No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< Base >
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< Base, Args... >
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< MantidQt::API::BaseDecoder >
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< MantidQt::API::BaseEncoder >
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< MantidQt::API::MantidHelpInterface >
 CPoco::ActiveMethod< bool, Poco::Void, Mantid::API::Algorithm, Poco::ActiveStarter< Mantid::API::Algorithm > >
 CPoco::ActiveMethod< bool, Poco::Void, MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, Poco::ActiveStarter< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner > >
 CPoco::ActiveMethod< InternetHelper::HTTPStatus, std::string, Mantid::Kernel::UsageServiceImpl >
 CPoco::ActiveResult< bool >
 CADD_STRUCTAddress offsets to various sections (9*4 bytes)
 CBankPulseTimesThis class defines the pulse times for a specific bank
 CMantid::Kernel::BinaryFile< Mantid::DataHandling::DasEvent >
 Cboost::algorithm::detail::eq< T1, T2 >
 Cboost::python::converter::object_manager_traits< Mantid::PythonInterface::NDArray >Register ndarray as a type that manages a PyObject* internally
 CBraggScattererFactoryThis class implements a factory for concrete BraggScatterer classes
 CMantid::Kernel::Cache< const Mantid::Geometry::IComponent, Mantid::Kernel::Quat >
 CMantid::Kernel::Cache< const Mantid::Geometry::IComponent, Mantid::Kernel::V3D >
 CMantid::Kernel::Cache< std::pair< std::string, Kernel::Math::StatisticType >, double >
 CMantid::Kernel::Chainable< Factory >
 CMantid::Kernel::Chainable< MDFrameFactory >
 CMantid::Kernel::Chainable< MDUnitFactory >
 CMantid::Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty::ComparisonDetails< Mantid::Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty >
 CMantid::Kernel::cow_ptr< HistogramData::HistogramX >
 CMantid::Kernel::cow_ptr< Mantid::API::Run >
 CMantid::Kernel::cow_ptr< Mantid::API::Sample >
 CDAEP_STRUCTDAE parameters block (64*4 bytes)
 CMantid::Kernel::DataService< API::Workspace >
 CMantid::Kernel::DataService< Mantid::Geometry::Instrument >
 CMantid::Kernel::DataService< PropertyManager >
 CDDES_STRUCT2*4 bytes
 CDHDR_STRUCTData section header (32*4 bytes)
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Algorithm >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< AlgorithmDialog >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< BraggScatterer >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Column >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< IArchiveSearch >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ICatalog >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< IConstraint >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ICostFunction >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< IDomainCreator >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< IFuncMinimizer >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< IFunction >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ILiveListener >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ImplicitFunctionParameterParser >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ImplicitFunctionParser >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ITransformScale >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< MDTransfInterface >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< ScriptRepository >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Unit >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< UserSubWindow >
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Workspace >
 CFacilityHelper::ScopedFacilitiesSimple RAII struct to switch the facilities files to the when constructed and switch back to the previous settings on destruction
 CFileResourceRAII: Gives a clean file destination and removes the file when handle is out of scope
 CHDR_STRUCTRun header (80 bytes)
 Cieee_doubleWhat IEEE double precision floating point looks like
 Cieee_singleWhat IEEE single precision floating point looks like on local machine
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IndexType< 1 >
 Cmorton_index::IndexTypes< nd, coord_t >
 CISISRAWIsis raw file
 Citem_struct< T >Structure to hold a dae item
 Citem_struct< T >::item_tStructure to hold a dae item
 Citem_struct< char >
 Citem_struct< float >
 Citem_struct< int >
 CIVPB_STRUCTInstrument parameter block (64*4 bytes)
 CLOG_LINELog line entry
 CLOG_STRUCTLog line entry
 CMantid::DataObjects::LOOP< MAX_MD_DIMENSIONS_NUM >
 CMantid::Algorithms::BackgroundHelperPerforms removal of constant (and possibly non-constant after simple modification) background calculated in TOF units from a matrix workspace, expressed in units, different from TOF
 CMantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxesToRealSpace::AxisDataSummary data about an Axis
 CMantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxesToRealSpace::SpectraDataLocal cache data about a spectra
 CMantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxisByFormula::VariableA simple internal structure to hold information on variables
 CMantid::Algorithms::ConvertToRelativeTimeHelper method to transform a MantidVector containing absolute times in nanoseconds to relative times in seconds given an offset
 CMantid::Algorithms::CorelliCalibration::CalibrationTableHandlerClass containing static and member methods to work with calibration table workspaces
 CMantid::Algorithms::CorelliCalibration::ComponentPositionStructure to handle all the calibration component positions
 CMantid::Algorithms::CorrectionThe Correction struct to be applied as factor * TOF + offset offset:: TOF offset in unit of TOF factor: TOF correction factor to multiply with
 CMantid::Algorithms::DetectorGridDefinitionDetectorGridDefinition is a helper class for building the sparse instrument in MonteCarloAbsorption
 CMantid::Algorithms::GravitySANSHelperA helper class for calculating neutron's gravitional drop
 CMantid::Algorithms::IBeamProfileBase class for all classes defining a beam profile
 CMantid::Algorithms::IMCAbsorptionStrategyDefines a base class for objects that calculate correction factors for self-attenuation
 CMantid::Algorithms::IMCInteractionVolumeDefines a base class for objects describing a volume where interactions of Tracks and Objects can take place
 CMantid::Algorithms::InterpolationOptionClass to provide a consistent interface to an interpolation option on algorithms
 CMantid::Algorithms::MaxentCalculatorMaxentCalculator : This class performs one maxent iteration and calculates chi-sq, angle between gradient of S and gradient of chi-sq, search directions and quadratic coefficients
 CMantid::Algorithms::MaxentEntropyMaxentEntropy : Abstract base class defining the necessary methods to calculate any type of entropy to be used by MaxEnt
 CMantid::Algorithms::MaxentSpaceMaxentSpace : Abstract base class defining a MaxentSpace
 CMantid::Algorithms::MaxentTransformMaxentTransform : Abstract base class defining MaxEnt transformations from image space to data space and vice-versa
 CMantid::Algorithms::MayersSampleCorrectionStrategyApplies the procedure found in section 4 of for an array of tof, signal & error values
 CMantid::Algorithms::MayersSampleCorrectionStrategy::ParametersStores parameters for a single calculation for a given angle and sample details
 CMantid::Algorithms::MCInteractionStatisticsStores statistics relating to the tracks generated in MCInteractionVolume for a specific detector
 CMantid::Algorithms::MultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraberMultipleScatteringCorrectionDistGraber : This is a helper class to calculate the distance from source to sample voxel
 CMantid::Algorithms::PDCalibration::FittedPeaksPrivate inner class
 CMantid::Algorithms::PolarizationCorrectionWildes::EfficiencyMapA convenience set of efficiency factors
 CMantid::Algorithms::PolarizationCorrectionWildes::WorkspaceMapA convenience set of workspaces corresponding flipper configurations
 CMantid::Algorithms::QhelperHelper class for the Q1D and Qxy algorithms
 CMantid::Algorithms::SampleLogsBehaviourSampleLogsBehaviour : This class holds information relating to the behaviour of the sample log merging
 CMantid::Algorithms::SolidAngleHelpers::AlphaAngleCalculatorReturns the angle between the sample-to-pixel vector and its projection on the X-Z (vertical tube) or Y-Z (horizontal tube) plane
 CMantid::Algorithms::SolidAngleHelpers::SolidAngleCalculatorCreates the solid angle calculator based on the selected method
 CMantid::Algorithms::SpectrumAlgorithm::gens< N, S >
 CMantid::Algorithms::SpectrumAlgorithm::IndicesDummy struct holding compile-time flags to for_each()
 CMantid::Algorithms::SpectrumAlgorithm::Indices::FromPropertyFlag: Include only indices specified via properties in for_each
 CMantid::Algorithms::SpectrumAlgorithm::seq<... >Helpers for for_each(), struct seq and gens with a specialization
 CMantid::Algorithms::TimeAtSampleStrategyTimeAtSampleStrategy : Strategy (technique dependent) for determining Time At Sample
 CMantid::Algorithms::TOFSANSResolutionByPixelCalculatorHelper class which provides the uncertainty calculations for the TOFSANSResolutionByPixel class
 CMantid::Algorithms::tolerant_lessStd-style comparision function object (satisfies the requirements of Compare)
 CMantid::Algorithms::WeightingStrategyWeightingStrategy :
 CMantid::API::AlgorithmDescriptorStructure uniquely describing an algorithm with its name, category and version
 CMantid::API::AlgorithmHistoryThis class stores information about the Command History used by algorithms on a workspace
 CMantid::API::AlgorithmManagerImplResponsible for controlling algorithm instances
 CMantid::API::AlgorithmObserverObserves Algorithm notifications: start,progress,finish,error
 CMantid::API::AxisClass to represent the axis of a workspace
 CMantid::API::BooleanAs TableColumn stores its data in a std::vector bool type cannot be used in the same way as the other types
 CMantid::API::BoxControllerThis class is used by MDBox and MDGridBox in order to intelligently determine optimal behavior
