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Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters Class Referencefinal

RefinePowderInstrumentParameters : Algorithm to refine instrument geometry parameters only. More...

#include <RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h>

Inheritance diagram for Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters:
Mantid::API::Algorithm Mantid::API::DeprecatedAlgorithm Mantid::API::IAlgorithm Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager

Public Member Functions

const std::string category () const override
 Algorithm's category for identification overriding a virtual method. More...
const std::string name () const override
 Algorithm's name for identification overriding a virtual method. More...
 RefinePowderInstrumentParameters ()
 Constructor. More...
const std::string summary () const override
 Summary of algorithms purpose. More...
int version () const override
 Algorithm's version for identification overriding a virtual method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
 Algorithm ()
 Constructor. More...
 Algorithm (const Algorithm &)=delete
Algorithmoperator= (const Algorithm &)=delete
 ~Algorithm () override
 Virtual destructor. More...
void initialize () override
 Initialization method invoked by the framework. More...
bool execute () override final
 The actions to be performed by the algorithm on a dataset. More...
void addTimer (const std::string &name, const Kernel::time_point_ns &begin, const Kernel::time_point_ns &end)
void executeAsChildAlg () override
 Execute as a Child Algorithm. More...
std::map< std::string, std::string > validateInputs () override
 Perform validation of ALL the input properties of the algorithm. More...
ExecutionState executionState () const override
 Gets the current execution state. More...
ResultState resultState () const override
 Gets the current result State. More...
bool isInitialized () const override
 Has the Algorithm already been initialized. More...
bool isExecuted () const override
 Has the Algorithm already been executed successfully. More...
bool isRunning () const override
 True if the algorithm is running. More...
bool isReadyForGarbageCollection () const override
 True if the algorithm is ready for garbage collection. More...
bool isChild () const override
 To query whether algorithm is a child. More...
void setChild (const bool isChild) override
 To set whether algorithm is a child. More...
void enableHistoryRecordingForChild (const bool on) override
 Change the state of the history recording flag. More...
bool isRecordingHistoryForChild ()
void setAlwaysStoreInADS (const bool doStore) override
 Do we ALWAYS store in the AnalysisDataService? This is set to true for python algorithms' child algorithms. More...
bool getAlwaysStoreInADS () const override
 Returns true if we always store in the AnalysisDataService. More...
void setRethrows (const bool rethrow) override
 Set whether the algorithm will rethrow exceptions. More...
Poco::ActiveResult< bool > executeAsync () override
 Asynchronous execution. More...
void addObserver (const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const override
 Add an observer for a notification. More...
void removeObserver (const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const override
 Remove an observer. More...
void cancel () override
 Raises the cancel flag. More...
bool getCancel () const
 Returns the cancellation state. More...
Kernel::LoggergetLogger () const
 Returns a reference to the logger. More...
void setLogging (const bool value) override
 Logging can be disabled by passing a value of false. More...
bool isLogging () const override
 returns the status of logging, True = enabled More...
void setLoggingOffset (const int value) override
 gets the logging priority offset More...
int getLoggingOffset () const override
 returns the logging priority offset More...
void setAlgStartupLogging (const bool enabled) override
 disable Logging of start and end messages More...
bool getAlgStartupLogging () const override
 get the state of Logging of start and end messages More...
void setChildStartProgress (const double startProgress) const override
 setting the child start progress More...
void setChildEndProgress (const double endProgress) const override
 setting the child end progress More...
std::string toString () const override
 Serialize an object to a string. More...
::Json::Value toJson () const override
 Serialize an object to a json object. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< AlgorithmcreateChildAlgorithm (const std::string &name, const double startProgress=-1., const double endProgress=-1., const bool enableLogging=true, const int &version=-1)
 Create a Child Algorithm. More...
void setupAsChildAlgorithm (const Algorithm_sptr &algorithm, const double startProgress=-1., const double endProgress=-1., const bool enableLogging=true)
 Setup algorithm as child algorithm. More...
void trackAlgorithmHistory (std::shared_ptr< AlgorithmHistory > parentHist)
 set whether we wish to track the child algorithm's history and pass it the parent object to fill. More...
void findWorkspaces (WorkspaceVector &workspaces, unsigned int direction, bool checkADS=false) const
 Populate lists of the workspace properties for a given direction (InOut workspaces are included in both input/output) More...
virtual bool checkGroups ()
 Check the input workspace properties for groups. More...
virtual bool processGroups ()
 Process WorkspaceGroup inputs. More...
void copyNonWorkspaceProperties (IAlgorithm *alg, int periodNum)
 Copy all the non-workspace properties from this to alg. More...
const Parallel::Communicator & communicator () const
 Returns a const reference to the (MPI) communicator of the algorithm. More...
void setCommunicator (const Parallel::Communicator &communicator)
 Sets the (MPI) communicator of the algorithm. More...
void declareProperty (std::unique_ptr< Kernel::Property > p, const std::string &doc="") override
 Add a property to the list of managed properties. More...
