No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NMantidHelper class which provides the Collimation Length for SANS instruments
 NMantidQtThe AlgorithmProgressDialogPresenter keeps track of the running algorithms and displays a progress bar for them, and a property list
 NMapSupportHolds stuff for manipulating maps
 NstdSTL namespace
 CADD_STRUCTAddress offsets to various sections (9*4 bytes)
 CAlternateCSPythonLexerDefines a Python lexer with a alternative colour scheme to the standard one provided by QsciLexerPython
 CBankPulseTimesThis class defines the pulse times for a specific bank
 CBraggScattererFactoryThis class implements a factory for concrete BraggScatterer classes
 CClearADSDefines a CxxTest::GlobalFixture that clears the AnalysisDataService when its tearDownWorld() method is called
 CClearAlgorithmManagerDefines a CxxTest::GlobalFixture that clears the AlgorithmManager when its tearDownWorld() method is called
 CClearPropertyManagerDataServiceDefines a CxxTest::GlobalFixture that clears the PropertyManagerDataService when its tearDownWorld() method is called
 CCompareFailsExceptionCustom exception class to signal a failure in the comparison
 CDAEP_STRUCTDAE parameters block (64*4 bytes)
 CDDES_STRUCT2*4 bytes
 CDelegatingWebPageMimic the WebKit class to emit linkClicked signal from the page
 CDHDR_STRUCTData section header (32*4 bytes)
 CDoubleSpinBoxA QDoubleSpinBox allowing to customize numbers display with respect to
 CFileResourceRAII: Gives a clean file destination and removes the file when handle is out of scope
 CFindDialogSpecialisation of FindReplaceDialog that only does finding
 CFindReplaceDialogRaises a dialog allowing the user to find/replace text in the editor
 CHDR_STRUCTRun header (80 bytes)
 Cieee_doubleWhat IEEE double precision floating point looks like
 Cieee_singleWhat IEEE single precision floating point looks like on local machine
 CISISRAWIsis raw file
 CISISRAW2Isis raw file
 Citem_structStructure to hold a dae item
 CIVPB_STRUCTInstrument parameter block (64*4 bytes)
 CLOG_LINELog line entry
 CLOG_STRUCTLog line entry
 CLoadPreNeXusMonitorsA data loading routine for SNS PreNeXus beam monitor (histogram) files
 CMantidBaseContains display methods which will be used by QWorkspaceDockView
 CMDGeometryBuliderXMLComputes Boolean algebra for simplification
 CMuonNexusReaderMuunNexusReader opens a Nexus file and reads certain fields expected for a ISIS Muon data file (old format)
 CNexusTestHelperA Helper class for easily writing nexus saving/loading tests
 CNotebookBuilderThis class builds an ipython notebook of an algorithm's history, using NotebookWriter
 CNotebookWriterThis class assists with writing ipython notebooks
 CObservableSimple observable class
 CPeriodicTableWidgetPeriodicTableWidget: A Widget representing a colour coded Periodic Table of Elements, with corresponding buttons as the elements
 CPointGroupFactoryA factory for point groups
 CpqHelpWindowPqHelpWindow provides an assistant-like window for showing help provided by a QHelpEngine
 CQtHelpSchemeRegistrationRegister on the scheme on library load as it must be done before QApplication is created
 CQtHelpUrlHandlerAdds support for qthelp scheme links that load content from them QHelpEngine
 CRangeLimitBoxA checkable DoubleSpinBox that can be used to select the limits of a double
 CRPB_STRUCTRun parameter block (32*4 bytes)
 CScriptEditorThis class provides an area to write scripts
 CSE_STRUCTSample environment block (32*4 bytes)
 Csgl_limits_structStructure holding the limits of s single
 CSpaceGroupFactoryThis factory is used to create space group objects
 CSPB_STRUCTSample parameter block (64*4 bytes)
 CSpectrumTesterHelper class that implements ISpectrum
 CUSER_STRUCTUser information (8*20 bytes)
 Cvax_doubleVax double precision floating point
 Cvax_singleVax single precision floating point
 CViewNotifiableMixin class allows view notifications
 CVoidObserverSimple observer class (for void functions/slots)
 CWorkspaceProviderNotifiableMixin class allows ADS notifications