 CMantid::API::CatalogManagerImplThis class is a singleton and is responsible for creating, destroying, and managing catalogs
 CMantid::API::CatalogSessionThis class is a responsible for storing session information for a specific catalog
 CMantid::API::ColumnColumn is the base class for columns of TableWorkspace
 CMantid::API::ColumnVector< T >ColumnVector gives access to the column elements without alowing its resizing
 CMantid::API::ConstColumnVector< T >ConstColumnVector gives const access to the column elements without alowing its resizing
 CMantid::API::CoordTransformUnique SingleValueParameter Declaration for InputNDimensions
 CMantid::API::DeleterPolicy< T >
 CMantid::API::DeprecatedAlgorithmClass for marking algorithms as deprecated
 CMantid::API::DeprecatedAliasDeprecatedAlias : Class for making algorithm with deprecated names (aliases)
 CMantid::API::ElementTraits< T >Default ElementTraits SFINAE Typetraits are used to provide the correct formatting based on the element type chosen
 CMantid::API::ElementTraits< bool >ElementTraits for boolean element types
 CMantid::API::ElementTraits< double >ElementTraits for double element types
 CMantid::API::ElementTraits< float >ElementTraits for float element types
 CMantid::API::ElementTraits< size_t >ElementTraits for boolean element types
 CMantid::API::ExperimentInfoThis class is shared by a few Workspace types and holds information related to a particular experiment/run:
 CMantid::API::ExpressionThis class represents an expression made up of names, binary operators and brackets
 CMantid::API::Expression::OperatorsKeeps operator that can be used in an expression
 CMantid::API::Expression::TokenThis is a struct to mark a token in a string expression
 CMantid::API::FileFinderImplThis class finds data files given an instrument name (optionally) and a run number
 CMantid::API::FileLoaderRegistryImplKeeps a registry of algorithm's that are file loading algorithms to allow them to be searched to find the correct one to load a particular file
 CMantid::API::FileLoaderRegistryImpl::SubscriptionValidator< T >Helper for subscribe to check base class
 CMantid::API::FrameworkManagerImplThe main public API via which users interact with the Mantid framework
 CMantid::API::FunctionDomainBase class that represents the domain of a function
 CMantid::API::FunctionHandlerClasses inherited from FunctionHandler will handle the function
 CMantid::API::FunctionValuesA class to store values calculated by a function
 CMantid::API::GroupingStructure to represent grouping information
 CMantid::API::GroupingLoaderGroupingLoader : Loads instrument grouping from IDF file
 CMantid::API::HistoryViewThis class wraps an algorithm history pointer to add additional functionality when creating a HistoryView
 CMantid::API::IArchiveSearchThis class is an archive searching interface
 CMantid::API::ICatalogThis class creates an interface for information catalogs to support multiple facilities
 CMantid::API::ICatalogInfoServiceThis class is responsible for interfacing with the Information Data Service (IDS) to upload and download files to and from the archives
 CMantid::API::ICostFunctionAn interface for specifying the cost function to be used with Fit algorithm or minimizers, for example, the default being least squares fitting
 CMantid::API::IDomainCreatorAn base class for domain creators for use in Fit
 CMantid::API::IFunctionThis is an interface to a fitting function - a semi-abstarct class
 CMantid::API::IFunction::AttributeAttribute is a non-fitting parameter
 CMantid::API::IFunction::ValidatorEvaluatorSimple struct to constain function to evaluate attribute validators that is required in both attributes and visitors
 CMantid::API::IJournalIJournal: Interface for classes that fetch information from journal files
 CMantid::API::IMaskWorkspaceThis class provides an interface to a MaskWorkspace
 CMantid::API::IMDIteratorThis is an interface to an iterator of an IMDWorkspace
 CMantid::API::IMDWorkspace::LinePlotHolds X, Y, E for a line plot
 CMantid::API::ImplicitFunctionBuilderThis class is the abstract type for building IImplicitFunctions
 CMantid::API::ImplicitFunctionParameterAbstract parameter type for use with IImplicitFunctions
 CMantid::API::ImplicitFunctionParserXML Parser for function types
 CMantid::API::IntegrationResultPeakFunctionIntegrator :
 CMantid::API::IPreviewIPreview : This is the abstract base class of the raw data previews
 CMantid::API::ISpectrumA "spectrum" is an object that holds the data for a particular spectrum, in particular:
 CMantid::API::ISplittersWorkspaceISplittersWorkspace : Workspace to contain splitters for event filtering
 CMantid::API::IWorkspacePropertyAn interface that is implemented by WorkspaceProperty
 CMantid::API::JacobianRepresents the Jacobian in IFitFunction::functionDeriv
 CMantid::API::LockModeEnumeration for locking behaviour
 CMantid::API::LogFilterGeneratorLogFilterGenerator : utility to generate a LogFilter, to filter by running status or period
 CMantid::API::LogManagerThis class contains the information about the log entries
 CMantid::API::MDGeometryDescribes the geometry (i.e
 CMantid::API::MultiPeriodGroupWorkerMultiPeriodGroupWorker : Multiperiod group logic relating to determining a valid multiperiod group, and processing a multiperiod group, as well as combining and returning the output
 CMantid::API::MultipleExperimentInfosSmall class that allows a MDEventWorkspace or a MDHistoWorkspace to hold several ExperimentInfo classes
 CMantid::API::ParameterReferenceA reference to a parameter in a function
 CMantid::API::PreviewManagerImplPreviewManager : Manages the raw data previews
 CMantid::API::PropertyModeEnumeration for a mandatory/optional property
 CMantid::API::ReferenceEqualUsed to find ParameterTie for a parameter i
 CMantid::API::SampleThis class stores information about the sample used in particular run
 CMantid::API::ScopedWorkspaceScopedWorkspace : scoped workspace ADS entry
 CMantid::API::ScriptBuilderThis class build a sttring which cana be executed as a python script
 CMantid::API::ScriptInfoInformation about the files inside the repository
 CMantid::API::SpectrumDetectorMappingA minimal class to hold the mapping between the spectrum number and its related detector ID numbers for a dataset
 CMantid::API::SpectrumInfoAPI::SpectrumInfo is an intermediate step towards a SpectrumInfo that is part of Instrument-2.0
 CMantid::API::SpectrumInfoItem< T >SpectrumInfoItem
 CMantid::API::TableColumnHelperHelper class used to create ColumnVector
 CMantid::API::TableConstColumnHelperHelper class used to create ConstColumnVector
 CMantid::API::TableRowTableRow represents a row in a TableWorkspace
 CMantid::API::TableRowHelperHelper class used to create TableRow
 CMantid::API::TopologyAbstract type represents topology for visualisation
 CMantid::API::WorkspaceHelpersA collection of static functions for use with workspaces
 CMantid::API::WorkspaceHistoryThis class stores information about the Workspace History used by algorithms on a workspace and the environment history
 CMantid::API::WorkspaceNearestNeighbourInfoWorkspaceNearestNeighbourInfo provides easy access to nearest-neighbour information for a workspace
 CMantid::API::WorkspaceNearestNeighboursThis class is not intended for direct use
 CMantid::Crystal::BackgroundStrategyBackgroundStrategy : Abstract class used for identifying elements of a IMDWorkspace that are not considered background
 CMantid::Crystal::ClusterRegisterClusterRegister : A fly-weight ICluster regeister
 CMantid::Crystal::ConnectedComponentLabelingConnectedComponentLabelling : Implements connected component labeling on MDHistoWorkspaces
 CMantid::Crystal::DataModeHandlerIntegrates each time slice using the BivariateNormal formula, adding the results to the peak object
 CMantid::Crystal::DisjointElementDisjointElement : Cluster item used in a disjoint-set data structure
 CMantid::Crystal::IClusterICluster : Abstract cluster
 CMantid::Crystal::indexPeak indexing algorithm, which works by assigning multiple possible HKL values to each peak and then culling these options by comparison with neighbouring peaks
 CMantid::Crystal::ModulationPropertiesTie together the names of the properties for the modulation vectors
 CMantid::Crystal::PeakClusterProjectionPeakClusterProjection : Maps peaks onto IMDHistoWorkspaces and returns the signal value at the peak center
 CMantid::Crystal::PeakStatisticsTools::PeaksStatisticsSmall helper class that is used in SortHKL
 CMantid::Crystal::PeakStatisticsTools::UniqueReflectionThis class is a small helper for SortHKL to hold Peak-objects that belong to the same family of reflections
 CMantid::Crystal::PeakStatisticsTools::UniqueReflectionCollectionThis class computes all possible unique reflections within the specified d-limits, given a certain unit cell, lattice centering and point group
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ChiSliceHelper class to calculate the chi squared along a direction in the parameter space
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::DetectorParamsSimple data structure to store nominal detector values It avoids some functions taking a huge number of arguments
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::FitDataStructure to contain least squares data and used by GSL
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::LeBailFunctionLeBailFunction : LeBailFunction is to calculate peak intensities in a composite function including neutron peak and background functions
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ParameterLeBailFit : Algorithm to do Le Bail Fit
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::SplineBackground::bSplinePointersStruct holding various pointers required by GSL
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::V3DFromHKLColumnExtractorSmall helper class to extract HKLs as V3D from table columns
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::VesuvioCalculateGammaBackground::FoilInfoHold information about a single foil
 CMantid::CurveFitting::AugmentedLagrangianOptimizerImplements the Augmented Lagrangian optimization method of Birgin & Martinez
 CMantid::CurveFitting::ComplexMatrixA complex-valued matrix for linear algebra computations
