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Mantid::Kernel Namespace Reference


namespace  ChecksumHelper
 ChecksumHelper : A selection of helper methods for calculating checksums.
namespace  DateAndTimeHelpers
namespace  Detail
namespace  detail
namespace  Exception
 The exception classes used by Mantid.
namespace  Math
namespace  MemoryOptions
namespace  MultiFileNameParsing
namespace  PropertyNexus
 Namespace with helper methods for loading and saving Property's (logs) to NXS files.
namespace  pwvjdetail
namespace  Strings
 Holds support functions for strings.
namespace  Units
 The namespace for concrete units classes.
namespace  Utils
 Utils: General-purpose utility functions that do not belong anywhere else.
namespace  VectorHelper


class  __save_flags
class  AbstractInstantiator
 The base class for instantiators. More...
class  ArrayBoundedValidator
 Kernel/ArrayBoundedValidator.h. More...
class  ArrayLengthValidator
 ArrayLenghtValidator : Validate length of an array property. More...
class  ArrayOrderedPairsValidator
 Kernel/ArrayOrderedPairsValidator.h. More...
class  ArrayProperty
 Support for a property that holds an array of values. More...
class  AttenuationProfile
class  BinaryFile
 The BinaryFile template is a helper function for loading simple binary files. More...
class  BinaryStreamReader
 Assists with reading a binary file by providing standard overloads for the istream operators (>>) to given types (and vectors of those types). More...
class  BinaryStreamWriter
 Assists with writing a binary file by providing standard overloads for the ostream operators (<<) to given types (and vectors of those types). More...
class  BinFinder
 The BinFinder class is a helper class that allows one to quickly find a bin index for many events. More...
class  BoundedValidator
 BoundedValidator is a validator that requires the values to be between upper or lower bounds, or both. More...
class  Cache
 Cache is a generic caching storage class. More...
struct  CaseInsensitiveCmp
struct  CaseInsensitiveStringComparator
 Functor to provide a case insensitive string comparator. More...
class  CatalogConfigService
class  CatalogInfo
 A class that holds information about catalogs. More...
class  Chainable
 Chainable. More...
class  ChainableFactory
 ChainableFactory : Chain of Responsiblity generic factory. More...
class  ChebyshevPolyFit
 Compute a weighted least-squares polynomial approximations to an arbitrary set of data points. More...
struct  ChebyshevPolynomial
 Evaluates a single Chebyshev polynomial (first kind) for x in range [-1,1]. More...
class  ChebyshevSeries
 Evaluate an approximation to a nth order polynomial using a Chebyshev series through Crenshaw's algorithm to evaluate \(p_n(x) = \Sigma_{i=1}^{n}c_iT_i\) The evaluation is implemented using the reccurrence relations http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ClenshawRecurrenceFormula.html. More...
class  CompositeValidator
class  ConfigObserver
 The ConfigObserver is used to observe changes in the configuration based on notifications sent from the ConfigService. More...
class  ConfigPropertyObserver
 The ConfigObserver is used to observe changes to the value of a single configuration property based on notifications sent from the ConfigService. More...
class  ConfigServiceImpl
 The ConfigService class provides a simple facade to access the Configuration functionality of the Mantid Framework. More...
class  cow_ptr
 Implements a copy on write data template. More...
class  CPUTimer
 CPUTimer : Timer that uses the CPU time, rather than wall-clock time to measure execution time. More...
struct  CreateUsingNew
 Policy class controlling creation of the singleton Implementation classes should mark their default constructors private and insert a friend declaration for this class, e.g.: More...
class  DataItem
 This class forms the base class of any item that wishes to be stored in the analysis data service. More...
class  DataService
 DataService stores instances of a given type. More...
class  DateTimeValidator
 Checks that a string contains a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm) More...
class  DateValidator
 DateValidator is a validator that validates date, format of valid date is "DD/MM/YYYY" At present, this validator is only available for properties of type std::string This class has written for validating start and end dates of ICat interface. More...
struct  DeltaEMode
 Defines the possible energy transfer modes: More...
struct  Direction
 Describes the direction (within an algorithm) of a Property. More...
class  DirectoryValidator
 DirectoryValidator is a validator that checks that a directory path is valid. More...
class  DiskBuffer
 Buffer objects that need to be written out to disk so as to optimize writing operations. More...
class  DllOpen
 Simple class for opening shared libraries at run-time. More...
class  DynamicFactory
 The dynamic factory is a base dynamic factory for serving up objects in response to requests from other classes. More...
class  EnabledWhenProperty
class  EnvironmentHistory
 This class stores information about the Environment of the computer used by the framework. More...
class  EqualBinsChecker
 EqualBinsChecker : Checks for evenly spaced bins. More...
class  ErrorReporter
 ErrorReporter : The error reporter is responsible for sending error reports. More...
class  FacilityInfo
 A class that holds information about a facility. More...
class  FeatureUsage
 UsageReporter : The Usage reporter is responsible for collating, and sending all usage data. More...
class  FileDescriptor
 Defines a wrapper around an open file. More...
class  FileValidator
 FileValidator is a validator that checks that a filepath is valid. More...
class  FilteredTimeSeriesProperty
 Templated class that defines a filtered time series but still gives access to the original data. More...
class  FreeBlock
 FreeBlock: a simple class that holds the position and size of block of free space in a file. More...
class  FunctionTask
 A FunctionTask can easily create a Task from a method pointer. More...
class  GitHubApiHelper
 GitHubApiHelper : A helper class for supporting access to the github api through HTTP and HTTPS, inherits from the InternetHelper. More...
class  Glob
 This Glob class overrides the glob() method of Poco::Glob class to make it more reliable. More...
class  ICatalogInfo
 ICatalogInfo : An abstract class that holds information about catalogs. More...
class  IndexSet
 IndexSet is a container that can be used to define and access a subset of elements in a larger container such as std::vector. More...
class  INode
 Helper class providing interface to ISAveable. More...
class  Instantiator
 The instantiator is a generic class for creating objects of the template type. More...
class  InstrumentInfo
 A class that holds information about an instrument. More...
class  InternetHelper
 InternetHelper : A helper class for supporting access to resources through HTTP and HTTPS. More...
class  Interpolation
 Provide interpolation over a series of points. More...
class  InverseAngstromsUnit
 Inverse Angstroms unit. More...
class  InverseAngstromsUnitFactory
class  InvisibleProperty
 This property setting object makes a property invisible in the GUI. More...
class  IPropertyManager
 Interface to PropertyManager. More...
class  IPropertySettings
 Interface for modifiers to Property's that specify if they should be enabled or visible in a GUI. More...
class  ISaveable
 An interface for objects that can be cached or saved to disk. More...
class  ITimeSeriesProperty
 A non-templated interface to a TimeSeriesProperty. More...
class  IValidator
 IValidator is the basic interface for all validators for properties. More...
class  LabelUnit
class  LabelUnitFactory
struct  LessOrEqualFunctor
class  LibraryManagerImpl
 Class for opening shared libraries. More...
class  LibraryWrapper
 Class for wrapping a shared library. More...
class  ListValidator
 ListValidator is a validator that requires the value of a property to be one of a defined list of possibilities. More...
class  LiveListenerInfo
 A class that holds information about a LiveListener connection. More...
class  LogFilter
 This class is for filtering TimeSeriesProperty data. More...
class  Logger
 The Logger class is in charge of the publishing messages from the framework through various channels. More...
class  LogParser
 LogParser parses the instrument log files to select records corresponding to 'RUNNING' instrument status. More...
class  MandatoryValidator
 Validator to check that a property is not left empty. More...
class  MantidVersion
 Class containing static methods to return the Mantid version number and date. More...
class  MaskedProperty
 A property class for masking the properties. More...
class  Material
 A material is defined as being composed of a given element, defined as a PhysicalConstants::NeutronAtom, with the following properties: More...
class  MaterialBuilder
 Create a material from a set of user defined options. More...
class  MaterialXMLParser
 Read an XML definition of a Material and produce a new Material object. More...
class  Matrix
 Numerical Matrix class. More...
class  MatrixProperty
class  MDAxisValidator
 MDAxisValidator is a class that checks the number of MD axes match the number of workspace dimensions, refactoring out the common validation code from several MD algorithms into a common class. More...
class  MDUnit
 MDUnit : Unit type for multidimensional data types. More...
class  MDUnitFactory
 MDUnitFactory : Abstract type. More...
class  MemoryStats
 This class is responsible for memory statistics. More...
class  MersenneTwister
 This implements the the Mersenne Twister 19937 pseudo-random number generator algorithm as a specialzation of the PseudoRandomNumberGenerator interface. More...
class  MRUList
 An MRU (most recently used) list keeps record of the last n inserted items, listing first the newer ones. More...
class  MultiFileValidator
 The MultiFileValidator validates a MultiFileProperty, which contains a vector of vectors* of filenames - the meaning of which is discussed in MultiFileProperty.h. More...
class  NDPseudoRandomNumberGenerator
 Defines an ND pseudo-random number generator. More...
class  NDRandomNumberGenerator
 This class defines an interface for N dimensional random number generators. More...
class  NearestNeighbours
class  NetworkProxy
 NetworkProxy : Network proxy utility for getting network proxy information. More...
class  NexusDescriptor
 Defines a wrapper around a file whose internal structure can be accessed using the NeXus API. More...
class  NexusHDF5Descriptor
class  NNDataPoints
 NNDataPoints is a thin RAII wrapper class around the ANNpointArray type. More...
class  normal_distribution
class  NullValidator
 NullValidator is a validator that doesn't. More...
class  OptionalBool
 OptionalBool : Tri-state bool. More...
class  ProgressBase
 ProgressBase. More...
class  Property
 Base class for properties. More...
class  PropertyHistory
 This class stores information about the parameters used by an algorithm. More...
class  PropertyManager
 Property manager helper class. More...
class  PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl
 PropertyManagerDataService Class. More...
class  PropertyManagerOwner
 Kernel/PropertyManagerOwner.h. More...
class  PropertyManagerProperty
class  PropertyWithValue
 The concrete, templated class for properties. More...
class  ProxyInfo
 ProxyInfo : Container for carrying around network proxy information. More...
class  PseudoRandomNumberGenerator
 Defines a 1D pseudo-random number generator, i.e. More...
class  QuasiRandomNumberSequence
 Defines an interface to a quasi-random number sequence. More...
class  Quat
 Class for quaternions. More...
class  QUnit
 QUnit base. More...
class  ReadLock
 Scoped, read-only lock for thread-safe access to DataItems. More...
class  RebinParamsValidator
 Validator to check the format of a vector providing the rebin parameters to an algorithm. More...
class  ReciprocalLatticeUnit
 Dimensionless RLU. More...
class  ReciprocalLatticeUnitFactory
class  RegistrationHelper
 This class is simply used in the subscription of classes into the various factories in Mantid. More...
struct  Rfactor
 R factor for powder data analysis. More...
class  SetValueWhenProperty
class  SingletonHolder
 Manage the lifetime of a class intended to be a singleton. More...
class  SobolSequence
 Defines a generator that produces quasi-random numbers according to a Sobol sequence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobol_sequence. More...
class  SplittingInterval
 Class holding a start/end time and a destination for splitting event lists and logs. More...
class  StartsWithValidator
 StartsWithValidator is a validator that requires the value of a property to start with one of the strings in a defined list of possibilities. More...
struct  Statistics
 Simple struct to store statistics. More...
struct  StatOptions
 Controls the computation of statisical data. More...
class  StringContainsValidator
 StringContainsValidator : A validator designed to ensure that a string input contain a given sub string or a set of sub strings. More...
class  StringTokenizer
class  Task
 A Task is a unit of work to be scheduled and run by a ThreadPool. More...
class  ThreadPool
 A Thread Pool implementation that keeps a certain number of threads running (normally, equal to the number of hardware cores available) and schedules tasks to them in the most efficient way possible. More...
class  ThreadPoolRunnable
 ThreadPoolRunnable : Class used by thread pool (and POCO) to run inside a thread. More...
class  ThreadSafeLogIOS
 The base class for ThreadSafeLogStream. More...
class  ThreadSafeLogStream
 The main log stream class implementing an ostream interface to a Logger. More...
class  ThreadSafeLogStreamBuf
 This class implements a threadsafe version of the POCO buffer interface to a Logger's stream object. More...
class  ThreadScheduler
 The ThreadScheduler object defines how tasks are allocated to threads and in what order. More...
class  ThreadSchedulerFIFO
 A First-In-First-Out Thread Scheduler. More...
class  ThreadSchedulerLargestCost
 A Largest Cost Thread Scheduler. More...
class  ThreadSchedulerLIFO
 A Last-In-First-Out Thread Scheduler. More...
class  ThreadSchedulerMutexes
 ThreadSchedulerMutexes : Version of a ThreadSchedulerLargestCost that also makes sure to not try to schedule two tasks with the same mutex at the same time. More...
class  TimeInterval
 Represents a time interval. More...
class  Timer
 A simple class that provides a wall-clock (not processor time) timer. More...
class  TimeSeriesProperty
 A specialised Property class for holding a series of time-value pairs. More...
struct  TimeSeriesPropertyStatistics
 Struct holding some useful statistics for a TimeSeriesProperty. More...
class  TimeValueUnit
 Class to hold unit value (DateAndTime, T) More...
class  TopicInfo
 TopicInfo : Class that holds information on a kafka topic. More...
class  uniform_int_distribution
class  Unit
 The base units (abstract) class. More...
class  UnitConversion
 A set of static helper methods to perform conversions between units. More...
class  UnitFactoryImpl
 Creates instances of concrete units. More...
class  UnitLabel
 A base-class for the a class that is able to return unit labels in different representations. More...
class  UsageServiceImpl
class  UserCatalogInfo
 UserCatalogInfo : Takes catalog info from the facility (via CatalogInfo), but provides the ability to override the facility defaults based on user preferences. More...
class  UserStringParser
 This class parses a given string into vector of vectors of numbers. More...
class  V2D
 Implements a 2-dimensional vector embedded in a 3D space, i.e. More...
class  V3D
 Class for 3D vectors. More...
class  VisibleWhenProperty
 Same as EnabledWhenProperty, but returns the value for the isVisible() property instead of the isEnabled() property. More...
class  VMDBase
 Simple vector class for multiple dimensions (i.e. More...
class  WriteLock
 Scoped write-lock for thread-safe access to DataItems. More...


