Workspace_sptr | assemble (const std::string &partialWSName, const std::string &outputWSName) |
| Assemble the partial workspaces from all MPI processes. More...
Workspace_sptr | assemble (Workspace_sptr partialWS) |
| Assemble the partial workspaces from all MPI processes. More...
void | copyProperty (const API::Algorithm_sptr &alg, const std::string &name) |
| Copy a property from an existing algorithm. More...
std::shared_ptr< Algorithm > | createChildAlgorithm (const std::string &name, const double startProgress=-1., const double endProgress=-1., const bool enableLogging=true, const int &version=-1) override |
| Create a Child Algorithm. More...
virtual ITableWorkspace_sptr | determineChunk (const std::string &filename) |
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | divide (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const double &rhsValue) |
| Divide a matrix workspace by a single value. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | divide (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs) |
| Divide a matrix workspace by another matrix workspace. More...
void | forwardProperties () |
int | getNThreads () |
| Return the number of MPI processes running. More...
std::shared_ptr< Kernel::PropertyManager > | getProcessProperties (const std::string &propertyManager=std::string()) const |
| Get the property manager object of a given name from the property manager data service, or create a new one. More...
bool | isMainThread () |
| Return true if we are running on the main thread. More...
Workspace_sptr | load (const std::string &inputData, const bool loadQuiet=false) |
| Determine what kind of input data we have and load it. More...
virtual MatrixWorkspace_sptr | loadChunk (const size_t rowIndex) |
void | mapPropertyName (const std::string &nameInProp, const std::string &nameInPropManager) |
| Declare mapping of property name to name in the PropertyManager. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | minus (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const double &rhsValue) |
| Subract a single value from a matrix workspace. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | minus (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs) |
| Subract a matrix workspace by another matrix workspace. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | multiply (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const double &rhsValue) |
| Multiply a matrix workspace by a single value. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | multiply (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs) |
| Multiply a matrix workspace by another matrix workspace. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | plus (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const double &rhsValue) |
| Add a single value to a matrix workspace. More...
MatrixWorkspace_sptr | plus (const MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs, const MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs) |
| Add a matrix workspace to another matrix workspace. More...
void | saveNexus (const std::string &outputWSName, const std::string &outputFile) |
| Save a workspace as a nexus file, with check for which thread we are executing in. More...
void | setAccumAlg (const std::string &alg) |
void | setLoadAlg (const std::string &alg) |
void | setLoadAlgFileProp (const std::string &filePropName) |
void | setPropManagerPropName (const std::string &propName) |
std::vector< std::string > | splitInput (const std::string &input) |
bool | m_useMPI |
| MPI option. If false, we will use one job event if MPI is available. More...