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MantidQt::API Namespace Reference


namespace  FileDialogHandler
 Contains modifications to Qt functions where problems have been found on certain operating systems.


class  AbstractAlgorithmInputHistory
 This abstract class deals with the loading and saving of previous algorithm property values to/from MantidPlot's QSettings. More...
class  AlgorithmCompleteNotification
class  AlgorithmDialog
 This class should be the basis for all customised algorithm dialogs. More...
class  AlgorithmDialogFactoryImpl
 The AlgorithmDialogFactory is responsible for creating concrete instances of AlgorithmDialog classes. More...
class  AlgorithmErrorNotification
class  AlgorithmInputHistoryImpl
class  AlgorithmPropertiesWidget
 Widget that contains dynamically generated PropertyWidget's for each property of an algorithm, contained in a scroll area. More...
class  AlgorithmRunner
 The AlgorithmRunner is a QObject that encapsulates methods for running an algorithm asynchronously (in the background) and feeds-back to a GUI widget. More...
class  AlgorithmRuntimeProps
class  AlgorithmStartedNotification
class  BaseDecoder
class  BaseEncoder
class  BatchAlgorithmRunner
 Algorithm runner for execution of a queue of algorithms. More...
class  BatchCancelledNotification
class  BatchCompleteNotification
class  BoolPropertyWidget
 Set of widgets representing a PropertyWithValue<bool>. More...
class  ClickableLabel
 A small extension to QLabel, so that it emits a signal when clicked. More...
class  ConfiguredAlgorithm
class  FakeFileFinderWidget
 FakeFileFinderWidget. More...
class  FakeFindFilesThread
 FakeFindFilesThread. More...
class  FileFinderWidget
 This class defines a widget for file searching. More...
class  FilePropertyWidget
 Widget for FileProperty, which has a "Browse" button. More...
struct  FindFilesSearchParameters
 POD struct to hold details about the parameters of a file search. More...
struct  FindFilesSearchResults
 POD struct to hold details about the results of a file search. More...
class  FindFilesThreadPoolManager
 A small helper class to hold a handle to a static thread pool. More...
class  FindFilesWorker
 A class to allow the asynchronous finding of files. More...
class  FlowLayout
class  GenericDialog
 This class gives a basic dialog that is not tailored to a particular algorithm. More...
class  HelpWindow
class  IAlgorithmRuntimeProps
class  IConfiguredAlgorithm
class  InterfaceManager
 This class is responsible for creating the correct dialog for an algorithm. More...
class  IProjectSerialisable
 Defines an interface to a MantidPlot class that can be saved into or loaded from a project. More...
class  ListPropertyWidget
 Widget for displaying a Property that has a set of allowed values. More...
class  ManageUserDirectories
 Access and update the user directory settings within the Mantid config service. More...
class  MantidDesktopServices
 This class provides a wrapper around QDesktopServices to fix a bug in opening URLs in firefox when tcmalloc is in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable on Linux. More...
class  MantidDialog
class  MantidHelpInterface
class  MantidWidget
 This is the base class all customised widgets that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements. More...
class  ObserverCallback
 A simple callback class so that we avoid multiple inheritance issues with QObject. More...
class  OptionsPropertyWidget
 Widget for displaying a Property that has a set of allowed values. More...
class  PlotAxis
 Deals with formatting a label for a plot axis for a given type of workspace. More...
class  PropertyWidget
 Base class for widgets that will set Mantid::Kernel::Property* types. More...
class  PropertyWidgetFactory
 PropertyWidgetFactory : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  PythonRunner
 This is the base class all customised user interfaces that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements. More...
class  QScienceSpinBox
class  RepoModel
 RepoModel : Wrapper for ScriptRepository to fit the Model View Qt Framework. More...
class  RepoTreeView
 RepoTreeView : A specialization of QTreeView class that emits signal every time the selection change. More...
class  ScriptRepositoryView
 ScriptRepositoryView : Provide the User Interface to the ScriptRepository. More...
class  SelectionNotificationServiceImpl
 Provides a simple loosely coupled mechanism for passing information about a selected point from several possible sources to several possible destinations. More...
class  SyncedCheckboxes
 QObject that links: More...
class  TextPropertyWidget
 The most generic widgets for Property's that are only a simple string. More...
class  TSVSerialiser
class  UserSubWindow
 This is the base class all customised user interfaces that do not wish to be tied to a specific Mantid algorithm but rather customised for user's requirements. More...
class  UserSubWindowFactoryImpl
 The UserSubWindowFactory is responsible for creating concrete instances of user interface classes. More...
class  WidgetScrollbarDecorator
 WidgetScrollbarDecorator : Adds scrollbar functionality to a QWidget. More...
class  WindowIcons
 Defines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon. More...
class  WorkspaceIcons
 Defines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon. More...
class  WorkspaceObserver
 Observes AnalysisDataService notifications: add,replace,delete. More...


using AlgorithmDialogFactory = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< AlgorithmDialogFactoryImpl >
 The specific instantiation of the templated type. More...
using AlgorithmInputHistory = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< AlgorithmInputHistoryImpl >
using IConfiguredAlgorithm_sptr = std::shared_ptr< IConfiguredAlgorithm >
using SelectionNotificationService = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< SelectionNotificationServiceImpl >
using SignalBlocker = QSignalBlocker
using UserSubWindowFactory = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< UserSubWindowFactoryImpl >
 The specific instantiation of the templated type. More...


enum class  DimensionSelection { H , K , L }


std::pair< double, double > EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON getGridLineAnglesInRadian (const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &skewMatrixCoord, size_t dimX, size_t dimY)
 We get the angles that are used for plotting of the grid lines. More...
size_t EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON getMissingHKLDimensionIndex (const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_const_sptr &workspace, size_t dimX, size_t dimY)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON QPixmap getQPixmap (const std::string &name)
 Function that returns a QPixmap given a string name. More...
bool haveInputWS (const std::vector< Property * > &prop_list)
bool isCalledInputWorkspace (PropertyWidget *const candidate)
bool EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON isHKLDimensions (const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace &workspace, size_t dimX, size_t dimY)
bool isIntermediateValueHelper (qint64 num, qint64 min, qint64 max, qint64 *match=nullptr)
QMap< QString, QVariant > EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON loadJSONFromFile (const QString &filename)
QMap< QString, QVariant > EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON loadJSONFromString (const QString &jsonString)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON int loadPluginsFromCfgPath (const std::string &key)
 Load plugins from a path given by the key in the config service. More...
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON int loadPluginsFromPath (const std::string &path)
 Load plugins from a path. More...
void EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON provideSkewMatrix (Mantid::Kernel::DblMatrix &skewMatrix, const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace &workspace)
EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON std::string qtPluginPathFromCfg (const std::string &key)
 Retrieve the path to some qt-related plugins from the mantid configuration If the value contains V then this sequence is replaced with the major version of Qt. More...
bool EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON requiresSkewMatrix (const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace &workspace)
void EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON saveJSONToFile (QString &filename, const QMap< QString, QVariant > &map)
QString toQStringInternal (const std::wstring &str)
 Internal version of QString::fromStdWString. More...
QString toQStringInternal (const wchar_t *str)
 Internal version of QString::fromStdWString. More...
void EXPORT_OPT_MANTIDQT_COMMON transformFromDoubleToCoordT (const Mantid::Kernel::DblMatrix &skewMatrix, std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &skewMatrixCoord)
void transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord (Mantid::coord_t *lookPoint, const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &skewMatrix, const size_t &dimX, const size_t &dimY, const size_t &dimSlice)
 Explanation of index mapping lookPoint[0] is H lookPoint[1] is K lookPoint[2] is L eg Have matrix (from xyz -> hkl) and X, K, Z H = M11 . More...
template<typename T >
void transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord (T &lookPoint, const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &skewMatrix, const size_t &dimX, const size_t &dimY, const size_t &dimSlice)


