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Mantid::DataObjects Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
 Factory methods for creating MatrixWorkspaces.
namespace  FractionalRebinning
 FractionalRebinning helper functionality, used by the Rebin2D algorithm.
namespace  MDEventsTestHelper
 Set of helper methods for testing MDEventWorkspace things.


class  AffineMatrixParameter
 Type to wrap an affine matrix and allow serialization via xml. More...
class  AffineMatrixParameterParser
 Parser for a parameter of type affinematrixparameter. More...
class  BasePeak
 Structure describing a single-crystal peak. More...
class  BinaryOperator
 An SpecialWorkspace2D is a specialized Workspace2D where the Y value at each pixel will be used for a special meaning. More...
class  BoxControllerNeXusIO
 The class responsible for saving events into nexus file using generic box controller interface Expected to provide thread-safe file access. More...
class  CalculateReflectometry
 Provides a common interface to Reflectometry Transform calculators. More...
class  CalculateReflectometryKiKf
 class CalculateReflectometryKiKf: Calculation type for converting to ki or kf given a theta value (in degrees) and a wavelength More...
class  CalculateReflectometryP
 class CalculateReflectometryP: p-type transformation calculator More...
class  CalculateReflectometryQxQz
 Converts from inputs of wavelength, incident theta and final theta to Qx and Qz for reflectometry experiments. More...
struct  comparePulseTimeTOFDelta
class  CoordTransformAffine
 Generic class to transform from M input dimensions to N output dimensions. More...
class  CoordTransformAffineParser
 A parser for processing coordinate transform xml. More...
class  CoordTransformAligned
 Unique type declaration for which dimensions are used in the input workspace. More...
class  CoordTransformDistance
 Unique CoordCenterVectorParam type declaration for ndimensional coordinate centers. More...
class  CoordTransformDistanceParser
 A parser for processing coordinate transform xml. More...
struct  DetectorAngularCache
 Simple container for porting detector angular information. More...
struct  EventAccessor
 Structure to mark the classes, which can switch the "physical" meaning of the union used in MDLeanEvent to store coordinates or index. More...
class  EventList
 A class for holding : More...
class  EventSortingTask
 Task for sorting an event list. More...
class  EventWorkspace
 This class is intended to fulfill the design specified in <https://github.com/mantidproject/documents/tree/master/Design/Event WorkspaceDetailed Design Document.doc> More...
struct  EventWorkspaceHelpers
 A collection of functions that help for EventWorkspaces. More...
class  EventWorkspaceMRU
 This is a container for the MRU (most-recently-used) list of generated histograms. More...
class  FakeMD
 Provides a helper class to add fake data to an MD workspace. More...
class  GroupingWorkspace
 A GroupingWorkspace is a subclass of Workspace2D where each spectrum has a single number entry, the value of which signifies to which group that workspace index belongs. More...
class  Histogram1D
 1D histogram implementation. More...
struct  IF
struct  IF< MDLeanEvent< nd >, nd >
class  LeanElasticPeak
 Structure describing a single-crystal peak. More...
class  LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace
 The class LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace stores information about a set of SCD lean peaks. More...
class  LOOP
 MDEventFactory : collection of methods to create MDLeanEvent* instances, by specifying the number of dimensions as a parameter. More...
class  LOOP< 0 >
class  MaskWorkspace
class  MDBin
 MDBin : Class describing a single bin in a dense, Multidimensional histogram. More...
class  MDBox
 Templated class for a multi-dimensional event "box". More...
class  MDBoxBase
 Templated super-class of a multi-dimensional event "box". More...
class  MDBoxFlatTree
 The class responsible for saving/loading MD boxes structure to/from HDD and for flattening/restoring the interconnected box structure (customized linked list) of MD workspace. More...
class  MDBoxIterator
 MDBoxIterator: iterate through MDBoxBase hierarchy down to a given maximum depth. More...
class  MDBoxSaveable
 Two classes responsible for implementing methods which automatically save/load MDBox in conjuction with DiskBuffer One class responsible for saving events into nexus and another one – for identifying the data positions in a file in conjuction with DB. More...
class  MDDimensionStats
 A simple class holding some statistics on the distribution of events in a particular dimension. More...
class  MDEvent
 Templated class holding data about a neutron detection event in N-dimensions (for example, Qx, Qy, Qz, E). More...
class  MDEventFactory
class  MDEventInserter
 MDEventInserter : Helper class that provides a generic interface for adding events to an MDWorkspace without knowing whether the workspace is storing MDLeanEvents or full MDEvents. More...
class  MDEventWorkspace
 Templated class for the multi-dimensional event workspace. More...
class  MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem
 MDFrameFromMDWorkspace: Each dimension of the MDWorkspace contains an MDFrame. More...
class  MDGridBox
 Templated class for a GRIDDED multi-dimensional event "box". More...
class  MDHistoWorkspace
 MDHistoWorkspace: More...
class  MDHistoWorkspaceIterator
 An implementation of IMDIterator that iterates through a MDHistoWorkspace. More...
class  MDLeanEvent
 Templated class holding data about a neutron detection event in N-dimensions (for example, Qx, Qy, Qz, E). More...
class  MementoTableWorkspace
 Variation on the TableWorkspace with a set of pre-defined columns used to store diffs on Workspaces. More...
class  NoShape
 PeakShapeNone : No peak shape. More...
struct  NullDeleter
class  OffsetsWorkspace
 An OffsetsWorkspace is a specialized Workspace2D where the Y value at each pixel is the offset to be used for correcting calculations (specifically AlignDetectors). More...
class  Peak
 Structure describing a single-crystal peak. More...
class  PeakColumn
 PeakColumn : a Column sub-class used to display peak information as a TableWorkspace. More...
class  PeakComparator
 Comparator class for sorting peaks by one or more criteria. More...
class  PeakNoShapeFactory
 PeakNoShapeFactory : Factory method for types of NoShape. More...
class  PeakShapeBase
 PeakShapeBase : Base class for concrete PeakShapes containing common code. More...
class  PeakShapeEllipsoid
 PeakShapeEllipsoid : PeakShape representing a 3D ellipsoid. More...
class  PeakShapeEllipsoidFactory
 PeakShapeEllipsoidFactory : Create ellipsoid peak shapes. More...
class  PeakShapeFactory
 PeakShapeFactory : Factory for creating peak shapes. More...
class  PeakShapeSpherical
 PeakShapeSpherical : PeakShape for a spherical peak. More...
class  PeakShapeSphericalFactory
 PeakShapeSphericalFactory : Factory for spherical peak shapes for de-serializing from JSON. More...
class  PeaksWorkspace
 The class PeaksWorkspace stores information about a set of SCD peaks. More...
class  RebinnedOutput
 RebinnedOutput. More...
class  ReflectometryTransform
 ReflectometryMDTransform : Base type for reflectometry transforms to MDWorkspaces. More...
class  ScanningWorkspaceBuilder
 ScanningWorkspaceBuilder : This is a helper class to make it easy to build a scanning workspace (a workspace with moving detectors), where all the information about the scan is known in advance. More...
class  SkipMaskedBins
 Policy that indicates skipping of masked bins. More...
class  SkipNothing
 Policy that indicates no skipping should be applied. More...
class  SkippingPolicy
 SkippingPolicy : Policy types for skipping in MDiterators. More...
class  SpecialWorkspace2D
class  SplittersWorkspace
 SplittersWorkspace : A TableWorkspace to contain TimeSplitters. More...
class  TableColumn
 Class TableColumn implements abstract class Column for any copyable data type. More...
class  TableColumn_ptr
 Shared pointer to a column with automatic type cast and data type check. More...
class  TableColumn_ptr< bool >
 Special case of bool. More...
class  TableWorkspace
 TableWorkspace is an implementation of Workspace in which the data are organised in columns of same size. More...
class  TypeWithMarker
 This little class holds data and an index marker that is used for uniqueness. More...
class  VectorColumn
 VectorColumn : table column type capable of storing vectors of primitive types. More...
class  WeightedEvent
 Info about a single neutron detection event, including a weight and error value: More...
class  WeightedEventNoTime
 Info about a single neutron detection event, including a weight and error value, but excluding the pulsetime to save memory: More...
class  Workspace2D
 Concrete workspace implementation. More...
class  WorkspaceSingleValue
 Concrete workspace implementation. More...


