Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
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1// Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
3// Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
4// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
5// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
6// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
9#include "MantidAPI/Column.h"
16#include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
17#include "MantidAPI/Run.h"
18#include "MantidAPI/TableRow.h"
19#include "MantidAPI/TextAxis.h"
31#include "MantidHistogramData/LinearGenerator.h"
37#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
38#include "MantidKernel/Utils.h"
43#include "boost/math/distributions.hpp"
45#include <cmath>
46#include <fstream>
47#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
49namespace Mantid::MDAlgorithms {
51// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
54using namespace Mantid::HistogramData;
55using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
56using namespace Mantid::API;
57using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
58using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
59using namespace Mantid::Geometry;
64 declareProperty(std::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<IMDEventWorkspace>>("InputWorkspace", "", Direction::Input),
65 "An input MDEventWorkspace.");
67 auto radiiValidator = std::make_shared<ArrayBoundedValidator<double>>();
68 radiiValidator->setLower(0.0);
69 radiiValidator->setLowerExclusive(true);
70 declareProperty(std::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("PeakRadius", std::vector<double>({1.0}), radiiValidator,
72 "Fixed radius around each peak position in which to integrate, or the "
73 "semi-axis lengths (a,b,c) describing an ellipsoid shape used for "
74 "integration (in the same units as the workspace).");
76 radiiValidator->setLowerExclusive(false);
77 declareProperty(std::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("BackgroundInnerRadius", std::vector<double>({0.0}),
78 radiiValidator, Direction::Input),
79 "Inner radius, or three values for semi-axis lengths (a,b,c) of the "
80 "ellipsoid shape, used to evaluate the background of the peak.\n"
81 "If smaller than PeakRadius, then we assume BackgroundInnerRadius = "
82 "PeakRadius.");
84 declareProperty(std::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("BackgroundOuterRadius", std::vector<double>({0.0}),
85 radiiValidator, Direction::Input),
86 "Outer radius, or three values for semi-axis lengths (a,b,c) of the "
87 "ellipsoid shape, to use to evaluate the background of the peak.\n"
88 "The signal density around the peak (BackgroundInnerRadius < r < "
89 "BackgroundOuterRadius) is used to estimate the background under the "
90 "peak.\n"
91 "If smaller than PeakRadius, no background measurement is done.");
93 declareProperty(std::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<IPeaksWorkspace>>("PeaksWorkspace", "", Direction::Input),
94 "A PeaksWorkspace containing the peaks to integrate.");
96 declareProperty(std::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<IPeaksWorkspace>>("OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output),
97 "The output PeaksWorkspace will be a copy of the input PeaksWorkspace "
98 "with the peaks' integrated intensities.");
100 declareProperty("ReplaceIntensity", true,
101 "Always replace intensity in PeaksWorkspacem (default).\n"
102 "If false, then do not replace intensity if calculated value "
103 "is 0 (used for SNSSingleCrystalReduction)");
105 declareProperty("IntegrateIfOnEdge", true,
106 "Only warning if all of peak outer radius is not on detector (default).\n"
107 "If false, do not integrate if the outer radius is not on a detector.");
109 declareProperty("AdaptiveQBackground", false,
110 "Default is false. If true, "
111 "BackgroundOuterRadius + AdaptiveQMultiplier * **|Q|** and "
112 "BackgroundInnerRadius + AdaptiveQMultiplier * **|Q|**");
114 declareProperty("Ellipsoid", false, "Default is sphere.");
116 declareProperty("FixQAxis", false, "Fix one axis of ellipsoid to be along direction of Q.");
118 declareProperty("Cylinder", false, "Default is sphere. Use next five parameters for cylinder.");
120 declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("CylinderLength", 0.0, Direction::Input),
121 "Length of cylinder in which to integrate (in the same units as the "
122 "workspace).");
124 declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("PercentBackground", 0.0, Direction::Input),
125 "Percent of CylinderLength that is background (20 is 20%)");
127 std::vector<std::string> peakNames = FunctionFactory::Instance().getFunctionNames<IPeakFunction>();
128 peakNames.emplace_back("NoFit");
129 declareProperty("ProfileFunction", "Gaussian", std::make_shared<StringListValidator>(peakNames),
130 "Fitting function for profile that is used only with "
131 "Cylinder integration.");
133 std::vector<std::string> integrationOptions(2);
134 integrationOptions[0] = "Sum";
135 integrationOptions[1] = "GaussianQuadrature";
136 auto integrationvalidator = std::make_shared<StringListValidator>(integrationOptions);
137 declareProperty("IntegrationOption", "GaussianQuadrature", integrationvalidator,
138 "Integration method for calculating intensity "
139 "used only with Cylinder integration.");
141 declareProperty(std::make_unique<FileProperty>("ProfilesFile", "", FileProperty::OptionalSave,
142 std::vector<std::string>(1, "profiles")),
143 "Save (Optionally) as Isaw peaks file with profiles included");
145 declareProperty("AdaptiveQMultiplier", 0.0,
146 "PeakRadius + AdaptiveQMultiplier * **|Q|** "
147 "so each peak has a "
148 "different integration radius. Q includes the 2*pi factor.");
150 declareProperty("CorrectIfOnEdge", false,
151 "Only warning if all of peak outer radius is not on detector (default).\n"
152 "If false, correct for volume off edge for both background and "
153 "intensity (the peak is assumed uniform Gaussian so this only applies "
154 "to spherical integration).");
156 declareProperty("UseOnePercentBackgroundCorrection", true,
157 "If this options is enabled, then the the top 1% of the "
158 "background will be removed"
159 "before the background subtraction.");
161 // continued ellipsoid args
162 declareProperty("FixMajorAxisLength", true,
163 "This option is ignored if all peak radii are specified. "
164 "Otherwise, if True the ellipsoid radidi (proportional to "
165 "the sqrt of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix) are "
166 "scaled such that the major axis radius is equal to the "
167 "PeakRadius. If False then the ellipsoid radii are set to "
168 "3 times the sqrt of the eigenvalues of the covariance "
169 "matrix");
171 declareProperty("UseCentroid", false,
172 "Perform integration on estimated centroid not peak position "
173 "(ignored if all three peak radii are specified).");
175 auto maxIterValidator = std::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>();
176 maxIterValidator->setLower(1);
177 declareProperty("MaxIterations", 1, maxIterValidator,
178 "Number of iterations in covariance estimation (ignored if all "
179 "peak radii are specified). 2-3 should be sufficient.");
182 "MaskEdgeTubes", true,
183 "Mask tubes on the edge of all banks in the PeaksWorkspace instrument (note the edge pixels at top/bottom of all "
184 "tubes will always be masked even if this property is False). Note the algorithm will treat "
185 "any masked pixels as edges (including pixels already masked prior to the execution of this algorithm) - this "
186 "means a custom mask can be applied to the PeaksWorkspace before integration.");
188 // Group Properties
189 std::string general_grp = "General Inputs";
190 std::string cylin_grp = "Cylindrical Integration";
191 std::string ellip_grp = "Ellipsoid Integration";
193 setPropertyGroup("InputWorkspace", general_grp);
194 setPropertyGroup("PeakRadius", general_grp);
195 setPropertyGroup("BackgroundInnerRadius", general_grp);
196 setPropertyGroup("BackgroundOuterRadius", general_grp);
197 setPropertyGroup("PeaksWorkspace", general_grp);
198 setPropertyGroup("OutputWorkspace", general_grp);
199 setPropertyGroup("ReplaceIntensity", general_grp);
200 setPropertyGroup("IntegrateIfOnEdge", general_grp);
201 setPropertyGroup("AdaptiveQBackground", general_grp);
203 setPropertyGroup("Ellipsoid", ellip_grp);
204 setPropertyGroup("FixQAxis", ellip_grp);
206 setPropertyGroup("Cylinder", cylin_grp);
207 setPropertyGroup("CylinderLength", cylin_grp);
208 setPropertyGroup("PercentBackground", cylin_grp);
209 setPropertyGroup("ProfileFunction", cylin_grp);
210 setPropertyGroup("IntegrationOption", cylin_grp);
211 setPropertyGroup("ProfilesFile", cylin_grp);
213 setPropertyGroup("AdaptiveQMultiplier", general_grp);
214 setPropertyGroup("CorrectIfOnEdge", general_grp);
215 setPropertyGroup("UseOnePercentBackgroundCorrection", general_grp);
217 setPropertyGroup("FixMajorAxisLength", ellip_grp);
218 setPropertyGroup("UseCentroid", ellip_grp);
219 setPropertyGroup("MaxIterations", ellip_grp);
221 setPropertyGroup("MaskEdgeTubes", general_grp);
