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Mantid::Algorithms Namespace Reference


namespace  ApodizationFunctions
namespace  ColumnNames
 A private namespace holding the column names of the EPP table.
namespace  CorelliCalibration
namespace  DirectionChoices
 A private namespace for the options for the Direction property.
namespace  EPPTableLiterals
 A private namespace holding some column names for FindEPP algorithm's output table.
namespace  FitPeaksAlgorithm
namespace  IndexTypes
 A private namespace listing the different ways to index spectra in Mantid.
namespace  MergeRunsParameter
 Combines the data contained in an arbitrary number of input workspaces.
namespace  ModeChoices
 A private namespace for the mode options.
namespace  Operation
namespace  PeakParameterHelper
namespace  PropertyNames
 A private namespace for property names.
namespace  RunCombinationOptions
 RunCombinationHelper : This holds some useful utilities for operations involving transformations of lists of workspaces into single one.
namespace  SampleLog
 A private namespace listing some sample log entries.
namespace  SampleLogs
 A private namespace holding names for sample log entries.
namespace  SolidAngleHelpers
namespace  SolidAngleMethods
namespace  SparseInstrument


class  AbsorptionCorrection
 A base class for absorption correction algorithms. More...
class  AddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths
 Calculates the absorption weighted path length for each peak in a peaks workspace and saves it to the tbar column in the workspace. More...
class  AddLogDerivative
 Takes an existing sample log, and calculates its first or second derivative, and adds it as a new log. More...
class  AddNote
 An Algorithm that adds a timestamped note to a workspace. More...
class  AddPeak
 Add a peak to a PeaksWorkspace. More...
class  AddSampleLog
 Used to insert a single string into the sample in a workspace. More...
class  AddTimeSeriesLog
class  AlignDetectors
 Performs a unit change from TOF to dSpacing, correcting the X values to account for small errors in the detector positions. More...
class  AnnularRingAbsorption
 Constructs a hollow sample shape, defines material for the sample and runs the MonteCarloAbsorption algorithm. More...
class  AnyShapeAbsorption
 Calculates an approximation of the attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a generic sample shape. More...
class  AppendSpectra
 Joins two partial, non-overlapping workspaces into one. More...
class  ApplyCalibration
 Update detector positions from input table workspace. More...
class  ApplyDetailedBalance
 ApplyDetailedBalance : The algorithm calculates the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility chi''=Pi*(1-exp(-E/T))*S. More...
class  ApplyFloodWorkspace
 Algorithm to apply a flood correction workspace to a reflectometry data workspace. More...
class  ApplyInstrumentToPeaks
 ApplyInstrumentToPeaks : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ApplyTransmissionCorrection
 Apply angle-dependent transmission correction from zero-angle transmission measurement. More...
class  AverageLogData
 AverageLogData : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  BackgroundHelper
 Performs removal of constant (and possibly non-constant after simple modification) background calculated in TOF units from a matrix workspace, expressed in units, different from TOF. More...
class  BeamProfileFactory
class  Bin2DPowderDiffraction
 Bin2DPowderDiffraction : More...
class  BinaryOperateMasks
 BinaryOperateMasks : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  BinaryOperation
 BinaryOperation supports the implementation of a binary operation on two input workspaces. More...
class  CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection
 Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS. More...
class  CalculateCountRate
 In normal circumstances an instrument in event mode counts neutrons with constant steady rate which depends on beam intensity, instrument settings and sample. More...
class  CalculateDIFC
 CalculateDIFC : Calculate the DIFC for every pixel. More...
class  CalculateDynamicRange
 CalculateDynamicRange Calculates the Qmin and Qmax of SANS workspace, sets to sample logs. More...
class  CalculateEfficiency
 Compute relative detector pixel efficiency from flood data as part of SANS reduction. More...
class  CalculateEfficiency2
 Compute relative detector pixel efficiency from flood data as part of SANS reduction. More...
class  CalculateFlatBackground
 Finds a constant background value of each desired spectrum and optionally subtracts that value from the entire spectrum. More...
class  CalculateIqt
class  CalculatePlaczek
 CalculatePlaczek : Placzek 1st&2nd order correction for inelastic scattering. More...
class  CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering
 CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering : This algorithm calculates a correction for an incident spectrum defracted by a sample. More...
class  CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering2
 CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering2 : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  CalculatePolynomialBackground
 CalculatePolynomialBackground : This algorithm fits a polynomial background to an input workspace and returns the evaluated background as the output workspace. More...
class  CalculateTransmission
 Calculates the transmission correction, as a function of wavelength, for a SANS instrument. More...
class  CalculateTransmissionBeamSpreader
 Calculates the transmission correction, as a function of wavelength, for a SANS instrument. More...
class  CalculateZscore
 CalculateZscore : Calculate Zscore for a Matrix Workspace. More...
class  CarpenterSampleCorrection
 Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS. More...
class  ChangeBinOffset
 Takes a workspace and adjusts all the time bin values by the same amount. More...
class  ChangeLogTime
class  ChangePulsetime
 ChangePulsetime : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ChangePulsetime2
 ChangePulsetime : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ChangeTimeZero
class  CheckWorkspacesMatch
 Compares two workspaces for equality. More...
class  ChopData
 For use in TOSCA reduction. More...
class  CircularBeamProfile
 Defines a flat, circular beam profile that has a radius and center point. More...
class  ClearCache
 ClearCache : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ClearInstrumentParameters
 ClearInstrumentParameters : Clear out an instrument's parameters. More...
class  ClearMaskFlag
 ClearMaskFlag : Delete the mask flag/bit on all spectra in a workspace. More...
class  CloneWorkspace
 Creates a copy of the input workspace. More...
class  CombineDiffCal
 CombineDiffCal : Calibrate groups of pixels after cross correlation so that diffraction peaks can be adjusted to the correct positions. More...
class  Comment
 Comment : Adds a note into the history record of a workspace. More...
class  CommutativeBinaryOperation
 CommutativeBinaryOperation supports commutative binary operations on two input workspaces. More...
class  CompareWorkspaces
 Compares two workspaces for equality. More...
struct  ComponentScatterPoint
struct  ComponentWorkspaceMapping
class  ConjoinWorkspaces
 Joins two partial, non-overlapping workspaces into one. More...
class  ConjoinXRuns
 ConjoinXRuns : This algorithms joins the input workspaces horizontally, i.e. More...
class  ConvertAxesToRealSpace
 ConvertAxesToRealSpace : Converts the spectrum and TOF axes to real space values, integrating the data in the process. More...
class  ConvertAxisByFormula
 ConvertAxisByFormula : Performs a unit conversion based on a supplied formula. More...
class  ConvertDiffCal
 ConvertDiffCal : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ConvertEmptyToTof
 ConvertEmptyToTof : More...
class  ConvertFromDistribution
 Converts a histogram workspace from a distribution. More...
class  ConvertSpectrumAxis
 Converts the representation of the vertical axis (the one up the side of a matrix in MantidPlot) of a Workspace2D from its default of holding the spectrum number to the target unit given. More...
class  ConvertSpectrumAxis2
 Converts the representation of the vertical axis (the one up the side of a matrix in MantidPlot) of a Workspace2D from its default of holding the spectrum number to the target unit given - theta, elastic Q and elastic Q^2. More...
class  ConvertTableToMatrixWorkspace
 Creates a single spectrum matrix workspace from some columns of a table workspace. More...
class  ConvertToConstantL2
 Convert workspace to have a constant L2. More...
class  ConvertToDistribution
 Makes a histogram workspace a distribution. More...
class  ConvertToEventWorkspace
 Perform a conversion for a Workspace2D to an equivalent EventWorkspace. More...
class  ConvertToHistogram
 Converts a histogram workspace to point data by simply taking the centre point of the bin as the new point on the X axis. More...
class  ConvertToMatrixWorkspace
 Creates a copy of the matrix workspace representation of the input workspace. More...
class  ConvertToPointData
 Converts a histogram workspace to point data by simply taking the centre point of the bin as the new point on the X axis. More...
class  ConvertToRelativeTime
 Helper method to transform a MantidVector containing absolute times in nanoseconds to relative times in seconds given an offset. More...
class  ConvertUnits
 Converts the units in which a workspace is represented. More...
class  ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable
 ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable : Converts the units in which a workspace is represented, this variant of ConvertUnits uses a supplied table of geometry values rather than those given by the instrument geometry. More...
class  CopyDataRange
 CopyDataRange : This algorithm takes a continuous block of data from an input workspace specified by spectra indices and x indices and replaces a block of data within a destination workspace. More...
class  CopyDetectorMapping
 Algorithm to copy spectra-detector mapping from one matrix workspace to another. More...
class  CopyInstrumentParameters
 Transfers an instrument from one workspace to another workspace with the same base instrument. More...
class  CopyLogs
 CopyLogs. More...