template<class T >
using CaseInsensitiveMap = std::map< std::string, T, CaseInsensitiveStringComparator >
 Alias template for a map data structure that has case insensitive string comparision with a variable value type. More...
using CaseSensitiveStringComparator = std::less< std::string >
using ConfigService = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< ConfigServiceImpl >
using ConfigValChangeNotification = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::ValueChanged
using ConfigValChangeNotification_ptr = const Poco::AutoPtr< Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::ValueChanged > &
using DataItem_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const DataItem >
 Shared pointer to a const DataItem. More...
using DataItem_sptr = std::shared_ptr< DataItem >
 Shared pointer to a DataItem. More...
using DataXY = std::pair< double, double >
using DblMatrix = Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< double >
using FloatMatrix = Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< float >
using IntMatrix = Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< int >
using IValidator_sptr = std::shared_ptr< IValidator >
 A shared_ptr to an IValidator. More...
using LibraryManager = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< LibraryManagerImpl >
using Material_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const Material >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a const object. More...
using Material_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Material >
 Typedef for a shared pointer. More...
using MDUnit_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const MDUnit >
using MDUnit_uptr = std::unique_ptr< MDUnit >
using MDUnitFactory_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const MDUnitFactory >
using MDUnitFactory_uptr = std::unique_ptr< MDUnitFactory >
using OptionalPath = boost::optional< std::string >
using PropertyHistories = std::vector< PropertyHistory_sptr >
using PropertyHistory_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const PropertyHistory >
using PropertyHistory_sptr = std::shared_ptr< PropertyHistory >
using PropertyManager_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const PropertyManager >
 shared pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager(const version) More...
using PropertyManager_const_uptr = std::unique_ptr< const PropertyManager >
 unique pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager (const version) More...
using PropertyManager_sptr = std::shared_ptr< PropertyManager >
 Typedef for a shared pointer to a PropertyManager. More...
using PropertyManager_uptr = std::unique_ptr< PropertyManager >
 unique pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager More...
using PropertyManagerDataService = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl >
using SingletonDeleterFn = std::function< void()>
 Type of deleter function. More...
using str_pair = std::pair< std::string, std::string >
using StringListValidator = ListValidator< std::string >
 ListValidator<std::string> is used heavily. More...
using time_point_ns = std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock >
using TimeSplitterType = std::vector< SplittingInterval >
 A typedef for splitting events according their pulse time. More...
using tokenizer = Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer
using Unit_const_sptr = std::shared_ptr< const Unit >
 Shared pointer to the Unit base class (const version) More...
using Unit_sptr = std::shared_ptr< Unit >
 Shared pointer to the Unit base class. More...
using UnitFactory = SingletonHolder< UnitFactoryImpl >
using UnitParametersMap = std::unordered_map< UnitParams, double >
using UsageService = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< UsageServiceImpl >
using VMD = VMDBase< VMD_t >
 Define the VMD as using the double or float data type. More...
using VMD_t = float
 Underlying data type for the VMD type. More...


enum class  CompositeRelation { AND = 0 , OR = 1 }
 A composite validator that can combine any 2+ arbitrary validators together. More...
enum class  DataServiceHidden { Auto , Include , Exclude }
 Flag for whether to include hidden items when returning, Auto queries the class to determine this behavior. More...
enum class  DataServiceSort { Sorted , Unsorted }
 Flag for whether to sort items before returning. More...
enum  eLogicOperator { AND , OR , XOR }
 Enum for use when combining two EnabledWhenPropertyItems. More...
enum  ePropertyCriterion {
 Enum for use in EnabledWhenProperty. More...
enum class  FeatureType { Algorithm , Interface , Feature , Function }
 An enum specifying the 4 possible features types that can be logged in the usage service. More...
 Enmuerate the ignored memory fields. More...
enum  SpecialCoordinateSystem { None = 0 , QLab = 1 , QSample = 2 , HKL = 3 }
 Special coordinate systems for Q3D. More...
enum  TimeSeriesSortStatus { TSUNKNOWN , TSUNSORTED , TSSORTED }
enum class  TopicType {
  Event , Chopper , Sample , Run ,
enum class  UnitParams {
  l2 , twoTheta , efixed , delta ,
  difa , difc , tzero