static const char * addCol_xpm []
static const char * area_xpm []
static const char * arrangeLayers_xpm []
static const char * arrow_xpm []
static const char * auto_layout_xpm []
static const char * backGrid_xpm []
static const char * bars_xpm []
static const char * box_xpm []
static const char * boxPlot_xpm []
static const char * ceilGrid_xpm []
static const char * choose_folder_xpm []
static const char * clock_xpm []
static const char * close_xpm []
static const char * col_stat_xpm []
static const char * color_map_xpm []
static const char * cones_xpm []
static const char * config_curves_xpm []
static const char * configTable_xpm []
static const char * contour_map_xpm []
static const char * copy2_xpm []
static const char * copy_xpm []
static const char * crosses_xpm []
static const char * cursor_16_xpm []
static const char * cursor_xpm []
static const char * cursors_xpm []
static const char * curves_xpm []
static const char * cut2_xpm []
static const char * cut_xpm []
const QString DELETABLEENTRY = "deletable"
static const char * delete_column_xpm []
static const char * delete_row_xpm []
const QString dir_not_empty_label
static const char * disregard_col_xpm []
static const char * draw_points_xpm []
static const char * dropLines_xpm []
static const char * duplicate_xpm []
static const char * erase_xpm []
static const char * errors_remove_xpm []
static const char * errors_xpm []
static const char * exp_xpm []
static const char * fileopen_nexus_xpm []
static const char * fileopen_raw_xpm []
static const char * fileopen_xpm []
static const char * fileprint_xpm []
static const char * filesave_nexus_xpm []
static const char * filesave_xpm []
static const char * fit_frame_xpm []
static const char * fit_xpm []
static const char * Fit_xpm []
static const char * flip_horizontal_xpm []
static const char * flip_vertical_xpm []
static const char * floor_xpm []
static const char * floorGrid_xpm []
static const char * folder_closed []
static const char * folder_closed_xpm []
static const char * folder_open []
static const char * folder_open_xpm []
static const char * folder_open_xpm2 []
static const char * folder_xpm []
static const char * formula_xpm []
static const char * free_axes_xpm []
static const char * frontGrid_xpm []
static const char * fx_xpm []
static const char * general_xpm []
static const char * gomme_xpm []
static const char * graph_disabled_xpm []
static const char * graph_xpm []
static const char * gray_map_xpm []
static const char * grid_only_xpm []
static const char * grid_poly_xpm []
static const char * hand_xpm []
static const char * hBars_xpm []
static const char * histogram_xpm []
static const char * hor_steps_xpm []
static const char * image_plot_xpm []
static const char * import_xpm []
static const char * index_xpm []
static const char * insert_column_xpm []
static const char * insert_row_xpm []
const QString install_mantid_label
const QString installation_failed
const QString installation_in_progress
static const char * isolines_xpm []
static const char * layer_disabled_xpm []
static const char * layer_enabled_xpm []
static const char * leftGrid_xpm []
static const char * legend_xpm []
static const char * lens_xpm []
static const char * lineMesh_xpm []
static const char * lineSymbol_xpm []
static const char * log_xpm []
static const char * logo_xpm []
static const char * lPlot_xpm []
static const char * lpPlot_xpm []
static const char * magnifier_xpm []
static const char * managefolders_xpm []
static const char * mantid_matrix_xpm []
static const char * mantid_mdws_xpm []
static const char * mantid_wsgroup_xpm []
static const char * mantid_xpm []
static const char * matrix_xpm []
static const char * monalisa_xpm []
static const char * move_col_first_xpm []
static const char * move_col_last_xpm []
static const char * move_col_left_xpm []
static const char * move_col_right_xpm []
static const char * movie_xpm []
static const char * multiload_xpm []
static const char * new_graph_xpm []
static const char * new_matrix_xpm []
static const char * new_note_xpm []
static const char * new_xpm []
static const char * newF_xpm []
static const char * newfolder_xpm []
static const char * newFolder_xpm []
static const char * newFxy_xpm []
static const char * newLayer_xpm []
static const char * next_xpm []
static const char * no_axes_xpm []
static const char * no_floor_xpm []
static const char * no_grid_xpm []
static const char * note_xpm []
static const char * open_template_xpm []
static const char * panel_4_xpm []
static const char * panel_h2_xpm []
static const char * panel_v2_xpm []
static const char * param_range_btn_xpm []
static const char * paste_xpm []
static const char * pdf_xpm []
static const char * perspective_xpm []
static const char * pie_xpm []
static const char * pixelProfile_xpm []
static const char * plot_bars_xpm []
static const char * pointer_xpm []
static const char * pointsMesh_xpm []
static const char * pPlot_xpm []
static const char * prev_xpm []
const QString PROTECTEDENTRY = "protected"
static const char * python_xpm []
static const char * qtiplot_logo_xpm []
static const char * quit_xpm []
static const char * randomNumbers_xpm []
static const char * redo_xpm []
static const char * reset_rotation_xpm []
static const char * resize_xpm []
static const char * ribbon_xpm []
static const char * rightGrid_xpm []
static const char * rotate_clockwise_xpm []
static const char * rotate_counterclockwise_xpm []
static const char * rowNumbers_xpm []
static const char * save_template_xpm []
static const char * scatter_xpm []
static const char * select_xpm []
static const char * set_label_col_xpm []
static const char * sort_ascending_xpm []
static const char * sort_descending_xpm []
static const char * spline_xpm []
static const char * stacked_hist_xpm []
static const char * stacked_xpm []
static const char * stat_rows_xpm []
static const char * swap_columns_xpm []
static const char * table_xpm []
static const char * text_xpm []
static const char * tiledwindow_xpm []
static const char * trajectory_xpm []
static const char * undo_xpm []
static const char * unzoom2_xpm []
static const char * unzoom_xpm []
static const char * vectXYAM_xpm []
static const char * vectXYXY_xpm []
static const char * vert_steps_xpm []
static const char * vertBars_xpm []
static const char * vizor_xpm []
static const char * wizard_xpm []
static const char * worksheet_xpm []
static const char * workspace_matrix_xpm []
static const char * x_col_xpm []
static const char * y_col_xpm []
static const char * z_col_xpm []
static const char * zoom_xpm []
static const char * zoomOut_xpm []

Typedef Documentation

◆ AlgorithmDialogFactory

The specific instantiation of the templated type.

Definition at line 56 of file AlgorithmDialogFactory.h.

◆ AlgorithmInputHistory

Definition at line 89 of file AlgorithmInputHistory.h.

◆ IConfiguredAlgorithm_sptr

Definition at line 23 of file IConfiguredAlgorithm.h.

◆ SelectionNotificationService

Definition at line 48 of file SelectionNotificationService.h.

◆ SignalBlocker

using MantidQt::API::SignalBlocker = typedef QSignalBlocker

Definition at line 17 of file SignalBlocker.h.

◆ UserSubWindowFactory

The specific instantiation of the templated type.

Definition at line 133 of file UserSubWindowFactory.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DimensionSelection


Definition at line 17 of file NonOrthogonal.h.

Function Documentation

◆ getGridLineAnglesInRadian()

std::pair< double, double > MantidQt::API::getGridLineAnglesInRadian ( const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &  skewMatrixCoord,
size_t  dimX,
size_t  dimY 

We get the angles that are used for plotting of the grid lines.

There are several scenarios: x-y (when H and K are selected) y-x (when K and H are selected) x-z (when H and L are selected) z-x (when L and H are selected) y-z (when K and L are selected) z-y (when L and K are selected)

Some things to consider the BW transformation provides a system where x is aligned with a*, where y is in the same plane as

skewMatrixCoordThe tranformation matrix from the non-orthogonal system to the orthogonal system
dimXthe selected orthogonal dimension for the x axis of the screen
dimYthe selected orthogonal dimension for the y axis of the screen
an angle for the x grid lines and an angle for the y grid lines. Both are measured from the x axis.

Definition at line 440 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

◆ getMissingHKLDimensionIndex()

size_t MantidQt::API::getMissingHKLDimensionIndex ( const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_const_sptr workspace,
size_t  dimX,
size_t  dimY 

Definition at line 336 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::HKL::HKLName, and workspace.