void declareOrReplaceProperty (std::unique_ptr< Kernel::Property > p, const std::string &doc="") override
 Add or replace property in the list of managed properties. More...
void resetProperties () override
 Reset property values back to initial values (blank or default values) More...
void setProperties (const std::string &propertiesJson, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >(), bool createMissing=false) override
 Set the ordered list of properties by one string of values, separated by semicolons. More...
void setProperties (const ::Json::Value &jsonValue, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >(), bool createMissing=false) override
 Sets all the declared properties from a json object. More...
void setPropertiesWithString (const std::string &propertiesString, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >()) override
 Sets all the declared properties from a string. More...
void setPropertyValue (const std::string &name, const std::string &value) override
 Set the value of a property by string N.B. More...
void setPropertyValueFromJson (const std::string &name, const Json::Value &value) override
 Set the value of a property by Json::Value object. More...
void setPropertyOrdinal (const int &index, const std::string &value) override
 Set the value of a property by an index N.B. More...
virtual void copyPropertiesFrom (const Algorithm &alg)
 Make m_properties point to the same PropertyManager as alg.m_properties. More...
bool existsProperty (const std::string &name) const override
 Checks whether the named property is already in the list of managed property. More...
bool validateProperties () const override
 Validates all the properties in the collection. More...
size_t propertyCount () const override
 Count the number of properties under management. More...
std::string getPropertyValue (const std::string &name) const override
 Get the value of a property as a string. More...
const std::vector< Kernel::Property * > & getProperties () const override
 Get the list of managed properties. More...
std::vector< std::string > getDeclaredPropertyNames () const noexcept override
 Return the list of declared property names. More...
TypedValue getProperty (const std::string &name) const override
 Get the value of a property. More...
std::string asString (bool withDefaultValues=false) const override
 Return the property manager serialized as a string. More...
::Json::Value asJson (bool withDefaultValues=false) const override
 Return the property manager serialized as a json object. More...
bool isDefault (const std::string &name) const
void removeProperty (const std::string &name, const bool delproperty=true) override
 Removes the property from management. More...
std::unique_ptr< Kernel::PropertytakeProperty (const size_t index) override
 Removes the property from management and returns a pointer to it. More...
void clear () override
 Clears all properties under management. More...
void afterPropertySet (const std::string &) override
 Override this method to perform a custom action right after a property was set. More...
void filterByTime (const Types::Core::DateAndTime &, const Types::Core::DateAndTime &) override
void splitByTime (std::vector< Kernel::SplittingInterval > &, std::vector< Kernel::PropertyManager * >) const override
void filterByProperty (const Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< bool > &, const std::vector< std::string > &) override
Kernel::PropertygetPointerToProperty (const std::string &name) const override
 Get a property by name. More...
Kernel::PropertygetPointerToPropertyOrdinal (const int &index) const override
 Get a property by an index. More...
virtual void declareProperty (std::unique_ptr< Property > p, const std::string &doc="")=0
 Function to declare properties (i.e. store them) More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const std::string &doc="", const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Add a property of the template type to the list of managed properties. More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, const std::string &doc, const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Add a property to the list of managed properties with no validator. More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, const unsigned int direction)
 Add a property of the template type to the list of managed properties. More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const std::string &doc=std::string(), const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Specialised version of declareProperty template method to prevent the creation of a PropertyWithValue of type const char* if an argument in quotes is passed (it will be converted to a string). More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, const std::string &doc, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Specialised version of declareProperty template method to prevent the creation of a PropertyWithValue of type const char* if an argument in quotes is passed (it will be converted to a string). More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, const unsigned int direction)
 Add a property of string type to the list of managed properties. More...
const std::vector< std::string > categories () const override
 Function to return all of the categories that contain this algorithm. More...
const std::string categorySeparator () const override
 Function to return the separator token for the category string. More...
const std::vector< std::string > seeAlso () const override
 Function to return all of the seeAlso (these are not validated) algorithms related to this algorithm.A default implementation is provided. More...
const std::string alias () const override
 function to return any aliases to the algorithm; A default implementation is provided More...
const std::string aliasDeprecated () const override
 Expiration date (in ISO8601 format) for the algorithm aliases; default implementation for no expiration date. More...
const std::string helpURL () const override
