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Mantid::Crystal Namespace Reference


namespace  CalibrationHelpers
 CalibrationHelpers : This contains helper methods to move source, sample and detector positions/rotations for an instrument according to some calibration information.
namespace  ConnectedComponentMappingTypes
 Namespace containing useful typedefs.
namespace  FindSXPeaksHelper
namespace  PeakStatisticsTools
namespace  Prop


class  AddPeakHKL
 AddPeakHKL : Algorithm to add a peaks to a PeaksWorkspace in the HKL frame. More...
class  AnvredCorrection
 Calculates anvred correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a spherical sample. More...
class  BackgroundStrategy
 BackgroundStrategy : Abstract class used for identifying elements of a IMDWorkspace that are not considered background. More...
class  CalculatePeaksHKL
 CalculatePeaksHKL : Calculate the HKL value for each peak without any rounding or optimization of the UB Matrix. More...
class  CalculateUMatrix
 CalculateUMatrix : Algorithm to calculate the U matrix, given lattice parameters and a list of peaks. More...
class  CentroidPeaks
 Find the centroid of single-crystal peaks in a 2D Workspace, in order to refine their positions. More...
class  ClearUB
 ClearUB : Clear the UB matrix from a workspace by removing the oriented lattice. More...
class  Cluster
 Cluster : Image cluster used by connected component labeling. More...
class  ClusterRegister
 ClusterRegister : A fly-weight ICluster regeister. More...
class  CombinePeaksWorkspaces
 An algorithm that combines the sets of peaks in two peaks workspaces. More...
class  CompositeCluster
 CompositeCluster : Cluster made by by merging other IClusters. More...
class  ConnectedComponentLabeling
 ConnectedComponentLabelling : Implements connected component labeling on MDHistoWorkspaces. More...
class  ConvertPeaksWorkspace
 ConvertPeaksWorkspace : Bi-directional conversion between a regular PeaksWorkspace (with instrument) and a LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace (no instrument) More...
class  CountReflections
 CountReflections. More...
class  DataModeHandler
 Integrates each time slice using the BivariateNormal formula, adding the results to the peak object. More...
class  DiffPeaksWorkspaces
 An algorithm that subtracts from a workspace (the LHSWorkspace) any peaks that match entries in a second workspace (the RHSWorkspace). More...
class  DisjointElement
 DisjointElement : Cluster item used in a disjoint-set data structure. More...
class  FilterPeaks
 FilterPeaks : Filter a peaks workspace based on a set number of queries to provide a new, filtered peaks workspace. More...
class  FindClusterFaces
 FindClusterFaces : Algorithm to find faces of clusters in an MDHistoWorkspace (image) More...
class  FindSXPeaks
 Search detector space for single crystal peaks. More...
class  FindUBUsingFFT
 FindUBUsingFFT : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix using fast Fourier transforms given a list of peaks and bounds on the lattice parameters. More...
class  FindUBUsingIndexedPeaks
 FindUBUsingIndexedPeaks : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given a list of peaks that have already been indexed by some means. More...
class  FindUBUsingLatticeParameters
 FindUBUsingLatticeParameters : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given lattice parameters and a list of peaks. More...
class  FindUBUsingMinMaxD
 FindUBUsingMinMaxD : Algorithm to calculate a UB matrix, given bounds on the lattice parameters and a list of peaks. More...
class  GoniometerAnglesFromPhiRotation
class  HardThresholdBackground
 HardThresholdBackground : Implementation of BackgroundStrategy using a fixed background signal value as the threshold. More...
class  HasUB
 HasUB : Determine if a workspace has a UB matrix on any of it's samples. More...
class  ICluster
 ICluster : Abstract cluster. More...
class  ImplClusterRegister
struct  index
 Peak indexing algorithm, which works by assigning multiple possible HKL values to each peak and then culling these options by comparison with neighbouring peaks. More...
class  IndexPeaks
 Implements an algorithm for indexing main and satellites peaks in single crystal peaks. More...
class  IndexSXPeaks
class  IntegratePeaksHybrid
 IntegratePeaksHybrid : Integrate single crystal peaks algorithm. More...
class  IntegratePeaksUsingClusters
 IntegratePeaksUsingClusters : Uses clustering to integrate peaks. More...