◆ getQPixmap()

QPixmap MantidQt::API::getQPixmap ( const std::string &  name)

Function that returns a QPixmap given a string name.

Definition at line 12823 of file pixmaps.cpp.

References addCol_xpm, area_xpm, arrangeLayers_xpm, arrow_xpm, auto_layout_xpm, backGrid_xpm, bars_xpm, box_xpm, boxPlot_xpm, ceilGrid_xpm, choose_folder_xpm, clock_xpm, close_xpm, col_stat_xpm, color_map_xpm, cones_xpm, config_curves_xpm, configTable_xpm, contour_map_xpm, copy2_xpm, copy_xpm, crosses_xpm, cursor_16_xpm, cursor_xpm, cursors_xpm, curves_xpm, cut2_xpm, cut_xpm, delete_column_xpm, delete_row_xpm, disregard_col_xpm, draw_points_xpm, dropLines_xpm, duplicate_xpm, erase_xpm, errors_remove_xpm, errors_xpm, exp_xpm, fileopen_nexus_xpm, fileopen_raw_xpm, fileopen_xpm, fileprint_xpm, filesave_nexus_xpm, filesave_xpm, fit_frame_xpm, fit_xpm, Fit_xpm, flip_horizontal_xpm, flip_vertical_xpm, floor_xpm, floorGrid_xpm, folder_closed, folder_closed_xpm, folder_open, folder_open_xpm, folder_open_xpm2, folder_xpm, formula_xpm, free_axes_xpm, frontGrid_xpm, fx_xpm, general_xpm, gomme_xpm, graph_disabled_xpm, graph_xpm, gray_map_xpm, grid_only_xpm, grid_poly_xpm, hand_xpm, hBars_xpm, histogram_xpm, hor_steps_xpm, image_plot_xpm, import_xpm, index_xpm, insert_column_xpm, insert_row_xpm, isolines_xpm, layer_disabled_xpm, layer_enabled_xpm, leftGrid_xpm, legend_xpm, lens_xpm, lineMesh_xpm, lineSymbol_xpm, log_xpm, logo_xpm, lPlot_xpm, lpPlot_xpm, magnifier_xpm, managefolders_xpm, mantid_matrix_xpm, mantid_mdws_xpm, mantid_wsgroup_xpm, mantid_xpm, matrix_xpm, monalisa_xpm, move_col_first_xpm, move_col_last_xpm, move_col_left_xpm, move_col_right_xpm, movie_xpm, multiload_xpm, new_graph_xpm, new_matrix_xpm, new_note_xpm, new_xpm, newF_xpm, newfolder_xpm, newFolder_xpm, newFxy_xpm, newLayer_xpm, next_xpm, no_axes_xpm, no_floor_xpm, no_grid_xpm, note_xpm, open_template_xpm, panel_4_xpm, panel_h2_xpm, panel_v2_xpm, param_range_btn_xpm, paste_xpm, pdf_xpm, perspective_xpm, pie_xpm, pixelProfile_xpm, plot_bars_xpm, pointer_xpm, pointsMesh_xpm, pPlot_xpm, prev_xpm, python_xpm, qtiplot_logo_xpm, quit_xpm, randomNumbers_xpm, redo_xpm, reset_rotation_xpm, resize_xpm, ribbon_xpm, rightGrid_xpm, rotate_clockwise_xpm, rotate_counterclockwise_xpm, rowNumbers_xpm, save_template_xpm, scatter_xpm, select_xpm, set_label_col_xpm, sort_ascending_xpm, sort_descending_xpm, spline_xpm, stacked_hist_xpm, stacked_xpm, stat_rows_xpm, swap_columns_xpm, table_xpm, text_xpm, tiledwindow_xpm, trajectory_xpm, undo_xpm, unzoom2_xpm, unzoom_xpm, vectXYAM_xpm, vectXYXY_xpm, vert_steps_xpm, vertBars_xpm, vizor_xpm, wizard_xpm, worksheet_xpm, workspace_matrix_xpm, x_col_xpm, y_col_xpm, z_col_xpm, zoom_xpm, and zoomOut_xpm.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceTreeWidget::createWorkspaceMenuActions(), MantidQt::API::WindowIcons::getIcon(), and MantidQt::API::WorkspaceIcons::getIcon().

◆ haveInputWS()

bool MantidQt::API::haveInputWS ( const std::vector< Property * > &  prop_list)
true if the workspace has an input workspace

Definition at line 139 of file AlgorithmPropertiesWidget.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Property::direction(), and Mantid::Kernel::Direction::Input.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::AlgorithmPropertiesWidget::initLayout().

◆ isCalledInputWorkspace()

bool MantidQt::API::isCalledInputWorkspace ( PropertyWidget *const  candidate)

◆ isHKLDimensions()

bool MantidQt::API::isHKLDimensions ( const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace workspace,
size_t  dimX,
size_t  dimY 

Definition at line 369 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::HKL::HKLName, index, and workspace.

◆ isIntermediateValueHelper()

bool MantidQt::API::isIntermediateValueHelper ( qint64  num,
qint64  min,
qint64  max,
qint64 *  match = nullptr 

Definition at line 23 of file QScienceSpinBox.cpp.

References QSBDEBUG, and tmp.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::QScienceSpinBox::isIntermediateValue().

◆ loadJSONFromFile()

QMap< QString, QVariant > MantidQt::API::loadJSONFromFile ( const QString &  filename)

Definition at line 43 of file QtJSONUtils.cpp.

References loadJSONFromString().

◆ loadJSONFromString()

QMap< QString, QVariant > MantidQt::API::loadJSONFromString ( const QString &  jsonString)

Definition at line 62 of file QtJSONUtils.cpp.

Referenced by loadJSONFromFile().

◆ loadPluginsFromCfgPath()

int MantidQt::API::loadPluginsFromCfgPath ( const std::string &  key)

Load plugins from a path given by the key in the config service.

Load all plugins from the path specified by the given configuration key.

keyThe name of a key in the Mantid config. It's value may contain V to specify the Qt version
The number of libraries successfully loaded

Definition at line 43 of file PluginLibraries.cpp.

References loadPluginsFromPath(), and qtPluginPathFromCfg().

Referenced by MantidQt::API::InterfaceManager::InterfaceManager().

◆ loadPluginsFromPath()

int MantidQt::API::loadPluginsFromPath ( const std::string &  path)

Load plugins from a path.

Load all plugins from the path specified.

The number of libraries successfully loaded

Definition at line 49 of file PluginLibraries.cpp.

Referenced by loadPluginsFromCfgPath().

◆ provideSkewMatrix()

void MantidQt::API::provideSkewMatrix ( Mantid::Kernel::DblMatrix skewMatrix,
const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace workspace 

Definition at line 347 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

References workspace.

◆ qtPluginPathFromCfg()

std::string MantidQt::API::qtPluginPathFromCfg ( const std::string &  key)

Retrieve the path to some qt-related plugins from the mantid configuration If the value contains V then this sequence is replaced with the major version of Qt.

keyThe name of a key in the Mantid config
The value of the key

Definition at line 27 of file PluginLibraries.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Strings::replace().

Referenced by loadPluginsFromCfgPath().

◆ requiresSkewMatrix()

bool MantidQt::API::requiresSkewMatrix ( const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace workspace)

Definition at line 359 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

References workspace.

◆ saveJSONToFile()

void MantidQt::API::saveJSONToFile ( QString &  filename,
const QMap< QString, QVariant > &  map 

Definition at line 32 of file QtJSONUtils.cpp.

◆ toQStringInternal() [1/2]

QString MantidQt::API::toQStringInternal ( const std::wstring &  str)

Internal version of QString::fromStdWString.

On MSVC Qt4 rquired /Z:wchar_t- but Qt5 does not. For simplicity we remove the /Z:wchar_t- compiler option and define the functionality interally.

strA std::wstring object

Definition at line 34 of file QStringUtils.h.