 function to return URL for algorithm documentation; A default implementation is provided. More...
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T *, MatrixWorkspace *>::value>::type>
std::tuple< std::shared_ptr< T >, Indexing::SpectrumIndexSet > getWorkspaceAndIndices (const std::string &name) const
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T1 *, MatrixWorkspace *>::value>::type, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T2 *, std::string *>::value || std::is_convertible<T2 *, std::vector<int64_t> *>::value>::type>
void setWorkspaceInputProperties (const std::string &name, const std::shared_ptr< T1 > &wksp, IndexType type, const T2 &list)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T1 *, MatrixWorkspace *>::value>::type, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T2 *, std::string *>::value || std::is_convertible<T2 *, std::vector<int64_t> *>::value>::type>
void setWorkspaceInputProperties (const std::string &name, const std::string &wsName, IndexType type, const T2 &list)
const std::string workspaceMethodName () const override
const std::vector< std::string > workspaceMethodOn () const override
const std::string workspaceMethodInputProperty () const override
AlgorithmID getAlgorithmID () const override
 Algorithm ID. More...
virtual void addObserver (const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const =0
 Add an observer for a notification. More...
virtual const std::string alias () const =0
 function to return any aliases of the algorithm. More...
virtual const std::string aliasDeprecated () const =0
 Expiration date (in ISO8601 format) for the algorithm aliases. Empty if no expiration date. More...
virtual void cancel ()=0
 Raises the cancel flag. More...
virtual const std::vector< std::string > categories () const =0
 Function to return all of the categories that contain this algorithm. More...
virtual const std::string category () const =0
 function to return a category of the algorithm. More...
virtual const std::string categorySeparator () const =0
 Function to return the separator token for the category string. More...
virtual void enableHistoryRecordingForChild (const bool on)=0
 If true history will be recorded for a child. More...
virtual bool execute ()=0
 System execution. More...
virtual void executeAsChildAlg ()=0
 Execute as a Child Algorithm, with try/catch. More...
virtual Poco::ActiveResult< bool > executeAsync ()=0
 Asynchronous execution of the algorithm. More...
virtual ExecutionState executionState () const =0
 Gets the current execution state. More...
virtual AlgorithmID getAlgorithmID () const =0
 Algorithm ID. More...
virtual bool getAlgStartupLogging () const =0
 get the state of Logging of start and end messages More...
virtual bool getAlwaysStoreInADS () const =0
 To query whether the output is stored in the analysis data service. More...
virtual int getLoggingOffset () const =0
 returns the logging priority offset More...
virtual const std::string helpURL () const =0
 function to return an optional URL for documentation. More...
virtual void initialize ()=0
 Initialization method invoked by the framework. More...
virtual bool isChild () const =0
 To query whether algorithm is a child. Default to false. More...
virtual bool isExecuted () const =0
 Check whether the algorithm has been executed sucessfully. More...
virtual bool isInitialized () const =0
 Check whether the algorithm is initialized properly. More...
virtual bool isLogging () const =0
 returns the status of logging, True = enabled More...
virtual bool isReadyForGarbageCollection () const =0
 True if the algorithm is ready for garbage collection. More...
virtual bool isRunning () const =0
 True if the algorithm is running. More...
virtual const std::string name () const =0
 function to return a name of the algorithm, must be overridden in all algorithms More...
virtual void removeObserver (const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const =0
 Remove an observer. More...
virtual ResultState resultState () const =0
 Gets the currnet result State. More...
virtual const std::vector< std::string > seeAlso () const =0
 Function to return all of the seeAlso algorithms related to this algorithm. More...
virtual void setAlgStartupLogging (const bool enabled)=0
 disable Logging of start and end messages More...
virtual void setAlwaysStoreInADS (const bool doStore)=0
 Set whether we always store the output in the analysis data service. More...
virtual void setChild (const bool isChild)=0
 To set whether algorithm is a child. More...
virtual void setChildEndProgress (const double endProgress) const =0
 setting the child end progress More...
virtual void setChildStartProgress (const double startProgress) const =0
 setting the child start progress More...
virtual void setLogging (const bool value)=0
 Logging can be disabled by passing a value of false. More...
virtual void setLoggingOffset (const int value)=0
 gets the logging priority offset More...
virtual void setRethrows (const bool rethrow)=0
 To query whether an algorithm should rethrow exceptions when executing. More...
virtual const std::string summary () const =0
 function returns a summary message that will be displayed in the default GUI, and in the help. More...
virtual ::Json::Value toJson () const =0
 Serialize an algorithm as Json. More...
virtual std::string toString () const =0
 Serialize an algorithm. More...
virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > validateInputs ()=0
 Method checking errors on ALL the inputs, before execution. More...
virtual int version () const =0
 function to return a version of the algorithm, must be overridden in all algorithms More...
Algorithms As Methods
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager
virtual ::Json::Value asJson (bool withDefaultValues=false) const =0
 Return the property manager serialized as a json object. More...
virtual std::string asString (bool withDefaultValues=false) const =0
 Return the property manager serialized as a string. More...
virtual void declareOrReplaceProperty (std::unique_ptr< Property > p, const std::string &doc="")=0