using AffineMatrixType = Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< coord_t >
 Convenience typedef for a specific matrix type. More...
using EventWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const EventWorkspace >
 shared pointer to a const Workspace2D More...
using EventWorkspace_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const EventWorkspace >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace (const version) More...
using EventWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< EventWorkspace >
 shared pointer to the EventWorkspace class More...
using EventWorkspace_uptr = std::unique_ptr< EventWorkspace >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace More...
using GroupingWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const GroupingWorkspace >
 shared pointer to a const GroupingWorkspace More...
using GroupingWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< GroupingWorkspace >
 shared pointer to the GroupingWorkspace class More...
using LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a const peaks workspace. More...
using LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a peaks workspace. More...
using MaskWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const MaskWorkspace >
 shared pointer to a const MaskWorkspace More...
using MaskWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< MaskWorkspace >
 shared pointer to the MaskWorkspace class More...
using MDBin1 = MDBin< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBin1Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBin2 = MDBin< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBin2Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBin3 = MDBin< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBin3Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBin4 = MDBin< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBin4Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBin5 = MDBin< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBin5Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBin6 = MDBin< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBin6Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBin7 = MDBin< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBin7Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBin8 = MDBin< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBin8Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBin9 = MDBin< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDBin9Lean = MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBin with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDBox1 = MDBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBox1Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBox2 = MDBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBox2Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBox3 = MDBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBox3Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBox4 = MDBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBox4Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBox5 = MDBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBox5Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBox6 = MDBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBox6Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBox7 = MDBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBox7Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBox8 = MDBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBox8Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBox9 = MDBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDBox9Lean = MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBox with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase1 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBoxBase1Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 1 dimension. More...
using MDBoxBase2 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase2Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase3 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase3Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase4 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase4Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase5 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase5Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase6 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase6Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase7 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase7Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase8 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase8Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase9 = MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDBoxBase9Lean = MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace1 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 1 dimension. More...
using MDEventWorkspace1Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 1 dimension. More...
using MDEventWorkspace2 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace2Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace3 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace3Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace4 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace4Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace5 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace5Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace6 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace6Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace7 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace7Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace8 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace8Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace9 = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDEventWorkspace9Lean = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 9 dimensions. More...
template<size_t nd>
using MDEventWS = MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< nd >, nd >
using MDExtentPair = boost::tuple< Mantid::coord_t, Mantid::coord_t >
using MDGridBox1 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 1 dimension. More...
using MDGridBox1Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 1 dimension. More...
using MDGridBox2 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox2Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 2 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox3 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox3Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 3 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox4 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox4Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 4 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox5 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox5Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 5 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox6 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox6Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 6 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox7 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox7Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 7 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox8 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox8Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 8 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox9 = MDGridBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDGridBox9Lean = MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
 Typedef for a MDGridBox with 9 dimensions. More...
using MDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const MDHistoWorkspace >
 A shared pointer to a const MDHistoWorkspace. More...
using MDHistoWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< MDHistoWorkspace >
 A shared pointer to a MDHistoWorkspace. More...
template<size_t nd>
using MDLeanEventWS = MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< nd >, nd >
using OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const OffsetsWorkspace >
 shared pointer to a const OffsetsWorkspace More...
using OffsetsWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< OffsetsWorkspace >
 shared pointer to the OffsetsWorkspace class More...
using Peak_uptr = std::unique_ptr< Peak >
using PeakShapeEllipsoid_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const PeakShapeEllipsoid >
using PeakShapeEllipsoid_sptr = std::shared_ptr< PeakShapeEllipsoid >
using PeakShapeFactory_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const PeakShapeFactory >
 Helper typedef. More...
using PeakShapeFactory_sptr = std::shared_ptr< PeakShapeFactory >
 Helper typedef. More...
using PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const PeaksWorkspace >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a const peaks workspace. More...
using PeaksWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< PeaksWorkspace >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a peaks workspace. More...
using PermutationsMap = std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< int64_t > >
using RebinnedOutput_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const RebinnedOutput >
 shared pointer to a const RebinnedOutput More...
using RebinnedOutput_sptr = std::shared_ptr< RebinnedOutput >
 shared pointer to the RebinnedOutput class More...
using ReflectometryTransform_sptr = std::shared_ptr< ReflectometryTransform >
using SkippingPolicy_scptr = boost::scoped_ptr< SkippingPolicy >
using SpecialWorkspace2D_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const SpecialWorkspace2D >
 shared pointer to a const SpecialWorkspace2D More...
using SpecialWorkspace2D_sptr = std::shared_ptr< SpecialWorkspace2D >
 shared pointer to the SpecialWorkspace2D class More...
using SplittersWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const SplittersWorkspace >
using SplittersWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< SplittersWorkspace >
using TableWorkspace_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const TableWorkspace >
 shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace (const version) More...
using TableWorkspace_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const TableWorkspace >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace (const version) More...
using TableWorkspace_sptr = std::shared_ptr< TableWorkspace >
 shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace More...
using TableWorkspace_uptr = std::unique_ptr< TableWorkspace >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace More...
using VecMDExtents = std::vector< MDExtentPair >
using Workspace2D_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const Workspace2D >
 shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D (const version) More...
using Workspace2D_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const Workspace2D >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D (const version) More...
using Workspace2D_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Workspace2D >
 shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D More...
using Workspace2D_uptr = std::unique_ptr< Workspace2D >
 unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D More...
using WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const WorkspaceSingleValue >
using WorkspaceSingleValue_sptr = std::shared_ptr< WorkspaceSingleValue >
 shared pointer to the WorkspaceSingleValue class More...