class  CopySample
 CopySample : The algorithm copies some/all the sample information from one workspace to another. More...
class  CorelliCalibrationApply
 Apply calibration table for Corelli Powder Diffraction. More...
class  CorelliCalibrationDatabase
 CorelliCalibrationDatabase: blablabla TODO. More...
class  CorelliCrossCorrelate
 CorelliCrossCorrelate : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
struct  Correction
 The Correction struct to be applied as factor * TOF + offset offset:: TOF offset in unit of TOF factor: TOF correction factor to multiply with. More...
class  CorrectKiKf
 Multiplies the workspace with k_i/k_f The initial workspace must have energy transfer units. More...
class  CorrectTOFAxis
 CorrectTOFAxis : Corrects the time-of-flight axis with regards to the incident energy and the L1+L2 distance or a reference workspace. More...
class  CorrectToFile
 Required properties: More...
class  CreateCalFileByNames
 Create a calibration file for diffraction focussing (*.cal old Ariel format) based on list of names of the instrument tree. More...
class  CreateDetectorTable
class  CreateDummyCalFile
 Create a calibration file for diffraction focussing (*.cal old Ariel format) based on list of names of the instrument tree. More...
class  CreateEPP
 CreateEPP : Calculates the nominal elastic time-of flights for each spectrum and creates an elastic peak position table (EPP) like the one returned by the FindEPP algorithm. More...
class  CreateFlatEventWorkspace
 CreateFlatEventWorkspace : Creates a flat event workspace that can be used for background removal. More...
class  CreateFloodWorkspace
 Algorithm to create a flood correction workspace for reflectometry data reduction. More...
class  CreateGroupingWorkspace
 Creates a new GroupingWorkspace using an instrument from one of: an input workspace, an instrument name, or an instrument IDF file. More...
class  CreateLogPropertyTable
class  CreateLogTimeCorrection
 CreateLogTimeCorrection : Create correction file and workspace to correct event time against recorded log time for each pixel. More...
class  CreatePeaksWorkspace
 Create an empty PeaksWorkspace. More...
class  CreatePSDBleedMask
 This algorithm implements a "bleed" diagnostic for PSD detectors (i.e. More...
class  CreateSampleWorkspace
 CreateSampleWorkspace : This algorithm is intended for the creation of sample workspaces for usage examples and other situations. More...
class  CreateSingleValuedWorkspace
 Required properties: More...
class  CreateUserDefinedBackground
 CreateUserDefinedBackground : Given an input workspace containing data with a background and a table of user-selected points defining the background, creates a new workspace containing background data that can be subtracted from the original data. More...
class  CreateWorkspace
 CreateWorkspace Algorithm. More...
class  CropToComponent
 CropToComponent : Crops a workspace to a set of components. More...
class  CropWorkspace
 Extracts a 'block' from a workspace and places it in a new workspace. More...
class  CropWorkspaceRagged
 Extracts a 'block' from a workspace and places it in a new workspace. More...
class  CrossCorrelate
 Compute the cross correlation function for a range of spectra with respect to a reference spectrum. More...
class  CuboidGaugeVolumeAbsorption
 Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a generic sample, considering only the scattering within a cuboid shaped 'gauge volume'. More...
class  CylinderAbsorption
 Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a cylindrical sample. More...
class  DeadTimeCorrection
 DeadTimeCorrection : Performs dead time correction. More...
class  DeleteLog
class  DeleteWorkspace
 A simple algorithm to remove a workspace from the ADS. More...
class  DeleteWorkspaces
 A simple algorithm to remove multiple workspaces from the ADS. More...
class  DetectorDiagnostic
 A base class for a detector diagnostic algorithm. More...
class  DetectorEfficiencyCor
 Returns efficiency of cylindrical helium gas tube. More...
class  DetectorEfficiencyCorUser
 DetectorEfficiencyCorUser : More...
class  DetectorEfficiencyVariation
 Required Properties: More...
class  DetectorGridDefinition
 DetectorGridDefinition is a helper class for building the sparse instrument in MonteCarloAbsorption. More...
class  DiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
class  DiffractionFocussing
 This is a parent algorithm that uses several different child algorithms to perform it's task. More...
class  DiffractionFocussing2
 Algorithm to focus powder diffraction data into a number of histograms according to a grouping scheme defined in a file. More...
class  DirectILLTubeBackground
 DirectILLTubeBackground : Fits polynomial backgrounds over the pixels of position sensitive tubes. More...
struct  DiscusData1D
class  DiscusData2D
class  DiscusMultipleScatteringCorrection
 Calculates a multiple scattering correction Based on Muscat Fortran code provided by Spencer Howells. More...
class  Divide
 Divide performs the division of two input workspaces. More...
class  EditInstrumentGeometry
 EditInstrumentGeometry : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ElasticWindow
class  EQSANSCorrectFrame
 Apply correction to EQSANS data to account for its TOF structure. More...
class  EQSANSResolution
 Computes the resolution on EQSANS data Required Properties: More...
class  EQSANSTofStructure
class  EstimateDivergence
 EstimateDivergence : Calculate the instrument divergence according to Windsor. More...
class  EstimateResolutionDiffraction
 EstimateResolutionDiffraction : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
struct  EventWorkspaceAccess
class  Exponential
 Exponential performs the exponential function on an input workspace. More...
class  ExponentialCorrection
 Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c0*exp(-c1*x). More...
class  ExportTimeSeriesLog
 ExportTimeSeriesLog : Read a TimeSeries log and return some information required by users. More...
class  ExtractFFTSpectrum
 This algorithm performs a Fast Fourier Transform on each spectra of the input workspace. More...
class  ExtractMask
 Extract the masking from a given workspace. More...
class  ExtractMaskToTable
 ExtractMaskToTable : Extract the mask in a workspace to a table workspace. More...
class  ExtractQENSMembers
 ExtractQENSMembers : Extracts the fit members from a QENS fit. More...
class  ExtractSingleSpectrum
 Copies a single spectrum from a 2D Workspace into a new workspace. More...
class  ExtractSpectra
 Extracts specified spectra from a workspace and places them in a new workspace. More...
class  ExtractSpectra2
 Extracts specified spectra from a workspace and places them in a new workspace. More...
class  ExtractUnmaskedSpectra
 ExtractUnmaskedSpectra : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  FFT
 Performs a Fast Fourier Transform of data. More...
class  FFTDerivative
 Calculates derivatives of the spectra in a MatrixWorkspace using a Fast Fourier Transform. More...
class  FFTSmooth
 Data smoothing using the FFT algorithm and various filters. More...
class  FFTSmooth2
 Data smoothing using the FFT algorithm and various filters. More...
class  FilterBadPulses
 Filters out events associated with pulses that happen when proton charge is lower than a given percentage of the average. More...
class  FilterByLogValue
 Filters events in an EventWorkspace using values in a SampleLog. More...
class  FilterByTime
 Filters an EventWorkspace by wall-clock time, and outputs to a new event workspace or replaces the existing one. More...
class  FilterByTime2
 FilterByTime2 : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  FilterByXValue
 Filters the events in an event workspace according to a minimum and/or maximum value of X. More...
class  FilterEvents
 FilterEvents : Filter Events in EventWorkspace to multiple EventsWorkspace by Splitters. More...
class  FindCenterOfMassPosition
 Part of data reduction for SANS. More...
class  FindCenterOfMassPosition2
 Part of data reduction for SANS. More...
class  FindDeadDetectors
 Takes a workspace as input and identifies all of the spectra that have a value across all time bins less or equal to than the threshold 'dead' value. More...
class  FindDetectorsOutsideLimits
 Takes a workspace as input and identifies all spectra where the sum of the counts in all bins is outside a range. More...
class  FindEPP
 Performs Gaussian fits over each spectrum to find the Elastic Peak Position (EPP). More...
class  FindPeakBackground
 FindPeakBackground : Calculate Zscore for a Matrix Workspace. More...
class  FindPeaks
 This algorithm searches for peaks in a dataset. More...
class  FitOneSinglePeak
 FitOneSinglePeak: a class to perform peak fitting on a single peak. More...
class  FitPeak
 FitPeak : Fit a single peak. More...
class  FitPeaks
class  FixGSASInstrumentFile
 FixGSASInstrumentFile : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  FlatPlateAbsorption
 Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a flat plate/slab sample. More...
class  FlatWeighting
class  GaussianWeightingnD
class  GeneralisedSecondDifference
 Compute the generalised second difference of a spectrum or several spectra based on the method described by M.A. More...
class  GenerateEventsFilter
 GenerateEventsFilter : Generate an events-filter, i.e., a SplittersWorkspace according to user's request. More...
class  GenerateIPythonNotebook
 GenerateIPythonNotebook. More...
class  GeneratePeaks
 GeneratePeaks : Generate peaks from a table workspace containing peak parameters. More...
class  GeneratePythonFitScript
class  GeneratePythonScript
 GeneratePythonScript : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  GetAllEi
 Estimate all incident energies, used by chopper instrument. More...
class  GetDetectorOffsets
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
class  GetEi
 Requires an estimate for the initial neutron energy which it uses to search for monitor peaks and from these calculate an accurate energy. More...
class  GetEi2
 Requires an estimate for the initial neutron energy which it uses to search for monitor peaks and from these calculate an accurate energy. More...
class  GetEiMonDet3
 Estimates the incident neutron energy from the time of flight between a monitor and a set of detectors. More...
class  GetQsInQENSData
 Extracts Q-values from a workspace containing QENS data. More...