◆ toQStringInternal() [2/2]

QString MantidQt::API::toQStringInternal ( const wchar_t *  str)

Internal version of QString::fromStdWString.

On MSVC Qt4 rquired /Z:wchar_t- but Qt5 does not. For simplicity we remove the /Z:wchar_t- compiler option and define the functionality interally.

strA pointer to the raw wchar_t string

Definition at line 21 of file QStringUtils.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ImageInfoModelMatrixWS::createItemNames(), and MantidQt::API::PlotAxis::titleFromDimension().

◆ transformFromDoubleToCoordT()

void MantidQt::API::transformFromDoubleToCoordT ( const Mantid::Kernel::DblMatrix skewMatrix,
std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &  skewMatrixCoord 

◆ transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord() [1/2]

void MantidQt::API::transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord ( Mantid::coord_t lookPoint,
const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &  skewMatrix,
const size_t &  dimX,
const size_t &  dimY,
const size_t &  dimSlice 

Explanation of index mapping lookPoint[0] is H lookPoint[1] is K lookPoint[2] is L eg Have matrix (from xyz -> hkl) and X, K, Z H = M11 .

X + M12Y + M13Z K = M24X + M22Y + M23Z L = M31X + M32Y + M33Z

Definition at line 398 of file NonOrthogonal.cpp.

◆ transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void MantidQt::API::transformLookpointToWorkspaceCoord ( T &  lookPoint,
const std::array< Mantid::coord_t, 9 > &  skewMatrix,
const size_t &  dimX,
const size_t &  dimY,
const size_t &  dimSlice 

Definition at line 33 of file NonOrthogonal.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ addCol_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::addCol_xpm[]
Initial value:
"15 16 5 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",
"a c #0018f0",
"b c #ff0000",
"c c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8846 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ area_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::area_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 4 1",
" c #000000",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #00FF00",
"@ c #FF0000",
" ",
" .............. ",
" .............. ",
" .............. ",
" ...++....+++.. ",
" ..+++++.+++++. ",
" .+++++@@@@++++ ",
" @@+++@@@@@@++@ ",
" @@@@@@@@ @@@@ ",
" @@ @@@ @@@ ",
" @ @ @@ ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "}

Definition at line 7914 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ arrangeLayers_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::arrangeLayers_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 15 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
".. .. ",
" . . ",
".. .. ",
" . . ",
".. .. ",
" . . ",
" ..... .......",
" . . . . ",
".. .. ",
" . . ",
".. .. ",
" . . ",
".. .. ",
" ..... .......",
" . . . . "}

Definition at line 5940 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ arrow_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::arrow_xpm[]
Initial value:
"19 19 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8535 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ auto_layout_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::auto_layout_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #010000",
"... ...",
".. ..",
". . . .",
" ",
" ........ ",
" . + + . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . + + . ",
" ........ ",
" ",
". . . .",
".. ..",
"... ..."}

Definition at line 1454 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ backGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::backGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6663 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ bars_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::bars_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #E51212",
"# c #0000FF",
"$ c #9E0606",
" ",
" ..........",
" .+.+...+++.",
" .++.+.@@+++.",
" .++....@@+++.",
" .+++.@@.@...+.",
" .++###@@.@.@@+.",
" .++#$$@@.@.@@+.",
" .++#$###.@.@@+.",
" .++#$#$###.@@+.",
" .++#$#$#$$.@@. ",
" .++#$#$#$$.@. ",
" .++#$#$#$$.. ",
" .+.+$#$#$$. ",
" ..+++++#$. ",
" ......... "}

Definition at line 5821 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().


const QString MantidQt::API::BOTHCHANGED = "CHANGED"

Definition at line 32 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::bothChangedSt().


const QString MantidQt::API::BOTHUNCHANGED = "UPDATED"

Definition at line 31 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::updatedSt().

◆ box_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::box_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"20 19 7 1",
" c None",
". c #101CB5",
"+ c #0810B5",
"@ c #0010B5",
"# c #0814B5",
"$ c #1018BD",
"% c #101CBD",
" .+@+@+@+@+@+@#.",
" @ @$",
" @ @ @",
" @ @ +",
" @ @ @",
"@%@+@+@+@+@+@+@ +",
"+ + @",
"@ @ +",
"+ + @",
"@ @ +",
"+ + @",
"@ @ +",
"+ + @",
"@ @ +",
"+ + + ",
"@ @ + ",
"+ + + ",
"@ @+ ",
"+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+ "}

Definition at line 7270 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ boxPlot_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::boxPlot_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 2 1",
" c None",
". c #1F0E77",
" ",
" ",
" ....... ",
" . ",
" . ",
" .............. ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" .............. ",
" . . ",
" .............. ",
" . ",
" . ",
" ....... ",
" "}

Definition at line 3579 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ ceilGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::ceilGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6716 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ choose_folder_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::choose_folder_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 16 11 1",
"# c #000000",
"g c #c0c0c0",
"e c #303030",
"a c #ffa858",
"b c #808080",
"d c #a0a0a4",
"f c #585858",
"c c #ffdca8",
"h c #dcdcdc",
"i c #ffffff",
". c None",

Definition at line 86 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ clock_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::clock_xpm[]

Definition at line 3600 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ close_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::close_xpm[]

Definition at line 7964 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ col_stat_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::col_stat_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" ......",
" . .",
" ....... . .",
" . .. ......",
" . . .++++.",
" .. ......",
" .. .++++.",
" .. ......",
" . .++++.",
" . . ......",
" . .. .++++.",
" ....... ......",
" .++++.",
" ......",
" "}

Definition at line 7626 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ color_map_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::color_map_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 15 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #00FF00",
"@ c #0000FF",
"# c #FFFF00",
"$ c #FF0000",
".+ +@ @+ +@ ",
".#$$#+ +#$$#+ ",
".#$$#+ +#$$#+ ",
".+ +@ @+ +@ ",
".+ +@ @+ +@ ",
".#$$#+ +#$$#+ ",
".#$$#+ +#$$#+ ",

Definition at line 1429 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cones_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cones_xpm[]

Definition at line 5620 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ config_curves_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::config_curves_xpm[]

Definition at line 2126 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ configTable_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::configTable_xpm[]

Definition at line 1991 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ contour_map_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::contour_map_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 15 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",

Definition at line 1407 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ copy2_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::copy2_xpm[]
Initial value:
"15 13 4 1",
"# c None",
". c #000000",
"b c #00007f",
"a c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8696 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ copy_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::copy_xpm[]
Initial value:
"15 13 4 1",
"# c None",
". c #000000",
"b c #00007f",
"a c #ffffff",

Definition at line 302 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ crosses_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::crosses_xpm[]

Definition at line 5652 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cursor_16_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cursor_16_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 16 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8606 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cursor_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cursor_xpm[]

Definition at line 138 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cursors_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cursors_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 8 1",
" c None",
". c #D51309",
"+ c #010000",
"@ c #030003",
"# c #28DAC6",
"$ c #F90C02",
"% c #000002",
"& c #00000E",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" ++ .. ",
" @@ .. ",
" .......##.....",
" .......##..$..",
" +@ .. ",
" @@ .. ",
"+++++%+++..@ ",
"+++&+@+++..@ ",
" ++ .. ",
" ++ .. ",
" ++ .. ",
" ++ ",
" ++ "}

Definition at line 7937 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ curves_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::curves_xpm[]
Initial value:
"14 16 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #100000",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #FF0000",

Definition at line 8511 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cut2_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cut2_xpm[]
Initial value:
"18 18 3 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",
"a c #00007f",

Definition at line 8672 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ cut_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::cut_xpm[]
Initial value:
"18 18 3 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",
"a c #00007f",

Definition at line 278 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().


const QString MantidQt::API::DELETABLEENTRY = "deletable"

Definition at line 36 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::data().

