size_t | addEvent (const MDE &Evnt) override |
| Add a single event. More...
size_t | addEvents (const std::vector< MDE > &events) override |
size_t | addEventsUnsafe (const std::vector< MDE > &events) override |
size_t | addEventUnsafe (const MDE &Evnt) override |
| Add a single event, with no mutex locking. More...
void | buildAndAddEvent (const signal_t Signal, const signal_t errorSq, const std::vector< coord_t > &point, uint16_t expInfoIndex, uint16_t goniometerIndex, uint32_t detectorId) override |
size_t | buildAndAddEvents (const std::vector< signal_t > &sigErrSq, const std::vector< coord_t > &Coord, const std::vector< uint16_t > &expInfoIndex, const std::vector< uint16_t > &goniometernIndex, const std::vector< uint32_t > &detectorId) override |
void | buildAndAddEventUnsafe (const signal_t Signal, const signal_t errorSq, const std::vector< coord_t > &point, uint16_t expInfoIndex, uint16_t goniometernIndex, uint32_t detectorId) override |
void | calculateCentroid (coord_t *centroid) const override |
void | calculateCentroid (coord_t *centroid, const int expInfoIndex) const override |
void | calculateDimensionStats (MDDimensionStats *stats) const |
void | centerpointBin (MDBin< MDE, nd > &bin, bool *fullyContained) const override |
| Perform centerpoint binning of events. More...
void | centroidSphere (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radiusSquared, coord_t *centroid, signal_t &signal) const override |
| Find the centroid around a sphere. More...
void | clear () override |
void | clearDataFromMemory () override |
| drop events data from memory but keep averages (and file-backed info) More...
void | clearFileBacked (bool loadDiskBackedData) override |
void | generalBin (MDBin< MDE, nd > &bin, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction &function) const override |
| General binning method for any shape. More...
void | getBoxes (std::vector< API::IMDNode * > &boxes, size_t maxDepth, bool leafOnly, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function) override |
void | getBoxes (std::vector< API::IMDNode * > &boxes, size_t, bool) override |
void | getBoxes (std::vector< API::IMDNode * > &outBoxes, const std::function< bool(API::IMDNode *)> &cond) final override |
void | getBoxes (std::vector< MDBoxBase< MDE, nd > * > &boxes, size_t maxDepth, bool leafOnly, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function) |
void | getBoxes (std::vector< MDBoxBase< MDE, nd > * > &boxes, size_t, bool) |
coord_t * | getCentroid () const override |
API::IMDNode * | getChild (size_t) override |
| Return the indexth child MDBoxBase. More...
const std::vector< MDE > & | getConstEvents () const |
| Get vector of constant events to use. More...
size_t | getDataInMemorySize () const override |
std::vector< MDE > & | getEvents () |
| Get vector of events to change. More...
const std::vector< MDE > & | getEvents () const |
std::vector< MDE > * | getEventsCopy () override |
| Return a copy of contained events. More...
void | getEventsData (std::vector< coord_t > &coordTable, size_t &nColumns) const override |
Kernel::ISaveable * | getISaveable () const override |
Kernel::ISaveable * | getISaveable () override |
bool | getIsMasked () const override |
uint64_t | getNPoints () const override |
size_t | getNumChildren () const override |
| Get the # of children MDBoxBase'es (non-recursive) More...
size_t | getNumDims () const override |
size_t | getNumMDBoxes () const override |
uint64_t | getTotalDataSize () const override |
void | integrateCylinder (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radius, const coord_t length, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, std::vector< signal_t > &signal_fit) const override |
| Cylinder (peak) integration. More...
void | integrateSphere (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radiusSquared, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, const coord_t innerRadiusSquared=0.0, const bool useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection=true) const override |
| Sphere (peak) integration. More...
bool | isBox () const override |
bool | isDataAdded () const |
void | loadAndAddFrom (API::IBoxControllerIO *const, uint64_t, size_t) override |
void | loadAndAddFrom (API::IBoxControllerIO *const, uint64_t, size_t, std::vector< coord_t > &) override |
void | mask () override |
| Setter for masking the box. More...
| MDBox (const MDBox< MDE, nd > &other, Mantid::API::BoxController *const otherBC) |
| MDBox (Mantid::API::BoxController *const bc, const uint32_t depth, const std::vector< Mantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t > > &extentsVector, EventIterator begin, EventIterator end) |
| MDBox (Mantid::API::BoxController *const splitter, const uint32_t depth, const std::vector< Mantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t > > &extentsVector, const size_t nBoxEvents=UNDEF_SIZET, const size_t boxID=UNDEF_SIZET) |
| MDBox (Mantid::API::BoxController *const splitter, const uint32_t depth=0, const size_t nBoxEvents=UNDEF_SIZET, const size_t boxID=UNDEF_SIZET) |
| MDBox (Mantid::API::BoxController_sptr &splitter, const uint32_t depth, const std::vector< Mantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t > > &extentsVector, const size_t nBoxEvents=UNDEF_SIZET, const size_t boxID=UNDEF_SIZET) |
| MDBox (Mantid::API::BoxController_sptr &splitter, const uint32_t depth=0, const size_t nBoxEvents=UNDEF_SIZET, const size_t boxID=UNDEF_SIZET) |
void | refreshCache (Kernel::ThreadScheduler *=nullptr) override |
| Recalculate signal and various averages dependent on signal and the signal coordinates. More...
void | releaseEvents () |
void | reserveMemoryForLoad (uint64_t) override |
void | saveAt (API::IBoxControllerIO *const, uint64_t) const override |
void | setChildren (const std::vector< API::IMDNode * > &, const size_t, const size_t) override |
| Sets the children from a vector of children. More...