enum  EventSortType {
 How the event list is sorted. More...


bool compareEventPulseTime (const TofEvent &e1, const TofEvent &e2)
 Compare two events' FRAME id, return true if e1 should be before e2. More...
bool compareEventPulseTimeTOF (const TofEvent &e1, const TofEvent &e2)
 Compare two events' FRAME id, return true if e1 should be before e2. More...
template<typename FROM , typename TO >
void convertFormats (const std::vector< FROM > &inData, std::vector< TO > &outData)
 Helper funcion which allows to convert one data fomat into another. More...
template<class T , class IndexArg , class HistArg , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, IndexArg >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const IndexArg &indexArg, const HistArg &histArg)
template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const P &parent)
template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const P &parent, const HistogramData::BinEdges &binEdges)
template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const P &parent, const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram)
template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const P &parent, const HistogramData::Points &points)
template<class T , class P , class IndexArg , class HistArg , class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<API::MatrixWorkspace, P>::value>::type>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const P &parent, const IndexArg &indexArg, const HistArg &histArg)
 This is the create() method that all the other create() methods call. More...
template<class T , class IndexArg , class HistArg , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, IndexArg >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > create (const std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::Instrument > &instrument, const IndexArg &indexArg, const HistArg &histArg)
MANTID_DATAOBJECTS_DLL void createVerticalAxis (Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace *const ws, const MantidVec &xAxisVec, const double gradY, const double cyToUnit, const size_t nBins, const std::string &caption, const std::string &units)
 Create a new y(vertical)-axis for the output workspace. More...
MANTID_DATAOBJECTS_DLL MantidVec createXAxis (Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace *const ws, const double gradX, const double cxToUnit, const size_t nBins, const std::string &caption, const std::string &units)
 Create a new x-axis for the output workspace. More...
template<class T >
static std::vector< T >::const_iterator findFirstEvent (const std::vector< T > &events, T seek_tof)
 Utility function: Returns the iterator into events of the first TofEvent with tof() > seek_tof Will return events.end() if nothing is found! More...
template<class T >
static std::vector< T >::iterator findFirstEvent (std::vector< T > &events, T seek_tof)
 Utility function: Returns the iterator into events of the first TofEvent with tof() > seek_tof Will return events.end() if nothing is found! More...
void getEventsFrom (const EventList &el, std::vector< TofEvent > const *&events)
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (const EventList &el, std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > const *&events)
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (const EventList &el, std::vector< WeightedEvent > const *&events)
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (const EventList &el, std::vector< WeightedEventNoTime > const *&events)
void getEventsFrom (EventList &el, std::vector< TofEvent > *&events)
 Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type. More...
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (EventList &el, std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > *&events)
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (EventList &el, std::vector< WeightedEvent > *&events)
 Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type. More...
DLLExport void getEventsFrom (EventList &el, std::vector< WeightedEventNoTime > *&events)
 Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type. More...
MANTID_DATAOBJECTS_DLL DetectorAngularCache initAngularCaches (const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace *const workspace)
 Create angular caches. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const WeightedEvent &event)
 Output a string representation of the event to a stream. More...
bool pointInWorkspace (const MDHistoWorkspace *ws, const VMD &point)
template<typename T >
void saveMatrix (::NeXus::File *const file, const std::string &name, Kernel::Matrix< T > &m, ::NeXus::NXnumtype type, const std::string &tag)
 Save routine for a generic matrix. More...
void swap (CoordTransformAffine &obj1, CoordTransformAffine &obj2)
template<size_t nd>
void swap (MDLeanEvent< nd > &first, MDLeanEvent< nd > &second)
template<size_t ND>
void swap (MDLeanEvent< ND > &first, MDLeanEvent< ND > &second)