 CMantid::CurveFitting::ComplexVectorA complex-valued vector for linear algebra computations
 CMantid::CurveFitting::EigenMatrixA wrapper around Eigen::Matrix
 CMantid::CurveFitting::EigenVectorA wrapper around Eigen::Vector
 CMantid::CurveFitting::ExcludeRangeFinderExcludeRangeFinder : Helper clss that finds if a point should be excluded from fit
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ChebfunBaseBase for function approximation with Chebyshev polynomials
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::Convolution::HalfComplexClass for helping to read the transformed data
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::CubicSpline::GSLFreeFunctor to free a GSL objects in a shared pointer
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::linearJSimple structure to hold a linear interpolation of factor J around its numerical divergence point
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ResolutionParamsSimple data structure to store resolution parameter values It avoids some functions taking a huge number of arguments
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::SimpleChebfunSimpleChebfun : approximates smooth 1d functions and provides methods to manipulate them
 CMantid::CurveFitting::Functions::xnlcStructure to hold info on Volino's coefficients
 CMantid::CurveFitting::GSL_FitDataVarious GSL specific functions used GSL specific minimizers
 CMantid::CurveFitting::HalfComplexClass for helping to read the transformed data
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::all_eig_symm_workWorkspace for subroutine allEigSymm
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::evaluate_model_workWorkspace for subroutine evaluateModel
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::get_svd_J_workWorkspace for subroutine getSvdJ
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::max_eig_workWorkspace for subroutine max_eig
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::min_eig_symm_workWorkspace for subroutine min_eig_work
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::nlls_informInform derived type with component defaults
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::NLLS_workspaceAll workspaces called from the top level
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::solve_general_workWorkspace for subroutine solve_general
 CMantid::CurveFitting::NLLS::solve_LLS_workWorkspace for subroutine solve_LLS
 CMantid::CurveFitting::ParameterEstimator::LinearFunctionA linear function
 CMantid::DataHandling::ANSTO::ProgressTrackerHelper class to keep track of progress
 CMantid::DataHandling::AvrgDetectorHelper class-collection to keep together the parameters, which characterize average composite detector and help to calculate these parameters
 CMantid::DataHandling::CoincidenceEventA detected neutron
 CMantid::DataHandling::DasEventStructure that matches the form in the binary event list
 CMantid::DataHandling::DataBlockDataBlock: The DataBlock class holds information about a contiguous block of spectrum numbers
 CMantid::DataHandling::DataBlockGeneratorDataBlockGenerator: The DataBlockGenerator class provides increasing int64_t numbers from a collection of intervals which are being input into the generator at construction
 CMantid::DataHandling::DefaultEventLoaderHelper class for LoadEventNexus that is specific to the current default loading code for NXevent_data entries in Nexus files, in particular LoadBankFromDiskTask and ProcessBankData
 CMantid::DataHandling::DetectorWordHolds the 128 bit words from the detector
 CMantid::DataHandling::DetParametersSmall helper class-holder used to precalculate the detectors parameters in spherical coordinate system
 CMantid::DataHandling::EventUnionIs able to hold all versions of the data words in the same memory location
 CMantid::DataHandling::EventWorkspaceCollectionEventWorkspaceCollection : Collection of EventWorspaces to give backward-forward compatibility around performing operations on groups
 CMantid::DataHandling::FileTypeDescriptorDescription of the ASCII data header, common for all ASCII PAR and PHX files
 CMantid::DataHandling::GenericEventGeneric event to separate bits
 CMantid::DataHandling::getWithoutMonitors< T >To be used with std::generate to copy only those values from a dataset that don't relate to monitors
 CMantid::DataHandling::GroupDetectors2::RangeHelperFunction that expands pairs of integers separated with a hyphen into a list of all the integers between those values
 CMantid::DataHandling::IntermediateEventStructure used as an intermediate for parallel processing of events
 CMantid::DataHandling::ISampleEnvironmentSpecFinderInterface for a class responsible for finding a specification based on a name
 CMantid::DataHandling::ISISRunLogsDefines a class to aid in creating ISIS specific run logs for periods, status etc
 CMantid::DataHandling::LoadDetectorInfo::DetectorInfoSimple data holder for passing the detector info around when dealing with the NeXus data
 CMantid::DataHandling::LoadEventNexusIndexSetupHelper for LoadEventNexus dealing with setting up indices (spectrum numbers an detector ID mapping) for workspaces
 CMantid::DataHandling::LoadGroupMapFileClass used to load a grouping information from .map file
 CMantid::DataHandling::LoadISISNexus2::SpectraBlockSpectra block descriptor
 CLoadPreNeXusMonitorsA data loading routine for SNS PreNeXus beam monitor (histogram) files
 CMantid::DataHandling::ParallelEventLoaderLoader for event data from Nexus files with parallelism based on multiple processes (MPI or MultiProcessing) for performance
 CMantid::DataHandling::PulseStructure that matches the form in the new pulseid files
 CMantid::DataHandling::ReadMaterialThis class contains code for interpreting a material input for SetSampleMaterial, validating the parameters before sending them on to MaterialBuilder
 CMantid::DataHandling::ReadMaterial::MaterialParametersThis struct contains the parameters for constructing a material, and gives them a default value for ease of testing
 CMantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentFactoryCreate a single instance of a SampleEnvironment
 CMantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentSpecDefines the properties of a named SampleEnvironment setup
 CMantid::DataHandling::SampleEnvironmentSpecParserRead an XML definition of a SampleEnvironmentSpec and produce a new SampleEnvironmentSpec object
 CMantid::DataHandling::T0FrameEventIndicate time 0, the start of a new frame
 CMantid::DataHandling::UpdateInstrumentFromFile::AsciiFileHeaderSimple structure to store information about the ASCII file header
 CMantid::DataHandling::VulcanCorrectionFactorStructure of the vulcan binary file
 CMantid::DataObjects::BinaryOperatorAn SpecialWorkspace2D is a specialized Workspace2D where the Y value at each pixel will be used for a special meaning
 CMantid::DataObjects::CalculateReflectometryProvides a common interface to Reflectometry Transform calculators
 CMantid::DataObjects::CoordTransformAffineParserA parser for processing coordinate transform xml
 CMantid::DataObjects::detail::IsIndexInfo< T >
 CMantid::DataObjects::detail::IsIndexInfo< Indexing::IndexInfo >
 CMantid::DataObjects::DetectorAngularCacheSimple container for porting detector angular information
 CMantid::DataObjects::EventAccessorStructure to mark the classes, which can switch the "physical" meaning of the union used in MDLeanEvent to store coordinates or index
 CMantid::DataObjects::EventSortingTaskTask for sorting an event list
 CMantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspaceHelpersA collection of functions that help for EventWorkspaces
 CMantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspaceMRUThis is a container for the MRU (most-recently-used) list of generated histograms
 CMantid::DataObjects::FakeMDProvides a helper class to add fake data to an MD workspace
 CMantid::DataObjects::IF< MDE, nd >
 CMantid::DataObjects::IF< MDLeanEvent< nd >, nd >
 CMantid::DataObjects::LOOP< nd >MDEventFactory : collection of methods to create MDLeanEvent* instances, by specifying the number of dimensions as a parameter
 CMantid::DataObjects::LOOP< 0 >
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDBinMDBin : Class describing a single bin in a dense, Multidimensional histogram
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDBoxFlatTreeThe class responsible for saving/loading MD boxes structure to/from HDD and for flattening/restoring the interconnected box structure (customized linked list) of MD workspace
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDDimensionStatsA simple class holding some statistics on the distribution of events in a particular dimension
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDEventInserter< MDEW_SPTR >MDEventInserter : Helper class that provides a generic interface for adding events to an MDWorkspace without knowing whether the workspace is storing MDLeanEvents or full MDEvents
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDEventInserter< MDEW_SPTR >::IntToType< I >Loki IntToType, used for template overload deduction
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystemMDFrameFromMDWorkspace: Each dimension of the MDWorkspace contains an MDFrame
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEvent< nd >Templated class holding data about a neutron detection event in N-dimensions (for example, Qx, Qy, Qz, E)
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEvent< nd >::AccessFor< Accessor >Internal structure to avoid the direct exposing of API functions, which change the state of event (switch between union fields)
 CMantid::DataObjects::PeakComparatorComparator class for sorting peaks by one or more criteria
 CMantid::DataObjects::PeakShapeFactoryPeakShapeFactory : Factory for creating peak shapes
 CMantid::DataObjects::ReflectometryTransformReflectometryMDTransform : Base type for reflectometry transforms to MDWorkspaces
 CMantid::DataObjects::ScanningWorkspaceBuilderScanningWorkspaceBuilder : This is a helper class to make it easy to build a scanning workspace (a workspace with moving detectors), where all the information about the scan is known in advance