class  GetTimeSeriesLogInformation
 GetTimeSeriesLogInformation : Read a TimeSeries log and return some information required by users. More...
class  GravitySANSHelper
 A helper class for calculating neutron's gravitional drop. More...
class  GroupToXResolution
 GroupToXResolution : Groups points within intervals defined by Dx into a single point. More...
class  GroupWorkspaces
 Takes workspaces as input and groups the workspaces. More...
class  He3TubeEfficiency
 Corrects the input workspace for helium3 tube efficiency based on an exponential parameterization. More...
class  HRPDSlabCanAbsorption
 Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in an HRPD 'slab' can. More...
class  HyspecScharpfCorrection
 HyspecScharpfCorrection : Divide by cos(2alpha) where alpha is the angle between incident beam and the polarization direction. More...
class  IBeamProfile
 Base class for all classes defining a beam profile. More...
class  IdentifyNoisyDetectors
 Identifies "bad" detectors based on their standard deviation, and how this differs from the standard deviation of other detectors. More...
class  IMCAbsorptionStrategy
 Defines a base class for objects that calculate correction factors for self-attenuation. More...
class  IMCInteractionVolume
 Defines a base class for objects describing a volume where interactions of Tracks and Objects can take place. More...
class  IntegrateByComponent
 IntegrateByComponent : The algorithm integrates up the instrument hierarchy, and each pixel will contain the average value for the component. More...
class  IntegrateEPP
 IntegrateEPP : Integrate a workspace around the elastic peak positions given by a EPP table. More...
class  Integration
 Takes a workspace as input and sums each spectrum contained within it, storing the result as a workspace of spectra with one Y & E value and two X values indicating the range which the integration covers. More...
class  InterpolatingRebin
 Uses cubic splines to interpolate the mean rate of change of the integral over the inputed data bins to that for the user supplied bins. More...
class  InterpolationOption
 Class to provide a consistent interface to an interpolation option on algorithms. More...
class  InvertMask
 InvertMask : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  IQTransform
 This algorithm permits the linearisation of reduced SANS data by applying a chosen transformation to the input data. More...
class  LinearWeighting
class  LineProfile
 LineProfile : Calculates a horizontal or vertical line profile over a MatrixWorkspace. More...
class  Logarithm
 Takes a workspace as input and calculates the natural logarithm of number of counts for each 1D spectrum. More...
class  LorentzCorrection
 LorentzCorrection : Algorithm Performs a lorentz correction (sin(theta)^2)/(wavelength^4) on a MatrixWorkspace in units of wavelength. More...
class  MagFormFactorCorrection
 MagneticFormFactors scales the input workspace by the 1/F(Q) where F(Q) is the magnetic form factor for the given magnetic ion. More...
class  MaskBins
 Masks bins in a workspace. More...
class  MaskBinsFromTable
 MaskBinsFromTable : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  MaskBinsFromWorkspace
class  MaskBinsIf
 MaskBinsIf : Masks bins based on muparser expression. More...
class  MaskDetectorsIf
 This algorithm is used to select/deselect detectors in a *.cal file. More...
class  MaskInstrument
 Mask specified detectors in an instrument. More...
class  MaskNonOverlappingBins
 MaskNonOverlappingBins : Compares the X ranges of two workspace and masks the non-overlapping bins in the first workspace. More...
struct  MatrixWorkspaceAccess
class  Max
 Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the maximum in each 1D spectrum. More...
class  MaxEnt
 MaxEnt : Entropy maximization algorithm following the approach described in the article by J. More...
class  MaxentCalculator
 MaxentCalculator : This class performs one maxent iteration and calculates chi-sq, angle between gradient of S and gradient of chi-sq, search directions and quadratic coefficients. More...
class  MaxentEntropy
 MaxentEntropy : Abstract base class defining the necessary methods to calculate any type of entropy to be used by MaxEnt. More...
class  MaxentEntropyNegativeValues
 MaxentEntropyNegativeValues : Class defining the entropy of a 'PosNeg' image (i.e. More...
class  MaxentEntropyPositiveValues
 MaxentEntropyPositiveValues : Class defining the entropy of a positive image (i.e. More...
class  MaxentSpace
 MaxentSpace : Abstract base class defining a MaxentSpace. More...
class  MaxentSpaceComplex
 MaxentSpaceComplex : Defines a space of complex numbers. More...
class  MaxentSpaceReal
 MaxentSpaceReal : Defines the space of real numbers. More...
class  MaxentTransform
 MaxentTransform : Abstract base class defining MaxEnt transformations from image space to data space and vice-versa. More...
class  MaxentTransformFourier
 MaxentTransformFourier : Defines a transformation from data space to image space (and vice-versa) where spaces are related by a 1D Fourier Transform. More...
class  MaxentTransformMultiFourier
 MaxentTransformMultiFourier : Defines a transformation from data space to image space (and vice-versa) where spaces are related by a 1D Fourier Transform, in which which the data has multiple spectra concatenatenated. More...
class  MaxMin
 Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the maximum(minimum) in each 1D spectrum. More...
class  MayersSampleCorrection
 Corrects for the effects of absorption and multiple scattering using the algorithm of Jerry Mayers. More...
class  MayersSampleCorrectionStrategy
 Applies the procedure found in section 4 of for an array of tof, signal & error values. More...
class  MCAbsorptionStrategy
 Implements the algorithm for calculating the correction factor for self-attenuation and single wavelength using a Monte Carlo. More...
class  MCInteractionStatistics
 Stores statistics relating to the tracks generated in MCInteractionVolume for a specific detector. More...
class  MCInteractionVolume
 Defines a volume where interactions of Tracks and Objects can take place. More...
class  MedianDetectorTest
 Takes a workspace as input and finds all the detectors with solid angle corrected signals that deviate far enough from median value of all detectors to be suspious. More...
class  MergeLogs
class  MergeRuns
class  Min
 Takes a 2D workspace as input and find the minimum in each 1D spectrum. More...
class  Minus
 Minus performs the difference of two input workspaces. More...
class  ModeratorTzero
class  ModeratorTzeroLinear
class  MonIDPropChanger
class  MonitorEfficiencyCorUser
class  MonteCarloAbsorption
 Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a sample + its environment using a Monte Carlo algorithm. More...
class  MostLikelyMean
 MostLikelyMean : Computes the most likely mean of the array by minimizing the taxicab distance of the elements from the rest. More...
class  MultipleScatteringCorrection
 MultipleScatteringCorrection : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  MultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraber
 MultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraber : This is a helper class to calculate the distance from source to sample voxel. More...
class  MultipleScatteringCylinderAbsorption
 Multiple scattering absorption correction, originally used to correct vanadium spectrum at IPNS. More...
class  Multiply
 Multiply performs the product of two input workspaces. More...
class  MultiplyRange
 An algorithm to multiply a range of bins in a workspace by the factor given. More...
class  NormaliseByCurrent
 Normalises a workspace according to the good proton charge figure taken from the raw file (and stored in the Sample object). More...
class  NormaliseByDetector
 NormaliseByDetector : Normalises a workspace with respect to the detector efficiency function stored against components in the instrument parameters. More...
class  NormaliseToMonitor
 Normalizes a 2D workspace by a specified monitor spectrum. More...
class  NormaliseToUnity
 Takes a workspace as input and normalises it to 1. More...
class  NullWeighting
class  OneMinusExponentialCor
 Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by one minus the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c1(1-exp(-c*x)). More...
class  PaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection
 PaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection : calculate paalman-pings absorption terms. More...
class  PaddingAndApodization
 Takes a workspace as input and applies a apodization function and/or padding. More...
class  ParabolicWeighting
class  ParallaxCorrection
 ParallaxCorrection : Performs geometrical correction for parallax effect in tube based SANS instruments. More...
class  Pause
 Pause a script for a given duration. More...
class  PDCalibration
 PDCalibration : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  PDDetermineCharacterizations
 PDDetermineCharacterizations. More...
class  PDFFourierTransform
 PDFFourierTransform : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  PDFFourierTransform2
 PDFFourierTransform : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  PerformIndexOperations
 PerformIndexOperations : Crop and sum a workspace according to the parsed workspace index operations provided. More...
class  Plus
 Plus performs the addition of two input workspaces. More...
class  PointByPointVCorrection
 First attempt at spectrum by spectrum division for vanadium normalisation correction. More...
class  PoissonErrors
 Takes a Data workspace and an original counts workspace input and updates the error values in the data workspace to be the same fractionally as the counts workspace. More...
class  PolarizationCorrectionFredrikze
 PolarizationCorrectionFredrikze : Algorithm to perform polarisation corrections on multi-period group workspaces that implements the Fredrikze (Dutch) method. More...
class  PolarizationCorrectionWildes
 PolarizationCorrectionWildes : This algorithm corrects for non-ideal component efficiencies in polarized neutron analysis. More...
class  PolarizationEfficiencyCor
 PolarizationEfficiencyCor: a generalised polarization correction algorithm. More...
class  PolynomialCorrection
 Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of a polynomial function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point. More...
class  Power
 Provides the ability to raise the values in the workspace to a specified power. More...
class  PowerLawCorrection
 Corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of an exponential function which is evaluated at the X value of each data point: c0*x^C1. More...
class  ProcessIndirectFitParameters
 ProcessIndirectFitParameters : Convert a parameter table output by PlotPeakByLogValue to a MatrixWorkspace. More...
class  Q1D2
 Takes account of the effects of gravity for instruments where the y-axis points upwards, for example SANS instruments. More...
class  Q1DWeighted
 Part of data reduction for SANS. More...
class  Qhelper
 Helper class for the Q1D and Qxy algorithms. More...
class  Qxy
 This algorithm rebins a 2D workspace in units of wavelength into 2D Q. More...
class  RadiusFilter
class  RadiusSum
 RadiusSum : More...
class  RayTracerTester
 Algorithm to test ray tracer by spraying evenly spaced rays around. More...
class  ReadGroupsFromFile
 Read a diffraction calibration file (*.cal) and an instrument name, and output a 2D workspace containing on the Y-axis the values of the Group each detector belongs to. More...
class  RealFFT
 Performs a Fast Fourier Transform of real data. More...
class  Rebin
 Takes a workspace as input and rebins the data according to the input rebin parameters. More...
class  Rebin2D
 Rebins both axes of a two-dimensional workspace to the given parameters. More...
class  RebinByPulseTimes
 RebinByPulseTimes : Rebin an input EventWorkspace according to the pulse times of the events. More...
class  RebinByTimeAtSample
 RebinByTimeAtSample : Rebins an event workspace to a histogram workspace with time at sample along the x-axis. More...
class  RebinByTimeBase
 RebinByTimeBase : Algorithm base class for algorithms performing rebinning by an absolute time axis. More...
class  RebinToWorkspace
 Rebins a workspace so that the binning, for all its spectra, match that of the first spectrum of a second workspace. More...
class  Rebunch
 Takes a workspace as input and rebunches the data according to the input rebunch parameters. More...
class  RecordPythonScript
 RecordPythonScript : More...
class  RectangularBeamProfile
 Defines a flat, rectangular beam profile that has a width, height and center point. More...
class  Regroup
 Takes a 2D workspace as input and regroups the data according to the input regroup parameters. More...
class  RemoveBackground
class  RemoveBins
 Removes bins from a workspace. More...
class  RemoveInstrumentGeometry
 RemoveInstrumentGeometry : More...
class  RemoveLowResTOF
class  RemoveMaskedSpectra
 RemoveMaskedSpectra removes all masked spectra. More...
class  RemovePromptPulse
 RemovePromptPulse : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  RemoveSpectra
class  RemoveWorkspaceHistory
 RemoveWorkspaceHistory. More...
class  RenameWorkspace
 Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service. More...
class  RenameWorkspaces
 Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service. More...
class  ReplaceSpecialValues
 Replaces instances of NaN and infinity in the workspace with user defined numbers. More...
class  ResampleX
 ResampleX : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  ResetNegatives
 ResetNegatives : Reset negative values to something else. More...
class  ResizeRectangularDetector
 ResizeRectangularDetector : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  RingProfile
 Calculates the sum of the counts against a circular ring. More...
class  RunCombinationHelper
class  SampleLogsBehaviour
 SampleLogsBehaviour : This class holds information relating to the behaviour of the sample log merging. More...
class  SANSCollimationLengthEstimator
class  SassenaFFT
 Perform Fourier Transform of the Sassena Intermediate Scattering Function. More...
class  Scale
 Scales an input workspace by the given factor, which can be either multiplicative or additive. More...
class  ScaleX
 Takes a workspace and adjusts all the time bin values by the same multiplicative factor. More...
struct  ScatterPointStat
class  Segfault
 Segfault : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SetInstrumentParameter
 SetInstrumentParameter : A simple algorithm to add or set the value of an instrument parameter. More...
class  SetUncertainties
 Set the uncertainties of the data to zero. More...
class  ShiftLogTime
 ShiftLogTime : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SignalOverError
 Calculate Y/E for a Workspace2D. More...
class  SmoothData
 Smooths the data of the input workspace by making each point the mean average of itself and one or more points lying symmetrically either side of it. More...
class  SmoothNeighbours
 Smooth neighboring pixels. More...
struct  SofQCommon
class  SofQW
class  SofQWCentre
 Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy. More...
class  SofQWNormalisedPolygon
 Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy. More...
class  SofQWPolygon
 Converts a 2D workspace that has axes of energy transfer against spectrum number to one that gives intensity as a function of momentum transfer against energy. More...
class  SolidAngle
 Calculates and outputs the solid angles for each detector in the instrument. More...
class  SortEvents
 Takes an EventWorkspace and sorts by TOF or frame_index. More...
class  SortXAxis
 SortXAxis will take Histogram or Point data and reorder it based on the X Axis' values, whilst maintaining it's Dx, Y and E axis relative values. More...
class  SparseWorkspace
 Defines functions and utilities to create and deal with sparse instruments. More...
class  SpatialGrouping
 This algorithm creates an XML Grouping File for use in the GroupDetectors (v2) or ReadGroupsFromFile algorithms. More...
class  SpectrumAlgorithm
 SpectrumAlgorithm is a base class for algorithms that work with MatrixWorkspace. More...
class  SphericalAbsorption
 A spherical absorption correction algorithm. More...
class  Stitch
 Stitches overlapping spectra from multiple 2D workspaces. More...
class  Stitch1D
 Stitch1D : Stitches two Matrix Workspaces together into a single output. More...
class  Stitch1DMany
 Stitch1DMany : Stitches multiple Matrix Workspaces together into a single output. More...
class  StripPeaks
 This algorithm calls FindPeaks as a ChildAlgorithm and then subtracts all the peaks found from the data, leaving just the 'background'. More...
class  StripVanadiumPeaks
 StripVanadiumPeaks algorithm. More...
class  StripVanadiumPeaks2
 StripVanadiumPeaks2. More...
class  SumEventsByLogValue
 Produces a table or single spectrum workspace containing the total summed events in the workspace as a function of a specified log. More...
class  SumNeighbours
 Sums neighboring pixels on rectangular detectors. More...
class  SumOverlappingTubes
 SumOverlappingTubes : Converts workspaces containing an instrument with PSD tubes into a workspace with counts as a function of height and scattering angle. More...
class  SumRowColumn
 This algorithm is the equivalent of the COLETTE "DISPLAY H/V" command. More...
class  SumSpectra
 Takes a workspace as input and sums all of the spectra within it maintaining the existing bin structure and units. More...
class  TimeAtSampleStrategy
 TimeAtSampleStrategy : Strategy (technique dependent) for determining Time At Sample. More...
class  TimeAtSampleStrategyDirect
 TimeAtSampleStrategyDirect : Determine the Time at Sample corrections for a Direct Geometry instrument. More...
class  TimeAtSampleStrategyElastic
 TimeAtSampleStrategyElastic : Time at sample stragegy for elastic scattering. More...
class  TimeAtSampleStrategyIndirect
 TimeAtSampleStrategyIndirect : Determine Time At Sample for an indirect instrument setup. More...
class  TOFSANSResolution
 Computes the resolution on TOF SANS data Required Properties: More...
class  TOFSANSResolutionByPixel
 Calculates the TOF-SANS Q-resolution for each wavelenght and pixel using formula by Mildner and Carpenter. More...
class  TOFSANSResolutionByPixelCalculator
 Helper class which provides the uncertainty calculations for the TOFSANSResolutionByPixel class. More...
struct  tolerant_less
 Std-style comparision function object (satisfies the requirements of Compare) More...
class  Transpose
 This algorithm "transposes" the bins of the input workspace into a single spectra. More...
class  UnaryOperation
 UnaryOperation supports the implementation of a Unary operation on an input workspace. More...
class  UnGroupWorkspace
 Takes the name of a group workspace as input and ungroups the workspaces. More...
class  UnwrapMonitor
 Takes an input Workspace2D that contains 'raw' data, unwraps the data according to the reference flightpath provided and converts the units to wavelength. More...
class  UnwrapMonitorsInTOF
 UnwrapMonitorsInTOF : Handles workspaces which contain monitors that recorded data which spills over from the previous frame. More...
class  UnwrapSNS
 Takes an input Workspace2D that contains 'raw' data, unwraps the data according to the reference flightpath provided and converts the units to wavelength. More...
class  UpdateScriptRepository
 UpdateScriptRepository : Check the MantidWeb, for updates of the ScriptRepository. More...
class  VesuvioL1ThetaResolution
 VesuvioL1ThetaResolution. More...
class  WeightedMean
 An algorithm to calculate the weighted mean of two workspaces. More...
class  WeightedMeanOfWorkspace
 WeightedMeanOfWorkspace This algorithm calculates the weighted mean for a single workspace from all the detector (non-monitor, not masked) spectra in that workspace. More...
class  WeightingStrategy
 WeightingStrategy : More...
class  WienerSmooth
 WienerSmooth algorithm performes smoothing data in a spectrum of a matrix workspace using the Wiener filter smoothing. More...
class  WorkflowAlgorithmRunner
 Controls the data flow and the order of algorithm execution. More...
class  WorkspaceBoundingBox
class  WorkspaceJoiners
 A base class to hold code common to two algorithms that bolt two workspaces together spectra-wise - ConjoinWorkspaces & AppendSpectra. More...
class  XDataConverter
 This is an abstract base class for sharing methods between algorithms that operate only on X data. More...
class  XrayAbsorptionCorrection
 Calculates attenuation of xrays due to absorption in a sample. More...