const char * EventHeaders []
Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log ("PeaksWorkspace")
 Register the workspace as a type. More...
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 1 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 2 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 3 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 4 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 5 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 6 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 7 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 8 >
template class DLLExport MDEvent< 9 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >
template class DLLExport MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 1 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 2 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 3 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 4 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 5 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 6 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 7 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 8 >
template class DLLExport MDLeanEvent< 9 >

Typedef Documentation

◆ AffineMatrixType

Convenience typedef for a specific matrix type.

Definition at line 17 of file AffineMatrixParameter.h.

◆ EventWorkspace_const_sptr

shared pointer to a const Workspace2D

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace (const version)

Definition at line 173 of file EventWorkspace.h.

◆ EventWorkspace_const_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const EventWorkspace>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace (const version)

Definition at line 26 of file EventWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ EventWorkspace_sptr

shared pointer to the EventWorkspace class

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace

Definition at line 171 of file EventWorkspace.h.

◆ EventWorkspace_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<EventWorkspace>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace

Definition at line 24 of file EventWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ GroupingWorkspace_const_sptr

shared pointer to a const GroupingWorkspace

Definition at line 58 of file GroupingWorkspace.h.

◆ GroupingWorkspace_sptr

shared pointer to the GroupingWorkspace class

Definition at line 55 of file GroupingWorkspace.h.

◆ LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace_const_sptr

Typedef for a shared pointer to a const peaks workspace.

Definition at line 258 of file LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace.h.

◆ LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace_sptr

Typedef for a shared pointer to a peaks workspace.

Definition at line 255 of file LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace.h.

◆ MaskWorkspace_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::MaskWorkspace_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const MaskWorkspace>

shared pointer to a const MaskWorkspace

Definition at line 67 of file MaskWorkspace.h.

◆ MaskWorkspace_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::MaskWorkspace_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<MaskWorkspace>

shared pointer to the MaskWorkspace class

Definition at line 64 of file MaskWorkspace.h.

◆ MDBin1

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin1 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<1>, 1>

Typedef for a MDBin with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 540 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin1Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 522 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin2

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin2 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<2>, 2>

Typedef for a MDBin with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 542 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin2Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 524 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin3

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin3 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<3>, 3>

Typedef for a MDBin with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 544 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin3Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 526 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin4

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin4 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<4>, 4>

Typedef for a MDBin with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 546 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin4Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 528 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin5

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin5 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<5>, 5>

Typedef for a MDBin with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 548 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin5Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 530 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin6

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin6 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<6>, 6>

Typedef for a MDBin with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 550 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin6Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 532 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin7

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin7 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<7>, 7>

Typedef for a MDBin with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 552 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin7Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 534 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin8

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin8 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<8>, 8>

Typedef for a MDBin with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 554 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin8Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 536 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin9

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin9 = typedef MDBin<MDEvent<9>, 9>

Typedef for a MDBin with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 556 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBin9Lean

Typedef for a MDBin with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 538 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox1

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox1 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<1>, 1>

Typedef for a MDBox with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 384 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox1Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 366 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox2

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox2 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<2>, 2>

Typedef for a MDBox with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 386 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox2Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 368 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox3

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox3 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<3>, 3>

Typedef for a MDBox with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 388 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox3Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 370 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox4

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox4 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<4>, 4>

Typedef for a MDBox with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 390 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox4Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 372 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox5

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox5 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<5>, 5>

Typedef for a MDBox with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 392 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox5Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 374 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox6

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox6 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<6>, 6>

Typedef for a MDBox with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 394 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox6Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 376 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox7

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox7 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<7>, 7>

Typedef for a MDBox with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 396 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox7Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 378 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox8

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox8 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<8>, 8>

Typedef for a MDBox with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 398 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox8Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 380 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox9

using Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox9 = typedef MDBox<MDEvent<9>, 9>

Typedef for a MDBox with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 400 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBox9Lean

Typedef for a MDBox with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 382 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase1

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 423 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase1Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 405 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase2

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 425 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase2Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 407 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase3

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 427 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase3Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 409 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase4

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 429 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase4Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 411 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase5

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 431 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase5Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 413 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase6

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 433 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase6Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 415 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase7

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 435 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase7Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 417 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase8

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 437 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase8Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 419 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase9

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 439 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDBoxBase9Lean

Typedef for a MDBoxBase with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 421 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace1

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 501 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace1Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 483 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace2

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 503 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace2Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 485 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace3

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 505 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace3Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 487 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace4

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 507 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace4Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 489 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace5

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 509 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace5Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 491 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace6

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 511 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace6Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 493 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace7

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 513 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace7Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 495 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace8

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 515 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace8Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 497 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace9

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 517 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWorkspace9Lean

Typedef for a MDEventWorkspace with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 499 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDEventWS

template<size_t nd>
using Mantid::DataObjects::MDEventWS = typedef MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<nd>, nd>

Definition at line 30 of file PropertyWithValue.cpp.