class  IntegratePeakTimeSlices
class  LoadHKL
 LoadHKL : Load an ISAW-style .hkl file into a PeaksWorkspace. More...
class  LoadIsawPeaks
 Load an ISAW-style .peaks or .integrate file into a PeaksWorkspace. More...
class  LoadIsawSpectrum
 Load incident spectrum and detector efficiency correction file. More...
class  LoadIsawUB
 Algorithm to load an ISAW-style ASCII UB matrix and lattice parameters file, and place its information into a workspace. More...
class  MaskPeaksWorkspace
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
struct  ModulationProperties
 Tie together the names of the properties for the modulation vectors. More...
class  NormaliseVanadium
 Calculates anvred correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a spherical sample. More...
class  OptimizeCrystalPlacement
 OptimizeCrystalPlacement. More...
class  OptimizeLatticeForCellType
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
class  OrEnabledWhenProperties
class  PeakBackground
 PeakBackground : Extension of HardThresholdBackground to consider regions of the image as background if they are outside the peaks radius limits (no mater what their theshold is). More...
class  PeakCandidate
class  PeakClusterProjection
 PeakClusterProjection : Maps peaks onto IMDHistoWorkspaces and returns the signal value at the peak center. More...
class  PeakHKLErrors
class  PeakIntegration
 Find the offsets for each detector. More...
class  PeakIntensityVsRadius
 Calculate the integrated intensity of peaks vs integration radius. More...
class  PeaksInRegion
 PeaksInRegion : Find peaks that are either inside a box region, or that have a radius of sufficent size, that they intersect the box. More...
class  PeaksIntersection
 PeaksIntersection : Abstract base algorithm class for algorithms that identify peaks interacting with one or more surfaces i.e. More...
class  PeaksOnSurface
 PeaksOnSurface : Check peak workspace interaction with a single surface. More...
class  PredictFractionalPeaks
 Using a set of offset vectors, either provided as separate lists or as a set of vectors, predict whether. More...
class  PredictPeaks
 Using a known crystal lattice and UB matrix, predict where single crystal peaks should be found in detector/TOF space. More...
class  PredictSatellitePeaks
 PredictSatellitePeaks : Algorithm to create a PeaksWorkspace with peaks corresponding to fractional h,k,and l values. More...
class  SaveHKL
 Save a PeaksWorkspace to a Gsas-style ASCII .hkl file. More...
class  SaveIsawPeaks
 Save a PeaksWorkspace to a ISAW-style ASCII .peaks file. More...
class  SaveIsawUB
 Algorithm to save a UB matrix and lattice parameters to an ISAW-style ASCII file. More...
class  SaveLauenorm
 Save a PeaksWorkspace to a lauenorm format More...
class  SCDCalibratePanels
 SCDCalibratePanels calibrates instrument parameters for Rectangular Detectors. More...
class  SCDCalibratePanels2
 SCDCalibratePanels2 : Using input peakworkspace with indexation results to calibrate each individual panels. More...
class  SCDCalibratePanels2ObjFunc
 SCDCalibratePanels2ObjFunc : TODO: DESCRIPTION. More...
class  SCDPanelErrors
class  SelectCellOfType
 ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell. More...
class  SelectCellWithForm
 ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell. More...
class  SetCrystalLocation
 SetCrystalLocation. More...
class  SetGoniometer
 Define the goniometer used in an experiment by giving the axes and directions of rotations. More...
class  SetSpecialCoordinates
 SetSpecialCoordinates : More...
class  SetUB
 SetUB : Algorithm to set the UB matrix, given lattice parameters and u and v vectors as defined in: More...
class  ShowPeakHKLOffsets
class  ShowPossibleCells
 ShowPossibleCells : Algorithm to display a list of possible conventional cells corresponding to the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, provided the saved UB is for a Niggli reduced cell. More...
class  SortHKL
 Save a PeaksWorkspace to a Gsas-style ASCII .hkl file. More...
class  SortPeaksWorkspace
 SortPeaksWorkspace : Sort a PeaksWorkspace by a range of properties. More...
class  StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace
 Statistics of a PeaksWorkspace. More...
class  TransformHKL
 TransformHKL : Algorithm to adjust the UB saved in the sample associated with the specified PeaksWorkspace, so the HKL values are reordered or otherwise transformed. More...