template<typename T , typename BinaryOp >
void AtomicOp (std::atomic< T > &f, T d, BinaryOp op)
 Uses std::compare_exchange_weak to update the atomic value f = op(f, d) Used to improve parallel scaling in algorithms MDNormDirectSC and MDNormSCD. More...
bool canRead (const std::string &filename)
bool compareSplittingInterval (const SplittingInterval &si1, const SplittingInterval &si2)
 Comparator for sorting lists of SplittingInterval. More...
bool compareTasks (Task *lhs, Task *rhs)
 Method to perform sorting of task lists. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL PropertyManager_sptr createPropertyManager (const Json::Value &keyValues)
 Attempt to create a PropertyManager from the Json::Value. More...
template<typename Type >
Type decode (const Json::Value &value)
 Attempt to decode the given Json::Value as the given Type. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::unique_ptr< PropertydecodeAsProperty (const std::string &name, const Json::Value &value)
 Attempt to create a Property of the most appropriate type from a string name and Json value object. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void deleteOnExit (const SingletonDeleterFn &func)
 Register the given deleter function to be called at exit. More...
template<typename T >
void dumpToStream (std::ostream &os, const Kernel::Matrix< T > &matrix, const char delimiter)
 Write a Matrix to a stream. More...
template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value encodeAsJson (const Kernel::Matrix< ValueType > &)
 Encode a Matrix as a Json::Value. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL::Json::Value encodeAsJson (const OptionalBool &)
 Encode an OptionalBool as a Json::Value. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL::Json::Value encodeAsJson (const PropertyManager &propMgr)
 Return the value of the PropertyManager as a Json::Value. More...
template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value encodeAsJson (const std::shared_ptr< ValueType > &)
 Encode a shared_ptr by dereferencing a it and encoding its value. More...
Json::Value encodeAsJson (const std::vector< bool > &vectorValue)
 Specialization to encode a std::vector<bool> value as a Json::Value arrayValue type. More...
template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value encodeAsJson (const std::vector< ValueType > &vectorValue)
 Encode a std::vector value as a Json::Value arrayValue type. More...
template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value encodeAsJson (const ValueType &value)
 Encode a single value as a Json::Value. More...
template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool equals (const T x, const T y)
 Test for equality of doubles using compiler-defined precision. More...
template<typename TYPE >
bool equals (const TYPE x, const TYPE y)
 Compare floating point numbers for equality to within std::numeric_limits<TYPE>::epsilon precision. More...
double fast_exp (double y)
template<typename T >
void fillFromStream (std::istream &is, Kernel::Matrix< T > &in, const char delimiter)
 Fill a Matrix from a stream using the given separator. More...
double DLLExport filterByStatistic (TimeSeriesProperty< double > const *const propertyToFilter, Kernel::Math::StatisticType statisticType)
 Function filtering double TimeSeriesProperties according to the requested statistics. More...
template<typename TYPE >
double getMedian (const vector< TYPE > &data)
 There are enough special cases in determining the median where it useful to put it in a single function. More...
template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore (const std::vector< TYPE > &data)
 Return the modified Z score values for a dataset. More...
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< double > (const vector< double > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< float > (const vector< float > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< int > (const vector< int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< long > (const vector< long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< long long > (const vector< long long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< unsigned int > (const vector< unsigned int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< unsigned long > (const vector< unsigned long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getModifiedZscore< unsigned long long > (const vector< unsigned long long > &, const bool)
template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > getMomentsAboutMean (const std::vector< TYPE > &x, const std::vector< TYPE > &y, const int maxMoment=3)
 Return the first n-moments of the supplied data. More...
template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > getMomentsAboutOrigin (const std::vector< TYPE > &x, const std::vector< TYPE > &y, const int maxMoment=3)
 Return the first n-moments of the supplied data. More...
Statistics getNanStatistics ()
 Generate a Statistics object where all of the values are NaN. More...
Rfactor MANTID_KERNEL_DLL getRFactor (const std::vector< double > &obsI, const std::vector< double > &calI, const std::vector< double > &obsE)
 Return the R-factors (Rwp) of a diffraction pattern data. More...
template<typename TYPE >
Statistics getStatistics (const std::vector< TYPE > &data, const unsigned int flags=StatOptions::AllStats)
 Return a statistics object for the given data set. More...
DLLExport Statistics getStatistics< bool > (const vector< bool > &data, const unsigned int flags)
 Getting statistics of a boolean array should just give a bunch of NaNs. More...
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< double > (const vector< double > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< float > (const vector< float > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< int > (const vector< int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< long > (const vector< long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< long long > (const vector< long long > &, const bool)
DLLExport Statistics getStatistics< string > (const vector< string > &data, const unsigned int flags)
 Getting statistics of a string array should just give a bunch of NaNs. More...
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< unsigned int > (const vector< unsigned int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< unsigned long > (const vector< unsigned long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics getStatistics< unsigned long long > (const vector< unsigned long long > &, const bool)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string getUnmangledTypeName (const std::type_info &type)
 Return the name corresponding to the mangled string given by typeid. More...
std::string getValueFromStdOut (const std::string &orig, const std::string &key)
template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > getWeightedZscore (const vector< TYPE > &data, const vector< TYPE > &weights)
 There are enough special cases in determining the Z score where it useful to put it in a single function. More...
template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > getZscore (const std::vector< TYPE > &data)
 Return the Z score values for a dataset. More...
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< double > (const vector< double > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< float > (const vector< float > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< int > (const vector< int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< long > (const vector< long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< long long > (const vector< long long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< unsigned int > (const vector< unsigned int > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< unsigned long > (const vector< unsigned long > &, const bool)
template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > getZscore< unsigned long long > (const vector< unsigned long long > &, const bool)
template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool gtEquals (const T x, const T y)
 Test whether x>=y within machine precision. More...
bool has_ending (const std::string &value, const std::string &ending)
 Confirm that the value string ends with then ending string. More...
MANTID_API_DLL API::IAlgorithm_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 Get the value of a given property as the declared concrete type (const version) More...
MANTID_API_DLL API::IAlgorithm_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 Get the value of a given property as the declared concrete type. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDWorkspace_const_sptr> is required. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDWorkspace_const_sptr> is required. More...
MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
 In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required. More...
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
DLLExport Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_sptr IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_sptr > (const std::string &name) const
bool isFilter (const TimeSplitterType &a)
 Return true if the TimeSplitterType provided is a filter, meaning that it only has an output index of 0. More...
template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool ltEquals (const T x, const T y)
 Test whether x<=y within machine precision. More...
template<class T , class... Args>
cow_ptr< T > make_cow (Args &&...args)
template<typename T >
CatalogConfigServicemakeCatalogConfigServiceAdapter (const T &adaptee, const std::string &key="icatDownload.mountPoint")
MDUnitFactory_uptr MANTID_KERNEL_DLL makeMDUnitFactoryChain ()
 Convience method. Pre-constructed builder chain. More...
template<typename TYPE >
std::string memToString (const TYPE mem_in_kiB)
 Convert a (number) for memory in kiB to a string with proper units. More...
template<typename TYPE >
string memToString (const TYPE mem_in_kiB)
 Utility function to convert memory in kiB into easy to read units. More...
template DLLExport string memToString< uint32_t > (const uint32_t)
template DLLExport string memToString< uint64_t > (const uint64_t)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL V3D normalize (V3D v)
 Normalizes a V3D. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool operator!= (const Mantid::Kernel::Property &lhs, const Mantid::Kernel::Property &rhs)
 Compares this to another property for inequality. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL TimeSplitterType operator& (const TimeSplitterType &a, const TimeSplitterType &b)
 AND operator for TimeSplitterType Works on Filters - combines them to only keep times where both Filters are TRUE. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL TimeSplitterType operator+ (const TimeSplitterType &a, const TimeSplitterType &b)
 Plus operator for TimeSplitterType. More...
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _RT >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const normal_distribution< _RT > &__x)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const VMDBase< float > &)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &buffer, const InstrumentInfo &instrumentDescriptor)
 Allow this object to be printed to a stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &buffer, const LiveListenerInfo &listener)
 Allow this object to be printed to a stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &buffer, const TopicInfo &topic)
 Allow this object to be printed to a stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EnvironmentHistory &EH)
 Prints a text representation. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Interpolation &f)
 Prints the value of parameter. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrix< T > &matrix)
 Write an object to a stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PropertyHistory &AP)
 Prints a text representation. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Quat &q)
 Prints a string representation. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const V2D &point)
 Output stream operator. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const V3D &v)
 Prints a text representation of itself. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VMDBase< double > &v)
 Prints a text representation of itself. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, OptionalBool const &object)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MemoryStats &stats)
 Convenience function for writting out to stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Timer &obj)
 Convenience function to provide for easier debug printing. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, CPUTimer &obj)
 Convenience function to provide for easier debug printing. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Mantid::Kernel::TimeInterval &t)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool operator== (const Mantid::Kernel::Property &lhs, const Mantid::Kernel::Property &rhs)
 Compares this to another property for equality. More...
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _RT >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, normal_distribution< _RT > &__x)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Interpolation &f)
 Reads in parameter value. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &ins, Quat &q)
 Reads in a quat from an input stream. More...
template<typename T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Kernel::Matrix< T > &in)
 Fill an object from a stream. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istream, OptionalBool &object)
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &IX, V3D &A)
 Calls Vec3D method write to output class. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL TimeSplitterType operator| (const TimeSplitterType &a, const TimeSplitterType &b)
 OR operator for TimeSplitterType Only works on Filters, not splitters. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL TimeSplitterType operator~ (const TimeSplitterType &a)
 NOT operator for TimeSplitterType Only works on Filters. More...
void process_mem_usage (size_t &vm_usage, size_t &resident_set)
 Attempts to read the system-dependent data for a process' virtual memory size and resident set size, and return the results in KB. More...
TimeSplitterType removeFilterOverlap (const TimeSplitterType &a)
 Remove any overlap in a filter (will not work properly on a splitter) More...
void swap (MultiFileValidator &obj1, MultiFileValidator &obj2)
template<typename Arg >
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type threadSafe (Arg workspace)
 Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access. More...
template<typename Arg , typename... Args>
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type threadSafe (Arg workspace, Args &&...others)
 Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access. More...
template<typename Arg >
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type threadSafe (const Arg &workspace)
 Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access. More...
template<typename Arg , typename... Args>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type threadSafe (const Arg &workspace, Args &&...others)
 Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access. More...
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL double timeMean (const Kernel::Property *p)
 Returns the mean value if the property is TimeSeriesProperty<double> More...
Kernel::Quat toQuat (const Eigen::Quaterniond &quat)
 Converts Eigen::Quaterniond to Kernel::Quat. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond toQuaterniond (const Kernel::Quat &quat)
 Converts Kernel::Quat to Eigen::Quaterniond. More...
Kernel::V3D toV3D (const Eigen::Vector3d &vec)
 This header provides conversion helpers between vector and rotation types in MantidKernel and equivalent types in Eigen. More...
Eigen::Vector3d toVector3d (const Kernel::V3D &vec)
 Converts Kernel::V3D to Eigen::Vector3d. More...


static const size_t DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 100000
 Default number of items to read in from any of the files. More...
Kernel::Logger g_log ("UsageServiceImpl")
 static logger More...
const std::string LIB_PREFIX = "lib"
static const size_t MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 100000000
 Max size block to read from a file (memory limitations) More...
static const size_t MIN_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000
 Min size of a block (too small is inefficient) More...
static const std::string PriorityNames_data []
constexpr double Tolerance = 1.0e-06
 Standard tolerance value. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ CaseInsensitiveMap

template<class T >
using Mantid::Kernel::CaseInsensitiveMap = typedef std::map<std::string, T, CaseInsensitiveStringComparator>

Alias template for a map data structure that has case insensitive string comparision with a variable value type.

