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1// Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
3// Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
4// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
5// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
6// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
7#include <utility>
10#include "MantidAPI/Run.h"
18namespace Mantid::Algorithms {
20using namespace Kernel;
21using namespace API;
23namespace {
24std::string generateDifferenceMessage(const std::string &item, const std::string &wsName, const std::string &wsValue,
25 const std::string &firstValue) {
26 std::stringstream stringstream;
27 stringstream << "Item \"" << item << "\" has different values in workspaces! Found: " << wsValue << " in workspace "
28 << wsName << " but the value in the first workspace was: " << firstValue << "." << std::endl;
29 return stringstream.str();
31} // namespace
33// Names and docs from the properties allowing to override the default (IPF
34// controlled) merging behaviour.
35// These are common between e.g. MergeRuns and ConjoinXRuns.
36const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::TIME_SERIES_PROP = "SampleLogsTimeSeries";
37const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::TIME_SERIES_DOC = "A comma separated list of the sample logs to merge into a "
38 "time series. The initial times are taken as the start times "
39 "for the run. Sample logs must be numeric.";
40const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::LIST_PROP = "SampleLogsList";
41const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::LIST_DOC = "A comma separated list of the sample logs to merge into a "
42 "list.";
43const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::WARN_PROP = "SampleLogsWarn";
44const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::WARN_DOC = "A comma separated list of the sample "
45 "logs to generate a warning if "
46 "different when merging.";
47const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::WARN_TOL_PROP = "SampleLogsWarnTolerances";
48const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::WARN_TOL_DOC = "The tolerances for warning if sample logs are different. "
49 "Can either be empty for a comparison of the strings, a "
50 "single value for all warn sample logs, or a comma "
51 "separated list of values (must be the same length as "
52 "SampleLogsWarn).";
53const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::FAIL_PROP = "SampleLogsFail";
54const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::FAIL_DOC = "The sample logs to fail if different "
55 "when merging. If there is a "
56 "difference the run is skipped.";
57const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::FAIL_TOL_PROP = "SampleLogsFailTolerances";
58const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::FAIL_TOL_DOC = "The tolerances for failing if sample logs are different. "
59 "Can either be empty for a comparison of the strings, a "
60 "single value for all fail sample logs, or a comma "
61 "separated list of values (must be the same length as "
62 "SampleLogsFail).";
63const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::SUM_PROP = "SampleLogsSum";
64const std::string SampleLogsBehaviour::SUM_DOC = "A comma separated list of the sample "
65 "logs to sum into a single entry. "
66 "Sample logs must be numeric.";
81 const SampleLogNames &logEntries, ParameterName parName)
82 : parameterNames(std::move(parName)), m_logger(logger) {
89 SampleLogsMap instrumentMap;
90 this->createSampleLogsMapsFromInstrumentParams(instrumentMap, *ws);
92 // This adds the parameters from the instrument to the main map, with any
93 // duplicates left as the versions in the MergeRuns arguments.