 CMantid::DataObjects::SkippingPolicySkippingPolicy : Policy types for skipping in MDiterators
 CMantid::DataObjects::TableColumn< Type >::InconvertibleToDoubleTypeHelper struct helping to write a generic casting to double
 CMantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace::FindNameUsed in std::find_if algorithm to find a Column with name name
 CMantid::DataObjects::TypeWithMarker< T >This little class holds data and an index marker that is used for uniqueness
 CMantid::DataObjects::WeightedEventNoTimeInfo about a single neutron detection event, including a weight and error value, but excluding the pulsetime to save memory:
 CMantid::DTriple< F, S, T >Triple of three different things
 CMantid::Geometry::AbstractIDFObjectIDFObject : File object wrapper over an IDF file
 CMantid::Geometry::AbstractSpaceGroupGeneratorAbstractSpaceGroupGenerator is used by SpaceGroupFactory to delay (possibly costly) construction of space group prototype objects until they are actually requested
 CMantid::Geometry::AbstractSymmetryElementGeneratorSymmetryElementFactoryImpl does not generate SymmetryElement objects directly
 CMantid::Geometry::AcompHolds a state point in the decision tree
 CMantid::Geometry::AlgebraComputes Boolean algebra for simplification
 CMantid::Geometry::AtomPositionsEqualEquality-functor for comparison of atom positions with specifiable precision
 CMantid::Geometry::AtomPositionsLessThanLess-than-functor for comparison of atom positions with specifiable precision
 CMantid::Geometry::BaseVisitAdds the main
 CMantid::Geometry::BnIdTri-state variable
 CMantid::Geometry::BoundingBoxA simple structure that defines an axis-aligned cuboid shaped bounding box for a geometrical object
 CMantid::Geometry::CenteringGroupCreatorImplHelper class to keep this out of the interface of CenteringGroup
 CMantid::Geometry::ComponentInfoComponentInfo : Provides a component centric view on to the instrument
 CMantid::Geometry::ComponentInfoItem< T >ComponentInfoItem Return type for ComponentInfoIterators
 CMantid::Geometry::ComponentPool< T >
 CMantid::Geometry::ComponentVisitorComponentVisitor : Visitor for IComponents
 CMantid::Geometry::ConventionalCellInstances of this class represent information about a selected conventional cell based on a specified UB for a Niggli reduced cell
 CMantid::Geometry::ConvexPolygonAn implementation of a convex polygon
 CMantid::Geometry::CrystalStructureThree components are required to describe a crystal structure:
 CMantid::Geometry::CrystalSystemComparatorThis is necessary to make the map work with older compilers
 CMantid::Geometry::detail::GeometryTriangulatorGeometryTriangulator : Triangulates object surfaces
 CMantid::Geometry::DetectorInfoGeometry::DetectorInfo is an intermediate step towards a DetectorInfo that is part of Instrument-2.0
 CMantid::Geometry::DetectorInfoItem< T >DetectorInfoItem
 CMantid::Geometry::findIDHelper unary comparison type for finding IMDDimensions by a specified id
 CMantid::Geometry::findIntegratedHelper unary comparison type for finding non-integrated dimensions
 CMantid::Geometry::FitParameterStore information about a fitting parameter such as its value if it is constrained or tied
 CMantid::Geometry::GeometryHandlerHandles rendering of all object Geometry
 CMantid::Geometry::GoniometerClass to represent a particular goniometer setting, which is described by the rotation matrix
 CMantid::Geometry::GoniometerAxisCounter clockwise rotation
 CMantid::Geometry::GroupThe class Group represents a set of symmetry operations (or symmetry group)
 CMantid::Geometry::IComponentBase class for Geometric IComponent
 CMantid::Geometry::IMDDimensionThe class describes one dimension of multidimensional dataset representing an orthogonal dimension and linear axis
 CMantid::Geometry::IndexingUtilsThis class contains static utility methods for indexing peaks and finding the UB matrix
 CMantid::Geometry::InstrumentDefinitionParserCreates an instrument data from a XML instrument description file
 CMantid::Geometry::InstrumentDefinitionParser::IdListStructure for holding detector IDs
 CMantid::Geometry::InstrumentDefinitionParser::SphVecStripped down vector that holds position in terms of spherical coordinates, Needed when processing instrument definition files that use the 'Ariel format'
 CMantid::Geometry::InstrumentRayTracerThis class is responsible for tracking rays and accumulating a list of objects that are intersected along the way
 CMantid::Geometry::IntersectionPointStores a point of intersection along a track
 CMantid::Geometry::IObjectIObject : Interface for geometry objects
 CMantid::Geometry::IPeakStructure describing a single-crystal peak
 CMantid::Geometry::LatticeSpacingCalculatorSmall helper functor to calculate d-Values from a unit cell
 CMantid::Geometry::LineImpliments a line
 CMantid::Geometry::LinkFor a leg of a track
 CMantid::Geometry::MatrixVectorPair< MatrixNumericType, VectorType >MatrixVectorPair
 CMantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< T >Simple class that holds the extents (min/max) of a given dimension in a MD workspace or MDBox
 CMantid::Geometry::MDFrameMDFrame : The coordinate frame for a dimension, or set of dimensions in a multidimensional workspace
 CMantid::Geometry::MDFrameArgumentInput argument type for MDFrameFactory chainable factory
 CMantid::Geometry::MDGeometryBuilderXML< CheckDimensionPolicy >
 CMantid::Geometry::MDGeometryXMLDefinitionsThis type contains definitions that will be found in the xml schema for the rebinning instructions, but must be used in code as part of the peristance/fetching routines
 CMantid::Geometry::MDGeometryXMLParserHandles the extraction of dimensions from a xml xml string to determine how mappings have been formed
 CMantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimensionBuilderMDHistoDimensionBuilder :
 CMantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunctionAn "ImplicitFunction" defining a hyper-cuboid-shaped region in N dimensions
 CMantid::Geometry::MDPlaneA generalized description of a N-dimensional hyperplane
 CMantid::Geometry::NoDeletingVoid deleter for shared pointers
 CMantid::Geometry::ParameterBase class for parameters of an instrument
 CMantid::Geometry::ParameterFactoryCreates parameters for the instrument ParameterMap
 CMantid::Geometry::ParameterMapParameterMap class
 CMantid::Geometry::ParComponentFactoryA Factory for creating Parameterized component from their respective non-parameterized objects
 CMantid::Geometry::PeakShapePeakShape : Abstract type to describes the shape of a peak
 CMantid::Geometry::PeakTransformUsed to remap coordinates into a form consistent with an axis reordering
 CMantid::Geometry::PeakTransformFactoryAbstract type defining Factory Method interface for generating PeakTransforms
 CMantid::Geometry::PeakTransformSelectorUsed to choose an appropriate PeakTransformFactory
 CMantid::Geometry::PolygonEdgePolygonEdge Defines a directed edge between two points on a polygon
 CMantid::Geometry::RasterHolds the information used for doing numerical integrations of object in the beam
 CMantid::Geometry::ReducedCellInstances of this class represent information about reduced cell types including the transformation required to transform the reduced cell to a conventional cell
 CMantid::Geometry::ReferenceFrameReferenceFrame : Holds reference frame information from the geometry description file
 CMantid::Geometry::ReflectionConditionA class containing the Reflection Condition for a crystal
 CMantid::Geometry::RegisterConditions< Args >
 CMantid::Geometry::RegisterConditions< R, Args... >
 CMantid::Geometry::RenderingMeshRenderingMesh : Mesh abstraction required for rendering
 CMantid::Geometry::RotaryCounterSimple multilevel-cyclic counter
 CMantid::Geometry::RuleObject generation rule tree
 CMantid::Geometry::SampleEnvironmentDefines a single instance of a SampleEnvironment
 CMantid::Geometry::ScalarUtilsThis class contains static utility methods for determining an orientation matrix corresponding to a conventional, given the orientation matrix corresponding to the Niggli reduced cell
 CMantid::Geometry::ShapeFactoryClass originally intended to be used with the DataHandling 'LoadInstrument' algorithm
 CMantid::Geometry::SurfaceHolds a basic quadratic surface
 CMantid::Geometry::SurfaceFactoryCreates instances of Surfaces
 CMantid::Geometry::SymmetryElementSymmetryElement is an interface for representing symmetry elements that occur for example in space and point groups
 CMantid::Geometry::SymmetryElementFactoryImplThis factory takes a SymmetryOperation and generates the corresponding SymmetryElement
 CMantid::Geometry::SymmetryOperationCrystallographic symmetry operations are composed of a rotational component, which is represented by a matrix and a translational part, which is described by a vector
 CMantid::Geometry::SymmetryOperationFactoryImplA factory for symmetry operations
 CMantid::Geometry::SymmetryOperationSymbolParserThis is a parser for symmetry operation symbols in the Jones faithful representation
 CMantid::Geometry::TrackDefines a track as a start point and a direction
 CMantid::Geometry::UnitCellClass to implement unit cell of crystals
 CMantid::Geometry::vtkGeometryCacheReaderReads the Geometry Cache from the file to the Object
 CMantid::Geometry::vtkGeometryCacheWriterWrites the Geometry from Object to Cache
 CMantid::Geometry::XMLInstrumentParameterThis class is used to store information about parameters in XML instrument definition files and instrument parameter files, so that such parameters can be added to a workspace when appropriate
 CMantid::ICat::CatalogSearchParamThis class is used in Catalog Search service to set/get all the inputs to search for
 CMantid::IndirectFitDataCreationHelper::SetUpADSWithWorkspaceSimple struct used to access features of the ADS No destructor so ensure you tearDown the ADS
 CMantid::Instrumentation::AlgoTimeRegisterAlgoTimeRegister : simple class to dump information about executed algorithms
 CMantid::Kernel::__save_flags< _CharT, _Traits >
 CMantid::Kernel::AbstractInstantiator< Base, Args >The base class for instantiators