using DetConstPtr = Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr
using fptr = double(*)(const double, const double)
using MaxentEntropy_sptr = std::shared_ptr< MaxentEntropy >
using MaxentSpace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< MaxentSpace >
using MaxentSpaceComplex_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Mantid::Algorithms::MaxentSpaceComplex >
using MaxentSpaceReal_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Mantid::Algorithms::MaxentSpaceReal >
using MaxentTransform_sptr = std::shared_ptr< MaxentTransform >
using SparseWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< SparseWorkspace >
using SparseWorkspace_uptr = std::unique_ptr< SparseWorkspace >
 unique pointer to Mantid::API::SparseWorkspace More...
using SpectraDistanceMap = std::map< specnum_t, Mantid::Kernel::V3D >
using SpectrumAlgorithm_sptr = std::shared_ptr< SpectrumAlgorithm >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a SpectrumAlgorithm. More...
using TrackPair = std::tuple< bool, std::shared_ptr< Geometry::Track >, std::shared_ptr< Geometry::Track > >


enum class  Modes { LINEAR_FIT , MEAN , MOVING_AVERAGE }
 Enumeration for the different operating modes. More...
enum  OperandType { eEventList = 0 , eHistogram = 1 , eNumber = 2 }


void addRowFromGroupedCalibration (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &ws, Mantid::API::TableRow row)
std::shared_ptr< Mantid::API::TableRowbinarySearchForRow (const API::ITableWorkspace_sptr &ws, int detid)
double calcD (double wavelength, double sintheta)
double calcDPerp (double wavelength, double logcostheta)
double calculateDIFC (const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr &offsetsWS, const size_t index, const Mantid::API::SpectrumInfo &spectrumInfo)
std::string CENTRE ("Centre")
template<typename NumT >
std::string checkValues (const std::vector< NumT > &thingy, const size_t numHist)
template<typename MAP >
void cleanPropertyTable (const ITableWorkspace_sptr &table, const MAP &ioMapping)
 Transforms a setup table to an empty property table. More...
bool closeEnough (const double left, const double right)
 Compare two numbers to be in agreement within 5%. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > createColumns (const bool isScanning, const bool includeData, const bool calcQ, const bool hasDiffConstants)
API::ITableWorkspace_sptr createDetectorTableWorkspace (const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws, const std::vector< int > &indices, const bool includeData, Kernel::Logger &logger)
 Creates table workspace of detector information from a given workspace. More...
std::string createTruncatedList (const std::set< int > &elements)
 Converts a list to a string, shortened if necessary. More...
string determineXMinMax (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inputWS, vector< double > &xmins, vector< double > &xmaxs)
 Determine the min and max x-values for each spectrum and error check the pairs. More...
bool findColumn (const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::string &name)
std::string generateErrorString (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &ws)
std::vector< std::string > getColumnNames ()
 These should match those in LoadPDCharacterizations. More...
detid_t getDetID (const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr &offsetsWS, const size_t index)
size_t getIndex (const HistogramData::HistogramX &vecx, double x)
 Get an index of a value in a sorted vector. More...
size_t getIndex (const HistogramX &vecx, double x)
 Get an index of a value in a sorted vector. More...
double getOffset (const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr &offsetsWS, const detid_t detid)
bool groupnumber (std::string groupi, std::string groupj)
 Use group numbers for sorting. More...
static double gsl_costFunction (const gsl_vector *v, void *params)
 The gsl_costFunction is optimized by GSL simplex. More...
double initBoundingBox (WorkspaceBoundingBox &boundingBox, const int numSpec, const double beamRadius, const bool directBeam)
VecCommands interpret (const std::string &processingInstructions)
 Interpret the instructions as an ordered list of commands that can be executed later. More...
bool isHardCodedWorkspaceName (const std::string &s)
 Checks if a string is a hard coded workspace name. More...
template<typename Comparator >
bool isItSorted (Comparator const &compare, const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace &inputWorkspace)
 determines whether or not a given spectrum is sorted based on a passed comparator More...
std::string LEFT ("Left")
std::map< detid_t, int > makeGroupingByNames (std::string GroupNames, const Instrument_const_sptr &inst, Progress &prog, bool sortnames)
 Use bank names to build grouping. More...
std::map< detid_t, int > makeGroupingByNumGroups (const std::string &compName, int numGroups, const Instrument_const_sptr &inst, Progress &prog)
 Creates a mapping based on a fixed number of groups for a given instrument component. More...
void populateTable (Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr &t, const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws, const int nrows, const std::vector< int > &indices, const Mantid::API::SpectrumInfo &spectrumInfo, bool signedThetaParamRetrieved, bool showSignedTwoTheta, const Mantid::Geometry::PointingAlong &beamAxisIndex, const double sampleDist, const bool isScanning, const bool include_data, const bool calcQ, const bool includeDiffConstants, Kernel::Logger &logger)
std::map< detid_t, int > readGroupingFile (const std::string &groupingFileName, Progress &prog)
 Read old-style .cal file to get the grouping. More...
void setXAxisUnits (const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &outputWS)
Histogram smooth (const Histogram &histogram, int npts)
 Returns a smoothed version of histogram. npts must be odd. More...
HistogramData::Histogram smooth (const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram, int npts)
template<typename Comparator >
void sortByXValue (std::vector< std::size_t > &workspaceIndices, const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace &inputWorkspace, unsigned int specNum, Comparator const &compare)
 A template for sorting the values given a comparator. More...
bool spectrumDefinitionsMatchTimeIndex (const SpectrumDefinition &specDef, const size_t timeIndex)
std::string tidyWorkspaceName (const std::string &s)
 Removes first and last character of a string. More...
double updateBoundingBox (WorkspaceBoundingBox &boundingBox, WorkspaceBoundingBox &previousBoundingBox, const int numSpec, const double beamRadius, const bool directBeam)