using MNPOffset = std::tuple< double, double, double, Kernel::V3D >
 Tie together a modulated peak number with its offset. More...
using peakvector = std::vector< FindSXPeaksHelper::SXPeak >
using VecV3D = std::vector< Mantid::Kernel::V3D >
using VecVecV3D = std::vector< VecV3D >


std::vector< Kernel::V3DaddModulationVectors (const std::vector< double > &modVector1, const std::vector< double > &modVector2, const std::vector< double > &modVector3)
 Create a list of valid modulation vectors from the input. More...
std::vector< MNPOffsetgenerateOffsetVectors (const std::vector< double > &hOffsets, const std::vector< double > &kOffsets, const std::vector< double > &lOffsets)
 Calculate a list of HKL offsets from the given lists of offsets. More...
std::vector< MNPOffsetgenerateOffsetVectors (const std::vector< Kernel::V3D > &modVectors, const int maxOrder, const bool crossTerms)
 Calculate a list of HKL offsets from the given modulation vectors. More...
bool MANTID_CRYSTAL_DLL lineIntersectsSphere (const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &line, const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &lineStart, const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &peakCenter, const double peakRadius)
 Non-member helper function. More...
V3D makeV3DFromVector (const VecDouble &vec)
double qConventionFactor ()
 convenience overload to pull the convention from the config service More...
double qConventionFactor (const std::string &convention)
 return -1 if convention is "Crystallography" and 1 otherwise. More...
double SQRT (double v)
void unionElements (DisjointElement *a, DisjointElement *b)
 Convenience non-member function. More...
std::vector< Kernel::V3DvalidModulationVectors (const std::vector< double > &modVector1, const std::vector< double > &modVector2, const std::vector< double > &modVector3)
 Create a list of valid modulation vectors from the input. More...
void writeXmlParameter (ofstream &ostream, const string &name, const double value)


const double MAX_WAVELENGTH = 50.0
const int MIN_INDEXED_PEAKS = 3
const size_t NUM_AXES = 6
 How many axes (max) to define. More...
const int NUM_WAVELENGTHS = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(MAX_WAVELENGTH * STEPS_PER_ANGSTROM))
const double pc [8][19]
const double radtodeg = 180.0 / M_PI
const double radtodeg_half = 180.0 / M_PI / 2.
const double STEPS_PER_ANGSTROM = 100

Typedef Documentation

◆ MNPOffset

using Mantid::Crystal::MNPOffset = typedef std::tuple<double, double, double, Kernel::V3D>

Tie together a modulated peak number with its offset.

Definition at line 23 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.h.

◆ peakvector

Definition at line 23 of file FindSXPeaks.h.

◆ VecV3D

using Mantid::Crystal::VecV3D = typedef std::vector<Mantid::Kernel::V3D>

Definition at line 16 of file PeaksIntersection.h.

◆ VecVecV3D

using Mantid::Crystal::VecVecV3D = typedef std::vector<VecV3D>

Definition at line 17 of file PeaksIntersection.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addModulationVectors()

std::vector< Kernel::V3D > Mantid::Crystal::addModulationVectors ( const std::vector< double > &  modVector1,
const std::vector< double > &  modVector2,
const std::vector< double > &  modVector3 

Create a list of valid modulation vectors from the input.

Direct add modulation a list to return.

modVector1List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
modVector2List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
modVector3List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
A list of valid modulation vectors

Definition at line 107 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

References modVectors.