◆ delete_column_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::delete_column_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 13 6 1",
" c None",
". c #878B98",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #FF0000",
"# c #464B5C",
"$ c #B2B5BF",

Definition at line 814 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ delete_row_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::delete_row_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 13 6 1",
" c None",
". c #878B98",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #464B5C",
"# c #B2B5BF",
"$ c #FF0000",

Definition at line 864 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ dir_not_empty_label

const QString MantidQt::API::dir_not_empty_label
Initial value:
= "<html><head/><body><p>The directory/folder that you have selected is not "
"<p>Are you sure that you want to install the script repository here? All "
"the files and directories found in "
"the selected directory/folder could be shared in the repository by "
"<p>If you are not sure, please choose 'no' and then select an empty (or "
"newly created) directory/folder.</p>"
"<p>If this is your home directory, desktop or similar you should "
"definitely choose 'no'.</p>"
"<p>If you are sure of what you are doing, please choose 'yes'. The "
"installation may take a couple of minutes.</p>"

Definition at line 60 of file ScriptRepositoryView.cpp.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::ScriptRepositoryView::ScriptRepositoryView().

◆ disregard_col_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::disregard_col_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 5 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
". . . . . ...",
"... . . ... . ",
"... . . ... .. ",
". . . . . . . ",
". . . . . ..."}

Definition at line 1107 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().



Definition at line 34 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::downloadSt().

◆ draw_points_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::draw_points_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"10 10 2 1",
" c None",
". c #BC0F0F",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" ..",
" ..",
".. ",
".. ..",
" ..",
" ",
" .. ",
" .. "}

Definition at line 976 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ dropLines_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::dropLines_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #CC3737",
" ",
" . +++ ",
" . +++ ",
" .. +++ ",
" . . ",
" . +++ . ",
" .. +++ . +++ ",
" . +++ . +++ ",
" . . . +++ ",
" .. . . . ",
" . . . . ",
" . . . . ",
" .. . . . ",
" . . . . ",
" ..............",
" . . . . "}

Definition at line 5541 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ duplicate_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::duplicate_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #0000FF",
"@ c #C6C4C4",
" ",
" ",

Definition at line 8802 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ erase_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::erase_xpm[]

Definition at line 9631 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ errors_remove_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::errors_remove_xpm[]
Initial value:
"11 11 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"X c #ff6666",
"o c #ff0000",
"O c #980000",
" ... Xo",
" . XoX",
" . XoX ",
" .XoX ",
" .OoX ",
" OoO ",
" XoO. ",
" XoX. ",
" XoX . ",
"XoX . ",
"oX ... "

Definition at line 8488 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ errors_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::errors_xpm[]
Initial value:
"3 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",

Definition at line 8471 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ exp_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::exp_xpm[]
Initial value:
"11 16 3 1",
" c None",
". c #FF0000",
"+ c #000000",
" .. ",
" . .",
" .",
" . ",
" . ",
"+++ ++ ....",
" +++ ",
" ++ ",
" +++ ",
"++ +++ ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "}

Definition at line 953 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fileopen_nexus_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fileopen_nexus_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 7 1",
" c None",
"! c black",
"# c #040404",
"$ c #F3F704",
"% c #F3F7F3",
"& c #800080",
"' c #808304",
" ### ",
" # # # ",
" ## ",
" ### ### ",
"#$%$####### ",
"#%$%$%$%$%# ",
"#$%$%$%$%$# ",
"#$#'&&&'&'&&#&& ",
"##''&'&&&''&&& ",
"####&##&&## && ",
" & && &&&& ",
" & & & &&",
" & &"}

Definition at line 11711 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fileopen_raw_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fileopen_raw_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 7 1",
" c None",
"! c black",
"# c #040404",
"$ c #F3F704",
"% c #F3F7F3",
"& c #FF0000",
"' c #808304",
" ### ",
" # # # ",
" ## ",
" ### ### ",
"#$%$####### ",
"#%$%$%$%$%# ",
"#$%$%$%$%$&&&& ",
"#$#''''''&&'&& ",
"##'''''''&&&& ",
"#########&&&&& ",
" && && ",
" && &&",
" && &&"}

Definition at line 11685 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fileopen_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fileopen_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
" 16 13 5 1",
". c #040404",
"# c #808304",
"a c None",
"b c #f3f704",
"c c #f3f7f3",

Definition at line 9330 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fileprint_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fileprint_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
" 16 14 6 1",
". c #000000",
"# c #848284",
"a c #c6c3c6",
"b c #ffff00",
"c c #ffffff",
"d c None",

Definition at line 9352 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ filesave_nexus_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::filesave_nexus_xpm[]

Definition at line 11737 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ filesave_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::filesave_xpm[]

Definition at line 9376 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fit_frame_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fit_frame_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"12 12 2 1",
" c None",
". c #0810B5",
".... ....",
"... ...",
".... ....",
". ........ .",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
". ........ .",
".... ....",
"... ...",
".... ...."}

Definition at line 1322 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fit_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fit_xpm[]

Definition at line 1826 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ Fit_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::Fit_xpm[]

Definition at line 11647 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ flip_horizontal_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::flip_horizontal_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 9 18 1",
" c None",
". c #C3CEDF",
"+ c #204A87",
"@ c #D3DCE7",
"# c #BED2EA",
"$ c #BCD1EA",
"% c #A4C0E2",
"& c #93B4DD",
"* c #ACC6E4",
"= c #BBD0E9",
"- c #C4D6EC",
"; c #C7D2E1",
"> c #C0CCDD",
", c #9DBBDF",
"' c #B8C6D9",
") c #B7C5D8",
"! c #B1C0D5",
"~ c #BCC8DB",
" .++ ++. ",
" @+#+ +#+@ ",
" @+$%++++%#+@ ",
" )+#%++++%#+) ",
" !+#+ +#+! ",
" ~++ ++~ "}

Definition at line 783 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ flip_vertical_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::flip_vertical_xpm[]

Definition at line 747 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ floor_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::floor_xpm[]

Definition at line 6935 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ floorGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::floorGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6762 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_closed

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_closed[]
Initial value:
"16 16 9 1",
"g c #808080",
"b c #c0c000",
"e c #c0c0c0",
"# c #000000",
"c c #ffff00",
". c None",
"a c #585858",
"f c #a0a0a4",
"d c #ffffff",

Definition at line 487 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_closed_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_closed_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 16 9 1",
"g c #808080",
"b c #c0c000",
"e c #c0c0c0",
"# c #000000",
"c c #ffff00",
". c None",
"a c #585858",
"f c #a0a0a4",
"d c #ffffff",

Definition at line 26 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_open

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_open[]
Initial value:
"16 16 11 1",
"# c #000000",
"g c #c0c0c0",
"e c #303030",
"a c #ffa858",
"b c #808080",
"d c #a0a0a4",
"f c #585858",
"c c #ffdca8",
"h c #dcdcdc",
"i c #ffffff",
". c None",

Definition at line 515 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_open_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_open_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 16 11 1",
"# c #000000",
"g c #c0c0c0",
"e c #303030",
"a c #ffa858",
"b c #808080",
"d c #a0a0a4",
"f c #585858",
"c c #ffdca8",
"h c #dcdcdc",
"i c #ffffff",
". c None",

Definition at line 55 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_open_xpm2

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_open_xpm2[]
Initial value:
"16 16 11 1",
"# c #000000",
"g c #c0c0c0",
"e c #303030",
"a c #ffa858",
"b c #808080",
"d c #a0a0a4",
"f c #585858",
"c c #ffdca8",
"h c #dcdcdc",
"i c #ffffff",
". c None",

Definition at line 3277 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ folder_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::folder_xpm[]

Definition at line 9133 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ formula_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::formula_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"9 9 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #626677",
" .. +.",
" .. .",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. .",
" .. +.",

Definition at line 667 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ free_axes_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::free_axes_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"17 18 3 1",
" c None",
". c #0810B5",
"+ c #0010B5",
". ",
"+ ",
". ",
"+ ",
". ",
"+ ",
". ",
"+ ",
". ",
"+ ",
". ",
"+ +",
". + ",
" .+ + ",
" +. + ",
" .+ + ",
" +. + ",
" .+ "}