const double CHOPPER_ANGLE [4] = {129.605, 179.989, 230.010, 230.007}
const double CHOPPER_LOCATION [4] = {5700., 7800., 9497., 9507.}
const double CHOPPER_PHASE_OFFSET [2][4] = {{9507., 9471., 9829.7, 9584.3}, {19024., 18820., 19714., 19360.}}
const size_t LINESIZE = 80
const double PULSEWIDTH = 20.0
 Apply correction to EQSANS data to account for its TOF structure. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ DetConstPtr

Definition at line 246 of file SofQWNormalisedPolygon.cpp.

◆ fptr

using Mantid::Algorithms::fptr = typedef double (*)(const double, const double)

Definition at line 132 of file PaddingAndApodization.cpp.

◆ MaxentEntropy_sptr

using Mantid::Algorithms::MaxentEntropy_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<MaxentEntropy>

Definition at line 33 of file MaxentEntropy.h.

◆ MaxentSpace_sptr

Definition at line 33 of file MaxentSpace.h.

◆ MaxentSpaceComplex_sptr

Definition at line 24 of file MaxentSpaceComplex.h.

◆ MaxentSpaceReal_sptr

Definition at line 24 of file MaxentSpaceReal.h.

◆ MaxentTransform_sptr

Definition at line 31 of file MaxentTransform.h.

◆ SparseWorkspace_sptr

Definition at line 62 of file SparseWorkspace.h.

◆ SparseWorkspace_uptr

unique pointer to Mantid::API::SparseWorkspace

Definition at line 61 of file SparseWorkspace.h.