 CMantid::Kernel::BinaryFile< T >The BinaryFile template is a helper function for loading simple binary files
 CMantid::Kernel::BinaryStreamReaderAssists with reading a binary file by providing standard overloads for the istream operators (>>) to given types (and vectors of those types)
 CMantid::Kernel::BinaryStreamWriterAssists with writing a binary file by providing standard overloads for the ostream operators (<<) to given types (and vectors of those types)
 CMantid::Kernel::BinFinderHelper class that allows one to quickly find a bin index for many events
 CMantid::Kernel::Cache< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE >Cache is a generic caching storage class
 CMantid::Kernel::CaseInsensitiveStringComparatorFunctor to provide a case insensitive string comparator
 CMantid::Kernel::Chainable< ChainableType >Chainable
 CMantid::Kernel::ChebyshevPolyFitCompute a weighted least-squares polynomial approximations to an arbitrary set of data points
 CMantid::Kernel::ChebyshevPolynomialEvaluates a single Chebyshev polynomial (first kind) for x in range [-1,1]
 CMantid::Kernel::ChebyshevSeriesEvaluate an approximation to a nth order polynomial using a Chebyshev series through Crenshaw's algorithm to evaluate \(p_n(x) = \Sigma_{i=1}^{n}c_iT_i\) The evaluation is implemented using the reccurrence relations
 CMantid::Kernel::ConfigObserverThe ConfigObserver is used to observe changes in the configuration based on notifications sent from the ConfigService
 CMantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImplThe ConfigService class provides a simple facade to access the Configuration functionality of the Mantid Framework
 CMantid::Kernel::cow_ptr< DataType >Implements a copy on write data template
 CMantid::Kernel::CPUTimerCPUTimer : Timer that uses the CPU time, rather than wall-clock time to measure execution time
 CMantid::Kernel::CreateUsingNew< T >Policy class controlling creation of the singleton Implementation classes should mark their default constructors private and insert a friend declaration for this class, e.g.:
 CMantid::Kernel::DataItemThis class forms the base class of any item that wishes to be stored in the analysis data service
 CMantid::Kernel::DataService< T >DataService stores instances of a given type
 CMantid::Kernel::DeltaEModeDefines the possible energy transfer modes:
 CMantid::Kernel::Detail::IsEmpty< T >Defines the concept of emptiness
 CMantid::Kernel::DirectionDescribes the direction (within an algorithm) of a Property
 CMantid::Kernel::DiskBufferBuffer objects that need to be written out to disk so as to optimize writing operations
 CMantid::Kernel::DllOpenSimple class for opening shared libraries at run-time
 CMantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory< Base, Comparator >The dynamic factory is a base dynamic factory for serving up objects in response to requests from other classes
 CMantid::Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty::ComparisonDetails< WhenPropType >Struct which holds details for comparison between two EnabledWhenPropertyObjects
 CMantid::Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty::PropertyDetailsStruct which holds associated property details for comparison
 CMantid::Kernel::EnvironmentHistoryThis class stores information about the Environment of the computer used by the framework
 CMantid::Kernel::EqualBinsCheckerEqualBinsChecker : Checks for evenly spaced bins
 CMantid::Kernel::ErrorReporterErrorReporter : The error reporter is responsible for sending error reports
 CMantid::Kernel::FacilityInfoA class that holds information about a facility
 CMantid::Kernel::FeatureUsageUsageReporter : The Usage reporter is responsible for collating, and sending all usage data
 CMantid::Kernel::FileDescriptorDefines a wrapper around an open file
 CMantid::Kernel::FreeBlockFreeBlock: a simple class that holds the position and size of block of free space in a file
 CMantid::Kernel::ICatalogInfoICatalogInfo : An abstract class that holds information about catalogs
 CMantid::Kernel::IndexSetIndexSet is a container that can be used to define and access a subset of elements in a larger container such as std::vector
 CMantid::Kernel::INodeHelper class providing interface to ISAveable
 CMantid::Kernel::InstrumentInfoA class that holds information about an instrument
 CMantid::Kernel::InternetHelperInternetHelper : A helper class for supporting access to resources through HTTP and HTTPS
 CMantid::Kernel::InterpolationProvide interpolation over a series of points
 CMantid::Kernel::IPropertyManagerInterface to PropertyManager
 CMantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager::TypedValueUtility class that enables the getProperty() method to effectively be templated on the return type
 CMantid::Kernel::IPropertySettingsInterface for modifiers to Property's that specify if they should be enabled or visible in a GUI
 CMantid::Kernel::ISaveableAn interface for objects that can be cached or saved to disk
 CMantid::Kernel::ITimeSeriesPropertyA non-templated interface to a TimeSeriesProperty
 CMantid::Kernel::IValidatorIValidator is the basic interface for all validators for properties
 CMantid::Kernel::LibraryManagerImplClass for opening shared libraries
 CMantid::Kernel::LibraryWrapperClass for wrapping a shared library
 CMantid::Kernel::LiveListenerInfoA class that holds information about a LiveListener connection
 CMantid::Kernel::LogFilterThis class is for filtering TimeSeriesProperty data
 CMantid::Kernel::LoggerIn charge of the publishing messages from the framework through various channels
 CMantid::Kernel::LogParserLogParser parses the instrument log files to select records corresponding to 'RUNNING' instrument status
 CMantid::Kernel::MantidVersionClass containing static methods to return the Mantid version number and date
 CMantid::Kernel::MaterialA material is defined as being composed of a given element, defined as a PhysicalConstants::NeutronAtom, with the following properties:
 CMantid::Kernel::Material::FormulaUnitStructure to hold the information for a parsed chemical formula
 CMantid::Kernel::MaterialBuilderCreate a material from a set of user defined options
 CMantid::Kernel::MaterialXMLParserRead an XML definition of a Material and produce a new Material object
 CMantid::Kernel::Math::SLSQPMinimizerMinimize an objective function using the SLSQP optimization subroutine originally implemented by Dieter Kraft and ported to Python by scipy
 CMantid::Kernel::Math::SLSQPMinimizer::FunctionWrapperNon-templated wrapper for objective function object to allow it to be stored without templating the class
 CMantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >Numerical Matrix class
 CMantid::Kernel::MDAxisValidatorMDAxisValidator is a class that checks the number of MD axes match the number of workspace dimensions, refactoring out the common validation code from several MD algorithms into a common class
 CMantid::Kernel::MDUnitMDUnit : Unit type for multidimensional data types
 CMantid::Kernel::MemoryStatsThis class is responsible for memory statistics
 CMantid::Kernel::MRUList< T >An MRU (most recently used) list keeps record of the last n inserted items, listing first the newer ones
 CMantid::Kernel::MultiFileNameParsing::GenerateFileNameA functor that generates a vector of file names from the given vector of runs, and other state passed to it when constructed
 CMantid::Kernel::MultiFileNameParsing::ParserThis class takes a string representing multiple files and parses it into a vector of vectors of file names
 CMantid::Kernel::MultiFileNameParsing::ReverseCaselessCompareComparator for set that holds instrument names in Parser
 CMantid::Kernel::MultiFileNameParsing::RunRangeListA class that holds a list of ranges of runs
 CMantid::Kernel::NDRandomNumberGeneratorThis class defines an interface for N dimensional random number generators
 CMantid::Kernel::NearestNeighbours< N >
 CMantid::Kernel::NetworkProxyNetworkProxy : Network proxy utility for getting network proxy information
 CMantid::Kernel::NexusDescriptorDefines a wrapper around a file whose internal structure can be accessed using the NeXus API
 CMantid::Kernel::NNDataPointsNNDataPoints is a thin RAII wrapper class around the ANNpointArray type
 CMantid::Kernel::normal_distribution< _RealType >
 CMantid::Kernel::normal_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
 CMantid::Kernel::OptionalBoolOptionalBool : Tri-state bool
 CMantid::Kernel::PropertyBase class for properties
 CMantid::Kernel::PropertyHistoryThis class stores information about the parameters used by an algorithm
 CMantid::Kernel::ProxyInfoProxyInfo : Container for carrying around network proxy information
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< ValueType >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< int >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< long >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< long long >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< unsigned int >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< unsigned long >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::JsonType< unsigned long long >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< T >General type to convert a Json::Value to a set C++ type
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< bool >Specialization of ToCpp for bool
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< double >Specialization of ToCpp for double
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< float >Specialization of ToCpp for float
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< int >Specialization of ToCpp for int
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< long >Specialization of ToCpp for long
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< long long >Specialization of ToCpp for long long
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< OptionalBool >
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< std::string >Specialization of ToCpp for std::string
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< std::vector< T > >Specialization of ToCpp for std::vector
