11#include <boost/python/borrowed.hpp>
12#include <boost/python/dict.hpp>
13#include <boost/python/list.hpp>
14#include <boost/python/object.hpp>
30using Dict = boost::python::dict;
31using List = boost::python::list;
34template <
typename T = PyObject>
using Handle = boost::python::handle<T>;
37template <
typename T>
using ToPythonValue = boost::python::to_python_value<T>;
81 if (PyObject_HasAttrString(
pyobj().ptr(), attr) == 0) {
82 throw std::invalid_argument(std::string(
pyobj().ptr()->ob_type->tp_name) +
" has no attribute " + attr);
double obj
the value of the quadratic function
Defines a structure for acquiring/releasing the Python GIL using the RAII pattern.
Exception type that captures the current Python error state as a generic C++ exception for any genera...
The AlgorithmProgressDialogPresenter keeps track of the running algorithms and displays a progress ba...