◆ SpectraDistanceMap

Definition at line 20 of file SmoothNeighbours.h.

◆ SpectrumAlgorithm_sptr

Typedef for a shared pointer to a SpectrumAlgorithm.

Definition at line 149 of file SpectrumAlgorithm.h.

◆ TrackPair

using Mantid::Algorithms::TrackPair = typedef std::tuple<bool, std::shared_ptr<Geometry::Track>, std::shared_ptr<Geometry::Track> >

Definition at line 30 of file IMCInteractionVolume.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Modes

enum class Mantid::Algorithms::Modes

Enumeration for the different operating modes.


Definition at line 37 of file CalculateFlatBackground.cpp.

◆ OperandType


Definition at line 22 of file BinaryOperation.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addRowFromGroupedCalibration()

void Mantid::Algorithms::addRowFromGroupedCalibration ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr ws,
Mantid::API::TableRow  row 

◆ binarySearchForRow()

std::shared_ptr< Mantid::API::TableRow > Mantid::Algorithms::binarySearchForRow ( const API::ITableWorkspace_sptr ws,
int  detid 

◆ calcD()

double Mantid::Algorithms::calcD ( double  wavelength,
double  sintheta 

◆ calcDPerp()

double Mantid::Algorithms::calcDPerp ( double  wavelength,
double  logcostheta 

◆ calculateDIFC()

double Mantid::Algorithms::calculateDIFC ( const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr offsetsWS,
const size_t  index,
const Mantid::API::SpectrumInfo spectrumInfo 


std::string Mantid::Algorithms::CENTRE ( "Centre"  )

◆ checkValues()

template<typename NumT >
std::string Mantid::Algorithms::checkValues ( const std::vector< NumT > &  thingy,
const size_t  numHist 

◆ cleanPropertyTable()

template<typename MAP >
void Mantid::Algorithms::cleanPropertyTable ( const ITableWorkspace_sptr table,
const MAP &  ioMapping 

Transforms a setup table to an empty property table.

Clear cells referred to in ioMapping, if they do not contain hard coded values. In the case of hard coded values, removes '"' and ''' characters.

Template Parameters
MAPa type with std::map like iterators
[in,out]tablethe table to be cleaned
[in]ioMappinginput/output property lookup table
std::runtime_errorin case of errorneous entries in table

Definition at line 60 of file WorkflowAlgorithmRunner.cpp.

References isHardCodedWorkspaceName(), and tidyWorkspaceName().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::WorkflowAlgorithmRunner::exec().

◆ closeEnough()

bool Mantid::Algorithms::closeEnough ( const double  left,
const double  right 

Compare two numbers to be in agreement within 5%.


Definition at line 143 of file PDDetermineCharacterizations.cpp.

References fabs, left, and right.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::PDDetermineCharacterizations::getInformationFromTable().

◆ createColumns()

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > Mantid::Algorithms::createColumns ( const bool  isScanning,
const bool  includeData,
const bool  calcQ,
const bool  hasDiffConstants 

Definition at line 165 of file CreateDetectorTable.cpp.

Referenced by createDetectorTableWorkspace().

◆ createDetectorTableWorkspace()

ITableWorkspace_sptr Mantid::Algorithms::createDetectorTableWorkspace ( const MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws,
const std::vector< int > &  indices,
const bool  includeData,
Logger logger 

Creates table workspace of detector information from a given workspace.

Create the instrument detector table workspace from a MatrixWorkspace.

ws:: A pointer to a MatrixWorkspace
indices:: Limit the table to these workspace indices
includeData:: If true then first value from the each spectrum is displayed
loggerThe Mantid logger so errors can be written to it.
A pointer to the table workspace of detector information

Definition at line 104 of file CreateDetectorTable.cpp.

References createColumns(), Mantid::Kernel::DeltaEMode::Elastic, Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), ncols, nrows, and populateTable().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CreateDetectorTable::exec().

◆ createTruncatedList()

std::string Mantid::Algorithms::createTruncatedList ( const std::set< int > &  elements)

Converts a list to a string, shortened if necessary.

Converts a set of ints to a string with each element separated by a comma.

If there are more than 10 elements, the format "a,b...(n more)...y,z" is used.

elements:: The set of elements to be converted
The truncated list as a string

Definition at line 334 of file CreateDetectorTable.cpp.

References std::to_string().

Referenced by populateTable().

◆ determineXMinMax()

string Mantid::Algorithms::determineXMinMax ( const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS,
vector< double > &  xmins,
vector< double > &  xmaxs 

Determine the min and max x-values for each spectrum and error check the pairs.

inputWSThe workspace to check the numbers for.
xminsThe input/output that will hold the x-mins.
xmaxsThe input/output that will hold the x-maxs.
Any error messages generated during the execution. If empty everything went according to plan.

Definition at line 110 of file ResampleX.cpp.

References value.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::ResampleX::exec().

◆ findColumn()

bool Mantid::Algorithms::findColumn ( const std::vector< std::string > &  columnNames,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 72 of file CombineDiffCal.cpp.

Referenced by generateErrorString().

◆ generateErrorString()

std::string Mantid::Algorithms::generateErrorString ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr ws)

Definition at line 76 of file CombineDiffCal.cpp.

References error, and findColumn().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CombineDiffCal::validateInputs().

◆ getColumnNames()

std::vector< std::string > Mantid::Algorithms::getColumnNames ( )

These should match those in LoadPDCharacterizations.

  • "frequency" double
  • "wavelength" (double)
  • "bank" (integer)
  • "container" (string)
  • "vanadium" (string)
  • "vanadium_background" (string)
  • "empty" (string)
  • "d_min" (string)
  • "d_max" (string)
  • "tof_min" (double)
  • "tof_max" (double)
  • "wavelength_min" (double)
  • "wavelength_max" (double)
    The list of expected column names

Definition at line 70 of file PDDetermineCharacterizations.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::PDDetermineCharacterizations::exec(), and Mantid::Algorithms::PDDetermineCharacterizations::validateInputs().

◆ getDetID()

detid_t Mantid::Algorithms::getDetID ( const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr offsetsWS,
const size_t  index 
std::logic_errorif there is more than one detector id for the spectrum.
The proper detector id.

Definition at line 72 of file ConvertDiffCal.cpp.

References index.

Referenced by calculateDIFC(), and Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertDiffCal::exec().

◆ getIndex() [1/2]

size_t Mantid::Algorithms::getIndex ( const HistogramData::HistogramX &  vecx,
double  x 

◆ getIndex() [2/2]

size_t Mantid::Algorithms::getIndex ( const HistogramX &  vecx,
double  x 

Get an index of a value in a sorted vector.

The index should be the item with value nearest to X

Definition at line 1479 of file FitPeak.cpp.

References index, and Mantid::Geometry::x.

◆ getOffset()

double Mantid::Algorithms::getOffset ( const OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr offsetsWS,
const detid_t  detid 
std::logic_errorif the offset found is non-physical.
The offset value or zero if not specified.

Definition at line 88 of file ConvertDiffCal.cpp.

Referenced by calculateDIFC().

◆ groupnumber()

bool Mantid::Algorithms::groupnumber ( std::string  groupi,
std::string  groupj 

Use group numbers for sorting.

groupi:: first group string
groupj:: second group string
true if first group number is less than second group number

Definition at line 458 of file CreateGroupingWorkspace.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Strings::convert().

