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1// Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
3// Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
4// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
5// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
6// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
8// Includes
11#include "MantidAPI/Algorithm.h"
14#include <algorithm>
15#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
16#include <memory>
17#include <sstream>
21namespace Mantid::API {
22namespace {
24Kernel::Logger g_log("AlgorithmFactory");
25} // namespace
28 // we need to make sure the library manager has been loaded before we
29 // are constructed so that it is destroyed after us and thus does
30 // not close any loaded DLLs with loaded algorithms in them
32 g_log.debug() << "Algorithm Factory created.\n";
42std::shared_ptr<Algorithm> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::create(const std::string &name, const int &version) const {
43 int local_version = version;
44 // Version not supplied
45 if (version == -1) {
46 local_version = highestVersion(name); // throws if not found
47 }
49 // Try create from given name
50 try {
51 return this->createAlgorithm(name, local_version);
53 }
55 // Fallback, name might be an alias
56 // Try get real name and create from that instead
57 const auto realName = getRealNameFromAlias(name);
58 if (realName) {
59 // Try create algorithm again with real name
60 try {
61 auto alg = this->createAlgorithm(realName.get(), local_version);
62 alg->calledByAlias = true;
63 return alg;
65 // Get highest registered version
66 const auto hVersion = highestVersion(realName.get()); // Throws if not found
68 // The version registered does not match version supplied
69 g_log.error() << "algorithm " << name << " version " << version << " is not registered \n";
70 g_log.error() << "the latest registered version is " << hVersion << '\n';
71 throw std::runtime_error("algorithm not registered " + createName(name, local_version));
72 }
73 } else {
74 throw std::runtime_error("algorithm not registered " + name);
75 }
84void AlgorithmFactoryImpl::unsubscribe(const std::string &algorithmName, const int version) {
85 std::string key = this->createName(algorithmName, version);
86 try {
88 // Update version map accordingly
89 auto it = m_vmap.find(algorithmName);
90 if (it != m_vmap.end()) {
91 int highest_version = it->second;
92 if (highest_version > 1 && version == highest_version) // Decrement the highest version
93 {
94 it->second -= 1;
95 } else
96 m_vmap.erase(algorithmName);
97 }
99 g_log.warning() << "Error unsubscribing algorithm " << algorithmName << " version " << version
100 << ". Nothing registered with this name and version.";
101 }
110bool AlgorithmFactoryImpl::exists(const std::string &algorithmName, const int version) {
111 if (version == -1) // Find anything
112 {
113 return (m_vmap.find(algorithmName) != m_vmap.end());
114 } else {
115 std::string key = this->createName(algorithmName, version);
117 }
125std::string AlgorithmFactoryImpl::createName(const std::string &name, const int &version) const {
126 std::ostringstream oss;
127 oss << name << "|" << version;
128 return (oss.str());
135std::pair<std::string, int> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::decodeName(const std::string &mangledName) const {
136 std::string::size_type seperatorPosition = mangledName.find('|');
137 if (seperatorPosition == std::string::npos) {
138 throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot decode a Name string without a \"|\" (bar) character ");
139 }
140 std::string name = mangledName.substr(0, seperatorPosition);
141 int version;
142 std::istringstream ss(mangledName.substr(seperatorPosition + 1));
143 ss >> version;
145 g_log.debug() << "mangled string:" << mangledName << " name:" << name << " version:" << version << '\n';
146 return std::pair<std::string, int>(name, version);
154const std::vector<std::string> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getKeys() const {
155 /* We have a separate method rather than just a default argument value
156 to the getKeys(bool) methods so as to avoid an intel compiler warning. */
158 // Just call the 'other' getKeys method with the flag set to false
159 return getKeys(false);
170const std::vector<std::string> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getKeys(bool includeHidden) const {
171 // Start with those subscribed with the factory and add the cleanly
172 // constructed algorithm keys
173 std::vector<std::string> names = Kernel::DynamicFactory<Algorithm>::getKeys();
175 if (includeHidden) {
176 return names;
177 } else {
178 // hidden categories
179 std::unordered_set<std::string> hiddenCategories;
180 fillHiddenCategories(&hiddenCategories);
182 // strip out any algorithms names where all of the categories are hidden
183 std::vector<std::string> validNames;
184 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr_end = names.end();
185 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = names.begin(); itr != itr_end; ++itr) {
186 std::string name = *itr;
187 // check the categories
188 std::pair<std::string, int> namePair = decodeName(name);
189 std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> alg = create(namePair.first, namePair.second);
190 std::vector<std::string> categories = alg->categories();
