorFromString()

template<class T >
std::vector< T > MantidQt::MantidWidgets::vectorFromString ( const std::string &  listString)

Definition at line 88 of file FunctionModelSpectra.h.


const QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WIKI_BASE_URL ( "https://www.mantidproject.org/"  )

Base url for all of the wiki links.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::MantidHelpWindow::showWikiPage().


const QString MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WIKI_DEFAULT_URL ( WIKI_BASE_URL+"MantidPlot"  )