◆ generateOffsetVectors() [1/2]

std::vector< MNPOffset > Mantid::Crystal::generateOffsetVectors ( const std::vector< double > &  hOffsets,
const std::vector< double > &  kOffsets,
const std::vector< double > &  lOffsets 

Calculate a list of HKL offsets from the given lists of offsets.

The final offset vector is computed as (hoffsets[i],koffsets[j],loffsets[k]) for each combination of i,j,k.

All offsets are considered order 1

hOffsetsA list of offsets in the h direction
kOffsetsA list of offsets in the k direction
lOffsetsA list of offsets in the l direction
A list of (1, 1, 1, V3D) were m,n,p specifies the modulation structure number and V3D specifies the offset to be tested

Definition at line 200 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

◆ generateOffsetVectors() [2/2]

std::vector< MNPOffset > Mantid::Crystal::generateOffsetVectors ( const std::vector< Kernel::V3D > &  modVectors,
const int  maxOrder,
const bool  crossTerms 

Calculate a list of HKL offsets from the given modulation vectors.

maxOrderInteger specifying the multiples of the modulation vector.
modVectorsA list of modulation vectors form the user
crossTermsIf true then compute products of the modulation vectors
A list of (m, n, p, V3D) were m,n,p specifies the modulation structure number and V3D specifies the offset to be tested

Definition at line 128 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

References crossTerms, Mantid::Geometry::m, maxOrder, modVectors, and n.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::ModulationProperties::create(), and Mantid::Crystal::PredictFractionalPeaks::getModulationInfo().

◆ lineIntersectsSphere()

bool Mantid::Crystal::lineIntersectsSphere ( const Mantid::Kernel::V3D line,
const Mantid::Kernel::V3D lineStart,
const Mantid::Kernel::V3D peakCenter,
const double  peakRadius 

◆ makeV3DFromVector()

V3D Mantid::Crystal::makeV3DFromVector ( const VecDouble vec)

Definition at line 177 of file PeaksOnSurface.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::PeaksOnSurface::exec().

◆ qConventionFactor() [1/2]

double Mantid::Crystal::qConventionFactor ( )

convenience overload to pull the convention from the config service

qConventionFactor for Q.convention setting in ConfigService

Definition at line 36 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), and qConventionFactor().

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::PredictPeaks::fillPossibleHKLsUsingPeaksWorkspace(), and qConventionFactor().

◆ qConventionFactor() [2/2]

double Mantid::Crystal::qConventionFactor ( const std::string &  convention)

return -1 if convention is "Crystallography" and 1 otherwise.

-1 if Q.convention==Crystallography, else return 1.0

Definition at line 26 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

◆ SQRT()

double Mantid::Crystal::SQRT ( double  v)

◆ unionElements()

void Mantid::Crystal::unionElements ( DisjointElement a,
DisjointElement b 

Convenience non-member function.

a: Pointer to first disjoint element to join
b: Pointer to second disjoint element to join

Definition at line 154 of file DisjointElement.cpp.

References Mantid::Crystal::DisjointElement::unionWith().

◆ validModulationVectors()

std::vector< Kernel::V3D > Mantid::Crystal::validModulationVectors ( const std::vector< double > &  modVector1,
const std::vector< double > &  modVector2,
const std::vector< double > &  modVector3 

Create a list of valid modulation vectors from the input.

Check each input is a valid modulation and add it to a list to return.

modVector1List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
modVector2List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
modVector3List of 3 doubles specifying an offset
A list of valid modulation vectors

Definition at line 86 of file PeakAlgorithmHelpers.cpp.

References modVectors.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::ModulationProperties::create(), and Mantid::Crystal::PredictFractionalPeaks::validateInputs().

◆ writeXmlParameter()

void Mantid::Crystal::writeXmlParameter ( ofstream &  ostream,
const string &  name,
const double  value 

Definition at line 503 of file SCDCalibratePanels.cpp.

References value.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::saveXmlFile().

Variable Documentation


const double Mantid::Crystal::MAX_WAVELENGTH = 50.0

Definition at line 48 of file AnvredCorrection.h.


const int Mantid::Crystal::MIN_INDEXED_PEAKS = 3


const size_t Mantid::Crystal::NUM_AXES = 6

How many axes (max) to define.