Definition at line 30 of file CaseInsensitiveMap.h.

◆ CaseSensitiveStringComparator

using Mantid::Kernel::CaseSensitiveStringComparator = typedef std::less<std::string>

Definition at line 36 of file DynamicFactory.h.

◆ ConfigService

Definition at line 298 of file ConfigService.h.

◆ ConfigValChangeNotification

Definition at line 300 of file ConfigService.h.

◆ ConfigValChangeNotification_ptr

Definition at line 301 of file ConfigService.h.

◆ DataItem_const_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::DataItem_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const DataItem>

Shared pointer to a const DataItem.

Definition at line 86 of file DataItem.h.

◆ DataItem_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::DataItem_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<DataItem>

Shared pointer to a DataItem.

Definition at line 84 of file DataItem.h.

◆ DataXY

using Mantid::Kernel::DataXY = typedef std::pair<double, double>

Definition at line 22 of file Interpolation.h.

◆ DblMatrix

Definition at line 206 of file Matrix.h.

◆ FloatMatrix

Definition at line 208 of file Matrix.h.

◆ IntMatrix

Definition at line 207 of file Matrix.h.

◆ IValidator_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::IValidator_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<IValidator>

A shared_ptr to an IValidator.

Definition at line 26 of file IValidator.h.

◆ LibraryManager

Definition at line 67 of file LibraryManager.h.

◆ Material_const_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::Material_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const Material>

Typedef for a shared pointer to a const object.

Definition at line 206 of file Material.h.

◆ Material_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::Material_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Material>

Typedef for a shared pointer.

Definition at line 204 of file Material.h.

◆ MDUnit_const_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::MDUnit_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const MDUnit>

Definition at line 71 of file MDUnit.h.

◆ MDUnit_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::MDUnit_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<MDUnit>

Definition at line 70 of file MDUnit.h.

◆ MDUnitFactory_const_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::MDUnitFactory_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const MDUnitFactory>

Definition at line 52 of file MDUnitFactory.h.

◆ MDUnitFactory_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::MDUnitFactory_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<MDUnitFactory>

Definition at line 50 of file MDUnitFactory.h.

◆ OptionalPath

using Mantid::Kernel::OptionalPath = typedef boost::optional<std::string>

Definition at line 17 of file UserCatalogInfo.h.

◆ PropertyHistories

Definition at line 83 of file PropertyHistory.h.

◆ PropertyHistory_const_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyHistory_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const PropertyHistory>

Definition at line 82 of file PropertyHistory.h.

◆ PropertyHistory_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyHistory_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<PropertyHistory>

Definition at line 81 of file PropertyHistory.h.

◆ PropertyManager_const_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const PropertyManager>

shared pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager(const version)

Definition at line 22 of file PropertyManager_fwd.h.

◆ PropertyManager_const_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager_const_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<const PropertyManager>

unique pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager (const version)

Definition at line 26 of file PropertyManager_fwd.h.

◆ PropertyManager_sptr

Typedef for a shared pointer to a PropertyManager.

shared pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager

Definition at line 23 of file PDDetermineCharacterizations.h.

◆ PropertyManager_uptr

using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager_uptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<PropertyManager>

unique pointer to Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager

Definition at line 24 of file PropertyManager_fwd.h.

◆ PropertyManagerDataService

Definition at line 36 of file PropertyManagerDataService.h.

◆ SingletonDeleterFn

using Mantid::Kernel::SingletonDeleterFn = typedef std::function<void()>

Type of deleter function.

Definition at line 34 of file SingletonHolder.h.

◆ str_pair

using Mantid::Kernel::str_pair = typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 19 of file Material.cpp.

◆ StringListValidator

using Mantid::Kernel::StringListValidator = typedef ListValidator<std::string>

ListValidator<std::string> is used heavily.

Definition at line 165 of file ListValidator.h.

◆ time_point_ns

typedef std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > Mantid::Kernel::time_point_ns

Definition at line 45 of file Algorithm.h.

◆ TimeSplitterType

A typedef for splitting events according their pulse time.

It is a vector of SplittingInterval classes.

Definition at line 31 of file LogManager.h.

◆ tokenizer

Definition at line 18 of file Material.cpp.

◆ Unit_const_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::Unit_const_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const Unit>

Shared pointer to the Unit base class (const version)

Definition at line 231 of file Unit.h.

◆ Unit_sptr

using Mantid::Kernel::Unit_sptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Unit>

Shared pointer to the Unit base class.

Definition at line 229 of file Unit.h.

◆ UnitFactory

Definition at line 79 of file UnitFactory.h.

◆ UnitParametersMap

using Mantid::Kernel::UnitParametersMap = typedef std::unordered_map<UnitParams, double>

Definition at line 30 of file Unit.h.

◆ UsageService

Definition at line 153 of file UsageService.h.


using Mantid::Kernel::VMD = typedef VMDBase<VMD_t>

Define the VMD as using the double or float data type.

Definition at line 86 of file VMD.h.

◆ VMD_t

using Mantid::Kernel::VMD_t = typedef float

Underlying data type for the VMD type.

Definition at line 83 of file VMD.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CompositeRelation

A composite validator that can combine any 2+ arbitrary validators together.

Russell Taylor, Janik Zikovsky
Aug 25, 2011

Definition at line 28 of file CompositeValidator.h.

◆ DataServiceHidden

Flag for whether to include hidden items when returning, Auto queries the class to determine this behavior.


Definition at line 38 of file DataService.h.

◆ DataServiceSort

Flag for whether to sort items before returning.


Definition at line 33 of file DataService.h.

◆ eLogicOperator

Enum for use when combining two EnabledWhenPropertyItems.


Definition at line 60 of file EnabledWhenProperty.h.

◆ ePropertyCriterion

Enum for use in EnabledWhenProperty.


Definition at line 57 of file EnabledWhenProperty.h.

◆ FeatureType

enum class Mantid::Kernel::FeatureType

An enum specifying the 4 possible features types that can be logged in the usage service.


Definition at line 28 of file UsageService.h.

◆ MemoryStatsIgnore

Enmuerate the ignored memory fields.


Definition at line 19 of file Memory.h.

◆ SpecialCoordinateSystem

Special coordinate systems for Q3D.


Definition at line 14 of file SpecialCoordinateSystem.h.

◆ TimeSeriesSortStatus


Definition at line 30 of file TimeSeriesProperty.h.

◆ TopicType

enum class Mantid::Kernel::TopicType

Definition at line 29 of file TopicInfo.h.

◆ UnitParams

enum class Mantid::Kernel::UnitParams

Definition at line 26 of file Unit.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AtomicOp()

template<typename T , typename BinaryOp >
void Mantid::Kernel::AtomicOp ( std::atomic< T > &  f,
BinaryOp  op 

Uses std::compare_exchange_weak to update the atomic value f = op(f, d) Used to improve parallel scaling in algorithms MDNormDirectSC and MDNormSCD.

fatomic variable being updated
dsecond element in binary operation
opbinary operation on elements f and d

Definition at line 67 of file MultiThreaded.h.

References Mantid::Geometry::d.

Referenced by Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNorm::calcSingleDetectorNorm(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNormDirectSC::calculateNormalization(), and Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNormSCD::calculateNormalization().

◆ canRead()

bool Mantid::Kernel::canRead ( const std::string &  filename)
true if the file exists and can be read

Definition at line 1023 of file ConfigService.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::getOSVersionReadable().

◆ compareSplittingInterval()

bool Mantid::Kernel::compareSplittingInterval ( const SplittingInterval si1,
const SplittingInterval si2 

Comparator for sorting lists of SplittingInterval.

Definition at line 77 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::SplittingInterval::start().

Referenced by operator|().

◆ compareTasks()

bool Mantid::Kernel::compareTasks ( Task lhs,
Task rhs 

Method to perform sorting of task lists.

This prioritizes long tasks, so they end up at start of the list.

lhs:: Task*
rhs:: Task*
true if lhs < rhs (aka lhs should be first)

Definition at line 140 of file ThreadPool.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Task::cost(), and rhs.

◆ createPropertyManager()

PropertyManager_sptr Mantid::Kernel::createPropertyManager ( const Json::Value &  keyValues)

Attempt to create a PropertyManager from the Json::Value.

Create a PropertyManager from a Json Object.

keyValuesA Json objectValue. This is not checked.
A new PropertyManager
std::invalid_argumentif the Json::Value can't be interpreted

Definition at line 130 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.cpp.

References createPropertyManager(), and value.

Referenced by Mantid::PythonInterface::Registry::MappingTypeHandler::create(), Mantid::PythonInterface::Registry::createPropertyManager(), createPropertyManager(), Mantid::PythonInterface::Registry::MappingTypeHandler::set(), and Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManagerProperty::setValueFromJson().

◆ decode()

template<typename Type >
Type Mantid::Kernel::decode ( const Json::Value &  value)

Attempt to decode the given Json::Value as the given Type.

Definition at line 91 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

References value.

◆ decodeAsProperty()

std::unique_ptr< Property > Mantid::Kernel::decodeAsProperty ( const std::string &  name,
const Json::Value &  value 

Attempt to create a Property of the most appropriate type from a string name and Json value object.

nameThe name of the new property
valueA value as a Json serialized quantity
A pointer to a new Property if the underlying value can be converted to a known C++ type
std::invalid_argumentIf the value cannot be transformed to a Property object

Definition at line 151 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.cpp.

References value.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager::setProperties().

◆ deleteOnExit()

void Mantid::Kernel::deleteOnExit ( const SingletonDeleterFn func)

Register the given deleter function to be called at exit.

Adds singleton cleanup function to our atexit list functions are added to the start of the list so on deletion it is last in, first out.

func:: Exit function to call - the singleton destructor function

Definition at line 38 of file SingletonHolder.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder< T >::Instance().

◆ dumpToStream()

template<typename T >
void Mantid::Kernel::dumpToStream ( std::ostream &  os,
const Kernel::Matrix< T > &  matrix,
const char  delimiter 

Write a Matrix to a stream.