Definition at line 7300 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ frontGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::frontGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6853 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ fx_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::fx_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #FF0000",

Definition at line 7489 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ general_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::general_xpm[]

Definition at line 2396 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ gomme_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::gomme_xpm[]

Definition at line 5980 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ graph_disabled_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::graph_disabled_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 5 1",
" c None",
". c #666666",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #999999",
"# c #747474",

Definition at line 9020 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ graph_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::graph_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 6 1",
" c None",
". c #030003",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #FC0D00",
"# c #2F28EF",
"$ c #0000FC",

Definition at line 8997 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ gray_map_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::gray_map_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 15 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #C2BFA5",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #808080",

Definition at line 1383 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ grid_only_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::grid_only_xpm[]

Definition at line 7077 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ grid_poly_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::grid_poly_xpm[]

Definition at line 6970 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ hand_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::hand_xpm[]

Definition at line 8188 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ hBars_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::hBars_xpm[]

Definition at line 7842 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ histogram_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::histogram_xpm[]

Definition at line 5261 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ hor_steps_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::hor_steps_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"13 13 2 1",
" c None",
". c #6B0808",
" .",
" .",
" .",
" .",
" .....",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" ..... ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
"..... "}

Definition at line 5582 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ image_plot_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::image_plot_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FF0000",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #00FF00",
"$ c #0000FF",

Definition at line 992 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ import_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::import_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 15 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FF0000",
"@ c #2F2FF0",
"# c #FFFFFF",
" . .. .. ",
".. . . ",
" . . .. ++++ ",
" . . . + ",
"... .. .. +++++",
" +++ ",
" + ",
" ",
" ............",
" .@.@@.@@.@@.",
" ............",
" .#.##.##.##.",
" ............",
" .#.##.##.##.",
" ............"}

Definition at line 8974 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ index_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::index_xpm[]
Initial value:
"11 16 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FF0000",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
"... .. ",
" ... ",
" .. ",
" ... ++ ",
".. ... + +",
" +",
" + ",
" + ",
" ++++",
" ",
" "}

Definition at line 930 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ insert_column_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::insert_column_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 15 8 1",
" c None",
". c #594FBF",
"+ c #655BEF",
"@ c #878B98",
"# c #FFFFFF",
"$ c #E8D038",
"% c #464B5C",
"& c #E89238",
" .+++++. ",
" .+++. ",

Definition at line 837 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ insert_row_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::insert_row_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 13 9 1",
" c None",
". c #878B98",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #464B5C",
"# c #594FBF",
"$ c #655BEF",
"% c #E8D038",
"& c #E89238",
"* c #B2B5BF",

Definition at line 887 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ install_mantid_label

const QString MantidQt::API::install_mantid_label
Initial value:
= "<html><head/><body><p>The <span style=\" font-weight:600;\">"
"Script Repository</span> allows you to:</p>"
"<p> * Share your scripts and reduction algorithms;</p>"
"<p> * Get <span style=\" font-weight:600;\">Mantid</span> Scripts from "
"the mantid developers and the community. </p>"
"<p><span style=\" font-style:italic;\">"
"N.B. The installation usually requires a couple of minutes, depending on "
"your network bandwidth. </span></p>"
"<p>More Information available at "
"<a href=\"http://www.mantidproject.org/ScriptRepository\"><span style=\" "
"text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">"
"http://www.mantidproject.org/ScriptRepository</span></a></p></br><p><span "
"style=\" font-weight:600;\">"
"Would you like to install it now?</span></p></body></html>"

Definition at line 32 of file ScriptRepositoryView.cpp.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::ScriptRepositoryView::ScriptRepositoryView().

◆ installation_failed

const QString MantidQt::API::installation_failed
Initial value:
= "<html><head/><body><p>The installation of Script Repository "
"<span style=\" font-weight:600;\">Failed</span>!</p>"
"<p>Please, check the Result Log to see why the installation failed. "

Definition at line 55 of file ScriptRepositoryView.cpp.

◆ installation_in_progress

const QString MantidQt::API::installation_in_progress
Initial value:
= "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-weight:600;\">"
"Installing Script Repository Installation in background!</span></p>"
"<p>You may continue to use mantid.</p>"
"<p>The Result Log willl give you information of the installation "
"<p>When finished, please, reopen the <span style=\" "
"font-weight:600;\">Script Repository</span>. </p></body></html>"

Definition at line 47 of file ScriptRepositoryView.cpp.

◆ isolines_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::isolines_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"20 10 9 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #DE0810",
"@ c #DE0808",
"# c #DE0C10",
"$ c #E70C10",
"% c #0010DE",
"& c #0010E7",
"* c #0014E7",
" ................",
" . + @ .",
" . #+$ # .",
" .@+ %& +@ . ",
" . *% * +. ",
" . & % . ",
" . +$ % *% +#+$. ",
" . + %& @ . ",
". + + . ",
"................ "}

Definition at line 6913 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ layer_disabled_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::layer_disabled_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 3 1",
" c None",
". c #666666",
"+ c #FFFFFF",

Definition at line 9064 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ layer_enabled_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::layer_enabled_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 14 4 1",
" c None",
". c #1A1A1A",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #CB1D08",

Definition at line 9043 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ leftGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::leftGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6616 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ legend_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::legend_xpm[]
Initial value:
"14 15 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #0000FF",

Definition at line 8560 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ lens_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::lens_xpm[]

Definition at line 213 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ lineMesh_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::lineMesh_xpm[]

Definition at line 6418 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ lineSymbol_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::lineSymbol_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #8C2727",
"+ c #272787",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ... ",
" ............ ",
" ... ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" +++ ",
" +++++@++++++ ",
" +++ ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "}

Definition at line 115 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().



Definition at line 29 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::localChangedSt().


const QString MantidQt::API::LOCALONLY = "LOCAL_ONLY"

Definition at line 28 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::localOnlySt().

◆ log_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::log_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 14 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #882F2A",
"@ c #FFFFFF",

Definition at line 10048 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ logo_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::logo_xpm[]

Definition at line 8008 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ lPlot_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::lPlot_xpm[]
Initial value:
"14 14 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8907 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ lpPlot_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::lpPlot_xpm[]
Initial value:
"13 13 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8889 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ magnifier_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::magnifier_xpm[]

Definition at line 11956 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ managefolders_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::managefolders_xpm[]

Definition at line 12225 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ mantid_matrix_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::mantid_matrix_xpm[]

Definition at line 344 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ mantid_mdws_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::mantid_mdws_xpm[]

Definition at line 379 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ mantid_wsgroup_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::mantid_wsgroup_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"13 12 8 1",
" c None",
"! c #808080",
"# c black",
"$ c #5151FF",
"% c #79FFFF",
"& c #010101",
"' c #000080",
"( c #00FFFF",
"!!!!!!! ",
"!$$!$$! ",
"!!!!!!! ",
"!%%&&&&&&& ",
"!%%&''&''# ",

Definition at line 464 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ mantid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::mantid_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"13 12 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000821",
"+ c #000720",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "}

Definition at line 446 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ matrix_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::matrix_xpm[]

Definition at line 3677 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ monalisa_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::monalisa_xpm[]

Definition at line 6177 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ move_col_first_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::move_col_first_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"11 14 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
".. ",
".. . ",
".. .. ",
".. ... ",
".. .... ",
".. .......",
".. .......",
".. .......",
".. .... ",
".. ... ",
".. .. ",
".. . ",
".. ",
".. "}

Definition at line 1016 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ move_col_last_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::move_col_last_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"11 14 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" ..",
" . ..",
" .. ..",
" ... ..",
" .... ..",
"....... ..",
"....... ..",
"....... ..",
" .... ..",
" ... ..",
" .. ..",
" . ..",
" ..",
" .."}

Definition at line 1036 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ move_col_left_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::move_col_left_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"7 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" . ",
" .. ",
" ... ",
" .... ",
" .... ",
" ... ",
" .. ",
" . "}