94 m_logMap.insert(instrumentMap.begin(), instrumentMap.end());
105 std::string params = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.SUM_MERGE, false);
106 setSampleMap(map, MergeLogType::Sum, params, ws, "", true);
108 params = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.TIME_SERIES_MERGE, false);
109 setSampleMap(map, MergeLogType::TimeSeries, params, ws, "", true);
111 params = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.LIST_MERGE, false);
112 setSampleMap(map, MergeLogType::List, params, ws, "", true);
114 params = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.WARN_MERGE, false);
115 std::string paramsTolerances;
116 paramsTolerances = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.WARN_MERGE_TOLERANCES, false);
117 setSampleMap(map, MergeLogType::Warn, params, ws, paramsTolerances, true);
119 params = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.FAIL_MERGE, false);
120 paramsTolerances = ws.getInstrument()->getParameterAsString(parameterNames.FAIL_MERGE_TOLERANCES, false);
121 setSampleMap(map, MergeLogType::Fail, params, ws, paramsTolerances, true);
140void SampleLogsBehaviour::setSampleMap(SampleLogsMap &map, const MergeLogType &mergeType, const std::string &params,
141 MatrixWorkspace &ws, const std::string &paramsTolerances,
142 bool skipIfInPrimaryMap) {
145 StringTokenizer tokenizerTolerances(paramsTolerances, ",",
148 auto tolerancesStringVector = tokenizerTolerances.asVector();
150 std::vector<double> tolerancesVector = createTolerancesVector(tokenizer.asVector().size(), tolerancesStringVector);
152 auto i = tokenizer.begin();
153 auto j = tolerancesVector.begin();
155 for (; i != tokenizer.end() && j != tolerancesVector.end(); ++i, ++j) {
156 auto item = *i;
157 auto tolerance = *j;
159 // Check 1: Does the key exist in the primary map? If so ignore it and
160 // continue.
161 if (skipIfInPrimaryMap && (m_logMap.count(SampleLogsKey(item, mergeType)) != 0)) {
162 continue;
163 }
165 // Check 2: If the key (sample log name) already exists in this map throw an
166 // error.
167 if (map.count(SampleLogsKey(item, mergeType)) != 0) {
168 throw std::invalid_argument("Error when making list of merge items, sample log \"" + item +
169 "\" defined more than once!");
170 }
172 // Check 3: If the sample log is one that should not be combined with
173 // others, check other incompatible sample logs do not exist too.
174 std::set<MergeLogType> uncombinableLogs = {MergeLogType::Sum, MergeLogType::TimeSeries, MergeLogType::List};
175 if (uncombinableLogs.count(mergeType) != 0) {
176 bool skipLog = false;
178 uncombinableLogs.erase(mergeType);
179 for (auto &logType : uncombinableLogs) {
180 if (map.count(SampleLogsKey(item, logType)) > 0)
181 throw std::invalid_argument("Error when making list of merge items, sample log " + item +
182 " being used for two incompatible merge types!");
183 if (skipIfInPrimaryMap && m_logMap.count(SampleLogsKey(item, logType)) > 0)
184 skipLog = true;
185 }
187 if (skipLog)
188 continue;
189 }
191 // Check 4: Does the sample log exist? If not log an error but continue.
192 std::shared_ptr<Property> prop;
193 try {
194 prop = std::shared_ptr<Property>(ws.getLog(item)->clone());
195 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
196 m_logger.error() << "Could not merge sample log \"" << item
197 << "\", does not exist in workspace! This sample log will be ignored." << std::endl;
198 continue;
199 }
201 // Check 5: Can the property be converted to a double? If not, and sum or
202 // time series case, log an error but continue.