Referenced by makeGroupingByNames().

◆ gsl_costFunction()

static double Mantid::Algorithms::gsl_costFunction ( const gsl_vector *  v,
void *  params 

The gsl_costFunction is optimized by GSL simplex.

v:: vector containing center position and rotations
params:: names of detector, workspace, and instrument

Definition at line 51 of file DiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors.cpp.

References Mantid::Algorithms::DiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors::intensity(), Mantid::Geometry::x, Mantid::Geometry::y, and Mantid::Geometry::z.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::DiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors::exec().

◆ initBoundingBox()

double Mantid::Algorithms::initBoundingBox ( WorkspaceBoundingBox boundingBox,
const int  numSpec,
const double  beamRadius,
const bool  directBeam 

◆ interpret()

VecCommands Mantid::Algorithms::interpret ( const std::string &  processingInstructions)

Interpret the instructions as an ordered list of commands that can be executed later.

processingInstructions: Instructions to process
Vector of Commands. Commands wrap mantid-algorithmic steps to achieve the desired result.

Definition at line 274 of file PerformIndexOperations.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::PerformIndexOperations::exec().

◆ isHardCodedWorkspaceName()

bool Mantid::Algorithms::isHardCodedWorkspaceName ( const std::string &  s)

Checks if a string is a hard coded workspace name.

sstring to be checked
return true if s is surrounded by '"' or '''

Definition at line 30 of file WorkflowAlgorithmRunner.cpp.

Referenced by cleanPropertyTable(), and Mantid::Algorithms::WorkflowAlgorithmRunner::configureRow().

◆ isItSorted()

template<typename Comparator >
bool Mantid::Algorithms::isItSorted ( Comparator const &  compare,
const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace inputWorkspace 

determines whether or not a given spectrum is sorted based on a passed comparator

Template Parameters
comparestd::less<double> for descending and std::greater<double> for ascending
inputWorkspacethe unsorted input workspace
true if it is sorted
false if it is not sorted

Definition at line 198 of file SortXAxis.cpp.

References Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::getNumberHistograms(), rhs, and Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::x().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::SortXAxis::determineIfHistogramIsValid().

◆ LEFT()

std::string Mantid::Algorithms::LEFT ( "Left"  )

◆ makeGroupingByNames()

std::map< detid_t, int > Mantid::Algorithms::makeGroupingByNames ( std::string  GroupNames,
const Instrument_const_sptr inst,
Progress prog,
bool  sortnames 

Use bank names to build grouping.

GroupNames:: comma-sep list of bank names
inst:: instrument
prog:: progress report
sortnames:: sort names - a boolean
:: map of detID to group number

Definition at line 481 of file CreateGroupingWorkspace.cpp.

References groupnumber(), index, Mantid::Kernel::ProgressBase::report(), and Mantid::Kernel::ProgressBase::setNumSteps().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CreateGroupingWorkspace::exec().

◆ makeGroupingByNumGroups()

std::map< detid_t, int > Mantid::Algorithms::makeGroupingByNumGroups ( const std::string &  compName,
int  numGroups,
const Instrument_const_sptr inst,
Progress prog 

Creates a mapping based on a fixed number of groups for a given instrument component.

compNameName of component in instrument
numGroupsNumber of groups to group detectors into
instPointer to instrument
progProgress reporter
:: Map of detector IDs to group number

Definition at line 419 of file CreateGroupingWorkspace.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::ProgressBase::report().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CreateGroupingWorkspace::exec().

◆ populateTable()

void Mantid::Algorithms::populateTable ( Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr t,
const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws,
const int  nrows,
const std::vector< int > &  indices,
const Mantid::API::SpectrumInfo spectrumInfo,
bool  signedThetaParamRetrieved,
bool  showSignedTwoTheta,
const Mantid::Geometry::PointingAlong beamAxisIndex,
const double  sampleDist,
const bool  isScanning,
const bool  include_data,
const bool  calcQ,
const bool  includeDiffConstants,
Kernel::Logger logger 

◆ readGroupingFile()

std::map< detid_t, int > Mantid::Algorithms::readGroupingFile ( const std::string &  groupingFileName,
Progress prog 

Read old-style .cal file to get the grouping.

groupingFileName:: path to .cal multi-col ascii
prog:: progress reporter
:: map of key=detectorID, value=group number.

Definition at line 386 of file CreateGroupingWorkspace.cpp.

References n, and Mantid::Kernel::ProgressBase::report().

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::CreateGroupingWorkspace::exec().

◆ setXAxisUnits()

void Mantid::Algorithms::setXAxisUnits ( const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS)

◆ smooth() [1/2]

Histogram Mantid::Algorithms::smooth ( const Histogram &  histogram,
int  npts 

Returns a smoothed version of histogram. npts must be odd.

Definition at line 132 of file SmoothData.cpp.

References index, and Mantid::Geometry::Y.

◆ smooth() [2/2]

HistogramData::Histogram Mantid::Algorithms::smooth ( const HistogramData::Histogram &  histogram,
int  npts 

◆ sortByXValue()

template<typename Comparator >
void Mantid::Algorithms::sortByXValue ( std::vector< std::size_t > &  workspaceIndices,
const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace inputWorkspace,
unsigned int  specNum,
Comparator const &  compare 

A template for sorting the values given a comparator.

Template Parameters
workspaceIndicesthe vector of indices values
inputWorkspacethe original workspace
specNumthe Spectrum number to be sorted
comparestd::less<double> for Ascending order std::greater<double> for descending order

Definition at line 101 of file SortXAxis.cpp.

References rhs.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::SortXAxis::sortIndicesByX().

◆ spectrumDefinitionsMatchTimeIndex()

bool Mantid::Algorithms::spectrumDefinitionsMatchTimeIndex ( const SpectrumDefinition &  specDef,
const size_t  timeIndex 

◆ tidyWorkspaceName()

std::string Mantid::Algorithms::tidyWorkspaceName ( const std::string &  s)

Removes first and last character of a string.

sstring to be tidied
tidied string
std::runtime_errorif s is too short

Definition at line 44 of file WorkflowAlgorithmRunner.cpp.

Referenced by cleanPropertyTable(), and Mantid::Algorithms::WorkflowAlgorithmRunner::configureRow().

◆ updateBoundingBox()

double Mantid::Algorithms::updateBoundingBox ( WorkspaceBoundingBox boundingBox,
WorkspaceBoundingBox previousBoundingBox,
const int  numSpec,
const double  beamRadius,
const bool  directBeam 

Variable Documentation


const double Mantid::Algorithms::CHOPPER_ANGLE[4] = {129.605, 179.989, 230.010, 230.007}


const double Mantid::Algorithms::CHOPPER_LOCATION[4] = {5700., 7800., 9497., 9507.}


const double Mantid::Algorithms::CHOPPER_PHASE_OFFSET[2][4] = {{9507., 9471., 9829.7, 9584.3}, {19024., 18820., 19714., 19360.}}


const size_t Mantid::Algorithms::LINESIZE = 80


const double Mantid::Algorithms::PULSEWIDTH = 20.0

Apply correction to EQSANS data to account for its TOF structure.

The algorithm modifies the TOF values to correct for the fact that T_0 is not properly recorded by the DAS.

File change history is stored at: Code Documentation is available at:

Definition at line 30 of file EQSANSTofStructure.h.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::EQSANSTofStructure::getTofOffset().