Definition at line 1135 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ move_col_right_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::move_col_right_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"7 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" . ",
" .. ",
" ... ",
" .... ",
" .... ",
" ... ",
" .. ",
" . "}

Definition at line 1118 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ movie_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::movie_xpm[]

Definition at line 1477 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ multiload_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::multiload_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 15 5 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",
"b c #2007f0",
"a c #ff0000",
"c c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8951 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ new_graph_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::new_graph_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 16 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #A0A7AF",
"# c #FF0000",
".......... ",
".++++++++.. ",
".++++++++.@. ",
".+..+++++.@@. ",

Definition at line 3382 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ new_matrix_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::new_matrix_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #8F888F",
"# c #2007F0",
"$ c #FFFF80",
".......... ",
".++++++++.. ",
".++++++++.@. ",
".++++++++.@@. ",
".++++++++.@@@. ",
".++++++++..... ",
".++++++++++++. ",

Definition at line 3748 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ new_note_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::new_note_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #C2BFA5",
"# c #00FFFF",
"$ c #030003",
".......... ",
".++++++++.. ",
".++++++++.@. ",
".++++++++.@@. ",
".++++++++.@@@. ",
".++++++++..... ",
".++++......... ",

Definition at line 3356 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ new_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::new_xpm[]
Initial value:
"14 16 4 1",
"# c None",
". c #000000",
"b c #a0a7af",
"a c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8823 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ newF_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::newF_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #A0A7AF",
".......... ",
".++++++++.. ",
".++++++++.@. ",
".+++...++.@@. ",

Definition at line 7419 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ newfolder_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::newfolder_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 14 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFF00",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
" . ",
" ",
" . ",
" . . ",
" .... . . . ",
" .+@+@. . . ",
".......... . .",
".@+@+@+@+@.. ",
".+@+@+@+@+. . ",
".@+@+@+@+@. . ",
".+@+@+@+@+. ",
".@+@+@+@+@. ",
".+@+@+@+@+. ",
"........... "}

Definition at line 3256 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ newFolder_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::newFolder_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #A0A7AF",
"# c #FFFF00",
".......... ",
".++++++++.. ",
".++++++++.@. ",
".++++++++.@@. ",
".++++++++..... ",
".++....++++++. ",
".+.#+#+.+++++. ",

Definition at line 7443 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ newFxy_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::newFxy_xpm[]

Definition at line 7324 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ newLayer_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::newLayer_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 12 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #FF0000",
" ............",
" .++++++++++.",
" .+.++++++++.",
" @ .+..+++++++.",
" @ .+.++++++++.",
"@@@ .+..+++++++.",
" @ .+.++++++++.",
" @ .+..+++++++.",
" .+.++.+.+++.",
" .+........+.",
" .++++++++++.",
" ............"}

Definition at line 5961 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ next_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::next_xpm[]

Definition at line 3820 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ no_axes_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::no_axes_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"20 19 6 1",
" c None",
". c #0810B5",
"+ c #0814B5",
"@ c #0010B5",
"# c #1018BD",
"$ c #101CBD",
" . . . . . . + ",
" @ #",
" @ ",
" @ .",
" @ ",
" $ . . . . . . .",
". . ",
" .",
". . ",
" .",
". . ",
" .",
". . ",
" .",
". . ",
" . ",
". . ",
" . ",
". . . . . . . . "}

Definition at line 7242 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ no_floor_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::no_floor_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"20 10 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" ................",
" . .",
" . .",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
". . ",
"................ "}

Definition at line 6898 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ no_grid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::no_grid_xpm[]

Definition at line 7167 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ note_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::note_xpm[]

Definition at line 3308 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ open_template_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::open_template_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 7 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #E1E0D2",
"@ c #FFFF00",
"# c #808000",
"$ c #FFFFFF",
"% c #030003",
" ... ",
" . . .",
" ... ..",
".+@+....... ...",
".@+@+@+@+@. ",
".+@+@+@+@+. ",
" .$%$%$$%$$$.",
" .$%%%%%%%%$.",
" .$$$$$$$$$$.",
" ............"}

Definition at line 3449 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ panel_4_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::panel_4_xpm[]

Definition at line 4425 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ panel_h2_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::panel_h2_xpm[]

Definition at line 4704 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ panel_v2_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::panel_v2_xpm[]

Definition at line 4145 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ param_range_btn_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::param_range_btn_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"18 14 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #808000",
"# c #FFFF00",
"..+ ..+",
"..+ ..+",
"..+ @@+ @@+ ..+",
"..+ @#@+ @#@+ ..+",
"..+@##@+ @##@+..+",
"..+@##@+ @##@+..+",
"..++@#@+ @#@++..+",
"..+ +@@+ @@++ ..+",
"..+ +++ +++ ..+",
"..+ ..+",
"+++ +++"}

Definition at line 255 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ paste_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::paste_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 15 7 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",
"d c #00007f",
"c c #7f7f00",
"b c #7f7f7f",
"a c #ffff00",
"e c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8647 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pdf_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pdf_xpm[]

Definition at line 1153 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ perspective_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::perspective_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 2 1",
" c None",
". c #0810B5",
" ........ ",
" .. .. ",
" . . . . ",
" . . . . ",
". . . .",
". . . .",
". . . .",
". . . .",
". . . .",
". . . .",
". ........ .",
". . . .",
". . . .",
".. ..",

Definition at line 1361 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pie_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pie_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 7 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #00FFFF",
"@ c #0000FF",
"# c #FFFF00",
"$ c #00FF00",
"% c #FF0000",
" ...... ",
" . ++++++ . ",
" .++++++++++. ",
" .@.++++++++.#. ",
" .@@.++++++.##. ",
" .@@@.$$.%%.... ",
" .@@.$$$.%%%... ",
" ..$$$$.%%%%. ",
" ..$$$.%%.. ",
" ...... "}

Definition at line 7775 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pixelProfile_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pixelProfile_xpm[]

Definition at line 6098 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ plot_bars_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::plot_bars_xpm[]

Definition at line 5686 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pointer_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pointer_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 17 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" .. ",
" .+. ",
" .++. ",
" .+++. ",
" .++++. ",
" .+++++. ",
" .++++++. ",
" .+++++++. ",
" .++++..... ",
" .++.+. ",
" .+. .+. ",
" .. .+. ",
" . .+. ",
" .+. ",
" ... ",
" "}

Definition at line 5917 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pointsMesh_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pointsMesh_xpm[]

Definition at line 6815 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ pPlot_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::pPlot_xpm[]
Initial value:
"13 13 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8870 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ prev_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::prev_xpm[]

Definition at line 3773 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().


const QString MantidQt::API::PROTECTEDENTRY = "protected"

Definition at line 35 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::data().

◆ python_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::python_xpm[]

Definition at line 1770 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ qtiplot_logo_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::qtiplot_logo_xpm[]

Definition at line 10275 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ quit_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::quit_xpm[]

Definition at line 10069 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ randomNumbers_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::randomNumbers_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 14 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ... ",
" .+.... ",
" .+..+. ",
"... .+..+. ",
".+. .+..+. ",
".+. .+..+. ",
".+.....+..+. ",
".+..+..+..+. ",
".+..+..+..+. ",

Definition at line 7801 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ redo_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::redo_xpm[]

Definition at line 7512 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().



Definition at line 30 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::remoteChangedSt().


const QString MantidQt::API::REMOTEONLY = "REMOTE_ONLY"

Definition at line 27 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::remoteOnlySt().