203 bool isNumeric;
204 double value = 0.0;
205 isNumeric = setNumericValue(item, ws, value);
206 if (!isNumeric && (mergeType == MergeLogType::Sum || mergeType == MergeLogType::TimeSeries)) {
207 m_logger.error() << item
208 << " could not be converted to a numeric type. "
209 "This sample log will be ignored.\n"
210 << std::endl;
211 continue;
212 }
214 // For a TimeSeries or a List we need to add a new property to the workspace
215 if (mergeType == MergeLogType::TimeSeries) {
216 prop = addPropertyForTimeSeries(item, value, ws);
217 } else if (mergeType == MergeLogType::List) {
218 prop = addPropertyForList(item, prop->value(), ws);
219 }
221 // Finally add the key-value pair to the map
222 map[SampleLogsKey(item, mergeType)] = {prop, tolerance, isNumeric};
223 }
237std::vector<double> SampleLogsBehaviour::createTolerancesVector(size_t numberNames,
238 const std::vector<std::string> &tolerances) {
239 size_t numberTolerances = tolerances.size();
241 std::vector<double> tolerancesVector(numberNames);
243 if (numberNames == numberTolerances && numberTolerances > 1) {
244 try {
245 std::transform(tolerances.begin(), tolerances.end(), tolerancesVector.begin(),
246 [](const std::string &val) { return std::stod(val); });
247 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
248 throw std::invalid_argument("Error when creating tolerances vector. "
249 "Please ensure each comma separated value is "
250 "numeric.");
251 } catch (std::out_of_range &) {
252 throw std::out_of_range("Error when creating tolerances vector. Please "
253 "ensure each comma separated value is within "
254 "double precision range.");
255 }
256 if (std::any_of(tolerancesVector.cbegin(), tolerancesVector.cend(), [](const auto value) { return value < 0.; })) {
257 throw std::out_of_range("Error when creating tolerances vector. Please "
258 "ensure all tolerance values are positive.");
259 }
260 } else if (tolerances.empty()) {
261 std::fill(tolerancesVector.begin(), tolerancesVector.end(), -1.0);
262 } else if (numberTolerances == 1) {
263 double value;
264 try {
265 value = std::stod(tolerances.front());
266 std::fill(tolerancesVector.begin(), tolerancesVector.end(), value);
267 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
268 throw std::invalid_argument("The single tolerance value requested can "
269 "not be converted to a number. Please ensure "
270 "it is a single number, or a comma separated "
271 "list of numbers.");
272 } catch (std::out_of_range &) {
273 throw std::out_of_range("The single tolerance value requested can not be "
274 "converted to a double. Please ensure tolerance "
275 "is within double precision range.");
276 }
277 if (value < 0)
278 throw std::out_of_range("The single tolerance value requested is "
279 "negative. Please ensure it is positive.");
280 } else {
281 throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid length of tolerances, found " + std::to_string(numberTolerances) +
282 " tolerance values but " + std::to_string(numberNames) + " names.");
283 }
285 return tolerancesVector;
296std::shared_ptr<Property> SampleLogsBehaviour::addPropertyForTimeSeries(const std::string &item, const double value,
297 MatrixWorkspace &ws) {
298 std::shared_ptr<Property> returnProp;
299 const std::string originalUnit = ws.getLog(item)->units();
300 try {
301 // See if property exists as a TimeSeriesLog already - merging an output of
302 // MergeRuns
303 ws.run().getTimeSeriesProperty<double>(item);
304 returnProp.reset(ws.getLog(item)->clone());
305 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
306 // Property does not already exist, so add it setting the first entry
307 std::unique_ptr<Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty<double>> timeSeriesProp(new TimeSeriesProperty<double>(item));
308 std::string startTime = ws.run().startTime().toISO8601String();
310 timeSeriesProp->addValue(startTime, value);
311 ws.mutableRun().addProperty(std::move(timeSeriesProp), true);
313 returnProp.reset(ws.getLog(item)->clone());
314 }
315 ws.getLog(item)->setUnits(originalUnit); // we lost the unit of the workspace
316 return returnProp;
327std::shared_ptr<Property> SampleLogsBehaviour::addPropertyForList(const std::string &item, const std::string &value,
328 MatrixWorkspace &ws) {
329 std::shared_ptr<Property> returnProp;