 Function to declare properties (i.e. store them) More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, const std::string &doc, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Specialised version of declareProperty template method to prevent the creation of a PropertyWithValue of type const char* if an argument in quotes is passed (it will be converted to a string). More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, const unsigned int direction)
 Add a property of string type to the list of managed properties. More...
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const std::string &doc=std::string(), const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Specialised version of declareProperty template method to prevent the creation of a PropertyWithValue of type const char* if an argument in quotes is passed (it will be converted to a string). More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, const std::string &doc, const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Add a property to the list of managed properties with no validator. More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, const unsigned int direction)
 Add a property of the template type to the list of managed properties. More...
template<typename T >
void declareProperty (const std::string &name, T value, IValidator_sptr validator=std::make_shared< NullValidator >(), const std::string &doc="", const unsigned int direction=Direction::Input)
 Add a property of the template type to the list of managed properties. More...
virtual void declareProperty (std::unique_ptr< Property > p, const std::string &doc="")=0
 Function to declare properties (i.e. store them) More...
virtual bool existsProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Checks whether the named property is already in the list of managed property. More...
virtual void filterByProperty (const TimeSeriesProperty< bool > &, const std::vector< std::string > &)=0
virtual void filterByTime (const Types::Core::DateAndTime &, const Types::Core::DateAndTime &)=0
virtual std::vector< std::string > getDeclaredPropertyNames () const noexcept=0
 Get the list of managed property names. More...
virtual PropertygetPointerToProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Get a pointer to property by name. More...
virtual const std::vector< Property * > & getProperties () const =0
 Get the list of managed properties. More...
std::vector< Property * > getPropertiesInGroup (const std::string &group) const
 Get the list of managed properties in a given group. More...
virtual TypedValue getProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Get the value of a property. More...
virtual std::string getPropertyValue (const std::string &name) const =0
 Get the value of a property as a string. More...
virtual size_t propertyCount () const =0
 Returns the number of properties under management. More...
virtual void removeProperty (const std::string &name, const bool delproperty=true)=0
 Removes the property from management. More...
virtual void resetProperties ()=0
virtual void setProperties (const ::Json::Value &jsonValue, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >(), bool createMissing=false)=0
 Sets all the properties from a json object. More...
virtual void setProperties (const std::string &propertiesJson, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >(), bool createMissing=false)=0
 Sets all properties from a string. More...
virtual void setPropertiesWithString (const std::string &propertiesString, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &ignoreProperties=std::unordered_set< std::string >())=0
 Sets all the declared properties from a string. More...
IPropertyManagersetProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value)
 Specialised version of setProperty template method to handle const char *. More...
IPropertyManagersetProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
 Specialised version of setProperty template method to handle std::string. More...
template<typename T >
IPropertyManagersetProperty (const std::string &name, const T &value)
 Templated method to set the value of a PropertyWithValue. More...
template<typename T >
IPropertyManagersetProperty (const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< T > value)
 Templated method to set the value of a PropertyWithValue from a std::unique_ptr. More...
void setPropertyGroup (const std::string &name, const std::string &group)
 Set the group for a given property. More...
virtual void setPropertyOrdinal (const int &index, const std::string &value)=0
 Set the value of a property by an index. More...
void setPropertySettings (const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< IPropertySettings > settings)
virtual void setPropertyValue (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)=0
 Sets property value from a string. More...
virtual void setPropertyValueFromJson (const std::string &name, const Json::Value &value)=0
 Sets property value from a Json::Value. More...
virtual void splitByTime (std::vector< SplittingInterval > &, std::vector< PropertyManager * >) const =0
virtual std::unique_ptr< PropertytakeProperty (const size_t index)=0
 Removes the property from management and returns a pointer to it. More...
void updatePropertyValues (const IPropertyManager &other)
 Update values of the existing properties. More...
virtual bool validateProperties () const =0
 Validates all the properties in the collection. More...
virtual ~IPropertyManager ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mantid::API::DeprecatedAlgorithm
 DeprecatedAlgorithm ()
 Does nothing other than make the compiler happy. More...
void deprecatedDate (const std::string &)
 The date the algorithm was deprecated on. More...
std::string deprecationMsg (const IAlgorithm *)
 This merely prints the deprecation error for people to see. More...
void useAlgorithm (const std::string &, const int version=-1)
 The algorithm to use instead of this one. More...
virtual ~DeprecatedAlgorithm ()
 Does nothing other than make the compiler happy. More...