Format will be Matrix(nrowsSEPncols)x_00SEPx_01...SEPx_10SEPx_11

os:: output stream
matrix:: Matrix to write out
delimiter:: A character to use as delimiter for the string

Definition at line 1598 of file Matrix.cpp.

References ncols, nrows, Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::numCols(), and Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::numRows().

Referenced by operator<<().

◆ encodeAsJson() [1/7]

template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const Kernel::Matrix< ValueType > &  )

Encode a Matrix as a Json::Value.

Currently throws as it is not required

A new Json::Value

Definition at line 166 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

◆ encodeAsJson() [2/7]

Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const OptionalBool value)

Encode an OptionalBool as a Json::Value.

Throws as it's not clear how to serialize this type.

A new Json::Value

Definition at line 62 of file OptionalBool.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::OptionalBool::False, Mantid::Kernel::OptionalBool::True, and value.

Referenced by encodeAsJson().

◆ encodeAsJson() [3/7]

Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const PropertyManager propMgr)

Return the value of the PropertyManager as a Json::Value.

Creates a Json::Value of type objectValue to store the properties.

propMgrA reference to a
A new Json::Value of type objectValue

Definition at line 748 of file PropertyManager.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManager::asJson().

◆ encodeAsJson() [4/7]

template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const std::shared_ptr< ValueType > &  )

Encode a shared_ptr by dereferencing a it and encoding its value.

A new Json::Value
std::runtime_errorfor all inputs

Definition at line 157 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

◆ encodeAsJson() [5/7]

Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const std::vector< bool > &  vectorValue)

Specialization to encode a std::vector<bool> value as a Json::Value arrayValue type.

Needs to deal with the fact that the return value from an iterator is a temporary object

vectorValueThe C++ value to encode
A new Json::Value

Definition at line 144 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

References encodeAsJson().

◆ encodeAsJson() [6/7]

template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const std::vector< ValueType > &  vectorValue)

Encode a std::vector value as a Json::Value arrayValue type.

vectorValueThe C++ value to encode
A new Json::Value

Definition at line 130 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

References encodeAsJson().

◆ encodeAsJson() [7/7]

template<typename ValueType >
Json::Value Mantid::Kernel::encodeAsJson ( const ValueType &  value)

Encode a single value as a Json::Value.

valueThe C++ value to encode
A new Json::Value

Definition at line 120 of file PropertyWithValueJSON.h.

References value.

◆ equals() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool Mantid::Kernel::equals ( const T  x,
const T  y 

Test for equality of doubles using compiler-defined precision.

Referenced by gtEquals(), ltEquals(), Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::operator==(), and Mantid::Geometry::orientation().

◆ equals() [2/2]

template<typename TYPE >
bool Mantid::Kernel::equals ( const TYPE  x,
const TYPE  y 

Compare floating point numbers for equality to within std::numeric_limits<TYPE>::epsilon precision.

x:: LHS comparator
y:: RHS comparator
True if the numbers are considered equal within the given tolerance, false otherwise

Definition at line 26 of file FloatingPointComparison.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

◆ fast_exp()

double Mantid::Kernel::fast_exp ( double  y)

◆ fillFromStream()

template<typename T >
void Mantid::Kernel::fillFromStream ( std::istream &  is,
Kernel::Matrix< T > &  in,
const char  delimiter 

Fill a Matrix from a stream using the given separator.

Format should be Matrix(nrowsSEPncols)x_00SEPx_01...SEPx_10SEPx_11 where SEP is replaced by the given separator

is:: A stream object
in:: An Matrix object to fill
delimiter:: A single character separator that delimits the entries

Definition at line 1630 of file Matrix.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::m_rawData, ncols, nrows, Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::setMem(), and value.

Referenced by operator>>(), and Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions::ComptonScatteringCountRate::parseIntensityConstraintMatrix().

◆ filterByStatistic()

double Mantid::Kernel::filterByStatistic ( TimeSeriesProperty< double > const *const  propertyToFilter,
Kernel::Math::StatisticType  statisticType 

Function filtering double TimeSeriesProperties according to the requested statistics.

propertyToFilter: Property to filter the statistics on.
statisticType: Enum indicating the type of statistics to use.
The TimeSeriesProperty filtered by the requested statistics.

Definition at line 2449 of file TimeSeriesProperty.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< TYPE >::getStatistics(), Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesPropertyStatistics::maximum, Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesPropertyStatistics::mean, Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesPropertyStatistics::median, Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesPropertyStatistics::minimum, Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< TYPE >::nthValue(), and Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< TYPE >::size().

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::XMLInstrumentParameter::createParamValue().

◆ getMedian()

template<typename TYPE >
double Mantid::Kernel::getMedian ( const vector< TYPE > &  data)

There are enough special cases in determining the median where it useful to put it in a single function.

Definition at line 51 of file Statistics.cpp.

References left, and right.

Referenced by Mantid::Algorithms::RemovePromptPulse::getFrequency(), getModifiedZscore(), and getStatistics().

◆ getModifiedZscore()

template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore ( const std::vector< TYPE > &  data)

Return the modified Z score values for a dataset.

There are enough special cases in determining the modified Z score where it useful to put it in a single function.

Definition at line 135 of file Statistics.cpp.

References fabs, getMedian(), and tmp.

◆ getModifiedZscore< double >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< double > ( const vector< double > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< float >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< float > ( const vector< float > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< int > ( const vector< int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< long > ( const vector< long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< long long > ( const vector< long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< unsigned int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< unsigned int > ( const vector< unsigned int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< unsigned long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< unsigned long > ( const vector< unsigned long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getModifiedZscore< unsigned long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getModifiedZscore< unsigned long long > ( const vector< unsigned long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getMomentsAboutMean()

template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getMomentsAboutMean ( const std::vector< TYPE > &  x,
const std::vector< TYPE > &  y,
const int  maxMoment 

Return the first n-moments of the supplied data.

This will calculate the first n-moments (inclusive) about the mean (1st moment).

For example if maxMoment=2 then this will return 3 values: 0th (total weight), 1st (mean), 2nd (deviation).

xThe independent values
yThe dependent values
maxMomentThe number of moments to calculate
The first n-moments.

Definition at line 351 of file Statistics.cpp.

References getMomentsAboutOrigin(), Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

◆ getMomentsAboutOrigin()

template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getMomentsAboutOrigin ( const std::vector< TYPE > &  x,
const std::vector< TYPE > &  y,
const int  maxMoment 

Return the first n-moments of the supplied data.

This will calculate the first n-moments (inclusive) about the origin.

For example if maxMoment=2 then this will return 3 values: 0th (total weight), 1st (mean), 2nd (deviation).

xThe independent values
yThe dependent values
maxMomentThe number of moments to calculate
The first n-moments.

Definition at line 295 of file Statistics.cpp.

References Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

Referenced by getMomentsAboutMean().

◆ getNanStatistics()

Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getNanStatistics ( )

◆ getRFactor()

Rfactor Mantid::Kernel::getRFactor ( const std::vector< double > &  obsI,
const std::vector< double > &  calI,
const std::vector< double > &  obsE 

Return the R-factors (Rwp) of a diffraction pattern data.

Return the Rwp of a diffraction pattern data.

obsI:: array of observed intensity values
calI:: array of calculated intensity values;
obsE:: array of error of the observed data;
:: RFactor including Rp and Rwp

Definition at line 229 of file Statistics.cpp.

References fabs, Mantid::Kernel::Rfactor::Rp, Mantid::Kernel::Rfactor::Rwp, and sigma.

Referenced by Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::LeBailFit::calculateDiffractionPattern(), and Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::LeBailFit::exec().

◆ getStatistics()

template<typename TYPE >
Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics ( const vector< TYPE > &  data,
const unsigned int  flags 

◆ getStatistics< bool >()

DLLExport Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< bool > ( const vector< bool > &  data,
const unsigned int  flags 

Getting statistics of a boolean array should just give a bunch of NaNs.

Definition at line 216 of file Statistics.cpp.

References getNanStatistics(), and UNUSED_ARG.

◆ getStatistics< double >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< double > ( const vector< double > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< float >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< float > ( const vector< float > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< int > ( const vector< int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< long > ( const vector< long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< long long > ( const vector< long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< string >()

DLLExport Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< string > ( const vector< string > &  data,
const unsigned int  flags 

Getting statistics of a string array should just give a bunch of NaNs.

Definition at line 209 of file Statistics.cpp.

References getNanStatistics(), and UNUSED_ARG.

◆ getStatistics< unsigned int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< unsigned int > ( const vector< unsigned int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< unsigned long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< unsigned long > ( const vector< unsigned long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getStatistics< unsigned long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL Statistics Mantid::Kernel::getStatistics< unsigned long long > ( const vector< unsigned long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getUnmangledTypeName()

std::string Mantid::Kernel::getUnmangledTypeName ( const std::type_info &  type)

Return the name corresponding to the mangled string given by typeid.

Get the unmangled name of the given typestring for some common types that we use.

Note that this is just a lookup and NOT an unmangling algorithm

type:: A pointer to the type_info object for this type
An unmangled version of the name

Definition at line 300 of file Property.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::PropertyHistory::isEmptyDefault(), and Mantid::Kernel::Property::type().

◆ getValueFromStdOut()

std::string Mantid::Kernel::getValueFromStdOut ( const std::string &  orig,
const std::string &  key 
the value associated with the key.

Definition at line 1035 of file ConfigService.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Strings::strip().

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl::getOSVersionReadable().

◆ getWeightedZscore()

template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getWeightedZscore ( const std::vector< TYPE > &  data,
const std::vector< TYPE > &  weights 

There are enough special cases in determining the Z score where it useful to put it in a single function.

Definition at line 102 of file Statistics.cpp.

References fabs, getStatistics(), and Mantid::Kernel::Statistics::standard_deviation.

Referenced by Mantid::Crystal::SortHKL::exec(), and Mantid::Crystal::PeakStatisticsTools::UniqueReflection::removeOutliers().