331 const std::string originalUnit = ws.getLog(item)->units();
332 // See if property exists already - merging an output of the calling algorithm
333 returnProp.reset(ws.getLog(item)->clone());
334 if (returnProp->type() != "string") {
335 ws.mutableRun().addProperty(item, value, true);
336 returnProp.reset(ws.getLog(item)->clone());
337 }
338 ws.getLog(item)->setUnits(originalUnit); // we lost the unit of the workspace
339 return returnProp;
351bool SampleLogsBehaviour::setNumericValue(const std::string &item, const MatrixWorkspace &ws, double &value) {
352 bool isNumeric;
354 try {
355 value = ws.getLogAsSingleValue(item);
356 isNumeric = true;
357 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
358 isNumeric = false;
359 }
361 return isNumeric;
371 for (const auto &item : m_logMap) {
372 const std::string &logName = item.first.first;
374 Property *addeeWSProperty = addeeWS->getLog(logName);
375 const std::string originalUnit = addeeWS->getLog(logName)->units();
377 double addeeWSNumericValue = 0.;
378 double outWSNumericValue = 0.;
380 try {
381 addeeWSNumericValue = addeeWS->getLogAsSingleValue(logName);
382 outWSNumericValue = outWS->getLogAsSingleValue(logName);
383 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
384 if (item.second.isNumeric) {
385 throw std::invalid_argument(logName + " could not be converted to a numeric type");
386 }
387 }
389 switch (item.first.second) {
390 case MergeLogType::Sum: {
391 this->updateSumProperty(addeeWSNumericValue, outWSNumericValue, *outWS, logName);
392 break;
393 }
395 this->updateTimeSeriesProperty(*addeeWS, *outWS, logName);
396 break;
397 }
398 case MergeLogType::List: {
399 this->updateListProperty(*addeeWS, *outWS, logName);
400 break;
401 }
403 this->checkWarnProperty(*addeeWS, addeeWSProperty, item.second, addeeWSNumericValue, outWSNumericValue, logName);
404 break;
406 this->checkErrorProperty(*addeeWS, addeeWSProperty, item.second, addeeWSNumericValue, outWSNumericValue, logName);
407 break;
408 }
409 outWS->getLog(logName)->setUnits(originalUnit);
410 }
423void SampleLogsBehaviour::updateSumProperty(double addeeWSNumericValue, double outWSNumericValue,
424 MatrixWorkspace &outWS, const std::string &name) {
425 outWS.mutableRun().addProperty(name, addeeWSNumericValue + outWSNumericValue, true);
437 const std::string &name) {
438 auto timeSeriesProp = outWS.run().getTimeSeriesProperty<double>(name);
439 try {
440 const auto addeeTimeSeries = addeeWS.run().getTimeSeriesProperty<double>(name);
441 timeSeriesProp->merge(addeeTimeSeries);
442 } catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
443 Types::Core::DateAndTime startTime = addeeWS.run().startTime();
444 double value = addeeWS.run().getLogAsSingleValue(name);
445 timeSeriesProp->addValue(startTime, value);
446 }
447 // Remove this to supress a warning, we will put it back after adding the
448 // workspaces in MergeRuns
449 const Property *addeeWSProperty = addeeWS.run().getProperty(name);
450 m_addeeLogMap.emplace_back(std::shared_ptr<Property>(addeeWSProperty->clone()));
463 const std::string &name) {
464 const std::string addeeWSVal = addeeWS.getLog(name)->value();
465 const std::string outWSVal = outWS.run().getProperty(name)->value();
466 outWS.mutableRun().addProperty(name, outWSVal + ", " + addeeWSVal, true);
485 const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumericValue,
486 const double outWSNumericValue, const std::string &name) {
488 if (!isWithinTolerance(behaviour, addeeWSNumericValue, outWSNumericValue) &&
489 !stringPropertiesMatch(behaviour, addeeWSProperty)) {
490 m_logger.warning() << generateDifferenceMessage(name, addeeWS.getName(), addeeWSProperty->value(),
491 behaviour.property->value());
492 }
511 const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumericValue,
512 const double outWSNumericValue, const std::string &name) {
514 if (!isWithinTolerance(behaviour, addeeWSNumericValue, outWSNumericValue) &&
515 !stringPropertiesMatch(behaviour, addeeWSProperty)) {
516 throw std::invalid_argument(
517 generateDifferenceMessage(name, addeeWS.getName(), addeeWSProperty->value(), behaviour.property->value()));
518 }
531bool SampleLogsBehaviour::isWithinTolerance(const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumericValue,
532 const double outWSNumericValue) {