Private Member Functions

double calculateD2TOFFunction (const API::IFunction_sptr &func, const API::FunctionDomain1DVector &domain, API::FunctionValues &values, const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramY &rawY, const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramE &rawE)
 Calculate the value and chi2. More...
double calculateFunctionStatistic (const API::IFunction_sptr &func, const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &dataws, size_t workspaceindex)
 Calculate function's statistic. More...
void calculateThermalNeutronSpecial (const API::IFunction_sptr &m_Function, const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramX &xVals, std::vector< double > &vec_n)
 Calculate d-space value from peak's miller index for thermal neutron. More...
void doParameterSpaceRandomWalk (std::vector< std::string > parnames, std::vector< double > lowerbounds, std::vector< double > upperbounds, std::vector< double > stepsizes, size_t maxsteps, double stepsizescalefactor, bool fit2)
 Core Monte Carlo random walk on parameter-space. More...
void exec () override
 Main execution. More...
bool fitFunction (const API::IFunction_sptr &func, double &gslchi2)
 Fit function to data. More...
void fitInstrumentParameters ()
 Fit instrument geometry parameters by ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction. More...
DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr genMCResultTable ()
 Generate an output table workspace for N best fitting result. More...
DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr genOutputInstrumentParameterTable ()
 Generate (output) table worksspace for instrument parameters. More...
void genPeakCentersWorkspace (bool montecarlo, size_t numbestfit)
 Generate (output) workspace of peak centers. More...
void genPeaksFromTable (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &peakparamws)
 Generate peaks from table (workspace) More...
void getD2TOFFuncParamNames (std::vector< std::string > &parnames)
 Get the names of the parameters of D-TOF conversion function. More...
void importMonteCarloParametersFromTable (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &tablews, const std::vector< std::string > &parameternames, std::vector< double > &stepsizes, std::vector< double > &lowerbounds, std::vector< double > &upperbounds)
 Import the Monte Carlo related parameters from table. More...
void importParametersFromTable (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &parameterWS, std::map< std::string, double > &parameters)
 Import instrument parameter from table (workspace) More...
void init () override
 Parameter declaration. More...
std::string parseFitParameterWorkspace (API::ITableWorkspace_sptr paramws)
 Parse Fit() output parameter workspace. More...
std::string parseFitResult (API::IAlgorithm_sptr fitalg, double &chi2)
 Parse the fitting result. More...
void refineInstrumentParametersMC (const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &parameterWS, bool fit2=false)
 Set up and run a monte carlo simulation to refine the peak parameters. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > m_BestFitChi2s
 N sets of the homemade chi2 and gsl chi2. More...
std::vector< std::pair< double, std::vector< double > > > m_BestFitParameters
 N sets of the peak parameter values for the best N chi2 for MC. More...
double m_BestGSLChi2
 Best Chi2 ever. More...
std::vector< std::pair< double, std::vector< double > > > m_BestMCParameters
 N sets of the peak parameter values for the best N chi2 for MC. More...
DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr m_dataWS
 Output Workspace containing the dspacing ~ TOF peak positions. More...
std::map< std::string, double > m_FuncParameters
 Map for function (instrument parameter) More...
Functions::ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction_sptr m_Function
 Modelling function. More...
size_t m_MaxNumberStoredParameters
 Maximum number of data stored. More...
size_t m_MinNumFittedPeaks
 Minimum number of fitted peaks for refinement. More...
double m_MinSigma
 Minimum allowed sigma of a peak. More...
std::map< std::string, double > m_OrigParameters
 Map to store the original (input) parameters. More...
std::map< std::vector< int >, double > m_PeakErrors
 Map for all peaks' error (fitted vs. experimental): [HKL]: Chi^2. More...
std::vector< std::string > m_PeakFunctionParameterNames
 Peak function parameter names. More...
std::map< std::vector< int >, Functions::BackToBackExponential_sptrm_Peaks
 Map for all peaks to fit individually. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
using WorkspaceVector = std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Workspace > >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
static IAlgorithm_sptr fromString (const std::string &input)
 De-serialize an object from a string. More...
static IAlgorithm_sptr fromJson (const Json::Value &input)
 De-serialize an object from a Json. More...
static IAlgorithm_sptr fromHistory (const AlgorithmHistory &history)
 Construct an object from a history entry. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