void | setEventsData (const std::vector< coord_t > &coordTable) override |
void | setFileBacked () override |
void | setFileBacked (const uint64_t, const size_t, const bool) override |
void | splitAllIfNeeded (Mantid::Kernel::ThreadScheduler *=nullptr) override |
void | transformDimensions (std::vector< double > &scaling, std::vector< double > &offset) override |
void | unmask () override |
| Setter for unmasking the box. More...
| ~MDBox () override |
virtual size_t | addEvent (const MDE &point)=0 |
| Add a single event. More...
virtual size_t | addEvents (const std::vector< MDE > &events) |
virtual size_t | addEventsUnsafe (const std::vector< MDE > &events) |
virtual size_t | addEventUnsafe (const MDE &point)=0 |
| Add a single event, with no mutex locking. More...
virtual void | calculateGridCaches () |
void | calcVolume () override |
| Compute the volume of the box by simply multiplying each dimension range. More...
virtual void | centerpointBin (MDBin< MDE, nd > &bin, bool *fullyContained) const=0 |
| Perform centerpoint binning of events. More...
void | centroidSphere (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radiusSquared, coord_t *centroid, signal_t &signal) const override=0 |
| Find the centroid around a sphere. More...
virtual void | generalBin (MDBin< MDE, nd > &bin, Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction &function) const=0 |
| General binning method for any shape. More...
const IMDNode * | getBoxAtCoord (const coord_t *) override |
| Returns the lowest-level box at the given coordinates. More...
Mantid::API::BoxController * | getBoxController () const override |
Mantid::API::BoxController * | getBoxController () override |
coord_t | getBoxSize (size_t d) |
| For testing: return the internal-stored size of each box in each dimension. More...
void | getCenter (coord_t *const center) const override |
| Get the center of the box. More...
unsigned int | getCoordType () const override |
uint32_t | getDepth () const override |
| For testing, mostly: return the recursion depth of this box. More...
signal_t | getError () const override |
| Returns the integrated error from all points within. More...
signal_t | getErrorSquared () const override |
| Returns the integrated error squared from all points within. More...
virtual signal_t | getErrorSquaredNormalized () const |
| Returns the integrated error squared from all points within, normalized for the cell volume. More...
virtual std::vector< MDE > * | getEventsCopy ()=0 |
| Return a copy of contained events. More...
void | getEventsData (std::vector< coord_t > &, size_t &nColumns) const override |
| The method to convert events in a box into a table of coodrinates/signal/errors casted into coord_t type Used to conver events into plain data array. More...
std::string | getEventType () const override |
Mantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t > & | getExtents (size_t dim) override |
| Get the extents for this box. More...
std::string | getExtentsStr () const |
| Returns the extents as a string, for convenience. More...
size_t | getID () const override |
coord_t | getInverseVolume () const override |
| Return the inverse of the volume of the cell. More...
const IMDNode * | getParent () const override |
| Return a pointer to the parent box (const) More...
IMDNode * | getParent () override |
| Return a pointer to the parent box. More...
signal_t | getSignal () const override |
| Returns the integrated signal from all points within. More...
signal_t | getSignalNormalized () const override |
| Returns the integrated signal from all points within, normalized for the cell volume. More...
virtual signal_t | getTotalWeight () const |
| Returns the total weight of all events within. More...
std::vector< Mantid::Kernel::VMD > | getVertexes () const override |
std::unique_ptr< coord_t[]> | getVertexesArray (size_t &numVertices) const override |
std::unique_ptr< coord_t[]> | getVertexesArray (size_t &numVertices, const size_t outDimensions, const bool *maskDim) const override |
coord_t | getVolume () const |
| Return the volume of the cell. More...
void | integrateCylinder (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radius, const coord_t length, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, std::vector< signal_t > &signal_fit) const override=0 |
| Cylinder (peak) integration. More...
void | integrateSphere (Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radiusSquared, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, const coord_t innerRadiusSquared=0.0, const bool useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection=true) const override=0 |
| Sphere (peak) integration. More...
bool | isLeaf () const override final |
| Is this node a leaf: getNumChildren() == 0. More...
| MDBoxBase (const MDBoxBase< MDE, nd > &box, Mantid::API::BoxController *const otherBC) |
| MDBoxBase (Mantid::API::BoxController *const boxController, const uint32_t depth, const size_t boxID, const std::vector< Mantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t > > &extentsVector) |
| MDBoxBase (Mantid::API::BoxController *const boxController=nullptr, const uint32_t depth=0, const size_t boxID=UNDEF_SIZET) |
void | setDepth (uint32_t depth) |
| For testing, mostly: set the recursion depth of this box. More...
void | setErrorSquared (const signal_t ErrorSquared) override |
| Sets the integrated error squared from all points within (mostly used for testing) More...
void | setEventsData (const std::vector< coord_t > &) override |
| The method to convert the table of data into vector of events Used to convert from a vector of values (2D table in Fortran representation (by rows) into box events. More...
void | setExtents (double min[nd], double max[nd]) |
| Set the extents of this box. More...
void | setExtents (size_t dim, double min, double max) |
| Set the extents of this box. More...
void | setID (const size_t &newID) override |
| sets the special id, which specify the position of this node in the chain linearly ordered nodes More...
void | setInverseVolume (const coord_t invVolume) override |
| Sets the inverse of the volume of the cell. More...
void | setParent (IMDNode *parent) override |
| Return a pointer to the parent box. More...
void | setSignal (const signal_t signal) override |
| Sets the integrated signal from all points within (mostly used for testing) More...
virtual void | setTotalWeight (const signal_t total) |
| Sets the total weight from all points within (mostly used for testing) More...
void | transformDimensions (std::vector< double > &scaling, std::vector< double > &offset) override |