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RandomPoint.h File Reference
#include "MantidGeometry/DllConfig.h"
#include "MantidGeometry/Objects/BoundingBox.h"
#include "MantidKernel/V3D.h"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>

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namespace  Mantid
 Helper class which provides the Collimation Length for SANS instruments.
namespace  Mantid::Geometry
namespace  Mantid::Geometry::detail
 ShapeInfo : Stores shape types and information relevant to drawing the shape.
namespace  Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint
namespace  Mantid::Kernel


template<Kernel::V3D(*)(const detail::ShapeInfo &, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &) T>
boost::optional< Kernel::V3D > Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::bounded (const detail::ShapeInfo &shapeInfo, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, const BoundingBox &box, size_t maxAttempts)
 Return a random point in a known shape restricted by a bounding box. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL boost::optional< Kernel::V3D > Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::bounded (const IObject &object, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, const BoundingBox &box, size_t maxAttempts)
 Return a random point in a generic shape limited by a bounding box. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL Kernel::V3D Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::inCuboid (const detail::ShapeInfo &shapeInfo, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng)
 Return a random point in a cuboid shape. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL Kernel::V3D Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::inCylinder (const detail::ShapeInfo &shapeInfo, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng)
 Return a random point in cylinder. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL boost::optional< Kernel::V3D > Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::inGenericShape (const IObject &object, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t maxAttempts)
 Return a random point in a generic shape. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL Kernel::V3D Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::inHollowCylinder (const detail::ShapeInfo &shapeInfo, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng)
 Return a random point in a hollow cylinder. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL Kernel::V3D Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::inSphere (const detail::ShapeInfo &shapeInfo, Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng)
 Return a random point in sphere. More...
MANTID_GEOMETRY_DLL Kernel::V3D Mantid::Geometry::RandomPoint::localPointInCylinder (const Kernel::V3D &basis, const Kernel::V3D &alongAxis, double polarAngle, double radialLength)
 Return a local point in a cylinder shape. More...