bool calledByAlias = false
 Flag to indicate if the algorithm is called by its alias. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
void exec (Parallel::ExecutionMode executionMode)
 Runs the algorithm with the specified execution mode. More...
virtual void execDistributed ()
 Runs the algorithm in distributed execution mode. More...
virtual void execMasterOnly ()
 Runs the algorithm in master-only execution mode. More...
virtual Parallel::ExecutionMode getParallelExecutionMode (const std::map< std::string, Parallel::StorageMode > &storageModes) const
 Get correct execution mode based on input storage modes for an MPI run. More...
virtual const std::string workspaceMethodOnTypes () const
 Returns a semi-colon separated list of workspace types to attach this algorithm. More...
void cacheWorkspaceProperties ()
 Go through the properties and cache the input/output workspace properties for later use. More...
void cacheInputWorkspaceHistories ()
 Cache the histories of any input workspaces so they can be copied over after algorithm completion. More...
void setExecutionState (const ExecutionState state)
 Sets the current execution state. More...
void setResultState (const ResultState state)
 Sets the result execution state. More...
void store ()
 Stores any output workspaces into the AnalysisDataService. More...
void progress (double p, const std::string &msg="", double estimatedTime=0.0, int progressPrecision=0)
 Sends ProgressNotification. More...
void interruption_point ()
 This is called during long-running operations, and check if the algorithm has requested that it be cancelled. More...
Poco::NotificationCenter & notificationCenter () const
 Return a reference to the algorithm's notification dispatcher. More...
void handleChildProgressNotification (const Poco::AutoPtr< ProgressNotification > &pNf)
 Observation slot for child algorithm progress notification messages, these are scaled and then signalled for this algorithm. More...
const Poco::AbstractObserver & progressObserver () const
 Return a reference to the algorithm's object that is reporting progress. More...
bool isWorkspaceProperty (const Kernel::Property *const prop) const
 checks the property is a workspace property More...
bool trackingHistory ()
 get whether we are tracking the history for this algorithm, More...
virtual void fillHistory ()
 Copy workspace history for input workspaces to output workspaces and record the history for ths algorithm. More...
virtual void setOtherProperties (IAlgorithm *alg, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &propertyValue, int periodNum)
 Virtual method to set the non workspace properties for this algorithm. More...
template<typename T , const int AllowedIndexTypes = static_cast<int>(IndexType::WorkspaceIndex), typename... WSPropArgs, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T *, MatrixWorkspace *>::value>::type>
void declareWorkspaceInputProperties (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &doc, WSPropArgs &&...wsPropArgs)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager
virtual void afterPropertySet (const std::string &)
 Override this method to perform a custom action right after a property was set. More...
virtual void clear ()=0
 Clears all properties under management. More...
virtual PropertygetPointerToPropertyOrdinal (const int &index) const =0
 Get a property by an index. More...
template<typename T >
getValue (const std::string &name) const
 Templated method to get the value of a property. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL PropertyManager_sptr getValue (const std::string &name) const
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL PropertyManager_const_sptr getValue (const std::string &name) const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
template<typename NumT >
static bool isEmpty (const NumT toCheck)
 checks that the value was not set by users, uses the value in empty double/int. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
std::atomic< bool > m_cancel
 Set to true to stop execution. More...
std::atomic< bool > m_parallelException
 Set if an exception is thrown, and not caught, within a parallel region. More...
std::vector< IWorkspaceProperty * > m_inputWorkspaceProps
 All the WorkspaceProperties that are Input or InOut. Set in execute() More...
std::shared_ptr< AlgorithmHistorym_history
 Pointer to the history for the algorithm being executed. More...
Kernel::Logger m_log
 Logger for this algorithm. More...
std::shared_ptr< AlgorithmHistorym_parentHistory
 Pointer to the parent history object (if set) More...
std::vector< WorkspaceVectorm_unrolledInputWorkspaces
 One vector of workspaces for each input workspace property. More...
size_t m_groupSize
 Size of the group(s) being processed. More...
bool m_usingBaseProcessGroups = false
 distinguish between base processGroups() and overriden/algorithm specific versions More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Mantid::API::Algorithm
static size_t g_execCount = 0
 Counter to keep track of algorithm execution order. More...