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< unsigned int >Specialization of ToCpp for unsigned int
 CMantid::Kernel::pwvjdetail::ToCpp< unsigned long long int >Specialization of ToCpp for unsigned long long int
 CMantid::Kernel::QuatClass for quaternions
 CMantid::Kernel::ReadLockScoped, read-only lock for thread-safe access to DataItems
 CMantid::Kernel::RegistrationHelperThis class is simply used in the subscription of classes into the various factories in Mantid
 CMantid::Kernel::RfactorR factor for powder data analysis
 CMantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >Manage the lifetime of a class intended to be a singleton
 CMantid::Kernel::SplittingIntervalClass holding a start/end time and a destination for splitting event lists and logs
 CMantid::Kernel::StatisticsSimple struct to store statistics
 CMantid::Kernel::StatOptionsControls the computation of statisical data
 CMantid::Kernel::TaskA Task is a unit of work to be scheduled and run by a ThreadPool
 CMantid::Kernel::ThreadPoolA Thread Pool implementation that keeps a certain number of threads running (normally, equal to the number of hardware cores available) and schedules tasks to them in the most efficient way possible
 CMantid::Kernel::ThreadSchedulerThe ThreadScheduler object defines how tasks are allocated to threads and in what order
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeIntervalRepresents a time interval
 CMantid::Kernel::TimerA simple class that provides a wall-clock (not processor time) timer
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesPropertyStatisticsStruct holding some useful statistics for a TimeSeriesProperty
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeValueUnit< TYPE >Class to hold unit value (DateAndTime, T)
 CMantid::Kernel::TopicInfoTopicInfo : Class that holds information on a kafka topic
 CMantid::Kernel::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType >
 CMantid::Kernel::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
 CMantid::Kernel::UnitThe base units (abstract) class
 CMantid::Kernel::UnitConversionA set of static helper methods to perform conversions between units
 CMantid::Kernel::UnitLabelA base-class for the a class that is able to return unit labels in different representations
 CMantid::Kernel::Units::SymbolA simple class containing common symbol types
 CMantid::Kernel::UserStringParserThis class parses a given string into vector of vectors of numbers
 CMantid::Kernel::V2DImplements a 2-dimensional vector embedded in a 3D space, i.e
 CMantid::Kernel::V3DClass for 3D vectors
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::AddVariance< T >Functor to deal with the increase in the error when adding (or subtracting) a number of counts
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::DividesNonNull< T >Divide functor with result reset to 0 if the denominator is null
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::Log< T >Log functor
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::LogNoThrow< T >
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::SimpleAverage< T >A binary functor to compute the simple average of 2 numbers
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::Squares< T >Square functor
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::SumGaussError< T >Functor used for computing the sum of the square values of a vector, using the accumulate algorithm
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::SumSquares< T >Functor to accumulate a sum of squares
 CMantid::Kernel::VectorHelper::TimesSquares< T >Functor giving the product of the squares of the arguments
 CMantid::Kernel::VMDBase< TYPE >Simple vector class for multiple dimensions (i.e
 CMantid::Kernel::WriteLockScoped write-lock for thread-safe access to DataItems
 CMantid::mathLevel::PolyBaseHolds a polynominal as a primary type
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::CellCoordsPartition QLab space into a cubic lattice
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDBaseClass describes the interface to the methods, which perform conversion from usual workspaces to MDEventWorkspace
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDEventsWSIndexing::MDEventMaker< ND, MDEventType >
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDEventsWSIndexing::MDEventMaker< ND, Mantid::DataObjects::MDLeanEvent >
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvToMDSelectorSmall class to select proper solver as function of the workspace kind and (possibly, in a future) other workspace parameters
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::DisplayNormalizationSetterDisplayNormalizationSetter: Sets the displaynormalization on a workspace based on several parameters such as workspace-type, energy-transfer-mode and if we are dealing with Q3D
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::IDynamicRebinningClass provides commont interface for various classes performing rebinning operations;
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::InputArgumentLocal type to group min, max extents with a dimension index
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::Integrate3DEventsThis is a low-level class to construct a map with lists of events near each peak Q-vector, shifted to be centered at (0,0,0)
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateQLabEventsThis is a low-level class to construct a map with lists of events near each peak Q-vector in the lab frame
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::LessThanIndexComparator to allow sorting by dimension index
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::LoadDNSSCD::ExpDataStructure for experimental data
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::LOOP< i >
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::LOOP< 0 >
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::MDEventTreeBuilder< ND, MDEventType, EventIterator >Class to create the box structure of MDWorkspace
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::MDEventTreeBuilder< ND, MDEventType, EventIterator >::TaskStructure to store the subtask of creating subtree from the range of events
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::MDEventTreeBuilder< ND, MDEventType, EventIterator >::TreeWithIndexError
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::MDTransfInterfaceInterface to set of sub-classes used by ConvertToMD algorithm and responsible for conversion of input workspace data into MD events
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::ProductFunctor to compute the product of the set
 CMantid::MDAlgorithms::SquareHelper type to compute the square in-place
 CMantid::NeXus::NexusFileIOUtility method for saving NeXus format of Mantid Workspace This class interfaces to the C Nexus API
 CMantid::NeXus::NXAttributesNexus attributes
 CMantid::NeXus::NXClassInfoInformation about a Nexus class
 CMantid::NeXus::NXInfoC++ implementation of NeXus classes
 CMantid::NeXus::NXObjectThe base abstract class for NeXus classes and data sets
 CMantid::NoDeletingAn object for constructing a shared_ptr that won't ever delete its pointee
 CMantid::PhysicalConstants::AtomStruture to hold the common information for an atom
 CMantid::PhysicalConstants::MagneticIonStruture to hold information about magnetic form factor for 3d, 4d, rare earth, and actinide atoms and ions
 CMantid::PhysicalConstants::NeutronAtomStructure to store neutronic scattering information for the various elements
 CMantid::PythonInterface::AlgorithmIDProxyProvides a concrete type to wrap & return AlgorithmIDs that are actually just typedefs for void*
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::CArrayToNDArray< ElementType, ConversionPolicy >Converter that takes a c array and its size then converts/wraps it into a numpy array
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::CloneClone is a policy (in the C++ sense)for converting to an ND Array
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::Clone::apply< ElementType >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::MapToPyDictionary< KeyType, ValueType >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::MatrixToNDArray< ElementType, ConversionPolicy >Converter that takes a Mantid Matrix and converts it into a numpy array
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::NDArrayToVector< DestElementType >Converter taking an input numpy array and converting it to a std::vector
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::NDArrayTypeIndex< T >Defines a mapping between C++ type given by the template parameter and numpy type enum NPY_TYPES
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::PyObjectToMatrixTakes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is two dimensional it attempts to convert it to a Kernel::Matrix object
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::PyObjectToV3DTakes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is of length 3 then it will attempt to convert a Kernel::V3D object from it
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::PyObjectToVMDTakes a Python object and if it supports indexing and is of length 3 then it will attempt to convert a Kernel::VMD object from it
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::PySequenceToVector< DestElementType >Converts a Python sequence type to a C++ std::vector, where the element type is defined by the template type
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::ToPyList< ElementType >Converter that takes a std::vector and converts it into a python list
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::VectorToNDArray< ElementType, ConversionPolicy >Converter that takes a std::vector and converts it into a flat numpy array
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::WrapReadOnlyWrapReadOnly is a policy for VectorToNDArray to wrap the vector in a read-only numpy array that looks at the original data
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::WrapReadOnly::apply< ElementType >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::WrapReadWriteWrapReadWrite is a policy for VectorToNDArray to wrap the vector in a read-write numpy array that looks at the original data