◆ MDExtentPair

Definition at line 24 of file MDHistoWorkspaceIterator.h.

◆ MDGridBox1

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 462 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox1Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 1 dimension.

Definition at line 444 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox2

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 464 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox2Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 2 dimensions.

Definition at line 446 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox3

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 466 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox3Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 448 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox4

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 468 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox4Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 4 dimensions.

Definition at line 450 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox5

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 470 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox5Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 5 dimensions.

Definition at line 452 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox6

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 472 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox6Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 6 dimensions.

Definition at line 454 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox7

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 474 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox7Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 7 dimensions.

Definition at line 456 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox8

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 476 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox8Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 8 dimensions.

Definition at line 458 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox9

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 478 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDGridBox9Lean

Typedef for a MDGridBox with 9 dimensions.

Definition at line 460 of file MDEventFactory.h.

◆ MDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr

A shared pointer to a const MDHistoWorkspace.

Definition at line 462 of file MDHistoWorkspace.h.

◆ MDHistoWorkspace_sptr

A shared pointer to a MDHistoWorkspace.

Definition at line 459 of file MDHistoWorkspace.h.

◆ MDLeanEventWS

template<size_t nd>
using Mantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEventWS = typedef MDEventWorkspace<MDLeanEvent<nd>, nd>

Definition at line 31 of file PropertyWithValue.cpp.

◆ OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr

shared pointer to a const OffsetsWorkspace

Definition at line 50 of file OffsetsWorkspace.h.

◆ OffsetsWorkspace_sptr

shared pointer to the OffsetsWorkspace class

Definition at line 47 of file OffsetsWorkspace.h.

◆ Peak_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::Peak_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<Peak>

Definition at line 170 of file Peak.h.

◆ PeakShapeEllipsoid_const_sptr

Definition at line 66 of file PeakShapeEllipsoid.h.

◆ PeakShapeEllipsoid_sptr

Definition at line 65 of file PeakShapeEllipsoid.h.

◆ PeakShapeFactory_const_sptr

Helper typedef.

Definition at line 36 of file PeakShapeFactory.h.

◆ PeakShapeFactory_sptr

Helper typedef.

Definition at line 34 of file PeakShapeFactory.h.

◆ PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const PeaksWorkspace>

Typedef for a shared pointer to a const peaks workspace.

Definition at line 247 of file PeaksWorkspace.h.

◆ PeaksWorkspace_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::PeaksWorkspace_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<PeaksWorkspace>

Typedef for a shared pointer to a peaks workspace.

Definition at line 244 of file PeaksWorkspace.h.

◆ PermutationsMap

using Mantid::DataObjects::PermutationsMap = typedef std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int64_t> >

Definition at line 22 of file MDHistoWorkspaceIterator.h.

◆ RebinnedOutput_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::RebinnedOutput_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const RebinnedOutput>

shared pointer to a const RebinnedOutput

Definition at line 94 of file RebinnedOutput.h.

◆ RebinnedOutput_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::RebinnedOutput_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<RebinnedOutput>

shared pointer to the RebinnedOutput class

Definition at line 92 of file RebinnedOutput.h.

◆ ReflectometryTransform_sptr

Definition at line 94 of file ReflectometryTransform.h.

◆ SkippingPolicy_scptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::SkippingPolicy_scptr = typedef boost::scoped_ptr<SkippingPolicy>

Definition at line 51 of file SkippingPolicy.h.

◆ SpecialWorkspace2D_const_sptr

shared pointer to a const SpecialWorkspace2D

Definition at line 91 of file SpecialWorkspace2D.h.

◆ SpecialWorkspace2D_sptr

shared pointer to the SpecialWorkspace2D class

Definition at line 88 of file SpecialWorkspace2D.h.

◆ SplittersWorkspace_const_sptr

Definition at line 59 of file SplittersWorkspace.h.

◆ SplittersWorkspace_sptr

Definition at line 58 of file SplittersWorkspace.h.

◆ TableWorkspace_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const TableWorkspace>

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace (const version)

Definition at line 22 of file TableWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ TableWorkspace_const_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const TableWorkspace>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace (const version)

Definition at line 26 of file TableWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ TableWorkspace_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<TableWorkspace>

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace

Definition at line 20 of file TableWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ TableWorkspace_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<TableWorkspace>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace

Definition at line 24 of file TableWorkspace_fwd.h.

◆ VecMDExtents

using Mantid::DataObjects::VecMDExtents = typedef std::vector<MDExtentPair>

Definition at line 26 of file MDHistoWorkspaceIterator.h.

◆ Workspace2D_const_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const Workspace2D>

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D (const version)

Definition at line 21 of file Workspace2D_fwd.h.

◆ Workspace2D_const_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const Workspace2D>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D (const version)

Definition at line 25 of file Workspace2D_fwd.h.

◆ Workspace2D_sptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Workspace2D>

shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D

Definition at line 19 of file Workspace2D_fwd.h.

◆ Workspace2D_uptr

using Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<Workspace2D>

unique pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D

Definition at line 23 of file Workspace2D_fwd.h.

◆ WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr

Definition at line 88 of file WorkspaceSingleValue.h.

◆ WorkspaceSingleValue_sptr

shared pointer to the WorkspaceSingleValue class

Definition at line 87 of file WorkspaceSingleValue.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EventSortType

How the event list is sorted.


Definition at line 31 of file EventList.h.

