This is the complete list of members for Mantid::Geometry::IObject, including all inherited members.
clone() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
cloneWithMaterial(const Kernel::Material &material) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
distance(const Geometry::Track &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
draw() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
generatePointInObject(Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, const size_t) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
generatePointInObject(Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, const BoundingBox &activeRegion, const size_t) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
getBoundingBox() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
getBoundingBox(double &xmax, double &ymax, double &zmax, double &xmin, double &ymin, double &zmin) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
getGeometryHandler() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
getName() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
GetObjectGeom(detail::ShapeInfo::GeometryShape &type, std::vector< Kernel::V3D > &vectors, double &innerRadius, double &radius, double &height) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
getPointInObject(Kernel::V3D &point) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
hasValidShape() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
id() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
initDraw() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
interceptSurface(Geometry::Track &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
isFiniteGeometry() const | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | inlinevirtual |
isOnSide(const Kernel::V3D &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
isValid(const Kernel::V3D &) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
material() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
setFiniteGeometryFlag(bool) | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | inlinevirtual |
setID(const std::string &id)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
setMaterial(const Kernel::Material &material)=0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
shape() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
shapeInfo() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
solidAngle(const Kernel::V3D &observer) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
solidAngle(const Kernel::V3D &observer, const Kernel::V3D &scaleFactor) const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
volume() const =0 | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | pure virtual |
~IObject()=default | Mantid::Geometry::IObject | virtual |