223 // SetValue when another property value changes
224 setPropertySettings("Ellipsoid", std::make_unique<SetValueWhenProperty>(
225 "Cylinder", [](std::string ellipsoid, const std::string &cylinder) {
226 // Set Ellipsoid to 0, if user has set Cylinder to 1
227 if (ellipsoid == "1" && cylinder == "1") {
228 return std::string{"0"};
229 } else {
230 return ellipsoid;
231 };
232 }));
233 setPropertySettings("Cylinder", std::make_unique<SetValueWhenProperty>(
234 "Ellipsoid", [](std::string cylinder, const std::string &ellipsoid) {
235 // Set Cylinder to 0, if user has set Ellipsoid to 1
236 if (cylinder == "1" && ellipsoid == "1") {
237 return std::string{"0"};
238 } else {
239 return cylinder;
240 };
241 }));
243 // Set these Properties as visible only when Cylinder = 1
244 setPropertySettings("CylinderLength", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Cylinder", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
245 setPropertySettings("PercentBackground", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Cylinder", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
246 setPropertySettings("ProfileFunction", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Cylinder", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
247 setPropertySettings("IntegrationOption", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Cylinder", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
248 setPropertySettings("ProfilesFile", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Cylinder", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
250 // Set these Properties as visible only when Ellipsoid = 1
251 setPropertySettings("FixQAxis", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Ellipsoid", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
252 setPropertySettings("FixMajorAxisLength", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Ellipsoid", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
253 setPropertySettings("UseCentroid", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Ellipsoid", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
254 setPropertySettings("MaxIterations", std::make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>("Ellipsoid", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
256 // Disable / greyed out these Properties based on the value of another
257 setPropertySettings("CorrectIfOnEdge",
258 std::make_unique<Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty>("IntegrateIfOnEdge", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1"));
261std::map<std::string, std::string> IntegratePeaksMD2::validateInputs() {
262 std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
264 std::vector<double> PeakRadius = getProperty("PeakRadius");
265 std::vector<double> BackgroundInnerRadius = getProperty("BackgroundInnerRadius");
266 std::vector<double> BackgroundOuterRadius = getProperty("BackgroundOuterRadius");
267 bool ellipsoid = getProperty("Ellipsoid");
268 bool cylinder = getProperty("Cylinder");
270 if (PeakRadius.size() != 1 && PeakRadius.size() != 3) {
271 std::stringstream errmsg;
272 errmsg << "Only one or three values should be specified";
273 result["PeakRadius"] = errmsg.str();
274 }
276 if (!ellipsoid && PeakRadius.size() != 1) {
277 std::stringstream errmsg;
278 errmsg << "One value must be specified when Ellipsoid is false";
279 result["PeakRadius"] = errmsg.str();
280 }
282 if (BackgroundInnerRadius.size() != 1 && BackgroundInnerRadius.size() != 3) {
283 std::stringstream errmsg;
284 errmsg << "Only one or three values should be specified";
285 result["BackgroundInnerRadius"] = errmsg.str();
286 }
288 if (!ellipsoid && BackgroundInnerRadius.size() != 1) {
289 std::stringstream errmsg;
290 errmsg << "One value must be specified when Ellipsoid is false";
291 result["BackgroundInnerRadius"] = errmsg.str();
292 }
294 if (BackgroundOuterRadius.size() != 1 && BackgroundOuterRadius.size() != 3) {
295 std::stringstream errmsg;
296 errmsg << "Only one or three values should be specified";
297 result["BackgroundOuterRadius"] = errmsg.str();
298 }
300 if (!ellipsoid && BackgroundOuterRadius.size() != 1) {
301 std::stringstream errmsg;
302 errmsg << "One value must be specified when Ellipsoid is false";
303 result["BackgroundOuterRadius"] = errmsg.str();
304 }
306 if (ellipsoid && cylinder) {
307 std::stringstream errmsg;
308 errmsg << "Ellipsoid and Cylinder cannot both be true";
309 result["Ellipsoid"] = errmsg.str();
310 result["Cylinder"] = errmsg.str();
311 }
313 return result;
321template <typename MDE, size_t nd> void IntegratePeaksMD2::integrate(typename MDEventWorkspace<MDE, nd>::sptr ws) {
322 if (nd != 3)
323 throw std::invalid_argument("For now, we expect the input MDEventWorkspace "
324 "to have 3 dimensions only.");
327 IPeaksWorkspace_sptr inPeakWS = getProperty("PeaksWorkspace");
330 IPeaksWorkspace_sptr peakWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
331 if (peakWS != inPeakWS)
332 peakWS = inPeakWS->clone();
333 // This only fails in the unit tests which say that MaskBTP is not registered
334 bool maskTubes = getProperty("MaskEdgeTubes");
335 try {
336 PeaksWorkspace_sptr p = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PeaksWorkspace>(inPeakWS);
337 if (p) {
338 if (maskTubes) {
339 runMaskDetectors(p, "Tube", "edges");
340 }
341 runMaskDetectors(p, "Pixel", "edges");
342 }
343 } catch (...) {
344 g_log.error("Can't execute MaskBTP algorithm for this instrument to set "
345 "edge for IntegrateIfOnEdge option");
346 }
348 calculateE1(inPeakWS->detectorInfo()); // fill E1Vec for use in detectorQ
352 std::vector<double> PeakRadius = getProperty("PeakRadius");
354 std::vector<double> BackgroundOuterRadius = getProperty("BackgroundOuterRadius");
356 std::vector<double> BackgroundInnerRadius = getProperty("BackgroundInnerRadius");
358 bool useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection = getProperty("UseOnePercentBackgroundCorrection");
360 bool manualEllip = false;
361 if (PeakRadius.size() > 1) {
362 manualEllip = true;
363 // make sure the background radii are 3 values (they default to 1)
364 if (BackgroundInnerRadius.size() == 1)
365 BackgroundInnerRadius.resize(3, BackgroundInnerRadius[0]);
366 if (BackgroundOuterRadius.size() == 1)
367 BackgroundOuterRadius.resize(3, BackgroundOuterRadius[0]);
368 }
370 double minInnerRadius = PeakRadius[0];
371 for (size_t r = 0; r < BackgroundInnerRadius.size(); r++) {
372 if (manualEllip) {
373 minInnerRadius = PeakRadius[r];
374 }
375 if (BackgroundInnerRadius[r] < minInnerRadius)
376 BackgroundInnerRadius[r] = minInnerRadius;
377 }
378 // Ellipsoid
379 bool isEllipse = getProperty("Ellipsoid");
380 bool qAxisIsFixed = getProperty("FixQAxis");
381 bool majorAxisLengthFixed = getProperty("FixMajorAxisLength");
382 bool useCentroid = getProperty("UseCentroid");
383 int maxCovarIter = getProperty("MaxIterations");
385 double cylinderLength = getProperty("CylinderLength");
386 Workspace2D_sptr wsProfile2D, wsFit2D, wsDiff2D;
387 size_t numSteps = 0;
388 bool cylinderBool = getProperty("Cylinder");
389 bool adaptiveQBackground = getProperty("AdaptiveQBackground");
390 double adaptiveQMultiplier = getProperty("AdaptiveQMultiplier");
391 double adaptiveQBackgroundMultiplier = 0.0;
392 if (adaptiveQBackground)
393 adaptiveQBackgroundMultiplier = adaptiveQMultiplier;
394 std::vector<double> PeakRadiusVector(peakWS->getNumberPeaks(), PeakRadius[0]);
395 std::vector<double> BackgroundInnerRadiusVector(peakWS->getNumberPeaks(), BackgroundInnerRadius[0]);
396 std::vector<double> BackgroundOuterRadiusVector(peakWS->getNumberPeaks(), BackgroundOuterRadius[0]);
397 if (cylinderBool) {
398 numSteps = 100;
399 size_t histogramNumber = peakWS->getNumberPeaks();
400 Workspace_sptr wsProfile = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", histogramNumber, numSteps, numSteps);
401 wsProfile2D = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(wsProfile);
402 AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace("ProfilesData", wsProfile2D);
403 Workspace_sptr wsFit = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", histogramNumber, numSteps, numSteps);
404 wsFit2D = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(wsFit);
405 AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace("ProfilesFit", wsFit2D);
406 Workspace_sptr wsDiff = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", histogramNumber, numSteps, numSteps);
407 wsDiff2D = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(wsDiff);
408 AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace("ProfilesFitDiff", wsDiff2D);
409 auto newAxis1 = std::make_unique<TextAxis>(peakWS->getNumberPeaks());
410 auto newAxis2 = std::make_unique<TextAxis>(peakWS->getNumberPeaks());
411 auto newAxis3 = std::make_unique<TextAxis>(peakWS->getNumberPeaks());
412 auto newAxis1Raw = newAxis1.get();
413 auto newAxis2Raw = newAxis2.get();
414 auto newAxis3Raw = newAxis3.get();
415 wsProfile2D->replaceAxis(1, std::move(newAxis1));
416 wsFit2D->replaceAxis(1, std::move(newAxis2));
417 wsDiff2D->replaceAxis(1, std::move(newAxis3));
418 for (int i = 0; i < peakWS->getNumberPeaks(); ++i) {
419 // Get a direct ref to that peak.