◆ getZscore()

template<typename TYPE >
std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore ( const std::vector< TYPE > &  data)

◆ getZscore< double >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< double > ( const vector< double > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< float >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< float > ( const vector< float > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< int > ( const vector< int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< long > ( const vector< long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< long long > ( const vector< long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< unsigned int >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< unsigned int > ( const vector< unsigned int > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< unsigned long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< unsigned long > ( const vector< unsigned long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ getZscore< unsigned long long >()

template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector< double > Mantid::Kernel::getZscore< unsigned long long > ( const vector< unsigned long long > &  ,
const bool   

◆ gtEquals()

template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool Mantid::Kernel::gtEquals ( const T  x,
const T  y 

Test whether x>=y within machine precision.

Compare two floating-point numbers as to whether they satisfy x>=y within machine precision.

x:: LHS comparator
y:: RHS comparator
True if the numbers are considered <= within the machine tolerance, false otherwise

Definition at line 48 of file FloatingPointComparison.cpp.

References equals(), Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::crossingPoint(), and Mantid::Geometry::edgeAimsAt().

◆ has_ending()

bool Mantid::Kernel::has_ending ( const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  ending 

Confirm that the value string ends with then ending string.

value:: The string to check the ending for.
ending:: The ending the string should have.

Definition at line 108 of file FileValidator.cpp.

References value.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::FileValidator::endswith().

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_const_sptr >()

MANTID_API_DLL API::IAlgorithm_const_sptr Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_const_sptr > ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the value of a given property as the declared concrete type (const version)

name:: The name of the property
A pointer to an algorithm

Definition at line 2165 of file Algorithm.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_sptr >()

MANTID_API_DLL API::IAlgorithm_sptr Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager::getValue< API::IAlgorithm_sptr > ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the value of a given property as the declared concrete type.

name:: The name of the property
A pointer to an algorithm

Definition at line 2148 of file Algorithm.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_const_sptr >()

Definition at line 1349 of file ExperimentInfo.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo_sptr >()

Definition at line 1336 of file ExperimentInfo.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_const_sptr >()

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required.

Definition at line 83 of file IMDEventWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr >()

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required.

Definition at line 68 of file IMDEventWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr >()

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDWorkspace_const_sptr> is required.

Definition at line 52 of file IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr >()

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required.

Definition at line 37 of file IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_const_sptr >()

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDWorkspace_const_sptr> is required.

Definition at line 204 of file IMDWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr >()

MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr > ( const std::string &  name) const

In order to be able to cast PropertyWithValue classes correctly a definition for the PropertyWithValue<IMDEventWorkspace> is required.

Definition at line 189 of file IMDWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr >()

Definition at line 731 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr >()

Definition at line 718 of file EventWorkspace.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_const_sptr >()

Definition at line 371 of file Workspace2D.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr >()

Definition at line 358 of file Workspace2D.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr >()

Definition at line 92 of file WorkspaceSingleValue.cpp.

◆ IPropertyManager::getValue< Mantid::DataObjects::WorkspaceSingleValue_sptr >()

Definition at line 78 of file WorkspaceSingleValue.cpp.

◆ isFilter()

bool Mantid::Kernel::isFilter ( const TimeSplitterType a)

Return true if the TimeSplitterType provided is a filter, meaning that it only has an output index of 0.

Definition at line 85 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

Referenced by operator+().

◆ ltEquals()

template<typename T >
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL bool Mantid::Kernel::ltEquals ( const T  x,
const T  y 

Test whether x<=y within machine precision.

Compare two floating-point numbers as to whether they satisfy x<=y within machine precision.

x:: LHS comparator
y:: RHS comparator
True if the numbers are considered <= within the machine tolerance, false otherwise

Definition at line 38 of file FloatingPointComparison.cpp.

References equals(), Mantid::Geometry::x, and Mantid::Geometry::y.

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::crossingPoint().

◆ make_cow()

template<class T , class... Args>
cow_ptr< T > Mantid::Kernel::make_cow ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 20 of file make_cow.h.

◆ makeCatalogConfigServiceAdapter()

template<typename T >
CatalogConfigService * Mantid::Kernel::makeCatalogConfigServiceAdapter ( const T &  adaptee,
const std::string &  key = "icatDownload.mountPoint" 

◆ makeMDUnitFactoryChain()

MDUnitFactory_uptr Mantid::Kernel::makeMDUnitFactoryChain ( )

◆ memToString() [1/2]

template<typename TYPE >
std::string Mantid::Kernel::memToString ( const TYPE  mem_in_kiB)

Convert a (number) for memory in kiB to a string with proper units.

Convert a (number) for memory in kiB to a string with proper units.

Definition at line 42 of file Memory.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::availMemStr(), Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::resUsageStr(), Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::totalMemStr(), and Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::vmUsageStr().

◆ memToString() [2/2]

template<typename TYPE >
string Mantid::Kernel::memToString ( const TYPE  mem_in_kiB)

Utility function to convert memory in kiB into easy to read units.

Convert a (number) for memory in kiB to a string with proper units.

Definition at line 42 of file Memory.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::availMemStr(), Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::resUsageStr(), Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::totalMemStr(), and Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::vmUsageStr().

◆ memToString< uint32_t >()

template DLLExport string Mantid::Kernel::memToString< uint32_t > ( const uint32_t  )

◆ memToString< uint64_t >()

template DLLExport string Mantid::Kernel::memToString< uint64_t > ( const uint64_t  )

◆ normalize()

MANTID_KERNEL_DLL V3D Mantid::Kernel::normalize ( V3D  v)

Normalizes a V3D.

va vector to normalize.
a vector with norm 1 parallel to v
std::runtime_errorif v is a null vector.

Definition at line 341 of file V3D.h.

References Mantid::Kernel::V3D::normalize().

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::DetectorInfo::azimuthal(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNormDirectSC::cacheInputs(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNormSCD::cacheInputs(), Mantid::Algorithms::MCInteractionVolume::calculateBeforeAfterTrack(), Mantid::Algorithms::AbsorptionCorrection::calculateDistances(), Mantid::Algorithms::PaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection::calculateDistances(), Mantid::Algorithms::He3TubeEfficiency::calculateExponential(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorEfficiencyCor::correctForEfficiency(), Mantid::API::DetectorSearcher::createDetectorCache(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::createGeometryHandler(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorEfficiencyCor::distToSurface(), Mantid::Algorithms::He3TubeEfficiency::distToSurface(), Mantid::Algorithms::AddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SofQWCentre::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::XrayAbsorptionCorrection::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNorm::exec(), Mantid::DataObjects::Peak::findDetector(), Mantid::Geometry::IndexingUtils::FormUB_From_abc_Vectors(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::VesuvioCalculateMS::generateDetectorPos(), Mantid::Geometry::Instrument::getBeamDirection(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::getLineData(), MDHistoWorkspaceTester::getLineData(), Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace::getLinePlot(), Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace::getLinePlot(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::getLinePlot(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::getLinePoints(), Mantid::DataObjects::MDHistoWorkspace::getNormalizationFactor(), Mantid::API::DetectorSearcher::handleTubeGap(), Mantid::Geometry::ReferenceFrame::isVectorPointingAlongBeam(), Mantid::Crystal::lineIntersectsSphere(), Mantid::Geometry::IndexingUtils::MakeCircleDirections(), Mantid::Kernel::V3D::makeVectorsOrthogonal(), Mantid::Geometry::InstrumentDefinitionParser::makeXYplaneFaceComponent(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseCone(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseCuboid(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseCylinder(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseHollowCylinder(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseInfiniteCone(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseInfiniteCylinder(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseInfinitePlane(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseTaperedGuide(), Mantid::Geometry::ShapeFactory::parseTorus(), Mantid::Kernel::Quat::Quat(), Mantid::Kernel::Quat::setAngleAxis(), Mantid::Geometry::Line::setLine(), Mantid::Geometry::Cylinder::setNorm(), Mantid::Geometry::Plane::setPlane(), Mantid::Crystal::FindSXPeaksHelper::SXPeak::SXPeak(), and Mantid::DataHandling::Mantid3MFFileIO::writeMeshObject().

◆ operator!=()

bool Mantid::Kernel::operator!= ( const Property lhs,
const Property rhs 

Compares this to another property for inequality.

lhsThing on the left
rhsThing on the right
true if they are not equal

Definition at line 291 of file Property.cpp.

References rhs.

◆ operator&()

TimeSplitterType Mantid::Kernel::operator& ( const TimeSplitterType a,
const TimeSplitterType b 

AND operator for TimeSplitterType Works on Filters - combines them to only keep times where both Filters are TRUE.

Works on splitter + filter if (a) is a splitter and b is a filter. In general, use the + operator since it will resolve the order for you.

a:: TimeSplitterType filter or Splitter.
b:: TimeSplitterType filter.
the ANDed filter

Definition at line 136 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

◆ operator+()

TimeSplitterType Mantid::Kernel::operator+ ( const TimeSplitterType a,
const TimeSplitterType b 

Plus operator for TimeSplitterType.

Combines a filter and a splitter by removing entries that are filtered out from the splitter. Also, will combine two filters together by "and"ing them

a:: TimeSplitterType splitter OR filter
b:: TimeSplitterType splitter OR filter.
std::invalid_argumentif two splitters are given.

Definition at line 104 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

References isFilter().

◆ operator<<() [1/18]

template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _RT >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &  __os,
const normal_distribution< _RT > &  __x 

Definition at line 141 of file normal_distribution.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VMDBase< float > &  v 

Definition at line 559 of file VMD.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::VMDBase< TYPE >::toString().

◆ operator<<() [3/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  buffer,
const InstrumentInfo instrumentDescriptor 

Allow this object to be printed to a stream.

Prints the instrument name to the stream.

buffer:: A reference to an output stream
instrumentDescriptor:: A reference to an InstrumentInfo object
A reference to the stream written to

Definition at line 293 of file InstrumentInfo.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::InstrumentInfo::name().

◆ operator<<() [4/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  buffer,
const LiveListenerInfo listener 

Allow this object to be printed to a stream.

Prints the listener to the stream.

buffer:: A reference to an output stream
listener:: A reference to a LiveListenerInfo object
A reference to the stream written to

Definition at line 75 of file LiveListenerInfo.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::LiveListenerInfo::address(), Mantid::Kernel::LiveListenerInfo::listener(), and Mantid::Kernel::LiveListenerInfo::name().