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Converters::WrapReadWrite::apply< ElementType >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::DataServiceExporter< SvcType, SvcPtrType >A helper struct to export templated DataService<> types to Python
 CMantid::PythonInterface::ExtractSharedPtr< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::GILSharedPtrDeleterSpecial shared_ptr::deleter object that locks the GIL while deleting the underlying Python object
 CMantid::PythonInterface::GlobalInterpreterLockDefines a structure for acquiring/releasing the Python GIL using the RAII pattern
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::AsType< ReturnType >Implements the AsType policy
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::AsType< ReturnType >::apply< InputType >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::MatrixRefToNumpy< ConversionPolicy >Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a Matrix
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::MatrixRefToNumpy< ConversionPolicy >::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::MatrixToNumpyImplements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a function returning a std::vector by value
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::MatrixToNumpy::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::RemoveConstImplements the RemoveConst policy
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::RemoveConst::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::RemoveConstSharedPtrImplements the RemoveConstSharedPtr policy
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::RemoveConstSharedPtr::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::VectorRefToNumpy< ConversionPolicy >Implements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a rerence to a std::vector
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::VectorRefToNumpy< ConversionPolicy >::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::VectorToNumpyImplements a return value policy that returns a numpy array from a function returning a std::vector by ref or value
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Policies::VectorToNumpy::apply< T >
 CMantid::PythonInterface::PropertyWithValueExporter< HeldType, ValueReturnPolicy >A helper struct to export PropertyWithValue<> types to Python
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Registry::PropertyValueHandlerThis class provides a base-class objects that are able to take a python object and set it on an algorithm property
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Registry::PropertyWithValueFactoryDefines a static factory class that creates PropertyWithValue instances from python objects
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Registry::RegisterWorkspacePtrToPython< IType >Encapsulates the registration required for an interface type T that sits on top of a Kernel::DataItem object
 CMantid::PythonInterface::Registry::TypeRegistryThe values that are held within a given C++ property type all have a fixed type, required by static typing
 CMantid::PythonInterface::ReleaseGlobalInterpreterLockDefines a structure for releasing the Python GIL using the RAII pattern
 CMantid::PythonInterface::std_set_exporter< ElementType >Std::set wrapper
 CMantid::PythonInterface::std_vector_exporter< ElementType, NoIndexingProxy >A struct to help export std::vector types
 CMantid::PythonInterface::TypedValidatorExporter< Type >Declares a simple static struct to export a TypedValidator to Python
 CMantid::PythonInterface::UndefinedAttributeErrorDefines an exception for an undefined attribute
 CMantid::PythonInterface::UninstallTraceRAII handler to temporarily remove and reinstall a Python trace function
 CMantid::PythonInterface::WorkspacePropertyExporter< WorkspaceType >A helper struct to export WorkspaceProperty<> types to Python
 CMantid::Triple< T >Triple of three identical types
 CMantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::IMuonAsymmetryCalculatorIMuonAsymmetryCalculator : Abstract base class for muon asymmetry calculations
 CMantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::RegLowVectorPair< NumT >
 CMantidBaseContains display methods which will be used by QWorkspaceDockView
 CMantidQt::API::FindFilesSearchParametersPOD struct to hold details about the parameters of a file search
 CMantidQt::API::FindFilesSearchResultsPOD struct to hold details about the results of a file search
 CMantidQt::API::InterfaceManagerThis class is responsible for creating the correct dialog for an algorithm
 CMantidQt::API::IProjectSerialisableDefines an interface to a MantidPlot class that can be saved into or loaded from a project
 CMantidQt::API::MantidDesktopServicesThis class provides a wrapper around QDesktopServices to fix a bug in opening URLs in firefox when tcmalloc is in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable on Linux
 CMantidQt::API::PlotAxisDeals with formatting a label for a plot axis for a given type of workspace
 CMantidQt::API::PropertyWidgetFactoryPropertyWidgetFactory : TODO: DESCRIPTION
 CMantidQt::API::RepoModel::RepoItemA nested class to help RepoModel to implement the QAbstractItemModel
 CMantidQt::API::WidgetScrollbarDecoratorWidgetScrollbarDecorator : Adds scrollbar functionality to a QWidget
 CMantidQt::API::WindowIconsDefines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon
 CMantidQt::API::WorkspaceIconsDefines a mapping between a workspace ID and a pixmap to use for an icon
 CMantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserverObserves AnalysisDataService notifications: add,replace,delete
 CMantidQt::CustomDialogs::BaseInstantiatorBase instantiator to store in a map
 CMantidQt::CustomDialogs::NoDeletingAn object for constructing a shared_ptr that won't ever delete its pointee
 CMantidQt::CustomDialogs::OperationA struct describing a binary operation Note: The constructor takes an integer where 0 = intersection, 1 = union and 2 = difference
 CMantidQt::CustomInterfaces::UserInputValidatorA class to try and get rid of some of the boiler-plate code surrounding input validation, and hopefully as a result make it more readable
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ApplyEnumeratedSpectra< F >
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ApplySpectra< F >
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::Batch::StrictQModelIndex< Derived >
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ConfigurableDefines an interface for an object to load and store any configuration settings that should persist between objects
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::FitDomainThis class is used to store all data relating to a single domain to be fitted
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::AConstraintConstraint structure
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::APropertyTo keep QtProperty and its QtBrowserItem in one place
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::ATieTie structure
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::GlobalParameterThis struct stores the name of a global parameter which is shared across ALL domains in a multi dataset fit
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::GlobalTieThis struct stores the data associated with a global tie
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::HintStrategyHintStrategy : Provides an interface for generating hints to be used by a HintingLineEdit
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IFunctionBrowserIFunctionBrowser: interface for FunctionBrowser
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ImageInfoPresenterA table widget containing information about the pixel the mouse is over in an image
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IMuonFitDataModelIMuonFitDataModel: set data to fit for a muon fit property browser
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IMuonFitDataSelectorInterface for MuonFitDataSelector
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IMuonFitFunctionModelIMuonFitFunctionModel: set function to fit for a muon fit property browser
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IndexCollectionType< CollectionIndexType, CollectionValueType >A class which wraps a vector so that you supply not only the value type but also the expected index type
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IndexType< Class >A struct to impliment strongly typed integers, without implicit conversion
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IProjectSaveViewIProjectSaveView is the interface for defining the functions that the project save view needs to implement
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::IWorkspaceFitControlIWorkspaceFitControl: set data to fit for a fit property browser
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::LogValueFinderMDFLogValueFinder : Holds a collection of workspace names, and finds log values from them
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::MantidWSIndexWidget::UserInputAdvancedPlain old data structures to hold all user-selected input
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ProgressableViewProgressableView : Abstract view useful for indicating progress
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::ProjectSavePresenterImplements a presenter for the project saving dialog
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::SelectedAlgorithmRepresents the algorithm selected by the user Contains name and version
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceIsNotOfTypeHelper comparitor class used to determine if a workspace is not of a given type
 CMantidQt::Widgets::Common::Python::CodeExecutionSupport execution of arbitrary Python code with the option to install a trace handler to track lines executed and tell an editor to mark them appropriately
 CMantidQt::Widgets::Common::Python::InstanceHolderHolds a Python instance of an object with a method to access it
 CMapSupport::mapClone< KeyPart, PtrPart >Functor for coping map elements with clone functions