Function Documentation

◆ compareEventPulseTime()

bool Mantid::DataObjects::compareEventPulseTime ( const TofEvent &  e1,
const TofEvent &  e2 

Compare two events' FRAME id, return true if e1 should be before e2.

------------------— TofEvent Comparators

e1:: first event
e2:: second event

Definition at line 95 of file EventList.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::sortPulseTime().

◆ compareEventPulseTimeTOF()

bool Mantid::DataObjects::compareEventPulseTimeTOF ( const TofEvent &  e1,
const TofEvent &  e2 

Compare two events' FRAME id, return true if e1 should be before e2.

Assuming that if e1's pulse time is earlier than e2's, then e1 must be earlier regardless TOF value

e1:: first event
e2:: second event

Definition at line 103 of file EventList.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::sortPulseTimeTOF().

◆ convertFormats()

template<typename FROM , typename TO >
void Mantid::DataObjects::convertFormats ( const std::vector< FROM > &  inData,
std::vector< TO > &  outData 

Helper funcion which allows to convert one data fomat into another.

Definition at line 526 of file BoxControllerNeXusIO.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::BoxControllerNeXusIO::loadBlock().

◆ create() [1/7]

template<class T , class IndexArg , class HistArg , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, IndexArg >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const IndexArg &  indexArg,
const HistArg &  histArg 

Definition at line 164 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create().

◆ create() [2/7]

template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const P &  parent)

Definition at line 181 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create(), and Mantid::DataObjects::detail::stripData().

◆ create() [3/7]

template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const P &  parent,
const HistogramData::BinEdges &  binEdges 

Definition at line 199 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create().

◆ create() [4/7]

template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const P &  parent,
const HistogramData::Histogram &  histogram 

Definition at line 194 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create().

◆ create() [5/7]

template<class T , class P , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, P >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const P &  parent,
const HistogramData::Points &  points 

Definition at line 204 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create().

◆ create() [6/7]

template<class T , class P , class IndexArg , class HistArg , class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<API::MatrixWorkspace, P>::value>::type>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const P &  parent,
const IndexArg &  indexArg,
const HistArg &  histArg 

This is the create() method that all the other create() methods call.

And it is also called directly.

Definition at line 128 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create(), and Mantid::DataObjects::detail::fixDistributionFlag().

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::ParameterMap::add(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadFITS::addAxesInfoAndLogs(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::LoadSQW::addDimsToWs(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ProcessBackground::addRegion(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadMuonNexusV2::applyTimeAxisUnitCorrection(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadPSIMuonBin::assignOutputWorkspaceParticulars(), Mantid::API::Axis::Axis(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::FitPowderDiffPeaks::buildPartialWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateCountRate::checkAndInitVisWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ChiSlice::ChiSlice(), Mantid::Geometry::ParameterMap::componentIds(), Mantid::Geometry::StructureFactorCalculatorFactory::create(), create(), Mantid::Geometry::GroupFactory::create(), Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< TYPE >::create(), WorkspaceCreationHelper::create2DWorkspaceFromFunction(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNGEM::createCountWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLSANS::createEmptyWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpiceXML2DDet::createMatrixWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::LeBailFit::createOutputDataWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::SeqDomainSpectrumCreator::createOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::GetSpiceDataRawCountsFromMD::createOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::FFT::createUnitsLabels(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadHFIRSANS::createWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadRawHelper::createWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpice2D::createWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadMuonNexus2::doExec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxesToRealSpace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertTableToMatrixWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ReadGroupsFromFile::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::LoadIsawSpectrum::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ConvolveWorkspaces::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::Fit1D::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::GroupDetectors2::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDNSEvent::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadISISNexus2::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadMuonNexus1::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNXSPE::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadRawSpectrum0::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpec::exec(), Mantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::AlignAndFocusPowder::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::GroupDetectors2::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothNeighbours::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothNeighbours::execWorkspace2D(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ProcessBackground::filterForBackground(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::findL1(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::findL2(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::findT0(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadPDFgetNFile::generateDataWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadEventPreNexus2::generateEventDistribtionWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::FitPowderDiffPeaks::genOutputFittedPatternWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3::genOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::genPeakCentersWorkspace(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::FitPowderDiffPeaks::genPeakParameterDataWorkspace(), Mantid::API::FileFinderImpl::getArchiveSearch(), Mantid::CurveFitting::IFittingAlgorithm::getCostFunctionInitialized(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels2::getIdealQSampleAsHistogram1D(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::DoublePulseFit::initConcrete(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::Fit::initConcrete(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::QENSFitSimultaneous::initConcrete(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLPolarizedDiffraction::initStaticWorkspace(), Mantid::Kernel::Interpolation::Interpolation(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNexusProcessed::loadEventEntry(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSassena::loadFQ(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSassena::loadFQT(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadGSS::loadGSASFile(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadNexusProcessed::loadNonEventEntry(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSassena::loadQvectors(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace::make1DWorkspace(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace::make2DWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadFITS::makeWorkspace(), Mantid::API::AlgorithmFactoryImpl::operator=(), Mantid::API::ImplicitFunctionFactoryImpl::operator=(), Mantid::API::ImplicitFunctionParameterParserFactoryImpl::operator=(), Mantid::API::ImplicitFunctionParserFactoryImpl::operator=(), Mantid::API::WorkspaceFactoryImpl::operator=(), Mantid::Algorithms::MaxEnt::populateImageWS(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadAscii::readData(), Mantid::Geometry::ReflectionGenerator::ReflectionGenerator(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::RemovePeaks::removePeaks(), Mantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentFactory::SampleEnvironmentFactory(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDBoxFlatTree::saveBoxStructure(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels2::saveIsawDetCal(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::saveIsawDetCal(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ProcessBackground::selectFromGivenXValues(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ProcessBackground::setupDummyOutputWSes(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDaveGrp::setupWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothNeighbours::spreadPixels(), Mantid::Geometry::StructureFactorCalculatorSummation::StructureFactorCalculatorSummation(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpiceXML2DDet::xmlCreateMatrixWorkspaceKnownGeometry(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadSpiceXML2DDet::xmlParseDetectorNode(), Mantid::Geometry::MDGeometryBuilderXML< CheckDimensionPolicy >::~MDGeometryBuilderXML(), and Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< TYPE >::~TimeSeriesProperty().