◆ reset_rotation_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::reset_rotation_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 15 2 1",
" c None",
". c #0810B5",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" ....... ",
" . .. ",
" . . . ",
" ....... . ",
" . . . ",
" . . . ",
" . . ....",
" . . .....",
" . .. ",
" ........ ",
"... ",
".. "}

Definition at line 1340 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ resize_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::resize_xpm[]

Definition at line 3210 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ ribbon_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::ribbon_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 6 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #AF032E",
"# c #0000FF",
"$ c #100493",
" ",
" ..........",
" .+.+++++++.",
" .++.+++++++.",
" .+++.++++.++.",
" .++++.+++.@.+.",
" .+#++..++.@@@..",
" .#$#.@.+.@@@.+.",
" #$$$#@@.@@@.++.",
" .#$$$#@@@@.....",
" .+#$$$#@##+++. ",
" .++#$$$#$$#+. ",
" .++.#$$$$#+. ",
" .+.++#$$#+. ",
" ..++++##+. ",
" ......... "}

Definition at line 5892 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ rightGrid_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::rightGrid_xpm[]

Definition at line 6569 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ rotate_clockwise_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::rotate_clockwise_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"11 13 15 1",
" c None",
". c #204A87",
"+ c #3F6397",
"@ c #ABBBD2",
"# c #729FCF",
"$ c #5A86B9",
"% c #3B6096",
"& c #6F8AB1",
"* c #5987BD",
"= c #5E8BC0",
"- c #6794C7",
"; c #315890",
"> c #859CBE",
", c #5071A1",
"' c #2A528C",
".....+@ ",
".####$%& ",
".#**=-#;> ",
".#####-#, ",
"....'#*#. ",
" .#*#. ",
" ...#*#...",
" .###*###.",
" .#***#. ",
" .#*#. ",
" .#. ",
" . ",
" "}

Definition at line 715 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ rotate_counterclockwise_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::rotate_counterclockwise_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"11 13 15 1",
" c None",
". c #ABBBD2",
"+ c #3F6397",
"@ c #204A87",
"# c #6F8AB1",
"$ c #3B6096",
"% c #5A86B9",
"& c #729FCF",
"* c #859CBE",
"= c #315890",
"- c #6794C7",
"; c #5E8BC0",
"> c #5987BD",
", c #5071A1",
"' c #2A528C",
" .+@@@@@",
" #$%&&&&@",
" *=&-;>>&@",
" ,&-&&&&&@",
" @&>&'@@@@",
" @&>&@ ",
"@@@&>&@@@ ",
"@&&&>&&&@ ",
" @&>>>&@ ",
" @&>&@ ",
" @&@ ",
" @ ",
" "}

Definition at line 683 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ rowNumbers_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::rowNumbers_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 15 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ...",
" .+.",
" .+.",
" ....+.",
" .+..+.",
" .+..+.",
" ....+..+.",
" .+..+..+.",
" .+..+..+.",
" ....+..+..+.",
" .+..+..+..+.",
" .+..+..+..+.",

Definition at line 7821 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ save_template_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::save_template_xpm[]

Definition at line 3476 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ scatter_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::scatter_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #BC0303",
" ",
" ..........",
" .+.+++++++.",
" .+@@++++@@+.",
" .++@@++++@@+.",
" .++++.+++++++.",
" .+@@++.+@@++++.",
" .+@@++.+@@++++.",
" .+++++.+++++++.",
" .+@@++.........",
" .+@@+.+++++++. ",
" .+++.++@@+++. ",
" .++.+++@@++. ",
" .+.+++++++. ",
" ..+++++++. ",
" ......... "}

Definition at line 5869 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ select_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::select_xpm[]
Initial value:
"16 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #D51309",
"+ c #010000",
"@ c #28DAC6",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" +++.+++ ",
" + . + ",
" + . + ",
" + . + ",
" + . + ",
" +++.+++ ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . "}

Definition at line 8583 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ set_label_col_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::set_label_col_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"14 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" . ",
" .. ... .. ",
" . . . . .",
" ... . . . ",
". . . . . .",
".... ... .. ",
" ",
" .... ",
" .... ",
" .... ",
" .... "}

Definition at line 913 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ sort_ascending_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::sort_ascending_xpm[]

Definition at line 612 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ sort_descending_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::sort_descending_xpm[]

Definition at line 556 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ spline_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::spline_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"17 13 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" . . ",
" .. . . ",
" . . . ",
" . .. . ",
" . . .. ",
" . . ",
" . . ",
" .. .. ",
" .. ",
" "}

Definition at line 5563 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ stacked_hist_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::stacked_hist_xpm[]

Definition at line 4983 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ stacked_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::stacked_xpm[]

Definition at line 3866 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ stat_rows_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::stat_rows_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"16 15 3 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ....... ",
" . .. ",
" . . ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" . ",
" . . ",
" . .. ",
" ....... ",
" ",
". .++.++.++.++.",
". .++.++.++.++.",

Definition at line 7467 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ swap_columns_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::swap_columns_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"10 12 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" . ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" . ",
" . ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" . "}

Definition at line 3192 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ table_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::table_xpm[]
Initial value:
"15 16 5 1",
"# c None",
". c #000000",
"c c #2007f0",
"b c #8f888f",
"a c #ffffff",

Definition at line 8927 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ text_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::text_xpm[]

Definition at line 8717 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ tiledwindow_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::tiledwindow_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 5 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #2007f0",
"@ c #8F888F",
"# c #FFFFFF",
"........... ",
".+++++++++.. ",
".+++++++++.@. ",
".######.##.@@. ",

Definition at line 12796 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ trajectory_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::trajectory_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 16 4 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
"@ c #BC0303",
" ",
" ..........",
" .+.+++++++.",
" .+@@++++@@+.",
" .++@@@@@@@@+.",
" .++++.+++++@+.",
".+@@+.+++++++. ",
".+@@.+++++++. ",
".++.@@@@@++. ",
".+.++++@@+. ",
"..+++++++. ",
"......... "}

Definition at line 5846 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ undo_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::undo_xpm[]

Definition at line 7569 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ unzoom2_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::unzoom2_xpm[]
Initial value:
"15 15 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 8627 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ unzoom_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::unzoom_xpm[]
Initial value:
"18 17 2 1",
". c None",
"# c #000000",

Definition at line 322 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().


const QString MantidQt::API::UPLOADST = "UPLOADING"

Definition at line 33 of file RepoModel.h.

Referenced by MantidQt::API::RepoModel::uploadSt().

◆ vectXYAM_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::vectXYAM_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 15 2 1",
" c None",
". c #882F2A",
" ... .. ",
" .. .. ",
" . . . ",
" . . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" ... ... ",
" .. . ",
" . . . ",
" . . ",
" . ",
" "}

Definition at line 3407 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ vectXYXY_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::vectXYXY_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"15 15 3 1",
" c None",
". c #080000",
"+ c #7B1616",
" . ",
" . ",
" +++ . ",
" ++ . ",
" + + . ",
". + + .",
" . + ",
" . + ",
" + ",
" + ",
" + + ",
" ++ ",
" . +++ ",
" . ",
" . "}

Definition at line 3427 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ vert_steps_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::vert_steps_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"13 13 2 1",
" c None",
". c #6B0808",
" .....",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
" ..... ",
" . ",
" . ",
" . ",
"..... ",
". ",
". ",
". ",
". "}

Definition at line 5602 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ vertBars_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::vertBars_xpm[]

Definition at line 7878 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ vizor_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::vizor_xpm[]

Definition at line 175 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ wizard_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::wizard_xpm[]

Definition at line 7648 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ worksheet_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::worksheet_xpm[]

Definition at line 9084 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ workspace_matrix_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::workspace_matrix_xpm[]

Definition at line 3712 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ x_col_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::x_col_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"10 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
". .",
".. ..",
" .. .. ",
" .. .. ",
" .... ",
" .. ",
" .... ",
" .. .. ",
" .. .. ",
".. ..",
". ."}

Definition at line 1056 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ y_col_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::y_col_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"12 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"... ...",
" .. .. ",
" .. .. ",
" .... ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .... "}

Definition at line 1073 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ z_col_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::z_col_xpm[]
Initial value:
= {
"9 11 2 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
" .. ",
".. ",

Definition at line 1090 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ zoom_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::zoom_xpm[]

Definition at line 9918 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().

◆ zoomOut_xpm

const char* MantidQt::API::zoomOut_xpm[]

Definition at line 1866 of file pixmaps.cpp.

Referenced by getQPixmap().