◆ operator<<() [5/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  buffer,
const TopicInfo topic 

Allow this object to be printed to a stream.

Prints the listener to the stream.

buffer:: A reference to an output stream
topic:: A reference to a TopicInfo object
A reference to the stream written to

Definition at line 69 of file TopicInfo.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::TopicInfo::name(), and Mantid::Kernel::TopicInfo::type().

◆ operator<<() [6/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EnvironmentHistory EH 

Prints a text representation.

os:: The ouput stream to write to
EH:: The EnvironmentHistory to output
The ouput stream

Definition at line 49 of file EnvironmentHistory.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::EnvironmentHistory::printSelf().

◆ operator<<() [7/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Interpolation f 

Prints the value of parameter.

os:: the Stream to output to
f:: the FitParameter to output
the output stream

Definition at line 158 of file Interpolation.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Interpolation::printSelf().

◆ operator<<() [8/18]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Matrix< T > &  matrix 

Write an object to a stream.

Format will be Matrix(nrows,ncols)x_00,x_01...,x_10,x_11

os:: output stream
matrix:: Matrix to write out
The output stream (of)

Definition at line 1586 of file Matrix.cpp.

References dumpToStream().

◆ operator<<() [9/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PropertyHistory AP 

Prints a text representation.

os:: The output stream to write to
AP:: The PropertyHistory to output
The output stream

Definition at line 56 of file PropertyHistory.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::PropertyHistory::printSelf().

◆ operator<<() [10/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Quat q 

Prints a string representation.

os:: the stream to output to
q:: the quat to output
the stream

Definition at line 642 of file Quat.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Quat::printSelf().

◆ operator<<() [11/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const V2D point 

Output stream operator.

os:: An output stream
point:: The V2D to send to the stream

Definition at line 51 of file V2D.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::V2D::X(), and Mantid::Kernel::V2D::Y().

◆ operator<<() [12/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const V3D v 

Prints a text representation of itself.

os:: the Stream to output to
v:: the vector to output
the output stream

Definition at line 390 of file V3D.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::V3D::printSelf().

◆ operator<<() [13/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VMDBase< double > &  v 

Prints a text representation of itself.

os:: the Stream to output to
v:: the vector to output
the output stream

Definition at line 554 of file VMD.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::VMDBase< TYPE >::toString().

◆ operator<<() [14/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
OptionalBool const &  object 

Definition at line 32 of file OptionalBool.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [15/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MemoryStats stats 

Convenience function for writting out to stream.

Definition at line 464 of file Memory.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [16/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Timer obj 

Convenience function to provide for easier debug printing.

Definition at line 58 of file Timer.cpp.

References obj.

◆ operator<<() [17/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
CPUTimer obj 

Convenience function to provide for easier debug printing.

Definition at line 86 of file CPUTimer.cpp.

References obj.

◆ operator<<() [18/18]

std::ostream & Mantid::Kernel::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Mantid::Kernel::TimeInterval t 

Definition at line 57 of file DateAndTime.cpp.

◆ operator==()

bool Mantid::Kernel::operator== ( const Property lhs,
const Property rhs 

Compares this to another property for equality.

lhsThing on the left
rhsThing on the right
true if they are equal

Definition at line 259 of file Property.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Property::name(), rhs, Mantid::Kernel::Property::type(), and Mantid::Kernel::Property::value().

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::operator!=(), and Mantid::Kernel::VMDBase< TYPE >::operator!=().

◆ operator>>() [1/6]

template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _RT >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &  __is,
normal_distribution< _RT > &  __x 

Definition at line 179 of file normal_distribution.h.

◆ operator>>() [2/6]

std::istream & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Interpolation f 

◆ operator>>() [3/6]

std::istream & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::istream &  ins,
Quat q 

Reads in a quat from an input stream.

ins:: The input stream
q:: The quat

Definition at line 651 of file Quat.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::Quat::readPrinted().

◆ operator>>() [4/6]

template<typename T >
std::istream & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Kernel::Matrix< T > &  in 

Fill an object from a stream.

Format should be Matrix(nrows,ncols)x_00,x_01...,x_10,x_11

is:: A stream object
in:: An object to fill
A reference to the stream

Definition at line 1617 of file Matrix.cpp.

References fillFromStream().

◆ operator>>() [5/6]

std::istream & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::istream &  istream,
OptionalBool object 

Definition at line 37 of file OptionalBool.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [6/6]

std::istream & Mantid::Kernel::operator>> ( std::istream &  IX,
V3D A 

Calls Vec3D method write to output class.

IX:: Input Stream
A:: Vec3D to write
Current state of stream

Definition at line 395 of file V3D.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::V3D::readPrinted().

◆ operator|()

TimeSplitterType Mantid::Kernel::operator| ( const TimeSplitterType a,
const TimeSplitterType b 

OR operator for TimeSplitterType Only works on Filters, not splitters.

Combines the splitters to only keep times where EITHER Filter is TRUE.

a:: TimeSplitterType filter.
b:: TimeSplitterType filter.
the ORed filter

Definition at line 203 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

References compareSplittingInterval(), and removeFilterOverlap().

◆ operator~()

TimeSplitterType Mantid::Kernel::operator~ ( const TimeSplitterType a)

NOT operator for TimeSplitterType Only works on Filters.

Returns a filter with the reversed time intervals as the incoming filter.

a:: TimeSplitterType filter.

Definition at line 235 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

References removeFilterOverlap().

◆ process_mem_usage()

void Mantid::Kernel::process_mem_usage ( size_t &  vm_usage,
size_t &  resident_set 

Attempts to read the system-dependent data for a process' virtual memory size and resident set size, and return the results in KB.

On failure, returns 0.0, 0.0

vm_usage:: The virtual memory usage is stored in this variable in KiB
resident_set,:The memory associated with the current process in KiB

Definition at line 61 of file Memory.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats::update().

◆ removeFilterOverlap()

TimeSplitterType Mantid::Kernel::removeFilterOverlap ( const TimeSplitterType a)

Remove any overlap in a filter (will not work properly on a splitter)

a:: TimeSplitterType filter.

Definition at line 167 of file TimeSplitter.cpp.

Referenced by operator|(), and operator~().

◆ swap()

void Mantid::Kernel::swap ( MultiFileValidator obj1,
MultiFileValidator obj2 

◆ threadSafe() [1/4]

template<typename Arg >
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type Mantid::Kernel::threadSafe ( Arg  workspace)

Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access.

NULL workspaces are assumed suitable

workspacepointer to workspace to verify.
Whether workspace is threadsafe.

Definition at line 22 of file MultiThreaded.h.

References workspace.