Definition at line 31 of file SetGoniometer.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::SetGoniometer::exec(), and Mantid::Crystal::SetGoniometer::init().


const int Mantid::Crystal::NUM_WAVELENGTHS = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(MAX_WAVELENGTH * STEPS_PER_ANGSTROM))

◆ pc

const double Mantid::Crystal::pc[8][19]
Initial value:
= {{-6.4910e-07, -6.8938e-07, -7.8149e-07, 8.1682e-08, 1.8008e-06, 3.3916e-06, 4.5095e-06,
4.7970e-06, 4.4934e-06, 3.6700e-06, 2.5881e-06, 1.5007e-06, 3.7669e-07, -7.9487e-07,
-1.7935e-06, -2.5563e-06, -3.1113e-06, -3.3993e-06, -3.5091e-06},
{1.0839e-05, 1.1582e-05, 1.1004e-05, -2.2848e-05, -8.1974e-05, -1.3268e-04, -1.6486e-04,
-1.6839e-04, -1.5242e-04, -1.1949e-04, -7.8682e-05, -3.7973e-05, 2.9117e-06, 4.4823e-05,
8.0464e-05, 1.0769e-04, 1.2753e-04, 1.3800e-04, 1.4190e-04},
{8.7140e-05, 9.0870e-05, 1.6706e-04, 6.9008e-04, 1.4781e-03, 2.0818e-03, 2.3973e-03,
2.3209e-03, 1.9935e-03, 1.4508e-03, 8.1903e-04, 1.9608e-04, -4.1128e-04, -1.0205e-03,
-1.5374e-03, -1.9329e-03, -2.2212e-03, -2.3760e-03, -2.4324e-03},
{-2.9549e-03, -3.1360e-03, -4.2431e-03, -8.1103e-03, -1.2989e-02, -1.6012e-02, -1.6815e-02,
-1.4962e-02, -1.1563e-02, -6.8581e-03, -1.7302e-03, 3.2400e-03, 7.9409e-03, 1.2528e-02,
1.6414e-02, 1.9394e-02, 2.1568e-02, 2.2758e-02, 2.3182e-02},
{1.7934e-02, 1.9304e-02, 2.4706e-02, 3.6759e-02, 4.8351e-02, 5.1049e-02, 4.5368e-02,
3.0864e-02, 1.2086e-02, -1.0254e-02, -3.2992e-02, -5.4495e-02, -7.4205e-02, -9.2818e-02,
-1.0855e-01, -1.2068e-01, -1.2954e-01, -1.3451e-01, -1.3623e-01},
{6.2799e-02, 6.3892e-02, 6.4943e-02, 6.4881e-02, 7.2169e-02, 9.5669e-02, 1.3082e-01,
1.7694e-01, 2.2559e-01, 2.7655e-01, 3.2483e-01, 3.6888e-01, 4.0783e-01, 4.4330e-01,
4.7317e-01, 4.9631e-01, 5.1334e-01, 5.2318e-01, 5.2651e-01},
{-1.4949e+00, -1.4952e+00, -1.4925e+00, -1.4889e+00, -1.4867e+00, -1.4897e+00, -1.4948e+00,
-1.5025e+00, -1.5084e+00, -1.5142e+00, -1.5176e+00, -1.5191e+00, -1.5187e+00, -1.5180e+00,
-1.5169e+00, -1.5153e+00, -1.5138e+00, -1.5125e+00, -1.5120e+00},
{0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00,
0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00,
0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00}}

Definition at line 23 of file AnvredCorrection.h.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::AnvredCorrection::calc_Astar(), and Mantid::Crystal::LoadHKL::exec().

◆ radtodeg

const double Mantid::Crystal::radtodeg = 180.0 / M_PI

◆ radtodeg_half

const double Mantid::Crystal::radtodeg_half = 180.0 / M_PI / 2.

Definition at line 18 of file NormaliseVanadium.h.


const double Mantid::Crystal::STEPS_PER_ANGSTROM = 100