191 bool toBeRemoved = true;
193 // for each category
194 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itCategoriesEnd = categories.end();
195 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itCategories = categories.begin(); itCategories != itCategoriesEnd;
196 ++itCategories) {
197 // if the entry is not in the set of hidden categories
198 if (hiddenCategories.find(*itCategories) == hiddenCategories.end()) {
199 toBeRemoved = false;
200 }
201 }
203 if (!toBeRemoved) {
204 // just mark them to be removed as we are iterating around the vector
205 // at the moment
206 validNames.emplace_back(name);
207 }
208 }
209 return validNames;
210 }
217boost::optional<std::string> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getRealNameFromAlias(const std::string &alias) const noexcept {
218 auto a_it = m_amap.find(alias);
219 if (a_it == m_amap.end())
220 return boost::none;
221 else
222 return a_it->second;
230int AlgorithmFactoryImpl::highestVersion(const std::string &algorithmName) const {
231 auto viter = m_vmap.find(algorithmName);
232 if (viter != m_vmap.end())
233 return viter->second;
234 else {
235 // Fall back, algorithmName might be an alias
236 // Check alias map, then find version from real name
237 const auto realName = getRealNameFromAlias(algorithmName);
238 if (realName != boost::none) {
239 viter = m_vmap.find(realName.get());
240 }
241 if (viter != m_vmap.end())
242 return viter->second;
243 else {
244 throw std::runtime_error("AlgorithmFactory::highestVersion() - Unknown algorithm '" + algorithmName + "'");
245 }
246 }
256const std::map<std::string, bool> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getCategoriesWithState() const {
257 std::map<std::string, bool> resultCategories;
259 // hidden categories - empty initially
260 std::unordered_set<std::string> hiddenCategories;
261 fillHiddenCategories(&hiddenCategories);
263 // get all of the algorithm keys, including the hidden ones for speed
264 // purposes we will filter later if required
265 std::vector<std::string> names = getKeys(true);
267 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr_end = names.end();
268 // for each algorithm
269 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = names.begin(); itr != itr_end; ++itr) {
270 std::string name = *itr;
271 // decode the name and create an instance
272 std::pair<std::string, int> namePair = decodeName(name);
273 std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> alg = create(namePair.first, namePair.second);
274 // extract out the categories
275 std::vector<std::string> categories = alg->categories();
277 // for each category of the algorithm
278 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itCategoriesEnd = categories.end();
279 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itCategories = categories.begin(); itCategories != itCategoriesEnd;
280 ++itCategories) {
281 bool isHidden = true;
282 // check if the category is hidden
283 if (hiddenCategories.find(*itCategories) == hiddenCategories.end()) {
284 isHidden = false;
285 }
286 resultCategories[*itCategories] = isHidden;
287 }
288 }
289 return resultCategories;
300const std::unordered_set<std::string> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getCategories(bool includeHidden) const {
301 std::unordered_set<std::string> validCategories;
303 // get all of the information we need
304 auto categoryMap = getCategoriesWithState();
306 // iterate around the map
307 for (auto const &category : categoryMap) {
308 bool isHidden = (category).second;
309 if (includeHidden || (!isHidden)) {
310 validCategories.insert((category).first);
311 }
312 }
314 return validCategories;
328std::vector<AlgorithmDescriptor> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::getDescriptors(bool includeHidden, bool includeAliases) const {
329 // algorithm names
330 auto sv = getKeys(true);
332 // hidden categories
333 std::unordered_set<std::string> hiddenCategories;
334 if (!includeHidden) {
335 fillHiddenCategories(&hiddenCategories);
336 }
338 // results vector
339 std::vector<AlgorithmDescriptor> res;
341 for (const auto &s : sv) {
342 if (s.empty())
343 continue;
345 size_t i = s.find('|');
346 if (i == std::string::npos) {
347 desc.name = s;
348 desc.version = 1;
349 } else if (i > 0) {
350 desc.name = s.substr(0, i);
351 std::string vers = s.substr(i + 1);
352 desc.version = vers.empty() ? 1 : std::stoi(vers);
353 } else
354 continue;
356 std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> alg = create(desc.name, desc.version);
357 auto categories = alg->categories();
358 desc.alias = alg->alias();
360 // For each category
361 auto itCategoriesEnd = categories.end();
362 for (auto itCategories = categories.begin(); itCategories != itCategoriesEnd; ++itCategories) {
363 desc.category = *itCategories;
365 // Let's check if this category or any of its parents are hidden.
366 bool categoryIsHidden = false;
368 // Split the category into its components.
369 std::vector<std::string> categoryLayers;
370 boost::split(categoryLayers, desc.category, boost::is_any_of("\\"));
372 // Traverse each parent category, working our way from the top down.
373 std::string currentLayer;
374 for (auto &categoryLayer : categoryLayers) {
375 currentLayer.append(categoryLayer);
377 if (hiddenCategories.find(currentLayer) != hiddenCategories.end()) {
378 // Category is hidden, no need to check any others.