Detailed Description

RefinePowderInstrumentParameters : Algorithm to refine instrument geometry parameters only.

This algorithm is the second part of the algorithm suite. It must use the output from FitPowderDiffPeaks() as the inputs.



Definition at line 41 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RefinePowderInstrumentParameters()

Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters ( )


Definition at line 59 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateD2TOFFunction()

double Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::calculateD2TOFFunction ( const API::IFunction_sptr func,
const API::FunctionDomain1DVector domain,
API::FunctionValues values,
const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramY &  rawY,
const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramE &  rawE 

◆ calculateFunctionStatistic()

double Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::calculateFunctionStatistic ( const API::IFunction_sptr func,
const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr dataws,
size_t  workspaceindex 

◆ calculateThermalNeutronSpecial()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::calculateThermalNeutronSpecial ( const API::IFunction_sptr m_Function,
const Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramX &  xVals,
std::vector< double > &  vec_n 

Calculate d-space value from peak's miller index for thermal neutron.

Calculate thermal neutron's d-spacing double RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::calculateDspaceValue(std::vector<int> hkl, double lattice) { FIXME It only works for the assumption that the lattice is cubical double h = static_cast<double>(hkl[0]); double k = static_cast<double>(hkl[1]); double l = static_cast<double>(hkl[2]);.

Calculate value n for thermal neutron peak profile

double d = lattice/sqrt(h*h+k*k+l*l);

return d; } Calculate value n for thermal neutron peak profile

Definition at line 977 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References Mantid::API::Algorithm::g_log, m_Function, n, and Mantid::Kernel::Logger::warning().

Referenced by refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ category()

const std::string Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::category ( ) const

Algorithm's category for identification overriding a virtual method.

Reimplemented from Mantid::API::Algorithm.

Definition at line 55 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

◆ doParameterSpaceRandomWalk()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::doParameterSpaceRandomWalk ( std::vector< std::string >  parnames,
std::vector< double >  lowerbounds,
std::vector< double >  upperbounds,
std::vector< double >  stepsizes,
size_t  maxsteps,
double  stepsizescalefactor,
bool  fit2 

◆ exec()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::exec ( )

◆ fitFunction()

bool Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::fitFunction ( const API::IFunction_sptr func,
double &  gslchi2 

◆ fitInstrumentParameters()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::fitInstrumentParameters ( )

◆ genMCResultTable()

DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::genMCResultTable ( )

Generate an output table workspace for N best fitting result.

Generate a Monte Carlo result table containing the N best results Column: chi2, parameter1, parameter2, ... ...

Definition at line 1091 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References m_BestFitChi2s, m_BestFitParameters, and m_PeakFunctionParameterNames.

Referenced by exec().

◆ genOutputInstrumentParameterTable()

DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::genOutputInstrumentParameterTable ( )

Generate (output) table worksspace for instrument parameters.

Generate an output table workspace containing the fitted instrument parameters.

Requirement (1): The output table workspace should be usable by Le Bail Fitting

Definition at line 1121 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References m_FuncParameters.

Referenced by exec().

◆ genPeakCentersWorkspace()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::genPeakCentersWorkspace ( bool  montecarlo,
size_t  numbestfit 

Generate (output) workspace of peak centers.

Get peak positions from peak functions Arguments: Output: outWS 1 spectrum .

dspacing - peak center

Definition at line 1003 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References Mantid::DataObjects::create(), Mantid::Geometry::UnitCell::d(), Mantid::Kernel::Logger::error(), Mantid::API::Algorithm::g_log, Mantid::API::Algorithm::getProperty(), height, Mantid::Kernel::Logger::information(), Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance(), m_dataWS, m_FuncParameters, m_MinSigma, m_Peaks, and sigma.

Referenced by exec().

◆ genPeaksFromTable()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::genPeaksFromTable ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr peakparamws)

Generate peaks from table (workspace)

Genearte peaks from input workspace m_Peaks are stored in a map.

(HKL) is the key

Definition at line 747 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Logger::error(), Mantid::API::Algorithm::g_log, height, Mantid::Kernel::Logger::information(), m_PeakErrors, m_Peaks, and sigma.

Referenced by exec().

◆ getD2TOFFuncParamNames()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::getD2TOFFuncParamNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  parnames)

Get the names of the parameters of D-TOF conversion function.

