This is the complete list of members for Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly, including all inherited members.
add(IComponent *)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
addCopy(IComponent *)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
addCopy(IComponent *, const std::string &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
clone() const override=0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
getAncestors() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getBareParent() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getBaseComponent() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getBoolParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getBoundingBox(BoundingBox &boundingBox) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getChild(const int i) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
getChildren(std::vector< IComponent_const_sptr > &outVector, bool recursive) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
getComponentByName(const std::string &cname, int nlevels=0) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
getComponentID() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getDistance(const IComponent &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getFullName() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getIntParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getName() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getNumberParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParameterAsString(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParameterNames(bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParameterNamesByComponent() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParameterType(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParameterVisible(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getParent() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getPos() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getPositionParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getRelativePos() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getRelativeRot() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getRotation() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getRotationParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
getScaleFactor() const | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | inlinevirtual |
getStringParameter(const std::string &pname, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
hasParameter(const std::string &name, bool recursive=true) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
ICompAssembly() | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | inline |
ICompAssembly(const ICompAssembly &)=default | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | protected |
isParametrized() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
nelements() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
operator=(const ICompAssembly &)=delete | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | private |
operator[](int i) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
printChildren(std::ostream &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
printSelf(std::ostream &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
printTree(std::ostream &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
registerContents(class ComponentVisitor &component) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
rotate(const Kernel::Quat &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
rotate(double, const Kernel::V3D &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
setName(const std::string &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
setParent(IComponent *)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
setPos(double, double, double)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
setPos(const Kernel::V3D &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
setRot(const Kernel::Quat &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
testIntersectionWithChildren(Track &testRay, std::deque< IComponent_const_sptr > &searchQueue) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | pure virtual |
translate(const Kernel::V3D &)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
translate(double, double, double)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | pure virtual |
type() const override | Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly | inlinevirtual |
~IComponent()=default | Mantid::Geometry::IComponent | virtual |