Referenced by Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLSANS::adjustTOF(), Mantid::Algorithms::AlignDetectors::align(), Mantid::Algorithms::Q1DWeighted::calculate(), Mantid::Algorithms::FitPeaks::calculateFittedPeaks(), Mantid::Algorithms::MultipleScatteringCorrection::calculateL12s(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorDiagnostic::calculateMedian(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNorm::calculateNormalization(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDNormSCD::calculateNormalization(), Mantid::Algorithms::MultipleScatteringCorrection::calculateSampleAndContainer(), Mantid::Algorithms::MultipleScatteringCorrection::calculateSingleComponent(), Mantid::Algorithms::ResetNegatives::changeNegatives(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertUnits::convertQuickly(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertUnits::convertViaTOF(), Mantid::Algorithms::CorrectTOFAxis::correctManually(), Mantid::Algorithms::SumEventsByLogValue::createBinnedOutput(), Mantid::Algorithms::Bin2DPowderDiffraction::createOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::CreateSimulationWorkspace::createOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::SumEventsByLogValue::createTableOutput(), Mantid::Algorithms::BinaryOperation::do2D(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorEfficiencyVariation::doDetectorTests(), Mantid::Algorithms::MedianDetectorTest::doDetectorTests(), Mantid::Algorithms::RebinByPulseTimes::doHistogramming(), Mantid::Algorithms::RebinByTimeAtSample::doHistogramming(), Mantid::Algorithms::MonteCarloAbsorption::doSimulation(), Mantid::Algorithms::BinaryOperation::doSingleColumn(), Mantid::Algorithms::BinaryOperation::doSingleSpectrum(), Mantid::Algorithms::BinaryOperation::doSingleValue(), Mantid::Algorithms::AbsorptionCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::AddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ApplyTransmissionCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateFlatBackground::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculatePlaczek::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculatePolynomialBackground::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CarpenterSampleCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ChopData::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConjoinXRuns::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxesToRealSpace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertAxisByFormula::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertToConstantL2::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertToEventWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertToMatrixWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CorelliCrossCorrelate::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CorrectKiKf::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreatePSDBleedMask::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreateWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CropWorkspaceRagged::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CrossCorrelate::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DeadTimeCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorEfficiencyCor::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DetectorEfficiencyCorUser::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DiffractionFocussing2::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DirectILLTubeBackground::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::DiscusMultipleScatteringCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::EQSANSCorrectFrame::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ExtractFFTSpectrum::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ExtractMask::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::FilterByXValue::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::FindEPP::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::GetDetectorOffsets::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::He3TubeEfficiency::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::HyspecScharpfCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::IntegrateByComponent::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Integration::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::MaskBinsIf::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::MaxMin::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ModeratorTzero::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ModeratorTzeroLinear::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::MonitorEfficiencyCorUser::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::MultiplyRange::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::PaalmanPingsAbsorptionCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::PaddingAndApodization::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::PointByPointVCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Q1D2::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Rebin::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Rebin2D::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Rebunch::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::RemoveBackground::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ResampleX::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ResetNegatives::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::MayersSampleCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::ScaleX::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SetUncertainties::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothData::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SofQWNormalisedPolygon::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SofQWPolygon::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SolidAngle::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::SortXAxis::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::TOFSANSResolution::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::Transpose::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::UnaryOperation::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::UnwrapSNS::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::XDataConverter::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::AnvredCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::FindSXPeaks::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::IntegratePeaksHybrid::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::IntegratePeaksUsingClusters::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::MaskPeaksWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::NormaliseVanadium::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::PeakIntegration::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ConvertToYSpace::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::ConvolveWorkspaces::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::VesuvioCalculateGammaBackground::exec(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::VesuvioCalculateMS::exec(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLPolarizationFactors::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::CalculateCoverageDGS::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegratePeaksMDHKL::exec(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::ThresholdMD::exec(), Mantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::SANSSolidAngleCorrection::exec(), Mantid::Algorithms::CorrectKiKf::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::DiffractionFocussing2::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::ExtractSpectra::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::He3TubeEfficiency::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::HyspecScharpfCorrection::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::MaskBins::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::ModeratorTzeroLinear::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::ScaleX::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::UnaryOperation::execEvent(), Mantid::Crystal::AnvredCorrection::execEvent(), Mantid::WorkflowAlgorithms::SANSSolidAngleCorrection::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::EQSANSTofStructure::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::ModeratorTzero::execEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothNeighbours::execEvent(), Mantid::Crystal::PeaksIntersection::executePeaksIntersection(), Mantid::Algorithms::SmoothNeighbours::execWorkspace2D(), Mantid::Algorithms::WorkspaceJoiners::execWS2D(), Mantid::Algorithms::Q1DWeighted::fillMonochromaticOutput(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLDiffraction::fillMovingInstrumentScan(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::LoadDNSSCD::fillOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::LoadDNSSCD::fillOutputWorkspaceRaw(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLDiffraction::fillStaticInstrumentScan(), Mantid::Algorithms::Q1DWeighted::fillTOFOutput(), Mantid::DataObjects::RebinnedOutput::finalize(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels::findL2(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch1D::hasNonzeroErrors(), Mantid::Algorithms::RebinToWorkspace::histogram(), Mantid::Crystal::CentroidPeaks::integrate(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegratePeaksMD2::integrate(), Mantid::Crystal::CentroidPeaks::integrateEvent(), Mantid::Algorithms::DiscusMultipleScatteringCorrection::interpolateFromSparse(), Mantid::Algorithms::MonteCarloAbsorption::interpolateFromSparse(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLPolarizedDiffraction::loadData(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLReflectometry::loadData(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLSANS::loadDataFromTubes(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLIndirect2::loadDataIntoTheWorkSpace(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLIndirect2::loadDiffractionData(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadILLTOF2::loadSpectra(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch1D::maskAllBut(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch1D::maskInPlace(), Mantid::Algorithms::MedianDetectorTest::maskOutliers(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateEfficiency2::mergeGroup(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateIqt::monteCarloErrorCalculation(), Mantid::Algorithms::NormaliseToMonitor::normaliseBinByBin(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels2::optimizeBanks(), Mantid::Algorithms::SumOverlappingTubes::performBinning(), Mantid::Algorithms::NormaliseToMonitor::performHistogramDivision(), Mantid::DataHandling::LoadDNSEvent::populate_EventWorkspace(), Mantid::Algorithms::populateTable(), Mantid::Algorithms::NormaliseByDetector::processHistograms(), Mantid::Algorithms::LorentzCorrection::processTOF_PD(), Mantid::Algorithms::LorentzCorrection::processTOF_SCD(), Mantid::Crystal::SCDCalibratePanels2::profileBanks(), Mantid::Algorithms::ResetNegatives::pushMinimum(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsTwoStep::qListFromEventWS(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsV1::qListFromEventWS(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsV2::qListFromEventWS(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsTwoStep::qListFromHistoWS(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsV1::qListFromHistoWS(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::IntegrateEllipsoidsV2::qListFromHistoWS(), Mantid::Algorithms::RebinToWorkspace::rebin(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch1D::rebin(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch::recordScaleFactor(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch1D::reinsertSpecialValues(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreateFloodWorkspace::removeBackground(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertUnits::reverse(), Mantid::Algorithms::Stitch::scaleManual(), Mantid::Algorithms::CreateFloodWorkspace::scaleToCentralPixel(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateIqt::setErrorsToStandardDeviation(), Mantid::Algorithms::CalculateIqt::setErrorsToZero(), Mantid::Algorithms::ConvertUnits::setupOutputWorkspace(), Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace::splitAllIfNeeded(), Mantid::CurveFitting::Algorithms::NormaliseByPeakArea::symmetriseYSpace(), threadSafe(), Mantid::DataObjects::RebinnedOutput::unfinalize(), Mantid::Algorithms::CorrectTOFAxis::useReferenceWorkspace(), Mantid::DataHandling::SaveToSNSHistogramNexus::WriteOutDataOrErrors(), and Mantid::DataHandling::EventWorkspaceCollection::~EventWorkspaceCollection().

◆ threadSafe() [2/4]

template<typename Arg , typename... Args>
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type Mantid::Kernel::threadSafe ( Arg  workspace,
Args &&...  others 

Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access.

NULL workspaces are assumed suitable

workspacepointer to workspace to verify.
otherspointers to all other workspaces which need to be checked.
whether workspace is threadsafe.

Definition at line 34 of file MultiThreaded.h.

References threadSafe(), and workspace.

◆ threadSafe() [3/4]

template<typename Arg >
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type Mantid::Kernel::threadSafe ( const Arg &  workspace)

Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access.

workspacereference to workspace to verify.
Whether workspace is threadsafe.

Definition at line 44 of file MultiThreaded.h.

References workspace.

◆ threadSafe() [4/4]

template<typename Arg , typename... Args>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type Mantid::Kernel::threadSafe ( const Arg &  workspace,
Args &&...  others 

Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access.

workspacereference to workspace to verify.
othersreferences or pointers to all other workspaces which need to be checked.
whether workspace is threadsafe.

Definition at line 56 of file MultiThreaded.h.

References threadSafe(), and workspace.

◆ timeMean()

double Mantid::Kernel::timeMean ( const Kernel::Property p)

Returns the mean value if the property is TimeSeriesProperty<double>

Returns the time-weighted mean value if the property is TimeSeriesProperty<double>.

TODO: Make this more efficient.

p:: Property with the data. Will throw if not TimeSeriesProperty<double>.
The mean value over time.
runtime_errorif the property is not TimeSeriesProperty<double>

Definition at line 312 of file LogParser.cpp.

References Mantid::Kernel::TimeInterval::length().

Referenced by Mantid::Geometry::XMLInstrumentParameter::createParamValue().

◆ toQuat()

Kernel::Quat Mantid::Kernel::toQuat ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  quat)

◆ toQuaterniond()

Eigen::Quaterniond Mantid::Kernel::toQuaterniond ( const Kernel::Quat quat)

◆ toV3D()

Kernel::V3D Mantid::Kernel::toV3D ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  vec)

◆ toVector3d()

Eigen::Vector3d Mantid::Kernel::toVector3d ( const Kernel::V3D vec)

Variable Documentation


const size_t Mantid::Kernel::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 100000

◆ g_log

Kernel::Logger Mantid::Kernel::g_log("UsageServiceImpl") ( "UsageServiceImpl"  )

static logger


const std::string Mantid::Kernel::LIB_PREFIX = "lib"

Definition at line 76 of file DllOpen.cpp.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::DllOpen::isValidFilename().


const size_t Mantid::Kernel::MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 100000000

Max size block to read from a file (memory limitations)

Definition at line 25 of file BinaryFile.h.


const size_t Mantid::Kernel::MIN_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000

Min size of a block (too small is inefficient)

Definition at line 28 of file BinaryFile.h.

◆ PriorityNames_data

const std::string Mantid::Kernel::PriorityNames_data[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 23 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ Tolerance

constexpr double Mantid::Kernel::Tolerance = 1.0e-06

Standard tolerance value.

Definition at line 12 of file Tolerance.h.

Referenced by Mantid::Kernel::V3D::azimuth_polar_SNS(), Mantid::Geometry::Track::buildLink(), Mantid::Geometry::MeshObject::calcValidType(), Mantid::Geometry::CSGObject::checkSurfaceValid(), Mantid::Kernel::V3D::coLinear(), Mantid::Algorithms::CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::distance(), Mantid::Geometry::Quadratic::distance(), Mantid::Geometry::Torus::distance(), Mantid::Geometry::BoundingBox::doesLineIntersect(), Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< T >::equals(), Mantid::Crystal::CombinePeaksWorkspaces::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::DiffPeaksWorkspaces::exec(), Mantid::Crystal::GoniometerAnglesFromPhiRotation::exec(), MantidQt::MantidWidgets::FitPropertyBrowser::findPeaks(), Mantid::Geometry::DetectorGroup::getPos(), Mantid::Geometry::Line::intersect(), Mantid::Geometry::BoundingBox::isPointInside(), Mantid::Geometry::Line::isValid(), Mantid::Geometry::Line::lambdaPair(), Mantid::Geometry::Track::nonComplete(), Mantid::Geometry::Cylinder::onSurface(), Mantid::Geometry::Quadratic::onSurface(), Mantid::Geometry::Sphere::onSurface(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::onSurface(), Mantid::Geometry::IntersectionPoint::operator<(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::operator==(), Mantid::Geometry::IntersectionPoint::operator==(), Mantid::Kernel::Quat::operator==(), Mantid::Geometry::detail::ShapeInfo::operator==(), Mantid::Geometry::Torus::operator==(), Mantid::Kernel::V3D::operator==(), Mantid::Kernel::VMDBase< TYPE >::operator==(), Mantid::Geometry::Plane::planeType(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::setNorm(), Mantid::Geometry::Torus::setNorm(), Mantid::Geometry::Cylinder::setNormVec(), Mantid::Geometry::Plane::setSurface(), Mantid::MDAlgorithms::MDWSTransform::setUVvectors(), Mantid::Geometry::Cylinder::side(), Mantid::Geometry::Plane::side(), Mantid::Geometry::Quadratic::side(), Mantid::Geometry::Sphere::side(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::side(), Mantid::Kernel::V3D::spherical_rad(), Mantid::Geometry::Cone::write(), Mantid::Geometry::Cylinder::write(), Mantid::Geometry::Sphere::write(), and Mantid::Geometry::Torus::write().