◆ create() [7/7]

template<class T , class IndexArg , class HistArg , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< API::MatrixWorkspace, IndexArg >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > Mantid::DataObjects::create ( const std::shared_ptr< const Geometry::Instrument > &  instrument,
const IndexArg &  indexArg,
const HistArg &  histArg 

Definition at line 172 of file WorkspaceCreation.h.

References create().

◆ createVerticalAxis()

void Mantid::DataObjects::createVerticalAxis ( MatrixWorkspace *const  ws,
const MantidVec xAxisVec,
const double  gradY,
const double  cyToUnit,
const size_t  nBins,
const std::string &  caption,
const std::string &  units 

Create a new y(vertical)-axis for the output workspace.

Create a new Y, or Vertical Axis for the output workspace.

ws: Workspace to attache the vertical axis to
xAxisVec: Vector of x axis increments
gradY: Gradient used in linear transform from index to Y-scale
cyToUnit: C-offset used in the linear transform
nBins: Number of bins along the axis
caption: Caption for the axis
units: Units label for the axis

Definition at line 183 of file ReflectometryTransform.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::replaceAxis(), and Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::setX().

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::ReflectometryTransform::execute().

◆ createXAxis()

MantidVec Mantid::DataObjects::createXAxis ( MatrixWorkspace *const  ws,
const double  gradX,
const double  cxToUnit,
const size_t  nBins,
const std::string &  caption,
const std::string &  units 

Create a new x-axis for the output workspace.

Create a new X-Axis for the output workspace.

ws: Workspace to attach the axis to
gradX: Gradient used in the linear transform from index to X-scale
cxToUnit: C-offset used in the linear transform
nBins: Number of bins along this axis
caption: Caption for the axis
units: Units label for the axis
Vector containing increments along the axis.

Definition at line 152 of file ReflectometryTransform.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), and Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::replaceAxis().

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::ReflectometryTransform::execute().

◆ findFirstEvent() [1/2]

template<class T >
static std::vector< T >::const_iterator Mantid::DataObjects::findFirstEvent ( const std::vector< T > &  events,

Utility function: Returns the iterator into events of the first TofEvent with tof() > seek_tof Will return events.end() if nothing is found!

events:: event vector in which to look.
seek_tof:: tof to find (typically the first bin X[0])
iterator where the first event matching it is.

Definition at line 1772 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::x.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::divideHistogramHelper(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::generateCountsHistogram(), Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::histogramForWeightsHelper(), and Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::multiplyHistogramHelper().

◆ findFirstEvent() [2/2]

template<class T >
static std::vector< T >::iterator Mantid::DataObjects::findFirstEvent ( std::vector< T > &  events,

Utility function: Returns the iterator into events of the first TofEvent with tof() > seek_tof Will return events.end() if nothing is found!

events:: event vector in which to look.
seek_tof:: tof to find (typically the first bin X[0])
iterator where the first event matching it is.

Definition at line 1839 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::x.

◆ getEventsFrom() [1/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( const EventList el,
std::vector< TofEvent > const *&  events 

Definition at line 4568 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getEvents().

◆ getEventsFrom() [2/8]

DLLExport void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( const EventList el,
std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > const *&  events 

◆ getEventsFrom() [3/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( const EventList el,
std::vector< WeightedEvent > const *&  events 

◆ getEventsFrom() [4/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( const EventList el,
std::vector< WeightedEventNoTime > const *&  events 

◆ getEventsFrom() [5/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( EventList el,
std::vector< TofEvent > *&  events 

Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type.

el:: The EventList to retrieve
[out]events:: reference to a pointer to a vector of this type of event. The pointer will be set to point to the vector.
runtime_errorif you call this on the wrong type of EventList.

Definition at line 4567 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getEvents().

◆ getEventsFrom() [6/8]

DLLExport void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( EventList el,
std::vector< Types::Event::TofEvent > *&  events 

◆ getEventsFrom() [7/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( EventList el,
std::vector< WeightedEvent > *&  events 

Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type.

el:: The EventList to retrieve
[out]events:: reference to a pointer to a vector of this type of event. The pointer will be set to point to the vector.
runtime_errorif you call this on the wrong type of EventList.

Definition at line 4580 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getWeightedEvents().

◆ getEventsFrom() [8/8]

void Mantid::DataObjects::getEventsFrom ( EventList el,
std::vector< WeightedEventNoTime > *&  events 

Get the vector of events contained in an EventList; this is overloaded by event type.

el:: The EventList to retrieve
[out]events:: reference to a pointer to a vector of this type of event. The pointer will be set to point to the vector.
runtime_errorif you call this on the wrong type of EventList.

Definition at line 4593 of file EventList.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::EventList::getWeightedEventsNoTime().

◆ initAngularCaches()

DetectorAngularCache Mantid::DataObjects::initAngularCaches ( const MatrixWorkspace *const  workspace)

Create angular caches.

A map detector ID and Q ranges This method looks unnecessary as it could be calculated on the fly but the parallelization means that lazy instantation slows it down due to the necessary CRITICAL sections required to update the cache.