 CMapSupport::mapDelete< KeyPart, PtrPart >Functor for deleting the second component of a map
 CMapSupport::mapSwap< KeyPart, BodyPart >Functor for reversing a map
 CMapSupport::mapWrite< PartA, PartB >Functor quick write out of a map
 CMapSupport::PFirst< T, U >Class to access the first object in index pair
 CMapSupport::PSecond< T, U >Class to access the second object in index pair
 CMapSupport::sndValue< KeyPart, NumPart >Functor to get second point in a map
 CMapSupport::valEqual< KeyPart, NumPart >Functor using second value as equal
 CMantid::Kernel::Matrix< coord_t >
 CMantid::Kernel::Matrix< double >
 CMantid::Kernel::Matrix< int >
 CMantid::Kernel::Matrix< MatrixNumericType >
 CMantid::Geometry::MatrixVectorPair< double, Mantid::Geometry::V3R >
 CMantid::Geometry::MatrixVectorPair< int, Mantid::Geometry::V3R >
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDBox< MDE, nd >
 CMantid::DataObjects::MDBoxBase< MDE, nd >
 CMantid::Geometry::MDDimensionExtents< coord_t >
 CMDGeometryBuliderXMLComputes Boolean algebra for simplification
 Cmorton_index::IndexTypes< ND, FP >This structure determines Morton index type and underlying unsigned integer type for the floating point coordinate type and number of dimensions
 Cmorton_index::Interleaver< ND, IntT, MortonT >
 Cmorton_index::Interleaver< ND, IntT, Morton96 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< SZ >This structure binds the size of accesible memory to store the Morton index to the Morton index type
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 1 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 12 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 16 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 2 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 4 >
 Cmorton_index::MortonIndex< 8 >
 Cmorton_index::UnderlyingInt< FP >This structure binds floating point types to the unsigned integer types of the same width
 Cmorton_index::UnderlyingInt< double >
 Cmorton_index::UnderlyingInt< float >
 CMuonNexusReaderMuunNexusReader opens a Nexus file and reads certain fields expected for a ISIS Muon data file (old format)
 CMantid::Kernel::NearestNeighbours< 3 >
 CNexusTestHelperA Helper class for easily writing nexus saving/loading tests
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::Algorithm, Mantid::API::Algorithm::ProgressNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmFactoryObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory::UpdateNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmObserver, Mantid::API::Algorithm::ErrorNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmObserver, Mantid::API::Algorithm::FinishedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmObserver, Mantid::API::Algorithm::ProgressNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmObserver, Mantid::API::Algorithm::StartedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AlgorithmObserver, Mantid::API::AlgorithmStartingNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, AnalysisDataServiceImpl::AddNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, AnalysisDataServiceImpl::AfterReplaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, AnalysisDataServiceImpl::ClearNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, AnalysisDataServiceImpl::PreDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, AnalysisDataServiceImpl::RenameNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::GroupUpdatedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::GroupWorkspacesNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceObserver, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::UnGroupingWorkspaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::MDGeometryNotificationHelper, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PreDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::WorkspaceGroup, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::BeforeReplaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::API::WorkspaceGroup, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PostDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< Mantid::Kernel::ConfigObserver, Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::ValueChanged >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::AlgorithmRunner, Mantid::API::Algorithm::ErrorNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::AlgorithmRunner, Mantid::API::Algorithm::FinishedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::AlgorithmRunner, Mantid::API::Algorithm::ProgressNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, MantidQt::API::AlgorithmCompleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, MantidQt::API::AlgorithmErrorNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, MantidQt::API::AlgorithmStartedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, MantidQt::API::BatchCancelledNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner, MantidQt::API::BatchCompleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AddNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AfterReplaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::ClearNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PostDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PreDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::API::WorkspaceObserver, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::RenameNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::GroupUpdatedNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::GroupWorkspacesNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl::UnGroupingWorkspaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AddNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AfterReplaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::ClearNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PostDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::ADSAdapter, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::RenameNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::AlgorithmSelectorWidget, Mantid::Kernel::DynamicFactory::UpdateNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FitPropertyBrowser, Mantid::API::FunctionFactoryUpdateNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::InstrumentSelector, Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::ValueChanged >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceSelector, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AddNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceSelector, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::AfterReplaceNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceSelector, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::ClearNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceSelector, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::PostDeleteNotification >
 CPoco::NObserver< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::WorkspaceSelector, Mantid::Kernel::DataService::RenameNotification >
 CNotebookBuilderThis class builds an ipython notebook of an algorithm's history, using NotebookWriter
 CNotebookWriterThis class assists with writing ipython notebooks
 CObservableSimple observable class
 CParallelTestHelpers::ParallelRunnerRuns a callable in parallel
 CPoco::ActiveMethod< R, A, O, S >
 CPoco::ActiveResult< T >
 CPoco::ActiveStarter< O >
 CPoco::NObserver< C, N >
 CPointGroupFactoryA factory for point groups
 CQHash< Key, T >
 CQHash< Message::Priority, QTextCharFormat >
 CQHash< QCheckBox *const, QString >
 CQHash< QPushButton *, int >
 CQHash< QString, MantidQt::API::PropertyWidget * >
 CQHash< QString, QGroupBox * >
 CQHash< QString, QHash< QString, QString > >
 CQHash< QString, QLabel * >
 CQHash< QString, QList< std::string > >
 CQHash< QString, QSet< QString > >
 CQHash< QString, QString >
 CQHash< QString, QWidget * >
 CQHash< QString, std::string >
 CQList< T >
 CQList< bool >
 CQList< double >
 CQList< MantidQt::API::RepoModel::RepoItem * >
 CQList< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionModelDataset >
 CQList< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::Interval >
 CQList< MantidQt::MantidWidgets::Message >
 CQList< QLayoutItem * >
 CQList< QString >
 CQList< QtProperty * >
 CQList< QWidget * >
 CQMultiMap< Key, T >
 CQMultiMap< QString, std::set< int > >
 CQMultiMap< QtProperty *, MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::AConstraint >
 CQMultiMap< QtProperty *, MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FunctionTreeView::ATie >
 CQtHelpSchemeRegistrationRegister on the scheme on library load as it must be done before QApplication is created
 CRPB_STRUCTRun parameter block (32*4 bytes)
 CScopedFileHelper::ScopedFileFile object type
 CSE_STRUCTSample environment block (32*4 bytes)
 Csgl_limits_structStructure holding the limits of s single
 CSpaceGroupFactoryThis factory is used to create space group objects
 CSPB_STRUCTSample parameter block (64*4 bytes)
 CMantid::API::SpectrumInfoItem< Mantid::API::SpectrumInfo >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::shared_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cstd::wide_integer< Bits, Signed >
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::Batch::StrictQModelIndex< QModelIndexForFilteredModel >
 CMantidQt::MantidWidgets::Batch::StrictQModelIndex< QModelIndexForMainModel >
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeValueUnit< bool >
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeValueUnit< double >
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeValueUnit< HeldType >
 CMantid::Kernel::TimeValueUnit< int >
 CMantid::Kernel::uniform_int_distribution< size_t >
 CUSER_STRUCTUser information (8*20 bytes)
 Cvax_doubleVax double precision floating point
 Cvax_singleVax single precision floating point
 CViewNotifiableMixin class allows view notifications
 CMantid::Kernel::VMDBase< VMD_t >
 CWorkspaceCreationHelper::EPPTableRowA struct containing the cells of an EPP table row
 CWorkspaceCreationHelper::FibSeries< T >Create a Fibonacci series
 CWorkspaceProviderNotifiableMixin class allows ADS notifications