533 if (behaviour.isNumeric && behaviour.tolerance > 0.0) {
534 return std::abs(addeeWSNumericValue - outWSNumericValue) < behaviour.tolerance;
535 }
537 return false;
548bool SampleLogsBehaviour::stringPropertiesMatch(const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const Property *addeeWSProperty) {
549 return behaviour.property->value() == addeeWSProperty->value();
558 for (auto &item : m_logMap) {
559 std::string propertyToReset = item.first.first;
561 if (item.first.second == MergeLogType::Warn || item.first.second == MergeLogType::Fail) {
562 continue;
563 }
565 const Property *outWSProperty = outWS->run().getProperty(propertyToReset);
566 item.second.property = std::shared_ptr<Property>(outWSProperty->clone());
567 }
578 for (const auto &prop : m_addeeLogMap) {
579 const auto &propName = prop->name();
580 addeeWS->mutableRun().removeProperty(propName);
581 }
593 for (const auto &item : m_addeeLogMap) {
594 auto property = std::unique_ptr<Kernel::Property>(item->clone());
595 addeeWS->mutableRun().addProperty(std::move(property));
596 }
597 m_addeeLogMap.clear();
606 for (auto const &item : m_logMap) {
607 std::string const &propertyToReset = item.first.first;
609 if (item.first.second == MergeLogType::TimeSeries) {
610 auto property = std::unique_ptr<Kernel::Property>(item.second.property->clone());
611 ws->mutableRun().addProperty(std::move(property), true);
612 } else if (item.first.second == MergeLogType::Sum || item.first.second == MergeLogType::List) {
613 ws->mutableRun().getProperty(propertyToReset)->setValue(item.second.property->value());
614 }
615 }
618} // namespace Mantid::Algorithms
double value
The value of the point.
Definition: FitMW.cpp:51
double tolerance
Run & mutableRun()
Writable version of the run object.
const Run & run() const
Run details object access.
Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr getInstrument() const
Returns the parameterized instrument.
double getLogAsSingleValue(const std::string &log) const
Access a single value from a log for this experiment.
Kernel::Property * getLog(const std::string &log) const
Access a log for this experiment.
const Types::Core::DateAndTime startTime() const
Return the run start time.
Definition: LogManager.cpp:133
Kernel::Property * getProperty(const std::string &name) const
Returns the named property as a pointer.
Definition: LogManager.cpp:404
void addProperty(Kernel::Property *prop, bool overwrite=false)
Add data to the object in the form of a property.
Definition: LogManager.h:79
double getLogAsSingleValue(const std::string &name, Kernel::Math::StatisticType statistic=Kernel::Math::Mean) const
Definition: LogManager.h:149
Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty< T > * getTimeSeriesProperty(const std::string &name) const
Returns a property as a time series property.
Definition: LogManager.cpp:308
Base MatrixWorkspace Abstract Class.
const std::string & getName() const override
Get the workspace name.
Definition: Workspace.cpp:58
void removeSampleLogsFromWorkspace(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &addeeWS)
When doing a time series merge we need to remove, then add back the sample log in the addee workspace...
std::pair< std::string, MergeLogType > SampleLogsKey
void readdSampleLogToWorkspace(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &addeeWS)
When doing a time series merge we need to remove, then add back the sample log in the addee workspace...
bool setNumericValue(const std::string &item, const API::MatrixWorkspace &ws, double &value)
Tries to set the numeric value of a property.
void updateListProperty(const API::MatrixWorkspace &addeeWS, API::MatrixWorkspace &outWS, const std::string &name)
Perform the update for a list property, appending a new value to the existing string.
std::vector< double > createTolerancesVector(const size_t numberNames, const std::vector< std::string > &tolerances)
Creates a vector of tolerances with the same size as the number of sample logs for the merge type.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Kernel::Property > > m_addeeLogMap
SampleLogsBehaviour(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws, Kernel::Logger &logger, const SampleLogNames &logEntries={}, ParameterName parName={})
Create and initialise an object that is responsbile for keeping track of the merge types,...