379 categoryIsHidden = true;
380 break;
381 }
383 // Add a separator in case we're going down another layer.
384 currentLayer.append("\\");
385 }
387 if (!categoryIsHidden) {
388 res.emplace_back(desc);
389 // Add alias to results if included
390 if (!desc.alias.empty() && includeAliases) {
391 // Avoid adding lowercase aliases to the algorithm tab
392 std::string lowerCaseName = desc.name;
393 std::transform(desc.name.cbegin(), desc.name.cend(), lowerCaseName.begin(),
394 [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); });
395 if (lowerCaseName != desc.alias) {
396 res.emplace_back(AlgorithmDescriptor{desc.alias, desc.version, desc.category, ""});
397 }
398 }
399 }
400 }
401 }
402 return res;
405void AlgorithmFactoryImpl::fillHiddenCategories(std::unordered_set<std::string> *categorySet) const {
406 std::string categoryString = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getString("algorithms.categories.hidden");
407 Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer tokenizer(categoryString, ";",
410 std::copy(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end(), std::inserter(*categorySet, categorySet->end()));
417const std::string AlgorithmFactoryImpl::extractAlgName(const std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> &alg) const {
418 return alg->name();
425int AlgorithmFactoryImpl::extractAlgVersion(const std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> &alg) const { return alg->version(); }
431const std::string AlgorithmFactoryImpl::extractAlgAlias(const std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> &alg) const {
432 return alg->alias();
443std::shared_ptr<Algorithm> AlgorithmFactoryImpl::createAlgorithm(const std::string &name, const int version) const {
447} // namespace Mantid::API
VersionMap m_vmap
The map holding the registered class names and their highest versions.
bool exists(const std::string &algorithmName, const int version=-1)
Does an algorithm of the given name and version exist.
std::string createName(const std::string &, const int &) const
creates an algorithm name convolved from an name and version
std::shared_ptr< Algorithm > createAlgorithm(const std::string &name, const int version) const
Create an algorithm object with the specified name.
const std::unordered_set< std::string > getCategories(bool includeHidden=false) const
Get the algorithm categories.
boost::optional< std::string > getRealNameFromAlias(const std::string &alias) const noexcept
Get an algorithms name from the alias map.
void fillHiddenCategories(std::unordered_set< std::string > *categorySet) const
fills a set with the hidden categories
int highestVersion(const std::string &algorithmName) const
Returns the highest version of the algorithm currently registered.
std::vector< AlgorithmDescriptor > getDescriptors(bool includeHidden=false, bool includeAliases=false) const
Returns algorithm descriptors.
void unsubscribe(const std::string &algorithmName, const int version)
Unsubscribe the given algorithm.
Private Constructor for singleton class.
const std::string extractAlgName(const std::shared_ptr< IAlgorithm > &alg) const
Extract the name of an algorithm.
std::pair< std::string, int > decodeName(const std::string &mangledName) const
unmangles the names used as keys into the name and version
int extractAlgVersion(const std::shared_ptr< IAlgorithm > &alg) const
Extract the version of an algorithm.
~AlgorithmFactoryImpl() override
Private Destructor.
const std::string extractAlgAlias(const std::shared_ptr< IAlgorithm > &alg) const
Extract the alias of an algorithm.
const std::vector< std::string > getKeys() const override
Get the algorithm names and version - mangled use decodeName to separate.
std::shared_ptr< Algorithm > create(const std::string &, const int &) const
Creates an instance of an algorithm.
const std::map< std::string, bool > getCategoriesWithState() const
Get the algorithm categories.
Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived.
Definition: Algorithm.h:85
The dynamic factory is a base dynamic factory for serving up objects in response to requests from oth...
void unsubscribe(const std::string &className)
Unregisters the given class and deletes the instantiator for the class.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Base > create(const std::string &className) const
Creates a new instance of the class with the given name.
virtual const std::vector< std::string > getKeys() const
Returns the keys in the map.
bool exists(const std::string &className) const
Returns true if the given class is currently registered.
Exception for when an item is not found in a collection.
Definition: Exception.h:145
void debug(const std::string &msg)
Logs at debug level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:114
void error(const std::string &msg)
Logs at error level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:77
void warning(const std::string &msg)
Logs at warning level.
Definition: Logger.cpp:86
static T & Instance()
Return a reference to the Singleton instance, creating it if it does not already exist Creation is do...
Iterator begin()
Iterator referring to first element in the container.
ignore empty tokens
remove leading and trailing whitespace from tokens
Iterator end()
Iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
Kernel::Logger g_log("ExperimentInfo")
static logger object
Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer tokenizer
Definition: Expression.cpp:17
Structure uniquely describing an algorithm with its name, category and version.
std::string name
Algorithm Name.