420 IPeak &p = peakWS->getPeak(i);
421 std::ostringstream label;
422 label << Utils::round(p.getH()) << "_" << Utils::round(p.getK()) << "_" << Utils::round(p.getL()) << "_"
423 << p.getRunNumber();
424 newAxis1Raw->setLabel(i, label.str());
425 newAxis2Raw->setLabel(i, label.str());
426 newAxis3Raw->setLabel(i, label.str());
427 }
428 }
429 double percentBackground = getProperty("PercentBackground");
430 size_t peakMin = 0;
431 size_t peakMax = numSteps;
432 double ratio = 0.0;
433 if (cylinderBool) {
434 peakMin = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<double>(numSteps) * percentBackground / 100.);
435 peakMax = numSteps - peakMin - 1;
436 size_t numPeakCh = peakMax - peakMin + 1; // number of peak channels
437 size_t numBkgCh = numSteps - numPeakCh; // number of background channels
438 ratio = static_cast<double>(numPeakCh) / static_cast<double>(numBkgCh);
439 }
441 bool replaceIntensity = getProperty("ReplaceIntensity");
442 bool integrateEdge = getProperty("IntegrateIfOnEdge");
443 bool correctEdge = getProperty("CorrectIfOnEdge");
445 std::string profileFunction = getProperty("ProfileFunction");
446 std::string integrationOption = getProperty("IntegrationOption");
447 std::ofstream out;
448 if (cylinderBool && profileFunction != "NoFit") {
449 std::string outFile = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
450 outFile.append(profileFunction);
451 outFile.append(".dat");
452 std::string save_path = ConfigService::Instance().getString("defaultsave.directory");
453 outFile = save_path + outFile;
454 out.open(outFile.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
455 }
456 // volume of Background sphere with inner volume subtracted
457 double volumeBkg = 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI * (std::pow(BackgroundOuterRadius[0], 3) - std::pow(BackgroundOuterRadius[0], 3));
458 // volume of PeakRadius sphere
459 double volumeRadius = 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI * std::pow(PeakRadius[0], 3);
461 // Initialize progress reporting
462 int nPeaks = peakWS->getNumberPeaks();
463 Progress progress(this, 0., 1., nPeaks);
464 bool doParallel = cylinderBool ? false : Kernel::threadSafe(*ws, *peakWS);
465 PARALLEL_FOR_IF(doParallel)
466 for (int i = 0; i < nPeaks; ++i) {
468 progress.report();
470 // Get a direct ref to that peak.
471 IPeak &p = peakWS->getPeak(i);
473 // Get the peak center as a position in the dimensions of the workspace
474 V3D pos;
475 if (CoordinatesToUse == Mantid::Kernel::QLab) //"Q (lab frame)"
476 pos = p.getQLabFrame();
477 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Mantid::Kernel::QSample) //"Q (sample frame)"
478 pos = p.getQSampleFrame();
479 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Mantid::Kernel::HKL) //"HKL"
480 pos = p.getHKL();
482 // Do not integrate if sphere is off edge of detector
484 const double edgeDist = calculateDistanceToEdge(p.getQLabFrame());
485 if (edgeDist < std::max(BackgroundOuterRadius[0], PeakRadius[0])) {
486 g_log.warning() << "Warning: sphere/cylinder for integration is off edge "
487 "of detector for peak "
488 << i << "; radius of edge = " << edgeDist << '\n';
489 if (!integrateEdge) {
490 if (replaceIntensity) {
491 p.setIntensity(0.0);
492 p.setSigmaIntensity(0.0);
493 }
494 continue;
495 }
496 }
498 // Build the sphere transformation
499 bool dimensionsUsed[nd];
500 coord_t center[nd];
501 for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
502 dimensionsUsed[d] = true; // Use all dimensions
503 center[d] = static_cast<coord_t>(pos[d]);
504 }
505 signal_t signal = 0;
506 signal_t errorSquared = 0;
507 signal_t bgSignal = 0;
508 signal_t bgErrorSquared = 0;
509 double background_total = 0.0;
510 if (!cylinderBool) {
511 // modulus of Q
512 coord_t lenQpeak = 0.0;
513 if (adaptiveQMultiplier != 0.0) {
514 lenQpeak = 0.0;
515 for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
516 lenQpeak += center[d] * center[d];
517 }
518 lenQpeak = std::sqrt(lenQpeak);
519 }
520 double adaptiveRadius = adaptiveQMultiplier * lenQpeak + *std::max_element(PeakRadius.begin(), PeakRadius.end());
521 if (adaptiveRadius <= 0.0) {
522 g_log.error() << "Error: Radius for integration sphere of peak " << i << " is negative = " << adaptiveRadius
523 << '\n';
524 adaptiveRadius = 0.;
525 p.setIntensity(0.0);
526 p.setSigmaIntensity(0.0);
527 PeakRadiusVector[i] = 0.0;
528 BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] = 0.0;
529 BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] = 0.0;
530 continue;
531 }
532 PeakRadiusVector[i] = adaptiveRadius;
533 BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] = adaptiveQBackgroundMultiplier * lenQpeak +
534 *std::max_element(BackgroundInnerRadius.begin(), BackgroundInnerRadius.end());
535 BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] = adaptiveQBackgroundMultiplier * lenQpeak +
536 *std::max_element(BackgroundOuterRadius.begin(), BackgroundOuterRadius.end());
537 // define the radius squared for a sphere intially
538 CoordTransformDistance getRadiusSq(nd, center, dimensionsUsed);
539 // set spherical shape
540 PeakShape *sphereShape =
541 new PeakShapeSpherical(PeakRadiusVector[i], BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i], BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i],
542 CoordinatesToUse, this->name(), this->version());
543 p.setPeakShape(sphereShape);
544 const double scaleFactor = pow(PeakRadiusVector[i], 3) /
545 (pow(BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i], 3) - pow(BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i], 3));
546 // Integrate spherical background shell if specified
547 if (BackgroundOuterRadius[0] > PeakRadius[0]) {
548 // Get the total signal inside background shell
549 ws->getBox()->integrateSphere(
550 getRadiusSq, static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i], 2)), bgSignal, bgErrorSquared,
551 static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i], 2)), useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection);
552 // correct bg signal by Vpeak/Vshell (same for sphere and ellipse)
553 bgSignal *= scaleFactor;
554 bgErrorSquared *= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
555 }
556 // if ellipsoid find covariance and centroid in spherical region
557 // using one-pass algorithm from https://doi.org/10.1145/359146.359153
558 if (isEllipse) {
559 // flat bg to subtract
560 const auto bgDensity = bgSignal / (4 * M_PI * pow(PeakRadiusVector[i], 3) / 3);
561 std::vector<V3D> eigenvects;
562 std::vector<double> eigenvals;
563 V3D translation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // translation from peak pos to centroid
564 if (PeakRadius.size() == 1) {
565 V3D mean(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // vector to hold centroid
566 findEllipsoid<MDE, nd>(ws, getRadiusSq, pos, static_cast<coord_t>(pow(PeakRadiusVector[i], 2)), qAxisIsFixed,
567 useCentroid, bgDensity, eigenvects, eigenvals, mean, maxCovarIter);
568 if (!majorAxisLengthFixed) {
569 // replace radius for this peak with 3*stdev along major axis
570 auto max_stdev = sqrt(*std::max_element(eigenvals.begin(), eigenvals.end()));
571 BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] = 3 * max_stdev * (BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] / PeakRadiusVector[i]);
572 BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] = 3 * max_stdev * (BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] / PeakRadiusVector[i]);
573 PeakRadiusVector[i] = 3 * max_stdev;
574 }
575 if (useCentroid) {
576 // calculate translation to apply when drawing
577 translation = mean - pos;
578 // update integration center with mean
579 for (size_t d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
580 center[d] = static_cast<coord_t>(mean[d]);
581 }
582 }
583 } else {
584 // Use the manually specified radii instead of finding them via
585 // findEllipsoid
586 std::transform(PeakRadius.begin(), PeakRadius.end(), std::back_inserter(eigenvals),
587 [](double r) { return std::pow(r, 2.0); });
588 eigenvects.push_back(V3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
589 eigenvects.push_back(V3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
590 eigenvects.push_back(V3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
591 }
592 // transform ellispoid onto sphere of radius = R
593 getRadiusSq = CoordTransformDistance(nd, center, dimensionsUsed, 1, /* outD */
594 eigenvects, eigenvals);
595 // Integrate ellipsoid background shell if specified
596 if (PeakRadius.size() == 1) {
597 if (BackgroundOuterRadius[0] > PeakRadius[0]) {
598 // Get the total signal inside "BackgroundOuterRadius"
599 bgSignal = 0;
600 bgErrorSquared = 0;
601 ws->getBox()->integrateSphere(
602 getRadiusSq, static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i], 2)), bgSignal, bgErrorSquared,
603 static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i], 2)), useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection);
604 // correct bg signal by Vpeak/Vshell (same as previously
605 // calculated for sphere)
606 bgSignal *= scaleFactor;
607 bgErrorSquared *= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
608 }
609 // set peak shape
610 // get radii in same proprtion as eigenvalues
611 auto max_stdev = pow(*std::max_element(eigenvals.begin(), eigenvals.end()), 0.5);
612 std::vector<double> peakRadii(3, 0.0);
613 std::vector<double> backgroundInnerRadii(3, 0.0);
614 std::vector<double> backgroundOuterRadii(3, 0.0);
615 for (size_t irad = 0; irad < peakRadii.size(); irad++) {
616 auto scale = pow(eigenvals[irad], 0.5) / max_stdev;
617 peakRadii[irad] = PeakRadiusVector[i] * scale;
618 backgroundInnerRadii[irad] = BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] * scale;
619 backgroundOuterRadii[irad] = BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] * scale;
620 }
621 PeakShape *ellipsoidShape =
622 new PeakShapeEllipsoid(eigenvects, peakRadii, backgroundInnerRadii, backgroundOuterRadii,
623 CoordinatesToUse, this->name(), this->version(), translation);
624 p.setPeakShape(ellipsoidShape);
625 } else {
626 // Use the manually specified radii instead of finding them via
627 // findEllipsoid
628 std::vector<double> eigenvals_background_inner;
629 std::vector<double> eigenvals_background_outer;
630 std::transform(BackgroundInnerRadius.begin(), BackgroundInnerRadius.end(),
631 std::back_inserter(eigenvals_background_inner), [](double r) { return std::pow(r, 2.0); });
632 std::transform(BackgroundOuterRadius.begin(), BackgroundOuterRadius.end(),
633 std::back_inserter(eigenvals_background_outer), [](double r) { return std::pow(r, 2.0); });
635 if (BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[0] > PeakRadiusVector[0]) {
636 // transform ellispoid onto sphere of radius = R
637 auto getRadiusSqInner = CoordTransformDistance(nd, center, dimensionsUsed, 1, /* outD */
638 eigenvects, eigenvals_background_inner);
639 auto getRadiusSqOuter = CoordTransformDistance(nd, center, dimensionsUsed, 1, /* outD */
640 eigenvects, eigenvals_background_outer);
641 // Get the total signal inside "BackgroundOuterRadius"
642 bgSignal = 0;
643 bgErrorSquared = 0;
644 signal_t bgSignalInner = 0;
645 signal_t bgSignalOuter = 0;
646 signal_t bgErrorSquaredInner = 0;
647 signal_t bgErrorSquaredOuter = 0;
648 ws->getBox()->integrateSphere(getRadiusSqInner,
649 static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i], 2)), bgSignalInner,
650 bgErrorSquaredInner, 0.0, useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection);
651 ws->getBox()->integrateSphere(getRadiusSqOuter,
652 static_cast<coord_t>(pow(BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i], 2)), bgSignalOuter,
653 bgErrorSquaredOuter, 0.0, useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection);
654 // correct bg signal by Vpeak/Vshell (same as previously
655 // calculated for sphere)
656 bgSignal = bgSignalOuter - bgSignalInner;
657 bgErrorSquared = bgErrorSquaredInner + bgErrorSquaredOuter;
658 g_log.debug() << "unscaled background signal from ellipsoid integration = " << bgSignal << '\n';
659 const double scale = (PeakRadius[0] * PeakRadius[1] * PeakRadius[2]) /
660 (BackgroundOuterRadius[0] * BackgroundOuterRadius[1] * BackgroundOuterRadius[2] -
661 BackgroundInnerRadius[0] * BackgroundInnerRadius[1] * BackgroundInnerRadius[2]);
662 bgSignal *= scale;
663 bgErrorSquared *= pow(scale, 2);
664 }
665 // set peak shape
666 // get radii in same proprtion as eigenvalues
667 auto max_stdev = pow(*std::max_element(eigenvals.begin(), eigenvals.end()), 0.5);
668 auto max_stdev_inner =
669 pow(*std::max_element(eigenvals_background_inner.begin(), eigenvals_background_inner.end()), 0.5);
670 auto max_stdev_outer =
671 pow(*std::max_element(eigenvals_background_outer.begin(), eigenvals_background_outer.end()), 0.5);
672 std::vector<double> peakRadii(3, 0.0);
673 std::vector<double> backgroundInnerRadii(3, 0.0);
674 std::vector<double> backgroundOuterRadii(3, 0.0);
675 for (size_t irad = 0; irad < peakRadii.size(); irad++) {
676 peakRadii[irad] = PeakRadiusVector[i] * pow(eigenvals[irad], 0.5) / max_stdev;
677 backgroundInnerRadii[irad] =
678 BackgroundInnerRadiusVector[i] * pow(eigenvals_background_inner[irad], 0.5) / max_stdev_inner;
679 backgroundOuterRadii[irad] =
680 BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i] * pow(eigenvals_background_outer[irad], 0.5) / max_stdev_outer;
681 }
682 PeakShape *ellipsoidShape =
683 new PeakShapeEllipsoid(eigenvects, peakRadii, backgroundInnerRadii, backgroundOuterRadii,
684 CoordinatesToUse, this->name(), this->version());
685 p.setPeakShape(ellipsoidShape);
686 }
687 }
688 ws->getBox()->integrateSphere(getRadiusSq, static_cast<coord_t>(PeakRadiusVector[i] * PeakRadiusVector[i]),
689 signal, errorSquared, 0.0 /* innerRadiusSquared */,
690 useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection);
691 //
692 } else {
693 CoordTransformDistance cylinder(nd, center, dimensionsUsed, 2);
695 // Perform the integration into whatever box is contained within.
696 Counts signal_fit(numSteps);
697 signal_fit = 0;
699 ws->getBox()->integrateCylinder(cylinder, static_cast<coord_t>(PeakRadius[0]),
700 static_cast<coord_t>(cylinderLength), signal, errorSquared,
701 signal_fit.mutableRawData());
703 // Integrate around the background radius
704 if (BackgroundOuterRadius[0] > PeakRadius[0]) {
705 // Get the total signal inside "BackgroundOuterRadius"
706 signal_fit = 0;
708 ws->getBox()->integrateCylinder(cylinder, static_cast<coord_t>(BackgroundOuterRadius[0]),
709 static_cast<coord_t>(cylinderLength), bgSignal, bgErrorSquared,
710 signal_fit.mutableRawData());
712 Points points(signal_fit.size(), LinearGenerator(0, 1));
713 wsProfile2D->setHistogram(i, points, signal_fit);
715 // Evaluate the signal inside "BackgroundInnerRadius"
716 signal_t interiorSignal = 0;
717 signal_t interiorErrorSquared = 0;
719 // Integrate this 3rd radius, if needed
720 if (BackgroundInnerRadius[0] != PeakRadius[0]) {
721 ws->getBox()->integrateCylinder(cylinder, static_cast<coord_t>(BackgroundInnerRadius[0]),
722 static_cast<coord_t>(cylinderLength), interiorSignal, interiorErrorSquared,
723 signal_fit.mutableRawData());
724 } else {
725 // PeakRadius == BackgroundInnerRadius, so use the previous
726 // value
727 interiorSignal = signal;
728 interiorErrorSquared = errorSquared;
729 }
730 // Subtract the peak part to get the intensity in the shell
731 // (BackgroundInnerRadius < r < BackgroundOuterRadius)
732 bgSignal -= interiorSignal;
733 // We can subtract the error (instead of adding) because the two
734 // values are 100% dependent; this is the same as integrating a
735 // shell.
736 bgErrorSquared -= interiorErrorSquared;
737 // Relative volume of peak vs the BackgroundOuterRadius cylinder
738 const double radiusRatio = (PeakRadius[0] / BackgroundOuterRadius[0]);
739 const double peakVolume = radiusRatio * radiusRatio * cylinderLength;
741 // Relative volume of the interior of the shell vs overall
742 // background
743 const double interiorRatio = (BackgroundInnerRadius[0] / BackgroundOuterRadius[0]);
744 // Volume of the bg shell, relative to the volume of the
745 // BackgroundOuterRadius cylinder
746 const double bgVolume = 1.0 - interiorRatio * interiorRatio * cylinderLength;
748 // Finally, you will multiply the bg intensity by this to get the
749 // estimated background under the peak volume
750 const double scaleFactor = peakVolume / bgVolume;
751 bgSignal *= scaleFactor;
752 bgErrorSquared *= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
753 } else {
754 Points points(signal_fit.size(), LinearGenerator(0, 1));
755 wsProfile2D->setHistogram(i, points, signal_fit);
756 }
758 if (profileFunction == "NoFit") {
759 signal = 0.;
760 for (size_t j = 0; j < numSteps; j++) {
761 if (j < peakMin || j > peakMax)
762 background_total = background_total + wsProfile2D->y(i)[j];
763 else
764 signal = signal + wsProfile2D->y(i)[j];
765 }
766 errorSquared = std::fabs(signal);
767 } else {
769 auto fitAlgorithm = createChildAlgorithm("Fit", -1, -1, false);
770 // fitAlgorithm->setProperty("CreateOutput", true);
771 // fitAlgorithm->setProperty("Output", "FitPeaks1D");
772 std::string myFunc = std::string("name=LinearBackground;name=") + profileFunction;
773 auto maxPeak = std::max_element(signal_fit.begin(), signal_fit.end());
775 std::ostringstream strs;
776 strs << maxPeak[0];
777 std::string strMax = strs.str();
778 if (profileFunction == "Gaussian") {
779 myFunc += ", PeakCentre=50, Height=" + strMax;
780 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("Constraints", "40<f1.PeakCentre<60");
781 } else if (profileFunction == "BackToBackExponential" || profileFunction == "IkedaCarpenterPV") {
782 myFunc += ", X0=50, I=" + strMax;
783 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("Constraints", "40<f1.X0<60");
784 }
785 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("CalcErrors", true);
786 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("Function", myFunc);
787 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("InputWorkspace", wsProfile2D);
788 fitAlgorithm->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", static_cast<int>(i));
789 try {
790 fitAlgorithm->executeAsChildAlg();
791 } catch (...) {
792 g_log.error("Can't execute Fit algorithm");
793 continue;
794 }
796 IFunction_sptr ifun = fitAlgorithm->getProperty("Function");
797 if (i == 0) {
798 out << std::setw(20) << "spectrum"
799 << " ";
800 for (size_t j = 0; j < ifun->nParams(); ++j)
801 out << std::setw(20) << ifun->parameterName(j) << " ";
802 out << std::setw(20) << "chi2"
803 << " ";
804 out << "\n";
805 }
806 out << std::setw(20) << i << " ";
807 for (size_t j = 0; j < ifun->nParams(); ++j) {
808 out << std::setw(20) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << ifun->getParameter(j) << " ";
809 }
810 double chi2 = fitAlgorithm->getProperty("OutputChi2overDoF");
811 out << std::setw(20) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << chi2 << "\n";
813 std::shared_ptr<const CompositeFunction> fun = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const CompositeFunction>(ifun);
815 const auto &x = wsProfile2D->x(i);
816 wsFit2D->setSharedX(i, wsProfile2D->sharedX(i));
817 wsDiff2D->setSharedX(i, wsProfile2D->sharedX(i));
819 FunctionDomain1DVector domain(x.rawData());
820 FunctionValues yy(domain);
821 fun->function(domain, yy);
822 auto funcValues = yy.toVector();
824 wsFit2D->mutableY(i) = funcValues;
825 wsDiff2D->setSharedY(i, wsProfile2D->sharedY(i));
826 wsDiff2D->mutableY(i) -= wsFit2D->y(i);
828 // Calculate intensity
829 signal = 0.0;
830 if (integrationOption == "Sum") {
831 for (size_t j = peakMin; j <= peakMax; j++)
832 if (std::isfinite(yy[j]))
833 signal += yy[j];
834 } else {
835 gsl_integration_workspace *w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(1000);
837 double error;
839 gsl_function F;
840 F.function = &Mantid::MDAlgorithms::f_eval2;
841 F.params = &fun;
843 gsl_integration_qags(&F, x[peakMin], x[peakMax], 0, 1e-7, 1000, w, &signal, &error);
845 gsl_integration_workspace_free(w);
846 }
847 errorSquared = std::fabs(signal);
848 // Get background counts
849 for (size_t j = 0; j < numSteps; j++) {
850 double background = ifun->getParameter(0) + ifun->getParameter(1) * x[j];
851 if (j < peakMin || j > peakMax)
852 background_total = background_total + background;
853 }
854 }
855 }
856 checkOverlap(i, peakWS, CoordinatesToUse, 2.0 * std::max(PeakRadiusVector[i], BackgroundOuterRadiusVector[i]));
857 // Save it back in the peak object.
858 if (signal != 0. || replaceIntensity) {
859 double edgeMultiplier = 1.0;
860 double peakMultiplier = 1.0;
861 if (correctEdge) {
862 if (edgeDist < BackgroundOuterRadius[0]) {
863 double e1 = BackgroundOuterRadius[0] - edgeDist;
864 // volume of cap of sphere with h = edge
865 double f1 = M_PI * std::pow(e1, 2) / 3 * (3 * BackgroundOuterRadius[0] - e1);
866 edgeMultiplier = volumeBkg / (volumeBkg - f1);
867 }
868 if (edgeDist < PeakRadius[0]) {
869 double sigma = PeakRadius[0] / 3.0;
870 // assume gaussian peak
871 double e1 = std::exp(-std::pow(edgeDist, 2) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) * PeakRadius[0];
872 // volume of cap of sphere with h = edge
873 double f1 = M_PI * std::pow(e1, 2) / 3 * (3 * PeakRadius[0] - e1);
874 peakMultiplier = volumeRadius / (volumeRadius - f1);
875 }
876 }
878 p.setIntensity(peakMultiplier * signal - edgeMultiplier * (ratio * background_total + bgSignal));
879 p.setSigmaIntensity(sqrt(peakMultiplier * errorSquared +
880 edgeMultiplier * (ratio * ratio * std::fabs(background_total) + bgErrorSquared)));
881 }
883 g_log.information() << "Peak " << i << " at " << pos << ": signal " << signal << " (sig^2 " << errorSquared
884 << "), with background " << bgSignal + ratio * background_total << " (sig^2 "
885 << bgErrorSquared + ratio * ratio * std::fabs(background_total) << ") subtracted.\n";
887 }
889 // This flag is used by the PeaksWorkspace to evaluate whether it has
890 // been integrated.
891 peakWS->mutableRun().addProperty("PeaksIntegrated", 1, true);
892 // These flags are specific to the algorithm.
893 peakWS->mutableRun().addProperty("PeakRadius", PeakRadiusVector, true);
894 peakWS->mutableRun().addProperty("BackgroundInnerRadius", BackgroundInnerRadiusVector, true);
895 peakWS->mutableRun().addProperty("BackgroundOuterRadius", BackgroundOuterRadiusVector, true);
897 // save profiles in peaks file
898 const std::string outfile = getProperty("ProfilesFile");
899 if (outfile.length() > 0) {
900 IAlgorithm_sptr alg;
901 try {
902 alg = createChildAlgorithm("SaveIsawPeaks", -1, -1, false);
903 } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
904 g_log.error("Can't locate SaveIsawPeaks algorithm");
905 throw;
906 }
907 alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", peakWS);
908 alg->setProperty("ProfileWorkspace", wsProfile2D);
909 alg->setPropertyValue("Filename", outfile);
910 alg->execute();
911 }
912 // Save the output
913 setProperty("OutputWorkspace", peakWS);
933template <typename MDE, size_t nd>
935 const CoordTransform &getRadiusSq, const V3D &pos, const coord_t &radiusSquared,
936 const bool &qAxisIsFixed, const bool &useCentroid, const double &bgDensity,
937 std::vector<V3D> &eigenvects, std::vector<double> &eigenvals, V3D &mean,
938 const int maxIter) {
940 // get leaf-only iterators over all boxes in ws
941 auto function = std::make_unique<Geometry::MDAlgorithms::MDBoxMaskFunction>(pos, radiusSquared);
942 MDBoxBase<MDE, nd> *baseBox = ws->getBox();
943 MDBoxIterator<MDE, nd> MDiter(baseBox, 1000, true, function.get());
945 // get initial vector of events inside sphere
946 std::vector<std::pair<V3D, double>> peak_events;
948 do {
949 auto *box = dynamic_cast<MDBox<MDE, nd> *>(MDiter.getBox());
950 if (box && !box->getIsMasked()) {
952 // simple check whether box is defintely not contained
953 coord_t boxCenter[nd];
954 box->getCenter(boxCenter);
955 V3D displacement; // vector between peak pos and box center
956 coord_t rboxSq = 0; // dist from center to vertex sq
957 for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
958 auto dim = box->getExtents(d);
959 rboxSq += static_cast<coord_t>(0.25 * dim.getSize() * dim.getSize());
960 displacement[d] = pos[d] - static_cast<double>(boxCenter[d]);
961 }
963 if (displacement.norm() < static_cast<double>(sqrt(rboxSq)) + static_cast<double>(sqrt(radiusSquared))) {
964 // box MIGHT intersect peak spherical region so go through events
965 const std::vector<MDE> &events = box->getConstEvents();
966 auto bg = bgDensity / (static_cast<double>(events.size()) * (box->getInverseVolume()));
967 // For each event
968 for (const auto &evnt : events) {
970 coord_t center_array[nd];
971 for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
972 center_array[d] = evnt.getCenter(d);
973 }
974 coord_t out[1];
975 auto *cen_ptr = center_array; // pointer to first element
976 getRadiusSq.apply(cen_ptr, out);
978 if (evnt.getSignal() > bg && out[0] < radiusSquared) {
979 // need in V3D for matrix maths later
980 V3D center;
981 for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
982 center[d] = static_cast<double>(center_array[d]);
983 }
984 peak_events.emplace_back(center, evnt.getSignal() - bg);
985 }
986 }
987 }
988 }
989 box->releaseEvents();
990 } while (MDiter.next());
991 calcCovar(peak_events, pos, radiusSquared, qAxisIsFixed, useCentroid, eigenvects, eigenvals, mean, maxIter);
1009void IntegratePeaksMD2::calcCovar(const std::vector<std::pair<V3D, double>> &peak_events, const V3D &pos,
1010 const coord_t &radiusSquared, const bool &qAxisIsFixed, const bool &useCentroid,
1011 std::vector<V3D> &eigenvects, std::vector<double> &eigenvals, V3D &mean,
1012 const int maxIter) {
1014 size_t nd = 3;
1016 // to calc threshold mdsq to exclude events over 3 stdevs away
1017 boost::math::chi_squared chisq(static_cast<double>(nd));
1018 auto mdsq_max = boost::math::quantile(chisq, 0.997);
1019 Matrix<double> invCov; // required to calc mdsq
1020 double prev_cov_det = DBL_MAX;
1022 // initialise mean with pos
1023 mean = pos;
1024 Matrix<double> Pinv(nd, nd);
1025 if (qAxisIsFixed) {
1026 // transformation from Qlab to Qhat, vhat and uhat,
1027 getPinv(pos, Pinv);
1028 mean = Pinv * mean;
1029 }
1030 Matrix<double> cov_mat(nd, nd);
1032 for (int nIter = 0; nIter < maxIter; nIter++) {
1034 // reset on each loop
1035 cov_mat.zeroMatrix();
1036 double w_sum = 0; // sum of weights
1037 size_t nmasked = 0; // num masked events outside 3stdevs
1038 auto prev_pos = mean;
1040 for (size_t ievent = 0; ievent < peak_events.size(); ievent++) {
1042 const auto event = peak_events[ievent];
1043 auto center = event.first;
1044 if (qAxisIsFixed) {
1045 // transform coords to Q, uhat, vhat basis
1046 center = Pinv * center;
1047 }
1049 bool useEvent = true;
1050 if (nIter > 0) {
1051 // check if point within 3 stdevs of mean (in MD frame)
1052 // prev_pos is the mean if useCentroid
1053 const auto displ = center - prev_pos;
1054 auto mdsq = displ.scalar_prod(invCov * displ);
1055 if (mdsq > mdsq_max) {
1056 // exclude points outside 3 stdevs
1057 useEvent = false;
1058 nmasked += 1;
1059 }
1060 }
1062 // if prev cov_mat chec
1063 if (useEvent) {
1064 const auto signal = event.second;
1065 w_sum += signal;
1067 if (useCentroid) {
1068 // update mean
1069 mean += (center - mean) * (signal / w_sum);
1070 }
1072 // weight for variance
1073 auto wi = signal * (w_sum - signal) / w_sum;
1074 size_t istart = 0;
1075 if (qAxisIsFixed) {
1076 // variance along Q (skipped in next nested loops below)
1077 cov_mat[0][0] += wi * pow((center[0] - mean[0]), 2);
1078 istart = 1;
1079 }
1080 for (size_t row = istart; row < cov_mat.numRows(); ++row) {
1081 for (size_t col = istart; col < cov_mat.numRows(); ++col) {
1082 // symmeteric matrix
1083 if (row <= col) {
1084 auto cov = wi * (center[row] - mean[row]) * (center[col] - mean[col]);
1085 if (row == col) {
1086 cov_mat[row][col] += cov;
1087 } else {
1088 cov_mat[row][col] += cov;
1089 cov_mat[col][row] += cov;
1090 }
1091 }
1092 }
1093 }
1094 }
1095 }
1096 // normalise the covariance matrix
1097 cov_mat /= w_sum; // normalise by sum of weights
1099 // check if another iteration is required
1100 bool anyMasked = (nIter > 0) ? (nmasked > 0) : true;
1101 // check if ellipsoid volume greater than sphere
1102 auto cov_det = cov_mat.determinant();
1103 bool isEllipVolGreater = cov_det > pow(static_cast<double>(radiusSquared / 9), 3);
1104 // check for convergence of variances
1105 bool isConverged = (cov_det > 0.95 * prev_cov_det);
1107 if (!anyMasked || isEllipVolGreater || isConverged) {
1108 break;
1109 } else {
1110 prev_cov_det = cov_det;
1111 // required to eval Mahalanobis distance
1112 invCov = Matrix<double>(cov_mat);
1113 invCov.Invert();
1114 }
1115 }
1117 if (qAxisIsFixed) {
1118 // transform back to MD basis
1119 Matrix<double> P(Pinv);
1120 P.Transpose();
1121 mean = P * mean;
1122 cov_mat = P * cov_mat * Pinv;
1123 }
1124 Matrix<double> evecs; // hold eigenvectors
1125 Matrix<double> evals; // hold eigenvals in diag
1126 cov_mat.Diagonalise(evecs, evals);
1128 auto min_eval = evals[0][0];
1129 for (size_t d = 1; d < nd; ++d) {
1130 min_eval = std::min(min_eval, evals[d][d]);
1131 }
1132 if (min_eval > static_cast<double>(radiusSquared / 9)) {
1133 // haven't found good covar - set to spherical region
1134 evals.identityMatrix();
1135 evals = evals * (static_cast<double>(radiusSquared) / 9);
1136 g_log.warning() << "Covariance of peak at ";
1137 pos.printSelf(g_log.warning());
1138 g_log.warning() << " is not well constrained, it has been set to spherical" << std::endl;
1139 }
1141 // convert to vectors for output
1142 eigenvals = evals.Diagonal();
1143 // set min eigenval to be small but non-zero (1e-6)
1144 // when no discernible peak above background
1145 std::replace_if(
1146 eigenvals.begin(), eigenvals.end(), [&](auto x) { return x < 1e-6; }, 1e-6);
1148 // populate V3D vector of eigenvects (needed for ellipsoid shape)
1149 eigenvects = std::vector<V3D>(nd);
1150 for (size_t ivect = 0; ivect < nd; ++ivect) {
1151 eigenvects[ivect] = V3D(evecs[0][ivect], evecs[1][ivect], evecs[2][ivect]);
1152 }
1165 // loop over 3 mutually-orthogonal vectors until get one with
1166 // a component perp to Q (within tolerance)
1167 double dotprod = 1;
1168 size_t ii = 0;
1169 V3D qhat = q / q.norm();
1170 V3D tmp;
1171 do {
1172 tmp = V3D(0, 0, 0); // reset u
1173 tmp[ii] = 1.0;
1174 dotprod = qhat.scalar_prod(tmp);
1175 ii++;
1176 } while (abs(dotprod) > 1.0 - 1e-6);
1177 // populate Pinv with basis vector rows
1178 Pinv.setRow(0, qhat);
1179 tmp = qhat.cross_prod(tmp);
1180 Pinv.setRow(1, tmp / tmp.norm());
1181 tmp = qhat.cross_prod(tmp);
1182 Pinv.setRow(2, tmp / tmp.norm());
1186 * Define edges for each instrument by masking. For CORELLI, tubes 1 and
1187 *16, and pixels 0 and 255. Get Q in the lab frame for every peak, call it
1188 *C For every point on the edge, the trajectory in reciprocal space is a
1189 *straight line, going through O=V3D(0,0,0). Calculate a point at a fixed
1190 *momentum, say k=1. Q in the lab frame
1191 *E=V3D(-k*sin(tt)*cos(ph),-k*sin(tt)*sin(ph),k-k*cos(ph)).
1192 * Normalize E to 1: E=E*(1./E.norm())
1193 *
1194 * @param inst: instrument
1195 */
1197 for (size_t i = 0; i < detectorInfo.size(); ++i) {
1198 if (detectorInfo.isMonitor(i))
1199 continue; // skip monitor
1200 if (!detectorInfo.isMasked(i))
1201 continue; // edge is masked so don't check if not masked
1202 const auto &det = detectorInfo.detector(i);
1203 double tt1 = det.getTwoTheta(V3D(0, 0, 0), V3D(0, 0, 1)); // two theta
1204 double ph1 = det.getPhi(); // phi
1205 V3D E1 = V3D(-std::sin(tt1) * std::cos(ph1), -std::sin(tt1) * std::sin(ph1),
1206 1. - std::cos(tt1)); // end of trajectory
1207 E1 = E1 * (1. / E1.norm()); // normalize
1208 E1Vec.emplace_back(E1);
1209 }
1222 double edgeDist = DBL_MAX;
1223 for (auto &E1 : E1Vec) {
1224 V3D distv = QLabFrame - E1 * (QLabFrame.scalar_prod(E1)); // distance to the
1225 // trajectory as a
1226 // vector
1227 edgeDist = std::min(edgeDist, distv.norm()); // want smallest dist to peak
1228 }
1229 return edgeDist;
1233 const std::string &property, const std::string &values) {
1234 // For CORELLI do not count as edge if next to another detector bank
1235 if (property == "Tube" && peakWS->getInstrument()->getName() == "CORELLI") {
1236 auto alg = createChildAlgorithm("MaskBTP");
1237 alg->setProperty<Workspace_sptr>("Workspace", peakWS);
1238 alg->setProperty("Bank", "1,7,12,17,22,27,30,59,63,69,74,79,84,89");
1239 alg->setProperty(property, "1");
1240 if (!alg->execute())
1241 throw std::runtime_error("MaskDetectors Child Algorithm has not executed successfully");
1242 auto alg2 = createChildAlgorithm("MaskBTP");
1243 alg2->setProperty<Workspace_sptr>("Workspace", peakWS);
1244 alg2->setProperty("Bank", "6,11,16,21,26,29,58,62,68,73,78,83,88,91");
1245 alg2->setProperty(property, "16");
1246 if (!alg2->execute())
1247 throw std::runtime_error("MaskDetectors Child Algorithm has not executed successfully");
1248 } else {
1249 auto alg = createChildAlgorithm("MaskBTP");
1250 alg->setProperty<Workspace_sptr>("Workspace", peakWS);
1251 alg->setProperty(property, values);
1252 if (!alg->execute())
1253 throw std::runtime_error("MaskDetectors Child Algorithm has not executed successfully");
1254 }
1258 Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem CoordinatesToUse, double radius) {
1259 // Get a direct ref to that peak.
1260 const IPeak &p1 = peakWS->getPeak(i);
1261 V3D pos1;
1262 if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::QLab) //"Q (lab frame)"
1263 pos1 = p1.getQLabFrame();
1264 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::QSample) //"Q (sample frame)"
1265 pos1 = p1.getQSampleFrame();
1266 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::HKL) //"HKL"
1267 pos1 = p1.getHKL();
1268 for (int j = i + 1; j < peakWS->getNumberPeaks(); ++j) {
1269 // Get a direct ref to rest of peaks peak.
1270 const IPeak &p2 = peakWS->getPeak(j);
1271 V3D pos2;
1272 if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::QLab) //"Q (lab frame)"
1273 pos2 = p2.getQLabFrame();
1274 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::QSample) //"Q (sample frame)"
1275 pos2 = p2.getQSampleFrame();
1276 else if (CoordinatesToUse == Kernel::HKL) //"HKL"
1277 pos2 = p2.getHKL();
1278 if (pos1.distance(pos2) < radius) {
1279 g_log.warning() << " Warning: Peak integration spheres for peaks " << i << " and " << j
1280 << " overlap. Distance between peaks is " << pos1.distance(pos2) << '\n';
1281 }
1282 }
1289 inWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
1294double f_eval2(double x, void *params) {
1295 std::shared_ptr<const API::CompositeFunction> fun =
1296 *reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<const API::CompositeFunction> *>(params);
1297 FunctionDomain1DVector domain(x);
1298 FunctionValues yval(domain);
1299 fun->function(domain, yval);
1300 return yval[0];
1303} // namespace Mantid::MDAlgorithms
#define DECLARE_ALGORITHM(classname)
Definition: Algorithm.h:576
gsl_vector * tmp
double sigma
Definition: GetAllEi.cpp:156
double error
Definition: IndexPeaks.cpp:133
#define CALL_MDEVENT_FUNCTION(funcname, workspace)
Macro that makes it possible to call a templated method for a MDEventWorkspace using a IMDEventWorksp...
Begins a block to skip processing is the algorithm has been interupted Note the end of the block if n...
Definition: MultiThreaded.h:94
Ends a block to skip processing is the algorithm has been interupted Note the start of the block if n...
#define PARALLEL_FOR_IF(condition)
Empty definitions - to enable set your complier to enable openMP.
Adds a check after a Parallel region to see if it was interupted.
double radius
Definition: Rasterize.cpp:31
void declareProperty(std::unique_ptr< Kernel::Property > p, const std::string &doc="") override
Add a property to the list of managed properties.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:1913
TypedValue getProperty(const std::string &name) const override
Get the value of a property.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:2076
virtual std::shared_ptr< Algorithm > createChildAlgorithm(const std::string &name, const double startProgress=-1., const double endProgress=-1., const bool enableLogging=true, const int &version=-1)
Create a Child Algorithm.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:842
Kernel::Logger & g_log
Definition: Algorithm.h:451
void progress(double p, const std::string &msg="", double estimatedTime=0.0, int progressPrecision=0)
Sends ProgressNotification.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:231
Unique SingleValueParameter Declaration for InputNDimensions.
virtual void apply(const coord_t *inputVector, coord_t *outVector) const =0
@ OptionalSave
to specify a file to write to but an empty string is
Definition: FileProperty.h:50
Implements FunctionDomain1D with its own storage in form of a std::vector.
A class to store values calculated by a function.
std::vector< double > toVector() const
Return the calculated values as a vector.
An interface to a peak function, which extend the interface of IFunctionWithLocation by adding method...
Definition: IPeakFunction.h:51
Helper class for reporting progress from algorithms.
Definition: Progress.h:25
A property class for workspaces.
Unique CoordCenterVectorParam type declaration for ndimensional coordinate centers.
Templated super-class of a multi-dimensional event "box".
Definition: MDBoxBase.h:50
void getCenter(coord_t *const center) const override
Get the center of the box.
Definition: MDBoxBase.h:210
void integrateSphere(Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radiusSquared, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, const coord_t innerRadiusSquared=0.0, const bool useOnePercentBackgroundCorrection=true) const override=0
Sphere (peak) integration.
void integrateCylinder(Mantid::API::CoordTransform &radiusTransform, const coord_t radius, const coord_t length, signal_t &signal, signal_t &errorSquared, std::vector< signal_t > &signal_fit) const override=0
Cylinder (peak) integration.
MDBoxIterator: iterate through MDBoxBase hierarchy down to a given maximum depth.
Definition: MDBoxIterator.h:28
bool next() override
Advance to the next cell.
MDBoxBase< MDE, nd > * getBox() const
Return a pointer to the current box pointed to by the iterator.
Definition: MDBoxIterator.h:39
Templated class for a multi-dimensional event "box".
Definition: MDBox.h:45
std::shared_ptr< MDEventWorkspace< MDE, nd > > sptr
Typedef for a shared pointer of this kind of event workspace.
Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem getSpecialCoordinateSystem() const override
Get the coordinate system.
PeakShapeEllipsoid : PeakShape representing a 3D ellipsoid.
PeakShapeSpherical : PeakShape for a spherical peak.
Geometry::DetectorInfo is an intermediate step towards a DetectorInfo that is part of Instrument-2....
Definition: DetectorInfo.h:49
bool isMasked(const size_t index) const
Returns true if the detector is masked.
const Geometry::IDetector & detector(const size_t index) const
Return a const reference to the detector with given index.
size_t size() const
Returns the size of the DetectorInfo, i.e., the number of detectors in the instrument.
bool isMonitor(const size_t index) const
Returns true if the detector is a monitor.
virtual double getTwoTheta(const Kernel::V3D &observer, const Kernel::V3D &axis) const =0
Gives the angle of this detector object with respect to an axis.
Structure describing a single-crystal peak.
Definition: IPeak.h:26
virtual double getH() const =0
virtual void setIntensity(double m_Intensity)=0
virtual void setPeakShape(Mantid::Geometry::PeakShape *shape)=0
virtual double getK() const =0
virtual int getRunNumber() const =0
virtual Mantid::Kernel::V3D getQSampleFrame() const =0
virtual double getL() const =0
virtual void setSigmaIntensity(double m_SigmaIntensity)=0
virtual Mantid::Kernel::V3D getQLabFrame() const =0
virtual Mantid::Kernel::V3D getHKL() const =0
PeakShape : Abstract type to describes the shape of a peak.
Definition: PeakShape.h:20
Support for a property that holds an array of values.
Definition: ArrayProperty.h:28
Exception for when an item is not found in a collection.
Definition: Exception.h:145
IPropertyManager * setProperty(const std::string &name, const T &value)
Templated method to set the value of a PropertyWithValue.
void setPropertySettings(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< IPropertySettings > settings)
void setPropertyGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &group)
Set the group for a given property.
void debug(const std::string &msg)
Logs at debug level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:114
void error(const std::string &msg)
Logs at error level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:77
void warning(const std::string &msg)
Logs at warning level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:86
void information(const std::string &msg)
Logs at information level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:105
Numerical Matrix class.
Definition: Matrix.h:42
T determinant() const
Calculate the determinant.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1048
T Invert()
LU inversion routine.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:924
void zeroMatrix()
Set the matrix to zero.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:646
void identityMatrix()
Makes the matrix an idenity matrix.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:661
int Diagonalise(Matrix< T > &, Matrix< T > &) const
(only Symmetric matrix)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1319
void setRow(const size_t nRow, const std::vector< T > &newRow)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:686
std::vector< T > Diagonal() const
Returns a vector of the diagonal.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1265
size_t numRows() const
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
Definition: Matrix.h:144
Matrix< T > & Transpose()
Transpose the matrix.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:793
The concrete, templated class for properties.
static T & Instance()
Return a reference to the Singleton instance, creating it if it does not already exist Creation is do...
Class for 3D vectors.
Definition: V3D.h:34
double distance(const V3D &v) const noexcept
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Definition: V3D.h:287
constexpr double scalar_prod(const V3D &v) const noexcept
Calculates the cross product.
Definition: V3D.h:274
void printSelf(std::ostream &) const
Prints a text representation of itself in format "[x,y,z]".
Definition: V3D.cpp:357
constexpr V3D cross_prod(const V3D &v) const noexcept
Cross product (this * argument)
Definition: V3D.h:278
double norm() const noexcept
Definition: V3D.h:263
std::vector< Kernel::V3D > E1Vec
save for all detector pixels
void runMaskDetectors(const Mantid::DataObjects::PeaksWorkspace_sptr &peakWS, const std::string &property, const std::string &values)
void calculateE1(const Geometry::DetectorInfo &detectorInfo)
Calculate if this Q is on a detector.
void getPinv(const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &q, Mantid::Kernel::Matrix< double > &Pinv)
Get the inverse of the matrix P.
void calcCovar(const std::vector< std::pair< Mantid::Kernel::V3D, double > > &peak_events, const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &pos, const coord_t &radiusSquared, const bool &qAxisIsFixed, const bool &useCentroid, std::vector< Mantid::Kernel::V3D > &eigenvects, std::vector< double > &eigenvals, Mantid::Kernel::V3D &mean, const int maxIter)
Calculate the covariance matrix of a spherical region and store the eigenvectors and eigenvalues that...
void exec() override
Run the algorithm.
double calculateDistanceToEdge(const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &QLabFrame)
Calculate if this Q is on a detector The distance from C to OE is given by dv=C-E*(C....
int version() const override
Algorithm's version for identification.
void checkOverlap(int i, const Mantid::API::IPeaksWorkspace_sptr &peakWS, Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem CoordinatesToUse, double radius)
Check if peaks overlap.
void init() override
Initialise the properties.
void integrate(typename DataObjects::MDEventWorkspace< MDE, nd >::sptr ws)
Integrate the peaks of the workspace using parameters saved in the algorithm class.
void findEllipsoid(const typename DataObjects::MDEventWorkspace< MDE, nd >::sptr ws, const Mantid::API::CoordTransform &getRadiusSq, const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &pos, const coord_t &radiusSquared, const bool &qAxisBool, const bool &useCentroid, const double &bgDensity, std::vector< Mantid::Kernel::V3D > &eigenvects, std::vector< double > &eigenvals, Mantid::Kernel::V3D &mean, const int maxIter=1)
Calculate the covariance matrix of a spherical region and store the eigenvectors and eigenvalues that...
Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr inWS
Input MDEventWorkspace.
const std::string name() const override
Algorithm's name for identification.
std::map< std::string, std::string > validateInputs() override
Perform validation of ALL the input properties of the algorithm.
std::shared_ptr< IPeaksWorkspace > IPeaksWorkspace_sptr
shared pointer to Mantid::API::IPeaksWorkspace
std::shared_ptr< IAlgorithm > IAlgorithm_sptr
shared pointer to Mantid::API::IAlgorithm
std::complex< double > MANTID_API_DLL E1(std::complex< double > z)
Integral for Gamma.
std::shared_ptr< Workspace > Workspace_sptr
shared pointer to Mantid::API::Workspace
Definition: Workspace_fwd.h:20
std::shared_ptr< IFunction > IFunction_sptr
shared pointer to the function base class
Definition: IFunction.h:732
std::shared_ptr< Workspace2D > Workspace2D_sptr
shared pointer to Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D
std::shared_ptr< PeaksWorkspace > PeaksWorkspace_sptr
Typedef for a shared pointer to a peaks workspace.
long round(double x)
Custom rounding method for a double->long because none is portable in C++ (!)
Definition: Utils.h:37
Special coordinate systems for Q3D.
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< Arg >::value, bool >::type threadSafe(Arg workspace)
Thread-safety check Checks the workspace to ensure it is suitable for multithreaded access.
Definition: MultiThreaded.h:22
double f_eval2(double x, void *params)
float coord_t
Typedef for the data type to use for coordinate axes in MD objects such as MDBox, MDEventWorkspace,...
Definition: MDTypes.h:27
double signal_t
Typedef for the signal recorded in a MDBox, etc.
Definition: MDTypes.h:36
@ Input
An input workspace.
Definition: Property.h:53
@ Output
An output workspace.
Definition: Property.h:54