void updateTimeSeriesProperty(const API::MatrixWorkspace &addeeWS, const API::MatrixWorkspace &outWS, const std::string &name)
Perform the update for a time series property, adding a new value to the existing time series propert...
std::map< SampleLogsKey, SampleLogBehaviour > SampleLogsMap
void setUpdatedSampleLogs(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &outWS)
Set the values in the map to be the same as those in the output workspace.
void resetSampleLogs(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws)
Resets the sample logs in the workspace to the values in the map.
std::shared_ptr< Kernel::Property > addPropertyForTimeSeries(const std::string &item, const double value, API::MatrixWorkspace &ws)
Adds a property to the workspace provided for a TimeSeries merge type.
bool stringPropertiesMatch(const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const Kernel::Property *addeeWSProperty)
Check if a sample log value in the addee workspace matches one in the first workspace.
std::shared_ptr< Kernel::Property > addPropertyForList(const std::string &item, const std::string &value, API::MatrixWorkspace &ws)
Adds a property to the workspace provided for a List merge type.
void setSampleMap(SampleLogsMap &map, const MergeLogType &, const std::string &params, API::MatrixWorkspace &ws, const std::string &paramsTolerances="", bool skipIfInPrimaryMap=false)
This method updates the map with the sample log behaviour, and adds the new property to the workspace...
void mergeSampleLogs(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &addeeWS, const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &outWS)
Create and update sample logs according to instrument parameters.
struct Mantid::Algorithms::SampleLogsBehaviour::ParameterName parameterNames
bool isWithinTolerance(const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumber, const double outWSNumber)
Check if a sample log value in the addee workspace is numeric and within tolerances.
void checkWarnProperty(const API::MatrixWorkspace &addeeWS, Kernel::Property *addeeWSProperty, const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumber, const double outWSNumber, const std::string &name)
Performs the check to see if a warning should be generated because logs are different.
void checkErrorProperty(const API::MatrixWorkspace &addeeWS, Kernel::Property *addeeWSProperty, const SampleLogBehaviour &behaviour, const double addeeWSNumber, const double outWSNumber, const std::string &name)
Performs the check to see if an error should be generated because logs are different.
void updateSumProperty(double addeeWSNumber, double outWSNumber, API::MatrixWorkspace &outWS, const std::string &name)
Perform the update for a sum property, adding a new value to the existing one.
void createSampleLogsMapsFromInstrumentParams(SampleLogsMap &instrumentMap, API::MatrixWorkspace &ws)
Extracts all of the settings from the instrument parameters, and adds them to a map of sample log beh...
The Logger class is in charge of the publishing messages from the framework through various channels.
Definition: Logger.h:52
void error(const std::string &msg)
Logs at error level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:77
void warning(const std::string &msg)
Logs at warning level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:86
Base class for properties.
Definition: Property.h:94
virtual const std::string & units() const
Returns the units of the property, if any, as a string.
Definition: Property.cpp:179
virtual void setUnits(const std::string &unit)
Sets the units of the property, as a string.
Definition: Property.cpp:186
virtual Property * clone() const =0
'Virtual copy constructor'
virtual std::string value() const =0
Returns the value of the property as a string.
Iterator begin()
Iterator referring to first element in the container.
ignore empty tokens
remove leading and trailing whitespace from tokens
Iterator end()
Iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
const TokenVec & asVector()
Returns a vector of tokenized strings.
A specialised Property class for holding a series of time-value pairs.
Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer tokenizer
Definition: Expression.cpp:17
std::shared_ptr< MatrixWorkspace > MatrixWorkspace_sptr
shared pointer to the matrix workspace base class
STL namespace.
std::string to_string(const wide_integer< Bits, Signed > &n)