Definition at line 699 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References m_Function.

Referenced by refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ importMonteCarloParametersFromTable()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::importMonteCarloParametersFromTable ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr tablews,
const std::vector< std::string > &  parameternames,
std::vector< double > &  stepsizes,
std::vector< double > &  lowerbounds,
std::vector< double > &  upperbounds 

Import the Monte Carlo related parameters from table.

Import the Monte Carlo related parameters from table Arguments.

Definition at line 870 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Logger::error(), and Mantid::API::Algorithm::g_log.

Referenced by refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ importParametersFromTable()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::importParametersFromTable ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr parameterWS,
std::map< std::string, double > &  parameters 

Import instrument parameter from table (workspace)

Import TableWorkspace containing the instrument parameters for fitting the diffrotometer geometry parameters.

Definition at line 830 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Logger::error(), Mantid::API::Algorithm::g_log, and value.

Referenced by exec().

◆ init()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::init ( )

◆ name()

const std::string Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::name ( ) const

Algorithm's name for identification overriding a virtual method.

Implements Mantid::API::Algorithm.

Definition at line 47 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk().

◆ parseFitParameterWorkspace()

std::string Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::parseFitParameterWorkspace ( API::ITableWorkspace_sptr  paramws)

Parse Fit() output parameter workspace.

◆ parseFitResult()

std::string Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::parseFitResult ( API::IAlgorithm_sptr  fitalg,
double &  chi2 

Parse the fitting result.

◆ refineInstrumentParametersMC()

void Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::refineInstrumentParametersMC ( const DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr parameterWS,
bool  fit2 = false 

◆ summary()

const std::string Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::summary ( ) const

Summary of algorithms purpose.

Implements Mantid::API::Algorithm.

Definition at line 49 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

◆ version()

int Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::version ( ) const

Algorithm's version for identification overriding a virtual method.

Implements Mantid::API::Algorithm.

Definition at line 52 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_BestFitChi2s

std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_BestFitChi2s

N sets of the homemade chi2 and gsl chi2.

Definition at line 151 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk(), and genMCResultTable().

◆ m_BestFitParameters

std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<double> > > Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_BestFitParameters

N sets of the peak parameter values for the best N chi2 for MC.

It is paired with mPeakFunctionParameterNames

Definition at line 149 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk(), genMCResultTable(), and refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ m_BestGSLChi2

double Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_BestGSLChi2

Best Chi2 ever.

Definition at line 153 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk().

◆ m_BestMCParameters

std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<double> > > Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_BestMCParameters

N sets of the peak parameter values for the best N chi2 for MC.

It is paired with mPeakFunctionParameterNames

Definition at line 146 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk().

◆ m_dataWS

DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_dataWS

Output Workspace containing the dspacing ~ TOF peak positions.

Definition at line 129 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk(), exec(), fitFunction(), fitInstrumentParameters(), genPeakCentersWorkspace(), and refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ m_FuncParameters

std::map<std::string, double> Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_FuncParameters

◆ m_Function

Functions::ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction_sptr Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_Function

◆ m_MaxNumberStoredParameters

size_t Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_MaxNumberStoredParameters

Maximum number of data stored.

Definition at line 162 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by doParameterSpaceRandomWalk(), and exec().

◆ m_MinNumFittedPeaks

size_t Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_MinNumFittedPeaks

Minimum number of fitted peaks for refinement.

Definition at line 159 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by exec().

◆ m_MinSigma

double Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_MinSigma

Minimum allowed sigma of a peak.

Definition at line 156 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by exec(), and genPeakCentersWorkspace().

◆ m_OrigParameters

std::map<std::string, double> Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_OrigParameters

Map to store the original (input) parameters.

Definition at line 140 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by exec(), and fitInstrumentParameters().

◆ m_PeakErrors

std::map<std::vector<int>, double> Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_PeakErrors

Map for all peaks' error (fitted vs. experimental): [HKL]: Chi^2.

Definition at line 135 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by genPeaksFromTable().

◆ m_PeakFunctionParameterNames

std::vector<std::string> Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_PeakFunctionParameterNames

Peak function parameter names.

Definition at line 143 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by genMCResultTable(), and refineInstrumentParametersMC().

◆ m_Peaks

std::map<std::vector<int>, Functions::BackToBackExponential_sptr> Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::RefinePowderInstrumentParameters::m_Peaks

Map for all peaks to fit individually.

Definition at line 132 of file RefinePowderInstrumentParameters.h.

Referenced by genPeakCentersWorkspace(), and genPeaksFromTable().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: