struct | BaseInstantiator |
| Base instantiator to store in a map. More...
class | CatalogPublishDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the CatalogPublish algorithm. More...
class | ConeDetails |
| A widget to define a cone. More...
class | ConvertTableToMatrixWorkspaceDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the ConvertTableToMatrixWorkspace algorithm. More...
class | CuboidDetails |
| A widget to define an infinite plane. More...
class | CylinderDetails |
| A widget to define a cylinder. More...
class | DynamicPropertiesWidget |
| Base class for input workspace's dynamic properties widget. More...
class | FitDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the Load algorithm. More...
class | HexahedronDetails |
| A widget to define a hexahedron. More...
class | InfiniteConeDetails |
| A widget to define an infinite cone. More...
class | InfiniteCylinderDetails |
| A widget to define an infinite cylinder. More...
class | InfinitePlaneDetails |
| A widget to define an infinite plane. More...
class | InputWorkspaceWidget |
| Widget for inputting workspace information. More...
class | LoadDAEDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadDAE algorithm. More...
class | LoadDialog |
class | LoadRawDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadRaw algorithm. More...
class | LOQScriptInputDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the LOQ input algorithm. More...
class | MantidGLWidget |
| This class provides a widget to display a Mantid Geometry object using OpenGL. More...
class | MDPropertiesWidget |
| Widgets to set properties for a IMDWorkspace: MaxSize. More...
class | MWPropertiesWidget |
| Widgets to set properties for a MatrixWorkspace: WorkspaceIndex, StartX, EndX. More...
class | NoDeleting |
| An object for constructing a shared_ptr that won't ever delete its pointee. More...
struct | Operation |
| A struct describing a binary operation Note: The constructor takes an integer where 0 = intersection, 1 = union and 2 = difference. More...
class | PlotAsymmetryByLogValueDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the LoadRaw algorithm. More...
class | PointGroupBox |
| A custom group box for a 3D point. More...
class | PreventLoadRequests |
class | ShapeDetails |
| The base class for the details widgets. More...
struct | ShapeDetailsInstantiator |
| A structure used for holding the type of a details widget. More...
class | SliceOfCylinderRingDetails |
| A widget to define an infinite cylinder. More...
class | SortTableWorkspaceDialog |
| This class gives specialised dialog for the SortTableWorkspace algorithm. More...
class | SphereDetails |
| A widget to define a sphere. More...
class | StartLiveDataDialog |