The Q range values are required very frequently so the total time is more than offset by this precaching step

Determine width from shape geometry. A group is assumed to contain detectors with the same shape & r, twoTheta value, i.e. a ring mapped-group The shape is retrieved and rotated to match the rotation of the detector. The angular width is computed using the l2 distance from the sample

Determine width from shape geometry. A group is assumed to contain detectors with the same shape & r, twoTheta value, i.e. a ring mapped-group The shape is retrieved and rotated to match the rotation of the detector. The angular width is computed using the l2 distance from the sample

Definition at line 211 of file ReflectometryTransform.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::DetectorAngularCache::detectorHeights, Mantid::Kernel::l2, Mantid::Geometry::BoundingBox::maxPoint(), Mantid::Geometry::BoundingBox::minPoint(), Mantid::Geometry::rad2deg, Mantid::Kernel::twoTheta, Mantid::DataObjects::DetectorAngularCache::twoThetas, Mantid::DataObjects::DetectorAngularCache::twoThetaWidths, and workspace.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::ReflectometryTransform::executeNormPoly().

◆ operator<<()

ostream & Mantid::DataObjects::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WeightedEvent event 

Output a string representation of the event to a stream.

os:: Stream
event:: WeightedEvent to output to the stream

Definition at line 115 of file Events.cpp.

◆ pointInWorkspace()

bool Mantid::DataObjects::pointInWorkspace ( const MDHistoWorkspace ws,
const VMD point 
true if the point is within the workspace (including the max edges)

Definition at line 447 of file MDHistoWorkspace.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::d, Mantid::API::MDGeometry::getDimension(), and Mantid::API::MDGeometry::getNumDims().

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::getBinBoundariesOnLine().

◆ saveMatrix()

template<typename T >
void Mantid::DataObjects::saveMatrix ( ::NeXus::File *const  file,
const std::string &  name,
Kernel::Matrix< T > &  m,
::NeXus::NXnumtype  type,
const std::string &  tag 

Save routine for a generic matrix.

file: pointer to the NeXus file
name: the tag in the NeXus file to save under
m: matrix to save
type: NXnumtype for the matrix data
tag: id for an affine matrix conversion

Definition at line 855 of file MDBoxFlatTree.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::m.

◆ swap() [1/3]

void Mantid::DataObjects::swap ( CoordTransformAffine obj1,
CoordTransformAffine obj2 

Definition at line 53 of file CoordTransformAffine.cpp.

◆ swap() [2/3]

template<size_t nd>
void Mantid::DataObjects::swap ( MDLeanEvent< nd > &  first,
MDLeanEvent< nd > &  second 

◆ swap() [3/3]

template<size_t ND>
void Mantid::DataObjects::swap ( MDLeanEvent< ND > &  first,
MDLeanEvent< ND > &  second 

Variable Documentation

◆ EventHeaders

const char* Mantid::DataObjects::EventHeaders[]
Initial value:
= {"signal, errorSquared, center (each dim.)",
"signal, errorSquared, expInfoIndex, goniometerIndex, detectorId, center (each "

Definition at line 26 of file BoxControllerNeXusIO.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::DataObjects::BoxControllerNeXusIO::BoxControllerNeXusIO().

◆ g_log

Mantid::Kernel::Logger Mantid::DataObjects::g_log("PeaksWorkspace") ( "PeaksWorkspace"  )

Register the workspace as a type.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 149 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 150 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 151 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 152 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 153 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 154 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 155 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 156 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBin< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 157 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 140 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 141 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 142 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 143 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 144 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 145 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 146 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 147 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBin< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 148 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 89 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 90 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 91 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 92 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 93 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 94 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 95 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 96 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

template class DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 97 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 80 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 81 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 82 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 83 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 84 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 85 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 86 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 87 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 88 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 69 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 70 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 71 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 72 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 73 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 74 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 75 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 76 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 77 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 60 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 61 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 62 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 63 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 64 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 65 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 66 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 67 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxBase< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 68 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 169 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 170 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 171 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 172 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 173 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 174 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 175 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 176 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 177 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 160 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 161 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 162 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 163 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 164 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 165 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 166 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 167 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDBoxIterator< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 168 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 1 >

Definition at line 50 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 2 >

Definition at line 51 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 3 >

Definition at line 52 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 4 >

Definition at line 53 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 5 >

Definition at line 54 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 6 >

Definition at line 55 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 7 >

Definition at line 56 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 8 >

Definition at line 57 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEvent< 9 >

Definition at line 58 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 109 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 110 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 111 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 112 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 113 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 114 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 115 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 116 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 117 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 100 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 101 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 102 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 103 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 104 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 105 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 106 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 107 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDEventWorkspace< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 108 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 129 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 130 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 131 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 132 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 133 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 134 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 135 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 136 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 137 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 1 >, 1 >

Definition at line 120 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 2 >, 2 >

Definition at line 121 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 3 >, 3 >

Definition at line 122 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 4 >, 4 >

Definition at line 123 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 5 >, 5 >

Definition at line 124 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 6 >, 6 >

Definition at line 125 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 7 >, 7 >

Definition at line 126 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 8 >, 8 >

Definition at line 127 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDGridBox< MDLeanEvent< 9 >, 9 >

Definition at line 128 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 1 >

Definition at line 40 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 2 >

Definition at line 41 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 3 >

Definition at line 42 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 4 >

Definition at line 43 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 5 >

Definition at line 44 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 6 >

Definition at line 45 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 7 >

Definition at line 46 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 8 >

Definition at line 47 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.

◆ MDLeanEvent< 9 >

Definition at line 48 of file MDEventFactory.cpp.